The Kill Order

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The Kill Order


The Origin of the Maze Runner

Presented to:Jenny L. Presente

Presented by:John Mark P. Eslawan

Date:January 6, 2020

The Kill Order" is a young adult novel by James Dashner, which focuses around
a group of individuals struggling to survive in the year after the Earth is ravaged
by sun flares, all the while attempting to avert becoming victims of a deadly virus
that is ravaging the eastern United States.

When the novel begins, the teenaged Mark, his girlfriend Trina, their friends
Toad, Misty, and Darnell, together with army veterans Alec and Lana, have
formed something of a makeshift family. They are encamped in the Appalachian
Mountains in western North Carolina, living in a village of huts and crude
shelters. For the first time in a year, things seem settled. One day, Mark and
Trina are shocked to discover that a Berg, an airship, comes to the village, and
men in hazardous material suits begin shooting the villagers with darts. Mark and
Alec gain entry to the Berg, only to discover the darts are full of a dangerous
virus, which comes to be known as the Flare. It drives people insane, ultimately
killing them.

Mark and Alec return to the village to discover that Darnell has come down with
the virus. Eventually, he dies. Misty later contracts the virus and dies, as does
Toad. Mark, Alec, Trina, and Lana decide to head to the Berg's headquarters,
seeking a cure. They trek through the woods, encountering a little girl named
Deedee who is unaffected by the virus, as well as the members of her village
who have been ravaged and rendered insane by the virus. Mark and Alec are
separated from Lana, Trina, and Deedee by a fire caused by the insane people.
They are captured by people at the Berg's headquarters. Mark and Alec infiltrate
the base to rescue them, and they discover three things. First, the city of
Asheville has turned its back on the Berg base; second, the virus is being spread
deliberately to wipe out half the world's population to conserve resources; and
third, Asheville has a Flat Trans, a transportation device linked to Alaska, where
the PFC, the Post-Flare Coalition international government, is based. Orders
have been issued to unleash the virus. The Berg base negotiates with the crazed
locals, giving them Trina, Deedee, and Lana as ransom for time to attack
Asheville. Mark and Alec rescue Trina, and Deedee. Alec puts Lana, who is near
death, out of her misery.

Then, they fly a stolen Berg to Asheville, where Mark sends Deedee through the
Flat Trans with a note saying she is immune to the virus, and she is somehow
the cure as well. Meanwhile, the Berg base's operatives storm Asheville with an
army of the infected, crazy people. Mark, Alec, and Trina have all come down
with the virus. As Trina and Mark embrace, Alec crashes the Berg into the PFC
building that houses the Flat Trans.

Author: James Dashner

Cover artist: Philip strb

Country: United State

Language: English

Series: The maze runner Series

Genre: Young Adult,dystopian,Science fiction

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Publication Date: August 14, 2012

James Smith Dashner
is an American writer of speculative fiction, primarily series for children or young
adults, such as The Maze Runner series and the young adult fantasy series the
13th Reality. His 2008 novel The Journal of Curious Letters, first in the series,
was one of the annual Borders Original Voices picks.

Born: 26 November 1972 (age 47 years), Austell, Georgia, United States

Children: 4

Spouse: Lynette Anderson (m. 1998)

Awards: Whitney Award for Best Youth Fiction

Movies: Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, Maze Runner: The Death Cure, The
Maze Runner

Mark- The Teenager It just so happens that our protagonist in The Kill
Order is a pretty young kid, even though you'd think he's in his mid-
twenties by the way he acts (well, sometimes). Mark is constantly putting
himself in danger to save others.

Alec-The older man was gruff, a hardened former soldier who rarely smiled.

Trina-Unfortunately for the rest of the characters, Mark and Alec take up most of
the spotlight in The Kill Order. This is mostly because Trina, Lana, and Deedee
have a bad habit of being held hostage somewhere.

Deedee- doesn't get much characterization, probably because Mark and Alec
hog all the camera—er, page—time. But from what we get, Deedee's a pretty
disturbed child. Hey, it's not her fault—if you lived with people who
though you were some kind of demon, you'd be a little deranged, too

Lana-a stout woman with black hair that was always pulled tightly into a bun,
she'd been a nurse in the army and was younger than Alec, but older than Mark's
parents—she and Alec had been together when Mark had met them in the
tunnels below New York City.

Darnell-a teenage boy appeared at the door with a pair of underwear pulled over
his brown hair like a hat. Darnell.

Misty-A girl walked in after him, tall and thin with long red hair, just a little
younger than Mark.

The toad- short and squat, as his nickname implied

Baxter-Poor Baxter. This really young kid (probably twelve or thirteen years old)
is with Mark and Trina… until they get ambushed by a random dude on a yacht
up in the Lincoln Building. Baxter gets shot in the chest by three bullets, and his
death is the main cause of Mark's trauma.

The kill order is the prequel to the Maze Runner series. It was published on
August 14, 2012, by Delacorte Press. Like the Maze Runner trilogy, The Kill
Order is set in the future. It is, however, set 13 years before the Trials with
Thomas began. It is a science fiction adventure story that takes place in the near
future where the Sun Flares hit the Earth and destroyed it, and a highly
contagious virus is accidentally exposed, decimating almost all the human race.

James Dasher, the author, did not want to include characters of the primary
series in the book, mainly because he wanted to show the bigger picture of the
world with the Flare. The main characters in the book are Mark, Alec,
Lena, Trina, and Deedee.

The plot of The Kill Order is mainly about a small village, one of the few that
survived the Flare. Trina and Mark live there, and they survived the disaster that
happened in New York when the Sun Flares stroked it. Starting to get back to
their normal life, Mark and Trina, along with the others in the village, live a
primitive life, without internet or technology. Suddenly a Berg comes and starts
shooting darts containing the Flare virus. Luckily, Alec and Mark were able to
control the Berg, and they go through many obstacles with Trina and Lena to

This book received many positive reviews and ratings, especially because of its
cliffhangers in the end of almost every chapter. Publishers Weekly said:
"Breathless, cinematic action..."; Romantic Times said: "Exclamation-worthy." Not
only that, but the book and the series attracted many fans. The fans call
themselves "The Dasher Army."

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