Bimpilas 2015

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Food Chemistry 178 (2015) 164–171

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Evolution of phenolic compounds and metal content of wine during

alcoholic fermentation and storage
Andreas Bimpilas a, Dimitrios Tsimogiannis a, Kalliopi Balta-Brouma b, Theopisti Lymperopoulou b,
Vassiliki Oreopoulou a,⇑
Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), 5 Iroon Polytechniou Str., Athens GR
15780, Greece
Environment and Quality of Life Center, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), 5 Iroon Polytechniou Str., Athens GR 15780, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Changes in the principal phenolic compounds and metal content during the vinification process and stor-
Received 2 July 2014 age under modified atmosphere (50% N2, 50% CO2) of Merlot and Syrah wines, from grapes cultivated in
Received in revised form 12 November 2014 Greece, have been investigated. Comparing the variation of metals at maceration process, with the var-
Accepted 19 January 2015
iation of monomeric anthocyanins and flavonols, an inverse relationship was noticed, that can be attrib-
Available online 24 January 2015
uted to complexing reactions of polyphenols with particular trace elements. Cu decreased rapidly,
whereas a similar behavior that could be expected for Fe and Mn was not confirmed. Differences in
Chemical compounds studied in this article:
the profile of anthocyanins and flavonols in the fresh Merlot and Syrah wines are reported. During 1 year
Malvidin-3-O-glucoside (PubChem CID:
of storage monomeric anthocyanins declined almost tenfold, probably due to polymerization reactions
Petunidin-3-O-glucoside (PubChem CID: and copigmentation. Also, a decrease in flavonol glycosides and increase in the respective aglycones
443651) was observed, attributed to enzymatic hydrolysis. The concentration of total phenols and all metals
Delphinidin-3-O-glucoside (PubChem CID: remained practically constant.
443650) Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Quercetin (PubChem CID: 5280343)
Myricetin (PubChem CID: 5281672)
Isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside (PubChem CID:
Syringetin-3-O-glucoside (PubChem CID:
Laricitrin-3-O-glucoside (PubChem CID:
trans-Caftaric acid (PubChem CID:

Metal content

1. Introduction cules of wine, polyphenols and metals are two categories of partic-
ular interest.
Wine is one of the most widely consumed alcoholic beverages Phenolic compounds of wine contribute to its sensorial proper-
and its quality control is very important for both producers and ties such as color, bitterness, astringency and mouthfeel (Boulton,
consumers. Among many different organic and inorganic mole- 2001; Vidal et al., 2004). On the other hand, according to several
epidemiological, clinical and in vitro studies, these compounds
reduce the risk of various degenerative diseases (cardiovascular
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +30 2107723166; fax: +30 2107723163. diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes and osteo-
E-mail address: (V. Oreopoulou). porosis) due to their antioxidant activity (Scalbert, Manach,
0308-8146/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Bimpilas et al. / Food Chemistry 178 (2015) 164–171 165

Morand, Rémésy, & Jiménez, 2005; Stoclet et al., 2004). A high phe- Aldrich (Steimheim, Germany), while the rest standards and
nolic content in wine is desirable not only due to their beneficial reagents were the following: multi-elemental standard solution
health effects, but also due to their ability to protect wine against containing 26 elements (Scharlau, Barcelona, Spain), CertiPURÒ
oxidation. On the other hand, the sensorial properties are affected multi-elemental standard solution (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany),
by the content of wine in specific phenolic substances. In particu- gallic acid (98% (w/w), Acros Organics, Fair Lawn, New Jersey),
lar, the color is mainly affected by the anthocyanin content, while Folin–Ciocalteu reagent (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), methanol
co-pigmentation reactions of monomeric anthocyanins may result (>99.8% (v/v), Sigma–Aldrich, Steimheim, Germany), hydrochloric
in color stabilization. acid (37% (v/v), Sigma–Aldrich, Seelzem, Germany), ammonium
Several studies have reported the phenolic content of Merlot hydroxide (27% (v/v), Sigma–Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany), formic
and Syrah wines (Fanzone et al., 2012; Ivanova-Petropulos et al., acid (98–100%, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), nitric acid (65% (v/v),
2015; Puértolas, Álvarez, & Raso, 2011) and in particular some of Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), sodium carbonate (Mallinckrodt, St.
them focus on varieties cultivated in Greece (Arnous, Makris, & Louis, Missuri). Water and acetonitrile used for chromatography
Kefalas, 2001; Kallithraka, Tsoutsouras, Tzourou, & Lanaridis, analyses were of HPLC and MS grade (Fisher Chemical, Leicester-
2006; Makris, Kallithraka, & Mamalos, 2006). These varieties are shire, UK).
used widely in Greek wineries, due to their repute in producing
quality wines. However, an extensive study on the evolution and 2.2. Vinification process
complete profile of anthocyanins including minor compounds
(acetates and coumarates) as well as flavonols for varieties culti- Monovarietal grapes of the species Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot and
vated in Greece is not available in literature, to the best of our Syrah were harvested from Markopoulo, Attica (Central Greece).
knowledge. The quantification of acetyl- and coumaroyl-glucosides The vinification process was conducted by Allagiannis winery
of anthocyanins is important as it is related to the activity of (Markopoulo, Attica, Greece) as summarized below: After crushing
enzymes of the anthocyanin synthesis pathway in grapes and is and destemming, sodium metabisulphite (90 g/tn) and pectinolytic
suggested to be used to verify the authenticity in red wines enzymes (Uvazym couleur, Enartis, San Martino, Italy, 20 g/tn)
(Fanzone et al., 2012; Ivanova-Petropulos et al., 2015). Moreover, were added, followed by the inoculation with Saccharomyces cere-
Figueiredo-González et al. (2012) claimed that the biosynthesis visiae (200 g/tn). The alcoholic fermentation took place in stainless
of flavonols is closely related to that of anthocyanins and their pro- steel tanks at a constant temperature of 22 °C and finished after
file could be also used to characterize red grapes varieties. 12 days, whereas the skins were removed after the 7th day. Sam-
The presence of metals like Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn in wine regarding ples were withdrawn for analysis every second day. The young
their properties and the effect on wine quality has been studied wines were placed for stabilization in plastic barrels at 4 °C for
elsewhere (Sebecic, Pavisic-Strache, & Vedrina-Dragojevic, 1998; 10 days. Finally samples of both varieties (20 mL) were packaged
Soto Vázquez, Rio Segade, & Fernández Gomez, 2013). It is known in laminated bags (OPP 20 lm/ink/adhesive/PET MET 12 lm/adhe-
that they act as catalysts of oxidation reactions or as promoters of sive/PE 75 lm STC) under modified atmosphere (50% N2, 50% CO2).
some enzymes. They also play an important role on the stability,
color and clarity of wines that affect its organoleptic characteristics.
Natural polyphenols have a great metal complexing capacity. 2.3. Total phenols (TP)
Bai et al. (2004) indicated that all the transition metals can form
complexes with a particular flavonol (rutin), Esparza, Salinas, The Folin Ciocalteu method (Waterhouse, 2005) was used for
Santamaria, Garcia-Mina, and Fernandez (2005) studied the Zn the quantification of TP after dilution of samples (1:10) in ethanolic
and Cu interactions with three selected flavonoids (catechin, quer- solution 10% (v/v). The results were expressed in gallic acid equiv-
cetin and rutin) and Smyk, Pliszka, and Drabent (2008) investi- alents (GAE), through construction of a reference curve. All sam-
gated the interaction between a Cyanidin 3-glucoside and Cu(II) ples were analyzed in duplicate and the presented results are
ions in a model system. However, data on the changes in metal mean values.
content as related to the phenolic content of the wine during the
fermentation and aging are limited and with contradictory results 2.4. Solid phase extraction for analysis of non-anthocyanin phenolic
(Esparza et al., 2004; Soto Vázquez et al., 2013; Zúñiga, Pérez-Roa, compounds
Olea-Azar, Laurie, & Agosin, 2014).
Therefore, the present work was undertaken to study the evolu- Anthocyanin-type pigments cause great interference in the
tion of polyphenols, especially anthocyanins and flavonols, and the chromatographic separation and identification of non-anthocyanin
metal content, in wines from Merlot and Syrah varieties cultivated phenolic compounds and especially flavonols. The removal of
in Attica, Greece. The identification and quantification of anthocy- anthocyanin pigments was carried out according to a method
anins and flavonols was attempted, while the metal content was described by Nixdorf and Hermosín-Gutiérrez (2010) by means
examined throughout the vinification process and changes were of solid-phase extraction using a combination of reversed-phase
correlated with the polyphenols variations. After the vinification and cationic-exchanger material, OasisÒ MCX cartridges (Waters,
process the wines were stored under modified atmosphere (50% Milford, Massachusetts, 6 cm3 capacity filled with 500 mg of
N2, 50% CO2), which in a previous experimental work proved to absorbent).
protect wine against deterioration. Changes in polyphenol and Wine (3 mL) was diluted with 3 mL of 0.1 M HCl and added to
metal content of wines were studied throughout a storage period the cartridge. In acidic conditions anthocyanins are present as
of 1 year. flavylium ions, so they can be retained by ion exchange on MCX
cartridge, previously conditioned with 5 mL of MeOH and 5 mL of
H2O. Further washing with 5 mL of 0.1 M HCl and 5 mL of H2O
2. Materials and methods was carried out.
The anthocyanin free fraction (Fr1) was eluted with 3  5 mL of
2.1. Reagents and standards MeOH. The eluate was dried in a rotary evaporator (40 °C) and re-
dissolved in 3 mL of MeOH. This fraction was used for the identifi-
Standard malvidin-3-O-glucoside was purchased from Extra- cation and quantification of all phenolic compounds apart from
synthèse (Genay, France) and quercetin dihydrate from Sigma– anthocyanins.
166 A. Bimpilas et al. / Food Chemistry 178 (2015) 164–171

2.5. Determination of phenolic composition by HPLC–ESI-MS/MS 360 nm, hydroxycinnamic acids at 320 nm and flavan-3-ols at
280 nm. The elaboration of the chromatographic data was carried
The identification of wine phenolic compounds was performed out on a ChemStation for LC 3D software (Agilent Technologies,
on a Varian 212-LC chromatography system, equipped with a Santa Clara, California). Total monomeric anthocyanin fraction
reversed phase Hypersil C18 column (ODS 5 lm, 250  4.6 mm, (MA) was quantified as the sum of concentrations of individual
MZ Analysentechnik, Mainz, Germany). The chromatography sys- identified anthocyanins and is expressed in malvidin-3-O-gluco-
tem was coupled to a Varian 500-MS ion trap mass spectrometer side equivalents via reference curve of the respective standard
equipped with an electrospray interface. System control and data compound. Similarly, concentration of total flavonols (TF) was
acquisition was performed using the Varian Workstation software quantified in quercetin equivalents, whereas individual hydroxy-
(Varian Inc., Palo Alto, California) and coupled to Varian Worksta- cinnamic acids and tartaric esters were quantified as caffeic acid
tion data processing software. The wine samples were injected after equivalents.
filtration (0.2 lm, PVDF syringe filters, Teknokroma, Barcelona,
Spain) on a reversed phase Hypersil C18 column (ODS 5 lm, 2.7. Determination of metals by ICP
250  4.6 mm, MZ Analysentechnik, Mainz, Germany) and the
chromatographic separation of compounds was based on the OIV Inductively coupled plasma optical emission (ICP-OES) and
method for analysis of anthocyanins in red wines (OIV, 2003) mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) have been used for the determination
with specific modifications (Mylona, Bimpilas, Tsimogiannis, & of metals in wine, after wet digestion of the samples. Alcohol was
Oreopoulou, 2013). The solvents consisted of water/acetonitrile/ removed by heating 25 mL of wine sample, at 80 °C on a hot plate
formic acid (87:3:10 (v/v/v), solvent A; 40:50:10 (v/v/v), solvent until a final volume of 10 mL, which was mixed with 5% nitric acid
B) and the flow rate was 0.4 mL/min. The linear gradient for solvent (65% w/w) up to its starting volume. Determination and quantifica-
B was: 0 min, 6%; 21.5 min, 30%; 42 min, 50%; 50 min, 60%; 54 min, tion of metals was performed on an Agilent 7700 ICP-MS (Agilent
60%; 65 min, 6%. For the identification of anthocyanins ESI-MS and Technologies, Santa Clara, California) and Perkin Elmer Optima
ESI-MS/MS was used, employing the following parameters: positive 7000 DV, ICP-OES (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, Massachusetts), consid-
ionization mode, drying gas, N2; drying temperature, 350 °C; nebu- ering individual concentrations. The operational conditions of
lizer, 65 psi; capillary, 2.5 kV; compound stability, 100%; scan instruments are reported in literature (Gonzálvez, Llorens,
range, 100–1200 m/z. Cervera, Armenta, & De la Guardia, 2009; Moreno et al., 2008;
Flavonols and phenolic acids were identified in the anthocya- Nicolini, Larcher, Pangrazzi, & Bontempo, 2004). Multi-elemental
nin-free fraction (Fr1) of wines, setting positive and negative ioni- standard solution containing 26 elements from Scharlau (Barce-
zation mode settings and compound stability 100% and 40%. lona, Spain), and CertiPURÒ multi-elemental standard solution
(Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) were used as stock solutions.
2.6. Quantification of phenolic compounds by HPLC-DAD
3. Results and discussion
Equipment consisting of an HP 1100 chromatography apparatus
coupled to an HP 1100 diode array detector (Agilent Technologies, 3.1. Identification of phenolic compounds
Santa Clara, California) was employed. Analyses were performed
on the same column and gradient program that had been used All identified compounds are presented in Table 1, together
for HPLC–ESI-MS. The injection volume was 20 lL and the detec- with their absorption maxima and mass of the precursor ions
tion of anthocyanins was accomplished at 520 nm, flavonols at and the most abundant fragments.

Table 1
Identification and quantification of individual phenolic compounds of fresh wines.

Phenolic compound Retention time (min) kmax (nm) [MH]+ and fragments (m/z) Merlot (mg/L) Syrah (mg/L)
Gallic acid 11.6 275 169, 125a n.q.b n.q.b
trans-Caftaric acid 12.3 329 311, 179a 34.2 ± 0.4 35.2 ± 0.3
(+)-Catechin 15.2 285 289a n.q.b n.q.b
trans-Coutaric acid 15.6 316 295, 163a 5.8 ± 0.1 16.7 ± 0.3
Caffeic acid 20.5 324 179, 135a Trace Trace
Delphinidin-3-glucoside 24.1 526, 346, 278 465, 303 20.8 ± 0.3 18.0 ± 0.0
p-Coumaric acid 25.5 310 163, 119a Trace Trace
Myricetin-3-glucuronide 27.1 260, 356 493, 317a 8.0 ± 0.7 7.0 ± 0.4
Myricetin-3-glucoside 27.8 260, 257 479, 317a 29.6 ± 0.3 37.0 ± 0.7
Petunidin-3-glucoside 29.7 526, 350, 276 479, 317 37.3 ± 0.2 31.7 ± 0.4
Quercetin-3-glucuronide 32.5 257, 355 477, 301a 26.0 ± 0.4 23.5 ± 0.4
Peonidin-3-glucoside 33.1 518, 362, 278 463, 301 19.8 ± 0.9 26.2 ± 0.8
Quercetin-3-glucoside 33.2 258, 354 463, 301a 18.3 ± 0.7 35.1 ± 1.1
Laricitrin-3-glucoside 34.5 258, 357 493, 331a 9.7 ± 0.2 12.8 ± 0.4
Malvidin-3-glucoside 35.1 530, 350, 278 493, 331 280.6 ± 4.6 256.5 ± 1.5
Myricetin 39.0 255, 374 317a 12.4 ± 0.5 14.1 ± 0.7
Isorhamnetin-3-glucoside 40.2 255, 356 477, 315a 8.1 ± 1.0 16.5 ± 1.1
Syringetin-3-glucoside 41.0 256, 358 507, 345a 9.9 ± 0.7 11.5 ± 0.9
Petunidin-3-acetyl glucoside 41.5 528, 278 521, 317 18.3 ± 0.7 15.0 ± 1.8
Peonidin-3-acetyl glucoside 48.5 526, 372, 282 505, 301 26.0 ± 0.2 25.4 ± 1.6
Quercetin 49.4 256, 372 301a 34.4 ± 0.4 33.8 ± 0.6
Malvidin-3-acetyl glucoside 50.3 530, 350, 278 535, 331 122.8 ± 1.6 111.7 ± 1.8
Petunidin-3-coumaroyl glucoside 54.9 532, 282 625, 317 19.8 ± 0.7 16.4 ± 0.2
Peonidin-3-coumaroyl glucoside 59.4 522, 282 609, 301 15.7 ± 0.7 13.8 ± 0.4
Malvidin-3-coumaroyl glucoside 60.9 536, 284 639, 331 60.8 ± 3.0 45.7 ± 0.2
[MH] and fragment.
Not quantified.
A. Bimpilas et al. / Food Chemistry 178 (2015) 164–171 167

In both varieties, malvidin was the main anthocyanidin. It was grape skin, they are also located in the flesh of the berry
detected as malvidin-3-O-glucoside (mv-3-glc), malvidin-3-O- (Figueiredo-González et al., 2012). The solubility of flavonols in
(600 -acetyl)glucoside (mv-3-acglc), and malvidin-3-O-(600 -p-couma- water is lower than anthocyanins, and therefore their extraction
royl)glucoside (mv-3-coumglc). Moreover, seven other anthocyanins was enhanced by the increase of ethanol during the alcoholic fer-
were determined in lower quantities: delphinidin-3-O-glucoside mentation. This was particularly observed for Syrah, where the
(dp-3-glc), petunidin-3-O-glucoside (pt-3-glc), peonidin-3-O-glu- highest concentration of TF was reached after 10 days (200 mg/L).
coside (pn-3-glc), petunidin-3-O-(600 -acetyl)glucoside (pt-3-acglc), On the contrary, the highest TF concentration in Merlot was
peonidin-3-O-(600 -acetyl)glucoside (pn-3-acglc), petunidin-3-O- noticed on the 2nd day of the maceration process (185 mg/L). By
(600 -p-coumaroyl)glucoside (pt-3-coumglc) and pn-3-O-(600 -p-cou- quantification of the individual flavonols, the faster extraction of
maroyl)glucoside (pn-3-coumglc). flavonol glycosides was noticed, as they are more water soluble
Quercetin (Q) and myricetin (M) were the predominant than the respective aglycones (data not shown). In fact, Q-3-glyco-
flavonols, and were detected as 3-O-glucuronides (3-glcr), sides and M-3-glycosides amounted to 130 mg/L after 2 days of
3-O-glucosides (3-glc) as well as aglycones. Moreover laricitrin- fermentation in Merlot and 165 mg/L after 6 days in Syrah. The
3-O-glucoside (L-3-glc), isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside (I-3-glc) and extraction of Q and M aglycones was slower and reached a maxi-
syringetin-3-O-glucoside (S-3-glc) were detected and to the best mum after 6 days in Merlot (34 mg/L) and after 13 days in Syrah
of our knowledge this is the first time that these compounds are (26 mg/L). The quick extraction of anthocyanins and flavonol gly-
identified in Greek wines. cosides should be also attributed to the use of pectinolytic
trans-Caftaric acid was the main hydroxycinnamic acid for both enzymes during maceration.
Merlot and Syrah, followed by trans-coutaric acid, while caffeic and Considering the TP fraction, the highest concentration for
coumaric acid were found in traces in both varieties. Other pheno- Merlot was found on 2nd day (2528 mg/L), but for Syrah on 8th
lic compounds that were identified in both wines were gallic acid day (2066 mg/L). Ortega-Regules, Ros-García, Bautista-Ortín,
and procyanidin monomers, i.e. catechin and epicatechin. López-Roca, and Gómez-Plaza (2008) indicated the thicker walls
and the largest amount of cell wall material in the pulp of cultivar
3.2. Variation of phenolic compounds and metal content during Syrah, versus Merlot, as the reason for the slower extractability of
fermentation polyphenols.
The metal content was also determined during the fermentation
The highest concentration of monomeric anthocyanins (MA) of both varieties. The results indicated that the concentration of Fe,
was observed at the beginning of maceration (1647 mg/L for Mer- Cu, and Mn (to a lesser extent) showed significant variation, as
lot and 1388 mg/L for Syrah), as indicated in Fig. 1. Anthocyanins shown in Fig. 1. On the contrary the concentrations of Ni, Pb, Cr,
are found in grape skins, they are water soluble and their extrac- Cd, Ba, Zn and Al, were practically constant. A high concentration
tion is imminent after crushing, during the maceration process. of Cu was found in the musts of both varieties that can be attrib-
Flavonols contribute to the bitter taste of red wine and to stabiliz- uted to the use of copper fungicides, for the protection of the cul-
ing and increasing wine color through copigmentation with antho- tivations from fungi. However, at the early stages of fermentation,
cyanins. Although flavonols are predominantly synthesized in the a remarkable decrease in the concentration of Cu was noticed for

Fig. 1. Variation in the concentrations of monomeric anthocyanins (MA, expressed as mv-3-glc), total flavonols (TF, expressed as quercetin), total phenols (TP, expressed as
gallic acid equivalents) and trace elements, during the first stages of vinification of Merlot and Syrah.
168 A. Bimpilas et al. / Food Chemistry 178 (2015) 164–171

both cultivars, which remained constant later. Comparing the con- cultivar. Also, Rodríguez Montealegre et al. (2006) found a similar
centration of Cu with MA, TF, and TP, it is observed that as MA, TF, content of trans-caftaric acid in Merlot and Syrah grape skins, but a
and TP concentrations increase, the concentration of Cu decreases. twofold higher content of trans-coutaric acid in Syrah.
Similar variations proving this inverse relationship are reported by Table 2 presents the general characteristics of fresh wines, the
Esparza et al. (2004). Flavonoids can chelate metals, such as Cu and TP content as determined by the Folin–Ciocalteu method, and the
Fe. The ability to form complexes is mainly related to hydroxyl content of phenolic sub-groups determined as the sum of the
functional groups linked in ortho-positions on the B ring. Therefore respective individual phenolics presented in Table 1. Comparing
petunidin and quercetin can form complexes, while the methoxy the two cultivars, the higher concentration of alcohol observed in
group on the B ring of malvidin lowers its ability to form com- Merlot should be noted since alcohol enhances the extractability
plexes with metal ions (Nicolini et al., 2004). Moreover, complexes of phenolic compounds from berries (Cheynier, 2006). The TP con-
formed by the reaction of metals with flavonoid glucosides at dif- tent of Merlot is higher than Syrah, contrary to what Arnous et al.
ferent stoichiometric ratios are reported by Bai et al. (2004), (2001) have observed for wines from northern Greece. Also, Merlot
Esparza et al. (2005). Several compounds possessing ortho-hydro- wine presented a higher MA content, while Syrah a higher TF con-
xyl groups are present in both varieties, i.e. quercetin, myricetin, tent. The higher TF content in Syrah wine compared to Merlot was
petunidin, delphinidin, either glycosylated or not as indicated in observed again by Puértolas et al. (2011), Castillo-Muñoz, Gómez-
Table 1. Thus the extraction and the consequent increase of poly- Alonso, García-Romero, and Hermosín-Gutiérrez (2007). On the
phenols concentration during the maceration process, leads to contrary, Makris et al. (2006) reported similar TF content for Mer-
complexing reactions and precipitation of Cu for both cultivars. lot and Syrah wines from several Greek geographic regions, and
Similar behavior would be expected for the concentration of Fe higher MA content in Syrah.
and Mn; on the contrary a slight increase for both metals has been Acetylated anthocyanins amounted to 27% for both varieties,
observed that can be attributed to the presence of oxides of these whereas coumaroylated anthocyanins amounted to 15% for Merlot
metals in yeast and to the use of stainless steel tanks (Bai et al., and 14% for Syrah (see Table 2). The ratio of acetylglucosides to
2004; Castiñeira, Brandt, Jakubowski, & Andersson, 2004). coumaroylglucosides that has been proposed to varietal character-
ization was equal to 2.0 and 1.7, for Syrah and Merlot wines,
3.3. Quantification of phenolic compounds and general characteristics respectively. Puértolas et al. (2011) reported similar values, i.e.,
of the fresh wines 2.1 and 1.6 for Syrah and Merlot, respectively, while Ivanova-
Petropulos et al. (2015) found values of 2.6–4.8 for Syrah and
The quantification of individual phenolic compounds of the 2.3–3.8 for Merlot, and Fanzone et al. (2012) 2.0 and 2.9 for Syrah
fresh wines, at the end of fermentation is also presented in Table 1. and Merlot, respectively. These values indicate that the acetylglu-
In both varieties, malvidin was the main anthocyanidin amounting cosides to coumaroylglucosides ratio varies a lot, depending also
to almost 80% of MA. A difference was detected in the concentra- on geographical origin of the variety.
tion of peonidin (especially pn-3-glc) that was higher in Syrah. Glucosylated flavonols predominated in both varieties and
Apart from peonidin, all other anthocyanins were found in higher amounted to 41% and 51% in Merlot and Syrah, respectively.
concentrations in Merlot, whereas in both varieties pt-3-glc was According to Fanzone et al. (2012), 3-glucosides are the main flavo-
the second more abundant unacylated anthocyanin. These results nol derivatives synthesised in Merlot and Syrah grapes, contrary to
are partially in agreement with Makris et al. (2006) who examined other varieties where glucuronides or galactosides predominate.
wines from Merlot and Syrah grapes cultivated in several Greek Therefore, our results, regarding both the predominance of glu-
regions, Puértolas et al. (2011) who examined wines from Merlot cosylated form and the specific flavonol glycoside profile of each
and Syrah grapes cultivated in Spain and Ivanova-Petropulos variety, agree with previous works and support further the sugges-
et al. (2015) who studied the respective varieties in Macedonia. tion to use the flavonol profile for cultivar differentiation of fresh
Nonetheless, differences are observed in the concentration and rel- wines, to the extent it will be proved valid for a larger number of
ative proportions of anthocyanins for grape cultivars grown in dif- wines.
ferent regions and consequently the anthocyanic profile seems to The metal content of the fresh wines, at the end of alcoholic fer-
be affected both by cultivar and geographical origin (Ivanova- mentation, is presented in Table 3. Maximum levels allowed,
Petropulos et al., 2015; Makris et al., 2006). according to OIV (2011), and mean concentrations reported in
Quercetin and myricetin were the predominant flavonols, Greek wines are also presented. As can be concluded all concentra-
amounting to 83% of TF in Merlot and 78% in Syrah. Comparing
the two cultivars, Merlot presented Q-3-glcr in higher concentra-
tion than the respective glucoside. These results are in agreement Table 2
Analysis of fresh wines before storage, quantification of total phenols [GAE], total
with Rodríguez Montealegre, Romero Peces, Chacón Vozmediano, monomeric anthocyanins [mv-3-glc eq.], total flavonols [Q eq.], and their sub-groups.
Martínez Gascueña, and García Romero (2006) who indicated the
predominance of Q-3-glcr at the skins of Merlot grape. Fanzone Parameter Merlot Syrah

et al. (2012) also observed a higher concentration of Q-3-glcr than Alcoholic strengtha 14.3° 12.2°
Q-3-glc in Merlot wine but not in Syrah. On the other hand, M-3- Density (20 °C)a 0.9943 g/mL 0.9964 g/mL
Total acidity [tartaric acid eq.]a 5.4 g/L 5.8 g/L
glc was detected in higher concentration than the respective glucu-
Volatile acidity [acetic acid eq.]a 0.345 g/L 0.195 g/L
ronide in both varieties, as also observed by Rodríguez Total sulfitesa 73 mg/L 67 mg/L
Montealegre et al. (2006), Fanzone et al. (2012). pHa 3.74 3.76
trans-Caftaric acid was the predominant hydroxycinnamic acid Total phenols [GAE] 2143 ± 45 mg/L 1954 ± 21 mg/L
Monomeric anthocyanins [mv-3-glc eq.] 622 ± 14 mg/L 560 ± 13 mg/L
for both Merlot and Syrah, amounting to 35 mg/L in both fresh
% Glycosylated anthocyanins 58 ± 2% 59 ± 3%
wines. trans-Coutaric acid concentration in fresh Syrah wine was % Acetylated anthocyanins 27 ± 1% 27 ± 2%
threefold higher (16.8 mg/L) than the respective concentration in % Coumaroylated anthocyanins 15 ± 2% 14 ± 1%
Merlot, while caffeic and coumaric acid were found in traces in Total flavonols [Q eq.] 161 ± 5 mg/L 193 ± 6 mg/L
both varieties. These observations are in agreement with Makris % Glucosylated flavonols 41 ± 1% 51 ± 1%
% Glucuronated flavonols 24 ± 1% 19 ± 0%
et al. (2006), Puértolas et al. (2011), and support their suggestion
% Flavonols aglycones 35 ± 2% 30 ± 1%
that trans-caftaric and trans-coutaric acid could be ‘marker com-
pounds’ for the differentiation of young wines in function of the Determined by the vinification company.
A. Bimpilas et al. / Food Chemistry 178 (2015) 164–171 169

tions are within the allowable limits. Cu was reduced from the ini-
tial concentration of 1394 to 413 lg/L and of 1249 to 340 lg/L, in
Merlot and Syrah wine, respectively. The Fe content, although
slightly increased during fermentation as discussed in Section
3.2, was far below the allowable limits. The observed differences
in metal content between the two varieties can be attributed to
grape variety, cultivation practices, and soil composition (Soto
Vázquez et al., 2013), while the measured values are within the
values reported for several Greek wines (Galani-Nikolakaki,
Kallithrakas-Kontos, & Katsanos, 2002; Tariba, 2011).

3.4. Variations in phenolic content during storage of wine

One month after the initiation of the vinification process, the TP

concentration in Merlot was 2143 mg/L and in Syrah was 1954 mg/L,
whereas the concentrations of monomeric anthocyanins amounted
to 622 and 560 mg/L, respectively. As can be seen in Fig. 2, the TP
concentration in both varieties remained practically constant,
throughout 11 months storage period. This is attributed to the fact
that reactions between phenolic substances of wine are mainly
polymerization reactions (anthocyanins–procyanidins) rather than
degradation or oxidation reactions so they have minor effect on the
total number of hydroxyl groups that are measured by the TP
In accordance to the concentration of TP, the concentration of
MA, at the beginning of the storage period, is slightly higher for
variety Merlot. During storage for 11 months, an almost tenfold
decrease in MA concentration was observed for both varieties.
Color and taste changes taking place during wine aging have long
been ascribed to conversion of grape anthocyanins to polymeric Fig. 2. Variation in the concentrations of monomeric anthocyanins (MA, expressed
as mv-3-glc), total flavonols (TF, expressed as quercetin), total phenols (TP,
pigments through addition reactions with flavanols, i.e., catechin expressed as gallic acid equivalents), during storage of Merlot and Syrah wines.
oligomers. Three mechanisms have been postulated: The first one
involves nucleophilic addition of flavanols (in C8 or C6) onto the
C4 position of the anthocyanin flavylium ion yielding 4-flavanyl-
anthocyanins, which are also referred to as anthocyanin–flavanol we concluded that the consistency of modified atmosphere during
(A–F) or anthocyanin–tannin (A–T) adducts. The second mecha- storage influences the rate of polymerization reactions of anthocy-
nism is based on nucleophilic addition onto the carbonium ion anins with the other wine phenolics, and a higher rate is observed
formed in acid solutions from flavan 3,4-diols or by cleavage of under 50% N2 and 50% CO2, compared to 100% N2 and 100% CO2, for
procyanidins. Anthocyanins, either in the flavene form or in the Merlot and Syrah varieties (unpublished data). The higher rate is
hemiketal form, are added onto the carbonium ion, leading to desirable as it enhances the color stabilization of the product.
F–A adducts. The third mechanism proposed, involves nucleophilic The initial concentration of TF, after the end of cold stabiliza-
addition of the flavanol onto protonated acetaldehyde, followed by tion, in cultivar Merlot was 161 mg/L and Syrah 193 mg/L,
protonation and dehydration of the resulting adduct and nucleo- expressed as quercetin equivalents. In both varieties the TF content
philic addition of a second flavonoid onto the carbocation thus declined slightly during storage as shown in Fig. 2. The decrease of
formed. The resulting products are anthocyanin–flavonol adducts flavonols is attributed to the fact that they can be oxidized through
in which the flavonoid units are linked in C6 or C8 position through coupled reactions and/or they act as co-pigments with anthocya-
a methylmethine bond. These phenomena result in reducing the nins in co-pigmentation processes. Similar observations have been
fraction of monomeric anthocyanins in wine (Cheynier, 2006; made by Figueiredo-González, Regueiro, Cancho-Grande, and
Figueiredo-González, Cancho-Grande, & Simal-Gándara, 2013; Simal-Gándara (2014) studying Garnacha Tintorera-based sweet
Figueiredo-González et al., 2014). In a previous experimental work wines from Spain.

Table 3
Metals detected in fresh wines [lg/L].

Element Syrah Merlot Maximum levels Detection limits Mean concentration in greek wines
Fe 795 ± 15 627 ± 13 20,000 20a 4700–12,000
Cu 340 ± 5 413 ± 5 1000 5a 200–600
Mn 649 ± 7 928 ± 8 – 10a n.d.-10,000
Zn 652 ± 5 978 ± 7 5000 40a 300–3100
Ni 5 ± 0.05 10 ± 0.05 100 0.3b n.d.-2300
Pb 25 ± 0.10 21 ± 0.10 150 0.01b 18–420
Cr 20 ± 0.10 15 ± 0.10 100 0.02b n.d.-1600
Cd 7 ± 0.02 8 ± 0.02 10 0.01b n.d.-6
Ba 278 ± 5.0 269 ± 4.0 – 0.4b
Al 175 ± 3.0 155 ± 2.0 10,000 0.4b 360–950
Quantification with ICP-OES.
Quantification with ICP-MS.
170 A. Bimpilas et al. / Food Chemistry 178 (2015) 164–171

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