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By Oskar Faarkrog

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Table of Contents
Phase 1: Shred Fat and Master Basic Bodyweight Exercises 3

Phase 2: Gain Muscle In The Right Places While Staying Lean 10

High Testosterone Diet 27

How to Find Cooked Weight 29

Training Programs 38

Progression Tracking 41

The Importance of Sleep and Stress Management 44

How to Go Out And Drink Alcohol Without Messing Up Your Progress46

Coaching: We Both Have A Responsibility 48

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Phase 1: Shred Fat and Master Basic

Bodyweight Exercises
If your training program consists of bodyweight exercises, you’re in Phase 1.

During phase 1 we focus on achieving 3 goals:

1) Shred excess body-fat.

2) Master pull ups and push ups.
3) Gain basic mobility (especially in the lower body).

I will deal with each goal separately below.

1) Shred excess body-fat

We want to shred the excess body-fat because…:
• Excess body-fat is estrogenic. It increases the female hormone Estrogen
and thereby reduces your free testosterone levels (testosterone is the main
muscle building hormone in the body).
• Excess body-fat makes your nutrient partitioning poor. This means that
your body isn’t optimised for utilising food for muscle gains.
• Excess body-fat makes it hard to see your hard earned muscle gains.
• Excess body-fat has a negative psychological impact on you. It’s not fun
to wake up and see love handles and man boobs in the mirror. We want to
shred it once and for all.

The way we shred the excess body-fat is by being in a slight caloric deficit
that enables you to lose 1-2 pounds per week on average (keep in mind that

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fat loss is non-linear so you might have weeks where you barely lose fat,
while you have weeks where you lose 2 pounds).

This caloric deficit is mostly created through diet rather than training.

The reasoning for this is that it’s much easier to cut out a snickers bar from
your food intake and thereby save hundreds of calories, compared to
running for 30 minutes which achieves about the same thing.

To some of you, 1-2 pounds may not sound like a whole lot, but keep this in


If you want to avoid being part of that statistic you have to find a sustainable
way to lose the fat.

And that’s why most of my clients feel full and energised on my High
Testosterone Diet Plan…

I want every single one of you to feel great while shredding the fat, even if it
means that you have to diet for a longer time, because once you’ve lost the
fat, you’ve lost it for life.

So… How long time does it take to shred the fat?

For most skinny-fat guys, it takes about 3-6 months.

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Here are the 2 most important factors that affect the time-frame given that
you follow my program to the letter:
1. Age.
2. Starting body-fat percentage (you can cut about 3 percent body-fat per
month and we want to achieve around 12% body-fat, so a skinny-fat guy
who is 24% body-fat will have to spend 4 months on fat loss).

Basically the closer you are to being a teenager and the less body-fat you
carry, the faster your fat loss will be.

2) Master basic bodyweight exercises

During phase 1 we focus on mastering 2 exercises:

1. Pull ups
2. Push ups

These two exercises combined train your entire upper body.

Pull ups train back, rear shoulders and biceps.

Push ups train the chest, front shoulders and triceps.

Now, the issue is that most skinny-fat guys start out very weak on these

A typical skinny-fat guy can do something like 0-4 pull ups and 5-12 push
ups. (You will almost always be almost twice as strong on push ups since it’s
an easier exercise).

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To correct the skinny-fat physique and prepare you for more rigorous training
programs, we have to master these basic bodyweight exercises.

To be specific, we aim for 15 perfect reps on the pull up and as many push
ups (or diamond push ups you can do at the time you achieve these 15 pull

Once you can do these 15 pull ups, it’s a sign that both your joints and
muscles are strong enough to progress into a more rigorous bodybuilding

3) Gain basic mobility

I’ve added a variety of stretches for your hamstrings and hip flexors:

• Modified hurdler stretch: Hamstrings and a bit of hip flexor.

• Standing hamstring stretch: Hamstrings and a bit of hip flexor.
• Open lizard hip stretch: Hip flexor and a bit of hamstrings.

I’ve added these because most guys today have shortened hamstrings and
tight hip flexors. (The hamstring muscle starts shortening after 1+ hour of
sitting down without getting up and it also shortens from a lot of biking,
running and playing soccer). Literally everyone today who has a desk job,
has shortened hamstrings and tight hip flexors.

When you have that, it causes anterior (forward) pelvic tilt, and thereby tilts
your entire upper body posture forwards.

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This anterior pelvic tilt not only messes up your posture and thereby the way
you look, but also your mechanics on essential exercises such as squats,
overhead presses and pull ups.

The goal of performing your hamstring and hip flexor stretches is to enable
you to get all the way down in a bodyweight squat:

The other mobility factor we want to work on is your chest and shoulders…

Most of us have “forward shoulders” which is caused by a combination of

the following:

• Overdeveloped and tight chest.

• Overdeveloped and tight front shoulders (your shoulders have 3 heads:
front, medial and rear).

Now, you may think that it’s not possible that your chest and shoulders are
“overdeveloped” because they’re still small, but you have to keep in mind
that everything is relative.

When I say that your chest and front shoulders are overdeveloped, I mean
that they’re overdeveloped compared to your back and back shoulders.

You see… Most people who have done sports or any kind of gym program,
have most likely done a lot of pushing exercises such as bench presses and
push ups, but not so many pulling exercises such as pull ups and deadlifts.

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Now, keep in mind that when you train a muscle you shorten it and make it
tight, so if you have been doing a lot of push ups or bench presses in your
past without so many pulling movements such as pull ups and deadlifts, you
most likely have tight and overdeveloped front shoulders and chest.

The fix for this is simple: stretch the chest and shoulder and strengthen your

For the purpose of stretching your chest and shoulders, I have implemented
2 stretches:

• Arm-over-head-shoulder-stretch.
• Standing chest stretch.

These take just 2 minutes to do, and should be done even if you don’t have
overdeveloped front shoulders and chest since they will prevent potential
injuries from the pushing part of your program.

To strengthen your back, your program has pull ups (more on that in the next

The goals of Phase 1:

Phase 1 is about achieving the following 3 goals:

• 12% body-fat. (If you’re already quite lean we will just maintain your weight
while working towards the other goals).
• 15 pull ups with perfect form.
• Full squat position.

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Achieving these 3 goals should take about 4-6 months depending on factors
such as starting point, age, response to training and diet and discipline.

Here’s a good exa

Expectations For Phase 1:

When some of you start my program you expect to start seeing incredible
results right off the bat, but this won’t be the case if you’re in Phase 1 clients
and now I’ll explain why…

When you start your transformation you have to invest 3-6 months into
developing a solid foundation that enables you to make huge progress down
the line.

You have to lose fat, build up some basic strength and mobility and optimise
your hormones after years of bad habits. These things take time.

Besides that, when you start your fat loss you will start out looking worse
since you most often lose fat in the “wrong places” such as your arms and
shoulders and only at the end do you see the fat on your waist and hips
shred off.

You can also potentially lose some muscular fullness during Phase 1 since
you’re in a caloric deficit, so that combined with losing fat in the “wrong”
places is a terrible combination. This small muscle loss is nothing to worry
about though since that muscle will be re-gained in a matter of weeks once
you enter Phase 2, so don’t worry about muscle loss!

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Phase 2: Gain Muscle In The Right Places

While Staying Lean
Once you complete Phase 1, the training get’s harder but the diet get’s a lot

Ideally, you will be training 5-6 days a week rather than 3-4 and you will train
up to 2 hours each day.

We will cycle training programs that focus on intensity, volume and

frequency and experiment with different training methods to see which
muscles respond to certain training methods.

You will be able to eat more food because of the following reasons:

• You’re training harder and more often so you burn more calories during
your training.
• Your metabolism is higher because of increased muscle mass.
• Your hormones and nutrient partitioning are improved so your body is
better at utilising food for muscle gains.
• Your goal is to gain muscle mass so you can be in a slight caloric surplus
rather than deficit.

This all adds up… Instead of eating 2000 calories a day, you may be able to
eat 2800 calories per day (or more) and these calories will fill up your
muscles with glycogen and energise you for more rigorous training sessions.
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Gaining Muscle Mass In The Right Places

During Phase 2 we focus on adding muscle mass in the:
• Upper and inner chest.
• Upper and medial back.
• Lats (We target both the upper and lower part of your lats for maximum
• Shoulders. (We target all 3 shoulders heads for maximum growth).
• Triceps. (We target all 3 triceps heads for maximum growth).
• Biceps. (We target both biceps heads for maximum growth).

We want to create the illusion of wide shoulders, build a square chest and
finish off the physique with powerful arms.

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The Muscles We Avoid Training Too Much

While we target the right muscles, we keep the work on the following
muscles to a minimum:

• Traps: Big traps take away from the width of your shoulders since they grow
vertically (up).
• Lower chest: A big lower chest makes your chest look feminine and
“saggy” rather than square and masculine. Most guys with muscular chests
have an overdeveloped lower chest.
• Legs: Big legs don’t look great and make it difficult to buy jeans.
• Abs: Just like any other muscle, abs can grow too. When you have big abs
you thicken your waist and take away from the V-taper look that is a result
of a small waist and wide shoulders.

These are the muscles that tend to grow a lot when you do your typical
Starting Strength or 5x5 program.

For skinny guys with tiny waists, good bone structures and decent genetics,
it is fine to grow these muscles, but it’s not optimal for skinny-fat men
because we already have a very difficult time creating an aesthetic

When you have naturally bad proportions, the last thing you want to do is to
add mass in the wrong places, since that takes away from al lot of the good
work you put into gaining mass in the arms, upper chest and so on.

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This is also why we don’t do traditional strength exercises such as the

deadlift, squat and the flat bench press:

• Deadlifts and squats thicken the waist and make your traps and legs big.
• Flat bench presses target the lower chest and thereby create a
disproportional chest with a feminine “triangle shape”.

Now, this doesn't mean that you will end up looking like captain-upper body
with no legs.

We will still train the legs, but we will use mostly machines and bodyweight
exercises to prevent injuries and we will switch to very high reps in the case
that your legs start getting too big for your liking.

Now, some of you may also wonder about the lower chest… Won’t it get too

The lower chest cannot get too small, since literally no one has an upper
chest that is too big compared to their lower chest.

The reasoning for this is that you cannot isolate your chest completely, you
can only emphasise certain muscle groups.

To understand this, you need to know how the chest muscle is structured.

Each of your pecs is ONE muscle with muscle fibres inside.

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When you perform any chest exercise, you activate muscle fibres inside all
parts of your chest.

The difference is that when you do an upper chest exercise, you activate
more muscle fibres in the upper area of your chest, so you see more growth

In other words, when you train one part of the chest, you inevitably train the
other parts too.

With abs, we do have some ab isolation work in place, but it’s just enough to
strengthen and build up your abs (especially the lower part and around the
adonis belt), rather than doing so much that you look like a bloated

The point I’m trying to make is that your Phase 2 training program is
designed to create an aesthetic and proportional physique rather than trying
to mindlessly gain mass all over your body and hoping for the best. (Trust
me, I’ve tried that and it doesn’t work).

This phase is “never-ending” since most guys can spend up to a decade

gaining the amount of muscle mass they want to carry (I’ve been training for
6 years and I’m still in phase 2).

The Science Behind Muscle Gains

To gain muscle mass you need to have the following things in place:

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• Progressive overload from resistance training.

• Caloric surplus (especially around your training sessions).
• Recovery.

I will deal with each separately…

Progressive Overload From Resistance Training

When you want to achieve progressive overload, you essentially want to
make your training harder.

Here’s how progressive overload looks:

Train hard > Stress Your Body > Adaptation > Train harder > Stress Your
Body More > New Adaptation > Repeat…

Over time, progressive overload enables you to do more work or work harder
and increases the size of your muscles provided that you supply your body
with enough calories and you recover properly.

Just imagine a guy who goes from working with 15 KG on the shoulder press
to 70 KG while eating a slight caloric surplus and gaining bodyweight.
(Training at a higher intensity).

Of course this guy will add muscle mass because the only way his body can
keep up with the increasing demands of his training is to grow and
strengthen the muscles.

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The same goes for when a guy takes that 15 KG on the shoulder press and
starts doing it everyday rather than once per week. (Training at a higher

Or when he takes that 15 KG on the shoulder press and start doing 10 sets
of 10 reps per training session rather than 2 sets of 8 reps. (Training at a
higher volume).

Essentially, to achieve progressive overload, you have to increase training

volume, frequency and intensity.

• Higher Volume: Increasing the amount of sets and reps you do for a muscle
group to increase the total workload done per workout.
• Higher Frequency: Training a muscle group more often.
• Higher Intensity: Training harder on each set you do for a muscle group by
training with a weight closer to your max, longer time-under-tension on
each repetition or high intensity techniques such as drop sets and rest-
pause sets.

Now, you may wonder… What is best? High Volume Training, High Intensity
Training or High Frequency Training?

There’s only the right training style at the right time in YOUR individual
training career, and often you will have to use different training styles for
different muscle groups and at different times in your training career.

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All I can say with certainty is that most skinny-fat guys who complete Phase
1 tend to get VERY good results with High Volume Training, but even that
stops working after a while, and then we have to switch it up a bit.

The key is to track progress every single week so you know when to switch
from one training style to another (and also to listen to your body).

Caloric surplus (especially around your training

sessions) and recovery.
The second part of adding muscle mass to your frame is “caloric surplus”.

To build muscle mass, you need progressive overload but you also need to
supply your body with the food and recovery that supports this progressive

To be specific, you need the following in your diet (macro perspective):

• Enough protein to build and repair your muscles after hard training.
• Enough carbs to provide energy for your training sessions and to increase
muscle and Central Nervous System output during your training.
• Enough fat to keep your testosterone levels high enough for building
muscle mass.
• Enough calories to build mass (some of that mass will be fat and some of it
will be muscle mass).

All diet plans I make have enough of all 3 macronutrients (protein, fat and
carbs) and a slight caloric surplus that enables you to gain as much quality

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mass as possible (this caloric surplus is calculated based on the data you
provide me, and is adjusted later based on your weekly check-ins).

This small caloric surplus ensures that you recover from your training while
keeping the fat/muscle gain ratio as optimal as possible (the bigger the
surplus the more muscle you can potentially gain, but this is also followed by
more fat gains).

On a micro level you will also need to account for factors such as amino
acids, minerals, vitamins and a bunch of other things but most of these
things will be taken care off as long as you follow my High Testosterone Diet
Plan and take my recommended supplements (the diet foods are MUCH
more important than the supplements).

Be Careful About Being In A Caloric Surplus Too Long

Another important part of muscle gains is to ensure that you stay lean while
gaining the muscle mass.

This is especially the case when you’re skinny-fat, because skinny-fat men
tend to gain fat very easily (even when using a very good diet plan and
training program).

The reason for the easy fat gains is existing fat cells.

Once you get fat, you create fat cells and these fat cells are always ready to
be filled up.

Furthermore, they NEVER disappear.

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I personally have a massive amount of fat cells around my love handles, and
these start filling up really fast after a week or two of bulking.

Most skinny-fat guys have fat cells there, and that’s why it’s absolutely crucial
that you track progress every Sunday when you’re bulking and to stop your
bulk at the right time.

If you don’t, you risk gaining back all the fat you worked so hard to lose, and
then you’re looking at doing a long fat loss phase to get lean again.

When To Stop Your Bulk

When you complete Phase 1, we will usually start off your muscle gain phase
by first being in a caloric maintenance where you maintain your bodyweight.

By doing so, I found that it’s sometimes possible to gain quality muscle while
adding close to no fat (at least for a short amount of time)!

This is especially the case for those of you who are under 25 years old.

Once this stops working, we will start playing with a small caloric surplus,
and stay in that surplus for 2-4 weeks at a time.

By keeping your bulk cycles short, we ensure that you stay lean while adding
muscle mass.

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In each bulking cycle, we will first check your “lean base hip and waist
measurements”, and then bulk until one these increase with a maximum of 3

Once you’ve increased your waist with 3 CM, you cut your calories back to
what they were during Phase 1 and cut back to your lean base
measurement. (The cut should be quite “pain free” and take 10-14 days at

So, if you’re a guy with a 80 CM waist and hips at the start of your bulk, you
will bulk until your waist or hips get to 83 CM, then start your cut.

Now some of you may wonder why you can cut waist and hip size very fast
after bulking for a short amount of time compared to when you were in Phase
1 (cutting 3 CM usually takes a month for a Phase 1 trainee, but only 10-14
days for the same Phase 2 trainee).

I’m not sure about the exact explanation, but my theory is that your body
bounces back to its lean base much faster when you are able to train hard,
your nutrient partitioning is better and your hormones are optimised.

Regardless of the scientific explanation behind this, the key take-away is that
you can keep your cut cycles to 10-14 days as long as you make sure that
your waist or hips increase by no more than 3 CM.

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Reduce Stress to Maximise Free Testosterone

One thing a lot of people forget is that training is a stress and to keep
making gains in your training, your body has to recover from the stress you
placed on it during your last training sessions.

If you keep showing up to your training sessions for months on end without
being recovered, you will either be stuck doing the same amount of volume
and intensity, burn out mentally or get injured.

Now, it’s no issue if you’re an advanced trainee and you put a massive
amount of stress on your body for a few weeks and you keep showing up
under recovered for each training session.

A few weeks of overreaching won’t hurt, as long as you cycle off the hard
training regularly and introduce bodyweight only training weeks or complete
rest weeks right after. (This is typically what happens when I put some of my
Phase 2 clients on a High Intensity Program).

However, whether you do these hard training cycles or you’re still in Phase 1,
it’s essential that you take recovery seriously because proper recovery won’t
only make you feel better on a daily basis, but also enable you to get training
results a lot of faster because proper recovery reduces the stress hormone

Cortisol binds to Testosterone which is the male hormone of vitality, therefore

elevated Cortisol levels will leave you with less Free Testosterone.

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The best ways to reduce stress and thereby maximise free testosterone and
training recovery are ranked below:
1. Sufficient high quality sleep. (Most people need about 8-9 hours. If you’re
below 25 it’s most likely closest to 9 hours.)
2. Daily meditation of minimum 10 minutes.
3. Physical touch. Human beings need physical touch on a regular basis to
feel relaxed. If you don’t have a partner to get physical touch from, a good
replacement is to get a massage regularly.
4. Stretching tight areas of your body. Tension inside your body elevates
5. Eating foods that you digest well (minimum bloating and constipation from
diet). Foods that you digest well make you feel light and energised and
take out tension from your body.
6. Get fresh air and sun as much as possible.
7. Maximise the amount of time you spend with people who provide positive
value to your life and minimise the time spent with the ones that provide
negative value. Reward the people who make you happy without
expecting much in return by giving them your time. Don’t give your time to
those who argue more than they make you happy or only chat you up for

If you do these you should start seeing an increase in the feel good
hormones in your body and get into a positive feedback loop where you start
focusing on all the positive things in your life rather than the negative stuff.

On another note, stress management techniques are especially important for

skinny-fat guys because from my experience talking with hundreds of skinny-
fat guys, we tend to get stressed very easily because of our bad genetics.

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If you find yourself thinking about “whether you’re going to make it” or “why
you can’t look like your favourite fitness model” it’s time to reduce stress and
start thinking more positive thoughts. (When your mind has negative
thoughts it cannot have positive thoughts at the same time so you’re
essentially stopping personal growth.)

Muscle Gain Expectations of Phase 2

There’s only so much muscle mass you can gain as a natural skinny-fat
trainee each year.

That mass is most likely less than you would expect after following the fitness
industry for a while.

Below, I will give you the limits on how much muscle mass you can gain on a
yearly basis:

For the purpose of the maximum amount of muscle you can gain in a year, I
like to use The McDonald Model, which shows the potential rate of muscle
gain per year for the average man:

• 1st year of proper training: 20-25 pounds (2 pounds per month)

• 2nd year of proper training: 10-12 pounds (1 pound per month)
• 3rd year of proper training: 5-6 pounds (0.5 pounds per month)
• 4th year of proper training and onwards: 2-3 pounds (not worth calculating)

If you sum up he potential muscle gains for the first 3 years of training, you
get a total of 35-43 pounds.

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35-43 pounds of muscle gains in the first 3 years of training don’t sound too
bad, however it’s important to note that the model assumes the following

• Average genetics.
• Proper training (gaining muscle mass all over).
• Constant caloric surplus.

Skinny-fat guys have below average genetics.

Skinny-fat guys should not mindlessly add muscle mass everywhere

possible, but rather add it in the right places.

Skinny-fat guys cannot be in a constant caloric surplus since we put on fat


Therefore, skinny-fat guys won’t gain 35-43 pounds of muscle mass in 35-43
pounds of muscle mass in the first 3 years of training.

That number is most likely closer to 25-30 pounds in the first 3 years and
chances are that you won’t have “beginner gains” like other guys who gain a
lot more muscle mass in the first year.

You will most likely gain the 25-30 pounds equally spread over the first 3
years, as you explore what training programs and diet techniques work best
for your body (that’s at least my experience with transforming my own body
and helping others do the same).

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Therefore, to conclude: You will most likely gain 8-10 pounds of muscle mass
per year in the first 3 years and after that the law of diminishing returns will
kick in and you will see minimal gains on a yearly basis.

Know When Enough Is Enough

The end goal for most of us is to feel comfortable in our own skin while being
able to enjoy our life.

This often means that diet and training become a smaller priority once you’ve
been training and dieting for a year or two.

You stop weighing and counting meals and go more by feel.

You adjust your daily training sessions depending on energy levels, and
change training cycles depending on upcoming travels or work

You start focusing on enjoying yourself more, and you may want to carry a bit
more fat than your lean base measurement, because you can get away with

You see… Once you achieve a great physique, you feel a sense of “relief”
and a huge burden goes off your shoulders.

Once the burden is off your shoulders, you can focus more on other areas of
life such as travel, career, business and relationships.

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You can also get away with eating more food and carrying more fat because
no one notices a bit of love handles when you have wide shoulders and big
arms like Superman.

Today, I’m an online coach and have a big presence online, so a lot of
people would expect me to have a ripped body like the guys in the

I don’t have that. I maintain around 12% body-fat most of the year with a bit
of fat around my waist and eat big, enjoyable meals.

I could diet down and get ripped and starve myself to look good on
Instagram but then I would have to give up a lot of other important things…

Things such as being able to workout everyday (I love working out but I can’t
do it everyday when I’m on a strict diet to get ripped).

Or having a good sex life because my testosterone levels drop very low
when I diet down.

Or travelling the world and enjoying the foods of a country.

You see… Everything comes with a price, and unless you’re a professional
fitness model you should carefully consider when enough is enough and
when it’s time to focus your efforts on other things in life rather than achieving
the perfect body.

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I personally focus on eating foods that make me feel good so I can workout
as much as possible.

In the end, being genuinely happy on a daily basis is better than starving
yourself and being miserable.

In other words, it’s GREAT to be obsessive about your body-transformation

for the first year or two to get that base-line physique that makes you
comfortable in your own skin, but don’t forget to know when enough is
enough and when it’s time to switch to focus to other areas in your life.

High Testosterone Diet

There’s a reason to why I chose almost every single food in the diet, so I will
give you a quick breakdown of the benefits of some of the foods in the diet:

• Lean ground beef: Cheap source of high quality protein which is easy to
cook. It is shown to boost creatine levels. Higher creatine levels lead to
better strength output and more muscle mass.
• Coconut oil: High quality fat which improves digestion and boosts
testosterone levels.
• Pineapple: Contains bromelain which helps you digest protein. It literally
fixed 80% of my digestive issues. It also contains potassium which is great
to improve vascularity.
• Eggs: The egg yolk contains the good kind of cholesterol which is shown to
boost testosterone levels. The egg white contains high quality protein.
• Rice and potatoes: After years of experimentation on my own body and
other people’s bodies, I found that most skinny-fat men digest white rice,
brown rice, sweet potatoes and white potatoes very well. Because of that, I
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chose these as the staple carb sources in your diet. If you find any issues
with digestion of these carbs, the first ones you will want to cut out are
white rice and regular potatoes, and keep the sweet potatoes and brown
• Egg protein powder: I chose egg protein powder over regular whey protein
since regular whey protein contains lactose. Most skinny-fat guys have a
hard time digesting lactose, and the other protein powder alternatives are
either low quality protein or contain bad ingredients such as soy therefore
the egg protein powder is the best alternative out there.
• Vegetables: It’s crucial that you eat a variety of vegetables (especially the
green ones such as spinach). Vegetables contribute with vitamins, minerals
and improve all functions in your body.

How these food choices changed my life:

• Eating a lot of green vegetables (especially spinach in big amounts)
removed almost all my acne which I had since I was 13 and improved my
erections during sex (I had very weak erections before I started eating my
• Eating pineapple in the morning corrected my digestion issues which I had
throughout most of my life. I always had issues with constipation and
wasted a lot of hours on the toilet. Pineapple fixed that.
• Foods such as ground beef, coconut oil and eggs boosted my testosterone
levels with 120% naturally. Prior to eating these foods on a regular basis, I
had the testosterone levels of an old man.
• Eating rice and potatoes for my carb sources provided both my body and
brain with the energy needed to get through my day. I work a lot of hours
each day and workout almost everyday so I need carbs for peak
performance. Prior to eating these carb sources I would eat a lot of pasta

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and bread for carbs, and these just made me look pregnant and I always
felt like crap.

In other words, eating these foods has basically transformed my quality of


Food is fuel for your body, and you need the right fuel for peak performance.

Now, I’m not going to say that these foods are perfect for everyone, but they
did work very well for me and most of my clients so I suggest that you give
these foods a shot for at least 2 weeks.

Stock up on these foods, cook them in bulk and make sure you eat them

Then, if you don’t feel great after 2 weeks and want me to change up your
diet, you can always email me and I will look into other foods for you.

Note: Some of you have different foods in your diet. This can either be
because you’re vegetarian or to meet your food preferences.

How to Find Cooked Weight

White rice, brown rice and quinoa are about 2-2.5X heavier after cooking so
you can estimate the portions and cook in bulk for 2-3 days, then measure
the cooked weight after and separate it into portions.

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The first time you do the cooking, I recommend that you measure the weight
of the rice both before cooking and after cooking so you know what numbers
to aim for the next time you do the cooking.

Cook In Bulk
One thing I hate to this day is cooking.

However, it has to be done if you don’t have a personal chef or wife to do it

for you. (I’m personally about to hire a personal chef together with my
business partner Ludvig from so we can
experiment with different diet approaches and bring the optimal diet to you).

The key to minimize time spent in the kitchen is to cook in bulk, and my diet
plans are perfect for that.

The way I suggest you do it, is to cook your lunch and dinners for 3-4 days at
a time (the first meal of the day is quite easy to prepare so no need to pre-
cook that).

So basically, calculate how much you need of each food, cook it and then
separate the daily portions into glass containers or tupperware and put it in
your fridge.

You can re-heat the food in the microwave when you need it. (It won’t be as
tasty this way but it will save you a lot of time and make it easier to stick to
the diet).

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Vary Your Diet To Keep It Tasty

In your diet plan, you have several food options for your lunch and dinner.

The key to keep your diet interesting is to cook for example chicken breast
and sweet potatoes for 4 days, and then cook ground beef and white rice for
the next 4 days, then keep rotating the different food options.

Besides that, you can use different spices and sauces.

Most spices have 20-40 calories per table-spoon, so go ahead and use a
table spoon or two for your meals.

Same goes for sauces.

You can use ketchup (preferably without sugar), sriracha, salsa sauce and
many other sauces.

Ketchup for example, has about 50 calories per 3 table spoons so you can
use it in moderation without worrying too much about it.

There’s no reason to obsess about those 50 calories. In the grand scheme it

won’t make a big difference for fat loss but it would make a huge difference
for the way your meal tastes.

Should it happen that you don’t lose fat for a few weeks, we will simply cut
your carbs down a bit so you can keep losing fat and have your ketchup too.

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To get ideas for low-calorie sauces that are available where you live, just
google for “low calorie sauces” in your own language and start looking for

If you keep mixing up your protein and carb options and you use different
spices and sauces, you will have an unlimited amount of ways to cook your
meals and keep the diet interesting for a life time.

Junkfood Perspective
Most of the diets I make are around 2,500 calories. To get these calories, you
can choose to make GOOD choices or BAD choices. In this section, I want
to give you some examples of bad choices:

• 1 bag salted potato chips (230 grams): 1242 calories. (Almost 50% of
average daily caloric intake).
o Equivalent of a meal consisting of 500 grams cooked white rice, 300
grams lean ground beef and 100 grams of steamed mixed veggies.
• 1 Hershey’s milk chocolate bar (43 grams): 210 calories (Almost 10% of
average daily caloric intake).
o Equivalent of 3 eggs.
• 1 regular sized haribo gummybears bag (140 grams): 483 calories

(Almost 20% of average daily caloric intake).

o Equivalent of 20 big slices of pineapple.

In other words, the average person I coach can eat the equivalent of about 2
bags of gummy bears, 1 bag of chips and 1 chocolate bar a day to maintain
their weight. (Anything over would result in weight gain).

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I’m telling you this to give you perspective… One “snack” during the day can
ruin an entire days progress.

And, if you want to make up for it through cardio, then you will have to work
VERY hard. 30 minutes of cardio usually burns between 300-500 calories, so
a bag of chips would require over an hour of intense exercise to burn and a
chocolate bar would require over 20 minutes of cardio to burn.

Weekly Cheat Meal

While following the diet plan, you are allowed (required) to have 1 cheat meal
a week.

The cheat meal replaces your dinner, and the goal is to eat whatever you

Why Do We Have A Weekly Cheat Meal?

When you diet in a caloric deficit for extended periods of time, your
testosterone levels decrease (male hormone of vitality). When this happens,
you start losing muscle mass, strength, energy, mental clarity, libido and over
time these things can become PERMANENT if you diet for long enough time.
This is even the case if you follow the healthiest diet with the “perfect caloric
deficit” and calculate everything to the smallest details… Even in those
cases, you will experience lower testosterone. It is only a matter of time
before your body starts to compensate with something when it’s deficient.

A lot of people believe that bodybuilders take testosterone injections

(hormones) to build muscle mass. This is partly true, but the main reason is
that when they try to achieve that ripped and shredded look you have at a

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low body-fat percentage, they need to use external testosterone to counter-

act the natural decrease that happens when you do extreme diets which
they do…

The solution to that decrease is to have one or two days a week where you
reefed your body so it is either in a caloric surplus. So, why don’t
bodybuilders do that? They do, and it works, but once you start dieting down
far below 10% body-fat, even the best reefed meals and diet plan cannot
counteract the body’s need to compensate. (Unless you’re a naturally lean
person who maintains a shredded physique year around without trying, but
then you wouldn’t be reading this program).

Furthermore, adherence is just as important as perfectionism. You could

alternatively have high calorie and low calorie days, and thereby avoid
eating junk foods, sugar, cake and so on and have a similar result. (I will
show how to do that for those of you that want to do it the “perfect way”).
However, adherence is much more important on a diet plan.

Most of us have a conditioned, psychological need to eat cake, candy,

kebabs, burgers and so on after years or even decades of doing so. If you
try to cut these things out for too long, you end up compensating by binging
out for days and ruining WEEKS of progress.

Therefore, “the goal” is to follow these base-line diet-plans while having one
cheat meal a week until you reach a healthy body-fat percentage of 10-12%,
and then start focusing on just maintaining that body-fat percentage while
gaining muscle mass. This is the healthiest way you can transform your
physique, and it’s also the most enjoyable. You won’t be starving or feeling

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like shit throughout your transformation. You will feel good, and see real life
results on a monthly basis.

What Should Dieting Feel Like?

My diet plans are based on eating a light breakfast, a filling lunch and a
filling dinner.

The idea behind it is that most people are busy in the morning and do their
most important work before noon.

Food “slows you down” since it requires energy to digest, so I have included
a very light breakfast that will get you energised without making you feel

You may feel a little hungry after this meal. The key to overcome this
“hunger” is to stay hydrated (drink a lot of water) and to be productive.

Over time you will get used to being a bit hungry in the morning, and you will
realise that you do some of your best work when you’re a little hungry (I’m
writing this program and most of my articles after eating a light breakfast).

After lunch it’s all easy… The meals are VERY filling and I have clients who
have a hard time finishing them while dieting down. The key here is to have
your meals prepared in advance (for example the night before) so you don’t
get tempted to eat some low quality meal that keeps you feel for 1-2 hours
rather than 5-6 hours.

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That’s just my experience, but the main point is that to lose fat you may feel a
bit hungry for some part of the day (in this case, morning), and energised
the rest of the day. If you never feel hungry and you still lose weight, then
great for you, keep that up.

The best advice I can give you is to “not get greedy”. If you’re losing size
without starving yourself, you’re in an ideal position. Don’t try to mess with
your diet so you can lose 1.5 pounds a week instead of 0.8 pounds. It’s
much better to lose the size slowly while eating a nutritious diet, having good
workouts, being energised and feeling good about yourself, rather than
starving yourself, being weak and depressed just so you can lose the weight
a bit faster. 90% of the people who take the second route (starving to lose
weight fast), regain all their lost weight within 2 years! Does that mean you
should eat more just because you lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks? That depends
on how YOU feel. If you were starving yourself, consider eating a bit more
(adjust your diet up), and slow-cook the progress… If you weren’t starving
and felt great, keep it up. Just listen to your body, starving yourself is never
the answer to sustainable fat loss.

A Practical Tip On Hitting The Right Amount Of Coconut

Oil When You Cook In Bulk
For those of you who cook your meat in bulk, it can be difficult to hit the
prescribed amount of coconut oil.

For example, I had a client who was on a diet plan with just 200 grams of
chicken breast per day.

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He would cook 1 KG of chicken breast at a time for 5 days, but his

prescribed coconut oil intake for this chicken was 10 table spoons!

From a practical perspective it doesn’t make sense to cook 1 KG of chicken

in 10 table spoons of coconut oil, so he just kept cooking it in 2 table spoons
as he was prescribed to do on a daily basis.

Then it hit him that by doing so, he was missing out on 1.5 of table spoons of
coconut oil per day, and thereby missed out on more than 200 calories per

1.5 table spoon is (15 * 1.5 = 22.5 grams). 

100 grams of coconut oil contains 900 calories, since coconut is pure fat and
fat contains 9 calories per gram.

Therefore, when you miss out on 22.5 grams of coconut oil, your calories are
reduced by (9 calories x 22.5 = 202.5 calories), and your current calorie goal
is around 1600, thereby putting you at below 1400 when you miss the 1.5
table spoon of coconut oil.

Final Diet Tip: Get Rid of Bad Foods

If you have a lot of sugary snacks, bread and chocolate around the house,
it’s too convenient to eat those when you wake up hungry in the middle of the
night. Therefore, get rid of these snacks. Throw them out, you don’t need

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If your family insists on keeping unhealthy foods around the house, educate
them on your health and fitness goals and explain how these foods provide
no nutritional value for anyone in the house.

Training Programs
In all my training programs, I select 2-3 exercises which we track:

1. Upper body pushing exercise: Push Up, Diamond Push Up or Barbell

Shoulder Press.
2. Upper body pulling exercise: Negative Pull Up, Pull Up, Wide Grip Pull Up
or Weighted Pull Ups.
3. Lower body exercise: Leg Press.

For beginners (phase 1 clients who need to master bodyweight exercises

and lose fat), we track just push ups/diamond push ups and negative pull
ups/pull ups depending on your fitness level.

I don’t track a lower body exercise for beginners because the lower body
exercise of choice is the bodyweight squat, and it’s mostly done for
conditioning and to improve your mobility in the lower body and thereby
prepare your joints for the leg press.

For intermediate and advanced trainees (phase 2 clients who need to add
muscle mass in the right places), we track the barbell shoulder press, wide
grip pull up/weighted pull up and leg press.

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The reason for this is that intermediate and advanced trainees have
progressed beyond just doing diamond push ups and pull ups with
bodyweight, so more resistance is needed to keep adding muscle mass.

Why 2-3 exercises?

I chose to track a minimal amount of exercises to keep you focused on

what’s important, and because these exercises train almost your entire body.

The upper body pushing exercises train your front shoulders, chest and

The upper body pulling exercises train your back shoulders, back and

The lower body exercise trains your legs.

When your numbers improve on these exercises, we know that you’re getting
stronger and when you’re getting stronger while following the high
testosterone diet, you’re most likely also adding solid muscle mass to your

I don’t like certain exercises or can’t perform them?

If there are any exercises which you don’t know how to perform, simply
record a video of you doing the exercise and send it to and I will correct your technique.

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If any of the exercises cause you any kind of joint discomfort or pain, email
me and I will find a new exercise for you.

You should NEVER do an exercise at the expense of your long-term joint


How to Create the Right Training Environment For

Maximum Results
There are essentially 2 training environments when it comes to training your
body: 1) Gym and 2) Home.

The environment you train in is extremely important for your results because
the right environment can enable you to push yourself that extra amount
needed to see muscle gains.

The right environment for you depends on the things below:

• Lack of motivation to train hard. “I simply can’t get motivated to train hard
and complete my training sessions.”
• Lack of time to hit the gym. “I have so many things to do so hitting the gym
is impossible.”
• Being embarrassed of performing exercises in front of others.

If you’re embarrassed about exercising, your best bet is to train at home or in

a secluded place because it enables you to practice by yourself and then
you can start going to the gym later once you feel comfortable in your own

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If you lack the time to hit the gym (even after cutting out bullshit such as
watching the TV), then your only option is to train at home.

If you lack motivation to train hard, I suggest the gym, especially a gym that
is full of people that inspire you.

When you’re in the gym, you will want to train harder to look good in front of
these people and that’s actually a good thing as long as you keep you
exercise technique tight and follow the instructions in your training plan.

Either way, whether you train at home or at the gym doesn’t matter as much
as having some music to train to.

I personally never train without music that pumps me up.

A training session with music vs. one without music is like the difference
between night and day!

Music makes me “forget about the pain of exercise” and I can train a lot
harder and longer.

Therefore, I suggest that you make a good music playlist every week for your
workouts and put on your headphones because it can make a massive
difference in your training.

Progression Tracking
Tracking Progress is crucial for your transformation and it takes just 5
minutes a week.
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It’s crucial because you will be the last person to see progress in the mirror.

(You see yourself everyday and body-transformation changes on a weekly

basis are very small so you will not see a noticeable change in the mirror).

You need to track progress to know where you’re headed.

For example, if your waist and hips are dropping in size each month, you
KNOW for a fact that you’re losing fat and that your strategy is working.

Same goes for shoulders, chest and arms. If these measurements are
increasing and you’re getting stronger on pull ups and other exercises, you
are most likely gaining muscle mass.

If your numbers aren’t improving, your body is most likely not improving.

The best way to track progress is to make it a weekly ritual and put it as a
weekly event in your calendar.

I suggest you track progress every Sunday morning and then write down the
measurements somewhere (for example an excel sheet like I do for myself).

Thing to do right now: Set a reminder in your calendar for every Sunday
morning in your calendar with the title “Take measurements”.

Take Progress Photos

Another crucial thing is to take monthly progress photos.

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You want to do this once a month, because you won’t see any changes on a
weekly basis.

You want to take a photo from the front, side and back.

I like to do one where I’m relaxed from each angle, and also one where I’m
flexing to see the muscular development better.

It’s best if you take your progress photos in a good lighting in the morning on
an empty stomach (and not after a workout since workouts give you a
muscular pump and make you look much better than you do throughout the

You may feel silly for taking photos now. I know because I did. However,
these are crucial for 2 reasons:

1. If you aren’t happy with what you see in the photos, you can keep looking
at them to motivate yourself to stick with your training and diet and get a
better body.
2. They will be a nice memory once you transform your body. (The Skinny-
Fat Transformation blog would not exist if I didn’t have my photos and now
I make my living from helping others achieve the same transformation).
3. You will one day reach a progress photo where you can finally say “damn,
I finally have a GOOD body. I’m actually happy with what I see and it’s all
paid off”. I still remember when this happened to me in April 2013. My
entire life changed at that point and I could focus my time and effort on
other things in life than my body!

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I suggest you ask someone to take these photos for you (I had my family and
friends do it). I still remember they laughed when I was a skinny-fat guy
flexing my biceps while standing in my underwear in the living room, but now
I’m the one teaching them how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

The Importance of Sleep and Stress

Sleep is one of the most underrated things for fat loss.

O p t i m a l s l e e p re g u l a t e s y o u r b o d y ’s a p p e t i t e , a n d t h e re b y
you experience less cravings for junk food and sugar.

In other words, you can make fat loss A LOT easier by going to bed early
and sleeping in on the weekends.

It's similar to choosing the difficulty level in a game...

When you sleep well, you play the dieting game on EASY.

When you have poor sleep, you play the dieting game on HARD.

So, how do you know you get enough sleep?

You wake up naturally (without an alarm).

You wake up refreshed.

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Now, I'm not going to pretend that my sleep is perfect every single day, and I
do have days where I feel like crap when I wake up.

However, I do my best to get good sleep and I hope you will too after
reading this.
If you struggle with going to bed early, I recommend you to set a daily
reminder on your phone about 10 hours before you have to wake up, which
says: "Get ready for sleep."

When this reminder pops up, you stop whatever you are doing and start
getting ready for bed.

If you are not tired once you are in bed, start meditating.

Meditation Will Help You Sleep Better, Reduce Stress

and Improve Training Recovery
Whether you have difficulty sleeping at night or not,  I recommend a daily
minimum of 10 minutes meditation. 

Meditation relieves stress, clears your mind, increases feel good hormones
and speeds up recovery between training sessions because training is a
stress imposed on your body so the less stress you have the faster you can

Now, the optimal way to meditate varies with each person, but a good way to
get started is my simple meditation routine:

1. Put on headphones.
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2. Listen to meditation sounds. Click here for a great tune.
3. Lie down in bed and get comfortable.  Spread out your legs, arms and
make sure your palms are facing up towards the ceiling and your fingers
are spread out.
4. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Don't move any of your
Just lie there for 10-30 minutes while listening to a meditation sound, and you
should feel GREAT after.

How to Go Out And Drink Alcohol Without

Messing Up Your Progress
While being on the High Testosterone Diet you are only allowed to drink
water, tea, coffee or other “no-calorie drinks”. Juices, sodas, energy drinks
and alcohol are not allowed on the diet since they are “empty calories”.

Alcohol is the worst of them, since one night of drinking and eating can ruin
an ENTIRE WEEK worth of fat loss progress. When you go out and binge
drink and eat a lot of food, your body focuses almost all of its energy on
getting rid of the alcohol so a lot of the food is stored as fat.

If you’ve stuck to your diet for a few weeks and lost an inch around your
waist, and you then go out and binge drink and eat a lot of foods, it’s not
unusual to re-gain that ONE INCH around your waist the next morning. (This
is something I’ve experimented with a lot).

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With that said, this is a “worst case scenario” where you have sugary
cocktails while eating food. The truth is that you can go out and drink, but
you have to be strategic about it.

First, you want to eat the last of your meal about 3 hours prior to going out,
and make sure that last meal consists of one of the lean protein sources in
your diet, and a lot of vegetables. No rice, potatoes, quinoa or fats are
allowed with this meal since this puts you at risk of gaining fat from drinking.
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Second you want to keep drinking to maximum ONCE per week and you
want to have maximum FIVE drinks from the list below:

- Tequila or hard liquor for shots (About 100 calories per shot).
- Whiskey on the rocks. (About 100 calories).
- Whiskey with diet coke. (The whiskey shot has about 100 calories while the
diet coke has no calories. If you go for a whiskey with regular coke, the
drink will have about 200 calories!)
- Light beer. (A 12 oz buzz light has about 110 calories while an extra stout
Guiness has 176 calories).
- Vodka with soda. (The vodka shot will have about 100 calories while the
soda has no calories).
- Any wine. (Dry white wine has around 85 calories per glass, and red wine
and sweet white wine have 120 calories per glass).

If you choose from these options and you stick to 5 units of alcohol, you will
end up drinking about 425-600 calories (the equivalent of the reduction of
carbohydrates and fat in your meal prior to drinking).

Coaching: We Both Have A Responsibility

We both have responsibilities to ensure that your coaching experience is

It’s your responsibility to:

• Update your body measurements and training stats every Sunday.
• Request training or diet adjustments when you fail to see progress for 2
consecutive weeks.
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• Send me progression photos every month.

It’s my responsibility to answer your questions in a timely manner and make

adjustments to your plan when needed.

In the case that If I haven’t gotten back to you within 48 hours it means I’ve
somehow missed it, so please resend your message to me.

If you have any questions about anything in the Body-Transformation

Blueprint, you’re of course welcome to ask me.

That’s what I had for you here… I wish I had this guide when I started
training back in February 2010, so I really hope that YOU find it useful!

Be proud but stay hungry!

Oskar Faarkrog

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