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District Survey Report of Minor Minerals, Pakur.

Prepared in accordance with Para 7 (iii) of S.O.141 (E)

Dated 15th January 2016
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Notification.



it Mining Execu eer
Minor lrrigation Geology

'Secrt Dr. B. K. Tiwari Divisional Forest
Su b-divit
IVIS Expert Member, DEIAA Officer. Pakur
)r, AA

, 'U

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


Ch.No. Description Page No

Preamble 6-7

1 Introduction 8-10

1.1 Location and Geographical Area 8

1.2 Administrative Units 8

1.3 Connectivity 8

2 Overview of mining activity in the district 11

3 List of Mining lease in the district 12-52

3.1 List of operative stone mines in the district 13

3.2 List of non-operative stone mines in the district 25

3.3 List of Terminated / Expired Lease of Stone Mines 37

3.4 Potential blocks of non operative stone mines 37

3.5 Polential Area of the District 42

4 Detail of Royalty or Revenue received in last 3 years 53

5 Detail of production of minor mineral in last 3 years 53

6 General profile of the District 54-60

6.1 River System 54

6.2 Climate 55

6.3 Geomorphology 55

6.4 Soil 55

6.5 Irrigation 55

6.6 Physiography 56

6.7 Demography 56

6.8 Forest (Flora & Fauna) 58

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

7 Land Utilization Pattern of the District 61-62

8 Ground Water Scenario 63-69

8.1 Hydrogeology 63

8.2 Depth to water level 63

8.3 Seasonal Fluctuation 64

8.4 Long term water level trend 64

8.5 Ground Water Resources 64

8.6 Ground water quality 64

8.7 Status of ground water development 65

9 Ground water managemet strategy 70-74

9.1 Ground water development 70

9.2 Water conservation & artificial recharge 70

9.3 Ground water related issues & problems 70

9.4 Area notified by CGWB 71

9.5 Recommendation 71

10 Rainfall: Month Wise 75

11 Geology & Mineral wealth of the area 76-79

12 Brief Disaster Risk Profile 80-81

12.1 Vulnerability of the state 80

12.2 Mine Disaster 81


PAKUR, District of Black Stone


In pursuance MOEF&CC Notification S.O. 141(E) dated L5th Jan 20L6,District Environment
lmpact Assessment Authority (DEIAA) & District level Expert Appraisal Committee (DEAC) has
been forined for Category -82 Minor Minerals having area less than or equal to 5 ha.

ln line with above guideline Chief Secretary of Government of Jharkhand issued a letter to all
Deputy Commissioner's Vide letter No. -1874/Cs dated 0L-08-20L7 & Notification No.
Khani(vivid) -67/20L7/L905 dated L6-08-20L7 by Secretary, Department of Industries, Mines &
Geology, Government of Jharkhand, to prepare a District Survey Report for all minor minerals
as per guideline of sustainable Sand Mining guidelines with the assistance of lrrigation
department (Minor), Forest department , Mining & Geology Departments. The District Survey
Report (DSR) for sand had already been prepared and submitted to the Government.
Considering the extent of deposit of stone in Pakur, it is very difficult to prepare DSR in a very
short while with the available resources. The effort made by the DEIAA committee and with the
constant support from Forest Department Pakur, Mining Office Pakur, Executive Engineers from
road and Minor lrrigation to prepare this DSR in short while is commendable. This is an interim
report prepared to meet the requirement of minor minerals for the state and same shall be
updated with a time.

It is clear from the report that most of the existing operative mines are having a lease period
upto the year 2O2O and the livelihood of Pakur district is depend on mining and its related
industries. Hence, it is recommended to initiate the process of auctioning in accordance
with the existing rules/laws to meet the requirement of stone for the state and earn the
revenue and support the livelihood of Pakur, even after the year 2020.

I wish that DEIAA will make allthe efforts to complete the DSR in all respect in near future.

With Warm Regards

Dy. Commissioner cum Chairman DEIAA, Pakur

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


Prior to the formation of Jharkhand Minor Mineral Concession Rule 2004, the mining operation for
minor mineral were carried out in unscientific manner in. Identifying this fact in exercise of power,
Conferred by Section 15 by Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957 and all
other powers enabling it in that behalf, the industry Mines & Geology Department, Govt. of
Jharkhand framed the aforementioned rule, and it has been amended with period of times in the
year 2007, 2010, 2014, 2015 and 2017.

Keeping in view of experience gained in period of one decade, the MOEF&CC came out with
Environmental Impact Assessment Notification S.O.-1533(E) dated 14th Sept.2006. It has been
made mandatory to obtain environmental clearance for different kinds of development
projects as listed in Scheduled -1 of notification.
Further, pursuance of the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court Petition (C) No. 19628-19629 of
2009, dated 27th Feb.2012 In the matter of Deepak Kumar etc., Vs State of Haryana and others
etc., prior environmental clearance has now become mandatory for Mining of Minor Minerals
irrespective of the area of Mining Lease.
And also in view of the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, order dated the 13th Jan.2015 the
matter regarding Sand, Brick earth, & burrowed earth cutting for Road Construction has to take
prior E.C. For Mining Lease irrespective of the fact that whether the area involved is more or
less than 5 hectares. They also suggested to make a policy on E.C for sand including other minor
minerals mining lease in cluster.
In pursuance MOEF&CC Notification S.O. 141(E) dated 15th Jan.2016,District Environment
Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA) & District level Expert Appraisal Committee (DEAC) has
been formed for Category –B2 Minor Minerals having area less than or equal to 5 ha.
MOEF&CC in consultation with State Government has prepared Guidelines on Sustainable Sand
& other Minor minerals mining detailing the provisions on Environmental Clearance for cluster.
Creation of District Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA) & proper monitoring
of Minor Minerals Mining using Information Technology to track the mineral out material from
source to destination.
DEAC will scrutinize and recommend the prior environmental clearance of Mining of Minor
Mineral to DEIAA on basis of District Survey report. This will model and guiding document
which is a compendium of available mineral resources, geographical setup, environmental and
ecological set up of the district and replenishment of minerals and is based on data of various
departments, published reports, Journal and websites. The District Survey report will form the
basis for application for environmental clearance, preparation of reports and appraisal of
projects. District Survey Reports are to be reviewed once in every five years as per statue,
however this is an interim report, which will be updated at regular intervals.
In line with above guideline Chief Secretary of Government of Jharkhand issued a letter to all
Deputy Commissioner’s Vide letter No. -1874/Cs dated 01-08-2017 & Notification No.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Khani(vivid) -67/2017/1905 dated 16-08-2017 by Secretary Government Department of

Industries, Mines & Geology, Government of Jharkhand, to prepare a District Survey Report as
per guideline of sustainable Sand Mining guidelines with the assistance of Irrigation department
(Minor), Forest department , Mining & Geology Departments.
The Main objective of the preparation of District Survey Report is to ensure the following:-
1. Identification of Mineral Resources in the district.
2. Identification of areas of minor minerals having the potential where mining can be
allowed. And
3. Identification of area and proximity to infrastructure and installations where mining
should be prohibited.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


2.1 Location and Geographical Area

The district Pakur is situated in the north – eastern part of the Jharkhand state. It is bounded in
the north by the Sahebganj district, in the east by West Bengal, in the south by Dumka district
and part of West Bengal state and in the west by Dumka and Godda districts. The district is
situated between 240 49’ 45” North and 240 14’ 00”North latitude and 870 24’ 00” East and 870
55’ 00” East longitude, having an area of 686.21 km2. The district falls in Survey of India topo
sheets nos. 72 P/ 5, P/ 6, P/9, P/10, P/ 11, P/ 14 and P/ 15.

Industrially the district, is not developed but in respect of mines, Pakur is famous for stone
industry. There are 246 mines and 255 crushers in operation where around one lakh labourers
are engaged. Total population of the district is 900422 (Census 2011).

The stone industry is paying 55 crore rupees per year as royalty to Government in addition to
commercial taxes. The quality of black stone chips of Pakur is excellent for construction of
buildings etc.

2.2 Administrative Units:-

Pakur (previously known as Pakaur) is the only administrative sub-division of the district Pakur.
The district has six blocks namely – Amrapara, Litipara, Hiranpur, Pakur, Maheshpur and
Pakuria. There are 1250 villages and 128 Gram Panchayats in the district, out of which 1144
villages are inhabitated (also known as Chiragi) and 106 villages are uninhabitated (Bechiragi).
Pakur district has total 9 Police Stations, comprising 2 Police Circles.

2.3 Connectivity facilities in Pakur District:-

Railways - 46 Express Trains & 18 Local Trains Up and down cross daily through Pakur.
Bus - Approx 35 buses arrive and depart daily from and to various destinations.
National highway NH34 and NH133 passess through the district.
Nearest airport is Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

2. Overview of Mining Activity in the District

The mineral resources of Pakur have played a great role in industrialization, social and
economic development of the district.

Pakur is rich in minerals such as

• Coal,
• China clay,
• Fire clay,
• Quartz,
• Granite,
• Gneiss,
• Silica sand,
• Glass sand,
• Fuller’s earth

Picture showing mining of Coal (left) and Stone (right) in Pakur District

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

3. List of Mining Lease in the District

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

3.1 List of Stone Mines in operation in the district -

Area Latitude Longitude
Period (10
Sl.No. Lease Holder Village Plot No. in
Years) Min-Max Min-Max

24 34 87 49
Sri Ram Industries, Prop-
From 58.01 N 26.63 E To
1 Sri Jogeshwar Yadav, Basmata 1/P, 2 (Raiyati) 1.80
01.04.2010 To 24 35 87 49
Sindhpar, Pakur
01.72 N 33.88 E
Sri Pholen Hembram, S/o- 87 49
24 34 57.5
Kubraj Hembram, Vill.- 10, 11, 12 From 35.00 E To
Basmata, Po-
04.02.2010 N To 24 35
87 49
Changadanga, Pakur 53.18 N
41.18 E
M/s Maa Durga Stone
Works, Prop.-Sri Soumitro 24 34 87 50
Ghosh, S/o-Sri 392/P, 388, From 51.49 N To 41.77 E To
3 Basmata 3.13
Chittaranjan Ghosh, Maa 389, 390 & 391 04.01.2016 24 34 87
Durga Colony, Thanapara,
55.78 N 5046.25 E
M/s Madhucon Projects
Ltd., P.M.-Sri D.M. Pillai, 24 36 87 48
624 to 631,
S/o-Sri Ram Chandran, From 44.70 N To 49.11 E To
4 Bishanpur 651, 652, 677 8.25
Madhucon House, Road 01.08.2011 24 36 87 49
to 682 (Rayati)
No.-36, Hi-tach city, P.S.-
Jubly Hill, Hydrabad.
50.42 N 00.29 E
Torai Mines Excavators, 24 39 87 49
Prop-Sri Tarun Kr. S/o-
20 to 23 11.04.2010 10.28 N To 28.27 E To
5 V.N. Prasad, Akhtiyarpur Gokulpur 5.40
(Raiyati) renewed 10 24 39 87 49
House, Kadamkuna, Patna
(Bihar) 16.21 N 33.80 E
Shivam Stone Works, 13,14P,15P,16P,1 24 33 87 50
Part.-Sri Bimlendra 7P,18,19/461,18/ From 59.69 N To 22.77 E To
6 Harirampur 4.45
Kumar, S/o-Sri Phuldev 465P,145/P,151/ 26.03.2010 24 34 3.26 87 50
Pd., Rajapara, Pakur P,152/P,153,154
P RAYETI N 26.73 E
222/P, 223/P, 24 40 87 49
226/P, 227, From 19.94 N To 56.11 E To
7 Vivekanand Tiwari, Pakur Jogigaria 2.79
228/P, 229/P 01.06.2010 24 40 87 50 1.70
24.54 N E
1618 to 87 47
Prakash Ch. Choudhary, 1620,1622P, From 24 40 40.4
44.2 E To
8 S/o- Sri Janardan Pd. Kalidaspur 1623 to 1626, 2.80 16.08.2002 N To 24 40
Choudhary, Pakur 1634P renewed 87 47 46.1
44.00 N
(Raiyati) E
494, 496, 497, 87 47
Abdul Haque, S/o-Mahsin 24 41 9.06
500, 507 to From 34.70 E To
9 Ali, Vill.-Ramchandrapur, Kalidaspur
513, 515, 547
06.04.2015 N To 24 41
Po.-Beldanga, Pakur 87 47
& 554 15.59 N
39.93 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

M/s Dada Bhai Stone

Works, Part.-Mesbahul 431, 432, 435, 87 47
Alam, S/o-Abu Bakkar 436, 437, 438, 24 41 9.33
From 34.70 E To
10 Sk., 2. Akhtarul Sk., S/o- Kalidaspur 439, 440, 441, 2.63
06.04.2015 N To 24 41
Abu Sk., Both of 442, 451, 455 87 47
13.16 N
Taranagar, Po.-Ilami, & 456 39.93 E
Jamirul Haque, S/o-Lt. Md 1605/P, 1606, 06.09.2012 24 40 41.2 87 47 45.4
11 Marjin Sk., Vill.+Po- Kalidaspur 1607, 1608/P 1.83 to N To 24 40 E To 87 47
Rahashpur, Distt.-Pakur (Raiyati) 31.03.2020 43.2 N 49.4 E
24 40 87 48
Nazu Sheikh, S/o-Meraj From 37.55 N To 18.32 E To
Kalidaspur/ 568, 3486
12 Sk, Vill.-Kuwarpur, Po- Kashila 3.00 11.07.2011
(Raiyati) 24 40 87 48
Sangrampur, Distt.-Pakur renewed
43.31 N 24.72 E
West Well Iron & Steel
Pvt.Ltd., Prop.-Sri Rajesh 83 to 87, 109 to 87 49
24 33 31.0
Kumar, S/o-Sri Bhagwan 111/P, 112, From 35.87 E To
Das, Vill.-77/B, 1st floor,
113, 126 to 132
31.12.2009 N To 24 33
87 49
Po-ParkStreet, Distt.- (Raiyati) 37.07 N
45.00 E
Hiralal Bhagat, S/o-Lt.
Jagannath Bhagat,
215, 219/P, 24 33
Vill.+Po-Rajgram, Distt.- From 87 50 1.38
220/P, 221/P, 42.73 N To
14 Birbhum(W.B) old Plot- Kanhupur
222/P & 223/P
6.83 30.08.2010 E To 87 50
200,201, 215, 219, 220, Renewed 24 33
(Raiyati) 4.21 E
221, 222, 223 & area- 49.82 N
13.93 acres
M/s Shree Guru Stone
Works, Prop.-Sri Amarjit 24 40 29.8 87 48 16.7
Singh, Pakur, 01-08-11 Tr. 570, 574
From S.M. Abdullah, S/o-
2.45 09.07.2011 N To 24 40 E To 87
renewed 33.0 N 48 22.0 E
Abdul Rajak Bisak,
Vill.+Po-Rahashpur, Pakur
937, 938, 940,
Ishak Sk., S/o-Sri Sabdul
950, 971, 972, 24 40 87 48
973, 974, 1305, 16.20 N To 43.38 E To
Sk., Vill.-Jankinagar, Po- From
16 Kashila 1306, 1308/P, 5.00
Prithvinagar, Ps.- 03.09.2015 24 40 87 48
1309/P, 1310,
Pakur(M), Distt-Pakur
1311, 1312/P 25.86 N 48.80 E
M/s Chacha Bhatija Stone
Works, Part.-Md.
Jalaluddin Sk., S/o-Late
Motalin Sk, & Md. 941, 24 40 87 48
10 years
Faijuddin Sk., S/o-Late 942,947,948,94 17.28 N To 41.12 E To
17 Kashila 4.30 From
Hossain Sk., Vill.- 9, 1309/P 24 40 87 48
Kadamsar, Pakur-Dt.- (Raiyati)
24.65 N 47.33 E
14.09.10 Tr. From -Three
Star Stone Works, Part.-
Md. Ashlim Hossain
M/S N.S. & Co., Part.- 24 36 01.5 87 50 27.9
1, 3, 4, 5, 3/82,
Smt. Arti Mandhyan, W/o- From
Late Jaikishan,
Khaprajola 4/80, 7, 10, 12 7.75
24.05.2010 N To 24 36 E To 87 50
(Raiyati) 07.8 N 33.3 E
Sindhipara, Pakur
M/S N.S. & Co., Part.- From 24 36 00 N 87 50 23.1
577, 578
19 Smt. Arti Mandhyan, W/o- Khaprajola
2.35 04.01.2010 To 24 36 E To 87 50
Late Jaikishan, renewed 58.9 N 29.2 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Sindhipara, Pakur

218/P, 219/P
221 to 229,
M/s Sunder Das
Lakhmani, Part.-Sri
267/P, 262 to 24 35 87 50
264, 269, 220, From 54.33 N To 09.58 E To
Satish Kr. Lakhmani &
20 Khaprajola 288, 289, 237, 11.65 17.09.2010
Sri Sanjay Kr. 24 36 87 50
538, 539, renewed
Lakhmani, Sidhipara,
534/P, 535/P, 02.33 N 25.42 E
536, 526, 529
& 533 (Raiyati)
M/s Sunder Stone
Product, Prop.-Sri 24 35 87 50
From 58.30 N To 16.52 E To
Satish Kr. Lakhmani, 285 to 287, 290
21 Khaprajola 3.66 13.10.2015
S/o-Lt. Sunder Das to 295 (Raiyati) 24 36 0.73 87 50
Lakhmani, Sindhipara,
N 21.64 E
24 35 87 50
Shyam Mandhyan, S/o-Lt. 622 to 629 & From
57.38 N To 22.52 E To
22 Bhamamal, Sindhipara, Khaprajola 631 to 637 8.19 22.05.2014
Pakur (Raiyati) Renewed 24 36 4.65 87 50
N 34.11 E
M/s N.S. & Co., Part.-Smt. 24 36 87 50
From 01.50 N To 25.97 E To
Arti Mandhyan, W/o-Late 556 to 559
23 Khaprajola 3.75 19.06.2013
Jai Kishan, Sindhipara, (G.M.) 24 36 87 50
06.32 N 30.60 E
M/s N.S. & Co., Part.-Smt. 24 35 87 50
Arti Mandhyan, W/o-Late 546, 548, 550 58.28 To 23.29 To
24 Khaprajola 3.40 29.09.2013
Jai Kishan, Sindhipara, to 555 (Raiyati) 24 36 87 50
03.12 N 30.60 E
Lakhmani Stone Product,
Part-Sri Jai Kishan
Lakhmani, S/o-Late
Moolchand Lakhmani, 2.
Sri Gopi Chand Lakhmani,
S/o-Late Moolchand 204 to 213, 24 35 87 50
Lakhmani, 3.Sri Devanand 216, 217/P, 38.20 N To 09.58 E To
25 Khaprajola 11.00 20.04.2014
Lakhmani, S/o-Late 540, 543/P 24 36 87 50
Gurdas Mal, 4. Sri Ritin (Raiyati)
06.30 N 22.30 E
Lakhmani, S/o-Sri
Devanand Lakhmani, 5.
Sri Ravish Lakhmani, S/o-
Late Dinanath Lakhmani,
Sindhipara, Pakur
Morful Sk, S/o- Anesur
104,105/P, 05.05.2013 24 40 18.5 87 48 3.0
Rahman, Jankinagar,
26 Lakhipahari 106/P, 107/P, 2.60 E.C.
Prithvinagar, Pakur Tr. N E
108/P (Raiyati) obtained
from Md. Atual Seikha
M/s National Black Stone 24 38 87 47
Works, Prop.-Rehana 169 to 172, 12.24 N To 26.59 E To
27 Sultana, W/o-Abdul Matiapahari 174, 177 to 181 12.34
30.11.2015 24 38 87 47
Wahab Ansari, Tantipara, & 122/P
Pakur 25.03 N 40.24 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Mr. Manoharlal Sadhwani,

1404, 1247 to 24 36 87 50
1248, 1371 to From
S/o-Sri Hasanand 10.37 N To 17.48 E To
28 Malpahari 1374, 1376 to 6.10 04.01.2010
Sadhwani, Sindhipara, 24 36 87 50
1396, 1398 to renewed
1405 (Raiyati) 19.77 N 24.97 E
M/s Jial Das & Co., Part.- 24 36 87
Sri Sumit Sadhwani & Sri 10 years
1010P (Govt. 26.67 N To 50 51.15 E
29 Karan Sadhwani, S/o-Late Malpahari 3.48 From
Land) 24 36 To 87 50
Subhash Kr., Sindhipara, 23.06.2012
Pakur 33.47 N 54.87 E
M/s Jial Das & Co. , Prop- 24 36 87 50
Sri Subhash Kr., S/o- 1011 to 1023 25.08.2014 27.91 N To 47.78 E To
30 Malpahari 2.63
Ramchandra Sadhwani, (Raiyati) to 31.03.20 24 36 87 50
Sindhipara, Pakur
32.91 N 52.32 E
1025 to 1030,
1060, 1061,
M/s Jial Das & Co. , Prop- 1071, 1076 to 24 36 87 50
Sri Subhash Kr., S/o- 1079, 1082, 20.04.2014 29.37 N To 37.37 E To
31 Malpahari 7.50
Ramchandra Sadhwani, 1083, 1085, to 31.03.20 26 36 87 50
Sindhipara, Pakur 1086, to 1088,
1090, 1093,
36.91 N 50.47 E
1094 (Raiyati)
M/s S.K. Dutta & Co., 24 36 87 50
Block No.31 P From 16.74 N To 30.65 E To
Prop.-Sri Sourajeet Dutta,
32 Malpahari (P.No-1010) 1.20 15.06.2011
S/o-Lt. Santosh Kr. Dutta, 24 36 87 50
(Govt. Land) renewed
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
18.87 N 36.20 E
1347 to 1355,
Kewal Stone Works, Sri From
1359 to 1362,
33 Puran Kr., S/o-Kishan Malpahari 4.25 16.05.2011
1370 (Govt.
Chand, Sindhipara, Pakur renewed

Bansi Stone Works, Part.- 24 36 87 50

Bansi Lal Katta, S/o-Lt. 972, 974 etc 24.85 N To 42.10 E To
34 Malpahari 1.75 20.06.2011
Sugan Chandra Katta, (Govt. Land) 24 36 87 50
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
26.96 N 47.72 E
Baleshwar Stone Works, 24 36 87 50
1259 to 1264, 10 years 16.02 N To 18.32 E To
Baleshwar Singh, S/o-Lt.
35 Malpahari 1280, 1281 & 4.00 From
Baijnath Singh, Tantipara, 24 36 22 72 87 50
1366 (Raiyati) 05.09.2012
N 24.89 E
M/s J.R. Stone Works,
Part.-Sri Jaikishan
Lakhmani, S/o-Late
Malpahari &
10 years 24 36 87 49
36 Mulchand, 2. Sri Ritin Bishanpur
1, 2 & 1311 6.83 From 31.35 N To 15.05 E To
Lakhmani, S/o-Sri 23.12.2015
Devanand Lakhmani, 24 36 87 49
Sindhipara, Pakur 40.82 N 25.49 E
Chabaria Engg. Works, Sri 24 35 21.7 87 50 31.5
Sudhir Kr. Madnani, S/o- 2P (Govt.
Late Tulsi Das,
5.65 01.07.2010 N To 24 35 E To 87 50
renewed 24.1 N 35.42 E
Sindhipara, Pakur
Adhinath Stone Works, 87 50
618 to From 24 36 2.90
Part.-Sri Bishal Jain, S/o- 35.30 E To
Dayachand Jain,
Pipaljori 629,632,633 & 8.25 27.04.2010 N To 24 35
635 (Raiyati) renewed 87 50
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur 18.73 N
59.57 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Lakhmani Stone Product, 24 35 87 50

Prop-Moolchand 585 to 592,598 13.16 N To 23.83 E To
39 Pipaljori 11.78 20.08.2010
Lakhmani, S/o-Gurdas to 614 (Raiyati) 24 35 87 50
Mal, Sindhipara, Pakur
19.75 N 38.69 E
Master Sunder Das & From 24 35 28.3 87 50 04.6
679P, (2P
40 Sons, S/o-Lt. Heman Das, Pipaljori
Govt. Land)
11.37 14.08.2009 N To 24 35 E To 87 50
Sindhipara, Pakur renewed 37.5 N 13.4 E
M/s Dayal Stone Product, 24 35 87 50
Part-Sri Harish Kr. & Sri 2P (Govt. 23.48 To 11.03 To
41 Pipaljori 11.70 29.11.2009
Ashok Kr., Sindhipara, Land) 24 35 87 50
37.22 N 16.58 E
Najrul Sk & Others, S/o- 24 35 87 50
Abdur Subhan, 4- 577/P, 578/P, 19.70 N To 34.18 E To
42 Faijuddin Sk., S/o-Hussain Pipaljori 580, 581/P & 2.06
26.07.2011 24 35 87 50
Sk., Vill.-Kadamsar, Ps.- 582 (Raiyati)
Pakur(M), 23.22 N 38.71 E
3 TO
19,22,26,2,33,34P, 24 35 87 50
M/s Suraj Stone Works, 35P,36P,43 TO
50,53,55,60,64 TO From 36.7N To 40.2E To
43 Prop.-Sri Pradip Kr. Pipaljori
06.10.2015 24 35 29.3 87 50 37.7
Bhagat, Bhagatpara, Pakur 85 TO
87,89,90,97,100,10 N E
1,106 AND 109P

M/s Basant Stone Works, 24 35 87 50

Part-Sri Basant Mal & Sri 2P (Govt. 29.91 N To 21.80 E To
44 Pipaljori 11.96 13.08.2014
Dinanath Elani, Land) 24 35 87 50
Sindhipara, Pakur
38.24 N 32.09 E
Awadhesh Kr. Pandey, 24 35 2.37 87 50 2.60
S/o-Lt. Chaturbhuj 581P (Govt.
Pandey, Harindanga
3.00 02.07.2011 N To 24 35 E To 87 50
renewed 4.94 N 10.91 E
Bazar, Pakur
Mahadeo Stone Works, 24 35 87 49
10 years
Prop. Lalan Singh, S/o-Sri 581P (Govt. 04.10 N To 53.87 E To
46 Rajbandh 4.50 From
Baleshwar Singh, Land) 24 35 87 50
Tantipara, Pakur
07.10 07.00 E
24 34 87 50
Dipak Kr. Makhija, S/o-Lt. 764 to 778, 787 From 46.25 N To 23.44 E To
47 Kanhaiyalal Makhija, Rajbandh to 791, 793 2.75 02.09.2011
Sindhipara, Pakur (Raiyati) renewed 24 34 87 50
53.01 N 27.32 E
M/s Master Sunder Das &
Sons, Part.-Sri Sanjay 24 34 52.2 87 50 06.8
581/P (Govt. From
48 Kumar, S/o-Sri Master Rajbandh
24.07.2011 N To 24 34 E To 87 50
Sunder Das, Sindhipara, 54.9 N 15.6 E
Smt. Sunita Ganguly, 24 35 87 50
W/o-Sri Ardhendu 581/P (Govt. From 00.84 N To 04.21 E To
49 Rajbandh 2.75
Ganguly, Baliharpur, Land) 24.07.2011 24 34 87 50
58.65 N 12.12 E
Sri Rajiv Ranjan Pandey, 24 35 1.96 87 50
S/o-Sri Awdhesh Kr. 581/P (Govt. From
Pandey, Harindanga
24.07.2011 N To 24 35 10.57 E To
Bazar, Pakur 4.00 N 87 50

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

15.45 E

724 to 731, 733

M/s Sourav Stone Product, to 736, 737/P, 24 34 87 50
Prop.-Sri Arun Lakhmani, 742/P, 743 to 53.25 N To 16.44 E To
51 S/o-Late Sunder Das Rajbandh 745, 747 4.82
24.07.2011 24 35 1.07 87 50
Lakhmani, Sindhipara, (Raiyati) &
Pakur 581/P (Govt. N 25.69 E
Mahadev Stone Products, 24 35 87 50
Part.-Sri Sanjay Kr. 608P to 615P, From 03.74 N TO 13.05 TO
52 Tebriwal, S/o-Lila Dhar Rajbandh 632 to 645 10.75 20.09.2013
Tebriwal, Harindanga (Raiyati) renewed 24 35 87 50
Bazar, Pakur 13.57 N 22.97 E
24 35 87 50
Purnendu Ch. Pandey, S/o- 586,587,588P,9 From
14.5176 N 12.5280 E
53 Bhupen Chandra Pandey, Rajbandh 61,970 3.00 12.09.2012
Chhoti Rajbari, Pakur (Raiyati) renewed To 24 35 To 87 50
19.5604 N 16.4107 E
M/s Stone India, Prop. Sri 24 36 87 50
Narayan Das Sadhwani, From
Block no.-2,3,4 11.79 N TO 41.78 E To
54 S/o-Ramchandra Ramnagar 4.74 01.07.2011
(Govt. Land) 24 36 87 50
Sadhwani, Sindhipara, renewed
Pakur 17.80 N 46.62 E
M/s C.B.Stone Works,
Part.-Sri Parshuram 924 to 928, 24 36 87 50
Belani, S/o-Lt. Sugnamal Malpahari & 932, 933, 936, 15.71 N To 49.04 E To
Ramnagar 3.75 01.03.2011
Belani & Sri Jitendra Kr. 937 & 17, 18 24 36 87 50
Bellani, S/o-Sri Parsuram (Raiyati)
Bellani, Sindhipara, Pakur
23.64 N 53.07 E
Satya Laghu Udyog,
Prop.-Sri Kishor Kumar 686, 687, 688/P From
56 Sree Rampur 1.28
Khemani, Sindhipara, (Raiyati) 19.02.2010
314, 318, 319,
Ragda Murmu, Vill.- 320, 333, 336, From 24 34 37.6 87 51 12.1
57 Sitapahari, Po+Distt.- Sundarapahari 337, 338, 339, 4.60 09.07.2011 To 24 34 E To 87 51
Pakur 340, 356, 357 renewed 45.2 N 18.3 E
134 ls 137]
212] 220] 213]
M/s New Muskan Stone 214] 231] 232]
Works, Part.-Md. Mohbul 222] 223] 224 87 51
24 34 41.3
Sk., S/o-Almesh Sk, 2- ls 226] 221] From 13.76 E To
Aklima Bibi, W/o-Md.
129] 130] 134]
07.01.2009 N To 24 34
87 51
Mohbul Sk., Sitapahari, 227] 229] 232] 49.69 N
21.36 E
Pakur 299] 217] 218]
219] 315 ,oa
316 (Raiyati)
177] 179] 181
ls 195] 197 ls
211] 233] 24 34 87 51
Azhar Islam, S/o-Ali 235] 237 ls From 44.54 N To 16.85 E To
59 Sundarapahari 7.43
Akbar, Jankinagar, Pakur 251] 253 ls 05.06.2015 24 34 87 51
256] 270] 271]
54.10 N 23.70 E
274 ls 277]
280 ,oa 290

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Mukhlesur Alam, S/o-

388, 390, 24 34 87 51
391/P, 448,
Saber Ali, Vill.- From 34.03 N To 11.55 E To
60 Sundarpahari 449, 456, 458, 1.85
Jankinagar, Po- 30.11.2015 24 34 87 51
459, 460, 461
Prithvinagar, Pakur
& 372/P 36.58 N 19.25 E
M/s Black Diamond Stone
Works, Part.-Mahbul Sk.,
S/o-Amlesh Sk.,
Sitapahari, Pakur, 2. Sri
Ajay Kr. Tebriwal, S/o-
Liladhar Tebriwal, 113/P, 114/P, 24 42 87 44
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur, 115, 116, From 16.16 N To 31.40 E To
1 Belpahari 10.36
3. Sri Radheshyam 117/P, 118/P, 06.10.2017 24 42 87 44
Nangolia, S/o-Late 119/P & 125
23.09 N 48.21 E
Bhimraj Nangolia,
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur,
4. Smt. Chanda Devi, D/o-
Ruchi Narayan Maharaj,
Bank Colony, Pakur
Sri Sanjiv Kr. Ojha, S/o- 24 43 87 44
25/P, 27/P
Lt. Mritunjay Ojha, From 6.13N To 20.69 E To
2 Bhandaro (raiyati), 57/P 9.25
Rajapara, Pakur & Md. 04.06.2010 24 43 87 44
Sahabuddin Sk.
12.58 N 31.89 E
24 42 87 44
239 to 246,
Azhar Islam, S/o-Ali Belpahari & From 28.79 N To 32.08 E To
Jiyajori 248, 249 & 11.77
Akbar, Jankinagar, Pakur 26.02.16 24 42 87 44
43.69 N 41.20 E
7, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24 43 21.6 87 42 44.4
Md. Mukhtar Momin, S/o-
33, 34, 35, 37, From
4 Doulat Momin, Rampur, Barmasia
38, 39, 40, 41,
25.10.2017 N To 24 43 E To 87 42
Pakur 28.9 N 55.1 E
42, 44, 45, 46
& 47 (raiyati),
258/P, 259,
M/s Radha Stone Works,
260, 261/P, 24 44 87 43
Prop.-Sri Ganga Ram 35.21 N To 22.92 E To
265/P, 266, From
5 Ghosh, S/o-Late Gouri Birgawn 5.78
267, 271, 272, 25.10.2017 24 44 87 43
Shankar Ghosh, Rajapara,
273, 274 & 275
42.52 N 28.66 E
Mrs. Nirodha Paharin, 24 41 09.2 87 44 41.0
W/o-Sri Gobind Paharia, 137P, 139P, From
Vill.-Dhovapahari, Po-
157 (Raiyati)
06.04.2008 N To 24 41 E To 87 44
Hiranpur, Pakur 12.2 N 47.9 E
Pritam Jaiswal, S/o-Lt.
Daninath Jaiswal, 24 44
From 87
Vill.+Po-Lakrapahari, Ps.- 228P (Govt. 56.65 N To
Jama, Distt.-Dumka.
4.00 08.09.2011 47 12.34 E
renewed 24 45 3.64
10.02.10 Tr. Form Vijay To 17.66 E
Kr. Ram.
146, 147/P, 24 42 87 44
Nirmal Kr. Tebriwal, S/o-
148/P, 149/P, From
Sri Jitram Tebriwal, Vill.- 42.32 N To 53.83 E To
8 Jiyajori 150/P, 151/P, 6.50 20.09.2011
Marvari Tola, Harindanga 24 42 87 45 3.69
154/P, 155/P renewed
Bazar, Pakur
(Raiyati) 47.07 N E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Cygnet Stone Works,

Prop-Sri Sanjay Kr. 188P,192,195 24 42 44.0 87 44 39.2
Singh, S/o-Lt. Raj /P,196P,
Kishor Pd. Singh, Vill.-
4.00 16.09.2012 N To 24 42 E To 87 44
Renewed 50.6 N 43.9 E
Babhan Gaun, Ps.- (Raiyati)
Sarath, Distt.-Devghar
Daulat Momin, S/o-Late 616/P to 619/P 24 43 09.5 87 45 55.7
10 Yusuf Momin, Vill.- Maharo & 620 to 622 6.65
09.08.2011 N To 24 43 E To 87 45
Rampur, Pakur (Raiyati) 14.8 N 56.6 E
Jaharul Haque, S/o-Sri 24 41 87 46
Rayajuddin Sk., Vill.- 90 to 94 42.85 N To 23.74 E To
11 Mansinghpur 1.85 28.11.2009
Chanki, Po-Prithvinagar, (Raiyati) 24 41 87 46
47.90 N 28.50 E
1235/P 1236 to
M/s Vidharthi Stone 1239, 1242/P, 24 41 87 46
Works, Prop.-Md.Mustak 111/P, 112/P, From 44.10 N To 35.11 E To
12 Mansinghpur 4.20
Sk., Vill.-Ranipur, Po- 115 to (118 03.09.2009 24 41 87 46
Sangrampur, Distt.-Pakur Khash), 478
49.04 N 39.80 E
rest raiyati
M/s Three Star Stone
Works, Part.-Jiyaul Sk., 168, 169, 170, 24 41 35.8 87 46 02.8
S/o-Ali Hussain, Vill.- 178, 179, 180, From
Jankinagar, Pakur & Abu
181, 182, 184
19.09.2017 N To 24 41 E To 87 46
Bakkar Ali, S/o-Abdul & 185 41.4 N 09.2 E
Majir, Madpara, Pakur
M/s Jai Guru Stone
Works, Part.-Jiyaul Sk.,
369, 379, 380, 24 41 23.5 87 46 04.4
S/o-Ali Hussain, Vill.-
382, 383/P, From
14 Jankinagar, Pakur & Sri Mansinghpur
384/P, 387/P,
22.09.2017 N To 24 41 E To 87 46
Pradip Kr. Tebriwal, S/o- 30.2 N 10.0 E
389/P & 390/P
Late Chhaju Tebriwal,
Marwari Tola, Pakur
M/s Noor Stone Works,
Part.-Noor Mohammad
Sk., S/o-Faijudding Sk.,
220, 221, 222, 24 34 87 43
Kistamkadamsar, Pakur, 2. 56.98 N To 46.72 E To
223, 229/P, From
15 Rahul Sk., S/o-Noor Simaldhab 5.71
230/P, 231, 06.10.17 24 35 6.30 87 43
Mohammad Sk., Devtalla,
Pakur, 3. Nureman Sk., N 52.22 E
S/o-Jituruddin Sk.,
Devtalla, Pakur
87 43
Sri Kali Shankar Bhagat, 195, 196, 197, 24 35 1.33
From 37.13 E To
16 S/o-Sri Rajendra Pd. Simaldhab 202/P, 203 & 6.47
25.10.2017 N To 24 35
Bhagat, Torai, Pakur 204 87 43
8.10 N
43.06 E
M/s A. B. Company, Part.- 24 34 87 43
Sri Avinash Ranjan, S/o- 211/P, 212, 213 From 55.25 N To 39.79 E To
17 Simaldhab 3.71
Sri Banarasi Singh, & 214 25.10.2017 24 34 87 43
Annapura Colony, Pakur
56.86 N 46.19 E
M/s Radheshyam Stone
Works, Part.-1- Sri Pankaj 24 43
87 46 1.29
Kr. Tebriwal, 2- Sri Niraj From 16.24 N To
Kr. Tebriwal, S/o-Sri
Sitpahari 930/P (Raiyati) 1.29
29.03.2010 E To 87 46
24 43
Sumer Kr. Tebriwal, 2.61 E
Baganpara, Pakur
21.20 N

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Lutful Haque Alias Lutful

Sk., S/o-Abdul Rajjak, 24 43 87 45
Vill.-Aditynagar, Po- From 15.69 N To 59.07 E To
19 Sitpahari 931/P & 932/P 2.35
Bhasaipaikar, Ps.- 30.11.2015 24 43 87 46 3.48
Samserganj, Distt.-
22.37 N E
703/P, 704,
705, 706/P,
708/P, 712, 24 43 87 45
714/P, 717/P, 18.06 N To 05.04 E To
20 --Do-- Sitpahari 824 to 831, 836 13.49
19.09.2017 24 43 87 45
to 845, 847 to
857, 860, 863 31.24 N 93.01 E
to 898 & 911 to
Laxmi Ganesh Stone
Works, Part.-Sri Ajay Kr. 76 to 83, 101, 24 41 54.3 87 44 9.7
& Krishna Kr., S/o-Sri 133/P, 134/P,
Awadh Bihari Bhagat,
135 &
5.45 06.06.2010 N To 24 42 E To 87 44
renewed 00.1 N 17.5 E
Vill.-Anandpuri Colony, 136(Raiyati)

Paresh Kr. Dutta, Vill.- 24 20 87 45
Rampurhat Vivekanand 451, 469 00.64 N To 23.92 E To
1 Chandpur 3.37 27.12.2010
Road, Po+Ps.-Rampurhat. (Raiyati) 24 20 87 45
04.44 N 30.53 E
Lakhiram Kisku, S/o- 24 20 87 45
Samial Kisku, Vill.- 454,460,461 01.64 N To 31.17 E To
2 Chandpur 1.75 27.05.2014
Maheshgaria, Po- (Raiyati) 24 20 87 45
TO 31.03.20
Khagachua, Distt.-Pakur
10.49 N 37.37 E
Santosh Das, S/o-Late 24 20 87 45
Balram Das, Vill.-Kadasir, Chandpur/ 228/P,230/P, From 18.20 N To 28.26 E To
Sriramgaria 2.00
Po-Harioka, Distt.- 279/P (Raiyati) 13.03.2010 24 20 87 45 31
22.86 N 82 E
Md. Nazimuddin, S/o-Haji
Mohammad Tahiruddin, 147/P, 148/P, From 24 26 43.7 87 42 40.4
4 Vill.+PO.-Kashim Nagar, Dumkadanga 150/P, 151/P 3.20 24.12.2009 N To 24 26 E To 87 42
PS.-Muraroi, Distt.- (Raiyati) renewed 47.1 N 45.1 E
Birbhum (W.B.)
323,324, 24 21 87 43
M/s Hills Stone Works, 326,391, 392,
From 20.83 N To 55.56 E To
5 C/o.- Sri R.K. Tiwari, Kashinathpur 395 23.66
26.12.2008 24 21 87 44
Tanbangla, Pakur (Khash+Raiyati
) 34.92 N 14.35 E
National Stone Works 24 21 87 43
259 to 262 From 43.25 N To 57.18 E To
Prop. Jawahar Lal Singh,
6 Kashinathpur (Raiyati+Khash 7.50 30.08.2012
Vill.+Po+Ps.-Chatra, 24 21 87 44
) Renewed
Distt.-Birbhum (W.B)
53.64 N 02.63 E
24 21 87 43
Sri Atanu Sinha, Vill.- 10 years
38.21 N To 54.61 E To
7 Orpara, Po-Piliadaha, Ps.- Kashinathpur 307 (Khash) 5.40 From
Maheshpur, Distt.- Pakur 20.07.2012 24 21 87 44
43.15 N 10.56 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

M/s R.A.R. Stone Works,

Part.-Sri Rahul Kumar,
S/o-Sri Rajendra Pd.,
Amrapara, Pakur, 2. Sri 10 years 24 28 58.9 87 37 42.6
8 Rabi Kumar, S/o-Sri Ram Khesaldhara 51 2.80 From N To 24 29 E To 87 37
Narayan Pd., Amrapara, 04.12.2017 04.9 N 48.6 E
Pakur, 3. Sri Ashutosh
Kumar, S/o-Late Bhagwan
Pd., Barhabad, Pakur
Data Baba Stone Works,
Part-1. Jamirul Islam, 2. 24 20 87 45
227 to 231,
Amirul Islam. S/o-Lt. From 37.59 N To 07.76 E To
9 Nimchua 233, 242 2.86
Mafijuddin, Vill+Po- 05.10.2009 24 20 87 45
Tejhati, Ps.-Nalhatti,
40.94 N 16.62 E
M/s D.S. Stone Works, 24 22
Prop.-Sri Dina Nath From 87 44 39
325 (Khash 11.40 N To
10 Bhagat, Vill.-Harindanga Sundarpahari
Puratan Patit)
2.55 9.07.2011 00 E To 87
Bazar, Po+Ps.+Distt.- renewed 24 22
44 41.62 E
Pakur 21.44 N
Sahabuddin Sheikh, S/o-
Md. Bajir Sk., Vill.-
Damdama, Po-Birkitti,
Ps.-Maheshpur, Dist.- 24 22
Pakur, 2- Md. Akhiruddin, From 87 44 41.9
05.00 N To
11 S/o-Tahiruddin, Sundarpahari 346 (Khash) 6.65 03.06.2010 E To 87 44
Kashimnagar, 3- renewed 24 22 08.8
44.6 E
Rahabuddin Sk, S/o-Lt. N
Tujir Mandal, Vill.+Po-
Kanakpur, Ps.-Muraroi,

M/s Grands Mining, Part.-
Sri Narendra Singh, S/o-
Shivdutt Singh, Qa.-3030,
Sector 4/C, Bokaro Steel
City, 2. Sri Bhupendra
Singh, S/o-Sri Ramjanam From 24 16 28 N, 87 38 11 E
1 Golpur 637 (Khash) 8.33
Singh, Bhagwati Colony, 14.05.2010
Jodhadih, Chas, Bokaro, 3.
Sri Basant Soren, S/o-Sri
Sibu Soren, Qa.No.-3030,
Sector 5/A, Bokaro Steel
637/P (Govt.
2 --Do-- Golpur Land- Paranat 6.20
*Note : Proponent has clubbed these two mines mentioned above (Area 8.33 Acre and 6.20 Acre) and
applied for enhanced production and the revised mine plan (Area 14.53 Acre) has already been
approved and revised E.C. is in process.
24 15 87 39
From 49.72 N To 14.08 E To
3 --Do-- Golpur 693 23.00
06.10.2015 24 15 87 39
58.27 N 24.31 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

24 16 87 38
From 38.42 N To 07.59 E To
4 --Do-- Golpur 298 31.33
06.10.2015 24 16 87 38
59.34 N 35.33 E
24 15 47.1 87 38 42
5 --Do-- Golpur 35.66
06.10.2015 N To 24 16 .4 E To 87
566 07.4 N 39 04.0 E
Sokol Murmu, S/o-Jitu 24 16 87 39
Murmu, Vill.-Pitalgaria, 6798 (Self From 43.22 N To 0.92 E To
6 Khaksa 1.56
Po+Ps-Pakuria, Distt.- Land) 17.10.2009 24 16 87 39 3.10
46.60 N E
M/s Maa Gaytri Mines &
Minerals, Prop.-Sri Rakesh 24 17 87 38
Bhaskar, S/o-Sri Birendra From 05.56 N To 34.85 E To
7 Khaksa 6558 (khash) 5.87
Nath Singh, M.I.G./D-110, 07.01.2012 24 87 38
Harmu Housing Colony,
17 13.85 N 43.01 E
M/s Maa Gaytri Mines &
Minerals, Prop.-Sri Rakesh
Bhaskar, S/o-Sri Birendra From
8 Khaksa 6674 (khash) 3.89
Nath Singh, M.I.G./D-110, 07.01.2012
Harmu Housing Colony,
M/s Maa Gaytri Mines &
Minerals, Prop.-Sri Rakesh 24 17 87 38
Bhaskar, S/o-Sri Birendra From 08.64 N To 25.26 E To
9 Khaksa 6552 (khash) 5.94
Nath Singh, M.I.G./D-110, 07.01.2012 24 17 87 38
Harmu Housing Colony,
12.86 N 35.25 E

M/S Jharkhand Minor 1043/P, 1044, 24 43 87 42
Mineral Works, Prop.-Md. 1045, 1046/P,
From 42.20 N To 49.76 E To
1 Tipu Ansari, S/o-Haji Hathigar 1054, 1055, 5.86
07.11.2017 24 43 87 42
Tanvir Alam, Harindanga 1056, 1057 &
Bazar, Pakur 1058 51.81 N 57.15 E
Sri. Ajay Kr. Bhagat, S/o- 24 32 87 33
Sri Tulsi Pd. Bhagat, Vill- 36.90 N To 22.20 E To
Dumarchir, Ps.+Po.- 24 32 87 33
Amrapara, Distt.-Pakur
Udalboni 768/P (Khash) 1.80 04.10.2007 40.66 N 25.79 E
Sri. Ajay Kr. Bhagat, S/o- 24 32 87 33
Sri Tulsi Pd. Bhagat, Vill- 32.57 N To 20.00 E To
Dumarchir, Ps.+Po.- 24 32 87 33
Amrapara, Distt.-Pakur
Udalboni 768/P (Khash) 3.20 16.08.2008 36.98 N 25.43 E
Sri Sanjeev Kr., S/o-Sri
Ram Nath Bhagat, Khando
(Amirjola) 316 (Raiyati) 5.83
Vill.+Po-Amrapara, Distt.- From
Pakur 20.02.2009

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Raja Stone Works, Prop- 24 32 87 32

Sri Sanjay Pd. Bhagat,
From 39.91 N To 25.36 E To
4 S/o-Sri Tulsi Pd. Bhagat, Dhabadangal 7 (Khash) 11.57
06.03.2010 24 32 87 32
Vill.-Dumarchir, Po-
Amrapara, Pakur 52.58 N 35.17 E

 Total number of operative stone mines as on January 2018 is 106.

 Shaded portion represents the leases going to end by 2020.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

3.2 List of Stone Mines Non-operative in the district -

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Period (10
Sl.No Lease-Holder Village Plot No. in
Long Min-
Acres. Lat Min-Max
Dipak Kr. Makhija, S/o-Lt. 24 34 51.37 N 87 51 4.62 E
1 Kanhaiyalal Makhija, Basmata 288 (Raiyati) 2.10
09.09.2009 To 24 34 54.76 To 87 51 9.38
Sindhipara, Pakur N E
Soura Construction Pvt.Ltd., 24 36 39.70 N 87 49 1.25 E
Prop-Sri S.K. Dutta, S/o-Lt. 719, 720
Sourjeet Dutta, Vill.-
2.00 06.07.2011 To 24 36 43.64 To 87 49 4.92
renewed N E
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
Soura Construction Pvt.Ltd., 24 36 42.92 N 87 49 1.98 E
674 to 676,
Prop-Sri S.K. Dutta, S/o-Lt. From
Sourjeet Dutta, Vill.-
Bishanpur 721,722, 724 3.21
01.04.2010 To 24 36 48.94 To 87 49 6.63
(Raiyati), N E
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
574/P, 575/P]
702P, 709,
Bhakat Ram Mandhyan, 710P, 700, 586 From 24 36 34.50 N 87 48 48.20 E
4 Part.-Sri Piyush Mandhyan, Bishanpur to 591, 593, 10.50 18.04.2011 To 24 36 45.35 To 87 49 2.13
Vill-Sindhipara, Pakur 597, 599 to renewed N E
606, 614, 714P
and 715P
M/s Madhucon Projects
Ltd., P.M.-Sri D.M. Pillai, 24 36 43.64 N 87 48 42.27 E
S/o-Sri Ram Chandran, 608 (Govt. From
Madhucon House, Road
07.06.2011 To 24 36 52.98 To 87 48
No.-36, Hi-tach city, P.S.- N 48.78 E
Jubly Hill, Hydrabad.
Jai Maa Tara Stone Works, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 87 49 20.4 E
Prop-Sri Rakesh Kr. Verma, 94, 95, 90 to From 24 39 07 N To
S/o-Lt. Rajdev Narayan
97, 105
10.04.2010 To 87 49 25.5
24 39 12.5 N
Verma, Kalpara, Pakur (Raiyati) E
From 24 40 14.77 N 87 50 9.49 E
H.G.Stone Works, Prop-Sri 253, 254, 255
Anup Kr., Sindhipara, Pakur
4.55 24.12.2010 To 24 40 20.98 To 87 50
renewed N 13.61 E
H.I.M.C, Prop-Sri Anup Kr. From
8 Lakhmani, S/o-Lt. Jogigaria 252 (Raiyati) 2.75 27.12.2009
Hirdumal, Pakur renewed
Bablu Pd. Bhagat, S/o-Sri 24 33 32.23 N 87 49 48.40 E
262,270, 273, From
Parshuram Bhagat, Vill.+Po-
Rajgram, Distt.-
Kanhupur 276, 277 7.50 01.10.2011 To 24 33 38.64 To 87 49
(Raiyati) renewed N 57.62 E
Ali Murtja Khan, S/o-Md. 168/P, 169/P,
Iliyash Khan, Vill.+Po- 170/P, 171/P, From
10 Kanhupur 3.71
Rajgram, Distt.- 172/P, 173 19.08.2010
Birbhum(W.B) (Raiyati)
Bidhanchandra Trigunayat, 24 40 24.80 N 87 48 19.75 E
S/o- Sri Vikash Chandra 593 to 598
Trigunayat, Vill.-Chhoti
1.75 20.07.2011 To 24 40 26.72 To 87 48
renewed N 26.57 E
Rajbari, Pakur
Pancharatna Bhagat, S/o-Lt. 572,573,587,58 24 40 26.40 N 87 48 17.42 E
Shambhu Nath Bhagat, 8,590,
3.50 09.07.2011 To 24 40 31.03 To 87 48
renewed N 23.48 E
Distt.-Pakur (Raiyati)

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Shib Ratan Sarkar, S/o-Sri 943/P, 944/P, 24 40 21.67 N 87 48 42.39 E

13 Samar Sarkar, Vill.- Kashila 945/P, 946/P 1.06
18.08.2010 To 24 40 25.81 To 87 48
Mahuadanga, Pakur (Raiyati) N 44.73 E
Rakesh Kumar, L.H. of From
14 Meem Devi W/o Lt. Khaprajola 242 P (G.M.) 0.33 16.09.2010
G.Das, Sindhipara, Pakur renewed
Rakesh Kumar, L.H. of From
15 Meem Devi W/o Lt. Khaprajola 525 (G.M.) 1.32 16.09.2010
G.Das, Sindhipara, Pakur renewed
Jai Bharat Const. & Co., 343] 344] 338] From 24 35 36.91 N 87 50 5.83 E
339] 345] 346]
16 Part.Sri Durga Das, S/o-Lt. Khaprajola
839 ¼jS;rh½ ,oa 8.37 02.02.2011 To 24 35 48.30 To 87 50
Otan Das, Sindhipara, Pakur 380@ih0 ¼ljdkjh½ renewed N 11.84 E
Otan Das & Co. (Mining) 24 35 40.00 N 87 50 17.6 E
381 to 395, From
Pvt. Ltd. Director.-Sri
Naresh Mandhyan,
Khaprajola 402, 492 2.75 15.10.2011 To 24 35 42.9 To 87 50 25.4
Raiyati renewed N E
Sindhipara, Pakur
Manvish Singh, S/o-Sri 51/P, 52 to 54,
18 Satnam Singh, Vill.- Lakhipahari 84, 87 & 88 3.00
Gurudwara Road, Pakur (Raiyati)
Nasir Miyan, C/o-Naymul
Miyan, Vill.- 109/P, 110/P, 24 40 16.10 N 87 47 56.30 E
19 Ramchandrapur, Po- Lakhipahari 111/P, 112/P 1.73
07.04.2010 To 24 40 19.30 To 87 47
Narottampur, Ps-Muffasil, (Raiyati) N 59.89 E
Block No. 35 From 24 36 16.84 N 87 50 40.91 E
M/s Hasanand, S/o-Lt. Jial
Das, Sindhipara, Pakur
Malpahari (P.No-1010) 4.00 10.06.2011 To 24 36 21.73 To 87 50
(Govt. Land) renewed N 49.73 E
M/s N.D. Enterprise, Prop- Block No. 24 36 10.05 N 87 50 27.86 E
Sri Narayan Das Sadhwani, 38A, 38C
S/o-Ramchand Sadhwani,
4.00 13.04.2011 To 24 36 17.14 To 87 50
renewed N 34.66 E
Sindhipara, Pakur (Govt. Land)
M/s Stone India, Prop-Sri
Block no.-43 From
Narayan Das Sadhwani, S/o-
22 Malpahari (P.No-1010) 2.20 16.09.2011
Ramchand Sadhwani,
(Govt. Land) renewed
Sindhipara, Pakur
M/s Jial Das & Co., Part.-Sri
Sumit Sadhwani & Sri 1010 P (Govt. From
23 Karan Sadhwani, S/o-Late Malpahari Land- Anabadi 2.95 09.01.2011
Subhash Kr., Sindhipara, Pahar) renewed
M/s S.K. Dutta & Co.,
Block No.5P From
Prop.-Sri Sourajeet Dutta,
24 Malpahari (P.No.-226) 3.82 15.06.2011
S/o-Lt. Santosh Kr. Dutta,
(Govt. Land) renewed
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
P.C. Ganguly, Part.-1- Sri
Tarak Nath Ganguly, S/o-Lt.
Block No.38B,
Behari Lal Ganguly, 2-Sri From
39A, 39B
25 Parth Sarath Ganguli & 3- Malpahari 3.65 19.09.2011
Sri Sidharth Ganguli, Both renewed
(Govt. Land)
S/o-Late Tarak Nath
Ganguli, Sindhipara, Pakur
Block No.4P From
26 --Do-- Malpahari (P.No.-226) 6.61 19.09.2011
(Govt. Land) renewed
Block No. 37 From
27 --Do-- Malpahari (P.No-1010) 3.37 19.09.2011
(Govt. Land) renewed

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

1010 (block From

28 --Do-- Malpahari no.-4P) (Govt. 1.66 01.04.2011
Land) renewed
Mr. Sujay Ganguli, S/o-Lt. Block No.7B From
29 Krishna Chand Ganguly, Malpahari (P.No.-226) 3.61 24.05.2010
Sindhipara, Pakur (Govt. Land) renewed
Mr. Sujay Ganguli, S/o-Lt. Block No. 5P From
30 Krishna Chand Ganguly, Malpahari (P.No.-226) 2.50 20.08.2010
Sindhipara, Pakur (Govt. Land) renewed
Resful Sheikh, S/o-Lt. Fajlu From
31 Sk., Vill.+Po-Sitapahari, Malpahari 2.30 07.06.2009
8, 1253, 1254
Pakur renewed
Bansi Stone Works, Part.- 24 36 19.8 N 87 50 37.6 E
34A, B (P.No- From
Bansi Lal Katta, S/o-Lt.
Sugan Chandra Katta,
Malpahari 1010) (Govt. 5.00 10.07.2011 To 24 36 26.3 To 87 50 45.2
Land) renewed N E
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
Hindustan Granite Stone
13A (P.No.- From
Works, Part.-Sri Anup Kr.,
33 Malpahari 226) (Govt. 1.75 10.08.2011
S/o-Lt. Hirdumal,
Land) renewed
Sindhipara, Pakur
Bhattacharya & Co., Part.- Block no.-10
Sri Somnath Pathak, S/o- Part under
34 Malpahari 1.40 04.10.2011
P.K. Pathak, Tinbangla, 226/P (Govt.
Pakur Land)
Block no.-10
Bhatacharya & Co., Part.-Sri From
Part under
35 Somnath Pathak, S/o-P.K. Malpahari 3.36 18.08.2009
226/P (Govt.
Pathak, Tinbangla, Pakur renewed
H.G. Stone Works, Part.-Sri 13B (P.No.- From
36 Anup Kr., S/o-Lt. Hirdumal, Malpahari 226) (Govt. 5.33 12.08.2011
Sindhipara, Pakur Land) renewed
H.G. Stone Works, Part.-Sri 26A (P.No.- From
37 Anup Kr., S/o-Lt. Hirdumal, Malpahari 226) (Govt. 1.90 13.05.2010
Sindhipara, Pakur Land) renewed
M/s Anand Stone Works,
226 Part (25B) From
38 Prop-Swami Styanand, S/o- Malpahari 1.85
(Govt. Land) 28.08.2008
Lt. Mahatma Darshnanand
Blcok no.-
M/s Madhucon Projects 42B/P, 49/P, &
Ltd., G.M.-Sri Nama 42A/P, 24 36 15.78 N 87 49 35.72 E
39 Ramesh, Madhucon House, Malpahari 40/47A/P 14.66
18.03.2011 To 24 36 33.00 To 87 49
Road No.-36, Hi-tach city, Under Plot no.- N 49.13 E
P.S.-Jubly Hill, Hydrabad. 226/P (Govt.
M/s Madhucon Projects
Ltd., P.M.-Sri D.M. Pillai,
S/o-Sri Ram Chandran, 226/P (Govt. From
40 Malpahari 4.00
Madhucon House, Road Land) 25.03.2011
No.-36, Hi-tach city, P.S.-
Jubly Hill, Hydrabad.
Sri Tarkeshwar Pd. Bhagat, 24 39 07.3 N 87 47 20.5 E
41 S/o-Sri Ramjee Pd. Bhagat, Manglapara 2568 (Raiyati) 9.30
17.04.2010 To 24 39 08.1 TO 87 47
Bhagatpara, Pakur N 23.7 E
Chabaria Engg. Works, Sri 24 35 16.50 N 87 51 14.70 E
Sudhir Kr. Madnani, S/o- 593 to 597
Late Tulsi Das, Sindhipara,
(Govt. Land)
6.10 19.05.2011 To 24 35 21. To 87 51
renewed 30 N 21.50 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Jitesh Stone Works, Prop-Sri 24 35 22.74 N 87 50 24.24 E

Sanjay Makhija, S/o-Lt. 2P (Govt.
Hasmat Roy, Vill.-
4.60 10.08.2011 To 24 35 27.14 To 87 50
renewed N 30.57 E
Sindhipara, Pakur
M/s Das Enterprises, Par.- 24 35 23.18 N 87 50 15.48 E
Sri Gurmukh Das, S/o-Lt. 2P (Govt.
Heman Das, Sindhipara,
11.36 29.11.2009 To 24 35 To 87 50
renewed 35.36. N 28.58 E
161, 162, 171 24 35 25.1 N 87 50 43.4 E
Smt. Arti Mandhyan, W/o- From
to 173, 175,
45 Late Jaikishan, Sindhipara, Pipaljori
184 to 186
7.94 19.02.2011 To 24 35 33.5 To 87 50 51.4
Pakur renewed N E
Shyam Mandhyan, S/o-Lt. From 24 35 23.61 N 87 50 50.43 E
239, 241
46 Bhamamal, Sindhipara, Pipaljori
1.50 02.01.2010 To 24 35 28.30 To 87 50
Pakur renewed N 54.04 E
Dewendra Kr. Chandani, 24 35 12.11 N 87 50 51.41 E
S/o-Sri Tirath Das Chandani, 263, 269, 272, From
Sindhipara, Pakur Tr. From -
273 (Raiyati)
02.04.2008 To 24 35 21.69 To 87 50
Shiv Shakti Stone Works N 57.05 E
Radga Murmu, S/o-Mishir 24 35 28.71 N 87 50 22.06 E
2/P (Govt. From
48 Murmu, Vill.-Pipaljori, Po- Pipaljori
20.02.2009 To 24 35 32.82 To 87 50
Changadanga, Pakur N 29.52 E
Ragda Murmu, S/o-Mishir 223P, 224, From 24 35 21.39 N 87 51 4.18 E
49 Murmu, Vill.-Pipaljori, Po- Pipaljori 282, 283, 284, 2.91 16.07.10 To 24 35 27.63 To 87 51 9.35
Changadanga, Pakur 285 (Raiyati) renewed N E
M/s Pakur Black Stone,
Prop-Sri Dilip Kumar, S/o- 515/P, 526/P, 24 35 1.76 N 87 50 46.51 E
50 Sri Triveni Singh, Vill.- Pipaljori 680, 689 7.16
13.08.2009 To 24 35 15.12 To 87 51 2.35
Deonar Chowk, Po- (Raiyati) N E
M/s Mandhan Mineral 23 35 7.66 N 87 49 52.14 E
Corporation, Part-Sri Inder 581P (Govt.
Kumar & Anil Kr.,
37.25 30.06.2010 To 23 35 24.01 To 87 50 9.21
renewed N E
Sindhipara, Pakur
M/s Mandhan Mineral
Corporation, Rajbandh 24 35 04.05 N 87 49 52.67 E
581P (Govt. From
52 Stone Deposit, Shiladitya Rajbandh
14.12.2015 To 24 35 07.96 To 87 50
Mukherjee N 07.87
N.D. Enterprises, Prop-Sri 24 35 7.82 N 87 50 21.45 E
Narayan Das Sadhwani, S/o- 647, 648, 649
Sri Ramchandra Sadhwani,
0.85 16.07.2011 To 24 35 10.89 To 87 50
renewed N 24.32 E
Sindhipara, Pakur
Bhattacharyjee & Co., Part.- 590 to 599, 604 From 24 35 10.82 N 87 50 13.40 E
54 Sri Somnath Pathak, S/o- Rajbandh to 607 4.03 12.06.2011 To 24 35 17.94 To 87 50
Perdhumen Pathak, Pakur (Raiyati) renewed N 18.73 E
Abdul Basir, S/o-Late 24 34 46 .17 N 87 50 27.85 E
758/P, 759/ & From
55 Dhurmuj Sk, Vill+Po- Rajbandh
761/P (Raiyati)
24.07.2011 To 24 34 48.28 To 87 50
Sitapahari, Pakur N 29.94 E
Sri Sumit Lakhmani, S/o-Sri
Mewal Das, Sindhipara, 87 50 12.40
719 to 723 From 24 34 57.39 To
56 Pakur, Parmanent Add.- Rajbandh
26.07.2011 To 87 50
26/94 S.N.Rai Road, 24 35 1.02 N
17.61 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Rajiv Chandra Pandey, S/o- 24 35 16.95 N 87 49 49.82 E

Sri Bhupendra Ch. Pandey, 581/P (Govt. From
Sai Alay, Chhoti Rajbari,
07.08.2011 To 24 35 27.56 To 87 49
Pakur N 59.86 E
Refulgent Stone Works,
Prop-Sri Prem Chand From
581P (Govt.
58 Gangwani, S/o-Gokhul Das Rajbandh 4.50 17.07.2011
Gangwani, Sindhipara, renewed
M/s Stone India, Prop. Sri 24 36 15.66 N 87 50 46.26 E
Narayan Das Sadhwani, S/o- 1A (Govt.
Ramchandra Sadhwani,
0.83 01.02.2011 To 24 36 18.24 To 87 50
renewed N 48.49 E
Sindhipara, Pakur
M/s Stone India, Prop. Sri 24 36 11.57 N 87 50 45.73 E
Narayan Das Sadhwani, S/o- 2,3, & 4 (Govt.
Ramchandra Sadhwani,
1.80 06.10.2010 To 24 36 15.35 To 87 50
renewed N 49.30 E
Sindhipara, Pakur
Parshuram Belani, S/o-Lt. From
16 (Govt.
61 Sugnamal Belani, Ramnagar 1.75 01.08.2011
Sindhipara, Pakur renewed
Hitesh Kr. Sadhwani, S/o-Lt. 5/P, 6, 7 /A, From 24 36 8.45 N 87 50 41.78 E
62 Mahesh Kr. Sadhwani, Ramnagar 7/B, 8/A, 8/B 6.26 20.08.2010 To 24 36 14.69 To 87 50
Sindhipara, Pakur (Govt. Land) renewed N 46.62 E
Hitesh Kr. Sadhwani, S/o-Lt. From
207 (Govt.
63 Mahesh Kr. Sadhwani, Ramnagar 1.42 30.08.2011
Sindhipara, Pakur renewed
1 (under block
Hitesh Kr. Sadhwani, S/o-Lt. no.- From
64 Mahesh Kr. Sadhwani, Ramnagar 9,10,11,12A,12 8.25 31.03.2011
Sindhipara, Pakur B,13A,13B) renewed
(Govt. Land)
Amirul Sheikh, S/o-Fouju 276, 277, 278, 87 51 12.74
From 24 36 6.17 To
65 Sk, Vill.-Deotalla, Po- Ramnagar 279, 280 1.22
27.12.2009 To 87 51
Jhikarhatti, Pakur (Raiyati) 24 36 8.03 N
Prem Soren, S/o-Narayan 170, 245, 246,
66 Soren, Vill.-Ramnagar, Ramnagar 251, 253, 254, 3.37
Distt.-Pakur 256 (Raiyati)
Sri Rohit Rajdev & Sri 24 36 9.85 N 87 51 19.98 E
Mohit Rajdev, S/o-Late Ramnagar/
Bhagwan Das Rajdev, Vahirgram 1033 (Raiyati) 1.08 12.06.2011 To 24 36 11.60 To 87 51
renewed N 22.57 E
Tantipara, Pakur
Baba Tilkamanjhi S/W, Part. 171, 173, 178,
Som Hembram, S/o-Jolha 179, 180, 242, From
68 Ramnagar 5.01
Hembram, Vill.-Ramnagar, 243, 244, 311 02.01.2010
Pakur (Raiyati)
Md. Ajhar Islam & Md 48/P, 149, 150,
Sundarapah From
69 Jahirul Islam, Jankinagar, ari 152/P, 153 and 2.41
Pakur 196 (Raiyati)
M/s Morden Minerals
Sindicate, Part. Hasibul
Rahman, S/o-Abdul Gaffar 112, 341, 342,
Sundarpaha From
70 Sk. & Rafikul Ahmad, S/o- ri 343, 344, 345, 4.30
Late Md. Amin, Vill.+Po- 347 (Raiyati)
Changadanga, PS-Paku(M),

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

M/s. Krishna Stone Works, From 24 42 0.89 N 87 44 21.50 E

218, 219
1 Prop.-Rupa Pandey, S/o-Sri Belpahari
5.50 15.02.2011 To 24 42 5.81 To 87 44
Rupnarayan Pandey, Pakur renewed N 30.00 E
M/s Rodic Mining & Dev.
Pvt. Ltd. Dir.-Sri Raj
Kumar, S/o-Sri Narayan
142 (Govt. From
2 Kumar, Kumar Nivas, Road Belpahari 6.08
Land) 24.04.2012
No.-1 (Extention),
Rajbanshi, Patna. Tr. From
Sri Ranvir Singh, Patna
Rajpath Const.& Eng.
Works, Dir.-Sri Jagarnath 162,163,166,16
Chatterjee, S/o-Sri Adya Dhowapaha 7. 169, 170 to
ri 10.00 07.07.2011
Nath Chatterjee, Tantipara, 175, 160/P
Pakur Tr. From-Dani Nath (Raiyati)
Stone Works Tr.M/s.
Rajpath Const.& Eng.
Works, Dir.-Sri Jagarnath
Chatterjee, S/o-Sri Adya Dhowapaha 66,67,161, 168
ri 14.73 27.06.2010
Nath Chatterjee, Tantipara, (Raiyati)
Pakur Tr. From-Dani Nath
Stone Works Tr.M/s.
Shyam Sunder Bhagat, S/o- From
5 Sri Ganesh Pd. Bhagat, ri 57 (Raiyati) 4.00 08.09.2011
Bhagatpara, Pakur renewed
Jaiprakash Bhagat, S/o-Sri 24 41 11.5 N 87 44 37.4 E
Gouri Shankar Bhagat, Vill.- Dhowapaha 58, 59, 69, 199
Ramnathpur, Po-Devpur, ri (Raiyati)
5.40 09.07.2011 To 24 41 19.0 To 87 44 38.8
renewed N E
Jayant Kr. Tarjan, S/o-Sri 24 45 3.84 N 87 47 9.00 E
Bhagwati Pd. Saha, 260/P, 261, From
262 (Raiyati)
27.01.2010 To 24 45 8.39 To 87 47
Distt.- Sahebganj N 14.24 E
258/P, 260/P, 24 44 59.69 N 87 47 5.98 E
Loknath Pd. Bhagat, S/o-Sri
264, 265 & 274 From
8 Ramji Pd. Bhagat, Vill.- Fatehpur
to 280/P
01.01.2010 To 24 45 9.29 To 87 47
Bhagatpara, Pakur N 12.81 E
Hindustan Construction Co.
Ltd., Sri P.K. Bishnu, 9 228/P (Govt. From
9 Fatehpur 13.88
Saiyad Amir Ali Avenue, Land) 08.07.2010
Ps.-Beniapukur, Kolkata-14
Hindustan Construction Co. 24 45 17.64 N 87 47 0.79 E
Ltd., Sri P.K. Bishnu, 9 228/P (Govt. From
Saiyad Amir Ali Avenue,
08.07.2010 To 24 45 22.26 To 87 47 4.69
Ps.-Beniapukur, Kolkata-14 N E
Bimal Kr. Kedia, S/o-Late
Baijnath Kedia, Sagarmal
Kedia Path, Kalpara & Sri 90 (Rayati) & From
11 Ganeshpur 1.95
Krishna Nandan Kumar, 82/P (Khash) 01.08.2011
S/o-Sri Prakash Kumar,
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
Bimal Kr. Kedia, S/o-Late
Baijnath Kedia, Sagarmal
92, 93, 94, 95,
Kedia Path, Kalpara & Sri From
12 Ganeshpur 96, 99 & 100 8.04
Krishna Nandan Kumar, 01.08.2011
S/o-Sri Prakash Kumar,
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
M/s M.K. Stone Works, Mansinghp 1019 to 1027 From
Part.- Azfarul Sk., S/o-Ali ur (Raiyati)
22.09.2009 24 41 15.88 N 87 47 21.04 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Hussain, 2- Anjarul Sk, S/o- To 24 41 21.02 To 87 47

Lt. Samu Sk, Both of Add.-
N 27.00 E
Chandrapara, Pakur
Harish Kr. Godwani, S/o-Lt.
152, 153, 156,
Mulchand Godwani, 24 41 34.51 N 87 46 4.44 E
157, 160 to
Sindhipara, Pakur & Naju Mansinghp From
Sk., S/o-Lt. Meraj Sk., Vill.- ur 167 (163, 167 2.98
15.10.2009 To 24 41 39.00 To 87 46
khash) rest N 10.43 E
Kumarpur, Po-Sangrampur,
78, 79, 81, 82,
83, 84, 85, 86, 24 41 48.59 N 87 46 20.49 E
Sri Debu Biswas, S/o-Lt.
Mansinghp 87, 88, 89, 93 From
15 Josheph Biswas, Vill.+Po- ur & 450 (93
17.04.2010 To 24 41 49.93 To 87 46
Sagrampur, Pakur N 35.71 E
khash) rest
M/s Harijan Adiwashi Suyar
Mansinghp From
16 Palan Sahyog Ltd, Pakur, ur 32 (Raiyati) 1.62
Matri Sri Sandip Kr. Bharti
M/s Shiv S/W, Bivash
56/P, 61/P, From
Mishra, S/o-Lt. Naresh Murgadang
a 62/P, 72/P 2.00 13.08.2011
Chandra Mishra,
(Raiyati) renewed
Bhagatpara, Pakur
Shibu Saha, S/o-Sri Sakhi
Murgadang 159, 160 From
18 Chandra Saha, Vill.-Tarapur, a 1.09
(Raiyati) 20.02.2010
Po-Hiranpur, Pakur
Chandan Kr. Singh, S/o-Sri
Sabarjit Singh & Manoj Kr.
225 to 231 From
19 Saha, S/o-Sri Sudhir Saha, Ranikola 5.34
(Raiyati) 26.07.11
Both of Add.-Devpur,
Hiranpur, Pakur
M/s Brothers Enterprises,
Part.- Asraful Sk.Najrul
304/P, 305/P,
Islam, Both S/o-Md. Abul Shiwlidang From
a 80/P, 81 4.62
Kasem, Vill-Mahtabpur, Po- 09.10.2009
Kasimnagar, Ps.-Suti, Distt-
Mr. Pankaj Kr. Tebriwal, From
927/P to 929/P
21 S/o-Sri Sumer Kr. Tebriwal, Sitpahari 1.90 09.07.2011
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur renewed
Sri Bishu Singh, S/o-Lt. Sri From
658/P to 661/P
22 Nitai Singh, Vill.-Railway Sitpahari 2.50 20.10.2011
Colony, Pakur, renewed
668/P, 669/P,
Sri Ram Sevak Yadav, 670, 671, 675, From 24 43 20.66 E 87 45 55.66 E
23 Kirthipara, Pakur, Tr. From - Sitpahari 676/P, 677/P, 4.10 20.10.2011 To 24 43 31.10 To 87 46 0.97
Somnath Ghosh, 678, 679/P renewed N E
M/s Mishra Stone Works 672, 673, 374,
Prop. Bibhash Mishra, S/o- 918, 919, 920, From
24 Sitpahari 4.90
Sri Naresh Chandra Mishra, 923, 917/P 19.10.2009
Vill.-Bhagatpara, Pakur (Raiyati)
Maa Tara Stone Works, Part.
Sri Ajoy Kumar & Krishna From 24 42 2.40 N 87 44 17.02 E
63/P to 65/P
25 Kr., S/o-Sri Awadh Bihari Suraidih
2.80 07.06.2010 To 24 42 6.02 To 87 45
Bhagat, Vill.-Anandpuri renewed N 23.10 E
Colony, Pakur
Rajeshwari Stone Works,
69/P, 70/P,
Prop-Sri Mantosh Kr. From
26 Suraidih 71/P, 72 to 75 4.81
Bhagat, S/o-Sri Dilip Kr. 02.06.2010
Bhagat, Vill.-Kurapara,

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


Somnath Saha, S/o-Sri 43/P, 44/P,

27 Kashinath Saha, Vill.- Shaharpur 45/P, 46/P, 1.80
Baliharpur, Pakur 47/P (Raiyati)
Sri Ram Pd. Yadav, S/o-Sri
Mohan Yadav, Vill.-Palania,
Po-Jambad, Distt.-Pakur, 2-
48 to 85 From
28 Sri Arun Kr. Bhagat, S/o- Shaharpur 2.58
(Raiyati) 01.08.2011
Sri Tapas Kr. Bhagat, Vill.-
Ratanpur, Ps-Barharwa,
Hazrat Annas Stone Works,
Part.-Mupti Nurul Hoda, 383,384,326,
Ambaipaha From
1 S/o-Sri Daud Hasan, Vill- ri 381, 370, 399. 3.94
Gangdda, Po-Raddipur, Ps.- (Raiyati)
Maheshpur, Distt.-Pakur
S.B.D. Stone Works, Part.-
Sri Dinesh Kr.S/o-Lt. Durga 2/P, 3/P, 4/P 5
Ambaipaha From
2 Das, 13C, Jatin Bagchi ri to 22, 51 & 52 14.40
Road, Kol-700029 & (Raiyati)
Ramesh Kr. Bhawnani,
Data Baba Stone Works,
Part.-Mahboob Alam, S/o-
328, 329, 330
Jeniyash Sk., 2-Abul Basar, Ambaipaha From
ri & 333 3.22
S/o-Lt. Jalaluddin Sk., Both 07.04.10
Vill.+Po-Damdama, Ps-
Maheshpur, Pakur
Abdul Samad, S/o-Late
50, 52, 53, 55,
Abdul Gani, Vill.-Barsoi,
56, 57, 58, 180,
Po-Sultanpur & Hayad Ali,
187, 188, 189, From
4 S/o-Musamal Haque, Arjundaha 5.80
190, 191, 192 11.08.2010
Vill.+Po-Harioka, Both are
& 193
Ps.-Nalhatti, Distt.-
Tara Stone Works, Prop.-Sri
Master Sunder Das, S/o-Lt
5 Bagmura 47P (Raiyati) 1.00 24.04.2009
Hemant Das, Vill.+Po+Ps-
Sindhipara, Distt.-Pakur
Tara Stone Works, Prop.-Sri From
47P, 48P
6 Tara Chand, Vill.+Po+Ps- Bagmura 2.05 18.02.2010
Sindhipara, Distt.-Pakur renewed
Tara Stone Works, Prop.-Sri From 87 46 7.34 E
54,57,59 24 19 28.67 N
7 Tara Chand, Vill.+Po+Ps- Bagmura
11.30 20.06.2009 To 87 45
Sindhipara, Distt.-Pakur renewed To 24 19 43.02
59.09 E
Tara Stone Works, Prop.-Sri From 24 19 35.68 N 87 46 1.65 E
32 to 34 & 36
8 Tara Chand, Vill.+Po+Ps- Bagmura
10.44 18.09.2010 To 24 19 47.78 To 87 45
Sindhipara, Distt.-Pakur renewed N 58.80 E
M/s Bimaldeep Minerals
Pvt. Ltd. Director-Sri Anish
Kr. Murarka, 4th floor, From
9 Baliapatra 6/P (Khash) 11.13
Daygonal Raod, Bistupur, 11.08.2010
Jamshedpur, Distt.-East
Singhbhum (Jhar.)

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

M/s Om Minerals, Part.-Sri

Tapas Banerjee, S/o-Sri
S.K.Banerjee, Nalhatti, 2.
Sri Saty Narayan
Maheshwari, S/o-Sri Badri From
10 Chandpur 10 (Raiyati) 6.75
Pd. Maheshwari, Nalhatti, 3. 24.07.2011
Sri Abhijeet Saha, S/o-Sri
Ashok Saha, Azimganj, 4.
Sri Hopna Soren, S/o-Late
Hakim Soren, Nalhatti
Sri Aditya Mahaldar, S/o-
443 to 447 From
11 Late Divakar Mahaldar, Chandpur 3.79
(Raiyati) 24.07.2011
Nalhatti, Birbhum(W.B)
Khaja Baba Stone Works,
Part. Abdul Salam Sk., S/o- 37, 43, 46 to 24 21 22.3 N 87 45 24.8 E
12 Rakib Sk. & Alauddin Sk., Huliapatra 50, 85 4.80
27.01.2010 To 24 21 26.9 To 87 45 31.8
Vill.-Damdama, Po-Birkitti, (Raiyati) N E
Ps.-Maheshpur, Pakur
Rajiv Kr., S/o-Sri Raghuvir
13 Bhagat, Vill.+Po-Amrapara, Harishpur 797 (Raiyati) 0.91
M/s Apex Stone Works,
Part.-1. Md. Manirul Islam,
S/o-Hossain Ali, 2. Golam Kashinathp From
ur 2 & 6 (Raiyati) 2.82
Murtuja, S/o-Lt. Abdul 27.12.2008
Kashim, Vill.+Po--Muraroi,
Hindustan Construction Co.
Ltd., Project Manager-Sri
378, 384, 385,
Pradip Kr. Panjwani, S/o-Dr.
Kashinathp 386 (Raiyati) From
15 Lakhmi Chand, NH-34, ur 11.44
379 & 393 01.08.2011
Package no.-5, C/o-Dr.
Pinaki Ranjan Rai, Malda
Hindustan Construction Co.
Ltd., Project Manager-Sri
329, 332 to
Pradip Kr. Panjwani, S/o-Dr.
Kashinathp 335, 338 to 340 From
16 Lakhmi Chand, NH-34, ur 7.76
& 347 01.08.2011
Package no.-5, C/o-Dr.
Pinaki Ranjan Rai, Malda
Md. Jamaluddin, S/o-Israil 557, 559, 560,
Mohulpaha From
17 Sk., Vill.+Po-Nalhatti, ri 561, 562 2.34
Distt.-Birbhum(W.B) (Raiyati)
Ranjan Kr. Chatterjee, S/o- 549 to 556,
Sri Ranjit Chatterjee, Vill- Mohulpaha 565, 566, 567 From
ri 2.72
Lalpur, Po-Chakda, Ps.- & 568, 13.05.2010
Chakda, Distt.-Nadia(W.B.) (Raiyati)
Md. Tanvir Ali, S/o-Sri Soparam
Sajjad Ali, Vill.-Dhanjori, (Chhota 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7 From
Dumarghatt 2.50
Po-Baliadanga, Ps- (Raiyati) 01.08.2011
Maheshpur, Distt.-Pakur
Siyaram Saw, S/o-Late
Kailu Saw, 182 Nalini Basu Sundarpaha 87,415P
ri 21.85 03.09.2009
Road, Manik Talla, 24 (Khash)
Pargana (W.B.)
Ajim Stone Works, Prop.- 24 21 55.75 N 87 45 13.90 E
Md. Riyajuddin, Vill.-Bohra, Sundarpaha 425,427P
Po.+Ps-Raddipur, Distt.- ri (Raiyati)
3.50 09.07.2011 To 24 22 3.59 To 87 45
renewed N 18.94 E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Jitendra Bellani, S/o-Sri 24 21 59.90 N 87 44 52.65 E

Parshuram Bellani, Vill.- Sundarpaha
Sindhipara, Ps.+Ps.+Distt.- ri 382P (Khash) 5.00 02.09.2009 To 24 22 7.34 To 87 44
renewed N 57.81 E
Hanif Mandal Sk., S/o-Late 24 22 16.92 N 87 44 57.57 E
Janki Mandal, Vill.- Sundarpaha
Damdama, Po-Birkitti, Ps.- ri 219P (Raiyati) 2.60 03.06.2010 To 24 22 22.10 To 87 45 3.45
renewed N E
Maheshpur, Distt.-Pakur
M/s. Ali Mohammad, S/o- 24 22 2.75 N 87 45 12.80 E
90 to 93, 97 to From
Lt. Manwar Ali, Vill- Sundarpaha
Gangadda, PS-Raddipur, Po- ri 107, 109 to 113 4.38 25.09.2010 To 24 22 7.93 To 87 45
(Raiyati) renewed N 20.41 E
Maheshpur, Distt.-Pakur
M/s Harijan Adiwasi Suar
Palan Sahyag Samitti, Sundarpaha From
ri 382/P (Khash) 5.80
Mantri-Sri Sandip Kr. 27.12.2009
M/s Palwan Baba Stone
Works, Part.- Lal Sundarpaha 383/P (Khash), From
ri 4.50
Mohammad Sk., Murarai, 384 (Raiyati) 29.04.2010
Sri Debashish Dutta, S/o-Sri
Ashwini Dutta, at.- 383/P, 391/P,
Sundarpaha From
27 Bavanpukhur, Po-Mayapur, ri 403 to 411 3,89
Ps.-Navardip, Distt.-Nadia (Raiyati)
M/s Netaji Stone Works,
Part.Sri Sutruti Ghosh, S/o- 80, 84 to 86,
Sundarpaha From
28 Sri Rudradev Ghosh, Nahatti ri 152 to 156 9.92
Road, Ward no.-6 Nalhatti, (Raiyati)
M/s Marang Buru Stone
Works, Part.-Sri Kali Charan 227, 228/P, From
29 Sriramgaria 2.66
Hembram, Nalhatti, Distt.- 230/P (Raiyati) 04.06.2010
New Jharkhand S/W, Part.-
1. Md. Abu Baksh Ansari,
S/o-Lt. Saiyad Ansari, Vill-
Paliyadaha, Po+Ps.-Pakuria,
1678, 1679 From
1 Distt.-Pakur. 2. Smt. Lalita Chandana 1.90
(Raiyati) 04.02.2010
Devi, W/o-Sri Ram Narayan
Ram, Vill-Kamlabag,
Dudhani, Ps+Po+Distt.-
Ganeshay S/W., Prop. Smt.
Kiran Devi, W/o-Sri Dwijen From
2 Chandana 1724 (Raiyati) 2.47
Kr. Saha, Vill.-Bashisha, Po- 27.03.2010
Dangapara, Distt.-Pakur
Malay Mandal, S/o-Sri
Sapan Kr. Mandal, Vill+Po.- 1070, 1071, From
3 Chandana 2.50
Khagra, Ps-Maheshpur, 1072 (Raiyati) 20.05.2010
Sanatan Murmu, S/o-Late
Lal Murmu, Vill-Golpur, From
4 Golpur 310 (Raiyati) 1.57
Po.-Barashinghpur, Ps.- 12.10.2010
Pakuria, Pakur
Indian Progresive Const. From
5 Khaksa 6800 (Khash) 7.85
Pvt. Ltd., Part.-Sri Sanjay 28.12.2009

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Kr. Kunjaliwar, Chakrabarti

Lane, Devghar, Po+Ps.-
Dinesh Stone Works, Prop.-
Sri Dinesh Murmu, S/o-Sri 6661/P,
6 Kalidas Murmu, Vill.+Po- Khaksa 6796/P, 6798/P 5.05
Kaksha, Ps.-Pakuria, Distt.- (Raiyati)
M/s Star Unit Stone Works,
Prop-Hidaytullah Sk, S/o-
6782, 6783 From
7 Sadrulla Sk., Vill.+Po- Khaksa 1.88
(Raiyati) 02.06.2010
Narayanpur, Ps-Rampurhat,
Distt.-Birbhum (W.B)
Rajiv Karmakar, S/o-Lt.
Varun Karmakar, Vill+Po-
Narayanpur, Ps.-Rampurhat, 6725, 6726,
8 Distt.-Birbhum(W.B), 2- Khaksa 6727, 6728 1.46
Gumsata Marandi, S/o-Lt. (Raiyati)
Jetha Marandi, Vill.+Po.-
Khaksa, Ps.-Pakuria, Pakur
M/s Frontiar Infrastracture
& Project, Part-Sri Rejaul
Laskar, At. & Po- 6699 & 6703 From
9 Khaksa 2.95
Chakpanchuria, Ps.-Rajerhat (Raiyati) 01.08.2011
New Town, Distt.-North 24
Pargana, Kolkata-24
Sri Biplab Kr. Dey, S/o-Late
Rajit Kr. Dey, Vill.-
10 Gopalpur, Po-Kumarpur, Khaksa 6545/P (G.M.) 2.50
Ps.-Asansol, Distt.-
M/s Besra Stone Works,
Part.-1. Sri Jaisen Besra,
S/o-Davidhan Besra, Joka,
6736 & 6740 From
11 2.- Sri Deepak Kr. Khaksa 2.22
(Raiyati) 02.09.2010
Choudhary, S/o-Late Abadh
Narayan Coudhary, Ganpura
M/s Hitech Corporation, Khata No.45,
Part.-Sri Sunil Kr. Singh, P.No.-146/P, From
12 Khagachua 2.02
Patna & Sri Om Prakash, 147/P (Govt. 02.06.2010
Patna - Tr. By Rohit Mandal Land)
Azijul Islam, Kamal Ghati, 936/P (Govt. From
Hiranpur, Pakur Hathigarh Land) 2.50 08.01.2010
R.S.Stone Works, Part.-Sri
Dilip Kr. Bhagat, 2-Sri
111, 113, 114, From
1 Sanjay Kr. Bhagat, Vill.- Bishanpur 3.11
115 (Raiyati) 18.01.10
Dumarchir, Ps.-Amrapara,
 Total number of non- operative stone mines as on January 2018 is 140.
 The mines are non operative due to technical reasons/statutory clearences.
 Shaded portion represents the leases going to end by 2020.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

3.3 List of Terminated / Expired Lease of Stone Mines


Sl. No. Name of Lessee Mouza/ P.S. Plot No. (Acres)
1 Satyam Shivam Sundaram Baliapatra 6P 6.8
2 M/s Hills Stone Works, C/o, - Sri R. K. Tiwari, Kasinathpur 256, 257, 262/P, 12.00
Tanbanga, Pakur 258, 268, 267/P
3 Three Star Stone Works, Md. Kamaluddin Sk. Kasinathpur 295 to 297 4.50
S/o Sri Riyasat Ali, Vil.-Barha, P.O.-Raddipur, (Raiyati + Khash)
4 Mr. Mukesh Kr. Singh, S/o Sri Moti Pd. Singh, Huliapatra 81, 100, 101/P 7.00
1109, Nashkar Hat Road, Madhyapara, Kolkata- (Raiyati + Khash)
39, Tr take to Dristi Stone Works
5 M/s Maa Rakkha Kali Stone Works, Part-1-Sri Chandpur 353/P, 582 8.98
Basudev Lalbani, S/o-Late Haridas Lalbani, (Khash)
Nalhatti, Birbhum (W.B.) 2-Sri Shishir Kr.
Chatterjee, S/o Late Harendra Kr. Chatterjee,
Ranchandrapur, Birbhum (W.B.) tr. From
Premchand Gangwani, S/o Lakhman Das
Gangwani, Sindhipara, Pakur

3.4 Potential blocks of non operative stone mines.:-

List of proposed non-operative mines of Pakur block clubbed/grouped together to make it
operative for future e-auction after detail prospecting/ survey of the area :-

Period (10
Sl.No Lease-Holder Village Plot No. in
Long Min-
Acres. Lat Min-Max
Soura Construction Pvt.Ltd., 24 36’ 39.70” 87 49’ 1.25”
Prop-Sri S.K. Dutta, S/o-Lt. 719, 720
Sourjeet Dutta, Vill.-
2.00 06.07.2011 N To 24 36’ E To 87 49’
renewed 43.64” N 4.92” E
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
Soura Construction Pvt.Ltd., 24 36’ 42.92” 87 49’ 1.98”
674 to 676,
Prop-Sri S.K. Dutta, S/o-Lt. From
1 Sourjeet Dutta, Vill.-
Bishanpur 721,722, 724 3.21
01.04.2010 N To 24 36’ E To 87 49’
(Raiyati), 48.94” N 6.63” E
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
574/P, 575/P] 24 36’ 34.50”
Bhakat Ram Mandhyan, 702P, 709, From 87 48’ 48.20”
N To 24 36’
Part.-Sri Piyush Mandhyan, Bishanpur 710P, 700, 586 10.50 18.04.2011 E To 87 49’
Vill-Sindhipara, Pakur to 591, 593, renewed 45.35” N
2.13” E
597, 599 to

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

606, 614, 714P

and 715P

Total Area 6.36 ha

Bablu Pd. Bhagat, S/o-Sri 24 33’ 32.23” 87 49’ 48.40”

262,270, 273, From
Parshuram Bhagat, Vill.+Po-
Rajgram, Distt.-
Kanhupur 276, 277 7.50 01.10.2011 N To 24 33’ E To 87 49’
(Raiyati) renewed 38.64” N 57.62” E
2 Birbhum(W.B)
Ali Murtja Khan, S/o-Md. 168/P, 169/P,
Iliyash Khan, Vill.+Po- 170/P, 171/P, From
Kanhupur 3.71
Rajgram, Distt.- 172/P, 173 19.08.2010
Birbhum(W.B) (Raiyati)

Total Area 4.54 ha

M/s Jial Das & Co., Part.-Sri
Sumit Sadhwani & Sri 1010 P (Govt. From
Karan Sadhwani, S/o-Late Malpahari Land- Anabadi 2.95 09.01.2011
Subhash Kr., Sindhipara, Pahar) renewed
M/s S.K. Dutta & Co.,
Block No.5P From
Prop.-Sri Sourajeet Dutta,
Malpahari (P.No.-226) 3.82 15.06.2011
S/o-Lt. Santosh Kr. Dutta,
(Govt. Land) renewed
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
P.C. Ganguly, Part.-1- Sri
Tarak Nath Ganguly, S/o-Lt.
Block No.38B,
Behari Lal Ganguly, 2-Sri From
39A, 39B
Parth Sarath Ganguli & 3- Malpahari 3.65 19.09.2011
Sri Sidharth Ganguli, Both renewed
(Govt. Land)
S/o-Late Tarak Nath
Ganguli, Sindhipara, Pakur
Block No.4P From
--Do-- Malpahari (P.No.-226) 6.61 19.09.2011
(Govt. Land) renewed
Block No. 37 From
3 --Do-- Malpahari (P.No-1010) 3.37 19.09.2011
(Govt. Land) renewed
1010 (block From
--Do-- Malpahari no.-4P) (Govt. 1.66 01.04.2011
Land) renewed
Mr. Sujay Ganguli, S/o-Lt. Block No.7B From
Krishna Chand Ganguly, Malpahari (P.No.-226) 3.61 24.05.2010
Sindhipara, Pakur (Govt. Land) renewed
Mr. Sujay Ganguli, S/o-Lt. Block No. 5P From
Krishna Chand Ganguly, Malpahari (P.No.-226) 2.50 20.08.2010
Sindhipara, Pakur (Govt. Land) renewed
Resful Sheikh, S/o-Lt. Fajlu From
Sk., Vill.+Po-Sitapahari, Malpahari 2.30 07.06.2009
8, 1253, 1254
Pakur renewed
Bansi Stone Works, Part.- 24 36’ 19.8” N 87 50’ 37.6”
34A, B (P.No- From
Bansi Lal Katta, S/o-Lt.
Sugan Chandra Katta,
Malpahari 1010) (Govt. 5.00 10.07.2011 To 24 36’ 26.3” E To 87 50’
Land) renewed N 45.2” E
Harindanga Bazar, Pakur
Hindustan Granite Stone 13A (P.No.- From
Works, Part.-Sri Anup Kr., Malpahari 226) (Govt. 1.75 10.08.2011
S/o-Lt. Hirdumal, Land) renewed

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Sindhipara, Pakur

Bhattacharya & Co., Part.- Block no.-10

Sri Somnath Pathak, S/o- Part under
Malpahari 1.40 04.10.2011
P.K. Pathak, Tinbangla, 226/P (Govt.
Pakur Land)
Block no.-10
Bhatacharya & Co., Part.-Sri From
Part under
Somnath Pathak, S/o-P.K. Malpahari 3.36 18.08.2009
226/P (Govt.
Pathak, Tinbangla, Pakur renewed
H.G. Stone Works, Part.-Sri 13B (P.No.- From
Anup Kr., S/o-Lt. Hirdumal, Malpahari 226) (Govt. 5.33 12.08.2011
Sindhipara, Pakur Land) renewed
H.G. Stone Works, Part.-Sri 26A (P.No.- From
Anup Kr., S/o-Lt. Hirdumal, Malpahari 226) (Govt. 1.90 13.05.2010
Sindhipara, Pakur Land) renewed
M/s Anand Stone Works,
226 Part (25B) From
Prop-Swami Styanand, S/o- Malpahari 1.85
(Govt. Land) 28.08.2008
Lt. Mahatma Darshnanand

Total Area 19.86 ha

Blcok no.-
M/s Madhucon Projects 42B/P, 49/P, &
Ltd., G.M.-Sri Nama 42A/P, 24 36’ 15.78” 87 49’ 35.72”
Ramesh, Madhucon House, Malpahari 40/47A/P 14.66
18.03.2011 N To 24 36’ E To 87 49’
Road No.-36, Hi-tach city, Under Plot no.- 33.00” N 49.13” E
P.S.-Jubly Hill, Hydrabad. 226/P (Govt.
M/s Madhucon Projects
4 Ltd., P.M.-Sri D.M. Pillai,
S/o-Sri Ram Chandran, 226/P (Govt. From
Malpahari 4.00
Madhucon House, Road Land) 25.03.2011
No.-36, Hi-tach city, P.S.-
Jubly Hill, Hydrabad.
Sri Tarkeshwar Pd. Bhagat,
S/o-Sri Ramjee Pd. Bhagat, Manglapara 2568 (Raiyati) 9.30
Bhagatpara, Pakur

Total Area 11.32 ha

Chabaria Engg. Works, Sri 24 35’ 16.50” 87 51’ 14.70”
Sudhir Kr. Madnani, S/o- 593 to 597
Late Tulsi Das, Sindhipara,
(Govt. Land)
6.10 19.05.2011 N To 24 35’ 21. E To 87 51’
renewed 30” N 21.50” E
Jitesh Stone Works, Prop-Sri 24 35’ 22.74” 87 50’ 24.24”
Sanjay Makhija, S/o-Lt. 2P (Govt.
Hasmat Roy, Vill.-
4.60 10.08.2011 N To 24 35’ E To 87 50’
renewed 27.14” N 30.57” E
Sindhipara, Pakur
M/s Das Enterprises, Par.- 24 35’ 23.18” 87 50’ 15.48”
5 Sri Gurmukh Das, S/o-Lt.
2P (Govt.
11.36 29.11.2009 N To 24 35’ E To 87 50’
Heman Das, Sindhipara, Land)
renewed 35.36” N 28.58” E
161, 162, 171 24 35’ 25.1” N 87 50’ 43.4”
Smt. Arti Mandhyan, W/o- From
to 173, 175,
Late Jaikishan, Sindhipara, Pipaljori
184 to 186
7.94 19.02.2011 To 24 35’ 33.5” E To 87 50’
Pakur renewed N 51.4” E
Shyam Mandhyan, S/o-Lt. From
239, 241 24 35’ 23.61” 87 50’ 50.43”
Bhamamal, Sindhipara, Pipaljori 1.50 02.01.2010
(Raiyati) N To 24 35’ E To 87 50
Pakur renewed

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

28.30” N 54.04 E
Dewendra Kr. Chandani,
S/o-Sri Tirath Das 24 35 12.11 N 87 50 51.41 E
263, 269, 272, From
Chandani, Sindhipara, Pakur Pipaljori
273 (Raiyati)
02.04.2008 To 24 35 21.69 To 87 50
Tr. From -Shiv Shakti Stone N 57.05 E
Radga Murmu, S/o-Mishir 24 35 28.71 N 87 50 22.06 E
2/P (Govt. From
Murmu, Vill.-Pipaljori, Po- Pipaljori
20.02.2009 To 24 35 32.82 To 87 50
Changadanga, Pakur N 29.52 E
Ragda Murmu, S/o-Mishir 223P, 224, From 24 35 21.39 N 87 51 4.18 E
Murmu, Vill.-Pipaljori, Po- Pipaljori 282, 283, 284, 2.91 16.07.10 To 24 35 27.63 To 87 51 9.35
Changadanga, Pakur 285 (Raiyati) renewed N E
M/s Pakur Black Stone, 24 35 1.76 N
Prop-Sri Dilip Kumar, S/o- 515/P, 526/P, 87 50 46.51 E
From To 24 35 15.12
Sri Triveni Singh, Vill.- Pipaljori 680, 689 7.16
13.08.2009 To 87 51 2.35
Deonar Chowk, Po- (Raiyati) N

Total Area 19.32 ha

M/s Mandhan Mineral 23 35 7.66 N

From 87 49 52.14 E
Corporation, Part-Sri Inder 581P (Govt. To 23 35 24.01
6 Kumar & Anil Kr.,
37.25 30.06.2010
To 87 50 9.21
renewed E
Sindhipara, Pakur

Total Area 15.08 ha

N.D. Enterprises, Prop-Sri 24 35 7.82 N 87 50 21.45 E
Narayan Das Sadhwani, S/o- 647, 648, 649
Sri Ramchandra Sadhwani,
0.85 16.07.2011 To 24 35 10.89 To 87 50
renewed N 24.32 E
Sindhipara, Pakur
Bhattacharyjee & Co., Part.- 590 to 599, 604 From 24 35 10.82 N 87 50 13.40 E
Sri Somnath Pathak, S/o- Rajbandh to 607 4.03 12.06.2011 To 24 35 17.94 To 87 50
Perdhumen Pathak, Pakur (Raiyati) renewed N 18.73 E
Abdul Basir, S/o-Late 24 34 46 .17 N 87 50 27.85 E
758/P, 759/ & From
Dhurmuj Sk, Vill+Po- Rajbandh
761/P (Raiyati)
24.07.2011 To 24 34 48.28 To 87 50
Sitapahari, Pakur N 29.94 E
Sri Sumit Lakhmani, S/o-Sri
7 Mewal Das, Sindhipara,
719 to 723 From 24 34 57.39 To
87 50 12.40
Pakur, Parmanent Add.- Rajbandh
26.07.2011 To 87 50
26/94 S.N.Rai Road, 24 35 1.02 N
17.61 E
Rajiv Chandra Pandey, S/o- 24 35 16.95 N 87 49 49.82 E
Sri Bhupendra Ch. Pandey, 581/P (Govt. From
Sai Alay, Chhoti Rajbari,
07.08.2011 To 24 35 27.56 To 87 49
Pakur N 59.86 E
Refulgent Stone Works,
Prop-Sri Prem Chand From
581P (Govt.
Gangwani, S/o-Gokhul Das Rajbandh 4.50 17.07.2011
Gangwani, Sindhipara, renewed

Total Area 8.38 ha

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

M/s Stone India, Prop. Sri 24 36 15.66 N 87 50 46.26 E

Narayan Das Sadhwani, S/o- 1A (Govt.
Ramchandra Sadhwani,
0.83 01.02.2011 To 24 36 18.24 To 87 50
renewed N 48.49 E
Sindhipara, Pakur
M/s Stone India, Prop. Sri 24 36 11.57 N 87 50 45.73 E
Narayan Das Sadhwani, S/o- 2,3, & 4 (Govt.
Ramchandra Sadhwani,
1.80 06.10.2010 To 24 36 15.35 To 87 50
renewed N 49.30 E
Sindhipara, Pakur
Parshuram Belani, S/o-Lt. From
16 (Govt.
Sugnamal Belani, Ramnagar 1.75 01.08.2011
Sindhipara, Pakur renewed
Hitesh Kr. Sadhwani, S/o- 5/P, 6, 7 /A, From 24 36 8.45 N 87 50 41.78 E
Lt. Mahesh Kr. Sadhwani, Ramnagar 7/B, 8/A, 8/B 6.26 20.08.2010 To 24 36 14.69 To 87 50
Sindhipara, Pakur (Govt. Land) renewed N 46.62 E
8 Hitesh Kr. Sadhwani, S/o- From
207 (Govt.
Lt. Mahesh Kr. Sadhwani, Ramnagar 1.42 30.08.2011
Sindhipara, Pakur renewed
1 (under block
Hitesh Kr. Sadhwani, S/o- no.- From
Lt. Mahesh Kr. Sadhwani, Ramnagar 9,10,11,12A,12 8.25 31.03.2011
Sindhipara, Pakur B,13A,13B) renewed
(Govt. Land)
Amirul Sheikh, S/o-Fouju 276, 277, 278, 87 51 12.74
From 24 36 6.17 To
Sk, Vill.-Deotalla, Po- Ramnagar 279, 280 1.22
27.12.2009 To 87 51
Jhikarhatti, Pakur (Raiyati) 24 36 8.03 N
Prem Soren, S/o-Narayan 170, 245, 246,
Soren, Vill.-Ramnagar, Ramnagar 251, 253, 254, 3.37
Distt.-Pakur 256 (Raiyati)

Total Area 10.08 ha

Remarks- Eight nos. blocks has been proposed and the total area has been indicated in red

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

3.5. Potential area of the District.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


Area As Per
Sl. Reference
No. Block Mouza Lat Long (hacter)
24° 35.972'N 87° 49.279'E
24° 36.058'N 87° 49.751'E
24° 36.499'N 87° 49.028'E
1 Pakur Bhuska 24° 36.537'N 87° 49.395'E 69.23
24° 36.356'N 87° 49.523'E
24° 36.338'N 87° 49.119'E
24° 36.377'N 87° 49.066'E
Plot No. 602-609, 610-625, 649, 24° 36.850'N 87° 48.905'E
682-688, 690-696, 698-701, 590,
592-600, 573-589, 941-1015, 1017- 24° 36.567'N 87° 48.843'E
2 Pakur 41.70
1048, 1049P, 1050-1052, 1057/P,
1058/P, 898-904, 1311-1317, 1319 24° 36.743'N 87° 49.299'E
(Raiyati) and
601,608, 1016, 1310 (Khash) 24° 36.558'N 87° 49.366'E
24° 33.550'N 87° 50.512'E
Harirampur 24° 33.731'N 87° 50.726'E
3 Pakur Plot No. 164-172, 175, 177, 29.85
178, 181-185, 189-221(Raiyati) 24° 33.839'N 87° 50.457'E
24° 33.698'N 87° 50.285'E
24°36'41.30"N 87°49'24.40"E
Malpahari 24°36'41.70"N 87°49'37.80"E
4 Pakur Plot No. 1-35, 37-43 (Raiyati) 9.57
and 36 (G.M. Plot) 24°36'36.60"N 87°49'37.80"E
24°36'32.80"N 87°49'23.80"E
Plot No. 176-180, 183/P, 184-211, 24° 35.316'N 87° 49.183'E
212/P, 214/P, 216/P, 217/P, 221-
225, 227-240, 275,276, 286, 287/P, 24° 35.297'N 87° 49.101'E
288-297 , 310-312, 314-321, 323-
325, 327-359, 362-366, 368-387,
5 Pakur 48.18
389/P, 390/P, 401/P, 402/P, 404-
24° 34.943'N 87° 49.065'E
411, 413, 415, 418-465, 467-526,
528-537, 539, 540, 542-596, 598-
638, 642-706, 708-733, 734/P, 735- 24° 34.984'N 87° 49.512'E
739, 747, 748, 775 (Raiyati) and
412, 418/P, 554 (Khash) 24° 35.265'N 87° 49.366'E
24° 35.523'N 87° 49.268'E
Srirampur 24° 35.455'N 87° 49.235'E
6 Pakur Plot No. 612, 641-653, 655, 24° 35.551'N 87° 49.139'E 5.26
670-690 (Raiyati) 24° 35.437'N 87° 49.133'E
24° 35.516'N 87° 49.109'E
24°40'17.14"N 87°48'42.16"E
Kashila 24°40'14.84"N 87°48'49.19"E
Plot No. 951-970, 974-984, 24°40'18.05"N 87°48'50.53"E
7 Pakur 944/P, 883/P, 1008/P (Raiyati) 7.69
24°40'14.50"N 87°48'55.59"E
883, 952 (Khash) 24°40'12.12"N 87°48'52.92"E
24°40'12.44"N 87°48'38.49"E

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Khaprajola 24°35'47.67"N 87°50'42.04"E

Plot No. 775-778, 780-789, 762- 24°35'46.12"N 87°50'54.30"E
8 Pakur 15.58
765, 791-805, 806/P, 808-830 24°35'34.97"N 87°50'47.57"E
(Raiyati) 24°35'37.59"N 87°50'36.63"E
Plot No. 636-657, 659-677
9 Pakur 5.26
(Raiyati) and
658 (Khash)
10 Pakur Plot No. 1-100, 102-160 9.72
24°21'52.57"N 87°43'51.36"E
Chandna 24°21'52.76"N 87°43'42.41"E
11 Pakuria Plot No. 1651, 1654, 1668, 5.02
1670, 1676 24°21'48.19"N 87°43'40.75"E
24°21'46.01"N 87°43'49.71"E
24°21'59.34"N 87°43'3.88"E
Chandna 24°21'52.53"N 87°43'0.90"E
12 Pakuria 5.02
Plot No. 1217, 1219, 1220 24°21'53.43"N 87°43'14.02"E
24°21'56.15"N 87°43'13.05"E
24°17'2.82"N 87°38'32.62"E
Golpur 24°17'9.76"N 87°38'13.80"E
Plot No. 127, 128, 140, 142, 144, 24°17'5.34"N 87°38'18.41"E
13 Pakuria 151, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 13.24
165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 24°17'2.50"N 87°38'6.98"E
172, 173, 174, 216, 276 24°16'56.92"N 87°38'24.18"E
24°17'4.44"N 87°38'24.49"E
Note:- Area calculated as per GPS co-ordinates and information obtained from local people.
Detailed information may be varied from revenue record.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

4 Detail of Royalty or Revenue Received in last three years

Figures in Lakhs

S.No. Name of the Minerals Years

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
1 M/s Panem Coal Mine 3142.86 0.00 0.00
M/s Bengal Emta. 3545.65 0.00 0.00
E. C. L. 70.45 99.53 2.39
Total 6758.96 99.53 2.39
2 Stone 2097.55 3080.05 3655.73
3 Brick/ Laterrite 0.41 0.00 0.00
4 Sand 0.00 49.60 12.15
5 Application fees & Others 16.32 100.70 158.09
6 Operational Department 87.39 1149.10 1332.35
7 Non-auctioned Dues 42.91 76.33 236.33
8 Auctioned Dues 22.57 540.82 10.06
Total 9026.11 5096.13 5407.10

5. Detail of Production of Minor Minerals in last three years

S.No. Name of Minerals Production in cft.

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

1 Stone 16,48,95,500.00 10,36,53.038.00 13,78,93,319.00

2 Sand - 49,60,000.00 21,67,600.00

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


6.1 River System

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Pakur is surrounded by three main rivers namely Bansloi, Torai & Brahmini. Bansloi and Torai
rivers flows in the middle while Brahmini flows in the southern part of the district. The river
Ganges passes at a little distance away, along the north eastern boundary of the district. The
other rivers of the district are Gumani, Torai, Bansloi and Brahmni. All the rivers flow from west
to east direction except river Gumani which flows from SW to NE direction. The drainage
pattern of the district is dendritic. All the rivers are tributaries of river Ganga and are seasonal
in nature.

6.2 Climate
The district is characterized by humid to sub-humid climate. During summer the hot spell
prevails from March to middle of June. Rainy season started from middle of June to end to
September. Winter starts from the middle of November and continues till the end of February.
The district experiences great heat from March to May, when the maximum temperature
reaches up to 400C. December is the coldest month when the minimum temperatures fall down
up to 40C

6.3 Geomorphology
Major part of the district is characterized by undulating topography covered by basaltic flows of
Rajmahal Trap. The district is mainly drained by the river Bansloi, Brahmani, Torai and Gumani.
All these rivers are seasonal in nature. Major drainages of the district appear to have a west to
easterly flow direction. The main geomorphological features of the district are the rolling
peneplain in the south with numerals remnants of ancient ridges and resistant lava plateau of
These plateaus rise above the general level and occupy major part of the district. The general
elevation of the hills and plateau varies from 70 to 371 m above MSL.

6.4 Soil
The major soil type of the district is the Rajmahal type soil which is derived from basaltic lava.
These soils black in colour are very fertile and restricted to Rajmahal lava areas. The other soil
type of the district are Red soil, eroded scarp soil, foothill soils, Tal soil and alluvial soil. The red
soils are light to medium and are red to yellow or light grey in colour. The eroded scarp soil
occurs in transverse section of dissected, descending scarp land at various altitude of upland.
The yellowish red foothill soils occur in the eastern fringe of the district. The al soil is found in
the back water belt of the Ganga araund Pakur when the rain water remains collected in the
rainy season.
The major part of the district being rocky, it is difficult to dig wells. Where there exists facility
for irrigation during Rabi season from the ponds, Wheat is the major crop growing in that area.

6.5 Irrigation

Undulating topographic features characterize the district. The agricultural activity of the district
is solely dependent upon the monsoon rainfall and the Kharif crops mainly paddy and maize
are grown extensively. Irrigational facilities are not adequate in the district. Dug well is the most

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

common source of irrigation, but this is not very dependable source. The major part of the
district being rocky, it is difficult to dig wells. Where there exists facility for irrigation during
Rabi season from the ponds, wheat is the major crop grown in that area.

6.6 Physiography
The district contains three distinct tracts viz. portion of Domini Koh, Pargana Ambar and
Pargana Sultanabad. Damini Koh in the north western corner is hilly tract and covers 31 percent
area of the district. Pargana Ambar and Paragana Sultanabad are rice plains. Geologically the
area has basaltic trap and sedimentary beds. Quartz and gneisses are found in some places. The
principal rivers flowing are Bansloi, Brahamani, Pagla, Torai and Gimani.

6.7 Demography
In the absence of major industries and employment opportunities, the economic options are
limited to agriculture. Stone chips, rice milling, biri rolling, manufacturing of gur from sugarcane
and date (Khajur), forest produce such as Mahua, Sabai grass, tasser, and bamboo are the
sources of generating income for a significant proportion of the people of the district. Barbatti
(vegetable) is also good source of income for the Paharia tribe. Poultry farming, piggery, animal
husbandry and fisheries also provide supplementary income.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

The administrative division and population of the district is given below:-

DEMOGRAPHY (Census 2011)

Total Population 900422

Male Population 452661

Female Population 447761

Child Population (0 – 6 ) Years 177623

Rural Population 832,910

Urban Population 67,512

SC Population 28,469

ST Population 379,054

Total Workers 404,584

Main Workers 252,017

Marginal Workers 152,567

Non-Workers 495,838

Population Density (per sq. km.) 498

Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 males) 989

Total Literates 439586

Male Literates 258288

Female Literates 181433

Total Literacy Rate 48.82%

Male Literacy Rate 57.06%

Female Literacy Rate 40.52%

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

6.8 Forest
The area comprises of agricultural land. There are no National Parks, Sanctuary or
ecologically sensitive areas within the 10 km periphery of the district. Due to high
temperature and humidity the area comprises of tropical moist deciduous vegetation. No
wildlife protected area declared protected under “Wildlife (Protection) Act-1972”is located
within 10 km radius of the district.
Forest cover in the state, based on interpretation of satellite data of November 2008- January
2009, is 22,977 Km2 which is 28.82% of the state’s geographical area (GA). In terms of forest
canopy density classes, the state has 2,590 Km2area under very dense forest, 9,917 Km2 area
under moderately dense forest and 10,470 Km2

District-wise Forest Cover Area in Jharkhand (Area in Km2)

2011 Assessment
District Geograph Very Moder- Open Total Percent Change Scrub
ical Area Dense ate. Forest of GA
Km2 Forest Dense
Bokaro 1,929 64 244 252 560 29.03 0 48
Chatra 3,732 251 863 663 1,777 47.62 -5 15
Deoghar 2,479 0 84 85 169 6.82 0 5
Dhanbad 2,996 0 50 155 205 6.84 0 17
Dumka 6,212 0 314 323 637 10.25 0 58
Garhwa 4,092 124 406 835 1,365 33.36 0 55
Giridih 4,963 98 422 344 864 17.41 10 8
Godda 2,110 15 268 116 399 18.91 0 25
Gumla 9,077 324 919 1,414 2,657 29.27 0 33
Hazaribagh 5,998 272 626 1,164 2,062 34.38 9 44
Koderma 1,435 68 321 207 596 41.53 -4 0
Lohardaga 1,491 174 219 110 503 33.74 0 10
Pakur 1,571 3 172 108 283 18.01 0 19
Palamu 8,657 529 1,809 1,189 3,527 40.74 0 88
West Singhbhum 9,907 453 1,559 1,829 3,841 38.77 6 81
East Singhbhum 3,533 53 621 404 1,078 30.51 67 38
Ranchi 7,698 141 684 1,079 1,904 24.73 0 67
Sahebganj 1,834 21 336 193 550 29.99 0 72
Grand 79,714 2,590 9,917 10,470 22,977 28.82 83 683
(Source: India state of forest report 2011-Jharkhand)

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Flora of the area:-

The area harbors mostly of moist tropical deciduous vegetation. There is very little or
no vegetation seen scattered in the area. Species like Mahua, Sakua, Karanj, Karam,
Kathal, etc. are found along the boundary. Species of Agave, Lantana, Malva, Lantana,
Ricinus, etc. are of common occurrence along the roads.
Ground vegetation mainly consists of grasses and small shrubs. Among the grasses,
Apluda varia (Dudhia sauri) and Arundinella setosa (Jharu/Motaminijhar), Panicum
montana (Khrj) Saccharum munja (Munj) saw growing in the moist areas.
The flora of the area comprises of Shorea robusta (Sal/Sakhua), Mango, Diospyros
melanoxylon (Tendu), Madhuca latifolia (Mahua), Pterocarpus marsupium (Bia/Paisar),
Anogeissus latifolia (Dhautha) etc.
Vegetation in and around human settlement:
Vegetation pattern in villages and surrounding areas are slightly different from the rest of
the areas. The common species grown near villages are mostly edible or useful plants
such as Mangifera indica, Madhuca indica, Artocarpus integrifolia (Kathal), Tamarindus
indica (Imli) etc.
Wild life and avifauna of the area:
A list of animals of the area has been prepared on the basis of local inquiry from the
village people and from the available published literatures.
The fauna of the area can be grouped in to aquatic and terrestrial as the area mostly
comprises of aquatic fauna and the area provides shelter to the terrestrial animals.
Avian fauna: No bird’s habitats like nesting, breeding and forging patterns are noticed in
the area. Local birds are noticed in the area. No fixed pattern in migratory behavior is
Terrestrial fauna:
Mammals: Domesticated mammal species are reported during the field survey. Common
grazing animals like cow, goat etc. are noticed in the area. Small mammals like Indian
palm squirrel and field mouse are noticed in vicinity of village. Inquiry from village people
regarding wild animals reveals that monkey, Indian hare, fruits bat, Wild boar,Indian Fox,
jackal, etc. are often seen in the area.
Reptiles: The reptilians species commonly reported in buffer zone area are Red Sand
Boa, Indian Cobra, King Cobra, Banded Krait, Common Krait, Indian Python, Rat Snake,
Russell Viper, and among the lizards Chameleon, Indian House Gecko, Rock Lizard,
Monitor Lizard are reported from the village people.

Aquatic Fauna:
Amphibian: Amphibians are commonly found at the places along the margin of aquatic
and terrestrial systems. Due to presence of water bodies like river, nalas, etc. the study
area is providing shelter to many amphibian species. Some of the commonly reported
species are Bufo melanostictus (common Indian toad), Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (Indian
skipper frog), Hoplobatrachus tigerinus (Indian bull frog) etc.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Fishes: River Brahmini is seasonal river flowing from south west to north east does
not support significant habitat for fish population. However the Bansloi River flowing
from North West to north east supports some fish population. The fish species which
are commonly found in the proposed site are Labeo bata (Bhangan or Bata), Gudusia
chapara (Chappera or Palla), Labeo rohita (Dumra or Dhambra), Notopterus
notopterus (Pari or Battu),Catla catla (Theila), Clarius batrachus (mangur), etc.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

7. Land Utilization Pattern of the District

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


S.No Land Use Class Pakur
1. Forest Forest 18.01%

2. Sown area/ Agricultural Land Cropland 33.74%

3. Barren and Non Agricultural Cropland 6.33%


4 Non agricultural use Cropland 11.16%

5 Orchards Cropland 1.81%

6 Pasture Cropland 3.12%

7 Scrub & Grass Scrub & Grass 4.12%

8 Current and other fallow Cropland 21.71%

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

8. Ground Water Scenario

8.1 Hydrogeology
Rajmahal Trap is the major rock type in the district. The other geological formation of the
district are alluvium, Laterite and Gondwana. In the eastern part of the district, recent alluvium
occurs in patches, which is mainly composed of sand and sub ordinate clay. Laterites are
mainly of in situ origin and have been formed by sub-aerial erosion of underlying basalts under
favourable climatic conditions. Laterites provide a productive ground water reservoir due to
very good porous and permeable nature. The most significant Barakar coal measures of
Gondwana formation occurs in western part of the district.
Rajmahal traps having a large thickness of basaltic lava flows occur in the major part of the
district. The different units of the lava flows are the main water bearing horizons in basaltic
formation. The basic properties such as the ability to receive recharge, holding capacity of
water to take into storage and transmit it as ground water by gravity are different for different
litho units of the trappean flows. The massive basaltic unit is hard and compact in nature with
negligible primary porosity and permeability. But the process of weathering and structural
deformations, development of secondary porosity such as joints and fractures make it to act as
good ground water reservoir. The vesicular units have abundant vesicles that contribute to high
degree of porosity and permeability to serve as potential aquifers. The ground water occurs
under water table conditions in near surface weathered, jointed and fractured basaltic zone.
The water bearing zone occurring between depths of 15-40 m are either interflow weathered
shear zones or directly connected to shallow aquifer in widely spaced major joints and
fractures. These forms semi confined aquifer. Below the depth of 40 m, where the fracture
porosity is insignificant, the weathered flow contacts are completely cut-off from lower aquifer
on account of intervening high impermeable massive basalts and intertrappean beds give rise
to confining conditions. The hydro-geological map is shown in Figure -3.

Exploratory wells:
To understand the sub surface geology, identify the various water bearing horizons including
their depth, thickness, etc. and for computing the hydraulic characteristics such as
Transmissivity and Storability of the aquifers, exploratory drilling programme was carried out
under AAP 1982 – 83. There are 05 exploratory wells and 04 observation wells were drilled in
the district. The depth of exploratory wells ranges between 80.0 to 200.00 mbgl. The static
water level of these exploratory wells varies from 1.55 to 11.36 mbgl. The Transmissivity value
varies from 2.00 to 86.29 m2/ day, while the Storability values varying from 01.30 X 10-5 to 06.6
X 10-4.

8.2 Depth to Water Level: -

There are 7 numbers of permanent observation well. National Hydrograph stations (NHS) of
Central Ground Water Board is located in the district for monitoring of ground water regime.
During the year 2012, the pre monsoon depth to water level was monitored between 5.44 to
13.10 mbgl, while the post monsoon water level observed between 1.80 to 7.03 mbgl. The pre

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

monsoon and post monsoon depth to water level maps (2012) of the district prepared and
shown in Figure 1 and 2 (at the end of this chapter) respectively.

8.3 Seasonal Fluctuation: -

From the pre monsoon and post monsoon depth to water level data collected during May 2012
and November 2012 respectively, water level fluctuations were computed for all NHS located in
the district. The water level fluctuation of the district varies from 1.59 to 6.65 m.

8.4 Long term water level trend: -

Water level of an area depends upon various factors like the storage of ground water
development and variation in rainfall over a long period. Central Ground Water Board has
established seven National Hydrograph stations (NHS) for the study of water level behaviour in
the district. The water level data of each station has been analysed. The pre monsoon and post
monsoon long term water level trend has been calculated for the period of 2002 – 2011 (Table
4). The long term water level trend is showing rising trend between 0.017 – 0.125, 0.437 and
0.011 – 0.287 m/ year for pre monsoon, post monsoon and all period respectively. Similarly, the
long term water level trend is showing falling trend between 0.062 – 0.223, 0.071 – 0.335 and
0.196 – 0.300 m/ year for pre monsoon, post monsoon and all period respectively. About
42.86% of NHS showing rising trend of ground water while 57.14% of NHS showing falling trend
for pre monsoon period. About 14.28 % of NHS showing rising trend of ground water while
85.72% of NHS showing falling trend for post monsoon period. Similarly, about 71.43 % of NHS
showing rising trend and rest 28.27% showing declining trend for all seasons.

8.5 Ground Water Resources

Based on the recommendation of the Ground Water Estimation
Committee – 1997 (GEC – 1997), Block wise the ground water resource assessment has been
evaluated.. The net ground water availability of the district is 12684.77 ham. The gross ground
water draft for all uses of the district is
1713.56 ham. All blocks of the district falling under “Safe” category. The stage of ground water
development varies from 8.52% to 29.78 %. (Table – 5, Fig. 4). The net ground water availability
for future irrigation development for the district is 10520.82 ham.

8.6 Ground Water Quality

To evaluate the quality of ground water, samples have been collected from NHS during
the May – 2011. These samples have been considered to assess the chemical quality of ground
water and its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. The samples represent the phreatic
aquifer or the shallow aquifer. The water samples were analysed for major chemical
constituents by using standard methods at chemical laboratory in CGWB, MER, Patna. Analysed
results are given in Table 4. The EC value ranges from 434 – 1014 micro Siemens/cm at 250c.

The results of ground water samples were evaluated in accordance with the ISI – 1993
standard for drinking purpose. In general the quality of ground water in the phreatic aquifer is
acceptable except few samples, which are showing nitrate concentration more than permissible

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

limit. As per the ground water management study (2006 – 07), the nitrate concentration more
than permissible limit has been observed in the villages namely Bannawgram, Kaira Chhatar,
Parerkola, Litipara and Tarai. The Fluoride concentration more than permissible limit (bore well
samples) has been observed in the villages – Dharampur Morh, Amrapara, Bannawgram,
Dhekiduba, Jatang Khakhsa and Rajdaha. The EC value ranges from 280 – 2160 micro
Siemens/cm at 250c.

8.7 Status of Ground Water Development

There is sufficient scope for development of ground water through shallow as well as
deep bore wells. State Govt. department has been constructed a large number of bore wells to
mitigate the drinking water problem in the district. Central Ground Water Board has drilled 7
exploratory wells and 5 observation wells in the district. The depth of bore wells ranges
between 80.00 – 200.00 mbgl. The yield of bore wells ranges from 1.08 to 30.00 m3/hr.
The Transmissivity and Storability value ranges from 2 to 86.29 m2/day and 01.30 x 10-5 to 06.6
x 10-4 respectively (Table 2).

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

9. Ground Water Management Strategy

9.1 Ground Water Development

Dug wells and shallow to medium deep (upto 50 m) bore wells are the main ground
water extraction structures in the area to meet the increasing demand of domestic water
supply and irrigation. The overall stage of ground water development in the district is 13.91%
only. Thus, there is sufficient scope for development of ground water through dug wells,
shallow and medium deep bore wells.
Construction of dug cum bore well structure is also suitable for enhancing the yield of
dug wells which will vary much coast effective. The ground water development varies in
different places depending on the availability of favourable potential zones/ aquifers. For the
construction of ground water structures, knowledge of the local as well as regional
hydrogeological condition of the area is necessary.
Ground water potential available for the future development, considering the ground
water draft has been worked out as per norms of Ground Water Estimation Committee – 1997
(GEC – 1997) and the details of ground water recharge, net annual ground water availability,
annual draft, net ground water balance and stage of ground water development has been
assessed and presented in table – 5 (at the end of this chapter).

9.2 Water Conservation and Artificial Recharge

In view of the increasing thrust on development of ground water resources, there is urgent
need to augment the depleting ground water resources. This gets augmented through natural
recharge and can be augmented in an increased scale through artificial recharge. From
hydrogeological point of view, rain water conservation is needed to arrest decline in ground
water levels and to improve ground water quality by dilution. From hydrogeological point of
view, rain water conservation is needed for arrest decline in ground water levels and to
improve ground water quality by dilution. The construction of water conservation structures,
artificial recharge structures, depends on the topographic features, hydrological and
hydrogeological conditions of the area.

From this point of view, the Pakur district may be divided into two parts –
1) Western part of the district which is having undulating topography with hills is suitable for
check dam, gabion structures and contour bunding and trenching
2) Middle and eastern part is suitable for percolation tanks and nala bunds.

9.3 Ground Water Related Issue and Problems

The Flouride concentration has been found more than permissible limit in some villages like
Dharampur Morh, Amrapara, Bannawgram, Dhekiduba, Jatang Khakhsa and Rajdaha.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Awareness and Training Activity


Central Ground Water Board organized a mass awareness programme at Pakur on 22nd March
2007, on “Rain Water Harvesting and Artificial Recharge”. About 150 peoples from different
organizations participated in the programme including representatives of NGO’S. In the
addition to technical lectures a quiz competition on ground water related topic was conducted
for college students.

Participation in Exhibition, Mela, Fair etc. - Nil

Presentation and Lecture deliver in public forum / Radio / T.V / Institution of repute /
Grassroots association / NGO / Academic institution etc. – Nil

9.4 Area Notified by CGWB

As per the ground water resource assessment report of Jharkhand state, all blocks of the
district fall under the safe category. Thus, the authority has not been notified any of the blocks.

1. Flouride concentration in ground water (bore well ) exceeds the permissible limits
in/around villages Dharampur Morh, Amrapara, Bannawgram, Dhekiduba, Jatang
Khakhsa and Rajdaha. In fluorideaffected area, the ground water must be used after
deflouridation through fluoride removal plants. Alternative source may be identified.
The existing fluoride affected sources may be sealed.
2. Nitrate concentration in shallow aquifer (dug well) is found more than permissible
limit in/around villages Bannawgram (Pakuria Block), Kairachhatar (Maheshpur Block)
and Litipara (Litipara Block). The bore well may be a better alternate option for the
drinking water purposes for the above villages.
3. The exploration data indicate that poor success rate of bore wells in the district. Thus
geophysical survey may be adopted for selection of suitable sites for ground water
exploration and drilling of production bore wells.
4. Rooftop rain water harvesting and artificial recharge practice may be adopted in the
Pakur town where the post monsoon water level (NHS) has been found upto 13.10
5. In order to conserve run off water during monsoon, it is suggested to construct the
water conservation structures at suitable places to facilitate the ground water
recharge. These recharge structure may be constructed in and around Amrapara,
Maheshpur and Pakuria blocks, where the long term (2002 – 2011) water level trend is
showing declining trend for the pre-monsoon as well as post-monsoon period.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


Sr. No. Location Depth to water level (mbgl)
May 2012 August 20 November January 20
1 Litipara 9.90 6.55 7.03 7.83
2 Amrapara 5.44 2.15 1.80 2.36
3 Maheshpur 8.55 4.12 6.96 7.37
4 Pakur 13.10 5.90 6.45 8.05
5 Pakuria -- 1.80 2.10 3.07
6 Salgapara -- 1.70 3.52 4.98
7 Hiranpur 8.60 6.40 5.60 6.15



Sl.No. Location Pre-monsoon trend Post-monsoon trend All period

(m/year) (m/year) (m/year)

Rise Fall Rise Fall Rise Fall

1 Amrapara 0.042 -- -- 0.270 -- 0.196
2 Hiranpur 0.125 -- 0.437 -- 0.287 --
3 Litipara 0.017 -- -- 0.071 0.01 --
4 Maheshpur -- 0.223 -- 0.261 -- 0.300
5 Pakur -- 0.062 -- 0.335 0.135 --
6 Pakuria -- 0.195 -- 0.102 0.035 --
7 Salgapara -- 0.084 -- 0.115 0.012 --

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


Sr. Location Block EC in micr pH TH as Ca Mg Na K HCO3 Cl
No. siemens/ CaCO3 ← mg / l →
at 250c
1 Pakuria Pakuria 434 7.29 105 24 10.9 44.5 1 178.35 11
2 Maheshpur Maheshpur 998 8.23 260 44 36.5 74 8 190.65 53
3 Amrapara Amrapara 1014 8.08 235 54 30.4 92 7 264.45 85
4 Litipara Litipara 790 8.24 180 40 19.4 82 3.8 166.05 142
5 Pakur Pakur 327 8.12 95 22 9.7 21 1 153.75 89
6 Salgapara Maheshpur 471 8.18 125 28 13.4 38 5 196.8 64
7 Hiranpur Hiranpur 338 8.31 75 12 10.9 33 1.6 55.35 36


DEVELOPMENT IN PAKUR DISTRICTS AS ON 31st MARCH 2009 (in hectare meters)

for future irrigation development

(safe/ critical/ over - exploited)

Industrial Requirement supply

Net Ground Water Availability

Gross Ground Water Draft for

Gross Ground Water Draft for

Gross Ground Water Draft for

Development (12/9)*100 (%)

Allocation for Domestic and

ground water development

Net Annual Ground Water
Assessment Unit/ District

Categorization for future

Domestic and Industrial

Stage of Ground Water

up to next 25 years
all Uses (10+11)
water Supply

(9 – 12 – 13)


1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Litipara 2485.62 92.34 147.43 239.77 202.25 2191.03 9.65 Safe
2 Amrapara 1682.11 53.36 89.90 143.26 123.33 1505.42 8.52 Safe
3 Hiranpur 1245.91 39.44 114.83 154.27 157.53 1048.94 12.38 Safe
4 Pakur 1597.82 134.78 341.09 475.87 497.61 965.43 29.78 Safe

5 Maheshpur 3885.37 243.28 287.60 530.88 394.54 3247.54 13.66 Safe

6 Pakuria 1787.94 19.02 150.49 169.51 206.45 1562.46 9.48 Safe

Total 12684.77 582.22 1131.34 1713.56 1581.71 10520.82 Avg. 13. --

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


PAKUR DISTRICTS AS ON 31st MARCH 2009 (in hectare meters)

Allocation for Domestic

development (9 – 12
Availability for future

(safe/ critical/ over

Water Development

Categorization for
Net Annual Ground

Net Ground Water

Requirement supply
Water Draft for all
Assessment Unit/

Water Availability

upto next 25 years

Stage of Ground
Industrial water
Water Draft for

(12/9)*100 (%)
Water Draft for

future ground
Gross Ground

Gross Ground
Gross Ground

Domestic and

Uses (10+11)

- exploited)
and Industrial


– 13)

1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Litipara 2485.62 92.34 147.43 239.77 202.25 2191.03 9.65 Safe
2 Amrapara 1682.11 53.36 89.90 143.26 123.33 1505.42 8.52 Safe
3 Hiranpur 1245.91 39.44 114.83 154.27 157.53 1048.94 12.38 Safe
4 Pakur 1597.82 134.78 341.09 475.87 497.61 965.43 29.78 Safe
5 Maheshp 3885.37 243.28 287.60 530.88 394.54 3247.54 13.66 Safe
6 ur
Pakuria 1787.94 19.02 150.49 169.51 206.45 1562.46 9.48 Safe
Total 12684.77 582.22 1131.34 1713.56 1581.71 10520.82 Avg. --

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

10. Rainfall: Month wise

The area receives rainfall by South-West monsoon. Rainy season sets in the middle of June and
lasts till September. The normal average rainfall in the district is 1399 mm.

YEAR 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Sl.No Month Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg

1 Jan 3.2 0 0 9.3 9.41 0

2 Feb 2.5 24.9 34.7 0 3.6 0

3 March 0.6 0 6.7 46.7 3.9 0

4 April 52 9.5 3 47.4 17.9 3.05

5 May 13.1 98.4 148.9 79.9 66.9 85.2

6 June 140 224.7 207.3 310.6 143.4 177

7 July 584.2 140.9 430.7 429.8 296.8 512

8 August 247.9 429.4 258.7 294.8 201.2

9 Sep 321.2 224.8 143.4 156.3 246.8

10 Oct 112.6 374.5 61.9 19.9 46.4

11 Nov 74.25 0 0 8.41 0

12 Dec 0 0 0 0 0

The Indian Meteorological Department, Nagpur, vide letter No. NAGPUR RMC/CS-312, dated
18th January, 2016 has provided the period of Rainy Season viz. Normal dates of Onset and
Withdrawal of South West Monsoon over India as state-wise. The duration for the period is
10th June to 15th October.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


Major part of the district is characterized by undulating topography covered by basaltic flows of
Rajmahal Trap. The main geomorphological features of the district are the rolling pen plain in
the south with numerous remnants of ancient ridges and resistant lava plateau of Rajmahal.
These plateaus rise above the general level and occupy major part of the district. The general
elevation of the hills and plateau varies from70 to 371 m above MSL.

Rajmahal Trap is the major rock type in the district. The other geological formations of the
district are alluvium, Laterite and Gondwana. In the eastern part of the district, recent alluvium
occurs in patches, which is mainly composed of sand and sub ordinate clay. Laterites are mainly
of in situ origin and have been formed by sub-aerial erosion of underlying basalts under
favourable climatic conditions. Laterites provide a productive ground water reservoir due to
their very porous and permeable nature. The most significant Barker coal measures of
Gondwana formation occurs in western part of the district.

The district of Santhal Paragons is mainly a dissected upland of ancient crystalline rocks which
are covered with thick flows of volcanic lava. The ancient crystalline rocks, collectively called
the Archaean gneisses, cover the greater part of the district. The principal rock is a granitoid
gneiss earlier known as the Bengal gneiss.

Coal Reserve of Jharkhand

(Reserve in Million Tonnes)
Coal Type Proved Measured Inferred Total
Prime Cocking 4614.35 698.71 - 5313.06
Medium Coking 12364.21 10332.53 1606.64 24303.38
Semi Coking 223.34 471.55 53.45 748.34
Non Coking 23953.46 21483.57 4899.38 50336.41
Total 41155.36 32986.36 6559.47 80701.19

Coal Mines Leases of Pakur District (August- 2015)

S.No. Name of Lessee Area (Ha) Date of Grant of Period of Lease in

Lease years

1 Puls Chilgo Colliery 12.48 NA 20

2 M/S Penam Coal Mines (P) Ltd 1271.87 25-11-2004 30

3 Simlong Colliery 37.70 01-05-2003 20

4 Ghatcom Colliery 37.70 O1-05-2003 20

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Geological succession exposed at The Rajmahal area, eastern

Jharkhand (after Ball, 1877; Sengupta 1988; Tiwari & Tripathi 1995;
Ghose et al., 1996)

Group Formation Lithology Age

Alluvium Recent
Upper Rajmahal Basalt and acid volcanics with intertrappean Lower Cretaceous
Gondwana beds of pyroclastic material, argillaceous, and arenaceous
sediments often contain plant fossils (Ptilophyllum flora)

Dubrajpur Pebbly ferruginous sandstone, conglomerate Triassic to an Early Cretaceous

grit passing into siltstone and shale Usually forms high rid
and scarps Disconformity

Barakar Sandstone, shale, and carbonaceous shale with coal seam Lower Permian
Lower Unconformity

Talchir Boulder bed, fine-grained sandstone, Yellow or green shaleLower Corboniferou

highly- weathered Unconformity

Proterozoic Chhotanagpur gneiss-granulite complex

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


12.1 Vulnerability of the State

Almost all the 24 districts are affected by different kind of Disaster. There is great need to
strengthen the capacity of State, District, Block and newly formed Panchayat level of
departments, institutions and functionaries to respond to the Disaster at their own level in
participation of community. Jharkhand is vulnerable to following kind of Hazards:-
• Drought,
• Mining Accidents,
• Chemical and Industrial Hazards,
• Lightning,
• Bird Flu,
• Flood,
• Earthquake,
• Fire / Forest Fire,
• Elephant Attacks,
• Climate Change, Biodiversity loss,
• Naxalism/Landmine Blasts etc.

Major Hazard Name of Hazards No. of district Name of the district

affected affected
districts1 Sl N
Drought All the 24 All districts affected
1. Districts
Flood 01 (Sahibgunj)
Flash Flood 03 (Jamshedpur , Saraikela , Ranchi)
Forest Fire 09 (Garhwa, Palamau, Latehar, Chatra,
4. Hazaribagh, E. & W. Singhbhum,
Lightening 09 (Palamau, Chatra, Latehar, Koderma,
5. Ranchi, Giridih, 9
Hazaribagh, Lohardagga, Dumka)
6. Mining Hazards 09 Latehar, Ramgarh, Dhanbad,
Lohardagga, Giridih
E & W Singhbhum,& Koderma
7. Hazard –

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Zone –IV 02 Districts (Godda & Sahibgunj - Partially)

(Godda , Sahibgunj, Garhwa,

Zone –III 15 Districts Palamau, Chatra, Hazaribagh,
Koderma, Giridih, Bokaro, Dhanbad,
Deoghar, Dumka, Godda, Pakur,

Zone – II 7 Districts (Lohardagga, Ranchi, Ramgarh,

Khunti, Gumla, E. & W. Singhbhum)

12.2 Mine disaster

Thousands of miners die each year around the globe due to mining accidents, especially from
underground coal mining, although hard rock mining is not immune from accidents. A number
of coal mines in the state are affected by fires leading to steady destruction of precious energy
resource. The reason for mine fires presumably involves the phenomenon of spontaneous
heating through two interrelated processes viz., the oxygen coal interaction or oxidative
process and the thermal process. It is estimated that about 10% of total national coal resources
are in the fire-affected areas. Although underground mining has considerably less impact than
opencast mining on land, it causes enough damage through subsidence as observed in Jharia
and Raniganj coalfields. Apart from this, leaks of poisonous gases such as hydrogen sulphide or
explosive natural gases, especially firedamp or methane, dust explosions, collapsing of mine
stopes, mining-induced seismicity, flooding, or general mechanical errors from improperly used
or malfunctioning mining equipments and improper explosives underground can also cause to

The Chasnala mining disaster happened on 27 December 1975 in a coal mine near Dhanbad
caused by an explosion in the mine followed by flooding which killed 372 miners.

The Dhanbad coal mine disaster occurred on May 28, 1965, in a coal mine near Dhanbad. On
the fateful day, there was an explosion in Ghori Dhori colliery near Dhanbad, which led to fire in
the mines which killed 375 miners.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


Impact on Environment due to mining activities varies based on the quantam of production
rate proposed. The different activities envolved before & during mining are narrated below,
which helps to asses the impact on environment.

• Exploration:

A mining project can only commence with knowledge of the extent and value of the
mineral ore deposit. Information about the location and value of the mineral ore deposit is
obtained during the exploration phase. This phase includes surveys, field studies, and
drilling test boreholes and other exploratory excavations.

The exploratory phase may involve clearing of wide areas of vegetation (typically in
lines), to allow the entry of heavy vehicles mounted with drilling rigs. Many countries
require a separate EIA for the exploratory phase of a mining project because the
impacts of this phase can be profound and because further phases of mining may not
ensue if exploration fails to find sufficient quantities of high-grade mineral ore deposits
of economical values.

• Development

If the mineral ore exploration phase proves that there is a large enough mineral ore
deposit, of sufficient grade, then the project proponent may begin to plan for the
development of the mine. This phase of the mining project has several distinct

• Site preparation

If a mine site is located in a remote, undeveloped area, the project proponent may need
to begin by clearing land for the construction of staging areas that would house project
personnel and equipment. Even before any land is mined, activities associated with site
preparation and clearing can have significant environmental impacts, especially if they are
within or adjacent to ecologically sensitive areas. The EIA must assess, separately, the
impacts associated with site preparation and clearing.

• Active mining

Once a mining company has constructed access roads and prepared staging areas that
would house project personnel and equipment, mining may commence. All types of active
mining share a common aspect, i.e. the extraction and concentration (or beneficiation) of
a metal from the earth. Proposed mining projects differ considerably in the proposed
method for extracting and concentrating the metallic ore. In almost every case, metallic
PAKUR, District of Black Stone

ores are buried under a layer of ordinary soil or rock (called ‘overburden’ or ‘waste rock’)
that must be moved or excavated to allow access to the ore deposit. The first way in
which proposed mining projects differ is the proposed method of moving or excavating
the overburden. What follows are brief descriptions of the most common methods.

• Open-pit mining
Open-pit mining is a type of strip mining in which the ore deposit extends very deep in the
ground, necessitating the removal of layer upon layer of overburden and ore.

In many cases, logging of trees and clear-cutting or burning of vegetation above the ore
deposit may precede removal of the overburden. The use of heavy machinery, usually
bulldozers and dump trucks, is the most common meas of removing overburden. Open-
pit mining often involves the removal of natively vegetated areas, and is therefore
among the most environmentally- destructive types of mining, especially within tropical

• Underground mining
In underground mining, a minimal amount of overburden is removed to gain access to the
ore deposit. Access to this ore deposit is gained by tunnels or shafts. Tunnels or shafts lead
to a more horizontal network of underground tunnels that directly access the ore. In an
underground mining method called ‘stoping’ or ‘block caving,’ sections or blocks of rock
are removed in vertical strips that leave a connected underground cavity that is usually
filled with cemented aggregate and waste rock.

Although underground mining is a less environmentally-destructive means of gaining

access to an ore deposit, it is often more costly and entails greater safety risks than strip
mining, including open-pit mining. While most large- scale mining projects involve open-
pit mining, many large underground mines are in operation around the world.

• Disposal of overburden and waste rock

In almost every project, metallic ores are buried under a layer of ordinary soil or rock
(called ‘overburden’ or ‘waste rock’) that must be moved or excavated to allow
access to the metallic ore deposit. For most mining projects, the quantity of
overburden generated by mining is enormous. The ratio of the quantity of
overburden to the quantity of mineral ore (called the ‘strip ratio’)
is usually greater than one, and can be much higher. For example, if a proposed
mining project involves the extraction of 100 million metric tons of mineral ore, then
the proposed mining project could generate more than one billion metric tons of
overburden and waste rock.

These high-volume wastes, sometimes containing significant levels of toxic

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

substances, are usually deposited on-site, either in piles on the surface or as backfill
in open pits, or within underground mines. Therefore, the EIA for a proposed mining
project must carefully assess the management options and associated impacts of
overburden disposal.
• Site reclamation and closure

When active mining ceases, mine facilities and the site are reclaimed and closed. The
goal of mine site reclamation and closure should always be to return the site to a
condition that most resembles the pre-mining condition. Mines that are notorious for
their immense impact on the environment often made impacts only during the
closure phase, when active mining operations ceased. These impacts can persist for
decades and even centuries. Therefore, the EIA for every proposed mining project
must include a detailed discussion of the mine Reclamation and Closure Plan offered
by the mining proponent.

Mine reclamation and closure plans must describe in sufficient detail how the mining
company will restore the site to a condition that most resembles pre-mining
environmental quality; how it will prevent – in perpetuity – the release of toxic
contaminants from various mine facilities (such as abandoned open pits and tailings
impoundments); and how funds will be set aside to insure that the costs of reclamation
and closure will be paid for.

• Human displacement and resettlement

According to the International Institute for Environment and Development:
The displacement of settled communities is a significant cause of resentment and
conflict associated with large-scale mineral development. Entire communities
may be uprooted and forced to shift elsewhere, often into purpose-built
settlements not necessarily of their own choosing. Besides losing their homes,
communities may also lose their land, and thus their livelihoods. Community
institutions and power relations may also be disrupted. Displaced communities
are often settled in areas without adequate resources or are left near the mine,
where they may bear the brunt of pollution and contamination. Forced
resettlement can be particularly disastrous for indigenous communities who have
strong cultural and spiritual ties to the lands of their ancestors and who may find
it difficult to survive when these are broken.


The most impotant important environmental impact of mining projects are:-

• Acid mine drainage and contaminant leaching

Acid mine drainage is considered one of mining most serious threats to water resources. A
mine with acid mine drainage has the potential for long-term devastating impacts on rivers,
streams and aquatic life.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone


If mine waste is acid-generating, the impacts to fish, animals and plants can be severe.
Many streams impacted by acid mine drainage have a pH value of 4 or lower – similar to
battery acid. Plants, animals, and fish are unlikely to survive in streams such as this.


Acid mine drainage is particularly harmful because it can continue indefinitely causing
damage long after mining has ended. Due to the severity of water quality impacts from
acid mine drainage, many hardrock mines across the west require water treatment in
perpetuity. Even with existing technology, acid mine drainage is virtually impossible to stop
once the reactions begin.
To permit an acid generating mine means that future generations will take responsibility
for a mine that must be managed for possibly hundreds of years.”

Impacts of mining projects on air quality:-

The largest sources of air pollution in mining operations are:

Particulate matter transported by the wind as a result of excavations, blasting,

transportation of materials, wind erosion (more frequent in open-pit mining), fugitive dust
from tailings facilities, stockpiles, waste dumps, and haul roads. Exhaust emissions from
mobile sources (cars, trucks, heavy equipment) raise these particulate levels; and gas
emissions from the combustion of fuels in stationary and mobile sources, explosions, and
mineral processing. Once pollutants enter the atmosphere, they undergo physical and
chemical changes before reaching a receptor. These pollutants can cause serious effects to
people’s health and to the environment.

Human health,
Environment (water, soil, wildlife),

Large-scale mining has the potential to contribute significantly to air pollution, especially in
the operation phase. All activities during ore extraction, processing, handling, and
transport depend on equipment, generators, processes and materials that generate
hazardous air pollutants such as particulate matter, heavy metals, carbon monoxide, sulfur
dioxide, and nitrogen oxides.

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

Transportation sources
Transporation sources of air pollutants include heavy vehicles used in excavation operations,
cars that transport personnel at the mining site, and trucks that transport mining materials.
The level of polluting emissions from these sources depends on the fuel and conditions of the
equipment. Even though individual emissions can be relatively small, collectively these
emissions can be of real concern. In addition, mobile sources are a major source of particulate
matter, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds that contribute significantly to the
formation of ground-level ozone.

Stationary sources
The main gaseous emissions are from combustion of fuels in power generation
installations, and drying, roasting, and smelting operations. Many producers of precious
metals smelt metal on-site, prior to shipping to off-site refineries. Typically, gold and
silver is produced in melting/fluxing furnaces that may produce elevated levels of
airborne mercury, arsenic, sulfur dioxide, and other metals.

Fugitive emissions
Common sources of fugitive emissions include: storage and handling of materials; mine
processing; fugitive dust, blasting, construction activities, and roadways associated with
mining activities; leach pads, and tailing piles and ponds; and waste rock piles. Sources
andcharacteristics of fugitive emissions dust in mining operations vary in each case, as do
their impacts. Impacts are difficult to predict and calculate but should be considered
since they could be a significant source of hazardous air pollutants.

Noise and vibration

Noise pollution associated with mining may include noise from vehicle engines, loading
and unloading of rock into steel dumpers, chutes, power generation, and other sources.
Cumulative impacts of shoveling, ripping, drilling, blasting, transport, crushing, grinding,
and stock-piling can significantly affect wildlife and nearby residents.

Vibrations are associated with many types of equipment used in mining operations, but
blasting is considered the major source. Vibration has affected the stability of
infrastructures, buildings, and homes of people living near large-scale open-pit mining
operations. According to a study commissioned by the European Union in 2000:
“Shocks and vibrations as a result of blasting in connection with mining can lead to noise,
dust and collapse of structures in surrounding inhabited areas. The animal life, on which
the local population may depend, might also be disturbed.”

PAKUR, District of Black Stone

13 nos new potential areas have been identified that are found to be out of
Reserved Forest or Protected Forest or Jhangal Jhari or Damin area as per data
provided by Forest Department of Pakur. It is recommended to get those areas
verified by consulting with DFO, CO, Gram Sabha/other authorities befor opting for
EC or any other statutory clearances. Since it is an interim report, to meet the
requirement of stone in the present scenario due to expiry of majority of existing
operating mines lease by 2020, it is proposed to identify such potential areas at
certain interval and get the data bank of DSR to be updated.


• District Mining Office – Pakur

• District Forest Office - Pakur
• Geology of Bihar and Jharkhand by T. M. Mahadevan
• National Institute of Disaster Management Report
• Report of Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources – State Unit
Office, Ranchi, September 2013.
• D. S. R. of Sand – Pakur


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