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Trogper - Jakub Blazej

Sorry I’ve disabled comments

I was tired of all those accidental edits and spam
this is for Nokia Emergency Connectivity (black screen, no vibration)
Lumia x2x only. If you have other lumia, contact me here
I’m not responsible for anything, do at your own risk


WPRT (includes thor2.exe)
Windows Device Recovery Tool Installer.exe

important folders:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool
64bit OS 32bit OS

locate this label on your phone and write

Type e.g. RM-846
Code e.g. 059S2G1

Find your RM- type in the first list
Then find your Product code in the second list

Download both files from Emergency Files

These two are your HEX and MBN files
Open the highest version from the List of Firmware
Links will show up on the top
Lastly download the one ending with .ffu
Move them all to C:\Lumia
We need to install/replace QHSUSB_DLOAD driver
open Device Manager - devmgmt.msc
look for QHSUSB_DLOAD if you see Nokia Emergency Connectivity continue to FLASH BOOTL

right click, uninstall and tick Delete driver software

now you should have

now install WPRT and reconnect the phone

it should show up in Device Manager as Nokia Emergency Connectivity or something similar
Post your result/screenshot
open Admin command prompt (cmd.exe). Commands to enter are Yellow
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool

Replace HEX.hex with file name of the hex you downloaded

and msimage.mbn with name of mbn

flash the bootloader

thor2 -mode emergency -hexfile C:\lumia\HEX.hex -mbnfile C:\lumia\msimage.mbn
Reboot the phone
if you get Red Screen with NOKIA logo go to FLASH SYSTEM

SAFE hex file was used and unallowed memory address was being written
PROBABLY means bootloader flashed
Reboot the phone (pull usb and battery out OR hold power for ~15s)
If you still get QHSUSB, try again. You should get Red screen in 5 tries
After you get Red Screen with NOKIA logo continue to FLASH SYSTEM

means Phone not detected common cause is incorrectly installed driver

mostly means invalid/wrong hex file (currently unfixable)
You have to charge the device first. Connect it to charger (not PC) and let it sit for 30mins
flash FFU:
thor2 -mode uefiflash -maxtransfersizekb 256 -ffufile

optional use only after flashing failed multiple times (Scenario 1)

when you get to 100% and get Green Screen on your phone, you are almost done

now just reboot to windows

thor2 -mode rnd -bootnormalmode

First boot takes a long time and seems to have no progress

at first, there is small white NOKIA logo
then black screen with backlight on
this took about 15 minutes on lumia 620, 3 minutes on lumia 520

Scenario 1: many fails

It will reach ~5% and then crash. Reboot the phone (hold power for ~15 sec) and try again
Now it may reach 10%, next time 15%, then 20.
Above 20 it increments by 10%.
Eventually it will get to 100%

Scenario 2: no fail
It will go straight to 100% with no crash

D_ERR : Rebooting from the WP/MMOS failed

Reboot the phone

0xFA001106: Signature check of FFU file fails
currently unfixable, unknown cause

Failed to read number of eMMC sectors. eMMC is not working

Might be fixable with JTAG (in phone repair shop)

FFU signature invalid

have you downloaded the right FFU?

backlight should be off and no vibrations. what do you get in devmgmt?

install WPRT then go to device manager and uninstall what you have
you don’t have to care about drivers unless thor2 doesn’t recognise the phone

no, LSRT is just old version of WPRT (LSRT was renamed to WPRT)

where did you get stuck?

Best way to desolder would be hot air IMHO

You will need special hardware for jtag: RIFF box or ATF
If you still have black screen, you could also use Infinity BEST

Try using WDRT. Where do you have hex file from?

What if you select the model manually?…
If you can communicate with the phone, the driver is probably OK. Is it the one from WDRT, or did
you install yet another driver?
Try different usb ports. Try hex file from this zip
Try this (probably) older version of thor2

I can’t help you then


We need to extract GPT0.bin, which is in the ffu we just downloaded

thor2 -mode ffureader -ffufile "C:\Lumia\ffu_file_name.ffu" -dump_gpt -filedir

look for this in command output, this is your RootKeyHash (RKH), save it for later

you shout get two files in C:\lumia\

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