Boson Algebra As A Symplectic Clifford Algebra

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Boson algebra as a symplectic Clifford

Cite as: Journal of Mathematical Physics 28, 2639 (1987);
Submitted: 16 February 1987 . Accepted: 01 April 1987 . Published Online: 04 June 1998

H. Bacry, and M. Boon


Algebraic and Dirac–Hestenes spinors and spinor fields

Journal of Mathematical Physics 45, 2908 (2004);

Clifford algebra approach to twistors

Journal of Mathematical Physics 23, 231 (1982);

The Dirac equation and Hestenes’ geometric algebra

Journal of Mathematical Physics 25, 1823 (1984);

Journal of Mathematical Physics 28, 2639 (1987); 28, 2639

© 1987 American Institute of Physics.

Boson algebra as a symplectic Clifford algebra
H. Bacrya) and M. Boon b )
Centre de Physique Theorique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Luminy, Case 907, F-13288
Marseille Cedex 9, France

(Received 16 February 1987; accepted for pUblication 1 April 1987)

It is well known that the n-fermion algebra is a complex Clifford algebra of dimension 22n with
the orthogonal group O(2n,C) as group of automorphisms. The n-boson algebra viewed
similarly as a complex "symplectic Clifford" algebra is investigated. It is of infinite dimension
and has the symplectic group Sp(2n,C) as a group of automorphisms. Special attention is
given to the case n = I and various bases. In particular, the matrix elements of the bases
between harmonic oscillator states and their relation with special functions are investigated.

I. INTRODUCTION "polynomials" in a i and a/ , where the variables a i and a/

The origin of the present work is a paper I of Biedenharn are not independent but related by (2.2B).
and Louck 1-3 written a few years ago where the authors in- Similarly the complex Fermion algebra Fn may be de-
vestigated the action of the symplectic group on the symme- fined as the universal algebra generated by the a j 's, the a i + 's,
trized products of a, a+, the basis elements of the one-boson and the unit element 1 obeying the relations
algebra. Our purpose is therefore (i) to generalize the inves- aiaj + aja i = ai+ a/ + a/ a/ = 0,
tigation of the symplectic group to the case of an n-boson (2.2F)
aja/ +a/ai =Dijl.
algebra, (ii) in the case n = 1, to analyze the Biedenharn-
Louck basis elements (symplectons) in the harmonic oscil- In fact, in neither case is the use of a basis necessary to
lator representation, and (iii) to study the same problem define the algebra. We could better say that V is a complex
when the more general bases of Cahill and Glauber4 are in- vector space of dimension 2n endowed with a nonsingular
troduced. It is a remarkable fact that in this last connection, symplectic (resp. symmetric) bilinear form denoted (x,y),
the three parameters of the hypergeometric function receive where X,YEV and that Bn (resp. Fn) is generated by V ED C
a physical interpretation while its argument is associated with
with the choice of basis. XY - yx = 2(x,y), (2:3B)
A resume of this work has been presented at the XIIlth
International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in respectively,
Physics. 5 xy + yx = 2(x, y). (2.3F)
One recognizes, in the fermion case, the definition of a
Clifford algebra (for an even dimensional space).6 Today,
The boson and fermion algebras can be defined in simi- where Lie algebras are considered as special cases of super
lar ways as follows. Lie algebras, it would be natural to consider Fn as an orthog-
Consider a complex vector space V of dimension v = 2n onal Clifford algebra and Bn as a symplectic Clifford algebra.
endowed with a nonsingular bilinear form which is either One problem which is relevant for physics is to build a
symplectic (boson case) or symmetric (fermion case). To be basis of Bn from a given basis of V. To our knowledge, the
more specific, let us take a "canonical" basis made of iso- first "group theoretical basis" construction was the one giv-
tropic vectors, say {a l ,a2 , ... ,a n , at ,at ,... ,a n+} and define en by Biedenharn and Louck 1 for B I' The basis elements of
the bilinear form, with the aid of those basis vectors, as fol- B 1 were given the name of characteristic polynomials by
lows: these authors. Although the space V is symplectic, these
(aj,aj ) (a/ ,at ) = 0, (aoa/ ) !Dij' (2.1) characteristic polynomials were made orthonormal in the
Hilbert sense. We will discuss the point later on.
The complex boson algebra Bn may be defined as the univer- In order to make clear how we can find a basis for B n
sal algebra generated by the a / s, the a i+ 's, and a unit element from a basis of V, we will examine the case of Fn or, more
1 satisfying the following boson relations: precisely, the case of the Dirac algebra (Fz ). Usually, one
takes a Lorentz basis for V, namely Yo, YI' Yz, Y3' The Dirac
(2.2B) algebra is 16 dimensional and the usual basis of it is given by
aia/ a/a =Dijl.
1, Yj.t' O" = U/2)( Yj.t Yv - Yv Yj.t)' YSYj.t' Ys' These basis ele-
In other words, Bn can be considered as the set of all ments span subspaces of respective dimension I (scalars), 4
( Vitself), 6, 4 and 1; each subspace is invariant and irreduci-
a)Permanent address: Universite d'Aix Marseille II, Faculte des Sciences ble under the Lorentz group. This can be seen from the com-
de Luminy.
b ) Permanent address: Institut Voor Theoretische Fysica, University of Nij· mutators with the generators of the Lorentz group ~ O" (ad-
megen, Netherlands. joint action, i.e., the "bracket" action)

2639 J. Math. Phys. 28 (11), November 1987 0022-2488/87/112639-11 $02.50 @ 1987 American Institute of Physics 2639
[~O"JLV' 1] = ° (scalar representation), The generators of the symplectic group are the elements of
order 2. A suitable basis for it is given by the following
[~O"JLV'Yp ]
n(n + 1 )/2 generators ofSp(2n,C):
=i(gvpYJL -gJLPYJL) (vector representation 0),
J ij- = + aja;),
[~O"JLv,l/20"pA ]
J ij+ = !(a;+a/ + a/a/), (2.13)
= (i/2)(g vpO"JLA - gVA O"JLP - gJLpO"VA + gJLA 0"vp) ( III ),
Jij = !Ca;a/ + a/ a;).
[!O"JLV'YsYp ] = iYs(gvp YJL - gJLP Yv) (all),
[!O"JLV'Ys] = °
(=). (2.4)
By taking symmetric tensor products of V (representa-
tion 0 ) we obtain irreducible spaces of the group Sp(2n,C)
Once the reduction into irreducible invariant subspaces associated with representation m, DOD ,etc. of dimension
has been made, the basis vectors of F2 are obtained by taking czn/ I), czn/2), etc., respectively. Moreover, the basis vec-
antisymmetrized products of the basis vectors of V. tors ail a;+ of Vare eigenelements of the n operators
Before doing something analogous for B n' let us make
some important remarks. M;; = U(a;a;+ + a/a;), ]. (2.14 )
Remark 1: The invariant subspaces of Eqs. (2.4) are Since
invariant under the action of the two Casimir operators of (2.15 )
the Lorentz group. The two Casimir operators are
In the special case of B I , the generators ofSp(2,C) can
(2.5) be written
C 2 = !EJLvpaM JLvM pa, (2.6) J+= _!a+ 2, J_=!a 2, J 3 =!(a+a+aa+) (2.16)
where M{tv denotes "the bracket by !O"{tv'" namely as already given by Biedenharn and Louck. I The symmetric
M{tv = HO"{tv' ], (2.7) tensor products of a and a+ were denoted by these authors as
therefore 97; they satisfy the following commutation relations:
C I = i[O"{tv' [O"{tv. ]], (2.8) [J3,971 = m97, (2.17)

C2 = !EJLvpa[O"{tv,[O"pa, ]]. (2.9) [J3, [J3,9j"]] + UJ +, [J -,97]] + UJ _, [J +,9j"]]

It is easy to check, for instance, that =j(j+1)9j", (2.18)
C l 1=C2 1=0, (2.10) where the notation is familiar to every physicist [Sp(2,C) is
isomorphic to SL(2,C)]. Equation (2.17) is the counterpart
Clyp = 3yp ' C2Yp = 0, (2.11 ) of Eqs. (2.4) of F 2 • Equation (2.18) is the counterpart of
relations that mean that the Lorentz scalars are character- Eqs. (2.10) and (2.11). It was shown by Biedenharn and
ized by the eigenvalues (0,0) and C I and C 2 and the Lorentz Louck that the 97 form a natural basis for B I' We intend to
vectors 7 by the eigenvalues (3,0). generalize that result to Bn in the next section.
Remark 2: Rather than the Lorentz basis for V, we
could choose the already mentioned isotropic basis a l±
= ~(YI ± iY2), al = !(Yo ± Y3)' The reason for that is a OF V
group theoretical one: these vectors are eigenvectors of the
two operators M12 and M03 (the Cart an subalgebra of the Let e l,e2,... ,e v (v = 2n) be an arbitrary basis of V. Since
Lorentz Lie algebra). In fact, V is symplectic, every vector is isotropic but we are not nec-
essarily taking a canonical basis. We define a basis
[!O'wal±] = ±al±, [!0"03,a l±] =0, (2.12) {E \.k, .... k) for B n' where k and k; are non-negative inte-
UO"\2' a 2± ] = 0, [~0"03' a 2± ] = ± al· gers satisfying
Then, by taking all antisymmetric products of the vec- kl+k2+"'+kv=k, (3.1)
tors a l± and al, we get a basis of F2 which is made of eigen- with the aid of the formula

vectors of M\2 and M03 ("canonical basis"). Up to a norma-
lization factor, they are 0"\2, 0"03' 0"01 ± iO"02 + 0"31 + i0"23' = I ~ [t][ kJE 7k J' ( 3.2)
;~ [kJ [k]!
0"01 ± iO'02 - 0"31 ± i0"23' etc.

Remark 3: It is perhaps important to emphasize the fact Here we use a "multiple index" notation, i.e.,
that in this part of the paper we are interested in algebras per k

se and not in their representations. For instance, the y's are I means I with (3.1),
[k J k, ~O
not matrices.
Remark 4: The above decomposition of F2 into irreduci- [k]! means k l !k 2 !" 'k),
ble invariant subspaces remains valid for the complex exten- [t] [k J means t/,t/'" .tv k"
sion O( 4,C) of the Lorentz group. Here O( 4,C) is the group
of automorphisms of F 2 • Ek[k J means E\,k,,"k v '
Let us now do something similar for Bn. For the choice It is clear that the E k[k J for a given k span an irreducible
of a basis for V, the things are simpler because V is symplec- representation spaceBn (k) for the group Sp(2n,C). It is the
tic and it is usual to take the canonical basis defined by (2,1). representation associated with the Young diagram !:II!!:'3

2640 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1987 H. Bacry and M. Boon 2640
made of k boxes, a representation of dimension Hermitian product in Bn: It is well known that the irre-
(v +k - 1)!I(k - v)!. We have ducible representations ofSp(2n,C) are irreducible with re-
00 spect to its maximal compact subgroup USp(2n). Since all
Bn = s Bn (k), (3.3) representations of this group are unitary, we must be able to
endow each B n (k) with an invariant Hilbert space structure.
whereBn(O) =CandB n (l) = V.
This is obtained by defining the Hermitian products for the
Graduation: From what is well known for the symplec-
canonical basis elements,
tic group (also orthogonal groups), it is easy to see that we
have a natural graduation in Bn. In fact, let us define

B n+ = S Bn (2k), or, more generally, by making use of the conjugation C:

(3.4 )
00 (xly) = (Cx,y) for X,YEV, (3.10)
Bn- = S Bn(2k+ 1).
k=O (xly) = (Cx,y) for x,yEB n. (3.11)
We get Structure constants of the algebra Bn: They are defined
Bn=Bn+sBn- (3.5 )
and the following graduations: E k[k ]E k'
[k'] = L
D [k'][k][K]E K
[K]' (3.12)

(3.6) To find the coefficients D (the structure constants) explicit-

Bn+Bn- =Bn-Bn+ =Bn-· ly, it is simpler to start with the canonical basis au a/ of V.
Scalar component: According to (3.3), each element of We will make use of (i) the Weyl identity for x, YEV
B n can be considered in a unique way as the sums of elements (3.13 )
belonging to the B n (k). The component in the B n (0) space
(the exponentials are not elements of Bn; they will be used as
will be called the scalar component. Clearly it is just a num-
generating functions); (ii) the generalized Leibnitz formula
ber [invariant under the group Sp(2n,C)].
(with global indices)
Conjugation: There exists a "conjugation" in Bn which
is an antilinear automorphism C such that C 4 = 1. To show ak [k] ([k]) apf ak-Pg
this, take a canonical basis and define the antilinear mapping a [xP k ] (fg) = [P~O [p] a [x][P] a [X][k- p]'
C(A) (3.14a)
(3.7a) where
Clearly it preserves the symplectic product. We have [[pk]]) = [k ]!
( (3.14b)
C(A)4 ai = (A *..1 -1)2a u [P]![k - p]!
C(A)4a / = (..1..1 *-1)2ai+. is the generalized binomial coefficient; and (iii) the defini-
tion of the E k[k /s
TheconditionC(A)4 = 1 imposes A = ±p, ± ipwithp>O. k
Clearly, C can be extended to the whole space Bn.
E k
[k] = aa[X][k] (~) IX=O' (3.15)
Scalar product in Bn: Let X, Y be two elements of Bn
belonging to the subspaces Bn (k) andB n (k '), respectively, where
i.e., corresponding to irreducible representations""", ,... (3.16)
(k squares) and """"", (k' squares), respectively. When
we multiply these two representations, the product contains with summation i = 1, ... ,n understood. It is convenient to
the scalar representation if and only if k = k '. Therefore the introduce a more explicit notation for the basis (3.15):
products XY and YX have a zero scalar component unless Ek _ a k ( S'Oi + 'YJ,oi+ ) I (3 17)
k = k '. This scalar component will be denoted by (X, y) : [k,][k,]- a [t][k'][1J][k,] e Si='YJi=O"

(X, Y) = scalar component of XY. (3.8)

The Weyl formula now reads
It is a symmetric scalar product in B n+ and an antisymme-
tric one in B n- . In other words, B n+ (resp. B n- ) is a carrier
(3.18 )
space for a symplectic (resp. orthogonal) representation of
Sp(2n,C). and the Leibnitz formula becomes


2641 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1987 H. Bacry and M. Boon 2641
wherek=k l +k2,p=Pl +P2,etc.
Now we apply the operator
ak+ k' which has the same sign as (3.21) iff kl + k2 is even and the
opposite sign iff k I + k2 is odd.
a [s ]lkol a [7]][k,) a [s'] [kt] a [7]'] [k21 Remark 4: Let us define the conjugation C by taking
to both sides of Eq. (3.18) and take the value at x = y = O. A = 1 in (3.7):
On the left-hand side, we get E7k,)[k J EFiJ[ki)' On the 2 (3.22 )
right-hand side we have to use the Leibnitz formula for we easily get from Eq. (3.2)

We get [.±
(Siai + 7]i a i+ )]n
ak + k' - P - P'g I
a[s][k,-p')a[7]]lk, P2)a[s,][k;-p;]a[7],][k i - p2] 0

[k, +k; -p, -pi] [k, +ki -p, -pi)'
= [k,L
a [s ](p,] a [7] 1[p,) a [s ][pi] a [7]] [p2] (summation over i is made explicit here for more clarity).
a p Therefore
CE 7k'lIk, I = ( - ) k'E fk,][k, J' (3.23)
and the Hermitian product for two basis elements of Bn is
given by
( E k[k,)[k, J IE k'
) kkk'
= ( - ) '(E [k,][k, IE [ki],[k2]) ,
and the only terms in this derivative that do not vanish when (3.24)
x = y 0 are those corresponding to [PI] = [p;] and
that is ( - )k, times the scalar component of the product
[P2] = [pi] for which we obtain ( - )P2( [pd![P2J!/2 P). As k k'
a conclusion, we obtain the following structure constants E!k,)!k,I E [k;][ki)'
formula: According to Remark 3, Eq. (3.24) is zero unless
k k' k2 k 2 and kJ = k i, Therefore
E (k,][k,J E [ki][k2]
(E[k,J[k, dE[ki] [k;]>
Inf([k,J,[ki) Inf([k,],[k;]) ( _ )P,
= L
(p,] 0
[pd![P2]! k
= ([kd![k 2]!!2 , + k')D[k.J[k; ]D[k,][k2]' (3.25)

X([k I J) ([k 2 J) ([ki

[PI] [PzJ [pi]
1) ([k;])
a positive definite scalar product, as expected.


XE k + k '-2p (320)
[k,+ki-pj[k,+ki-p]' ' For group theoretical considerations, it was natural to
where Inf( [k I J, [k 21) means a global index obtained by consider "symmetric polynomials" in ai and a/ as a basis
taking for each variable the smallest corresponding expo- for B n • Other bases can be introduced. Among them, there is
nent appearing in [kd and [k n. one the physicist is familiar with, namely the one associated
Remark 1: The maximum value of k + k ' 2p is with normally ordered products. From a group theoretical
k + k '. The difference term 2p is due to the Z2 graduation of point of view such a basis looks rather perverse. It would
the algebra. lead to basis elements which do not belong to irreducible
Remark 2: If we reverse the order of the product and representation spaces ofSp(2n,C). Let us examine this spe-
permute the dummy indices [PI] and [P2], we see that cial basis. The "normal" basis elements can be derived from
E[~;] [ki]E7k,](k, J will be given by Eq. (3.20) where ( - )P2 a new generating function as follows:
is to be replaced by ( - )p'. E k (\) _ a k

Remark 3: We can easily check in Eq. (3.20) that to get [k,][k, J - a [s ][k,J a [7] ]lk21
a nonzero scalar component on the rhs, it is necessary to
have [k i 1= [k 2 J and [k 2] = [kd. In such a case, we get, X (e - (1I2)S{T/
i ai
I ~"'i ~
+ .",<1/ ) Si O· (4,1 )
using (3.8),
[Compare (3.17) for the symmetric basis; the superscript
k k ( - )k,
(E [k,][k, ),E [k,][k,)) = -2-k- [kd![k 2]! (3.21 ) ( 1) is explained below. J In fact the change in the generating
function is quite "small" since the phase factor is invariant
and one can easily verify that it is a symmetric or antisymme- under the group Sp(2n,C). Obviously, the interest of the
tric scalar product depending on whether k is even or odd. In phase factor appears when we represent ai> a i + as annihila-
fact, from Remark 2, tion and creation operators. In that case, the symmetry be-

2642 J. Math. Phys .• Vol. 28. No. 11. November 1987 H. Bacryand M. Boon 2642
tween ai and a/ is lost. Changing the sign of the phase in D IjJ
e - (1/2)Si1/, transforms the normal product into an antinormal
(J + j' + j + 1)! ]
product which does not have the same properties even if [
from the B" algebraic point of view there is no fundamental (2.1 + 1) (j + j' - J)!(J + j - j')!(J + j' - j)!
difference. XC J2!mM (5.4)
More generally, we can follow Cahill and Glauber4 to and Cl,!/mM are the Wigner coefficients.
define an s basis E ~tj (k, I by the formula The normalization factor in (5.1) is the standard one. It
permits us to write
Ek(S) _ ak
[k.J[k,] - a Ls ]lk,] a [7J 1 [k,l [J+,9j] = [(j+m)(j m + 1)1 1/2 9j+l,

(e (SI2)Si1/ieS,a, + 1/,at ) I ' (4.2)

[J_,9j] = [(j-m)(j+m + 1)]1/2 9j-I, (5.5)
S,=1/, 0 [J3,9j] = m9j.
where s takes values in the complex plane. For s = 0 we are In particular,
back to the symmetric basis Eq. (3.17) and for s = 1 we
obtain the normally ordered basis (4.1 ). 9: =Y2E~,2 =Y2(a+)2 2V2.I+,
We can calculate the structure constants with an s basis. 97 = 2Ei.1 = a+a + aa+ 4J3 , (5.6)
We give only the result. We have only to replace the factor 2
9 1 1= Y2Eto = V2a 2&_.
( - )P, in formula (3.20) by the factor (s+ l)P'(s-l)P,.
Remark: The Leibnitz formula permits us to express the A matrix element (N' IE Ji m.j + m IN) is zero except if
s-basis elements in terms of the symmetric basis elements. the j + m creators and j m annihilators relate IN) to
We get IN'),thatisifN'=N+j+m (j-m) =N-2m.Ifwe
setj m = I (an integer) and Q 2m (an integer), we have
k(s) _ Inf([k,],[k,]) ([kI1) ([k21) ,
E [k,][k,] - I
[p.I 0
[p 1 [pd·
to compute the matrix elements
(N + Q IE7.~:::glN). (5.7)
x( _s )P' E k ,+k,-2p,
2 [k,-p,llk,-p,]' (4.3) We define

It follows that the scalar component of E (Z;j'(k, I is zero ex- (N + Q IE;,;:::gIN)

cept when [PI] in (4,3) can take simultaneously the values (1/21) [(N + Q)VN!1 1/2
l!f..l,(Q,N). (5.8)
[kd and [k 2], which is only possible if [kd [k 2 1. There- This definition introduces integers It/(Q,N). We will sup-

scalar part of E~k:i[k, I = ( - ~ r [kd !Ork, ][k, I' (4.4)

pose that Q is always positive. Whenever Q is negative, the
corresponding matrix element is the complex conjugate of
(N + IQ I IE i!,/JrJ I IN), where t' = I + Q = I-IQ I and
In the following section, we shall state the main proper-
ties of the numbers It/ (Q,N); the proofs of (5.10)-( 5.30) are
The question arises for the physicist to know what a found in the Appendix. First, we note that, in terms of the
basis element E ft?[k, 1 looks like when a i and a i + are repre- Biedenharn-Louck 9j, they read
sented in a harmonic oscillator basis. Here we give the an-
swer for B\ only, in two parts: (i) in the present section for
IJ(Q,N)=[ N!(l+Q)! )1I2(N+ QI 9 Q/ 2 IN).
s = 0 (symmetric "order"); (ii) in the next section, for a rl 2QI'(N + Q)! l+QI2
general value of s. (5.9)
If we adopt the Biedenharn-Louck notation, we define
The main properties are the following ones.
(5.1) ( 1) They are real positive integers expressed by

where (5.10)

where the Pia,{J)(x) are the Jacobi polynomials. In other

~ ( 2j )
£..._ j j +m
s j - m7Jj+ mE2j .
1 - m.l + m'
words (Ref. 8, p. 170),
/ Q, N - / + 1, ~).
(5.11 )
Here B t
(resp. B 1-) corresponds to the integral (resp.
half-integral) representations of Sp(2n,C). The structure where F is the hypergeometric function.
constants were calculated by Biedenharn and Louck: (2) They can be computed from binomial coefficients

aJmaJm' _
'" aJM Inf(l,N) r + Q)
(N\r) (Ir+Q
;::r j ;::r I-£...
J= [i-II
D fiJ
m'mM ;::r J , (5.3 ) ItI(Q,N) = r~o 2 ( 5.12)

where or

2643 J. Math, Phys., Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1987 H. Baery and M. Boon 2643
IlI(Q,N)=(_)1 ±(_2)m(N+Q+m)(I~Q).
m=O m I m
(b) N fixed,
IlI+ 1 (Q + I,N) =IlI(Q + I,N) - IlI+ 1 (Q,N); (5.22)
(5.13 )
(c) I fixed,
(3) Contour integral
21l1(Q+ I,N) =IlI(Q,N+ 1) + III (Q,N); (5.23)
(QN) =_I_ _I_i (t-l)N(t+ 1)I+Q dt,
Ill' 2N + 2Q 21Ti~ (t-3)1+1 (d) also
(5.14 ) III (Q,N + 1) =IlI(Q+ I,N) +IlI-1 (Q+ I,N). (5.24)
where the path is around 3, leaving 1 outside. These relations are easily seen in Fig. 1. We note that
( 4) Integral III (Q,N) is the number of ways one can go from the origin of
the diagram to the point (/,N,Q) by elementary steps in the
I/. (QN) = (- )1 (00 e- u uN + QLQ(2u)du (5.15 ) directions (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (1,1,0), and (0,0,1) only. The
r-I' (N+Q)!Jo I ,
numbers Il I (O,N) are known as Delannoy numbers. 9.10 They
where L ? are Laguerre polynomials. have the symmetric property
(5) Generating functions
(5.25 )
(Q,N)t l = (1
(1 _ t)N+
+ t)N
Q+ 1 '
(5.16 ) which is readily obtained from Eg. (5.20) with x = °
~ (Q N) ( - t) I _ N! e'L Q (2t) I 1
(5.17 ) I I III (O,N)yZN =
00 00

l;'olll , (/+Q)! - (N+Q)! N , . (5.26 )

I=ON=O l-y-z-yz
00 00

IlI(Q,N)--=e X + ZL I (-2z-x), (5.18 )

Q=ON=O Q!N! [Note that the only property of Delannoy numbers, in rela-
00 00 00 xQ/r' tion with Jacobi polynomials, mentioned in Ref. 9 is
III (Q,N) '"
Il N (O,N) = PN (3), where PN is the Legendre polynomial of
degree N. This property follows from Eg. (5.10).]
= eX+Y+Zlo(2~y(2z + x)), (5.19) (7) Special values
00 00 00

I IlI(Q,N)xQ/r' llo(Q,N) = 1, whatever Q and N, (5.27)
Q=O 1=0
III (Q,N) = 2N + Q + 1, (5.28 )
(1 - x - y) (1 - y - z - yz)
III (Q,O) = (
Q) . (5.29)
(6) Recurrence relations: (a) Q fixed,
(8) Polynomial property:
IlI+I(Q,N+ 1) = III (Q,N+ 1) +IlI+I(Q,N) Il I (Q,N) is a polynomial of degree I in Q
+IlI(Q,N); (5.21 ) and a polynomial of degree I in N. (5.30)

FIG. I. The numbers PI (Q,N) and

their recurrence relations. Relation
(5.18) gives, for instance, 19 = 4
+ 9 + 6; relation (5.19), 19 = 6
+ 13; relation (5.20), 2X 16 = 25
+ 7; relation (5.21), 25 = 19 + 6.
For Q = 0, we get the Delannoy
numbers; for N = 0, we get the bi-
nomial numbers.

2644 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1987 H. Bacry and M. Boon 2644
We saw that the most natural basis for the boson alge-
bra, from the group theoretical point of view, was the sym- and the contour integral around the point (3 s) / (1 + s),
metric one defined in (3.17). Nevertheless it is not the one I (l+S)N+Q+l+1 _ 1
most often used in physics. Physicists prefer to use the nor- (S)(QN) -
III , - 2N+2Q (1_S)N-l 21Ti
mal ordering. Let us return to the more general s-ordered
basis of Cahill and Glauber4 defined in (4.2), considered for (t-1)N(t+l)I+Q
the case n = 1. We recall that s is any complex number. For
s = 0, one is led to the symmetric basis and, for s = 1 (resp.
(3-s)/(1 ts) [t(1 +s) - (3 S)]1+1
(6.11 )
- 1), to the normal (resp. antinormal) ordering. These (the point s = 1 is left outside the path).
bases are obtained from the generating functions
e - (1I2)ss'1 e Sa + '10+ = Lt Prt E P + q(s) (6.1 )
p,q p!q! p,q
as is easily seen from (4.2) (for n = 1). This paper presents some results in three main areas.
It is natural to define new Il (Q,N) in the manner of ( 1) The analysis of the structure of an abstract n-boson
(5.8) which will depend on the variable s. They will be de- algebra viewed as a complex Clifford algebra of symplectic
notedlliS) (Q,N) and defined by type, as compared with the usual (orthogonal) Clifford alge-

(N + Q IE 211,I+Q
+Q(S)IN) = ~
~ eN N!
+ Q)! r-I
, ,
bra for n fermions.
(2) A more detailed study (in the above context) of the
(6.2) one-boson algebra, originally considered by Biedenharn and
Louck, 1-3 whose basis elements are Weyl symmetrized prod-
a formula which generalizes (5.8).
ucts of the creation and annihilation operators a+ and a,
The main properties of these functions are proved in the respectively. Among other things, the matrix elements of
this basis between harmonic oscillator states are related to
special functions, and shown to have many interesting prop-
lliS)(Q,N) = (1 +S)IPjN-l,Q)C ~;), (6.3) erties.
(3) An extension of the analysis of the one-boson alge-
I-Q,N-I+ 1, 1 ~s).
bra to a consideration of the different bases defined by a
IllS1(Q,N) =2tJF( -I,
continuum of possible orderings (labeled by a complex pa-
(6.4) rameter s) introduced by Cahill and Glauber. 4 These include
the Weyl symmetrized ordering and normal ordering
N,Q + 1, _2_), (s = 0,1, respectively) as special cases. The matrix elements
(6.5) of the basis depend here on the ordering parameter s. One of
the most interesting relations with special functions is ex-
pressed in Eqs. (6.3) and (6.4). The matrix element between
where in (6.3) P ja,{31(x) denotes a Jacobi polynomial of de- harmonic oscillator states IN) and IN + Q) ofthes-ordered
gree I. basis element constructed from 1 annihilation operators and
From (6.3), it is clear thatlljSl (Q,N) is a polynomial of I + Q creation operators is seen to be essentially a hypergeo-
degree I in s. metric function, or a Jacobi polynomial, wherein the three
Other properties are parameters and the argument are combinations of the four

Il;S)(Q,N) =
r~o 2'(1
(N'\ (I + Q)
s)l-r r) r+ Q (6.6)
quantities I, Q, N, and s (the latter therefore exhaust the four
"degrees offreedom" available).
Cahill and Glauber4 are mainly interested in the proper-
(they are integral numbers if s is an integer). From (6.6) we
ties of quantum-mechanical operators of the boson system,
see that
functions of a and a +, and especially in density operators
lliI1(Q,N) = 2tJ (6.7) describing probability distributions on phase space. The ex-
pansion of these operators in terms of the general s-ordered
(independent of Q) . basis is examined by them in detail. Such expansions are
We have the recurrence relations generally infinite, and Cahill and Glauber define conver-
gence for the expansions in terms of the convergence of ma-
IljS! 1 (Q,N + 1) = (1 - S)IlIS1(Q,N + 1) + Ills:. dQ,N) trix elements (between coherent states). To correspond with
+ (1 + S)IlY1(Q,N), (6.8) this, it would be a natural next step to extend the boson
which is a consequence of (6.3) and our Jacobi recurrence algebra, considered as a symplectic Clifford algebra as in this
relation (A24). For s = 0, we recover (5.21). paper, to quantities defined in terms of infinite expansions
such as exponentials and other "analytic" functions. The
We have the generating functions
operators exp(ta + 1Ja+) used as generating functions [Eq.
~ (S)(Q N) ( t)1 = N! e(S-11tL Q(2t), (6.9) (6.1) ] are a case in point. Another obvious extension would
If:'olll , (/+Q)! (N+Q)! n be to include "rational" functions, for example the Green's

2645 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1987 H. Bacry and M. Boon 2645
function l/(litua+a - E). We have introduced a scalar (N + Q lesa+'1a +IN)
product intrinsic to the algebra and which provides a norm '" f:1 1+ Q
independent of any representation (harmonic oscillator or _ ~ ~ 17 (N+QIE21+QIN)
- I~O (/ + Q)!l! I,I+Q
other). In this context it remains to examine in what ways
one can extend the algebra using convergence criteria intrin- and, according to the definition (5.S) of the PI (Q,N):
sic to the algebra, and how the class of operators obtained in (N + Q le sa +'1a +IN)
such extensions correspond to the operators admitted by Ca-
hill and Glauber and to those of interest in quantum me- = f (517)I17
..!.. ~ (N + Q)! f-l1(Q,N). (A7)
chanics in general. 1=0 (/ + Q)! 21 n!
Formula (5.17) follows by setting 517 = - t and by
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS comparing (A3) and (A7):
One of us (H.B.) is grateful for kind hospitality to Pro- ~ (QN)( t)1 1 N! e- t /2LQ(t).
fessor A. Janner and to the University of Nijmegen where I~of-ll' -"2 (/+Q)! = (N+Q)! N
part of this work was done. (5.17)
In particular, for Q = 0
f f-ll (O,N)( - !....)I ~ = e - tl2LN (t)
2 l.
We give proofs of formulas (5.10)-(5.30) and (6.3)-
(6.11 ). (generating function of Delannoy numbers).

1. Proof of formula (5.17)

2. Proof of (5.12) and (5.27H5.29)
From the Weyl formula
Equation (5.12) is readily obtained by identification of
(5.12) and (A4):
we get

I~O f-ll (Q,N)( - ~ y(/; Q)!

= N!
2: --2t)' -r!1
00 (

We supposed Q:>O. Therefore the matrix elements are zero

except when q<.N andp = Q + q. Since
± (N+Q)!
X q=O q!(Q + q)!(N _ q)!

aqlN) = [N!I(N - q)!]1/2IN - q),

=N!2: 2:
'" InfU,N)

q!(Q + q)!(N - q)!U- q)!

2 (t )1
(a+ )QHIN) = [(N + Q)!I(N - q)!] 1/2 IN + q), 1=0 q=O
we get ll
We get
(N + Q lesa+'1 a +IN)
= e(l/2)S'117QL ~ ( - 517) [N!I(N = Q)!] 1/2, (A3) f-l1(Q,N)=
2: +Q' 2
q (N\
(I + Q)
q=O q
where L ~ (t) is the Laguerre polynomial which proves that they are positive integers. The proof of
(t) = ± (N + Q)!
q=O q!(Q + q)!(N _ q)!
( - t)q (A4)
Eqs. (5.27 )-( 5.29), is a very simple exercise.

[normalization: L~ (0) (N ~ Q)].

= 3. Proof of (5.16)
Also We have

(N+Qle sa +'1a +IN) = f ..!..(N+QI(5a +17a +) 2j IN) (1 + t)N

(l-t)N+Q+1 = (l_t)Q+1
1 (1 +t=( 2t)N
2j= 02]1
'" j 5 j - m17 j + m
L L (.}+m.)'( }-m
= 2j=Om= -j . )'.
x(N+QIEF_m,j+mIN). (A5)
It is clear that to be nonzero the matrix element must
obey the conditions 2/;;p Q and m = Q /2, Therefore it is natu- Thus
ral to set
( 5.16)
j=l+ Q/2, (A6)
where I is an integer. Then [where we have taken m +q = I and used Eq. (5.12)].

2646 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1987 H. Bacry and M. Boon 2646
4. Proof of recurrence relations (5.21H5.23) Remark' If we make Z = 0 in Eq. (5.19), we get
We use three versions offormula (5.16): xQyZ
00 00

eX+ Y10 (2{xy) = (A15)

(1 + t)N QUI Q=OI=O

---'---N-'-+-Q-+-l = PI (Q,N) t I, (A9)

(1-t) 1=0 This function is the generating function of binomial coeffi-
(1+t)N+l cients since, from Eq. (5.12) we have

--'---'---'-N-+-Q-+-2 = PI (Q,N + 1) t I, (A1O)

(1-t) 1=0
PI(Q,O) = ( /+Q)
Q (A16)
(1 + t)N = ~P (Q + 1,N)tl. (A11)
(1- t)N+Q+2 I~O I (the symmetry between x and y reflects the symmetry
From between Q and I).
(1 + t)N (1 + t)N + 1 (1 + t)N 6. Proof of generating functions (5.20) and (5.26)
---'----'-:-:-'----=- + = 2 --'---'--'--::--
(1-t)N+Q+l (1-t)N+Q+2 (1_t)N+Q+2
Let us define
00 00 00

we get the recurrence relation for fixed I, F(x,y,z) = L L L PI (Q,N)xQyZz!'. (A17)

Q=O 1=0 N=O
+ PI (Q,N + 1) = 2pI (Q + 1,N).
PI (Q,N) (5.23)
If we multiply (A9) by 1 + t and (A 10) by 1 - t, we obtain Ifwe multiply the recurrence relation (5.21) by xQyZ + lz!' + 1

two expansions for (1 + t) N + 1/(1 _ t) N + Q + 1: and sum over Q, I, N, we obtain

PI (Q,N)t (1 +t)
I l
PI(Q+N+ l)t (1-t) F(x, y,z) -



00 00 00
from which we get the recurrence relation for fixed Q:
- L L PI (Q,O)xQyZ - L Po (Q,O)x
PI+ 1 (Q,N + 1) Q=O 1=0 Q=O

=PI(Q,N + 1) +PI+t<Q,N) +PI(Q,N). (5.21) =y[F(X,y,z) - QtOltoPICQ,O)XQyZ]

If we multiply (All) by (1 - t) and compare with
(A9) we get the recurrence relation for fixed N
+Z[F(X,y,z) - QtoNtoPo(Q,N)XQz!']
PI+ 1 (Q + 1,N) = PI (Q + 1,N) + PI+ 1 (Q,N). (5.22)
Finally, we obtain formula (5.24) by multiplying + yzF(x, y,z)
(All) by 1 + t and comparing with (A10). or
F(x,y,z)[l - Y - Z - yz]
5. Proof of Eq. (5.19) and Eq. (5.18) 1
---- --+ ---
Let us show that thepi (Q,N) defined by (5.19) are the (1-x)(1-z) 1-x-y I-x
ones given in Eq. (5.12). We have from the 10 series y Z

a Q aN a l 1-x-y (1-x)(l-z)
PI (Q,N) = ax Q az!' ayZ and

x [e x + Y +z I ym(2z + x)m]
F(x, y,z) = - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - - -
m=O (ml)2 x=y=z=o
Here we have used the following properties:
L L Po(Q,N)xQz!' =
00 00

a Q aN , (A18)
PI (Q,N) = ax Q az!' Q=ON=O (1-x)(1-z)

x[e ktJ~)
(2z: X)kL=z=o (A13)
I I,uI(Q,O)XQyZ=
I 1

= I:~:) 2{JIOf~~~ q) ( ; ) G+ q) Q=O
PoCQ,O) = - - .
Equation (5.26) follows directly from Eq. (5.20) by taking
= lOq=OIN) 2{J C+ Q),
q q+Q
7. Proof of formulas (5.15), (5.13), and (5.24) and of
which proves Eq. (5.19). The proof of Eq. (5.18) is quite property (5.30)
immediate. It is a consequence ofEq. (A13) and the proper-
ty We prove formula (5.15) by considering it as a defini-

k=O k
(2z+X)k =L I ( -2z-x).
tion of,u I (Q,N) and showing the correctness of this assump-
tion. We see that the recurrence relation of Laguerre polyno-

2647 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1987 H. Bacry and M. Boon 2647
L ?(2u) = L?+ 1(2u) - L ?_+11(2u) f.l?) (Q,N). The procedure is the same as for the s = 0 case in
Sec. III of this appendix.
provides us with the recurrence formula
We now turn to the expressions (6.3)-(6.5) for
f.ll (Q,N + 1) = f.ll (Q + I,N) + f.ll _ I (Q + I,N), f.l}S) (Q,N) in terms of special functions, which allow us to
which is our recurrence equation (5.24). Moreover, the "ini- extend their definition to general complex values of the vari-
tial conditions" are ables I, Q, Nand s. They follow from the integral representa-

+ 1
00 tion of the Legendre polynomial [Ref. 11, 9.211 (1) and
f.l (QN) = 1 e uuN+Qdu= 1, 9.215]:
0' (N Q)! 0

+ 1
00 1 II (l O')N+Q
(Q , N) = - (N 1 Q)! e U uN+ QL Q
1 (2u)du, 2Qr(N + 1)r( - N) -I
f.ll 0
X(1 +O')-N-l e «7+I)'dO' (A23)
and, since
L¥(2u) =Q+ 1-2u, valid for Re( Q + 1) > Re( - N) > 0. Setting this in Eq.
we get ( 6.10) (above) and rearranging one finds
f.ll(Q,N) = Q+ 1 + 2N. (A22) (S)(QN) = rU+Q+ 1) ( - )'(1 +S)'
Equations (A21 ) and (A22) are exactly the ones obeyed by f.l!, r(l + 1) r(N + Q + 1)r( - N)
our original f.l(Q,N) (see Eqs. (5.27) and (5.28)]. This
proves Eq. (5.15) and incidentally Eq. (5.24).
1 +s
Now from (5.15) and 8 (A24)

L ?(x) = ±(_
)m(1 + q ) ~,
1 m m!
Thus [Ref. 11,9.111 and 9.131(1)] we have Eq. (6.5), S) (Q,N) rU+Q+l) (1-S)1

it is a simple matter to obtain ru+ l)rCQ+ 1)
f.l1(Q,N) = ( _)1 mto (- 2)m(~ + Q + m) (7:~)' XF( -I, - N,Q + 1,~). (6.5)
(5.13 )
Equation (6.4) follows directly from Eq. (6.5) using a rela-
As a consequence f.l I (Q,N) is of degree 1 both in N and in Q tion between hypergeometric functions [Ref. 8, p. 170, Eq.
[Property (5.30)]. (16)]:
2! r(N + 1)
8. Relation with Jacobi polynomials: Proof of Eqs.
(5.10), (5.11), and (5.14) and of (6.3)-(6.11) ru+ 1)r(N-I+ 1)
The relations of Sec. V that remain to be proved, Eqs. I-S) .
XF ( -I, -l-Q,N -1+ 1'-2-
(5.10), (5.11), and (5.14) are special cases for s = OofEqs.
(6.3), (6.4), and (6.11), respectively, so we shall concen- (6.4)
trate on demonstrating Eqs. (6.3 )-( 6.11). We can express the hypergeometric function in (6.5) in
The definition off.lY) (Q,N) from Eqs. (6.1) and (6.2) is terms of Jacobi polynomials [Ref. 8, p. 170, Eq. (6)] to get
obtained from Eq. (6.3):
(N + Q Ie - (l/2)ss71 e Sa + 71a IN) + f.ljS) (Q,N) (1 +S)lp}N-',Q)(3 -s)/(1 +s»). (6.3)
(N+Q)!]1/2oo nl+Q{;1 (s) N We remark that, although the integral representations
[ N! f~O 21(/ + Q)! (Q, ), (A23) and (A24) are valid in the restricted range of param-
or, equivalently, using Eq. (A3) and setting 2t = - (;1], eters indicated under Eq. (A23), Eqs. (6.3 )-(6.5) are valid
from for all values of the parameters where the corresponding
functions are well defined; they are valid in particular for
e(s 1ltLQ(2t)=(N+Q)! ~ (_t)1 f.l(S)(QN). non-negative integral values of I, N, and Q. In the latter case
N N! /'::"0 (/ + Q)!! , it is easy to check that the polynomials are finite and formu-
( 6.9) las (6.3)-(6.5) agree with the expansion (6.6) for
This is Eq. (6.9). The expression (6.6) for f.ll')(Q,N) then f.l}S) (Q,N).
follows by equating coefficients of t 1 and using Eq. (A 4). Finally, formula (6.11) is found from the contour for-
To prove the generating relation Eq. (6.10) we write mula for Jacobi polynomials8
[1 + (1 +S)U]N 1 J. (t2 - 1)1
[1- (l-S)U]N+Q+I 21TiYo (t2_ U )'+1

= [1- (1 ~S)U]Q+I [1 +
expand the rhs in powers of u, and use Eq. (6.6) for
[1- (~u_S)U] r, x(l-t)U(I+t)13 J... dt ,
1+ t 1 + u 2'
where the contour is around 0 and leaves

± 1 outside. We
2648 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1987 H. Bacry and M. Boon 2648
set u = 3 - s/1 + s, a = N - I, and {3 = Q in (A25) and 2L. C. Biedenharn and J. D. Louck, Lett. Math. Phys. 1,233 (1976).
substitute in Eq. (6.3). 3L. C. Biedenharn and J. D. Louck, The Racah-Wigner Algebra in Quan-
tum Theory (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1981), pp. 243-258.
Remarks: (1) From Eqs. (6.3) and (6.5) for /-tiS) (Q,N), 4K. E. Cahill and R. J. Glauber, Phys. Rev. 177,1857,1882 (1969).
we see that for integral 1'>0 it is a polynomial of degree I in 'H. Bacry and M. Boon, Proceedings ofthe XIIth International Colloquium
the variables Q and N separately. However if N is an integer on Group Theory Methods in Physics, Maryland (World Scientific, Singa-
;;;.0 and N = I, the polynomial cuts off at degree N [cf. Eq. pore, 1985).
6If such a fermion algebra does not look like a Clifford algebra to the reader,
(6.6) ]. it is due to the fact that in physics we are used to orthonormal bases in
(2) The/-tl') (Q,N) are integral when I, N,Q are integers orthogonal spaces. To illustrate this point, the reader is invited to consider
;;;.0 and s is integral. the r-Dirac algebra as a typical example of a Clifford algebra and take,
(3) The recurrence relations (5.22) to (5.24) (for instead of a Lorentz basis ro, rl' r2' r3' the following isotropic basis at
= !(rl ± ir2)' a,± = !(ro ± r3)' The anticommutators of these objects
s = 0) could be obtained from well-known Jacobi polyno-
are [ a 1- ,a t ] = [a 2- ,at] = I (all others vanish). The algebra obtained
mial recurrence relations, and could also be generalized to this way is F 2 •
s:;60 by these means. Recurrence relations (5.21) (for 7The reader could also check, for instance, that !( - ix" av + ixv a,,)
s = 0) and its generalization Eq. (6.8) for s:;60 follows from x ( - ix" a v + ixva ")x P = 3x p •
the beautiful relations (not standard) g A. Erdelyi, W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger, and G. F. Triconi, Higher Tran-
scendental Functions (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953). Vol. 2, p. 168.
[(1 - t)/2]P ia - 1,13) (t) - P i~ 1 1,/3) (t) 9A. Comtet, Advanced Combinatorics (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1974).
lOR. G. Stanton and D. D. Cowan, SIAM Rev. 12,277 (1970).
(A26) !IA. N. Perelomov, Sov. Phys. Usp. 20, 703 (1977) [Usp. Fiz. Nauk. 123,
23 (1971) J.
121. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik, Table of Integrals (Academic, New
IL. C. Biedenharn and J. D. Louck, Ann. Phys. NY 63,459 (1971). York, 1965), p. 1037.

2649 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1987 H. Bacry and M. Boon 2649

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