Tugas Projek BHS Inggris KLS 12

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“How to Make Organic Liquid Fertilizer“

Name : 1. Diyah Ayu Tentrem K. (07)

2. Linda Rahmawati (15)

How to Make Organic Liquid Fertilizer

Materials :

- Banana steams and humps

- Water

- EM 4

- Still sugar cane

Tools :

- Medium size plastic teapot

- Plastic measuring cup

- Tea strainer

- Funnel

Steps :

1. Put the banana stems and humps that have been finenly chopped into a

plastic teapot

2. Put 3 liters of water into a plastic . Stir evenly

3. Measure EM4 using a 125 ml plastic measuring cup. Then pour, stir evenly

4. Measure the volume of 125 ml of sugar cane using a plastic measuring cup

5. Enter the measured sugar cane drops, stir evenly

6. Add coconut fiber, stir evenly

7. Cover the plastic kettle ( not tight)

8. Then, place it in a damp place and hot to be exposed to sunlight for 2 weeks

9. Every 2 days the teapot lid is opened and then stirred evenly and close again

10.After 2 weeks the liquid organic fertilizer will be marked with a smell like

tape and there is white mold on it

How to Make Organic Liquid Fertilizer“

Materials :

- Banana steams and humps

- Water
- EM 4
- Still sugar cane

- Coconut fiber
Tools :

- Medium size plastic teapot

- Plastic measuring cup ( gelas ukur plastik)

- Tea filter and Funnel

- Wood stirrer ( pengaduk kayu )

Steps :

1. Put the banana stems and humps that have been finenly chopped into a

plastic teapot ( masukkan batang dan bonggol pisang yang sudah dicacah

halus ke teko plastik)

2. Put 3 liters of water into a plastic . Stir evenly

( masukkan air 3 liter ke teko plastik, aduk merata)

3. Measure EM4 using a 125 ml plastic measuring cup. Then pour, stir evenly

( ukur volume EM4 sebanyak 125 ml ,menggunakan gelas ukur plastik.

Kemudian aduk sampai merata)

4. Measure the volume of 125 ml of sugar cane using a plastic measuring cup

(Ukur volume tetes tebu sebanyak 125 ml ,menggunakan gelas ukur plastik)

5. Enter the measured sugar cane drops, stir evenly

(Masukkan tetes tebu yang sudah diukur, aduk merata)

6. Add coconut fiber, stir evenly ( Tambahkan sabut kelapa, aduk merata)

7. Cover the plastic kettle ( not tight)

( Tutuplah teko ( tidak rapat) )

8. Then, place it in a damp place and hot to be exposed to sunlight for 2 weeks

( kemudian, tempatkan pada tempat yang lembab dan tidak terkena sinar matahari

selama 2 minggu )
9. Every 2 days the teapot lid is opened and then stirred evenly and close again

( setiap 2 hari sekali tutup teko dibuka dan diaduk rata dan tutup kembali)
10.After 2 weeks the liquid organic fertilizer will be marked with a smell like

tape and there is white mold on it

( setelah 2 minggu pupuk organik cair akan jadi yang di tandai dengan bau seperti

tape dan ada jamur putih diatasnya )

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