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Breast Tumor Detection Using UWB Circular-SAR Tomographic

Microwave Imaging

Daniel Oloumi, Student Member, IEEE, Pierre Boulanger, Member, IEEE, Atefeh Kordzadeh,
Karumudi Rambabu, Member, IEEE

[11]. The semi-spherical shape of human breast is well-

Abstract— This paper describes the possibility of suited to projection measurements. Microwave
detecting tumors in human breast using ultra-wideband tomography, can produce high-resolution images
(UWB) circular synthetic aperture radar (CSAR). CSAR especially for circular data acquisition system. However,
is a subset of SAR which is a radar imaging technique a complex inverse problem needs to be solved in order to
using a circular data acquisition pattern. Tomographic reconstruct images [12].
image reconstruction is done using a time domain global
In this work, an Ultra wide-band (UWB) circular
back projection technique adapted to CSAR. Experiments
are conducted on a breast phantoms made of pork fat synthetic aperture radar (CSAR) is used for the human
emulating normal and cancerous conditions. Preliminary breast imaging. The raw data is acquired by sending and
experimental results show that microwave imaging of a receiving UWB pulses into the breast tissues from
breast phantom using UWB-CSAR is a simple and low- various viewpoints. A tomographic image reconstruction
cost method, efficiently capable of detecting the presence is then performed using a global back projection (GBP)
of tumors. algorithm, in time domain, which is very suitable for
UWB pulses [13]. GBP based on tomographic
I. INTRODUCTION reconstruction with CSAR is very fast and easy to
Early detection of breast cancer reduces the risk of implement. Image resolution provided by linear
mortality. For that reason, different imaging modalities synthetic aperture radar (LSAR) depends on pulse shape,
have been developed for detecting tumors in human width, and integration angle [14]. However, using CSAR
breast. X-ray mammography is the most commonly used imaging technique, radar image resolution depends only
method for early screening of breast cancer as it is on the pulse width and shape.
relatively cheap [1], [2]. However it is limited in In this paper, Section II describes the UWB CSAR
sensitivity and fails to detect breast cancerous tissues in algorithm and its implementation in Matlab. In Section
many cases [3]. It also uses ionizing radiation that can III, various measurements, on normal and cancerous
be detrimental to the patient over a long period [4]. tissue inside a breast phantom, were performed to
Computed tomography scan (CT-scan) and magnetic evaluate the ability of UWB-CSAR for breast imaging
resonance imaging (MRI) are other methods to image applications. In Section IV, we will demonstrate the
and detect cancerous tissues in human breast based on capability of UWB-CSAR algorithm to provide images
high resolution images [5], [6]. Nevertheless, both of with adequate resolution to image the internal structure
these methods are very expensive. of the breast and to detect the presence of tumors.
Considering the high cost and complexity of current
methods, microwave imaging may turn out to be a II. UWB CIRCULAR SAR
simple and efficient method to perform breast imaging. In this section, the CSAR configuration,
Microwave imaging is a simple and cheap method mathematical implementations, and image
capable of providing adequate image resolutions. reconstruction algorithm are described.
Extensive research has been done on microwave imaging
of breast and have resulted in promising progresses [7]– A. Raw data acquisition
The circular SAR system scheme is shown in Fig.
D. Oloumi, and K. Rambabu, are with the Electrical and Computer 1(a). Radar transceiver rotates around the area to
Engineering Department, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G acquire the raw data from multiple angles. A second
2V4 Canada (e-mail:, derivative Gaussian pulse, with 10 GHz bandwidth and
A. Kordzadeh is with Biomedical Engineering Department and joint
center frequency of 6.5 GHz, is used as the transmitted
with Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2V2 (Canada), pulse. The raw data is generated by two point targets as
( shown in Fig. 1(a). Targets are located at locations (-
P. Boulanger is with the Computing Science Department, University 1.75mm, 1.75mm) and (1.75mm, -1.75mm) in a
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2V4 Canada (e-mail:
medium with relative dielectric constant of 5. The raw
. data is acquired over the radar trajectory at every 5ᵒ

978-1-4244-9270-1/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 7063

0 0 1
The round trip time is found by dividing round trip
1 1 0.8 distance by signal speed as shown in (1). Dividing the

Angle [Radians]
Angle [Radians]
round trip time by the time resolution, t , provides the


2 2
3 3
index of appropriate sample of the received pulse as
4 4
5 5 0.2
 t (M , N ) 
6 6 IndexM , N   round  . (4)
0 1
Time [ns]
0 1
Time [ns]
2  t 
(a) The precise sample for each image pixel is picked by
(b) (c)
the nearest neighbor method. The image is reconstructed
Fig.1. (a) Radar scanning style. (b) Raw data (c) envelope of
detected raw data through:
I M , N    rawdata( , index( M , N ).) (5)
increment and is shown in Fig.1 (b). The measured data  0
is in the form of a traditional sinogram as the In which I and θ are reconstructed image and radar
measurement path is circular. Envelope of the received measurement angles, respectively. A volumetric 3D
pulses are also generated as may eventually provide the image can be produced by scanning the breast in the z-
ability to resolve targets more clearly [14]. As shown in direction, in different slices.
Fig.1 (c), envelope detection of the received pulse is The reconstructed images in both real and absolute
performed by applying the Hilbert transform to the raw value are shown in Fig.2 (a) and Fig.2 (b). One can see
data as shown in Fig.1 (c). that targets are detected and resolved. Side lobes
appeared in the reconstructed images are due to the
B. Image reconstruction GBP and can be removed by generating a positive
Image reconstruction is performed using a time image defined in [14] by:
domain global back projection (GBP) algorithm [13].
The GBP is a coherent summation of the raw data, Positive( I )  abs( I )  real( I ). (6)
measured at different angles over the radar trajectory, at The positive image in Fig.2 (c) shows clear boundaries
each pixel of the reconstructed image. The measured of the targets. Fig.2 (d) shows the reconstructed image
data is in the form of N-theta and Nr-data which is the using the envelope detected raw data. As one can see
number of aperture positions over the radar trajectory that the targets are detected and imaged more clearly.
and time samples, respectively. The image is The blurring effects appeared in the envelop image is
reconstructed as a M  N pixels image in the x-y due the smoother curve of the envelope detected raw
directions. Here M and N are selected to be 500 in each data. The blurring effect can be removed by applying a
direction. To find the appropriate sample data in time, high-pass filter to the image similar to the back
the round trip time measurement from each aperture projection filter used in traditional CT reconstruction.
position to each image pixel, t (M , N ) , is calculated as
follows: C. CSAR image resolution
DM , N  (1)
Since the target is scanned from all angles in a
t (M , N )  circular pattern, range and cross-range are the same.
Therefore, a general term “resolution” is assigned to
Where the distance, D(M , N ) , is given by:
both. Unlike LSAR [14], image resolution provided by
CSAR only depends on the pulse width. The image
D( M , N )  X pf Tr  XM 2
 Y pf Tr  YM 2
 (2) resolution by a CSAR configuration based on using a
X pf  Rx X 
 Y pf  Rx  YM  2
. second derivative of Gaussian pulse as the transmitted
pulse is defined as:
Here V s is the signal speed for SAR processing, which r = (6)
3BW  r
is same as pulse group velocity in the medium, and XM
and YM are pixels’ coordinates in the reconstructed where, c, BW , and  r are the speed of light, pulse
image. X pf Tr / Rx , Ypf Tr / Rx are the positions of the bandwidth, and relative permittivity of the medium,
respectively. Hence, narrower pulse width or higher
transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) antennas and are
value of medium permittivity results in higher CSAR
defined by:
image resolution. In our simulation, CSAR images with
4.5 mm resolution were achieved as a result of using 10
X pf Tr / Rx  r. cos( pf Tr / Rx )
(3) GHz bandwidth pulse and medium of propagation with
Ypf Tr / Rx  r. sin( pf Tr / Rx ). a relative dielectric constant of 5.

Real(image) Positive(image) 1
Sr(t) Samb(t) Sc(t) Sh(t)

Normolized amplitude
-0.02 0 -0.02 0


0 0 1
-0.5 -1 First reflection to Second reflection to
penetrate into the
0.5 phantom
leave the phantom
0.02 0.02
-1 0
-0.02 0 0.02 -0.02 0 0.02
Y[m] Y[m]
(a) (c) 0 1 2 3 4
Time [ns]
Envelop(image) (a)
1 1 00 11 00 11
-0.02 -0.02 0.8
0.8 50
50 50
0.8 0.8

0 100
100 100


Angle [degree]

Angle [degree]
0.4 0.4 0.6
0.6 0.6
150 150
0.02 0.2 0.02 0.2
200 200


-0.02 0 0.02 0.4
0.4 0.4
-0.02 0 0.02
Y[m] Y[m] 250
250 250
(d) 0.2
0.2 0.2
(b) 300
300 300
Fig.2. Reconstructed images: (a) real image, (b) absolute image, (c) 350
350 00 350
350 00
positive image, (d) envelop image. 11 22 33 11 22 33
[ns] Time
(b) (c)
III. EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS Fig.4. Measurements, (a) Received pulse at a radar position, (b)
sinogram raw data (c) envelope detected sinogram raw data
A. Measurement setup
The measurement setup consists of a UWB radar calibrated before image reconstruction. To calibrate the
system, a breast phantom, and a matching liquid raw data, the ambient pulse is removed from the
container. The radar system is setup using a pulse received pulse. The ambient pulse is measured by
generator, a sampling oscilloscope, and a transceiver. sending and receiving a pulse into the matching liquid
The radar transceiver consists of a pair of UWB container in the absence of the breast phantom. By
antennas to transmit and receive a pulse with 10 GHz - subtracting ambient signal from the received pulse, all
10dB bandwidth. The antenna is customized to radiate effects from nearby objects and also antenna mutual
efficiently inside the matching liquid. A vegetable oil coupling are removed. The calibration procedure for
with a dielectric constant of 3 is used as the matching normal breast model is shown in Fig.4 (a). As one can
liquid. The normal breast phantom is built using pork fat see up to 1.5 ns, the received and ambient pules are
inside a plastic mold as shown in Fig.3 (a). In order to almost the same which is pure mutual coupling.
model cancerous breast tissue, a section of an orange, However after this point there are changes, between
which has approximately the same dielectric properties these two pulses, which are caused by the presence of
of cancerous tumor, is placed inside the phantom (Fig.3 the breast phantom. The solid blue line is the target
(b)). The breast model is located in the middle of a signature and solid black line which is the detected
plastic container inside the matching liquid. The radar envelop of the pulse. The calibrated raw data and its
transceiver is inside the matching liquid as shown in envelope are shown in Fig.4 (b) and Fig.4 (c),
Fig.3 (c). The imaged area is approximately 14 cm x 14 respectively. The same dataset is also generated for
cm. cancerous breast model.


The raw data is collected by rotating the phantom and Similar to the simulations results, both positive
recording the received pulse at every 5ᵒ, covering 360ᵒ, images and envelop images are reconstructed. For the
for normal and cancerous scenarios. The raw data for CSAR image reconstruction algorithm, it is necessary to
normal breast are shown in Fig.4 which contains 4050 have the exact dimensions of the scanned area. If the
samples in each angle. The raw data has to be dimensions used for image reconstruction is not the
same as the measurement setup, the image will not be
Orange lobe TRX
emulating tumor
focused. Since the medium of propagation is a
combination of matching liquid and breast phantom, to
Breast calculate the signal speed for CSAR processing, the
effective dielectric constant has to be considered. This
Rotating table
value can be estimated based on materials in the
(a) (b) (c)
medium, using dielectric probe measurement. For
Fig.3. Breast phantom (a) Normal, (b) with tumor model (d)
measurement setup
instance, for this measurement setup, we have pork fat

Positive (Image)
Positive (Image)
processing techniques such as envelope detection and
50 -0.04 60
positive image subtraction are applied to improve image
40 -0.02 quality. Error in group velocity results in image

degradation. These preliminary results from

0 0 Tumor 40
0.02 20 0.02
20 measurements demonstrate the ability of UWB-CSAR
0.04 Breast
10 0.04
Breast to effectively image human breast with and without
0.06 0 0.06Boundary 0
-0.05 0
0.05 -0.05 0
0.05 cancer. Further work needs to be done on a more
(b) accurate breast phantom and eventually a pilot study
Envelope (Image)
Envelop (Image)
Envelope (Image) with pigs will be performed.
100 -0.06
-0.04 -0.04 100
90 -0.04
80 -0.02


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