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Greek goddess of wisdom and war

Athena was the Goddess of War, the female counterpart of ARES. Ares the brutal god of war kills
without thinking in wars. On the other hand Athena the goddess of wisdom and war fought battles by
being smart.
Athena was a patron of the arts and crafts, especially when it came to spinning and weaving
Athena was a master artisan. As much as she was the women counterpart of Ares as a war goddess, she
was also the female equivalent of Hephaestus when it came to arts and crafts.

Athena’s Childhood Friend Pallas

Athena was also known as Pallas Athena. Pallas came from the name of her childhood friend which she
loved above all. As they were practicing some martial exercises, Athena accidentally killed her friend
and in an attempt to preserve her memory, she added her friend’s name to her own. Thats why many
people know athena as pallas athena

Athena was the daughter of Zeus and titaness metis. When metis was pregnant, the oracle of gaia lets
zeus know that his wife will give birth to 2 children. The 1st will be a girl that will match his fathers
strength and sapience and the 2nd will be a boy that will be even stronger than his father and will take
power from him. Similarly to what had happened to his father and grandfather, they were both
overthrown by their sons. Afraid of this prophecy to happen zeus asked metis to transform into a drop
of water and so he swallows his pregnant wife never giving her the chance to give birth. Time moves on
and the powerful god starts to feel unbearable headaches. Zeus orders someone to open his head and
remove the cause of such pain. Hephaestus the god of the fire and metalworking uses an axe to open a
fissure in the head of zeus from the gods hole in the head emerges athena with her armor and weapons
already a full grown adult. To avoid the prophecy of their son, metis stays in zeus’ stomach.

Athena had a rivalry with poseidon. It started when they both wanted to be the patron of the most
prosperous city in greek. This Ancient region in greece is known as cecropia its name is from its ruler,
Cecrops, a half man and half snake.its also known as the city of acropolis. Because they want to become
the patron of this city they both gave gifts. A saltwater fountain was poseidons gift while olive tree was
from athena. Since the olive tree gave them food and oil, they chose it over the saltwater fountain.
Poseidon got furious because he cant accept the decision so he challenged athena into a duel but when
the battle was about to begin, zeus intervened. . Zeus lets the divine council of olympus handle the fate
of the city. Zeus presided over the meeting. All male gods voted for poseidon while all goddesses voted
for athena since he was presiding over it zeus abstain from voting and so athena won just by one vote.
The ancient city of cecopria is now known as city of athens. In honor of the goddess a beautful temple
was build on top of acropolis. Because of poseidons wrath athenians life was much harder since theyre
no longer welcome in the seas. To establish peace with the god of the sea the athens also built a temple
for poseidon thus poseidon forgave the people of the athens. Athena was the official patron of the city
but unofficialy it belonged to poseidon as well.

Medusa was born with incredible beauty. Despite her appearance she was chaste and pure. Because she
admire the goddess athena she decided to become a pristess of her temple. One day when the shore
was near, medusa was spotted by poseidon. He fell inlove with the girl right away. Yet medusa resisted
the god. Poseidon had a personal feud with the goddess athena so owning her priestesss became an
obsession. Tired of being rejected the god decided to possess her by force. Medusa runs into the temple
of athena in pursuit of protection. Poseidon enters behind her, grabs the young woman and rapes her
on the floor in front of athenas statue after this athena appears, enraged, she decided to cruelly punish
her priestess. For the goddess to punish poseidon was out of the question since she considered that his
act was of the males nature. But she considered medusa guilty of seducing the god and bringing
dishonor to the temple. Athena curses the young woman turning her beautiful hair into snakes and from
this day forward anyone who looks into her eyes would instantly petrify. Medusa was now chased by
warriors who wished for her head as a trophy yet they were all turned into stones. And then the hero
perseus was able to decapitate medusa. What no one knew medusa was carrying poseidons child. And
with her death from her shed blood was born the giant chrysaor and the pegasus horse. When Perseus
killed the gorgon Medusa, he gave the gorgon head to Athena then the goddess place in on her aegis.


Athena Parthenos (athena the virgin)

Hephaestus was an amazing blacksmith and athena enjoyed visiting his workshop regularly. And then
poseidon the god of the sea and athenas rival started noticing their friendship, the sea god told
hephaestus that athena is interested in having a relationship with him. but athena had no intention
whatsoever in having a relationship with anyone. When athena visited his shop once more and because
of poseidons false information, hephaestus drenched in lust that he tried to seduce her in his workshop
determined to maintain her viriginity athena tried to escape but hephaestus caught athena. He tried to
rape her but she fought him off. During this struggle his semen fell on her thigh and athena in disgust
wiped it away with scrap of wool from her leg and threw it upon the earth. The goddess of earth, Gaea,
was accidentally impregnated by the semen of Hephaestus and bore a son named Erichthonius. Athena
felt a certain responsibility for this child and raised it as her own. But the baby was not yet ready to live
in the world of mortals so athena put him inside a box. Handing him into the princesses of athens. The
goddess prohibited them from looking into the box. But since these princesses was curios of whats
inside the box, they opened it. And found that terrifying creature. And then threw themselves on top of
athens acropolis. Time went by the goddess came back to collect her son and raised him inside the
temple. Under the rule of the goddess of wisdom ericthonius became a wise and hardworking adult, he
would become one of the legendary kings of athens.

In the city of sullivan in the region of lydia there was a young girl named arachne. She was the daughter
of a weaver and because of that she soon learned the art of weaving. as years went by arachne kept on
developing her skills. And then the news of a weaver who claimed to be better than athena soon
reached olympus. Athena challenged arachne to a weaving contest. Athena weaved the depiction of her
victory against poseidon in the clash for athens. Meanwhile arachne weaved the stories of the mortals
unjustly victimized by the gods. enraged and offended, Athena tore Arachne’s fabric to pieces and
turned her into a spider. As such, Arachne is doomed to weave ever since.

Athena, the Helper of Heroes

As a war goddess associated with wisdom – unlike Ares who was associated with mere violence –
Athena was often the main helper of Ancient Greece’s greatest heroes. Most famously, she guided
Odysseus during his ten-year-long journey back to Ithaca. But, she also helped many others, such as
Heracles, Perseus, Bellerophon, Jason, Diomedes, Argus, and Cadmus.

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