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Building and Environment 40 (2005) 1347–1355

A framework for evaluating the safety performance of construction

S. Thomas Nga,, Kam Pong Chenga, R. Martin Skitmoreb
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
School of Construction Management and Property, Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane Q4001, Australia
Received 20 February 2003; accepted 8 November 2004


Improvements to contracting organisations’ safety standards could inevitably be helped by continuous monitoring and review of
their safety performance. To achieve this, an objective Safety Performance Evaluation (SPE) framework is a prerequisite. Although
various methods of SPE have been proposed, a more comprehensive SPE framework which takes into account factors pertinent to
an organisation and its project has yet to be realised. In this paper, the importance of SPE factors is examined through a
questionnaire survey conducted in Hong Kong. The results of the questionnaire survey are used to develop a SPE framework
suitable for use in the construction industry and protocols for evaluating the safety performance at the organisational and project
levels. Through this analytical framework, SPE scores can be computed which would facilitate the benchmarking process and
various initiatives to improve the safety performance of construction contractors.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Construction safety; Safety management system; Safety performance evaluation

1. Introduction ment and maintain safety management systems [4,5]. In

addition to setting out safety objectives and targets in
In a market-driven society, it is common for their safety management systems, construction firms
construction stakeholders, especially those at the lower need a rational framework for Safety Performance
end of the supply chain, to concentrate exclusively on Evaluation (SPE) in order to objectively gauge their
completing projects to the required quality standard effectiveness in accident prevention over time (cf. [6]). A
with the minimum time and cost. Safety is, therefore, systematic SPE framework will also help companies to
regarded as a secondary concern. The lack of motivation identify potential hazards at an early stage so as to help
in fostering a safety culture at both organisational and avoid unnecessary losses in life and cost.
project levels has resulted in a poor safety record in SPE has received broad attention in the construction
general, with construction being one of the most literature. For instance, the goal-setting and feedback
hazardous industries globally [1,2]. method [7], Experience Modification Rating (EMR),
In view of the importance of Occupational Health and Incident Rate (IR), Accident Rate (AR), and Score Card
Safety (OHS) [3], countries such as the United Kingdom (SC) models have been proposed. Although some of
(UK), Singapore and Hong Kong (HK) have adopted a these approaches have been widely used in the construc-
self-regulatory approach to safety, whereby proprietors tion industry, a more comprehensive SPE framework
(including contractors) are required to develop, imple- which takes into account factors pertinent to an
organisation and its projects is still to be realised [2,8].
Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2857 8556; fax: +852 2559 5337. In this paper, the importance of SPE factors is
E-mail address: (S. Thomas Ng). examined through a questionnaire survey conducted in

0360-1323/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1348 S. Thomas Ng et al. / Building and Environment 40 (2005) 1347–1355

HK. Based upon the identified SPE factors, a frame- takes into account the contractor’s safety performance
work for establishing contractor’s safety performance is at a project level without considering organisation-
presented. Finally, the potential usage of the SPE scores related SPE factors. In addition, there is a lack of solid
is discussed. foundation as to how the weightings are established.

2. Previous research on safety performance evaluation 2.2. Factors affecting safety performance

2.1. Safety evaluation methods Project level: In general, safety on construction sites is
linked with historical, economical, psychological, tech-
Accident rate: Despite a study conducted by Tam and nical, procedural, organisational and work environment
Fung [9] concluding that the use of AR is superior to issues [2]. The development of safety systems, safety
other indices, measuring performance simply by the practice and procedures; monitoring of safety compli-
number of accidents has long been regarded as an ance, establishment of safety committees at site level,
unsound basis for comparison. Contractors diligently communication of safety policies to site personnel,
reporting and investigating accidents are disadvantaged participation of safety officers, consultation between
in comparison with less scrupulous contractors who site staff and safety officers also affect the safety
under-report accident occurrence [4]. It is unlikely, performance [14]. The most effective safety techniques
therefore, that contractors would be sufficiently moti- for projects as proposed by the Construction Industry
vated to report the number of accidents accurately. Institute, United States include pre-project/pre-task
Incidence rate: The IR can be computed according to planning for safety, safety orientation and training,
the number of lost time cases (lost time IR), number of and written safety incentives [15]. In addition, to avoid
days lost for all lost time cases (severity rate or lost accidents recurring on the same site, post-accident
workday rate), and number of fatalities, injuries and investigation systems need to be carried out to establish
illnesses with or without lost workdays (recordable IR). their causes [9]. Other recommendations for improving
However, IR is not an objective means for evaluating safety at project level include reducing the turnover of
safety performance, as different definitions may be project management teams, devoting more time to site
adopted during the computation process [10]. Similar safety issues, increasing the number of formal safety
to the AR, the accuracy of IR depends on how honest a meetings with supervisors and specialty contractors,
contractor is in revealing the reportable accidents, increasing informal site safety inspections, increasing
illnesses, fatalities and injuries. Also, as some construc- fines to workers with poor safety performances, etc. [10].
tion workers are not aware of their OHS rights, they The project-related SPE factors are summarised in
may not be in a position to claim for compensations. Fig. 1.
Experience modification rating: The EMR reflects the Organisational level: The organisation’s commitment
cost companies have to pay for workers’ compensation to safety has a significant influence on cultivating a
insurance. It is essentially the ratio between actual positive OHS culture [8], with the most influential factor
claims filed and expected claims for a particular type of driving safety performance in the construction industry
construction. However, since the EMR formulae are being the organisational safety policy [2]. Improvements
relatively complex and different versions of calculation in organisational structure, organisational importance
exist in practice [11], EMR is not an appropriate of safety, safety responsibility and accountability,
measure of safety performance for all types of compa- communication, management behaviour, employee in-
nies [12]. In addition, as the EMR is based on running volvement, and employee responses and behaviour can
average results over several years, this method cannot help improve safety performance [16]. This would
truly reflect the current safety performance of companies involve the development of more detailed written safety
[13]. programmes, greater expenditure on safety pro-
Score card: The SC system as introduced by the HK grammes, additional training to part-time safety co-
Government consists of six key aspects: the (i) provision ordinators, and better indoctrination of new staff on
and maintenance of plant; (ii) provision and main- company policies and guidelines [10]. Safety systems,
tenance of the working environment; (iii) provision of written safety policies and measurable safety targets,
information, instruction and training; (iv) provision and safety committees at company level, communication of
implementation of safety systems of work; (v) employ- safety policies to the various concerned parties are also
ment of safety officers/supervisors; and (vi) site accident said to be essential to construction safety [14], while
records (Works Bureau, 2000). Weighting is allocated to safety awards or incentive schemes, safety training
each factor to reflect its importance. An assessor is schemes, safety committees and level of subcontracting
required to assign a rating to each factor. However, one are also recommended for consideration [9]. Fig. 2
major weakness of the existing SC system is that it only recapitulates the SPE factors related to an organisation.
S. Thomas Ng et al. / Building and Environment 40 (2005) 1347–1355 1349

3. Research methodology help gather and analyse the level of importance of

each sub-factor. The questionnaire was piloted by
To devise a rational framework for SPE necessitates experts in construction safety to test the suitability of
the establishment of the importance of safety factors in the main and sub-factors for SPE and the format of the
an objective manner as possible. A questionnaire survey questionnaire.
was chosen as an appropriate means for soliciting views When selecting the sample for the main study, a mix
of various project participants within a relatively short of construction participants with different background
period of time. The questionnaire consists of two was randomly sampled to minimise the possibility of
sections: the first section focuses on prioritising (by bias. As a result, three main categories of construction
rank ordering) the main factors pertinent to safety stakeholders were involved: (i) clients; (ii) contractors
performance at the organisational and project levels, including main contractors and sub-contractors; and
while the second section aims to establish the impor- (iii) consultants. The questionnaire was issued to 180
tance of the organisation-related and project-related potential respondents, and 129 completed question-
sub-factors shown in Figs. 1 and 2. For the second part naires were returned, representing a response rate of
of the questionnaire, a Likert bipolar scale of 1–5 72%. Of these, 49, 41 and 39 were from the client,
representing ‘‘very low’’ to ‘‘very high’’ was provided to contractor and consultant groups, respectively.

Fig. 1. Safety factors in organisation level.

Fig. 2. Safety factors in project level.

1350 S. Thomas Ng et al. / Building and Environment 40 (2005) 1347–1355

4. Importance of main factors Amongst the seven project-related main factors, ‘‘safety
review’’ was rated the least important.
The data collected from the questionnaire survey were
analysed according to the Mean Ranking (MR) and
Mean Score (MS) as adopted by Assaf et al. [17]. The 5. Importance of sub-factors
MR for each main factor was computed by the
following formula: In order to establish the importance of each SPE sub-
f r factor, the MS was computed by
MRmain factor ¼ ð1pMRp7Þ; (1) P
N f s
MSsub-factor ¼ ð1pMSp5Þ; (3)
where f is the frequency of responses to each rating for N
each main factor, r the ranking given to each main where f is the frequency of responses to each rating for
factor by the respondents, and N the total number of each sub-factor, s the score given to each sub-factor by
responses concerning that factor. the respondents, and N the total number of responses
The MR was then used to determine the Relative concerning that factor.
Importance (RI) of each main SPE factor by Then, the RI of each safety sub-factor was calculated
PN as follows:
RMFj ¼ i¼1 ; (2)
MRj MSij
RSFij ¼ PN ; (4)
where RMFj is the relative importance of jth main i¼1 MSij
factor, and MRj the mean ranking of jth main factor. where RSFij is the relative importance of ith sub-factor
As shown in Table 1, ‘‘administrative and manage- under jth main factor, and MSij the mean score of ith
ment commitment’’ is the most important main factor at sub-factor under jth main factor.
the organisational level. This agrees with Tsui and Lo’s Table 3 summarises the MSs and rankings of the
[18] finding that support from management is crucial to organisation-related SPE sub-factors. This shows ‘‘im-
bring about any change or improvement in construction plementation of safety management system in accor-
safety. In addition, respondents also believed that it is dance with legislation’’ to have been rated the highest.
important for contractors to offer ‘‘health and safety This is in line with the move of some countries towards a
training’’ to their staff to improve workers’ awareness of higher emphasis on the enforcement of the safety
the potential dangers on site and use of protective management system. ‘‘Compliance with occupational
equipment. In contrast, ‘‘accident record’’ was consid- safety and health legislation, codes and standards’’ was
ered to be the least important main factor for evaluating also considered critical at an organisational level,
contractor’s safety performance, confirming Tang’s [19] possibly a reflection of the commitment of senior
view that the accuracy of existing statistical methods in management on construction safety. Respondents rated
determining the AR is in need of further investigation. ‘‘number of accidents happened in all construction
As for the project-related SPE main factors, ‘‘project sites’’ and ‘‘conduction of organisational safety policy
management commitment’’ was rated the most impor- review’’ the lowest in importance.
tant (Table 2), as a safety conscious project management The MSs and rankings of the project-related SPE sub-
team could help avoid accidents from occurring. factors are highlighted in Table 4 with ‘‘provision of safe
Furthermore, since so many potential hazards exist on working environment’’ being regarded as the most
construction sites, ‘‘hazard management’’ was consid-
ered to be an important aspect by the respondents.
Table 2
Table 1 Summary of mean ranking of main project-related SPE factors
Summary of mean ranking of main organisation-related SPE factors
Factors MR Relative RI
Factors MR Relative RI ranking
Project management 2.55 1 0.209
Administrative and 2.17 1 0.249 commitment
management commitment Hazard management 3.10 2 0.172
Health and safety training 2.83 2 0.208 Implementation 3.42 3 0.156
Legislation, codes and 3.04 3 0.177 Information, training and 3.50 4 0.152
standards promotion
Selection and control of 3.57 4 0.152 Emergency procedures 4.52 5 0.118
subcontractors Recording, reporting and 5.36 6 0.099
Safety review 4.44 5 0.122 investigation
Accident record 4.95 6 0.109 Safety review 5.57 7 0.096
S. Thomas Ng et al. / Building and Environment 40 (2005) 1347–1355 1351

Table 3
Relative importance of safety factors in organisation level

Main factors/sub-factors MS Ranking RI

A. Administrative and management commitment (RI ¼ 0.25)

Development of safety policy 3.95 4 0.200
Establishment of safety organisation 3.88 5 0.197
Definition of safety responsibility 4.01 3 0.203
Development of in-house safety rules 3.78 9 0.192
Implementation of safety management system in accordance with legislation 4.09 1 0.208
B. Health and safety training (RI ¼ 0.19)
Allocation of resources for training 3.87 6 0.513
Development of organisational safety training 3.67 11 0.487
C. Selection and control of subcontractors (RI ¼ 0.15)
Incorporation of safety requirement in subcontractors selection 3.84 7 0.501
Provision of safety induction and performance monitoring 3.82 8 0.499
D. Safety review (RI ¼ 0.12)
Implementation of safety audit to safety management system 3.72 10 0.513
Conduction of organisational safety policy review 3.53 12 0.487
E. Accident record (RI ¼ 0.11)
Number of accidents happened in all construction sites 3.50 13 1.000
F. Legislation, codes and standards (RI ¼ 0.18)
Compliance with occupational safety and health legislation, codes and standards 4.08 2 1.000

significant sub-factor, as accidents may be related to the For example, the performance index for very good
tidiness of the workplace [20]. An improvement in job performance in ‘‘development of safety, for example,
conditions could help minimise the risk of accidents [2]. can be computed as follows:
The next most important sub-factor was the ‘‘develop- RMF for company administration and management
ment of emergency plan and procedures’’, confirming commitment ¼ 0.249,
Wong et al.’s [14] recent findings that safety practice and RSF for development of safety organisation ¼ 0.200,
procedures were more important than other factors, as Weighted score for very good performance ¼ 4,
proper planning is needed in minimising the harmful
4  0:249  0:200
consequences of an accident. On the other hand, the PIdevelopment of safety organisation ¼  100
least important project-related sub-factors include ‘‘con-
duction of site safety policy review’’ and ‘‘implementa- ¼ 4:98:
tion of safety audit to safety management system’’. Having calculated all potential index values that could
be given to the sub-factors under each of the perfor-
mance scenarios (i.e. from ‘‘poor’’ to ‘‘very good’’),
evaluation forms can be formulated to measure the
6. Development of a safety performance assessment safety performance of a contractor at the organisational
model (Table 5) and project levels (Table 6). With the
assessment forms, an assessor can simply record the
The RI of each sub-factor and its corresponding main actual safety performance of a contractor based on the
factor can be combined with the weight score to form a four rating categories of ‘‘very good’’, ‘‘good’’, ‘‘satis-
performance index. The performance index represents factory’’ or ‘‘poor’’, and the total organisational and
the score that could be assigned to each SPE factor project-related safety scores computed by summing up
according to the actual safety performance of a the scores of all sub-factors.
contractor. The performance index is As a contractor would usually have more than one
PW  RSFij  RMFj project in hand, a mechanism is needed to enable the
PIij ¼  100; (5) SPE scores of a series of projects to be combined. To do
that, an overall project safety score can be worked out
where PIij is the performance index of ith sub-factor by averaging the scores of some recent projects, i.e.
under jth main factor, and PW the weighted score of PN
different safety performance; 1 ¼ poor, 2 ¼ satisfactory, Si
Performance score for project level ðPÞ ¼ i¼1 ; (6)
3 ¼ good, 4 ¼ very good. N
1352 S. Thomas Ng et al. / Building and Environment 40 (2005) 1347–1355

Table 4
Relative importance of safety factors in project level

Main Factors/Sub-factors MS Ranking RI

A. Project management committee (RI ¼ 0.21)

Definition of safety responsibility to all site personnel 4.02 4 0.519
Development of safety committee 3.72 13 0.481
B. Hazard management (RI ¼ 0.17)
Definition of safety responsibility to all site personnel 3.98 5 0.497
Development of safety committee 4.03 3 0.503
C. Information, training and promotion (RI ¼ 0.15)
Provision of safety training to all personnel 3.95 7 0.354
Provision of update safety information 3.63 14 0.326
Conduction of safety promotion 3.57 15 0.320
D. Implementation (RI ¼ 0.16)
Provision of plant and equipment maintenance 3.95 7 0.200
Provision of safety working environment 4.10 1 0.207
Conduction of site safety inspection and supervision 3.98 5 0.201
Provision of safety systems of works 3.84 11 0.195
Employment of safety officer and safety supervisor 3.90 9 0.197
E. Recording, reporting and investigation (RI ¼ 0.10)
System for accident recording and reporting 3.74 12 0.491
Conduction of accident investigation and analysis 3.88 10 0.509
F. Emergency procedures (RI ¼ 0.12)
Development of emergency plan and procedures 4.05 2 1.000
G. Safety review (RI ¼ 0.10)
Conduction of safety hazard review 3.57 15 0.336
Conduction of site safety policy review 3.53 17 0.332
Implementation of safety audit to safety management system 3.53 17 0.332

where Si is the total performance score for ith project, tunity, insurance premium, award or sanction or
and N the number of projects. benchmarking performance.
The overall SPE score for a contractor is a combina- Tendering opportunity: When criteria other than cost
tion of the organisation and project-related scores. are included in the contractor selection process, the
However, as the weightings between the organisation introduction of the SPE framework to could encourage
and project scores depend on a company safety strategy, contractors to put more effort into enhancing their
financial capability, policy, awareness, resources avail- safety performance so as to increase their tendering
able, management’s commitment, project manager and opportunities.
site staff’s commitment and other reasons, there is no Insurance premium: It has been suggested that the
hard and fast rule to determine the ideal composition. feasibility be investigated of developing incentive schemes
The simplest approach is to adopt an equal weighting in construction insurance policies similar to the no-claim
for the organisation and project scores as shown below: bonus commonly applied to motor insurance [19]. This
OþP will encourage contractors in maintaining a good safety
Overall performance score ¼ ; (7) record. The idea of charging contractors who have poor
safety records could also help the insurance industry in
where O is the performance score of organisation level, reducing the payout of the employees’ compensation
and P the performance score of project level. insurance. The proposed evaluation framework would
give a more reliable index of classification pertinent to
construction safety performance that can correspond to
7. Potential application of safety performance score the no-claim bonus appraisal. Contractor with a higher
safety performance score may therefore enjoy a discount
The framework proposed is a simple and direct tool in insurance premium.
for measuring contractor’s safety performance. When Award or sanction: It is possible for a coordinated
contractors are classified according to the SPE scores, safety award to be made to motivate the senior manage-
this framework could assist decision-makers in different ment in client and contractor organisations to compete
ways, including the determination of tendering oppor- for excellence in safety. The proposed framework could
S. Thomas Ng et al. / Building and Environment 40 (2005) 1347–1355 1353

Table 5
Safety performance assessment form for organisation level

Factors Poor Satisfactory Good Very good Score

(  1) (  2) (  3) (  4)

A. Administrative and management commitment

Development of safety policy 1.24 2.49 3.73 4.98
Establishment of safety organisation 1.23 2.45 3.70 4.90
Definition of safety responsibility 1.26 2.53 3.79 5.06
Development of in-house safety rules 1.19 2.39 3.58 4.78
Implementation of safety management system in accordance with 1.30 2.59 3.88 5.18
Sub-total (A)
B. Health and safety training
Allocation of resources for training 2.45 4.90 7.35 9.80
Development of organisational safety training 2.32 4.65 6.98 9.30
Sub-total (B)
C. Selection and control subcontractors
Incorporation of safety requirement in subcontractors selection 1.90 3.81 5.71 7.62
Provision of safety induction and performance monitoring 1.90 3.79 5.69 7.58

Sub-total (C)
D. Safety review
Implementation of safety audit to safety management system 1.56 3.13 4.69 6.26
Conduction of organisational safety policy review 1.49 2.97 4.46 5.94
Sub-total (D)
E. Accident record
Number of accidents happened in all construction sites 2.73 5.45 8.17 10.90

Sub-total (E)
F. Legislation, codes and standards
Compliance with occupational safety and health legislation, codes 4.43 8.85 13.27 17.70
and standards
Sub-total (F)
Total organisation-related performance score (A+B+C+D+E+F) ¼

provide an objective basis for categorising safety perfor- SPE factors were identified. Thirteen of them were
mance into different grades. The safety grading given to organisation-related while 18 were pertinent to project
each contractor could also be considered as an award or level. A questionnaire survey was conducted with
recognition in itself to encourage contractors to keep clients, contractors and consultants in HK in order to
monitoring and improving their safety performance. establish the importance of the factors. The analyses
Benchmarking performance: Safety performance on were carried out by examining the MS and MR. The
site should be benchmarked through safety inspection results indicate the most important SPE factors at an
and perception surveys to ensure continuous improve- organisational level to be ‘‘implementation of safety
ment [21]. Through comparison, deviations from best management system in accordance with legislation’’ and
practice can be investigated to provide explanations of ‘‘compliance with occupational safety and health
success and failure and lessons that provide the stimulus legislation, codes and standards’’. At project level, the
for learning, innovation and continuous improvement most important SPE factor was ‘‘provision of safe
[22]. Using the assessment framework to benchmark working environment’’.
contractor’s safety performance has great potential of Having reviewed different existing SPE methods, a
fostering the improvement in OHS performance. more comprehensive framework for evaluating con-
struction safety performance was developed. This
provides a comprehensive analysis approach on con-
8. Conclusions tractor’s safety performance at both organisational and
project levels that are not found in any existing systems.
In this paper, a framework for evaluating contractors’ The safety performance scores can be used to form a
safety performance was described. In order to facilitate league table of contractors’ safety performance. This
a more objective framework to be developed, a range of benchmarking system could be applied at tendering
1354 S. Thomas Ng et al. / Building and Environment 40 (2005) 1347–1355

Table 6
Safety performance assessment form for project level

Factors Poor Satisfactory Good Very good Score

(  1) (  2) (  3) (  4)

A. Project management committee

Definition of safety responsibility to all site personnel 2.71 5.43 8.14 10.85
Development of safety committee 2.51 5.03 7.54 10.05
Sub-total (A)
B. Hazard management
Definition of safety responsibility to all site personnel 0 4.28 6.41 8.55
Development of safety committee 2.16 4.33 6.49 8.65
Sub-total (B)
C. Information, training and promotion
Provision of safety training to all personnel 1.35 2.69 4.04 5.38
Provision of update safety information 1.24 2.48 3.72 4.96
Conduction of safety promotion 1.22 2.43 3.65 4.86
Sub-total (C)
D. Implementation
Provision of plant and equipment maintenance 0.78 1.56 2.34 3.12
Provision of safety working environment 0.81 1.61 2.42 3.23
Conduction of site safety inspection and supervision 0.78 1.57 2.35 3.14
Provision of safety systems of works 0.76 1.52 2.28 3.04
Employment of safety officer and safety supervisor 0.77 1.54 2.30 3.07
Sub-total (D)
E. Recording, reporting and investigation
System for accident recording and reporting 1.22 2.43 3.65 4.86
Conduction of accident investigation and analysis 1.26 2.52 3.78 5.04
Sub-total (E)
F. Emergency procedures
Development of emergency plan and procedures 2.95 5.90 8.17 11.80
Sub-total (F)
G. Safety review
Conduction of safety hazard review 0.81 1.61 2.42 3.22
Conduction of site safety policy review 0.80 1.60 2.39 3.19
Implementation of safety audit to safety management system 0.80 1.60 2.39 3.19
Sub-total (G)
Total project-related performance score (A+B+C+D+E+F+G) ¼

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