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S.Y 2019 – 2020

A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
Junior High School Department
Missionari Della Fede CHS., INC
Victoria, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Junior High School Department
Grade 10 Students
Mathematics Subject


Republic of the Philippines
Junior High School Department
Missinari Della Fede CHS., INC
Victoria, Laguna


This thesis entitled ‘’EFFECTS OF STUDY HABITS ON THE

prepared and submitted by “GERON LOUIS R. DAUSIN, SHINLEE B.
JOLO, ATHINA MARIA B. MAULAWIN” in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the grade 10 students is hereby recommended for
approval and acceptance.

Adviser/Mathematics Teacher

Approved and accepted by the committee on Oral Examination with

a grade of_______.

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Junior High

School Department, Grade 10 Students.

______________ TRIXIE SJ. TORRES

Date Adviser/MathematicsTeacher

Control No.

He is thankful to his parents for supporting his thesis. He also

dedicate his thesis in his brother and sister.


He presented this thesis to his parents for lending us the house to

make the thesis and to all his love one that help him through this years

and to Teacher Trixie San Jose Torres that help him on how to do this

thesis and to the his group mate that help him make this work greater than

expected, to their parents who give their permission to go and make the



She dedicate this thesis for her whole family and to her friends and

to her group mates. She also want to thank her parents for supporting her

financially and personally for letting her to do her thesis everyday. She

also dedicate her thesis to God almighty, for giving her the ability to do this

thesis in a good way.


He thanks his parents for all the love and support. He also thank God

for giving him the talent to make his thesis neatly.


He would like to thank his group mates for helping him for doing

their thesis. He would also like to thank his teacher and his parents for

supporting him in working for their thesis.


She would like to thank her parents for supporting their thesis

and she also thank God for the knowledge he give to her. She would also

like to thank her groupmates, Shinlee Jolo and Geron Dausin for helping

her to do their thesis.


On this study the students study habits where tested, in here it

was said that if you overworked you’re mind wouldn’t function that much

and it will result to a bad study habit and bad result so you must be very

clear about what you want to accomplish during your study time to help

you focused on what you’re studying.

The extent of Behavioural Traits of grade 10 – Newton students in

terms of attitude has a mean of 2.97 and SD of 0.62 which is verbally

interpreted as Moderately High. The level of Performance of Grade 10 –

Newton students in Mathematics has a mean of 86.52, point grade

equivalent of 3.72 and standard deviation of 1.13, interpreted as High.

Based on the result on the significant effects of behavioural trait in terms of

attitude to the performance in mathematics of grade 10 students the P –

value of 0.002 is greater than to the a – value of 0.05. Therefore, there is

enough evidence to support the study that there is no significant effect on

the effect of study habit on mathematics of Grade 10 – Newton students.


Preliminaries Page

TITLE…………………………………………….. i

APPROVAL SHEET …………………………... ii

DEDICATION ………………………………….. iii


ABSTRACT ……………………………………. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………... x

LIST OF TABLES …………………………….. xii

LIST OF FIGURE …………………………….. xii



Introduction …………………………………… 1

Background of the Study …………………… 2

Theoretical Framework …………………….. 3

Conceptual Framework …………………….. 4

Statement of the Problem ………………….. 5

Research Hypothesis ………………………. 5

Significance of the Study ………………….. 5

Scope and Limitation of the Study ………... 6

Definition of Terms ………………………… 6


Related Literature …………………………. 8

Related Studies …………………………… 10


Research Design ………………………… 13

Respondent of the Study ……………………. 13

Research Procedure ………………………... 14

Research Instrument ………………………. 14

Statistical Treatment of Data ……………... 15


Extent of Technological Factors …………. 17

Level of Grade 10 students’ Performance

In Mathematics …………………………… 19

Significant Effect of Technology on the performance

In Mathematics ………………………….. 20


Summary ……………………………….. 22

Conclusion …………………………….. 23

Recommendations …………………… 23


A. Books ……………………………

B. Other Resources ……………...

C. Unpublished Materials …………


‘’ A ‘’ Letter of Request ………………………..

‘’ B ‘’ Checklist ………………………………….

‘’ C ‘’ Data Matrix for the Extent of Technological

Factors ………………………………………..

CURRICULUM VITAE ……………………………………..


Table Page

1 Extent of Technological Factors ………… 18

2 Level of Performance of Grade 10 Students’

In Mathematics ………………………………….. 19

3 Significant Effect of Technology on the performance

In Mathematics …………………………………. 20


Figure Page

1. Research Paradigm of the Study ………………… 4




Study habits are mostly known as doing you’re assignment at home

or library, studying at home learning and studying you’re lesson at school

or to the university that you go to. What could be the effect of study habit

on mathematics on your daily life, it could help you on your lesson and in

mathematics problem you could try and make your own solution on the

problems that are hard for you to answer to those question that might be

difficult for you to solve.

If you try to do too much studying at one time you will be tired and

your studying might not be effective, taking short breaks will restore your

mental energy and you will be ready again to study your lesson. Setting a

goal will help you stay focused and monitor your progress, you must be

very clear about what you want to accomplish during your study time to

help you focused on what you’re studying, reviewing your notes can help

you make sure you’re doing an assignment correctly also your notes might

contain information that will help you complete your assignment. Studying

once a day on mathematics will help you on counting and solving

problems that can be difficult for you to do the lessons that you might find


Successful students have good study habit because they don’t do

much studying at one time they require breaks, they plan on what will they

study, they study lesson every day, setting specific goals for their studying

and they work on the assignments or lesson that they find the most
difficult. Doing those thing will help you get a good study habit on

mathematics and will help you study those part that are hard for you.

In this study, the research wants to know what will be the effect of

studying habits.

Background of the study

This shows that there is a positive relationship between study habit

and mathematics achievements and further indicates that the students

improve because of study habit their achievement improve. The reasons

why the students are not doing well is because of ineffective study habit

they don’t solve problems or practice mathematical problems because for

the mathematics consume time they refuse to study because they think

the consequence will only be a low achievement.

There are some difference between good and bad study habit on

mathematics, Good study habit requires your own study method or you

must use an appropriate method on studying they choose to focus on

studying the problems with their own easy method while bad study habit

only does few studying, being lazy and don’t solve any problems. They

doesn’t even practice on solving any problems, they choose to not study

those problems or solve any mathematical problems because they only

think it’s a waste of time, will get low grades or scores and wouldn’t gain

any achievements. It is believe that the student who lacks effective and

efficient means of studying and consequently have weak foundation.

Students that can’t have one goal have a bad study habit because you

only need to focus on one subject first then proceed to the next one.

There are also a number of reason like different levels of

intelligence, lack of good infrastructural facilities and lack of good libraries

and so on, but one of the reasons why the students fail is because of their

lack of effort to learn what their teacher taught them in the school and also
do not study at home because they fail to recognise the importance of

study habit to their mathematical achievement. The purpose of this is to

find out the effects of study habit on mathematics and what achievement

they could get. In this study, the researcher wants to know if the difference

between good and bad study habits.

Theoretical Framework

Study habits theory developed by Mohamed and Waheed (2011)

student performance in mathematics is consistently given attention in

different countries because it is regarded as the main subject which is

significant for the growth and development of the nation the knowledge

and skill of students in mathematics are essential in their daily lives

overcoming the difficulties that one may face.

OECD (2003) the standardized national examinations results

revealed that students performs lower than the expected level this under

achievement in mathematics is not just a problem in a few countries but

has become every nation concern in the past few years.

Dweek.C.S (1999) sated that the students believed that their ability

is fixed probably at birth and there is a very little if anything they can do to

improve it is called fixed IQ theorist. They believed ability comes from

talent rather than from the slow development of skills through learning. “It’s

all in the Genes”. Either you can do it with little effort, or you will never be

able to do it, so you might as well give up in the face of difficulty.

Conceptual framework

This conceptual framework variables which contribute to the

improvement of the performance of the grade 10 students in mathematics

are the good and bad study habits it includes studying your lesson, solving

and creating new problems, answering question that’s difficult for you to

answer, setting goals for your study and doing your assignment.
The dependent variables that serve as the basis on the performance

of grade 10 students in mathematics was their grade.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Student performance in
-Good study habits

-Bad study habits

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of study

habits on the performance in mathematics of grade 10 students

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following question:

1. What is the extent of study habit?

2. What is the level of students performance?

3. Is there a significant effect between study habits and students


Research hypothesis

There is no significant effect between the study habits and students

performance. Such as following will benefit from the study

Significance of the Study

This study aims to present the effect of study habit of grade 10

students to their performance on mathematics. As such as following will

benefits from the study.

Math Teachers
They can provide better experience when they are teaching or having

lesson on the students they teach, share new unique equation for the

difficult problems, they will be able to teach new things to students and

help them improve on solving problems.


They will learn new equation, they can learn how to solve those difficult

problems, continue to learn more and improve until they can solve those

difficult question.


The researcher will able to find out the Effects of Study Habit on the

performance in mathematics of grade 10 student of Missionari Della Fede

Community High School,INC,Victoria Laguna.

Scope and limitation

This study will cover the Effects of Study Habit on The Performance in

Mathematics of Grade 10 students of Missinari Della Fede Community

High School,INC,Victoria Laguna.

Scope and Limitation

This study will cover the Effects of study habit on the performance in

mathematics of grade 10 students of Missionari Della Fede CHS,INC S.Y


Definition of Terms

Grade. A particular level of rank, quality, proficiency, intensity or value

it is also a mark indicating the quality of the students work

Student. A person who is studying at a school or college. A person

who takes an interest in a particular subject.

Study habits. Study habits are the behaviours used when preparing for

test or learning academic material.

Mathematics. It is the abstract of number, quantity, and space.

Mathematics may be studied in its own right or as it is applied to other

disciplines such as physics and engineering.

Questionnaire. A set of printed or written question with a choice of

answer, devised for the purpose of a survey or statistical study.

Achievement. A thing done successful, typically by effort, courage, or

skill the process or fact of achieving something.

Chapter 2


Related Literature

This chapter presents the reviews of related literature and its

relevance or justification to the present study. The study habits of students

vary from one student to the other and from one place to another. It is an

important aspect of learning because students achievement in schools

depends greatly on their study habits. The low understanding level in

mathematics has become great concern for our country, parents,

educationists and government. The researchers and educationists have

made frantic efforts to find out the causes of low achievement in the

subject. In spite of all these efforts the problems still persist. The study

habits of students play a vital role in reflecting the standard of education

and the students achievement in mathematics. The students cannot be

expected to learn everything needed about the subject from their teachers

in the classroom alone, it is the combination of both the classroom learning

and out of classroom learning that make up students study habits.

The review of related literature of this study identifies how fear and

interest, together with the students study habits can affect their

performance in various subject matters, specifically, mathematics. A

student must know learning method and study habits, which help him to

achieve the goals of education. Learning through good study habits is the

key process in human behaviour. Parents and teachers always show

concern for learning of the child because learning through good study

habits influences our language, our skills, attitudes, interests and even our

goals. It is a general observation that a number of students are seen

complaining that they do not secure good marks, for this, many times the

poor study habits are to be blamed.

Related Studies

This chapter presents the reviews of related studies and its

relevance or justification to the present study. According to, Descargar,

Andrea E; Cardona, Roldan S, mathematics is a part and parcel of

everybody’s living. It has become augmenting and enriching in almost all

fields of human undertakings making it a much sought after subject to get

to grips with and learned. This holds especially true to these days where

sophistication in all aspects has taken its spot, placing mathematics as a

chief concern in the educative process.

This is further intensified by the use of electronic gadgets where

usages are mostly tied to numbers; thus demanding one’s skills in the

manipulation of numbers. This has to be; subsequently the target in

learning mathematics is to be able to get to the bottom of problems in real

life situations.

Hence, with the demands of the society in the impact of scientific

and social vicissitudes, and with the depleted performance of the students

in major subjects, it is a necessity to make every effort and cope up with

the crazes that are taking place not only for the students in the classroom

but everyone who has a hand to run into the changes. Every personage

must be effective, efficient, intelligent, creative and productive member of

the society to come across the indispensable needs for existence brought

about by many changes in scientific technology and mathematical


Nonis and Hudson (2010) specified that, it is not only the general

ability that students bring to a class that contributes to their academic

achievement. Several studies (as cited by Hudsoon, 2010) have

investigated and found that demographic variables, such as gender, age,

and race; psychological variables, such as academic self-efficacy;

motivation; optimism; and behavioural variables, such as time

management skills, relate to student performance. What’s missing from

these surveys are the study habits or strategies that students use to learn,

such as paying attention in class, being on time, taking good notes,

completing homework in a timely manner and reading the study materials

before a lecture that are about to impact their performance.

Hadley (1992) added that, all students are adept of learning

mathematics but the leading barriers are their mistaken beliefs, prejudices,

low expectation and fallacies as regards to mathematics. In order to

enhance their mathematic skills, students must exhibit sutable study habits

that will commendably result in a great performance in mathematics.

According to Riaz et al (2002), the study habits of the students could play

pivotal role in the learning process reflected in the academic achievement

of the students in mathematics.

Chapter 3


This chapter present the operational method to be used in the study. It

was composed of research design, population and sampling, research

procedure, research instrument, and lastly was the statistical treatment.

Research Design

In this study the descriptive method of research is used to determine

the effect of study habit on the performance in mathematics of Grade 10.

Descriptive method was used on this study because as what Calmonn

(2003) said about descriptive method was that, it is a way that focuses on

present condition and to find the new truth about the said problem. The

fact that it can have new form such that it can be different from some other

studies, can generate new ideas on how to solve the problem and can

manipulate new form of formulation for the problem to be solve.

Respondent of the Study

The subject of the study was twenty-six (26) Grade 10 Newton

students of Missionari Della Fede having one section. Purposive non-

random sampling was used on this research in order to have respondents.

Purposive sampling is a type of non-random sampling which subjects are

selected because of the same characteristics as cited by Clarito(2014).

Research Procedure

The researcher have different title’s and asked the adviser for what

should be the best among the title presented, then, the behavioural trait

and learning styles on the performance in mathematics of Grade 10

Students was the title approved by the adviser. Next is, the researcher

analyzed the problem and create the first chapter of the research which

includes the introduction, background of the study, theoretical framework,

conceptual framework, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and

etc. The researcher also gathered data for the second chapter which is the
review of related literature and studies. Lastly, the researcher proceed to

chapter 3 that talks about the methodology to be used in the said study, it

consists of research design, research respondent, research procedure,

research instrument and statistical treatment.

Research Instrument

The researcher used questionnaire as an instrument to gather the data

for the research problem. The said questionnaire was created by the

researcher and it consists of insights about their effects of study habits in

the performance in mathematics.

The rating used to study habits in the performance in mathematics

checklist is as follows:

Scale Description Weight Verbal Interpretation

5 Always 4.20-5.00 Very Beneficial

4 Often 3.40-4.19 Beneficial

3 Sometimes 2.60-3.39 Moderately Beneficial

2 Rarely 1.80-2.59 Less Beneficial

1 Never 1.00-1.79 Not Beneficial

Scale Rating Verbal Interpretation

5 90 above Outstanding

4 85.00-89.00 Very Satisfactory

3 80.00-84.00 Satisfactory

2 75.00-79.00 Fairly Satisfactory

1 74 below Needs Improvement

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered was statistically treated with the use of the weighted

arithmetic mean, standard deviation, linear regression and effect on study


The statistical treatments used are as follows;

The weighted arithmetic mean was calculated in order to verify other

results of the extent in the effects of study habits in the performance in

mathematics of Grade 10 Students of Missionari Della Fede Community

High school Inc.

The standard deviation was used to identify how widely values are

dispersed from the average value ( the mean) from the result of the extent

in the effects of study habits in the performance in mathematics of Grade

10 students of Missionari della Fede Community High school Inc.

Linear Regression was used to determine the significant effects of the

learning styles in terms of the effects of study habits in the performance in

mathematics of Grade 10 Students.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data

gathered from Grade Ten of Missionari Della Fede pertaining to their

performance in Mathematics and questionnaire about the students’ Study

Habits in the Performance in Mathematics. The data are presented in

tables according to the order and sequence of the specific problem areas

investigated by the researcher.

The performance of grade ten in mathematics was described in terms of

their grades and a questionnaire that were used to find the extent of Study

Habits in their Performance in Mathematics shown in the table below.

Extent of Student’s on the effect of study habit in mathematics

Table 1; it shows the extent of the effect of study habit on mathematics.

The 1st question has a mean of 3.62 and standard deviation of 0.90,

remarked as often. The 2nd question has a mean of 3.00 and standard

2.77 and standard deviation of 1.14, remarked as sometimes. The 4th

question has a mean of 3.19 and standard deviation of 1.30, remarked as

sometimes. The 5th question has a mean of 3.15 and standard deviation of

1.01, remarked as sometimes. The 6th question has a mean of 3.88 and a

standard deviation of 1.07, remarked as often. The 7th question has a

mean of 1.92 and a standard deviation of 0.89, remarked as rarely. The

8th question has a mean of 2.42 and a standard deviation 1.21, remarked

as rarely. The 9th question has a mean of 2.62 and a standard deviation

1.20, remarked as sometimes. The 10th question has a mean of 3.15 and

has a standard deviation of 1.29, remarked as sometimes.

Table 1. Extent of Students’ Effects of Study Habits on the

Performance in mathematics

What the teacher Mean SD Remark

1. I do my assignments regularly. 3.62 0.90 Often

2. I exert more effort more when I do difficult 3.00 1.23 Sometimes
3. I spend my vacant time in doing assignments or 2.77 1.14 Sometimes
studying my lessons.
4. I study the lessons I missed if I was absent from 3.19 1.30 Sometimes
the class.
5. I study and prepared for quizzes and test. 3.15 1.01 Sometimes

6. I study harder to improve my performance when I 3.88 1.07 Often

get low grades.
7. I spend less time with my friends during school 1.92 0.89 Rarely
days to concentrate more on my studies.
8. I prefer finishing my studies and my assignments 2.42 1.21 Rarely
first before watching any television program.
9. I see to it that extracurricular activities do not 2.62 1.20 Sometimes
hamper my studies.
10. I have a specific place of study at home which I 3.15 1.29 Sometimes
keep clean and orderly.
Weighted Mean 2.97

SD 0.62

Verbal Interpretation Moderately High


Range Remark Verbal Interpretation

4.21 – 5.00 Always Very High
3.41 – 4.20 Often High
2.61 – 3.40 Sometimes Moderately High
1.81 – 2.60 Rarely Low
1.00 – 1.80 Never Very Low
The Extent of the effect of study habit on mathematics has a
Weighted mean of 2.97 and standard deviation of 0.62, interpreted as

Moderately High.
The findings of this study supported the findings of Etron (2008)

stating that a student must know learning method and study habits, which

will help him to achieve the goals of education.

Level of Grade 10 students’ Performance in Mathematics

Table 4; it shows the level of grade 10 students’ Performance in

Mathematics. The 1st Grading has a mean of 85, point equivalent of 3.48

and standard deviation of 1.23, remarked as Very Satisfactory. The 2nd

Grading has a mean of 88.04, point equivalent of 3.96 and standard

deviation of 0.98, remarked as Very Satisfactory.

Table 2. Level of Performance of Grade 10 students in Mathematics

Criteria Mean Point Standard Remark

grade deviation
1st Grading 85 3.48 1.23 Very
2nd Grading 88.04 3.96 0.98 Very
Total average 86.52
Point equivalent grade 3.72

SD 1.13
Verbal interpretation High


Rating Range Remark Verbal Interpretation

93.00 – 100.00 4.21 – 5.00 Outstanding Very High

85.00 – 92.00 3.41 – 4.20 Very Satisfactory High
77.00 – 84.00 2.61 – 3.40 Satisfactory Moderately High
69.00 – 76.00 1.81 – 2.60 Fairly Satisfactory Low
60.00 – 68.00 1.00 – 1.80 Needs Improvement Very Low
The level of performance of Grade 10 Students in Mathematics has a mean

of 84.51, point equivalent of 3.57 and standard deviation of 0.55, interpreted as

The findings of this study supported the findings of Sarwar (2007) concludes

that It is an important aspect of learning because students achievement in schools

depends greatly on their study habits.

Significant Effect of the effect of study habit on mathematics on the

Performance in Mathematics

Table 3; It shows that significant effects of the effect of study habits on the

performance in mathematics has a a-value of 0.05 which is greater than to the P-

value of 0.1355 with F–value of 2.2853, therefore, it is interpreted as Not


Table 3: Significant Effect of the effect of study habit on mathematics

on the performance in Mathematics

F- Value P- Value Interpretation

F Critical

0.002 Significant
3.24 1.96

Based in the result that shows in the table 5, it was clearly stated that the effect of

study habit on mathematics has no significant effect to the performance in

mathematics of grade 10 – Newton students of Missionari Della Fede.

The findings of the study supported the findings of Michelli (2013) stated that .
Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations

of the study.


The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of

study habits on the performance in mathematics of grade 10 students S.Y

2019 - 2020. Specifically it sought answer to the following question:

1. What is the extent of study habit?

2. What is the level of student performance?

3. Is there a significant effect between study habit and student


Descriptive research design was employed using twenty – six (26)

grade 10 – Newton students from Missionari Della Fede as respondents.

Weighted Mean, Standard Deviation, Linear Regression and for

the significant effect of the learning style, dependent and independent

sample were employed as statistical treatment to answer the stated

question in the study.

Based on the data gathered the findings were draw. The following

reveal the findings of the study:

1. The extent of Behavioural Traits of grade 10 – Newton students in

terms of attitude has a mean of 2.97 and SD of 0.62 which is

verbally interpreted as Moderately High.

2. The level of Performance of Grade 10 – Newton students in

Mathematics has a mean of 86.52, point grade equivalent of 3.72

3. Based on the result on the significant effects of behavioural trait in

terms of attitude to the performance in mathematics of grade 10

students the P – value of 0.002 is greater than to the a – value of

0.05. Therefore, there is enough evidence to support the study that

there is no significant effect on effect of study habit on mathematics

of Grade 10 – Newton students.


From the above findings the following conclusions were drawn.

The effects of study habit on mathematics was High .Also, the effect of

study habits in terms of visual learners High while for kinaesthetic

learners it was only Moderately High indicating that the students were

usually a visual learners in learning mathematics.

The mean level of the students’ performance in mathematics of

Grade 10 – Newton student was High.

The result for the significant effect of behavioural trait to the

performance in mathematics was Not Significant.

Since the result for the significant effects on the effect of study

habit on mathematics of Grade 10 – Newton students on their

performance in mathematics in terms of attitude, visual learner and

kinaesthetic learner indicating that the null hypothesis is true. It only

means that the effect of study habit on mathematics has no significant

effect to the performance in mathematics.


Based on the findings that are drawn in the conclusion, the following

recommendations are as follows:

1. Teachers may observe the right behaviour of their students

throughout the year of teaching the subject. Teachers may also be

aware on the learning styles that their students have for them to
easily execute the discussion and to have hints on how we will

encourage the students to be more eager in learning the subject.

2. Students must continuously observe their proper behaviour in class

for them to maintain and to improve their performance in the

subject. Students can also know on what learning styles they are

belong for them to used techniques that was appropriate on them,

so, that it can be helpful to maintain as well as to improve their

performance in the subject.

3. As for the researchers, it can be useful tool as a reference for their

research having the same variable.


A. The Problem and Its Background



Background of the Study


Theoretical Framework'_At


Conceptual Framework

B. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

Republic of the Philippines

Junior High School Department
Missinari Della Fede CHS., INC
Victoria, Laguna

This thesis entitled ‘’EFFECTS OF STUDY HABITS ON THE

prepared and submitted by “GERON LOUIS R. DAUSIN, SHINLEE B.
JOLO, ATHINA MARIA B. MAULAWIN” in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the grade 10 students is hereby recommended for
approval and acceptance.

Very Respectfully,













Thesis Adviser
Appendix B

Republic of the Philippines

Junior High School Department
Missinari Della Fede CHS., INC
Victoria, Laguna

Dear Respondent,

Good day!

We are the grade ten students of Missionari Della Fede. In

connection to our study ‘’ EFFECTS OF STUDY HABITS ON THE


we have your precious time to answer our questionnaire. This will be a

great help for our research. We assure the data to be collected will be

treated confidentially.

Thankyou very much and God Bless You!

Respectfully Yours,








Contact no:

E-mail Address:





Gender : Male

Age :

Date of Birth :

Place of Birth :

Civil Status :

Citizenship :

Religion :

Height :

Weight :

Languages Spoken :


Secondary :

Elementary :

Blk1 lot 31 Villa Adelina Brgy. San Roque, Victoria Laguna

Contact No: 09202368904

E-mail Address :


Objective :



Gender : Male

Age : 15

Date of Birth : June 25 2004

Place of Birth : Sta.cruz laguna

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Catholic

Height :

Weight : 50

Languages Spoken : Tagalog,English,Japanese


Secondary :

Elementary :

#7 M.L Quezon Street Brgy. San Roque Victoria Laguna

Contact No : 09174269034

E-mail Address:


Objective :



Gender : Female

Age : 15

Date of Birth ; July 15 2004

Place Of Birth : Athens Greece

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship ; Filipino

Religion : Catholic

Height :

Weight :

Languages Spoken : Tagalog


Secondary : Missionari Della Fede

Elementary :

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