Chapter I

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Long time ago even before technology, social networking platforms and mobile

devices, Dewey’s J. (1859-1952) that “we do not learn from our experiences, we learn from

processing our experiences: for centuries this has been proven to be true, and how in this

digital age that has offered us easy and open access to a wealth of information via

technology innovation such as the internet, mobile technology and applications, social

networking platforms etc. all of these has simplified the way we much easier than even

before. Throughout history educational institution have existed to create an educational

institutional are being educated by society on the use of technology and social networking

platforms. We hear much these days on the importance of social media. Application like

Facebook and twitter allow us to stay connected with friends and family around the world.

We have instant access to information, photos, videos, and updates of their lives. But as

with most things in life, there are potential consequences and research is determining

people are just as likely, if not more, to become addicted to social media as they are other

things. The difficulty with this instant technology is that it has become so completely

integrated into our lives. We use social media multiple times each day, relying on it as a

primary source of information. It is often considered to be easier to communicate through

social media sites than it is to communicate face-to-face or on the telephone. Access to

social media is not only instances though. Research indicates that high levels of prolonged

usage are more common among the younger member of society and among version.

Addictions are about fulfilling something. Some people are drawn to addictive

substances or behavior because of the way they make them feel. By their very nature,

humans possess a strong feeling to be connected to others and constantly have a sense of

needing to belong somewhere. Social media has offered people a way to accomplish this

like never before. You can be connected to the world around you twenty-four hours a day,

there hundred sixty-five days a year. It is extremely accessible to anyone, anywhere.

Overtime though, this connection can slowly become a need. The immediacy of the

connections to the people and access of information can offer such overwhelming and

euphoric emotions; it can be difficult to turn away from them. When hand help device and

mobile phones are added in the case of availability increase even more so. Even those who

have low self-esteem can constantly search to fulfill their urge to connect without fear of

being rejected. Having an online personality is easier for some people and their social and

emotional needs are quickly fulfilled. The amount of time spent online is rarely questioned

and this is where the danger of a possible addiction can come into play. So, what makes a

person addicted to the various forms of social media Are you addicted simply because you

are one who enjoys connecting with your family and friends on a regular basis. If you check

your Facebook page first thing in the morning, does that make you a social media addict.

The reality is that an addiction to social media can be marked with many of the same

symptoms as an addiction to drugs or alcohol or other behavior including. Technology has

become so complete integrated into our lives and it so obvious it will not be going anywhere

soon. That is why it is so important to learn to monitor your behavior and limit your time

online. Hence this study was conducted to determine the reasons of addiction of the

selected student of Sandoval National High School.


The main problem of the study was to determine Reasons of Addiction to Social

Media of the Selected Grade-10 students of Sandoval National High School.

Specifically, it thought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms off:

a. Age

b. sex

c. Family Monthly Income

d. Parents Educational Attainment

2. What is the effects of the social media in the performance of the students? and

3. What are the reasons of addiction to social media of the respondents?


The main objectives of the study were to determine the reasons of addictions to

social media of the selected Grade-10 students of Sandoval National High School.

Specifically, this study aimed to:

1. determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

a. Age

b. sex

c. Family Monthly Income

d. Parents Educational Attainment;

2. identify the effects if the social media in the performance of students; and

3. determine the reasons of addiction to social media of the respondents.


This study was conducted to determine how social media affects the students of

Grade-10 at Sandoval National High School. On the other hand, other students were not

included as respondents of this study.


To the community, the result of this study will give answer about the different

effects of using social media and why children are addicted to it.

To the school, the result of this study will give them more knowledge on how their

students use social media. It will give them idea on how to help their students use social

media in a right way.

To the parents, this study will give them idea about the different reasons why their

children get addicted to social media. It will give them idea on how to help their children

manage social media in a proper way.

To the students, this study will help them on how to become an intelligent use of

social media. This will give them knowledge about the good and bad effects of social media

in their academic performance.


Other mental symptoms of social media addictions

Besides the clear signs of how you speed and use your time, there are also mental

symptoms that can be identified from a social media addict.

One study has found that social media user fends to have less happiness and satisfaction in

life. The reason being that Facebook conjures up a perception of social isolation.

Try to imagine you spend most of your time facing the screen either from your computer

or smartphone, you don’t involve in any physical interaction with other people, how would

you feel?

The lack of face to face connect will make people lonely and less happiness. While social

media. Does provide the convenience to connect with other, one cannot fully neglect to

need for physical and face to face interaction with humans.

People love to compare with each other especially in social media. Studies have found that

most people admit that seeing other people travel and having a great vacation or showing

materials possessions are envy-including.

This can make social media the ground for invidious feeling. The jealousy feeling can make

a person want to make his or her own like look bitter and post jealousy including posts of

their own. Apart from that, feeling of jealousy can trigger depression too.

People who are addicted to social media will never it still whenever they are free. They

will take out their smartphone or check an updates from their computer regularly. And they

do not have access to social media they will feel anxiety and worry.

This is because social media addicts depend too much on the social media either to kill

time, to have entertainment or to satisfy their own negative behavior. And whenever they

stop using it, they find the feel anxiety.

Positive Effects

The use of social media has helped the students to learn through various online

learning platforms available to them. The use of You Tube to watch educational videos has

helped the students to gain wider knowledge.

There are many groups that students can join through online platforms, that are

related to their course of study, demographic, school, environment and much more. Joining

this group on WhatsApp, twitter, Facebook, and others will help the students to have access

to quality information as at when needed.

Social media helps to enhance student academic performance and increase their

knowledge through data and information gathering. When students are being given an

assignment in school, they go through various online platforms to gather information so as

to find solutions to their assignment.

The reading habits of students have been washed down the drain as a result of the

emergence of technology and advent of social media. Readings is the essential factor that

forms the foundation of greatness in everyone’s life irrespective of gender, status and age.

It helps to develop an individual and is also important when trying to pass an examination.

One of the major reasons for the dwindling rate at which students read is due to the

introduction of phones computers, laptops, and the wrong usage of all forms of

communication technology. Social media and its network such as BBM, WHATSAPP,

Instagram, 2go, Facebook, YouTube, and the use of the internet as a whole has been the

major obsessions of most Nigerian youth’s.

Students can get to know each other better through social media networks. It helps

to bring together two or more people, where they can share their problems which it can get

solve by their fellow colleagues. If student find out that he or she is having a problem in a

particular course, he or she can open up through chat and finds a genius who can provide

a solution to the problem.

Negative Effects

Many students find it difficult to go about their normal life without making use

social media. It has been observed that the students do not listen in class, they are busy

chatting and reading stories online, they waste their time by chatting with friends and

families, instead if reading and participating what they have learned in school.

Many students stuck to their gadget without concentrating on their study. It is bad

idea to waste away judicious time on social media platforms without gaining anything from

it. Students should not be carried away by social media because it will effect academic


Social media has created many social problems in the society. In these modern days,

many students tend to choose online communication rather than having real time

conversations, and this leads to students becoming an introvert.

The use of computers, mobile phones, and various gadget to access online platforms

by students may harms the user if they use it for long hours frequently. Students may be

exposed to bad posture, eye strain, physical and mental stress. Too much us of educational

technology tools for accessing social media by students is harmful and there must be a


What causes social media addiction?

Just like gambling, alcohol, and drugs, social media addictions seem harmless, but it is a

growing problem that needs to solve because the effect it brings can lead to depression,

anxiety and more. Whenever you receive notifications from social media like Facebook,

Instagram, and twitter, your brain will release a small amount of dopamine. This make you

feel good on a chemical level. Each time you see a notification, your brain gets excited.

And over the long term, this will form a habit and you will fall into the addictive behavior.

Plus, whenever you see some “like or” “share” what you posted on social media, you feel

good in theory, according to experts, your sense of self-worth will increase. What really

happens is that you are relying on your smartphone and computer for social interaction. At

the end of the day, you will feel isolated because your interactions are online not in the

physical word. This will lower your self-esteem. Is the “reward” that is the most important

neurological reason responsible for the compulsive usage of the social media network. That

is the person will search for want more of the reward for using social media.

What is social media addiction?

There is absolutely no problem and nothing wrong with using social media. Some people

use it to check updates from their friends and to stay connected. Some people use it for

entertainment and to kill me. The problem comes when someone becomes addicted to

social media and overspends their time on those platforms, as a result, their bad habit

serious affected their lives in a negative way. And this is absolutely something that you

want to avoid. Let’s take Facebook as an example. Facebook is the biggest social media

and used by the most people in the world. It has 1.13 billion daily active users and if it

represents a country, it will be the most populated country in world. More importantly,

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg said that on average, people would spend about 50

minutes a day on Facebook, Instagram, and also the messenger platforms. Well, 50 minutes

a day does not sound like much. However, you should understand that there are only 24

hours a day, and an average person sleeps about 8 hours, and this means that one-sixteenth

of an average person’s waking time is spent on Facebook. Spending 50 minutes a day on

Facebook will accumulate and become an extremely time-consuming activity that will eat

up most of your life.

Do you know that studies have shown that people read only about 19 minutes a day

on average and most people spend only about 17 minutes in sports or exercise each day? It

is unacceptable to see people spend more time on Facebook than they do on exercise and

reading for improvement. And this is one of the main concerns and also the reasons social

media addiction has quickly becoming a hot topic lately. If you overspend your time on

social media like on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, you may have become a social media

addict, it is just that you did not know about it.

Social media addiction is a term that is often used to refer to someone who spend

too much time on social media like Facebook and Twitter or other forms of social media.

As a result, it affects the person’s daily life. Although there is no official medical

recognition on social media addiction as a disease, the negative habit of excessive use of

social media has become a subject of much discussion and research. Addiction simply

means a compulsive behavior that leads to negative effects. And in this case, social media

addiction is referring to someone who has a compulsive use of social media. For example,

people who constantly check updates on Facebook or “stalking” other people for hours.


This study has two variables; the independent variables and dependent variables.

The independent variable of the study was the demographic profile, and the reasons of

addiction, While the dependent variable was the student’s addiction to social media.



1. Demographic profile
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Family income Students addiction to social media
d. Parents educational
2. Reasons of addiction

Figure I.

The paradigm of the study showing the relationship of the independent variable and

dependent variable.


Effects of social media-refers to the advantages and disadvantages of social media to the

academic performance of the respondents.

Social media- refers to devices gadgets and application used by the students.

Addiction- refers to the abusive utilization of social media by the respondents.




This study was conducted in Sandoval National High School, Sandoval, Narra,

Palawan, during the first semester of the school year 2018-2019.


The researcher employed descriptive type of research. Interview schedule was

being provided to guide the researcher in data gathering. Response and information was

gathered by distributing questionnaire to identify the reasons of addiction of social media

of the respondents.


Total or population


The respondents of the study were the grade-10 of Sandoval National High School

which composed of 13 males, and 27 females.


The researcher asked the approval of the school head and the adviser of the

respondents. Upon the approval, the researcher personally administered the survey

questionnaires to the respondents. The questionnaires were retrieved right after answering

it by the respondents.


The data gathered was tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as

frequency counts, percentage, means and ranges.

The scale given below was used to determine the reasons of addiction to the social

media of the respondents.


4 Strongly agree

3 agree

2 disagree

1 strongly disagree

Base on the scale, the ranges below were used.


4:00-3:50 Strongly agree

3:49-2:50 Agree

2:59-1:50 Disagree

1:49-1:00 Strongly disagree



Table 1.a: demographic profile of the respondents as to their age.


14-15 21 52.5%

16-17 13 32.5%

18-19 5

20-21 0

22-23 0

24-above 1

This table shows that 21(52.5%) of the respondents age were 14-15 years old;

13(32.5%) were 16-17 years old; 5(12.5%) were 18-19 years old; and 1(2.5%) were 21

years old above.

According to over 60% of 14-15 years old have at

least one profile on social media, with many spending more than 2 hours per day on social

media networking site. The result indicates that majority of the students who used social

media were at age range of 14-15 years old.

Table 1.b: demographic profile of the respondents as to their sex.


Female 27 67.5%

Male 13 32.5%

Out of 40 students 27(67.5%) were female and 13(32.5%) were male. It shows that

the respondents were dominated by female students.

Table 1.c: demographic profile of the respondents as to their family income.


Family income F %

5,000 below 21 52.2%

5,000-10,000 9 22.5%

10,000-15,000 1 2.5%

15,000-20,000 5 12.5%

21,000- above 2 5%

21(52.5%) of the respondents has a family monthly income 9(22.5%) have 5,000-

10,000 family income; 1(2.5%) have 10,000-15,000 family income; 5(12.5%) have 15,000-

20,000 family income and have a 2(5%) family income of 21,000 above.

According to In the article of effects of families’

income high or low, can have its impact to student achievement in all their learning years

some students form low income has difficulties to understand or learn as fast as others.

Table 1.d: demographic profile of the respondents of their Educational level.

Educational level F %

Elementary undergraduate 3 7.5%

Elementary graduate 4 10%

High school Undergraduate 18 45%

High school graduate 8 20%

College graduate 7 17.5%

As to educational level of the respondent’s parents, out of 40 students, 3(7.5%) of

their parents were elementary undergraduate; 4(10%) were high school undergraduate;

8(20%); and lastly 7(17.5%) were college graduate.

According to there are positive and adverse effects of

social networking to students, and the jury is still out concerning the long-term effects

social media exposure may have for example, video presentation platforms, such as skype,

google hangouts, or web video conferencing have allowed instruction to be delivered

across great distances.


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