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Area: ____________________ Date: ______________

Shift: ____________________

S Description Yes No Remarks / Observation

1 Are floor surfaces free of water, oil or other fluids
2 Are floor surfaces even
3 Are walkways and doorways clear of boxes, extension cords
and litter
4 Are stairways kept clear of boxes, equipment and other
obstructions (if any)
5 Are work areas, walkways and stairs well lit
6 Are work stations tidy and well-maintained
7 Are emergency procedures clearly displayed
8 Is there sufficient area around machines or equipment to
enable easy access
9 Is First Aid Kit located in easily accessible and prominent area
10 Are First Aid Kit contents clean and tidy
11 Are First Aid Kit contents within their expiry date
12 Is the location of the First Aid Kit clearly identified
13 Are all exits clearly marked and free from obstruction
14 Are there signs and arrows indicating the direction to exits
16 Are portable fire extinguishers provided in adequate number
and type
17 Are fire extinguishers mounted in readily accessible locations
18 Are extension leads and power boards maintained in a safe
operating condition
19 Are the electrical fittings and electrical equipment maintained
20 Are machine guards in place on all operating equipment
21 Are emergency stop buttons clearly visible and operational
22 Are chemical and hazardous substances clearly labeled (if any)
23 Are chemical and hazardous substances stored safely (if any)
24 Are Safety Data Sheets available and can workers easily access
them (if any)
25 Are employees wearing PPE’s (if required)

Any Other Observation: ______________________________________________________________________


Departmental Representative: _____________________

Checked by: ___________ Reviewed by:___________________

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