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Mountain View College

8709 Valencia City, Philippines

Life Teachings of Jesus – TTH 1:30-3:00
Group #2 – Reporter #6
Topic – Love Your Enemies (Matthew 5:43-45) & The Two Debtors (Luke 7:36-50)

Love Your Enemies is the natural product of pride in self. It was as if

(Matthew 5:43-45) Jesus said, “The law says to love your neighbor; I
Love - Greek word agapao, whose wealth of say, love even your enemies” because God does
meaning in English word “love” inadequately so and because we are sons of God.
reflects. The Greeks had three words to convey
the ideas we seek to express our love. Philein, Love your enemies – Agapan, denotes the love
in general describes affectionate, sentimental of respect in contrast with philein, which
loved based on the emotions and feelings. Eran, describes the love of emotion, such as exist
denotes passionate, sensual love that operates between members of the family. Philein is
essentially physically plane. Whereas Philein spontaneous, emotional, and is nowhere
tends to make us love only those who do love commanded in the New Testament. Agapan on
us, Agapan extends love even those who do not the other hand, can be and is commanded, for it
love us. Agapan is selfless, whereas Eran is is under the control of thy will. (Matthew 5:43)
purely selfless, and even Philein may, at times,
Bless - Important textual evidence may be cited
be marred by selfishness. The agape of the
for omitting the second and third clauses pf this
New Testament is love in its highest and trust
declaration, as well the words “despitefully use
form, the love than which there is no greater -
you”. According to these ancient witnesses
love that impels a man to sacrifice himself for
Christ simply said, “Love your enemies, pray for
others (John 15:13). It implies reverence for
them that persecute you”. (Luke 6:27-28)
God and respect for ones fellow men. It is a
divine principle of thought and action that Jesus gave several reason for this admonition.
modifies the character, govern the impulses, 1. This love is a mark of maturity, providing that
control the passions, and ennobles the we are sons of the Father and not just little
affections. children. 2. It is Godlike. The father share His
good things with those who oppose Him.
Thy Neighbor - To the Jews a “neighbor” was a
Matthew 5:45 suggest that our love creates a
fellow Israelite, either by birth or by
climate of blessings that makes it easy to win
conversation to Judaism. Even the half breed
our enemies and make them our friends. Love is
Samaritans were excluded and considered
like sunshine and rain that the Father sends so
strangers. Christian love seeks the good of all
graciously. 3. It is a testimony to others. God
men, whatever their race or creed. Neighbor”
expect us to live on a much higher plane than
literally means a “near-dweller”. (Luke 10:29-
the lost people of the world who return good
for good and evil for evil. As Christians, we must
Hate thine enemies – This is not a part of the return good for evil as an investment of love.
quotation form Leviticus 19:18, but doubtless a
popular maxim. Hatred or contempt for others
With tears
THE TWO DEBTORS Mary did not planned to shed tears of joy and
(LUKE 7:36-50) thankfulness on Jesus’ feet. But as she knelt to
apply the ointment, her tears probably came in
Bible commentary: spite of an attempt to hold them back, and fell
Desired on His feet before she could apply the
Jesus had cured Simon of the leprosy (Matt. ointment.
26:6), and he, desiring to express his gratitude, Hairs of her head
prepared a feast and invited Jesus as the guest It was commonly thought a disgrace for a
of honor. This feast took place in Bethany. woman to let down her hair in public. But,
Lazarus was included as the guest of honor probably unprepared for this apparently
along with Jesus (DA 557). Jesus graciously unforeseen need for a towel, she reached for
accepted the hospitality of Pharisee and her hair.
publican alike (Luke 5:29; 19:5) Kissed
SAT DOWN TO MEAT According to the Greek, she kissed repeatedly.
Literally, “reclined at the table” (Mark 2:15) Kiss is a common form of greeting (Matt.
A Woman 26:49). To embrace another’s feet and to kiss
Mary of Bethany- known as Mary Magdalene them was an entirely appropriate and
Alabaster respectable demonstration of high regard.
A comparatively soft rock that can be carved (Matt. 28:9)
into cups, boxes, vases, or flasks. Ancient Anointed Them
ointment flasks were usually carved from light- Matt. 6:17. That is, after the burst of emotion.
gray translucent limestone. Spake within himself
Ointment Simon passed silent judgment on Jesus for
“Olive oil” the common ointment of the permitting the act of gratitude without
Palestine to which spice or other aromatic remonstrating with the woman.
ingredients were added. A prophet
Mary’s “ointment” was the “very costly” According to the Greek, Simon at this point had
spikenard (Mark 14:3), (John 12:3), probably reached the conclusion that Jesus was not a
extracted from the fragrant roots of the prophet, or He would have known better what
‘Nardostachys jatamansi’. kind of woman Mary really was.
Nardostachys jatamansi- a plant that grows high What manner
in the Himalaya Mountains, and in ancient Mary had left Bethany to save herself and her
times was used as a source of perfume and family embarrassment.
medicine. Jesus answering said
- 300 Roman denarii, its value (mark That is, answering Simon’s unspoken thought or
14:5). Its equivalent to 300 working question.
days’ wages for laborer of the time A Certain Creditor
(Matt. 20:2). That is, “a certain professional lender of money
Valuable gift, suitable for the monarchs of at interest.”
earth, represented great personal sacrifice on The Two Debtors- a parable that is concerned
the part of Mary. with gratitude for the blessing of the salvation.
Stood at his feet - Based on the fundamental principle
Mary anoint the feet of Jesus without being that one’s appreciation for blessings
noticed until the aromatic scent of the received is in direct proportion to one’s
perfumed ointment filled the room. sense of need in respect to those
To wash blessings.
Literally, “to wet,” or “to moisten.” Five hundred pence
That is, 500 Roman denarii, or about $56.56. love for Christ, because his sins were as yet
Fifty denarii would be about $5.66. forgiven, because, like Nicodemus, he had not
Nothing to pay considered himself a sinner in need of divine
The size of the debt made no difference in the forgiveness.
ability of the two debtors to pay. Are forgiven
Frankly Literally, “have been forgiven.” Mary had
Meaning “to do a favor” or “to give graciously” already received forgiveness for her sins.
by Gr. Charizomai Within themselves
Other words “forgave” Or, “among themselves.”
Most Faith hath saved
Literally, “more.” Man’s faith must ever rise to claim the blessings
I suppose of forgiveness, for ‘without faith it is impossible
To whom they were addressed were reluctant, to please him”. (Heb. 11:6)
in other instances ready, to acknowledge the
lesson so clearly set forth. (Matt. 21:31, 41, 45; Conclusion:
Luke 10:36, 37) The woman recognized Jesus as being
He forgave most supremely important. By anointing His feet;
Simon pronounced judgment upon himself. she was looking up from her lowly position.
Tactfully the Savior led the proud Pharisees to
She was seeking His acceptance –knowing
realize that his sin, his seduction of Mary, was
greater that hers, as 500 denarii was greater than that her very best was less than His least.
50. From the perspective of the story of two
debtors, the woman knew the enormity of
He turned to the woman her debt and so she loved Jesus greatly.
Jesus meant His statement both as a rebuke to
Simon and as an expression of gratitude to We should all recognize ourselves –our
Mary for her thoughtful kindness. flesh– has not changed even after salvation.
Thou gavest me no water It will not improve. Although our actions
According to the Greek in each case-the water, might appear better as Christians, our inner
the kiss, and the oil-the word itself stands first
thoughts and attitudes –that's where our
for emphasis, as “water thou gavest me not,”
Simon and Mary- not so much one of a duty flesh is– remains unchanged and destined
omitted and a duty performed, as a favor for death. And its war with our spirit wages
neglected and favor bestowed. Simon was on. The point of this is that we can grow in
hospitable, but he might have done even more our love for Him –that personal
than he did. Mary’s act of gratitude was relationship– by knowing the enormity of
performed, not as an obligation of a heart, but the debt He canceled for us.
as he expression of a heart that overflowed
with love and devotion. Reference: SDA Bible Commentary Volume 5
Hath. . . ceased pp. 340-341
“To be intermittent” by Gr. Dialeipo. It denotes
repeated rather than continuous action. Member : Aganio, Luterio, Osita,
Usually “olive oil”
Panes, Unsing 
The love Mary now felt in her heart for Christ
was the result of forgiveness already granted
her prior to this occasion. Simon felt but little

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