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GROUP NUMBER: _________________

THEME (AGE):____________________

Rubric: Diorama

CATEGORY 4 (20-17) 3 (16-14) 2 (13-11) 1 (10 OR LESS)

The project's The project's

The project's The project's
appearance is appearance is quite
APPEARANCE OF appearance is appearance is quite
professional and professional and
THE PROJECT somewhat poor. Some poor. Many distractive
polished without polished few distractive
distractive elements. elements.
distractive elements. elements.

The project content is The project content poor

The project content is The project content is fair/poor and suggests and suggests the student
exemplary and suggests good and suggests the the student has not has not done sufficient
CONTENT FACTS the student has discovered student has discovered discovered most of the research.
the important ideas of most of the important important facts.
his/her topic. facts of his/her topic.

All images or models are Some images or models

effective. All images or models are are effective. Too few images or
IMAGES & MODELS effective, but there appear models are used to be an
to be too few or too many. effective presentation.

Display is interesting and Display is

attractive. Materials are Some parts of the
Display is interesting and uninteresting, not tidy.
complete and organized to display are interesting,
attractive. Materials are Materials are
present the ideas well. not try.. Some materials
STYLE & complete and well incomplete and not
are complete organized.
ORGANIZATION organized. Presentation organized.
Presentation has some
has sequence and plan Presentation has no
sequence and plan
evident. sequence or plan

Project is excellently Good creative effort. Some attempt made to

presented reflecting Project is neat and add color and Little attempt to add
creativity and a lot of shows evidence of time originality. Project is color or originality.
thought. spent on it. neat.
has sloppy appearance.

Images & Models Style &

EVALUATOR Appearance 20 Content Facts 20 Creativity 20
20 Organization 20


GROUP 1: Neolithic
GROUP 2: Paleolithic
GROUP 3: Human Evolution
GROUP 4: Modern Age

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