Summaries of El Fili

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Summary: Chap 1 – Sa Kubyerta Summary: Chap 2 – Sa Ilalim ng Kubyerta

It is a fine December morning. The steamship Basilio, Isagani, and Don Custodio are deep in
Tabo is sailing on the Pasig River to discussion on the lower deck of the steamer
Laguna. Passengers on the upper deck talk Tabo. The two students tell Don Custodio about
about the lake and the long journey. Some the plan to put up a Spanish academy, and
important characters in the novel are although the two boys are hopeful that the plan
introduced: Simoun the jeweler; Doña Victorina; will be approved, Don Custodio is rather
the friars Salvi, Irene, Camorra, and Sibyla, Don pessimistic.
Custodio, and Ben Zayb.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Points of Note: Question: Why does it seem to be a habit of the
The upper deck of the steamship is for the elder people like Don Custodio to always find
elite. Most of the people in this part of the vessel hindrances to progress when the youth is always
are Spaniards. optimistic in such endeavors?
Answer: The older people have undergone a lot
Rizal's first novel, the Noli Me Tangere, ended in of failures in their lives -- shattered hopes, lost
the month of December; its sequel, the El dreams -- and these have taught them not to
Filibusterismo, begins in the same hope too much. The youth, on the other hand,
month. However, this is a December thirteen have not yet experienced such failures and are
years later. still filled with the burning hope that their plans
will be fulfilled. This way, the nation still pushes
Don Custodio is adviser to those working in the forward towards progress.
national government; Ben Zayb (anagram for
Ybañez) is a journalist. Question: Why does Simoun let out a grin when
Isagani tells him that the reason why his
countrymen don't buy jewelry and precious
Frequently Asked Questions: gems is because they have no need for such
Question: How is the steamship Tabo likened to frivolous things?
the government? Answer: If the smile is that of sarcasm, then
that is because Simoun knows Isagani's claim
Answer: isn't true. Filipinos love jewelry. If, however, it is
1. The manner the ship is divided into two sections that of appreciation, then that is because
-- the upper and the lower deck -- is similar to how Simoun sees that Isagani has courage and
the government treats the people: rich and poor, conviction -- traits that Simoun admires greatly
Spaniards and Indios -- without equality and fair and is looking for in the Filipino youth. (This is
treatment. further explained in the succeeding chapters.)

2. The slow pace of ship travel is likened to the Question: What is Simoun's way of determining
country's slow progress despite 300 years of whether a town is rich or poor?
Spanish rule. Answer: The priests. If the friars are Filipinos,
the parish is poor; if they are Spaniards,
3. Whitewashed walls that cover rust and dirt rich. When a parish is still in its first stages, not
symbolize the pretense behind ugly methods and much money is going in and Filipino priests are
social unrest in the country. assigned there. The moment the town starts to
progress, Spanish friars take over.

4. The circular design of the steamer entails that the Question: How did Simoun and Basilio meet?
government is going in circles, without a sensible Answer: They meet at Captain Tiago's house,
goal or purpose. where Simoun frequently visits.

5. The use of modern machinery to power the

steamboat is indicative of the union of the Church
and state during that time.
Summary: Chap 3 – Mga Alamat Basilio after having been healed by the young
The elite passengers of the steamer pass the doctor, and Basilio then offers it as a gift to Juli.
time by telling stories and legends of places along
the river. Padre Florentino narrates the legend of Frequently Asked Questions:
Doña Jeronima in a rather colorful tone, and Question: Why is it difficult to be the cabeza de
Padre Salvi tells the story of a Chinese man who barangay during those days?
was attacked by caymans but was saved Answer: The cabeza de barangay does nothing
because he called upon St. Nicholas to help but endure the tedious and rather perilous task of
him. Moments later, Ben Zayb asks the captain collecting taxes.
to point to him the exact spot where a man named
Ibarra was killed during his attempted Question: What does Cabesang Tales mean
escape. Simoun becomes silent and retreats in when he says "To the earth we shall return, and
deep thought as the captain locates the infamous truly we were naked upon birth"?
region in the water. Answer: He means to say that we must not fear
death for we all shall die, and we must not fear
Points of Note: poverty either for we all were born poor -- without
In this chapter we see that the people have clothes.
already gotten rid of primitive beliefs revolving
around spirits and monsters, but now replace Question: Why does Cabesang Tales say that if
them with even more annoying superstitions he loses the case then he will have no need for
about religion. children?
Answer: Losing the case would mean losing the
Frequently Asked Questions: land -- the only inheritance he can leave his
Question: How does the conversation end up in children.
Answer: Simoun starts the entire thing. He Summary: Chap 5 – Noche Buena ng isang
hopes that when they talk of legends, the story of kutsero
Doña Geronima will eventually come into the On his way to San Diego, a coachman is
picture and he wishes to see the expression on maltreated by the civil guards. He endures this
Padre Salvi's face when it is being narrated abuse in silence. They hit him with a rifle after he
because the story somehow relates to how the tells them he has forgotten to bring his
damned priest violated Maria Clara in the cedula. They beat him up again. Basilio walks to
convent. San Diego and arrives at Captain Tiago's
house. He hears the news about Cabesang
Summary: Chap 4 – Kabesang Tales Tales's kidnapping.
Cabesang Tales cultivates a piece of land with his
father and his family. Because of having to Points of Note:
endure hard work and manual labor under the Basilio is Captain Tiago's confidante.
sun, Tales's wife and eldest daughter die. At the Crisostomo Ibarra's assets were taken by the
time of harvest, some men representing a certain church and the government, some of which were
religious order lay claim to the land and demand sold. Captain Tiago bought the forest owned by
from Tales an annual payment of rent. Having no the Ibarras.
other choice, Tales accepts the
agreement. However, year after year the rent Frequently Asked Questions:
keeps going up in incredible increments and Question: Why does Sinong the coachman say
Tales decides he has had enough. He brings the that there were no civil guards during the days of
issue up in court, demanding that the religious the saints?
order provide proof of their ownership of the Answer: Sinong says this after having suffered
land. Tales loses the case. Time passes and he much abuse from the civil guards. He says that
is kidnapped by bandits demanding ransom for Matusalem could not have reached such a ripe
his neck. In the attempt to gather up enough old age if there were civil guards to make anyone
money to pay for the release of her father, Juli plead death over such unjust painful treatment.
(Tales's daughter) borrows money from Hermana
Penchang and works for the woman as a servant Question: Why is the legend of Bernardo Carpio
in order to pay the debt. a rather believable and convincing story to the
Points of Note: Answer: This story was spread by the
The scapular that Juli wears is the scapular that Spaniards. Bernardo Carpio is a fictional
Maria Clara gave to an old leper in the first book, character derived from a popular tale in Mexico,
Noli Me Tangere. The leper gives the scapular to who came to the Philippines as a character in a
song, and as the years went by became known
as a local character and identified as king of the
natives. The Spaniards trapped him under a Points of Note:
huge mountain, and for years he has freed Simoun is planning his vengeance for three
himself little by little. It is said that during the time people: (1) Don Rafael, (2) Maria Clara, (3)
of Sinong, only Carpio's right leg remained Elias.
trapped. The moment Bernardo Carpio is finally
free, the Filipinos believe that he will be the one Frequently Asked Questions:
to lead them in rebellion against the Question: Why didn't Basilio dig up the treasure
Spaniards. Because of this story that was by the balete tree when he frequently paid visits
engraved into the minds of the natives by the there for 13 years?
Spanish, the Filipinos lose their will to hope and Answer: Elias had told him to take the treasure
fight for freedom because they believe that only and claim it as his own if nobody else came. But
until Bernardo Carpio is free can they stand a somebody did come -- Ibarra.
chance against the foreign rule.
Question: Why did Ibarra bury Sisa's body but
Summary: chap 6 – si basilio burned Elias's?
Basilio visits the forest at Christmas Eve. The Answer: It was Basilio's wish to bury his
wood, formerly owned by the Ibarras, was sold mother's body. And Elias wanted his own
to Captain Tiago. Basilio visits his mother's cremated.
grave by the balete tree in the middle of the
forest. A stranger's (Elias's) grave lay beside Question: Why doesn't Simoun just kill Basilio
it. He recalls a memory of thirteen years before, in order to protect his secret and keep his true
when Ibarra had helped him cremate the two identity hidden?
bodies. With the help of Captain Tiago Basilio is Answer:
now studying to be a doctor and plans to marry 1. Basilio, like him, is a poor unfortunate soul
Juli, his sweetheart. victimized by the cruel clutches of the
government and the church.
Points of Note: 2. Basilio wouldn't run to the authorities because
In this chapter Rizal describes the progressive he himself is a hunted man.
education provided by the Jesuits in Ateneo 3. Basilio ows Simoun -- when Ibarra had helped in
compared to that of the Dominicans, who treating Sisa's ill condition and in digging her
dominated most of the schools in the country. grave as well.
4. If things ever came to the worst, it would be
Frequently Asked Questions: Simoun's word against Basilio's, and it is no
Question: Why does Basilio have to go to the doubt that the government would believe
woods in secret? Simoun.
Answer: He doesn't want anyone to find out 5. Simoun needs lads like Basilio for his plans of
about his past. He is still running from the law rebellion. And among all the young men in the
even after 13 years. (Note that Padre Salvi is town, it is Basilio who understands Simoun the
still alive). best.

Question: What is the significance of Basilio Summary: chap 8 – maligayang pasko

curing the poor old leper? No miracles come. Juli cannot gather up
Answer: During that time leprosy was thought of enough cash, and so she goes on to become
as an incurable disease, but Rizal's idea that it Hermana Penchang's servant girl. It is
can be cured can be proved by today's medical Christmas Day. Selo, Juli's grandfather, wallows
advancements. in misery at the thought of his poor young
granddaughter being so cruelly punished by
Summary: chap 7 – si simoun fate. In the middle of his depression, the old
Basilio is about to leave the wood when he man becomes mute.
notices the shadow of a man
approaching. Basilio announces his presence Frequently Asked Questions:
and is surprised to find out that the stranger is Question: How do the friars contribute to the
indeed Simoun the jeweler who, in reality, is long period of slavery suffered by the
Crisostomo Ibarra in disguise. Simoun tries to Philippines?
convince Basilio to join him in his plans to Answer: The friars teach the locals about the
avenge the cruel death of his mother (Sisa) and importance of accepting their fate, learning to
his younger brother (Crispin). Basilio, however, endure life's hardships, and believing in the
is not completely in favor of this plan, and tells miracles of carved idols. Juli, for instance, put
Ibarra that vengeance would not bring his all her energy in the hope that the Virgin Mary
family back.
would perform one of her miracles. When none after, news spreads about the murder of three
came, she learned to endure her hopeless fate. people: the new tenant, his wife, and the friar
administrator. In the crime scene a piece of
Question: Why do the children fear Christmas paper is found with the word "Tales" written in
instead of wishing for it to come? blood.
1. They don't want to wake up early to hear Frequently Asked Questions:
mass. The cool breeze is too good for waking Question: Why does Simoun pick Tales's house
up late. to stay in?
2. They are made to wear uncomfortable clothes Answer: According to him, it is the biggest and
hardened by starch and new shoes that are like most prudent house in the area. However, the
torture to the feet. real reason is that Simoun wants to find out
3. The mass takes too long and the church is too more about Tales whom he sees as someone
crowded. who would potentially join in his rebellion after all
4. They are made to kiss all their relatives (usually the injustice the man has suffered.
going from house to house to do such) and put
up great singing and dancing performances for Question: What do the people get out of buying
them just to earn a few pesos as a gift. jewelry from Simoun?
Answer: They buy jewelry and precious gems
hoping to gain prestige and to elevate their place
Summary: chap 9 – ang mga pilato in society. They would be proud to say that they
Rumors about the misfortunes of Selo's family had bought jewelry from Simoun, adviser to the
spread rapidly all over town. People say the Captain General.
events are not their fault, and they could not
have avoided such circumstances had they Question: Why is Simoun glad that Tales took
wished to. They also comment, however, that if his revolver?
Cabesang Tales had only stayed home he Answer: Simoun sees that Tales is a gallant
would not have had himself abducted by man. He had left his daughter's scapular --
bandits. Hermana Penchang, on the other something he'd never intended to touch because
hand, has an entirely different opinion and says he didn't have Juli's permission -- in exchange
that the reason why God had allowed such for Simoun's revolver. Also Simoun sees in
turmoil to befall Selo's family is because they Tales a man burning with anger and a thirst for
had not taught Juli the proper way of saying her vengeance -- exactly the person he needs to join
prayers. him in the rebellion.

Frequently Asked Questions: Question: Why is Simoun glad that Selo is

Question: Why is the chapter entitled "Pilates"? arrested by the civil guards?
Answer: Pontius Pilate condemned Christ to the Answer: This will further ignite the fire of
cross even though he knew Jesus was not guilty vengeance burning in Tales, urging him more to
of the charges against him. Pilate merely join the planned uprising.
followed the wishes of the people paid by friends
of the thief Barabas. Afterwards, he washed his Summary: Chap 11- Los Banos
hands and claimed that he had nothing to do The governor general enjoys a brief respite in
with the entire thing. In this chapter, the alferez Los Baños together with his advisers and some
knows that the real reason why he had ordered friars. After a long and rather intellectual game
Tales's weapons and firearms confiscated was of cards, the governor opens a discussion
only to calm the fears of those working in the regarding the plan of the youth to put up a
land. But it is because of this move that the Spanish academy and requests his advisers to
cabeza was abducted, it is why Juli is now express their opinions regarding the
working as a servant girl, and it is why Selo has matter. Because of the men's opposing views,
gone mute. And the alferez claims he is not at no decision is made whether to approve it or
fault. not. A few moments later the governor general
orders the release of Selo in exchange for his
Summary: Chap 10 – Kayamanan at son, Tales.
Simoun sells his jewelry at the house of Points of Note:
Cabesang Tales. Simoun shows off his revolver Teaching during that time was mostly in the
to the cabeza. The rich people of San Diego and hands of the Dominicans. There is marked
Tiani gather there to see what precious gems rivalry between the Dominicans and the Jesuits.
the can purchase. The following day Simoun
discovers that Tales has stolen his gun. Shortly
Padre Sibyla is the rector of the University of 3. UST: Their clothes are particularly clean and
Santo Tomas, and the Dominicans are not in tidy, and they are always well groomed. They
favor of the plan to build a Spanish walk with an elegant strut, and instead of
academy. Padre Irene on the other hand is bringing books, they carry around a cane.
supporting the youth in their noble endeavor.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Frequently Asked Questions: Question: Why does Placido want to stop his
Question: Why can't the governor general hunt education?
deer or fowl in the forest? Answer: He has been studying for four years,
Answer: There is a band of musicians following and yet his teachers still never notice him
him wherever he goes. despite his hard work.

Question: What social problem does Rizal bring Question: What does the name "Placido
to light during the hunt? Penitente" mean?
Answer: Adulation for those in power. The plan Answer: Placido means quiet and placid;
to have a man dress up as a deer is almost put Penitente means one inflicted with suffering.
into effect just so the governor general could
shoot one down. Having a band during the hunt Question: What does Rizal say about the
is another proof of such moronic flattery. education of the average youth during that time?
Answer: Most of them do not learn much
Question: Why is Padre Camorra angered at because:
the scene of the two friars gambling against the 1. Except for those enrolled in the Ateneo, the
governor general? students do not bring textbooks, especially those
Answer: He doesn't realize that the two friars in the UST.
are intentionally letting the governor win in order 2. The classes are overpopulated.
to keep the official in a good mood, thereby 3. The teachers look down on them.
increasing their chances of winning the general's 4. Classes are frequently cancelled.
side on the matter of putting up a Spanish
academy. Summary: chap 13 – ang klase sa pisika
Placide Penitente enters Physics class, in which
Summary: chap 12 – placido penitente Padre Millon is his professor. The discussion
Placido Penitente walks glumly to school. He drags on without the use of any laboratory
meets Juanito Pelaez along the way, and talks equipment and other learning aids. The
with him for a while. Juanito is the favorite of university had bought a number of instruments,
practically all the teachers, and his father is a but these remain kept in glass shelves and are
Spanish mestizo. Placido talks to the young man never used. Placido had already been marked
about his brief vacation to Tiani with Padre as absent, and when Padre Millon calls on him
Camorra, and then asks Juanito to help him to answer a question, the priest gives him a very
catch up with the lessons he missed the days low mark. Placido argues with Padre Millon over
before. this injustice. The unyielding friar continues
throwing insults at the youth, and Placido
Points of Note: Penitente walks out of the class.
The University of Santo Tomas during the
Spanish regime was situated in Intramuros Points of Note:
(Walled City) near the Colegio de San Juan de A few important facts to note about Padre Millon:
Letran today. It was only during the American 1. He is primarily interested in metaphysics and
regime that UST was relocated to Espanya, handles classes in philosophy and theology,
Manila. Almost all of the schools back then after which he teaches chemistry and physics --
were located in Intramuros -- Letran and Ateneo. subjects in opposing ends of college education.
2. He only glances at his textbooks during classes
Different students have certain identifying in physics and chemistry (little knowledge is
characteristics back then, based on the school dangerous), barely believes in what the experts
they are from: are saying, and eventually approaches the
1. Ateneo: These students dress as if they were in subjects in a philosophical manner (he still does
Europe, wearing tuxedos and the like. They not believe that the earth is round, or that it is
walk rather briskly, and always carry around revolving around the sun).
books and notebooks. 3. He frequently throws insults at his students, and
2. Letran: These students dress in Filipino also about the subjects he is teaching.
garments, and are a rather populous 4. He habitually throws questions to students, but
bunch. They are not usually found walking does not want to be questioned himself.
around with textbooks.
5. He lets his students memorize the book word- Filipino friends who have great love for their
for-word, without explaining the lesson. country.
6. He uses profane language and curses at his
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: Is there a marked difference between
Frequently Asked Questions: the youth back in those days and the youth of
Question: Why doesn't Padre Millon conduct his today with regards to their attitude and character
lectures in proper Spanish? as students?
Answer: He has no respect for his students, Answer: None. Trouble is inherent to
who he thinks are dumb and thick-witted. students. There are those who are studious,
and there are also those who are fond of
Question: What can we say about the character truancies.
of Placido, based on the way he is described in
the chapter? Question: What does it mean when a man hurls
his gloves to another?
Answer: He exemplifies the common Filipino, Answer: It means to call someone to a
prudent and modest, and willing to endure challenge.
difficult circumstances to stay away from Summary: chap 15- senor pasta
trouble but when filled to the brim, can also Isagani goes to Señor Pasta and tries to
explode like a volcano. convince him to support their plans of a Spanish
academy. The lawyer, an intelligent man, is
aware that the friars are not in favor of this
Summary: chap 14 – Sa bahay ng mga project, and, not wishing to provoke the church,
estudyante Pasta decides to side with them against it. He
Macaraeg tells his friends at the dormitory that then tells Isagani that the best thing the lad can
the decision to issue the building permit for the do is to concentrate on his studies and stop
Spanish academy has been given to a dreaming of such greatly impossible endeavors.
commission of which Don Custodio is the
leader. The students then come up with plans Points of Note:
and schemes to get the Don on their side and Señor Pasta is a selfish man, with no regard for
influence him to decide on their favor. They also his countrymen. He believes that only when
plan to seek the help of Señor Pasta, a lawyer, everyone else fights for the country will he join in
and Isagani volunteers to take charge of this the spirit of nationalism.
Scholars believe that the character of Señor
Points of Note: Pasta was patterned by Rizal after one particular
The goal of the Spanish academy, which the man who was considered to be the most learned
students are planning to build, is to make sure Filipino during the reign of the Spaniards and
that its students learn correct Spanish as early even during the American rule. He also became
as the first year, so that it will be easier to chief magistrate of the supreme court of the
understand subsequent lessons. Philippine government. Rizal had already died
when this man joined Aguinaldo's rebellion
Isagani is an honorable and idealistic youth; against the government.
Juanito Pelaez is an opportunistic lad who
believes in the saying, "the end justifies the
means." Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: Why does Señor Pasta say that the
Macaraeg is different from the rest in that he Philippines is a land of dreams?
puts the welfare of others before himself. Those Answer: There are hundreds and thousands of
who live in his house do so without payment. plans for the nation, yet hardly one of them is
Pecson is an intellectual, but a pessimistic one.
He always anticipates failure, and this time, his Question: Why doesn't Señor Pasta side with
predictions prove correct. the students and support the Spanish academy?
Answer: Most of his clients are Spanish
Sandoval is the image of a Spaniard who has friars. He would lose his clients, his wealth, and
not yet turned evil upon his residence in the his good name among the Spaniards if he were
Philippines, partly because of his youth and to support the planned academy.
partly because he surrounds himself with good
Question: What good lesson nonetheless can
be learned from the life of Señor Pasta?
Answer: It is the man's dedication to his
studies. He suffered oppressive treatment just
so he could finish his education, and never
wasted one second in leisure when he could
spend it reading his books.

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