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Submitted by:
Jimenez, Jasfer L.
PG12 (Mater Amabilis)

2 Semester, AY 2019-2020
Ms. Joan Elizabeth G. Ibay

(February 02, 2020)

Asan na ba tayo ngayon? Maayos padin ba ang pamamalakad sa ating bansa? Karamihan
saatin ay sasagot ng “hindi” sa kadahilanan ng mga nangyayari sa ating bansa ngayon. Pero
totoo nga ba na mali na ang ginagawa ng ating gobyerno? at may mag papatunay nga ba?
Nakakalito diba? Dahil bawat isa saatin ay may kanya-kanyang opinyon sa paraan na
pamamalakad ng gobyerno sa ating bansa. Maraming bagay na nangyayari sa loob ng
Gobyerno na kadalasan ay hindi natin alam o malalaman, ang ating Gobyerno ngayon ay
sobrang gulo maraming mga bagay na hindi natin maiintindihan kung hindi natin ito pag
tutunguhan ng pansin at oras upang intindihin ang mga ito, at marami ring kaganapan na
nangyayari, unang una na jan ang korapsyon na hindi mawawala sa ating mga nanunungkulan
sa bansa, ang mga patayan dahil sa droga, pagpapalaya sa isang bilanggo na hindi dapat, ang
mga kaganapan sa new clark city, at ang mga pa palit palit na pera sa ating bansa. Marami
pang pangyayari sa pamamalakad ng gobyerno sa ating bansa na kadalasan ay sobrang gulo
na ng mga nangyayari. Ngunit may mga bagay din naman na magaganda na nangyayari sa
ating bansa, isang halimbawa na don ang New Clark City oo, may maganda padin dulot iyon sa
ating bansa dahil isang karangalan sa ating bansa ang humawak ng palaro sa buong Asia, at
kadalasan ang mga ganong pangyayari ay halos may pumapalya ngunit satin ay maraming
natuwa dahil walang gaanong palya ang nangyari. Kadalasan kasi sa atin puro mali nalamang
ang ating nakikita sa pamamalakad ng gobyerno sa ating bansa hindi natin nakikita ang bagay
na tama dahil karamihan doon ay mali dahil sa sobrang daming pangayayari ang nagaganap.
Ayon sa aking pananaliksik ang good governance o mabuting pamamahala ay terminong
ginagamit para siguraduhin na ang pamahalaan ng isang bansa ay nagpapakita ng
pananagutan at tamang pamamalakad sa nasasakupan. Inilalantad din nito sa lipunan ang
marangal na gawain at proyekto sa pamamagitan ng mga ulat, datos at salik. Ipinapakita rin nito
na ito ay walang nilalabag na batas at isinasaalang-alang ang kapakanan at interes ng
nakararami. Kung ang ating bansa ay may ganitong pamamalakad mas magiging mabuti ang
kalagayan at pamamalakad ng gobyerno, magiging payapa ang lahat dahil dito walang
nilalabag na batas ayon sa kasunduan at nagpapakita ito ng tamang pamamalakad sa
nasasakupang bansa at mas magiging mabuti ang isang bansa kung iniisip ang bawat
mamamayan, maraming maiiwasan na kaguluhan o isyu na nangyayare ngayon sa ating bansa
at mas magiging magaan sa bawat isa ang buhay dahil sa wastong pamamalakad ng gobyerno,
walang mangungurakot o mandadaya sa gobyerno.
The government can increase spending if it wants to create more aggregate demand in
an economy. This makes sense if you think about it. If the government buys goods and
services, it means that businesses make sales and have to increase production. If they
have to increase production, they may have to bring laid off workers back or even hire
new workers. The workers get paid and will have money to buy goods and services
resulting in more sales to businesses and jobs for people and so on. Of course,
decreasing government spending will reduce aggregate demand and can be used to
slow down growth if the economy is getting overheated, where prolonged periods of
growth causes high levels of inflation.

Government spending can lead to the multiplier effect, which is when shifts in aggregate
demand due to government fiscal policy increases income and consumer spending as
we have seen in our discussion above. A problem with government spending can be
found in the crowding-out effect, in which government spending and borrowing results in
increasing interest rates as the private sector competes for loans with the government,
which reduces private investment. Many economists advocate that expansive fiscal
policy - increases in government spending - should be a short-term policy that should
end when the economy recovers enough for the private sector to take over.

The best society would exist when a common concern for the collective became intrinsic
to individual priorities and choices. It would also be in harmony with the environment.
Poverty, disease, warfare and crime would be things of the past. Such a society would
be the result of a collective freedom of thought that had disentangled itself from doom
religions, dead philosophies and greedy politicians. The conscious and subconscious
fallacies embedded in the primitive mind by the assertions of those taken to be superior
would be finally put to rest, especially in the discovery that man’s natural state is not
one of war, and neither is Armageddon inevitable. Principles would transcend the
national, cultural, religious and political. However, the chief characteristic which would
make it better than all the societies we may compare it with, is that it could only exist
because it has defeated the possibility of just getting worse. What makes the best
society is also determined by number. A society of one can be the absolute best. A
society of two could also be the best. It may be that the best society is determined by
the number of good relationships which can exist within it. So before we can say
anything about what would make the best society, we must first determine the number
of people in it There are two broad categories of society: narcissistic and outward-
looking. The first typically involves a search for peace, harmony and pleasure. Fine as
these are, the prospect of nothing else until the Heat Death of the universe lacks
something. I prefer the more outward-looking search for meaning. This has been
approached through religion, which is unfortunately stuck in the Middle Ages.
Philosophy has made some technical advances here, but on the big questions we have
not advanced beyond the ancient Greeks, who were also the inventors of every modern
political system. Advances in art follow technology: a Stone Age Beethoven would not
have produced symphonies, as he lacked the orchestra, whose instruments are the
products of technological knowledge. In fact, the only direction in which any substantial
advances have been made is through science: so the best society would be one
conscientiously advancing through science. This not a new departure, as we are
already doing this to some extent


Good governance is such a widely used term that I feel the need to first clarify what I
understand by good governance. If governance includes the exercise of authority in
managing the resources of a country, then good governance is about making sure that
this exercise of power helps improve quality of life enjoyed by all citizens. If your
government is not providing the quality of life that you think you and your fellow citizens
deserve, it most likely has to do with good governance - or a lack thereof. How to
determine whether governance is good? The list is quite long but I think these are the
most important issues:
Accountability: How easy is it for you as a citizen to keep track of whether governments
followed through on promises made during elections? Is it clear what was promised,
where the money is coming from, when it will be done, who is responsible? Is this
information available publicly, on the web site, in the municipality? Is someone
responsible for reporting what has not been finalized according to agreed plans?
Effectiveness: Is the government delivering services such as education, and health care
to citizens in accordance with the needs and available budget? Is it collecting revenues
honestly, investing those resources wisely and managing public goods for the benefit of
all? Fairness: Do you trust your government? Do you trust the institutions or the
individuals running them? Are they fair, reliable, stable and accountable? Are they free
of corruption, and do they help build trust between citizens and the government? Now,
why does it matter? If a state practices good governance, it is likely to be: Among the
most developed countries - There is a high correlation between the quality of
governance and per capita income. And statistical analysis has proven that good
governance improves economic performance rather than vice-versa. The concrete
example is Singapore, which by transforming into one of the least corrupt places in the
world, is fast becoming one of the world’s booming economies . Making you happier –
There is a direct connection in the OECD countries between trust in the national
government and life satisfaction or perceived well-being. In the World Happiness
Report, good governance is recognized as one of the four pillars of sustainable
development since it “signifies the ability of people to help shape their own lives and to
reap the happiness that comes with political participation and freedom.
A Good governance has 8 major characteristics. It is participatory, consensus oriented,
accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive,
and follows the rule of law. Good governance is responsive to the present and future
needs of the organization, exercises prudence in policy-setting and decision-making,
and that the best interests of all stakeholders are taken into account.
1. Rule of Law Good governance requires fair legal frameworks that are enforced by an
impartial regulatory body, for the full protection of stakeholders.
2. Transparency Transparency means that information should be provided in easily
understandable forms and media; that it should be freely available and directly
accessible to those who will be affected by governance policies and practices, as well
as the outcomes resulting therefrom; and that any decisions taken and their
enforcement are in compliance with established rules and regulations.
3. Responsiveness Good governance requires that organizations and their processes
are designed to serve the best interests of stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.
4. Consensus Oriented Good governance requires consultation to understand the
different interests of stakeholders in order to reach a broad consensus of what is in the
best interest of the entire stakeholder group and how this can be achieved in a
sustainable and prudent manner.
5. Equity and Inclusiveness The organization that provides the opportunity for its
stakeholders to maintain, enhance, or generally improve their well-being provides the
most compelling message regarding its reason for existence and value to society.
6. Effectiveness and Efficiency Good governance means that the processes
implemented by the organization to produce favorable results meet the needs of its
stakeholders, while making the best use of resources – human, technological, financial,
natural and environmental – at its disposal.
7. Accountability Accountability is a key tenet of good governance. Who is accountable
for what should be documented in policy statements. In general, an organization is
accountable to those who will be affected by its decisions or actions as well as the
applicable rules of law.
8. Participation Participation by both men and women, either directly or through
legitimate representatives, is a key cornerstone of good governance. Participation
needs to be informed and organized, including freedom of expression and assiduous
concern for the best interests of the organization and society in general. Towards
Improved Governance: Good governance is an ideal which is difficult to achieve in its
totality. Governance typically involves well-intentioned people who bring their ideas,
experiences, preferences and other human strengths and shortcomings to the policy-
making table. Good governance is achieved through an on-going discourse that
attempts to capture all of the considerations involved in assuring that stakeholder
interests are addressed and reflected in policy initiatives.

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