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Name: Miraflor S.

Tongcong BSEd-Science 1


"All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them". Each one of us
had dreams that we wish to pursue. We can't deny the fact, especially to us Filipinos that even
though we go through hardships that discourage us to stand up and progress yet we are still
hopeful that someday luck would finally favor us. In going through the staircase towards our
dreams, there are many essential underlying factors that would help us make our dreams
achievable. One of those is Education. According to Malcolm X, "Education is the passport to
the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today". It's the role of the schools
and universities to prepare us with our endeavors in life. As I remember every time my parents
talk to me, they would always say that I should continue my studies because education is the
most precious treasure anyone could have and no one could dare to steal it from you.

"USeP Naming Liyag" is the official hymn of the University of Southeastern Philippines,
where I am currently studying. Delving into the message of the said hymn, I want to highlight
these 2 lines that caught my heart every time I sing this hymn. The first line is, "USeP naming
Liyag, Nasa'yo ang pangarap". The moment I enter and enroll in USeP I already dedicate myself
that I would let this institution mold me. From the phrase, "Nasa'yo ang pangarap", it means that
I entrust myself to this university believing that they would help me reach my dreams. Though
when I was still in high school, I could always hear about people's hearsay that students in USeP
had encounter difficulties in passing their every course. This perception about USeP gave me the
feeling of fear and decided that I will not enroll in this university. Yet, here I am. The moment I
step my feet on USeP's vicinity, I realized that maybe this is what God wants for me. God wants
me to face my fears and to become courageous in order for me to become ready for what's ahead
of me. And now, I know that I can reach my dreams through USeP. I'll graduate here carrying out
the university's vision and mission.

The second line is, "Pamantasan naming dakila, Batis ka ng dunong at tuwa". Excellence
and joy, it is. "Excellence is not being the best, it is doing your best". It is one of the goals of
USeP, to partake or I say crown excellence on every student because the university wants us to
become world-class professionals in the near future. The advancement of the world's every
aspect was nowadays seen. And advancement means the people should have this excellence in
order to cope and to make use of the progress with literacy. Joy. Joy is much greater than
happiness. The university wants also to partake joy to each student through the activities and
programs the administration and councils have made. Back when I was in high school, people
would say that high school years are the best so you have to enjoy it fully. Then I thought, "What
about college?” I've imagined myself in the four corners of the library with a pile of books on my
table and nothing else you should do, read and write, no more time for leisure. But, as months
passed by here in USeP, I've enjoyed my college life as of now, even though sometimes I would
feel stressed because we are bombarded with school works, but it's inevitable. I can still smile
and laugh with my friends and spend some of my time for myself.

The USeP hymn's overall message was great and uplifting. If you go deeper into its lyrics
you'd feel inspired and you'd claim that In the Name of Jesus, I will survive, and I will graduate
here in USeP buckled up with excellence and competence towards my success.

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