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Review test for the 2013 National Qualifying Examination for Principal


This review test consist of 170 test items which were equitably spread across the
nine (9) performance areas or leadership dimensions of school heads, this includes:

a. School Leadership
b. Instructional Leadership
c. Creating a Student-Centered Learning Climate
d. Professional Human Resource Development
e. Parent Involvement and Building Community
f. School Management and Daily Operations
g. Personal Integrity and Interpersonal Sensitivity
h. English Language Proficiency
i. Reading Comprehension



I. Write the letter of the best possible answer on your test paper.

1. Your school has a teacher to pupil ratio of 1:43. What is your color code as per teacher
development analysis?
a. blue b. yellow c. gold d. red

2. School Based-Management (SBM) gives authority to stakeholders to actively

participate in school-decision making. The PTCA officers asserted this power and asked
the school to inform them regularly of school projects and programs. They insist not to
implement a project or program without their approval. The Principal and the teachers
felt the overpowering of the PTCA thus creating a tension between them. Do PTCA
officers have the authority to approve and disapprove school programs/projects? Why?
a. Yes, because they belong to the community and form partly of the education
b. No, because PTCA Officers just give advices or suggestions.
c. Yes, they have the authority to approve or disapprove school program/projects, if
the PTCA Officers are the proponent of the projects and their funds shall be used.
d. No, because it is the principal who has the power to decide.

3. How many percentage of the total number of teachers in the district is allotted for Master
Teachers’ item?
a. 5% b. 10 % c. 15% d.20%

4. Who among the following is not a member of the Municipal School Board?
a. Municipal mayor c. district supervisor
b. Vice mayor d. federated PTA president

5. What is the recommended orientation of a school building in the Philippines in an axial

a. Northeast-east to southwest-west c. northwest-west to southeast-east
b. North to south d. south to east

6. What official document is needed in the consolidation of the teachers and school heads’
leave of absences?
a. Form 6 c. Form 20
b. Form 7 d. Form 3
7. Who among the following has the power to recommend for a new schools division
superintendent position?
a. DepEd Secretary c. regional director
b. Congressman d. governor

8. The Barangay Council is asking your permission to use your covered court for their
activity, what activity should be avoided inside your school?
a. Dental services c. election campaign
b. Sports activity d. feeding program

9. This law empowers teachers and gives them academic freedom while principals are
empowered as school managers.
a. RA # 4690 c. RA # 7836
b. RA # 9155 d. RA # 8190

10. A tool used to evaluate the performance of the education system.

a. Indicator c. DepEd order
b. DepEd memo d. collaboration

11. Who is not qualified to be a member of the School Bids and Awards Committee?
a. Principal c. Master Teacher
b. Select Teacher by the principal d. School Custodian

12. What SBM dimension states that a school governing council is organized?
a. SBM Dimension 1 c. SBM Dimension 2
b. SBM Dimension 3 d. SBM Dimension 5

13. This is an indispensable procedure for checking the integrity of property custodianship.
a. Bartering c. condemnation
b. Physical inventory d. stocking

14. What is your school provision if your school code is sky blue?
a. Surplus teacher provision c. moderate teacher shortage
b. Multi grade classes d. generous teacher provision

15. Mr. Xavier, Principal of Mandalay Elementary School is handling a problem about
teachers’ relationship namely; Mrs. Vigodo and Mrs. Salangi. It began when they
participated in ranking for MT II where Mrs. Vigodo got the item. Mrs. Salangi protested,
and said that some of the certificates used by Mrs. Vigodo were just borrowed from other
teachers. Mrs. Vigodo warned Mrs. Salangi that she will sue her and other teachers if she
has no proof to show on this. What can the Principal do to solve the problem?
a. Reveal the truth
b. Reprimand the teacher concerned
c. The principal should investigate the said teacher, who is a cheater before filing
administrative case.
d. The principal should not allow such cheating in school.

16. A kind of donation where it takes effect during the lifetime of the donor.
a. Conditional c. Inter vivos
b. Mortis causa d. Time framed

17. A principal in one of the elementary schools was not accurately checking the Daily Time
Record of her teachers. Teachers who were absent were not marked for their absences.
Instead, the principal told the teachers that they should pay a certain amount as fine for
their absences. She said that the money will go to the school’s fund. A new teacher
disagreed so she relayed it to the District Supervisor, The District Supervisor visited the
school and reprimanded the Principal for such action. The Principal got angry with the
teacher. Is the intention of the Principal valid? why?
a. Yes, because she just want to use the fund for the school projects.
b. No, because she has to develop honesty among her teachers and this will begin
from her.
c. No, because even if she is going to put the money for the school fund, it is not
right doing such an act that will affect them on their honesty.
d. Yes, because her purpose can help a lot especially the school.

18. What is your school provision if your school code is blue?

a. Excessive surplus provision c. surplus teacher provision
b. Generous teacher provision d. national mean ratio

19. Who among the following has the power to name or rename a public school?
a. Donor of the lot c. Sangguniang Bayan
b. Town/City Mayor d. Superintendent

20. Ms. Macaraeg, the school head, has recently heard about the negative attitude of
Mr.Lacson, the watchman. Complaints about him were confided to her by her teachers
and utility man. They complain about the frequent absences of Mr. Lacson especially
when the Principal is out. He also comes to school late and leaves early but these are not
reflected in his DTR. Instead he writes down his official time even during his absence
exactly as what other regular teachers do in their DTR. If you were Ms. Macaraeg, what
action is appropriate in the case of the watchman?
a. File disciplinary action for the watchman
b. Salary deduction
c. The school head should ask first the reason of his negative attitudes
d. suspension

21. What legal document is not required for school head seeking promotion?
a. PASSA c. Form 212
b. OTR d. Form 20

22. This Act provides avenues for private entities to assist public schools, whether
elementary, secondary or tertiary level located in a poorest province.
a. RA # 8525 c. RA# 9155
b. RA# 8190 d. RA# 1616

23. These are issuances on policies, guidelines, or regulations which are generally permanent
in nature and are in effect until rescinded.
a. DepEd Bulletins c. DepEd Orders
b. DepEd Memo d. DepEd Programs

24. What level of school leadership states that a school head assumes responsibility on school
performance and is accountable for it and cooperates with organized stakeholders?
a. Progressive c. beginner
b. Standard d. mature

25. Mapalay Elementary School has been a performing school and ranks no.1 for two
consecutive years in the National Achievement Test (NAT). But this year, the school
ranked 5th. In the NAT. Mrs. Banag, the school principal got depressed because of the
result and then on became hot tempered. She blamed the teachers for the poor
performance of the pupils. The relationship between the teachers and Mrs. Banag was
greatly affected. Would you think the same as Mrs. Banag? How would you solve the
a. Conduct regular review classes
b. Conduct trainings for teachers to review their pupils well.
c. Review the least mastered skills based on the previous test
d. Provide pupils with reviewers and other materials.

26. An Act granting priority to residents, municipality or city, where the school is located in
the appointment or assignment of classroom public school teachers.
a. RA # 4672 c. RA # 7079
b. RA # 8190 d. RA # 4670

27. Which is considered as a third level position?

a. Clerk c. principal
b. Regional Director d. district supervisor

28. One of your teachers has a little motivation for improving her competencies, she simply
goes with the minimal motion just to keep the job and she always blames others for her
difficulty. What is the category of your teacher per paradigm?
a. Professional c. Teachers drop-outs
b. Unfocused Teachers d. Analytical Teachers

29. Who is not qualified as member of the school grievance committee?

a. Principal c. teachers’ club president
b. PTA president d. teacher appointed by the principal

30. Your school janitor is being accused of child molestation. Where should you report him
for proper actions?
a. PTCA c. Barangay Captain
b. SDS d. PSDS

31. What is your school provision if your school code is red?

a. Multi grade classes c. severe teacher shortage
b. National mean ratio d. no national funded teachers

32. Mrs. Monica Lumpang is a dedicated principal. She makes sure that all her duties and
responsibilities as a principal are not taken for granted. She prepares all school reports
especially when Deped Memorandum about SBM was issued to the field. One problem
worries her, the preparations of SIP and AIP. This will need lots of paper works that will
cause the delay of some important duties. If you will be the principal, how will you abide
by the SBM order without taking for granted your duties as principal?
a. Time management
b. Accomplish the recent report
c. Assign capable teachers/department heads to prepare it and present the finished
plans to the governing council
d. Impose to the staff, school discipline in their respective works.

33. A comprehensive authority issued in general to incur obligations not exceeding an

authorize amount during the specified period for the purpose indicated.
a. Special Allotment Release Order c. Cost of Living Allowance
b. General Allotment Release Order d. Personal Relief

34. What is your school provision if your school code is black?

a. Multi grade classes c. no national funded teachers
b. Manageable teacher shortage d. moderate teacher shortage

35. This law states that teaching is considered as a profession.

a. RA # 8190 c. RA # 7836
b. RA # 7079 d. RA # 9155

36. A parent is complaining about your teacher having an affair with her husband, which
based on your observation is true. As school head, what will you do to solve the problem?
a. Talk to the parent and tell her to sue your teacher
b. Talk to your teacher and tell her to resign.
c. Talk to your teacher’s lover and tell him about the consequences of their affair
d. Talk to your teacher and discuss with her the consequences if the allegations
were true
37. Monicayo Elementary School is a small school in a mountainous area. The people and
the children are poor and uneducated. Many of the pupils come to school without meals,
so, there are many undernourished pupils. Their condition affects the pupils’ academic
performance and participation in all school activities. What solution can you give in order
to solve this problem?
a. Conduct seminars for prevention so they can be informed on giving proper
nutrition to their children
b. The principal should seek assistance from NGOs and LGUs and other civic-
spirited citizens for the additional budget in the supplementary feeding program
for the school
c. The teachers should give food as rewards for the pupils who are interested and
performing good in class.
d. The principal should encourage the parents to seek employment so they can
provide for the needs of their children

38. This scheme refers to the automatic upgrading of positions for eligible public school
a. Equivalent Record Form c. promotion
b. Ranking d. Upgrading

39. This is the decentralization of decision-making authority to schools, where the school
heads, teachers and students work together with the community.
a. School-Based Management c. principal empowerment
b. National Competency Based Tool d. NSMW

40. It means an open presentation to stakeholders of school accountabilities such as fiscal

and material resources as well as school records, among others.
a. Transparency c. accountability
b. Authority d. collaboration

41. Your teacher asked for your advice regarding her student who is being abused physically
by his father. What should you tell your teacher?
a. Tell your teacher not to mess with her pupil’s life.
b. Ask your teacher to bring the problem to DSWD
c. Ask your teacher to call the parents and talk to them
d. Tell your teacher to bring the problem to barangay officials

42. What is the teacher to pupil ratio if your school is under 3rd.priority level?
a. 25 and below c. 50.00 – 54.99
b. 55.00 – 59.99 d. 45.00 – 49.99

43. Your teacher belongs to Quadrant II of the paradigm of teachers’ categories because your
teacher displays only one of the following;
a. Get involve in multiple projects/activities but became easily confused
b. Don’t see any reasons for improvement
c. Can think about the task at hand and consider alternatives
d. Know what needs to be done, with low commitment but high abstraction

44. This refers to the status of school site acquisition.

a. Local School Board c. Deed of donation
b. GESP d. Site ownership

45. This is a DepEd program that engages school community stakeholders to contribute their
time, efforts and resources to ensure that schools are ready at the opening of school year.
a. NSMW c. TIP
b. NSPC d. Feeding program

46. The Principal received a complaint from parents about their children’s filed trip and the
fee that was collected. Accordingly, in the waiver they signed the itineraries were
historical places and museum but they found out from students that the half day of the
trip was spent in swimming resort owned by the Principal’s cousin. The teachers also
assigned so many projects to the students who did not join the field trip. What was the
complaint of the parents regarding the Principal?
a. The fee that was collected is too expensive
b. The itineraries that was assigned was not followed
c. The given projects to those who did not attend the field trip
d. Spending half day of the field trip in the resort owned by the principal’s cousin
47. What legal basis requires public school teachers to serve as officers in local or national
a. Batas Pambansa 881 c. RA #7836
b. RA# 8190 d. Batas Pambansa 467

48. These are issuances containing certain instructions which are temporary in nature and
usually applicable only during the year of issuance.
a. DepEd Memorandum c. DepEd Letters
b. DepEd Orders d. DepEd Projects

49. What is the teacher to pupil ratio if your school is under 2nd. Priority level?
a. 25 and below c. 50.00 – 54.99
b. 55.00 – 59.99 d. 45.00 – 49.99

50. Your male teacher is attending his class frequently under the influence of alcohol. What
will you do to solve the problem?
a. Bring the problem to your district supervisor
b. Talk to your teacher and discuss with him the Magna Carta for teachers
c. Ask some of his confidants to talk to him
d. Drink with him one time and tell him that it will be the last.

51. What SBM dimension makes students aware of their rights and responsibilities?
a. SBM Dimension 1 c. SBM Dimension 2
b. SBM Dimension 3 d. SBM Dimension 5

52. A specific authority issued to one or more identified agencies to incur obligations not
exceeding a given amount during a specified period for the purpose indicated.
a. Special Allotment Release Order c. Personal Relief Fund
b. Cost of Living Allowance d. General Allotment Release Order

53. It refers to the funds which have come officially into the possession of any agency of the
government as trustee, agent or administrator which have been received for the
fulfillment of some obligations
a. General Fund c. Canteen Fund
b. Special Fund d. Trust Fund

54. Level of position which is coterminous with that of the appointing authority.
a. Non-Career Service c. First Level
b. Second Level d. Third Level

55. Two of your teachers are having an extra-marital affair and parents are complaining
about them, what will you do to solve the problem?
a. Let the district supervisor solve the problem
b. Request for their transfer of station
c. Talk to them personally and discuss with them the consequences
d. Report them to the Division Office for proper actions

56. A type of supervision which is designed to improve the teacher’s performance by giving
emphasis on the improvement of particular aspects through a systematic approach.
a. Collaborative supervision c. Intensive supervision
b. Clinical supervision d. Guided supervision

57. This Act is the legal basis for providing free public secondary school education.
a. RA # 4670 c. RA # 6655
b. RA # 8190 d. RA # 9155

58. It means stakeholders are free to govern school as mandated by RA # 9155, subject to
set of implementing rules and regulations of the Department of Education.
a. Authority c. collaboration
b. Accountability d. Autonomy
59. What NCBTS domain has the largest number of strands and indicators?
a. Domain 4 c. Domain 1
b. Domain 2 d. Domain 6

60. Level of external stakeholders’ dimension where the stakeholders share in the
responsibility and accountability towards students learning outcomes.
a. progressive c. mature
b. starting d. standard

61. Vacant positions in the government service are being published because of this law.
a. RA # 4672 c. RA # 8485
b. RA # 7041 d. RA # 5447

62. Mrs. Liezel Perez, a grade six teacher of Sapang Sulo Elementary School has a problem
in the preparation of instructional materials. These are really very important to her in the
teaching-learning process especially in Science and Health. She cannot perform
experiments most of the time because the school has inadequate equipments and
materials. Sometimes she prepares improvised materials to facilitate better understanding.
But she cannot do this all the time because of other school activities and family chores.
What am I supposed to do? Whispered Mrs. Perez to herself.
a. She must seek first the help of her Science coordinator
b. She should require her students to buy materials being used for her experiment
c. She should hve meeting with the classroom PTA officers
d. Mrs. Perez should go directly to the school principal
63. A kind of donation that took effect after the donor’s death.
a. Mortis causa c. inter vivos
b. Conditional d. time framed

64. As school head, you are required to improve learning outcomes using SBM and it has a
legal document that supports it known as …..
a. RA# 7160 c. RA # 9155
b. RA # 8525 d. RA # 8190

65. What is the teacher to pupil ratio if your school is under 1st. priority level?
a. Sky blue c. black
b. Orange d. no teacher

66. A teacher who is almost at her retirement age can not file her early retirement due to
personal reasons. Despite the Principal’s repeated request for her to retire due to
innumerable complaints from pupils, parents, and co-teachers and due to the threat of
being terminated from the service due to the administrative case filed against her, make
her difficult to decide. If you were the Principal, what action will you take to help the
a. I will patiently wait for her retirement date to come.
b. I will advise her to be more patient and kind to pupils, parents and co-teachers.
c. I will set a heart to heart talk to the teacher and advise her to file early retirement
for her own good.
d. I will assign her a light load without advisory section.

67. It is the joint effort of stakeholders in working together toward improving learning
a. collaboration c. accountability
b. Authority d. transparency

68. This refers to the MPS by learning area.

a. Phil-IRI c. NSPC Results
b. NAT Results d. ZNN Results

69. Mrs. Irene de Guzman, a floating teacher of Matangbulag Elementary School is

confronted with a problem regarding her teaching job. She does not have enough supplies
of text books. Most of the time, she is the only one who has a copy of the book while her
pupils do not have any. What she does is to write all the activities on a manila paper or
write them on the board. To her this is time consuming. What should she do to make her
teaching-learning process effective if she does not have enough textbooks?
a. Submit a letter of request to the proper agency to seek assistance for the supply of
reference materials.
b. Collect money from the pupils as payment for the photocopies of the lesson.
c. Ask the pupils to stay after the class and copy the lessons from the blackboard.
d. Solicit reference books from the school’s alumni.

70. In the context of SBM, this refers to the transfer of responsibility for planning school
improvement, raising, allocating and managing resources from central levels to school
a. Transparency c. Accountability
b. Decentralization d. Authority

71. Mrs. Tamayo is a teacher who develops and caries out an individualized plan for
professional growth, with her administrator serving as her resource person. What type of
supervision should be given to her?
a. Clinical supervision c. collaborative supervision
b. Self-directed supervision d. intensive supervision

72. Mrs. Balabagan resigned from the government service during the three-month period
before the Local Election to promote the candidacy of her husband. How many months
before she can reemploy as a public school teacher again?
a. three months c. six months
b. two months d. ten months

73. Refers to the total number of enrolment participation against total number of nationally-
paid teachers.
a. teacher-pupil ratio c. drop-out rate
b. participation rate d. cohort-survival rate

74. What is your school provision if your school code is yellow?

a. Excessive surplus provision c. national mean ration
b. Manageable teacher shortage d. severe teacher shortage

75. This form in property disposal is used in the condemnation of unserviceable equipment,
building and other physical structures.
a. General Form 17-A c. General Form 64-A
b. General Form 78-A d. General Form 42

76. Which is considered as a second level position?

a. school principal c. division superintendent
b. undersecretary d. assistant regional director

77. A reliever teacher was assigned as a substitute to a class adviser who went on maternity
leave. It so happen that when he consolidated the grades of his pupils after the second
grading, one pupil ranked 15 from rank 6. During the previous grades same pupil ranked
one. His parents knew about this and complained that the teacher should retain his grades
because his son was a participant in all activities and contests of the Regional Schools
Press Conference (RSPC). Is the claim of the parent valid? Why?
a. No, the claim of the parents is not valid because their son was not able to
complete his academic requirements.
b. No comment. Both the teacher and parents have their own reasons.
c. Yes, the claim of the parents is valid because it is the school’s obligation to ensure
being a delegate to the RSPC, his academic performance will not be affected. He
should be given consideration.
d. Yes, the pupil did not presumed that he can maintain his rank even if he cannot
complete his academic requirements.

78. Your teacher who is new to the service is being required to attend a program to develop
pride, sense of belonging and commitment to public service. This is known as—
a. Masteral Program c. TSNA
b. NCBTS d. Teacher Induction Program

79. Mr. Pena is already 65 years old but his years in service is still lacking one year to
complete the 15 years of service required under the GSIS law. How many months can he
extend his services?
a. Maximum of six months c. maximum of 12 months
b. Maximum of one year and six months d. Maximum of two years

80. This law serves as the ‘Bible’ of public school teachers referring to classroom teachers,
principals, schools district supervisors and even superintendents.
a. RA # 4672 c. RA # 7079
b. RA # 8190 d. RA # 4670

81. Your District Supervisor is asking you to attend an emergency meeting while you are in
the middle of meeting with your PTA Officers. What shall you do?
a. Disregard the meeting with supervisor
b. Leave your PTA officers and tell them you have a headache
c. Assign teacher to handle PTA meeting and go to the district office
d. Continue the PTA meeting

82. Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) is a ____________________ of

DepEd in line with the Education For All (EFA) by 2015.
a. Project c. policy
b. Program d. memorandum

83. It means the forging of partnership among stakeholders to address the needs and
concerns of the school most especially those that directly affect learners’ welfare.
a. Transparency c. Shared Governance
b. Accountability d. authority

84. Two of your teachers decided that they will not serve as election inspectors in the coming
barangay polls due to personal issues and hostilities in the local area, as their school head,
what will you do?
a. Tell them to get medical certificates
b. Ask them to act as watchers
c. Reassign them as BEIs in other barangays
d. Tell them to get certification that candidates are their relatives

85. What is the teacher to pupil ratio if your school is under 4th. Priority level?
a. 40.00 – 44.99 c. 50.00 – 54.99
b. 45.00 – 49.99 d. 55.00 – 59.99

86. This Act requires schools to promote freedom of expression through campus journalism
even in the elementary level.
a. RA # 8485 c. RA # 7175
b. RA # 1616 d. RA # 7079

87. This form is also known as Report of Waste Materials. It is used for the disposal of waste
material which results from the consumption of expendable materials, empty containers
and remnants salvaged from destroyed or damaged fixed assets.
a. General Form 17-A c. General Form 64-A
b. General Form 78-A d. General Form 42

88. In writing a memorandum, use “_______” if it is addressed to an employee of lower rank

and use “______” if it is addressed to an official of higher rank.
a. to and dear c. to and for
b. for and to d. dear and for

89. A case exists when there is a sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that an
administrative offense has been committed.
a. Grievance c. conflict
b. Prima facie d. inter vivos

90. For a persistent student offender or one guilty of a serious offense, a suspension for not
more than one year may be imposed subject to the approval of the_____________?
a. School principal c. Schools District Supervisor
b. Schools Division Superintendent d. DepEd Secretary

91. In our school, we received meager budget for our projects. This is one of the problems in
our school because we do not have enough resources for the school’s operation. The
perennial problem is inadequate supplies and materials for school use. How can we
perform our duties if we do not have enough budgets for the projects/programs?
a. Use other budget other than the allotted for the projects/programs
b. Use the PTCA in organizing a fund raising to solicit funds for the school
c. Seek the help f Local Government, LGUs and other civic organization that can
give financial support.
d. Limit the use of budget to be used in different school programs/projects.

92. As a new principal in your school, you have discovered that a family is living inside the
school premises. Knowing that as a national policy, no squatters shall be allowed on the
school site. What is the best possible solution to solve the problem?
a. Conduct a dialogue with the squatters in the presence of the district supervisor
and teachers
b. Conduct a dialogue with the squatters in the presence of PTA and Brgy. Officials
c. Report the squatters to the National Housing Authority (NHA) for proper
d. Report the squatters to the Mayor for proper actions

93. Which type of Special Leave Privileges is not granted to school principals/
a. Birthday leave c. Enrollment Leave
b. Funeral/mourning leave d. Recognition Leave

94. Karilagan High School has eight teachers in the faculty roll for SY 2009-2010. The
strength of the faculty includes : One English teacher, one Mathematics teacher, two
Science teachers, one Araling Panlipunan teacher, one TLE teacher, one Filipino teacher
and one MAPEH teacher.
All teachers are LET passers except the English teacher who failed to pass the Licensure
Exam for Teachers. What should be the stand of the Principal on the hiring of teachers?
a. Retain the English teacher.
b. Look for a new English teacher.
c. The principal should hire the teacher if the situation is in the exigency of the
service even if she is not a board passer.
d. The principal should follow the DepEd Guidelines in hiring of teachers.

95. This Law provides that the Local Sanggunian has the power to change the name of the
school through an ordinance and upon the recommendation of the School Board.
Approval of the Secretary is no longer necessary.
a. RA 9155 c. RA 7160
b. RA 8190 d. RA 5447

Part II: English Grammar

Select the best answer.
1. Juan___________ in the library this morning.
A. is study
B. studying
C. is studying
D. are studying
2. Alicia, __________ the windows please. It's too hot in here.
A. opens
B. open
C. opened
D. will opened

3.The movie was __________ the book.

A. as
B. as good
C. good as
D. as good as

4. Eli's hobbies include jogging, swimming, and __________.

A. to climb mountains
B. climb mountains
C. to climb
D. climbing mountains

5. Mr. Hawkins requests that someone _________ the data

by fax immediately.
A. sent
B. sends
C. send
D. to send

6. Who is ____________ , Marina or Sachiko?

A. tallest
B. tall
C. taller
D. the tallest

7. The concert will begin ________ fifteen minutes.

A. in
B. on
C. with
D. about

8. I have only a ________ Christmas cards left to write.

A. few
B. fewer
C. less
D. little
9. Each of the Olympic athletes ____________ for months,
even years.
A. have been training
B. were training
C. has been training
D. been training

10. Maria __________ never late for work.

A. am
B. are
C. were
D. is

11. The company will upgrade _________ computer information systems next month.
A. there
B. their
C. it's
D. its

12. Cheryl likes apples, _________ she does not like oranges.
A. so
B. for
C. but
D. or

13. You were ____________ the New York office before 2 p.m.
A. suppose call
B. supposed to call
C. supposed calling
D. supposed call

14. When I graduate from college next June, I _____________

a student here for five years.
A. will have been
B. have been
C. has been
D. will have

15. Ms. Guth _________ rather not invest that money in the
stock market.
A. has to
B. could
C. would
D. must

Part III: English Grammar

Select the one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect.

1. The majority to the news is about violence or scandal.

A. The
B. to
C. news
D. violence

2. Takeshi swimmed one hundred laps in the pool yesterday.

A. swimmed
B. hundred
C. in
D. yesterday

3. When our vacation, we plan to spend three days

scuba diving.
A. When
B. plan
C. days
D. diving
4. Mr. Feinauer does not take critical of his work very well.
A. does
B. critical
C. his
D. well

5. Yvette and Rinaldo send e-mail messages to other often.

A. and
B. send
C. other
D. often

6. Mr. Olsen is telephoning a American Red Cross for help.

A. is
B. a
C. Red
D. for

7. I had a enjoyable time at the party last night.

A. a
B. time
C. at
D. last
8. The doctor him visited the patient's parents.
A. The
B. him
C. visited
D. patient's

9. Petra intends to starting her own software business

in a few years.
A. intends
B. starting
C. software
D. few

10. Each day after school, Jerome run five miles.

A. Each
B. after
C. run
D. miles

11. He goes never to the company softball games.

A. never
B. the
C. softball
D. games

12. Do you know the student who books were stolen?

A. Do
B. know
C. who
D. were

13. Jean-Pierre will spend his vacation either in Singapore

nor the Bahamas.
A. will
B. his
C. nor
D. Bahamas

14. I told the salesman that I was not interesting in buying the latest model.
A. told
B. that
C. interesting
D. buying

15. Frederick used work for a multinational corporation

when he lived in Malaysia.
A. used work
B. multinational
C. when
D. lived in

Part IV. English Vocabulary

Select the best answer.

1. The rate of ___________ has been fluctuating wildly

this week.
A. money
B. bills
C. coins
D. exchange

2. The bus ___________ arrives late during bad weather.

A. every week
B. later
C. yesterday
D. always

3. Do you ____________ where the nearest grocery store is?

A. know
B. no
C. now
D. not

4. Jerry Seinfeld, the popular American comedian, has his audiences ___________.
A. putting too many irons in the fire
B. keeping their noses out of someone's business
C. rolling in the aisles
D. going to bat for someone

5. The chairperson will ____________ members to the subcommittee.

A. appoint
B. disappoint
C. appointment
D. disappointed

6. The critics had to admit that the ballet ______________

was superb.
A. procrastinate
B. performance
C. pathology
D. psychosomatic

7. Peter says he can't ___________ our invitation

to dinner tonight.
A. angel
B. across
C. accept
D. almost

8. We were __________ friends in that strange but magical country.

A. upon
B. among
C. toward
D. in addition to

9. The hurricane caused ____________ damage to the city.

A. extend
B. extended
C. extensive
D. extension

10. Many cultures have special ceremonies to celebrate a person's _________ of

passage into adulthood.
A. right
B. rite
C. writ
D. write

Part V. English Reading Comprehension

Select the best answer.

Directions to Erik's house

Leave Interstate 25 at exit 7S. Follow that road (Elm Street) for two miles. After one
mile, you will pass a small shopping center on your left. At the next set of traffic lights,
turn right onto Maple Drive. Erik's house is the third house on your left. It's number 33,
and it's white with green trim.

1. What is Erik's address?

A. Interstate 25
B. 2 Elm Street
C. 13 Erika Street
D. 33 Maple Drive

2. Which is closest to Erik's house?

A. the traffic lights
B. the shopping center
C. exit 7S
D. a greenhouse

Date: May 16, 1998

To: Megan Fallerman
From: Steven Roberts
Subject: Staff Meeting
Please be prepared to give your presentation on the monthly sales figures at our
upcoming staff meeting. In addition to the accurate accounting of expenditures for the
monthly sales, be ready to discuss possible reasons for fluctuations as well as possible
trends in future customer spending. Thank you.
3. The main focus of the presentation will be ______________.
A. monthly expenditures
B. monthly salary figures
C. monthly sales figures
D. staff meeting presentations

4. Who will give the presentation?

A. the company president
B. Megan Fallerman
C. Steven Roberts
D. future customers

The B&B Tour

Spend ten romantic days enjoying the lush countryside of southern England. The
counties of Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, and Essex invite you to enjoy their castles and
coastline, their charming bed and breakfast inns, their museums and their cathedrals.
Spend lazy days watching the clouds drift by or spend active days hiking the glorious
hills. These fields were home to Thomas Hardy, and the ports launched ships that
shaped world history. Bed and breakfasts abound, ranging from quiet farmhouses to
lofty castles. Our tour begins August 15. Call or fax us today for more information 1-800-
222-XXXX. Enrollment is limited, so please call soon.

5. Which of the following counties is not included in the tour?

A. Devon
B. Cornwall
C. Essex
D. Hampshire

6. How many people can go on this tour?

A. 10
B. an unlimited number
C. 2-8
D. a limited number

7. What can we infer about this area of southern England?

A. The region has lots of vegetation.
B. The coast often has harsh weather.
C. The sun is hot and the air is dry.
D. The land is flat.

Anna Szewcyzk, perhaps the most popular broadcaster in the news media today, won
the 1998 Broadcasting Award. She got her start in journalism as an editor at
the Hollsville County Times in Missouri. When the newspaper went out of business, a
colleague persuaded her to enter the field of broadcasting. She moved to Oregon to
begin a master's degree in broadcast journalism at Atlas University. Following
graduation, she was able to begin her career as a local newscaster with WPSU-TV in
Seattle, Washington, and rapidly advanced to national television. Noted for her quick wit
and trenchant commentary, her name has since become synonymous with Good Day,
America! Accepting the award at the National Convention of Broadcast Journalism held
in Chicago, Ms. Szewcyzk remarked, "I am so honored by this award that I'm at a total
loss for words!" Who would ever have believed it?

8. What is the purpose of this announcement?

A. to invite people to the National Convention of Broadcast Journalism
B. to encourage college students to study broadcasting
C. to recognize Ms. Szewcyzk's accomplishments
D. to advertise a job opening at the Hollsville County Times

9. The expression "to become synonymous with" means

A. to be the same as.
B. to be the opposite of.
C. to be in sympathy with.
D. to be discharged from.

10. What was Ms. Szewczyk's first job in journalism?

A. She was a T.V. announcer in Washington.
B. She was a newscaster in Oregon.
C. She was an editor for a newspaper in Missouri.
D. She was a talk show host in Chicago.

RA # 8190 – An Act granting priority to residents, municipality or city, where the school is
located in the appointment or assignment of classroom public school teachers. (DECS Order # 56

RA#9155 – An Act instituting framework of governance for basic education, establishing

authority and accountability. Renaming DECS to Department of Education (DepEd).
Governance Act of Basic Education.

RA#4670- Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

EO #500 – Establishing a new system of career progression for public school teachers, as
promulgated by the Civil Service Commission.

RA#7836 – An Act to strengthen the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the
Philippines and prescribing a licensure examination for teachers.
“Phil. Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994”.

RA#7041 – Requiring the regular publication of existing vacant positions in government offices.

RA#5447 – Special Education Fund Act

RA#6728 – Government Assistance to Teachers in Private Education. “GASTPE ACT”.

Education Act of 1982 – An Act providing for the establishment and maintenance of an
integrated system of education.

RA#6655 – An Act establishing and providing for a free public secondary education and for
other purposes.
“Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988”.

RA#6727 – An Act to rationalize wage policy determination by establishing mechanism and

proper standards. “Wage Rationalization Act”.

RA#8525 – Adopt- A- School Program Law

Retirement Benefits Law

RA#7966 – The GSIS Portability Law (GSIS+SSS = Portability Law)

RA#660 – Magic 87 Law of GSIS
RA#1616 – Take All Benefits of GSIS

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