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State of the Science of Sensory Integration Research With

Children and Youth

Beth Pfeiffer, Teresa A. May-Benson, Stefanie C. Bodison

Many children and youth with and without disabilities are affected by challenges in processing and integrating
sensations. Occupational therapy practitioners serve a pivotal role in the evaluation and treatment of this
population. This special section of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy includes articles that elucidate
the relationship between sensory processing and participation in valued occupations as well as articles that
guide best practice, including systematic reviews on common occupational therapy interventions for children
and youth with challenges in processing and integrating sensation. This editorial elaborates on key issues for
future research.

Pfeiffer, B., May-Benson, T. A., & Bodison, S. C. (2018). Guest Editorial—State of the science of sensory integration
research with children and youth. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72, 7201170010. https://doi.org/

Beth Pfeiffer, PhD, OTR/L, BCP, FAOTA, is

Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation
Sciences, Temple University; bpfeiffe@temple.edu
A substantial number of children with
and without disabilities are affected
by challenges processing and integrating
integration problems to an emphasis on
the occupational performance challenges
resulting from these problems (Critz, Blake,
Teresa A. May-Benson, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is sensations. Research suggests that 10%– & Nogueira, 2015). Challenges in detecting,
Executive Director, SPIRAL Foundation, Newton, MA. 55% of children without a diagnosed dis- interpreting, and adaptively responding to
ability have difficulties in this area. This es- sensory stimuli affect a child’s ability to
Stefanie C. Bodison, OTD, OTR/L, is Assistant timate increases to 40%–88% for children participate in meaningful and valued occu-
Professor of Research, Chan Division of Occupational
with various diagnoses (Ben-Sasson, Carter, & pations. The World Health Organization
Science and Occupational Therapy, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles.
Briggs-Gowan, 2009; Cheung & Siu, 2009; (2001) has defined participation very broadly
Fernández-Andrés, Pastor-Cerezuela, Sanz- as “involvement in a life situation” (p. 10).
Cervera, & Tárraga-Mı́nguez, 2015), al- More specifically, participation involves en-
though it is important not to assume that all gagement in key occupations such as activi-
individuals with certain conditions experi- ties of daily living (ADLs), instrumental
ence these difficulties. ADLs, rest and sleep, education, work,
Internal and external responses to sen- play, leisure, and social participation
sory stimuli vary greatly among individuals, (American Occupational Therapy Associa-
but intervention is required when these re- tion [AOTA], 2014). Participation is the
sponses affect participation in essential and context in which people develop important
meaningful occupations. Often, participation life skills and competencies that contribute
is affected when there is a mismatch between to overall health and quality of life (Pfeiffer
a person’s neurophysiological sensory pro- et al., 2017).
cessing and integration abilities and his or An emerging literature has identified the
her environment. The environment in- pervasive impact of problems in processing
cludes both the physical presence of sensory and integrating sensations on children with
stimuli and specific tasks demands that and without disabilities. These problems
require sensory processing and integration. manifest in a range of symptoms that have
In recent years, the literature has shifted varying degrees of impact on participation
from a focus on sensory processing and in childhood occupations. When the impact

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becomes substantial, referrals to occupational occupation-based interventions (Pfeiffer, lenges processing and integrating sen-
therapy often result. Frolek Clark, & Arbesman, 2018), and sations and who would benefit from
This issue of the American Journal education and coaching (Miller-Kuhaneck occupational therapy using a sensory in-
of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) includes & Watling, 2018). tegration approach
four articles that examine the relationship 2. Meaningful and sensitive outcome mea-
between sensory processing and integration sures that address both proximal and dis-
Current State of the Science
problems and participation in important tal areas of concern
occupations. Three studies focus specifi- Although an emerging body of research 3. Measures that ensure adherence to the
cally on a general population of children. examines interventions for challenges in intervention principles of the interven-
Dean, Little, Tomchek, and Dunn (2018) processing and integrating sensations among tion provided.
examine the relationships among certain children and youth, problems with many
types of sensory processing patterns, chal- of the studies have been identified. One
Characterizing Study Populations
lenging behaviors, and protective factors. problem is reproducibility. This problem is
Roberts, Stagnitti, Brown, and Bhopti consistent with the state of research across A major difficulty in much of the reported
(2018) describe the relationship between multiple fields in basic science, preclinical, literature and critiques of studies exam-
sensory processing and pretend play and and clinical studies (Begley & Ioannidis, ining interventions for sensory processing
Foitzik and Brown (2018) between sensory 2015; Ioannidis et al., 2014; Kenall et al., and integration problems is the lack of
processing and sleep. In the fourth study, 2015). Generally speaking, reproducibility is adequate characterization of the study
Celik, Elbasan, Gucuyener, Kayihan, and the ability of a research study to be replicated populations. People with certain disorders,
Huri (2018) explore the relationship be- using the same methods and analyses as the such as autism spectrum disorder or at-
tween sensory processing and motor de- original study. It is commonly believed that tention deficit disorder, often demonstrate
velopment in preterm infants. In all of reproducible research serves as the “foun- difficulties processing and integrating sen-
these studies, sensory processing factors dation on which [scientific, medical, psy- sations. As a result, past research has iden-
were predictors of important occupation- chological, and rehabilitation] advances are tified study populations by these disorders,
based outcomes, including sleep, motor de- built” (Begley & Ioannidis, 2015, p. 116), with the assumption that people with these
velopment, play, behavior, and resiliency. and the accurate reporting of both positive disorders have sensory processing and in-
Occupational therapy researchers con- and negative findings contributes to pro- tegration problems. Failure of researchers to
tinue to build a body of research that dem- pelling the field forward. evaluate and characterize their study pop-
onstrates the relationship between processing In a National Institutes of Health ulations specifically for these problems has
and integrating sensations and many of the policy report, Collins and Tabak (2014) resulted in research outcomes that cannot
domains of occupational therapy practice identified an array of factors that contrib- validly be applied to clinical populations.
(AOTA, 2014). This research suggests that ute to problems in reproducibility. These In effectiveness studies, the intervention
the outcomes of our interventions can have include a lack of training of researchers in should be appropriate for the participant
effects on performance in a variety of occu- experimental design, greater emphasis on receiving the intervention under examina-
pations, requiring careful selection of out- making provocative statements than on tion. Failure to assess whether a participant
come measures and assessments to guide presenting technical details, and failure of has the specific problem the intervention was
intervention. This issue of AJOT contains publications to report basic elements of designed to address produces research results
two articles dedicated to the development experimental design including blinding, that lack generalizability and meaning.
and validity of tools that assess sensory randomization, replication, sample size In addition, challenges in processing
features in children and youth, by Dugas, calculation, and effect of gender differ- and integrating sensations are complex and
Simard, Fombonne, and Couture (2018) and ences. These same problems have plagued result in varying individualized patterns
Mailloux, Parham, Smith Roley, Ruzzano, research related to the investigation of sen- of dysfunction that must be treated in
and Schaaf (2018). sory processing and integration problems different ways. Interventions that do not
Information presented in this issue in children (Miller, Schoen, James, & target the specific patterns of dysfunction
informs the use of specific occupational Schaaf, 2007). can produce ineffective intervention re-
therapy interventions for children and sults. The systematic reviews of interven-
youth with difficulties processing and in- tions for sensory processing and integration
tegrating sensations. Four systematic re-
Current State of Evaluation challenges in this special issue address this
views summarize the current state of the In addition to the multifaceted problems concern by including only participants who
evidence on common occupational therapy related to reproducibility, Schaaf and col- were specifically evaluated for sensory pro-
interventions for these problems, including leagues (2014) identified three areas of need cessing and integration problems using ap-
Ayres Sensory Integration® (Schaaf, Dumont, in research related specifically to sensory in- propriate assessment measures (Bodison &
Arbesman, & May-Benson, 2018), sensory- tegration within occupational therapy: Parham, 2018; Miller-Kuhanek & Watling,
based strategies and environmental changes 1. Valid and reliable assessment tools to 2018; Pfeiffer et al., 2018; Schaaf et al.,
(Bodison & Parham, 2018), cognitive and characterize populations who have chal- 2018).

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Measuring Outcomes challenged by the lack of adequate as- manual unique to the intervention being
sessments that are sensitive to change over studied and a well-articulated fidelity check
In addition to the need for assessments to
the small intervention periods typically to measure adherence to the intervention
accurately identify and characterize pop-
used in intervention effectiveness research. under investigation.
ulations with challenges in sensory pro-
The use of individually tailored functional
cessing, Schaaf et al. (2014) reported the
goals that reflect these distal outcomes has
need for appropriate outcome measures to
been found to be the most sensitive to
document changes through intervention.
changes in this area (Schaaf et al., 2018), Effectiveness research for interventions that
Historically, many assessments used in
but additional outcome measures are address problems with processing and in-
sensory integration intervention effective-
needed. tegrating sensations in children is improving
ness research were designed not for use as
in quality and rigor. Occupational therapy
outcome measures but rather as diagnostic
Ensuring Fidelity researchers are increasingly attending to the
tools to identify the presence of sensory
important issues articulated in this editorial.
processing differences. It is important for In sensory integration intervention re-
The articles in this special issue advance our
researchers to use outcome measures that search, little attention is paid to articu-
understanding of the needs of children and
measure the outcome they desire to change lating the details of the intervention under
youth with problems processing and in-
and that are sensitive to possible changes study and describing how adherence to the
tegrating sensations. The systematic reviews
that occur over the intervention period. In intervention was measured in a systematic
provide evidence for effective interventions
addition, the outcomes measured must be way. Manualization of and adherence to
for this population and identify outcomes
meaningful to the client and their families. an intervention are often conceptualized as
that can be examined in future research and
Occupational therapy practitioners intervention fidelity. Fidelity ensures that
addressed in clinical practice. s
are often interested in distal outcomes an intervention is delivered as intended
related to participation in meaningful oc- (Breitenstein et al., 2010) with consistency
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