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Cantuba,Mark Vinson A.

BSA 2-2
Eduardo, Lee Anne
Formiloza, Mary Rose M.
Jaranilla, Sha J.
Senador, Marie Gianena C.

Sceince Technology and Scociety- Reflection

Modernization: Embracing Changes, Adaptation and Responsibilities

We are now living in an advanced era wherein innovations, discoveries and the
continuous search for a milestone in every certain field of life take place. We give no room for
doubt that science and technology made the humanity’s way of living better, easier, more
convenient and efficient but it is also important to bear that there are underlying potential costs
if shortcomings in using technology will be disregarded. That is how why it is crucial to ponder
on studying how technology affects the society’s norms, lifestyle and even behaviours.

Science and technology dramatically changed our lives, it brought everything what is
new that we have today. Various highly-developed gadgets, the Internet, power, the
communication tools, appliances, improved health care, education and traveling, and other too
many things to mention that’ll surely fill up our lists. On the other hand, technology doesn’t just
produces those materials or other intangible innovations that we have today, but it also
produces the greatest talents and brains of people, such as the programmers, the
hardware/software engineers, database managers, astronauts, scientists, that gives us gist that
there are discoveries in every discovery. It is like the snowballing effect, the ball gets bigger and
bigger, so as technology, it improves and improves.

Let us take a more specific look on how science and technology brought radical change
in every aspect of our lives. First, in travelling, people used animals like horses, donkeys, and
camels to travel from one place to another. 5,500 years ago, animals have been inextricably tied
to human development, they enabled people to travel great distances, carry cargo, and plow
farmland. With advancement in technology, transportation has become much wider, easier, and
faster; there are a variety of vehicles to travel on land, air, and water, we have ships, airplanes,
jet planes, bullet trains, and etc. In using equipment, before, our ancestors used to work with
small tools that were made out of animal bones, wood or stones but with evolution, people
started to use metals to make equipment like knives, and other tools. Now, equipment are made
out of several material such as carbon, fiber, and plastic. In communicating, during the 18th and
19th centuries the telegraph was used using the Mores code to convey messages by
intermittently stopping the flow of electricity along communication wire. Further, people used to
make letters for their family just to communicate that takes days for them to receive, but now,
through mobile phones we can communicate with only just one click, and viola we can even
send pictures and have a real tine video chatting.

In spreading news, people used to buy newspaper to get informed. These days, we can
use internet where people and information can be assessed from virtually anywhere. It is faster
and cheap than buying newspaper everyday. In money and business, people bartered goods in
order to have their consumption. Money first existed in the form metals and coins until on the 9th
century China started using paper money, and US during Civil war ushered a new era of
international monetary regulation that changed the face of global economics. Paper currency led
to the birth of credit cards and electronic banking. Nowadays, online shopping sky-rocketed its
fame and online users are having fun buying online without consuming their time, they can even
buy products that are located far from their location but still get them delivered at the end of the

In agriculture, farmers before endures the scorching heat of the sun just to monitor their
crops but now, there is the newly invented agricultural drone that allows farmers to see a
satellite imagery about their irrigation treatment, soil variation, and distressed plants. The
successes of these drones are possible by GPS modules, MEMS sensors, and other
technological advancements. In medicine and health care, our ancestors before experienced
tremendous crisis in curing diseases and doing proper operation but with the help of technology,
in US, medical holograms now exists. It is a milestone for the medic field for it provides a
True3D View for use in diagnostic and surgical planning. With the system, doctors can view,
manipulate and even dissect body parts that are recreated in mid-air above ordinary desktop.
The hologram displays the actual organ, bones, or any body part of their diagnosed patient.
They can simulate their planned operation on it and determines the risks, do’s and don’ts that
they should perform during the actual operation. It can help them to have clearer view of the
problem that the patient have and solve it efficiently. There are many more mind-blowing
discoveries, facilities and luxuries, the list goes on.

Studies of technology and science gives insight into the understanding and knowledge of
technology, science and knowledge from the viewpoint of the humanities and the social
sciences. Which enables us to see the correlation of science and technology to the society
itself. Studying science and technology gives us the idea and insight on how, what, when,
where, and why a certain object/ material exist. Through studying we need to remind ourselves
that while benefiting from those advancements, we also need to consider the changes it brought
to our way of living not just in the perspective that I helps us to do things easier but asking
ourselves if we somehow became too reliant to the benefits of this technology serves us. We
may not have flying cars yet, and seemingly artificial intelligence has not taken over the world,
yet, but still technology obviously influencing how we behave and live. We need to learn how to
balance the cyber world from real world, a creeping problem existing in the society right now.

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