Coal - Fired Power Plant Challenges Exper

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A Research
Presented to the
Senior High School Department
Sacred Heart College
Lucena City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Practical Research I

For the Second Semester of A. Y. 2017 - 2018

Alcala, Jeffrey Emer D.

Alpay, David Vincent Z.
Abalos, Ann Margaret
Cabrera, Kyte Johance V.
Jacinto, Lord Martina C.
Lucila, Krizza Mae S.

February 2018



Energy is every important to all kind of aspects.

Energy, in physics, the capacity for doing work. It may exist

in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. Energy

can be neither created nor destroyed but only changed from one form to another

(Gregersen, 2017).

There’s a lot of energy sources in the Philippines which are categorized into two,

the Renewable and Non - renewable Energy. Renewable Energy Sources are solar, wind,

hydroelectric, bio - mass and geothermal, which do not have an upper limit on the total

quantity to be used. Non - renewable Energy Sources are oil, natural gas, nuclear and coal,

which do not renew itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaning

human time - frames (National Power Corporation, 2014). Coal is mostly used worldwide

since it has the largest reserve and is often the cheapest of the fuel options. Because of the

availability of clean coal technologies, despite the current stringent standard on

environmental concerns, the demand for coal as the source of energy has remained steady.

In recent years, the main source of electricity is coal-based power generation and

the current report, there are 40.8% of global electricity generation (IEA, 2010). The

Philippines is largely a coal consuming country with coal having the highest contribution

to the power generation mix at 44.5% in 2015.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) said that coal-fired

power plants emit 84 out of 187 pollutants in the air. Skin and eye infections are some of

the short-term effects this plant produces (Environmental Health and Engineering, p. 10).

Some studies say that there are 7 atmospheric pollutants, the direct cost of these power

plants to human health is of concern to world-wide (Tshautshan, 2014). World Health

Organization said that these coal power station’s pollutants have been found to cause

respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, asthma and lung cancer, as well as cardiac

conditions, and coronary obstructive pulmonary disease. These kinds of disease are very

difficult to handle and is very dangerous for the health of those people in the surrounding

are especially the ones who are near the power plant. It is a problem that should be

discussed and solved for the well-being of every person living in the vicinity. One ton of

ash is produced for every 4 tons of burnt coal and as if it settles down subsequently causing

land degradation, severe air, water pollution and diseases that causes danger towards plants,

animal and humans basically affecting every living organisms in the area where the ashes

settles according to Pandey. Research estimates that 24 people die for every terawatt hours

(TWh) of coal burnt. Children are at particular risk from air pollution because they breathe

more for their body weight than adults (Shearman, 2016).

Many coal - fired power station are situated along a river or on the coast. They used

a lot of water to clean all the harmful chemicals such as oxides

of nitrogen (NOx), sulfur (SOx) and particle pollution. Aside from this, water is used at the

boiler to absorbs the heat from the burning pulverized coal and converted feed-water into

super-heated steam (thermal energy)(Team Energy, 2008). One of the most - water

intensive methods of generating electricity is through the use of coal and it could withdraws
enough water to fill an Olympic - sized swimming pool every three and a half minute.

According to International Energy Agency (IEA), the global water consumption for power

generation and fuel production is expected to grow from 66 billion cubic meter (bcm) in

2010, to 135 bcm in 2030.

The exploratory study was conducted in one of the coal-fired power plant in the

Philippines situated at Isla Grande in Pagbilao, Quezon, that has 735 Megawatts (MW)

Station Capacity 2 x 367.5 MW Unit Capacity. This earth-moving Island of about 200

hectares at Barangay Ibabang Polo (Pagbilao) which commenced on February 6, 1993. This

power plant, also known as Pagbilao Power Station is owned by Team Energy. There were

2 units that have been commercially available on June 13th and August 14th of the same

year of 2015. The first unit was synchronized on March 7 and the second unit was on May


Pagbilao Power Station uses bituminous, low - sulfur and low - ash content coal,

has advanced water spray system, highly efficient electrostatic precipitators, dust collector,

air monitoring station, ash lagoons sedimentation basin, and water treatment which are

designed to alleviate possible environmental risks. Coal fired power station maybe good of

use to produce energy and power sustaining but it also has a negative effect that cause

danger in our surroundings such us deforestation and pollution of air, land and water. There

still no assurance that it could lessen the damage they might bring on the environment and

on the health of people near them.

Based on these information, the researchers becomes interested to conduct a

research regarding the challenges experienced of selected citizens living near such Coal -
Fired Power Plant. The researchers choose Pagbilao Power Plant because it is the nearest

power plant in the area which help the researchers to do the study easier. This study is for

the people living in Pagbilao to be aware about having a coal fired power plant in their

municipality. Through this research, the knowledge of the coal-fired plant will provide

awareness not only in the town of Pagbilao but also in its neighboring towns. The said

study would also enlighten the people about the benefits that the coal power plant can give

and provide for the people.

Statement of the Problem

This qualitative inquiry intends to draw an in – depth understanding about the

challenges experienced of citizens as they live near a coal – fired power plant in Isla Grande

Pagbilao, Quezon and how

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of selected citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo

Pagbilao, Quezon in terms of;

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Occupation; and

1.4 Length?

2. What are the challenges experienced of the citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo

Pagbilao, Quezon living near coal - fired thermal power plant?

3. What are the effects of coal - fired power plant to the selected citizens of Barangay

Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon in terms of;

3.1 Physical Appearance;

3.2 Health; and

3.3 Environment?

4. Based on the finding of the study, what should the people living in Barangay Polo

Pagbilao, Quezon consider about the Coal – Fired Thermal Power Plant in knowing

the dangers and harm it cause to them and their surrounding?


Prior to conduct of the study, the researchers make the following questions:

1. The citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon is facing similar challenges

due to the effects of having Coal – fired Thermal Power Plant nearby.

2. The effects of having Coal – fired Thermal Power Plant nearby vary in age, sex and

distance of the residing citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon.

Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Paradigm

• Demographic Profile of selected citizens in terms of ;

a. sex; b.age; c.occupation; and d.length
• Challenges experienced of selected citizens of Barangay
Ibabang Polo

INPUT • Effects of coal - fired thermal power plant in terms of;

a.physical appearance;; and c.environment

• Analysis and interpretation of the data regarding the

challenges experienced of selected citizens of Barangay
Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon living near coal - fired

power plant and their perception of having such power plant
on their area

• Brochure or pamphlet will be given to the respondents

containing the challenges they may experience and the
solutions they may do regarding their problem as a token of
appreciation and gratitude.

Figure1. Conceptual Framework showing the challenges experienced of selected citizens

of Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon living near Coal - fired Power Plant.
The figure interprets the concepts of the research and the various stages that the

researchers have undergone to complete the study. The researchers used the inputs, which

are the demographic profile (sex, age, occupation and duration of residence) of the

respondents, challenges experienced, and effects of the coal-fired power plant to the

selected citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo. As the researchers do the study, survey and

interview from the respondents are their used instruments. Afterwards, the final output is

obtained. After all the data that has been gathered from the respondents, a brochure or

pamphlet will be given to them that contains the solutions for each challenges experienced

and also, as a sign of appreciation and gratitude for the citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo

Pagbilao, Quezon for the success of the study.

Scope and Limitation

This research is made to further widen the knowledge of the researchers in about

the field science, technology, mathematics and engineering. Also in this will help the

respondents and the people living near them to understand their situation.

The research will be updated through informations that will be gathered from the

citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo, Pagbilao Quezon. The researchers will conduct an

interview on ten (10) random citizens living in Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon

regarding on the challenges they experienced on having Coal – fired Power Plant on their

barangay. A permission letter to ask them and use information from them will be given

directly and initially at the point of meeting. The answers of the selected respondents will

be recorded via a recorder so that it could be easier and convenient for the researchers to

gather information. The information and data that will be gathered will be used solely to

help the problems of the citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo, Pagbilao Quezon and the
research of the Grade 11-Stem 2 students which are the researchers of the topic. The

demographic profile of the respondents is also considered. The age, sex, occupation and

length will be asked to the respondents to be able to determine their background of


There are possible problems that the researchers expect to encounter. First, the

questions may not be understood by the respondents. For this problem, the questions for

the interview will be expressed in Filipino medium for the respondents to be able to easily

understand and respond to the questions which will be given to them. Second, gathered

data may be corrupted, so the researchers will also write down the respondents answers.

Lastly, the schedules of selected citizens may be hectic. The researchers are ready to work

around the respondents’ schedule and to other problems that might encounter.

The researchers make this to know the danger and harm that is caused to them by

the coal fired power plant. This has also been made to know what should the citizens of

Barangay Ibabang Polo, Pagbilao Quezon should do about the harm of the coal fired power

plant to them and their surrounding area. The researchers have used a qualitative research

because in this study we need the information directly from the respondents for a better

solution to come up for the problem and because the quality of the information won’t be

less or minimal. After all of that we the researchers will still use information from books

and literature work that is related to the topic which is Coal-fired Power Plant: Challenges

experienced of the selected citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao Quezon. In this

method all of the gathered data will be used and summed up to make the information about

the topic clearer and understandable.

Significance of the Study

This research entitled “Coal - fired Power Plant: Challenges Experienced of

Selected Citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon” is expected to be useful to

share information and would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge of the citizens.

The results of this study will also be of great benefit to the following:

For the Local Government of Pagbilao. This study would help the Local

Government of Pagbilao to further gather knowledge about the effects of having a coal-

fired power plant. Therefore, they could know if this should still continue or must be

stopped. With this study, the local government would be able to eliminate unlikely effects.

For the Municipal Health Office. This study mainly aims to help raise awareness

on the possible effects on the health of the residents and what actions could be done in

order to protect their wellness. This will also help to further improve the knowledge of the

Municipal Health Office regarding the different harmful effects that their citizens may or

may not get from the Coal – fired Power Plant in Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon.

For the Local Tourism of Pagbilao. This study is to protect not only the

economical growth of the municipality but also the growth of popularity the Barangay is

having. The said study will greatly help for the improvement of the barangay to make it

more less harmful to the tourist and attractive to make the economy even grow much


For the Residents of Pagbilao. This study would help residents of Pagbilao

particularly those living near the plant site for them to have awareness about the advantages

and disadvantages of having a coal-fired powerplant near their residency and to get other

relevant information regarding this.

For the Current Researchers. This study could help the citizens of the said

barangay to make them understand the harm of being near a coal fired power plant. This

will also help the researchers to further their knowledge about certain dangers and risk

factor of a power plant.

For the STEM Students and Future Researchers. This study could help future

researchers mostly for those who will conduct such studies regarding Coal-Fired Power

Plant to further investigate certain aspects of a having a coal power plant near a barangay

or a city. This will also help them to specify their research of a coal fired power plant.

Definition of Terms

This is the part of the study where unfamiliar words were given meaning in order

to fully understand the ideas of the study by the readers. The terms in this section are

conceptually and operationally defined.

Age. The number of years that have passed in the citizens’ life since the day he/she was


Challenges. It is the struggling situation that is faced by the citizens near the vicinity of

the Coal – fired Power Plant.

Citizens. Refers to the people which is living in a community like in Barangay Polo

Pagbilao, Quezon.

Coal. It is solid sediments, usually brown or black, carbon-rich material that most often

occurs in stratified sedimentary deposits. It is one of the most important of the

primary fossil fuels.

Coal-fired power plant. The type of power plant located in Barangay Polo Pagbilao

Quezon and this is the focus of this study. This is one of the stations in the
Philippines that is used to create electricity by burning coal in a boiler to produce


Environment. This term is used for the air, water, and land that a person live in, it is the

setting of our human activities.

Health. This refers to a person’s complete mental, physical and social condition well-


Length. The term which the researchers used to determine the amount of time that a person

has live in a particular place.

Occupation. The term used for a person’s job or profession as a mode of earning a living.

Physical Appearance. These are the things which can be observed and seen in a person

by just looking outside.

Power. Is the source of the energy that is contained inside the coal-fired power plant and

later on will be converted to electricity.

Power Plant. Is the term used for the generating station where electricity is

generated and distributed to houses and other things that needs it.

Sex. The distinction of respondents between male and female that is divided according to

their reproductive functions.


Related Literature and Related Study

Related Literature

Power Plant

Coal – fired Power Plant

Challenges Experienced






Challenges experienced living near power plants

Physical Appearance



Related Study

Power Plant

Coal – fired Power Plant

Challenges Experienced






Challenges experienced living near power plants

The study Perceptions and attitudes of residents living near a wind turbine

compared with those living near a coal power plant by Kempton, W. & Thompson,

H.(August 2018) where they surveyed two types of residents. First are the citizens living
near a industrial wind turbine and near a coal fired power plant, wherein there study aims

to gain the attitudes of the two residents about the power station near them. In the end of

this study the residents near the industrial wind turbines were generally in favor of it while

the residents near a coal-fired power plant opposed the idea of having one due to the

challenges they’ve experienced caused by the emissions. Our research and this study is

significant in terms of their objectives and that is why we included this research.

Physical Appearance

In the study of Baig, S. & Yousaf, M. (August 7, 2017) entitled Coal Fired Power

Plants: Emission Problems and Controlling Techniques where they distinguish all of the

elements being emitted by coal-fired power plants. The study shows that there is a lot of

emissions that are unlikely to human health causing them to have diseases and to the

physical appearance of our environment as well. This study is related to our research

because this study shows that people are challenged by the toxic of this industry, wherein

that is what we want to know in this research.


Koplitz, S., Jacob, D., Sulprizlo, M., Myllyvirta, M., and Reid, C. conducted a study

on January 12, 2017 entitled Burden of Disease from Rising Coal-Fired Power Plant

Emissions in Southeast Asia. In this study, they observed the estimate cases of diseases due

to coal-fired power plant. As their result, the study shows that Southeast Asia has already

20,000 premature deaths every year and as the coal-fired power plants is becoming a trend

in Southeast Asia they assumed that it will increase to 70,000 by 2030.


This chapter describes the methodology which will be used in the research. It

intends to know how and what process will be used by the researchers in conducting this

study and collecting the necessary data in completing the study. The researchers outline

the research design, the research locale, the population and sample, the research instrument,

the data gathering procedure and the ethical considerations. The methodology is employed

to understand the experiences of selected citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao,

Quezon living near coal – fired power plant regarding the challenges they have been facing.

Research Design

The researchers utilized a qualitative phenomenological study type of research.

The strengths of this particular research design is that it is fast, it is economical, it helps

understand people’s meaning and it help gather data which is seen as natural rather than

artificial. Since phenomenological qualitative research method is concerned with

understanding the experiences of people, it is really appropriate to apply this type of

qualitative research to understand and to know the challenges experienced of the selected

citizens living in Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon. The present study aims to gain

the insights of a particular individual around the vicinity of the coal-fired power plant

located in Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon. Semi – structured, a one – on – one

interviews, is one of the data gathering techniques utilized in phenomenological research.

The researchers choose this qualitative method inquiry because it allows the respondents

to speak freely with all honesty during the final interview to describe the struggles that they
have experienced. The researchers believed that the design of the present study will meet

the objectives of the study.

Research Locale

Pagbilao, Quezon is one of the cities in the Philippines which produce coal-fired

power plant. The researchers choose Brgy. Ibabang Polo, Pagbilao Quezon as their research

environment because the Coal – fired Power Station or also known as Pagbilao Power

station is located in this barangay. According to the 2014census, the barangay has a

population of 4, 579. The researchers would like to keep the residents here, to be aware to

the effects that the coal-fired power plant cause. As the new technologies increase, effects

from coal-fired power plant also increase as well, but the researchers believe that there are

still possible solutions for these effects. The respondents of the study were the people who

live near the power plant.

Population and Sample

Research Instrument

The researchers choose to use semi – structured, one – on – one interviews as the

form of data collection as this combines a pre – determined set of open questions that

prompt discussion. The researchers prepare questions for the respondents relevant to the

study. The researchers also prepare a version of the questions in vernacular in order to give

the respondents the choice of language which can help them understand the questions better

and express their challenges experienced in a way that is most comfortable for them. The

research instrument is divided into three (3) parts.

The first part of the interview is pertaining to the demographic profile of the

respondents. It describes the respondents according to their age, sex, source of income and

length or how long they lived in that barangay.

The second part of the interview is concerned with the challenges experienced of

the citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon living near coal - fired thermal

power plant. It focuses on whether their daily activities are ___.

The third part of the question is concerned with the effects of coal - fired power

plant to the selected citizens of Barangay Ibabang Polo Pagbilao, Quezon. This part focuses

on the effect of having coal – fired power plant on their physical appearance, on their health

and also on the environment as time passes by.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers wrote a letter to the Principal to ask permission to conduct a study.

After the approval of the Principal, the researchers asked for the validations, suggestions

and recommendations for the semi-structured interview questions of the experts. Then, the

researchers wrote a letter to the Barangay Officials of Brgy. Ibabang Polo, Pagbilao for the

approval of conducting interview in their local. After having the permission of the

Barangay Officials, the researchers started gathering data by conducting a semi-structured

interview among selected citizens of Brgy. Ibabang Polo, Pagbilao. The researchers

analyzed the gathered datas by looking for the similar challenges being faced by the local

citizens of Brgy. Ibabang Polo, Pagbilao.

Ethical Consideration

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