Employment Contract

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[insert co.

name here]
[insert co. address here]
[insert contact number here]
Employment Contract
This contract of employment is entered into between (hereinafter referred to as
“Employer”) and [insert co. name here] (hereinafter referred to as “Employee”)
on …………………………. Under the terms and conditions of employment below:

1. Probation
Probation period of (3) months started from…………………………………………….
Confirmation of your appointment is subject to management’s decision. Decision
made by the management will be the final.
2. Position
Despatch and assist with ad-hoc work in Petanak stall related matter.
3. Working Hour
Daily working hours are between 5.00 am to 12.00 pm from Wednesday to
Monday with Tuesday as off day. Employee is given only ONE off day per week.
Employee shall comply with the management’s requirement to work on
4. Salary
Basic wages of RM 1100 will be paid on cash terms.
5. Overtime
Overtime is paid according to 1.5 times of the salary per hour.
6. Employees Provident Funds (EPF) and Social Security Organisation (SOSCO)
The Employer and the Employee are to make contributions as specified by the
government. Employee contribution for EPF is at 11% and employer is at 13%.
SOSCO will be based on the basic wages.
7. Public holiday
The employee is entitled to Public Holiday stated by the Kuching Chinese General
Chamber of Commerce & industry. Public Holiday can be replaced as leave or in
cash terms. (For example: Monthly basis - salary RM 1000/26 days * 2 = RM 77
per day)
8. Sick Leave
The Employee is entitled to 14 days of sick leaves per year. A certified medical
certificate is COMPULSORY to claim for the sick leave. If more than 14 days of
sick leave has been taken, the additional days will be deducted from the annual

9. Annual Leave
To be given Eight (8) working days for every twelve (12) months of continuous
service for employment of LESS THAN TWO YEARS.

Two (2) weeks of advance notice shall be given to management for application of
annual leave. Otherwise, management reserves the right to decline the
10. Termination
(a) Absent from work without notifying the management will RESULT in
DEDUCTION of salary. (For example: Monthly basis - salary RM 1000/26 days
* 2 = RM 77 per day; Weekly basis – salary RM 250/6*2=RM 84)
(b) The employee will be deemed to have broken the contract of employment
with the company if continuously being absent from work for more than
three consecutive working days without informing the employer.
(c) The employee may at any time terminate this agreement and his
employment by giving not less than one month of written notice to the
(d) The employer may terminate this Agreement and the Employee’s
employment at any time, without prior notice or payment in lieu of notice,
for sufficient cause. Or, two (2) week advance notification shall be given by
employer for termination of the employment

The Employer and the Employee hereby declare that they understand
thoroughly the above provisions and agree to sign to abide by such provisions.

Signature of Employee Signature of Employer or Employer’s Representative

Name in full: Name in full:

I.C. No:

Date: : Date:

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