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A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Architecture of the Kwame Nkrumah

University of Science and Technology, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the

degree of Master of Architecture (M.Arch)

Submitted By:


May, 2014.

The management of E-waste (electronic waste) as a type of waste in Ghana until recently has

been largely left in the care of the informal sector who mainly dismantle the waste by extracting

useful components and disposing hazardous residue into water bodies and burning certain

portions thereby polluting the environment in the process. However due to the recent attention

to the sector by both local and foreign media; there is a build-up of consensus among policy

makers leading to the introduction of the Hazardous Waste Bill (2011). Among many others it

recommended the establishment of an e-waste recycling facility to deal with the e-waste in a

sustainable manner. This research seeks to provide a design for an industrial building which

will facilitate a safer and optimum method of e-waste recycling in Ghanaian. To achieve this

goal, the author sought to study edifices through case and precedent studies which were

selected for their relevance to the subject matter; lessons were then deduced from these studies

and applied in the design of the proposed E-Waste Recycling centre. The E-waste Recycling

Centre will first and foremost focus on dismantling and recycling of equipment, with

environmentally responsible disposal as a last resort only and will act as a nucleus, raising

awareness, and providing training and education to previously disadvantaged individuals as a

means of creating opportunities for entrepreneurship in the technical maintenance, dismantling

and waste-to-art project sectors as well.

I hereby declare that this thesis report has been undertaken solely by me and is an original
and not a duplicate or plagiarized work. It has resulted from thorough research work under
the departments’ supervision.

Signature……………………… Date………………………

Amedzo, Mawunyo Bright


Signature……………………… Date………………………

Prof. S.O. Afram


Signature……………………… Date………………………

Prof. S.O. Afram

(Head of Department)

Dedicated to God almighty, my grandmother and uncles and all loved ones who have

contributed in diverse ways to support me thus far.

The research work was conducted in the Department of Architecture in the Kwame Nkrumah

University of Science of Technology, under the supervision of Prof S.O. Afram to whom I

wish to express my deepest gratitude for his invaluable guidance and continuous support. I

express my deepest gratitude to my family and friends for their love and support.



ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................ i

DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................ii

DEDICATION ......................................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................ iv

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................. v

CHAPTER 1 .............................................................................................................................. 1

1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background to the Research ......................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................ 2

1.3 Research Questions....................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Aim ............................................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 3

1.6 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 3

1.7 Justification ................................................................................................................... 3

1.8 Research Methodology ................................................................................................. 4

1.9 Limitations .................................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 2 .............................................................................................................................. 5

LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................... 5

2.0 Introductory Remarks ................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Definitions and Categories of E-Waste ........................................................................ 5

2.2 History of E-waste Recycling ....................................................................................... 9

2.3 E-waste treatment Alternatives ..................................................................................... 9

2.4 World E-Waste Recycling Industry ............................................................................ 11

2.5 E-Waste Recycling in the Ghanaian Context ............................................................. 15

2.6 Processes involved in Formal Recycling of E-Waste ................................................. 20

2.6.1 Disassembly line ...................................................................................................... 21

2.7 Opportunities and Threats posed by E-waste Recycling Industries. .......................... 30

CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................ 33

METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 33

3.0 Introductory Remarks ................................................................................................. 33

3.1 Purpose of Study......................................................................................................... 33

3.2 Research Design ......................................................................................................... 33

3.3 Approach .................................................................................................................... 35

3.4 Primary Data Collection ............................................................................................. 35

3.4 Secondary Data ........................................................................................................... 36

3.5 Data Analysis .............................................................................................................. 36

3.6 Limitations .................................................................................................................. 36

CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................ 37

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS .......................................................................................... 37

4.1 Introductory remarks .................................................................................................. 37

4.2 Somovision Electronics Service Centre ..................................................................... 37

4.3 SDTI Plant, Taiwan. ................................................................................................... 45

4.4 Recycla Plant, Chile. .................................................................................................. 47

4.5 Pilot Recycling Facility for Bo2W Project in Taizhou............................................... 49

4.6 Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility, Brooklyn. ................................................... 50

4.7 Special Studies ............................................................................................................ 54

CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................................... 64

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................... 64

5.0 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 64

5.1 Recommendations ...................................................................................................... 64

5.2 Site Selection for the Proposed E-waste Recycling Centre ........................................ 66

5.3 Site study .................................................................................................................... 68

5.4 Capacity Determination .............................................................................................. 69

5.5 Brief Development ..................................................................................................... 69

5.6 Philosophy .................................................................................................................. 72

5.7 Concept ....................................................................................................................... 73

5.8 Conceptual Site Planning............................................................................................ 73

5.8.6 Services Area ........................................................................................................... 75

5.9 Structure and Construction ......................................................................................... 76

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 77

APPENDIX 1 ........................................................................................................................... 82

APPENDIX 2 ........................................................................................................................... 83

APPENDIX 3 ........................................................................................................................... 84

APPENDIX 4 ........................................................................................................................... 85

APPENDIX 6 ........................................................................................................................... 86

APPENDIX 1 ........................................................................................................................... 91

Fig1. Graph of sales of electronics products in Germany between 2003 and 2008………….11
Fig2. Graph of computer purchases and computer waste generation in Chile……………….12
Fig3. Graph of estimated obsolete electronics products in the U.S.A between 1999 and
Fig.4 Movement of e-waste in Germany…………………………………………………….14
Fig 5. Flowchart of a typical electronic waste disassembly plant operation…………………21
Fig. 6 Typical disassembly layout……………………………………………………………23
Fig. 7 Typical disassembly layout……………………………………………………………24
Fig8. Disassembly process of the personal computer……………………………………25-27
Fig 9. CRT Cutting Machine………………………………………………………………..28
Fig.10 Second level e-waste unit operations…………………………………………………29
Fig 11. Net material value of the copper and precious metals content of an average desktop
PC from January 1995 to October 2009……………………………………………………...32
Fig.12. organogram of the Somovision Service centre………………………………………38
Fig.13. Location of the Somovision Service Centre-Accra…………………………..............38
Fig 14. View of facility from entrance……………………………………………………….39
Fig 15. View of reception area………………………………………………………………..39
Fig 16. Block plan of the facility……………………………………………………………..39
Fig 17. floor plan at the service centre………………………………………………..............41
Fig 18. The SDTI Plant in its context…………………………………………………………46
Fig 19. Sustainability features employed in the facility……………………………………….47

Fig. 20. Layout of the Recycla Plant in Chile…………………………………………………49
Fig 21. The dismantling area of plant showing workstations…………………………………50
Fig. 22. Layout of the Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility……………………………….52
Fig. 23. Aerial view of the built site showing solar panels on roof……………………...........52
Fig. 24. Movement of material through the facility…………………………………………..54
Fig.26. flow chart of recycling process……………………………………………………….59
Fig. 27. Drawing of an installed decanter……………………………………………………………..60
Fig. 27. Picture of an installed decanter……………………………………………………………….60

Fig.28. E-waste recycling machines and their uses…………………………………………...61

Fig.29. E-waste recycling machines, dimensions and power requirements…………………..62
Fig 30. Location map of Agbogbloshie……………………………………………………....66
Fig. 31. Accra Composting and Recycling Plant Site………………………………………...67
Fig.32. site analysis diagram………………………………………………………………….68
Fig.33. Concept description…………………………………………………………………..73
Fig. 34. Conceptual massing of the facility in context………………………………………..74

Table 1. Brief and accommodation schedule………………………………………………...70


1.1 Background to the Research

The electronics industry has revolutionised the world in so many ways; with the invention of

equipment like radios, computers, television sets, mobile phones etc., the life of the modern

man has been enhanced. The demand for electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in Ghana

continues to grow by the day. House-hold electrical and electronic appliances, IT and

telecommunication equipment and consumer electronic goods are increasing in use. The

demand for computers and accessories in particular is on the ascendency as a result of

increasing literacy and the common use of these equipment in most offices, schools and other

institutions, following the current trends in the global electronic and information age. The

arrival of the information age has brought with it the critical role that information, knowledge

and technology can play in a nation’s development and for global connectivity.

However, the introduction of these gadgets have also posed various environmental and public

health challenges especially in developing countries which are at the receiving end of obsolete

electronic equipment. Due to poverty in these countries a large percentage of the populace

cannot afford to purchase new electronic appliances; they therefore rely on the second hand

electronics market to meet their need. However, a large percentage of these equipment by the

time they arrive in the country end up as electronics waste (e-waste). For example Ghana

Customs Exercise and Preventive Service estimated that 179000 metric tons of electronic waste

is generated in Ghana annually. (E-Waste Africa Report, 2010)

The growing e-waste volumes together with the absence of well-organized management

systems have manifold impacts on the environment, local communities and the economic

system in Ghana. On the other hand, besides hazardous substances, electrical and electronic

equipment also contain a whole range of valuable metals like copper, palladium, gold, silver,

indium and germanium that are inevitably lost if not recovered in an early stage of waste

treatment. From a global perspective, this loss of scarce metals has to be compensated by

intensified mining activities, which again lead to severe sustainability impacts in mining areas


While in the beginning, focus of policy development mainly dealt with the legal and illegal

trade of used and obsolete equipment from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development(OECD) countries to non-OECD countries, there is now a common

understanding that also domestic e-waste generation needs further considerations.

In line with the above trends it is only prudent that the country finds a more sustainable and

lasting solution to the looming e-waste generation situation as it currently exists. This thesis

therefore sets out to explore these issues through a fact finding process that will hopefully help

to ameliorate the situation.

1.2 Problem Statement

Currently, scavengers or informal waste recyclers at Agbogbloshie in Accra, who collect and

recover materials from the electronic waste, carry out the process by burning toxic substances

and the process of dismantling is done by the use of stones and other rudimentary tools. These

processes are carried out in open air exposing the recyclers to harsh conditions, hazardous

chemicals and giving room to inefficient ways of material recovery. The recyclers also lack the

appropriate education concerning the hazardous materials they are exposed to in these

processes; in addition to the above, there is inappropriate disposal of non-valuable but toxic

components of the waste leading to pollution of the land and the nearby Odaw River.

1.3 Research Questions

 What is the present e-waste disposal situation in the country?

 Is there a better way of processing e-waste than the current practice?

 How can this process be implemented in the Ghanaian context?

 How can architectural design help in the achievement of such a process?

1.4 Aim
To design a facility that will provide a congenial atmosphere to recycle electronic waste in a

healthy and sustainable manner.

1.5 Objectives
 To study and understand practices involved in the safe recycling of e-waste

 To understand existing practice in e- waste recycling in Ghana

 Study e-waste recycling facilities and other relevant recycling typologies

 To interpret recommendations ensuing from the research into the design of an e-waste

recycling facility in Ghana.

1.6 Scope
Electronic waste in this research will be focused on obsolete computers which are the main

equipment recycled in the study area and pose majority of the problems in terms of pollution.

This research is focused on e-waste recycling in Accra-Ghana and it explores the various actors

and practices of e-waste recycling in Accra in general. The research will be carried out from

November, 2013 to March, 2014.

1.7 Justification
Electronics waste management has become a major issue in Ghana recently; especially

considering the fact that the importation of used electrical and electronic equipment have been

on the increase. E.g. according to the Ghana Shippers Authority, Ghana imported 31,400 metric

tonnes of used electronics and electrical equipment in 2010, which represents a 74.6 percent

increase in imports from the 2009 figure of 17,987 metric tonnes. These used electrical and

electronics equipment have very short life spans and therefore become obsolete quickly,

generating electronics waste in the process.

In light of the above trends, the Hazardous Waste Control Bill (2011) also makes provision for

the establishment of an e-waste recycling facility to recycle this sensitive type of waste in a

safer and healthier environment than currently persists.

Internationally, only 10-15 percent of the gold in e-waste is successfully recovered while the

rest is lost. Ironically, electronic waste also contains deposits of precious metals estimated to

be between 40 and 50 times richer than ores mined from the earth, according to the United

Nations. The provision of an e-waste recycling facility will help to create a more efficient

process for the recovery of valuable secondary raw materials like copper, steel, aluminium and

plastics to feed both local and international industries.

1.8 Research Methodology

A case study will be conducted to ascertain activities currently existing in a selected electronics

industry and other foreign cases related to e-waste recycling as well. . Interviews will also be

conducted at the premises of some consumer electronics sellers and servicers.

Secondary data will be collected from journals and websites.

1.9 Limitations
Due to the unorganised nature of the e-waste recycling sector, tracking some actors in the

industry could prove a challenge.


2.0 Introductory Remarks

This chapter encapsulates theories and literature that explore issues of what constitutes

electronics waste; its recycling in a safe and sustainable manner and how architecture can be

used to create a congenial workplace for this to take place.

2.1 Definitions and Categories of E-Waste

Definitions of E-Waste varies and as such there is no universal definitions ascribed to these

waste types. This section considers the definition provided by the European Union, The Basel

Convention and Hazardous and Electronics Waste Control and Management Bill (2011) of


2.1.1. The European Union Definition

Electrical or electronic equipment is waste including all components, subassemblies and

consumables, which are part of the product at the time of discarding.” Directive 75/442/EEC,

Article 1(a) defines “waste” as “any substance or object which the holder disposes of or is

required to dispose of pursuant to the provisions of national law in force.” (a) ‘electrical and

electronic equipment’ or ‘EEE’ means equipment which is dependent on electrical currents or

electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for the generation, transfer and

measurement of such current and fields falling under the categories set out in Annex IA to

Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE) and designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding 1000

volts for alternating current and 1500 volts for direct current.

Annex IA

Categories of electrical and electronic equipment covered by this Directive

1. Large household appliances

2. Small household appliances

3. IT and telecommunications equipment

4. Consumer equipment

5. Lighting equipment

6. Electrical and electronic tools (with the exception of large-scale stationary industrial tools)

7. Toys, leisure and sports equipment

8. Medical devices (with the exception of all implanted and infected products)

9. Monitoring and control instruments

10. Automatic dispensers

2.1.2 The Basel Convention Definition

Basel Convention covers all discarded / disposed materials that possess hazardous

characteristics as well as all wastes considered hazardous on a national basis. Annex VIII,

refers to E-waste, which is considered hazardous under Art. 1, para. 1(a) of the Convention:

A1010: Metal wastes and waste consisting of alloys of any of the following:

• Antimony

• Arsenic

• Beryllium

• Cadmium

• Lead

• Mercury

• Selenium

• Tellurium

• Thallium

A1020: Waste having as constituents or contaminants, excluding metal waste in massive form,

any of the following:

• Antimony; antimony compounds

• Beryllium; beryllium compounds

• Cadmium; cadmium compounds

• Lead; lead compounds

• Selenium; selenium compounds

• Tellurium; tellurium compounds

A1030: Wastes having as constituents or contaminants any of the following:

• Arsenic; arsenic compounds

• Mercury; mercury compounds

• Thallium; thallium compounds

A1090: Ashes from the incineration of insulated copper wire

A1150: Precious metal ash from incineration of printed circuit boards not included on list B

A1170: Unsorted waste batteries excluding mixtures of only list B batteries. Waste batteries

not specified on list B containing Annex I constituents to an extent to render them hazardous

A1180: Waste electrical and electronic assemblies or scrap containing components such as

accumulators and other batteries included on list A, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray

tubes and other activated glass and PCB-capacitors, or contaminated with Annex I constituents

(e.g., cadmium, mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenyl) to an extent that they possess any of

the characteristics contained in Annex III. Annex IX, contains the mirror entry, B1110

Electrical and Electronic assemblies given below.

• Electronic assemblies consisting only of metals or alloys

• Waste electrical and electronic assemblies or scrap (including printed circuit boards) not

containing components such as accumulators and other batteries included on List

A, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass and

PCB-capacitors, or not contaminated with Annex 1.

A1190: Waste metal cables coated or insulated with plastics containing or contaminated with

coal tar, PCB1, lead, cadmium, other organohalogen compounds or other Annex I constituents

to an extent that they exhibit Annex III characteristics.

A2010: Glass waste from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glasses

2.1.3 Definition According to Hazardous and Electronics Waste Control and

Management Bill (2011) of Ghana.
“Electronic waste” means discarded electronic equipment inclusive of all components,

subassemblies and consumables which are part of the product at the time of discarding. It

includes the following categories:

Centralized data processing such as:

 computers (CPU, mouse, screen and keyboard included)

 Other products and equipment for the collection, storage, processing, presentation or

communication of information by electronic means

 Telephones

 Other products or equipment of transmitting sound, images or other information by


 Consumer equipment operated by use of any logical system or remote system

 Musical instruments
 Lighting equipment

 Electronic tools

 Toys, leisure and sports equipment operated by use of any logical or remote system

 Medical devices (with the exception of all implanted and infected products) operated

 Other large appliances used for cooking and other processing of food operated by any

logical system or remote system

 Electric heating appliances operated by any logical system or remote system

 Electric fans operated by any logical system or remote system

 Air conditioner appliances

 Other fanning, exhaust ventilation and conditioning equipment operated by any logical

system or remote system, etc.

2.2 History of E-waste Recycling

“The first electronic waste recycling system was implemented in Switzerland in 1991,

beginning with the collection of refrigerator. Over the years, all other electric and electronic

devices were gradually added to the system. Legislation since 1998, has made it possible to

return all electronic waste to the sales points and other collection points free of charge”.

(http// waste).

2.3 E-waste treatment Alternatives

Open burning of electronics waste is one of the cheapest methods of electronics waste

management but it is also the most dangerous option. Burning obsolete electronics products

exposes those involved and those leaving nearby to dangerous levels of dioxins, furans and

lead. These chemicals are linked to ailments of the nervous system (Pelclova et al, 2006) and

the immune system as well as the renal system (Lippmann, 2009) and cardiovascular failure.

Incineration, landfilling and recycling are other alternatives for electronics waste management

that wreck less havoc on the environment and human health. The U.S.A. Environmental

Protection Agency conducted a study on Controlled incineration and found that the level of

heavy metals, cadmium and mercury emissions are within acceptable limits (Stewart et al,


Although e-waste is a small proportion by volume of waste in landfills it contributes 70% of

heavy metals including mercury, cadmium and lead released into the environment (Global

resource foundation, 2003). The most significant risk associated with landfilling is leaching of

heavy metals into the soil and ground water. Air pollution is also an issue on landfills due to

uncontrolled fires (E-Waste Guide).The major options for disposal of WEEE/E-waste in the

absence of any treatment option are landfilling and incineration. However, the presence of

hazardous elements and compounds in WEEE/ E-waste offers the potential of increasing the

intensity of their discharge in environment due to landfilling and incineration. Therefore, the

major approach to treat WEEE/ E-waste is to first reduce the concentration of these hazardous

chemicals and elements through decontamination/ dismantling, recycling and recovery of items

of economic value and finally dispose WEEE/ E-waste fractions through either incineration or

landfilling or a combination of both (E-Waste Management Manual,2007). Recycling is also

an alternative in e-waste management; it produces valuable products for reuse. Examples of

products recovered are: copper, plastics, aluminium, steel, gold and other precious metals. The

reuse of these materials reduce the exploitation of an already strained global natural resources.

Even though recycling may pose certain health problems if not done in a safe way and it is the

costliest of the management alternatives it is the best method applied around the world.

2.4 World E-Waste Recycling Industry
In order to better understand the e-waste problem, there is the need to have a global perspective

of it. To ascertain this there is the need to look at generation of electronics waste all over the

world; looking also at the product life cycles as well.

While an individual electronics product usually experiences cycles of rising, peaking and

falling in production, the general trend is that electronics production is generally on the

ascendency. An example is illustrated in the sales of desktops (orange) and laptops (blue) from

2003 to 2008 showing general trends of increasing trends.

Fig1. Graph of sales of electronics products in Germany between 2003 and 2008.source:

(Consumer Electronics 2010).

In the U.S.A. apart from CRT containing electronics products the general trend shows a rise in

sales of consumer electronics. From the developing world perspective, Chile also shows signs

of rising sales in electronics products, fig2. Below shows the trend in Chile from 1996 to 2010.

According to Steubing 2007, it is envisaged that there will be an increase of 3 million purchases

by 2020. As a consequence of this phenomenon the e-waste generation shown in red is also

expected to increase as well.

Fig2. Graph of computer purchases and computer waste generation in Chile. Source: (Steubing


One very important factor to consider in the generation of e-waste is the life cycle of electronics

products. Whiles some products are manufactured to last for a life time, many others have very

short life spans requiring replacement as such. For example on the average desktops can last

for 12.3 years whiles laptops are replaced every 5.9 years (Office of Solid Waste, U.S. E.P.A,

2008). The graph below shows an estimation of obsolete equipment in the U.S.A. from 1999

to 2007.

Fig3. Graph of estimated obsolete electronics products in the U.S.A between 1999 and 2007.

Source: (Office of Solid Waste, U.S EPA, 2008).

Even though electronics waste generation is such a global phenomenon it is tackled very locally

by every country differently; three countries are considered: Germany, U.S.A and Chile.

2.4.1 Germany
Germany is known to have one of the most progressive e-waste management programme in the

world. The responsibility of e-waste management is placed on the door-step of producers when

the German Packaging Ordinance 1991 was passed. The law “required producers of products

sold in Germany to take-back, reuse and/ recycle” the packaging associated with their products

(Fishbein, 1994).

In 2005, Electrical and Electronics Equipment Act established the framework for electronics

take backs by the producers (Bundesministerian fuer Umwelt, 2005).

The processes involved in electronics waste recycling in Germany is illustrated in fig4. below.

Usually households and companies are responsible for separating electronics waste from other

types of waste and the delivery to municipal collection centres. When these centres reach

capacity the clearing-house is notified. The quantity of e-waste a producer must recycle is

determined by location and the market share based on the weight of the product sold in

Germany (Lets Recycle, 2004)

The clearing-house notifies the producer responsible for recycling the waste. The producer

contracts out the transportation and recycling services to independent companies generally part

of the European Advanced Recycling Network. These adheres to the standards each producer

must follow and deliver the e-waste from the municipality to the e-waste recycling facility.

(Kramer, 2009). Many of the e-waste recycling facilities also provide work for the

underprivileged youth or elderly and other low skilled workers; in exchange the government

pays the salary of these employees (Fischer, 2009).

Fig.4 Movement of e-waste in Germany. Source :( Theurer, 2010)

2.4.2 U.S.A
Recycling in the U.S.A has been the result of state legislation and environmental and social

policies of businesses, not national regulation (Price, 2009). In the U.S.A, California was the

first state to introduce an electronics waste recycling legislation with the introduction of the

Electronics Waste Recycling Act of 2003. Unlike Germany, over here responsibility and cost

of recycling is the responsibility of the consumer (California State Board of Equilization,


For states without strict waste management laws, the e-waste disposal is largely unregulated.

Only 18% of monitors and computer products were recycled in 2007 and cell phone recycling

rate was even lower at 10 %( Office of Solid Waste, U.S.A EPA, 2009).

2.4.3 Chile
Chile has become a symbol of economic wealth and prosperity in Latin America (OECD,

2010). Forecasts for trends in the consumption of electronics indicate a path close to that of

Germany and U.S.A. while there has been an initiative to increase awareness and promote the

development of electronics waste recycling, most of electronics waste is still exported or

landfilled. The recycling industry in Chile is dominated by a company called Recycla. Since

there are no local or national government regulation geared towards e-waste management,

Recycla depends solely on corporate social responsibility programmes in order to make profits

(Theurer, 2010 ).

Major manufacturers provide Recycla with defective and overstocked products while local

companies upgrade obsolete electronics equipment and come to Recycla for electronics waste

recycling services. According to Steubing, 2007, currently Recycla does not offer services for

consumers to recycle their electronic waste. Companies can either bring their products directly

to Recycla plant or hire to collect e-waste. Once e-waste is dismantled, the hazardous

components are handled by the Chilean government and local companies handle the C.R.T.

(Cathode Ray Tube) glass, metals and plastics. Recycla then exports Printed Circuit Boards

(PCBs) to Europe for extraction of precious metals (Theurer, 2010).

Barely 3% of e-waste in Chile gets recycled (Steubing, 2007). Recycla, Chile partners with

local prisons to allow prisoners to work at the plant during the day-thereby minimizing labour

costs through the use of the cheapest and least desirable sources of labour (Theurer, 2010).

2.5 E-Waste Recycling in the Ghanaian Context

In Ghana, the foremost research on e-waste management practices was done by the Oko-Institut

e.V. at the Agbogbloshie metal scrap yard in Accra and for the refurbishment sector distributed

all over the greater Accra region as well(E-Waste Africa Report 2010). The study revealed that

the informal sector’s collection activities involving door-to-door collection as well as collection

from ware-houses and refuse dumps is seen to be operating very effectively. These informal

“scavengers” buy obsolete equipment from end consumers at very low prices and bring them

to their scrap yards for dismantling.

According to the E-Waste Africa Report 2010, the presently applied recycling technology in

Ghana includes the following steps:

1. Collection by the informal waste “scavengers”

2. Removal of functioning components for re-use( i.e. cables, memory cards, drives etc)

3. Manual dismantling for the steel, aluminium, copper extraction and open burning of

cable components to recover copper.

4. Disposal of left-over components

It was estimated that a total of between 6'300 – 9'600 people work in the informal WEEE sector

in Ghana, with a dependent population of between 121'000 – 201'600 (Prakash et al 2010).

Around 20,000 tonnes, or 15% of e-waste reaching the informal recycling sector also originated

from the trade of e-waste, with its origin in developed countries. At least another 60%, or

110,000 tonnes, was e-waste generated out of EEE imported, refurbished, if necessary, and

consequently sold and consumed in Ghana as used products leaving less than 25%, or 42,000

tonnes, of e-waste generated from equipment, which was originally bought as new products in


There is a high collection rate of e-waste in Ghana; the high collection rate is due to the informal

sector being very active in e-waste recycling, which is necessitated by the high volumes of

traded used electrical and electronic equipment (Basel Convention E-waste Africa Programme,


From the findings of a Socioeconomic Survey (Prakash et al. 2010), a recovery rate for ferrous

material with the presently applied technology was 95% (about 69'000 tons in 2009), 85% for

aluminium and copper (each about 16'000 tons in 2009), and 70% for gold, silver, palladium

and indium (export of high grade PWB) was assumed. That would result in a total recovery

rate of about 42%. The recovered 72'000 tons of pure fractions were either processed in the

Ghanaian industry or exported. The remaining 99'000 tons of hazardous and "unusable"

fractions were informally dumped or burnt. Lead, cadmium, mercury, plastics, plastics with

brominated flame retardants, leaded glass, and glass among others entered the environment

without treatment in significant volumes.

2.5.1 Downstream Processing Industries

Downstream processors are the industries that buy the fractions (e.g. copper, plastics, precious

and non-precious metals) to use in production (E-Waste Africa Report 2010). The recovered

fractions like ferrous metal, aluminium and copper are mainly sold to industries in Tema or to

private businesses for export and Leaching of printed wiring boards is not yet a practice in the

WEEE sector of Ghana (E-Waste Africa Report 2010). Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are sold

as a whole to buyers from China and Nigeria. There is no direct use of monitor cases, except

some workers use them as seat. According to the E-Waste Africa Report 2010, apart from lead,

which is informally smelted and re-casted into new lead bars (an activity that produced high

toxic emissions) directly at the Agbogbloshie scrap yard, there are no downstream processes

available to recover other hazardous fractions. Most of the hazardous parts are then

indiscriminately disposed of. According to Amoyaw-Osei, 2011, some of the downstream

processes available in Ghana currently are:

a. Steel Industry

These companies have the capacity for steel smelting and also processing of scrap steel. The

industry is currently facing shortfalls in supply than they can actually process. The following

steel processing companies were identified: Ferro Fabrics Limited, Tema, Tema Steel Limited,

Tema Western Steel & Rods Limited, Tema, Special Steels Limited, Tema, Special Ghana

Steel, Tema, Wahome Limited, Tema.

b. Aluminium Industry

There are many aluminium smelters operating in Ghana. The demand is higher than the supply

and companies like Aluworks has increased their capacity from 400'000 to 600'000 metric tons

/ year. There are also informal aluminium smelting activities in Accra and Tema and some of

the products of this sector include: coal pots and cooking utensils formed out of the parts of

refrigerator and aluminium scrap. The following are formal aluminium industries identified:

Aluworks Limited, Tema; VALCO, Tema.

c. Copper Industry

Copper refineries and smelters are not in existence but there are some companies that produce

wires from imported copper rods. There are however many informal copper smelting

operations, mainly for jewellery purposes. The following wire producing companies were

identified: Tropical Cables and Conductors Limited, Tema - Copper wire production; Nexans

Metal Cable Limited, Tema - Copper wire production; and Western Wire & Rods Limited,

Tema - Aluminium rod and wire production.

2.5.2 Disposal of WEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

Waste management in Accra is the responsibility of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA).

Over the years it has sub-contracted to private companies such as Zoom Lion Ghana Limited,

ABC Waste, Asadu Royal Waste Ltd, etc. to undertake the collection in their respective zones

within the city of Accra. Generally, most of the waste generated is disposed of at landfills or

dumpsites across the country and so far existing landfills are not engineered and are to a large

extent dump sites where open burning is carried out e.g. at Kpone, Oblogo and

Odorkor(Amoyaw-Osei,2011). There are also no infrastructure for the disposal of hazardous

waste and it is all disposed of together with the non-hazardous waste generated. At

Agbogbloshie for instance, non-valuable as well as hazardous fractions are disposed of at the

adjacent dump site, and accumulated waste get burned to reduce the volume. (Amoyaw-Osei,


The recycling activities at numerous small workshops within the scrap yard at Agbogbloshie

often take place directly on permeable waterlogged ground therefore harmful substances

released during dismantling are directly discharged into soil. Within the burning areas, scrap

yard workers use numerous temporary fires to burn plastics, mainly from copper cables and

wires as well as monitor and TV casings. The burning operations were creating an

accumulation of ash and partially burned materials. Insulating foam from dismantled

refrigerators, primarily pol-urethane, or old car tyres were the main fuels used for the fires,

contributing in itself to acute chemical hazards and longer-term contamination at the burning

sites. In order to quantify soil and ash as well as sediment contamination in Agbogbloshie and

Korforidua, Greenpeace Research Laboratories carried out a small sampling campaign

(Bridgen et al. 2008). The two soils and ashes samples with the highest contamination (GH8002

& 3), taken at burning sites in Agbogbloshie showed copper, lead, tin and zinc concentrations

over one hundred times higher than typical background levels. Concentrations of antimony and

cadmium exceeded typical background soil levels by around fifty times for antimony and five

times for cadmium. The sample taken from an open burning site in Korforidua showed similar

metal contents, what could lead to the conclusion that similar materials were burnt. Two major

potential sources of lead from WEEE were electrical solders and the use of lead compounds to

stabilise polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a plastic that is widely used as a coating on wires and cables.

Compounds of antimony have also been widely used as additives in polymers, principally in

flame retardant formulations. Cadmium is used in some contacts, switches and solder joints as

well as in rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries. Lead and cadmium are both highly toxic and

can build up in the body following repeated exposures. Antimony compounds have also known

toxic properties (Bridgen et al. 2008).

To conclude e-waste disposal involves two main methods; i.e. through “cherry-picking”; a

situation where after valuable components of the waste are recovered, non-valuable and

hazardous parts are disposed of indiscriminately without proper treatment. There is also

burning of plastic casing components to reduce the volume of waste at the disposal sites to

continue the use of the site.

2.6 Processes involved in Formal Recycling of E-Waste

Electronics waste is brought to the recycling plant by trucks, the e-waste is well packed inside

the trucks. Plant employees then unload the truck placing desktops, laptops, flat panels, CRTs,

etc. on pallets usually about 1meterx1meter wide. To keep electronics waste intact it is stored

in large cardboard boxes, large bags or wrapped in plastic bags. The Recycla Plant referred to

earlier in this report collects e-waste from individual companies using their own staff for easier

removal from the truck and to ensure proper packing at source (Nilo, 2010). In German

recycling plants for instance, the materials have been packed by the municipal collection

centres instead of being done by the staff of recyclers. In such cases, materials are more likely

to have been “thrown in”. (Fischer, 2009).

Pallets are then moved by forklifts and weighed. Total weight of shipments is reported back to

the source/customer; pallets are then grouped by product type in different areas of the storage


Electronics waste is then brought from the storage area to the disassembly area by fork-lifts. In

all cases the plant manager is responsible for deciding which products are disassembled and

when. In certain situations the workers themselves carry electronics waste from the pallet to

their workstations. At each workstation the workers remove components of the electronics

waste, then segregates the components into bins located around the workstation.

Fig 5. Flowchart of a typical electronic waste disassembly plant operation. Source: (Nilo, 2010)

2.6.1 Disassembly line

Most de-manufacturers receive a large variety of electronic equipment, including personal

computers, printers, small household appliances, brown goods, white goods,

telecommunication equipment, cellular phones, large electric motors and electronic systems.

This equipment ranges in weight from 0.1 to 2000 kg. Large and heavy units are usually cut to

smaller parts. Disassembly begins with an operator manually lifting and carrying the unit or

part to be disassembled to a workbench from the sorting/staging area. For heavy parts a forklift

is used. Disassembly work is manual and, if possible, at least mechanized. Mainly used are

conventional tools driven pneumatically or electrically such as chisel, tongs, screwdrivers, etc.

Selectively disassembled parts are placed on a conveyor belt or in bins. Full bins are hand-

carried to a sorting area by the operator. If the operator at the disassembly workstation does not

sort items, specially trained operators in the sorting area perform sorting and separation of

disassembled parts into sorting bins by visual inspection. Primarily valuable parts and

hazardous components are removed intact and visually inspected for possible reuse (chips,

memory, hard drives, etc.). The secondary output stream, for example, contains intact plastic

and steel cases, printed circuit boards and hazardous waste, such as batteries and capacitors

Manual disassembly has proved to be the most efficient although cost-effective method.

Automated systems are justified only when relatively uniform-type equipment or assemblies

are disassembled (Kopacek et. al, 1999)

According to OPALIC et al, 2004, existing layouts can be divided in three different

configurations. In the first one, after receiving units from the storage area, the operator

disassembles them on a workstation and puts the disassembled parts into their respective bins

around the table. These workstations normally follow a parallel batch operation method, so that

each operator independently receives a batch, then disassembles the unit and finally delivers

the full bins to the collection/shipment area. The problem is that the operator spends most of

his time in material handling activities (receiving and delivering) rather than disassembly, and

is lifting and placing units to be disassembled. In the second configuration, products arrive into

the sorting and staging area on the conveyor. Products are then sorted and scheduled for

disassembly, as opposed to the first configuration, where products are disassembled without

any prior sorting.

The disassembly operator receives products from a sorting area and delivers the disassembled

parts to the sort bins area. This is also a parallel operation where only a single operator is

involved. The material handling time is less than that of the first configuration, because

products arrive closer to the workstation for disassembly. Problem is that this configuration

requires more effort in delivering disassembled parts to sort bins area every time the

disassembly process progress. Operator, also in this configuration, is lifting and placing all

units to be disassembled. The third configuration is similar to the second one except for the

addition of a conveyor for disassembled parts. An operator disassembles units at a workstation

adjacent to the conveyor belt. As each piece is disassembled, it is placed on the belt. A skilled

operator then sorts the disassembled parts into different bins at the end of the conveyor. This

layout reduces lifting and lowers cost by increasing actual disassembly time by introducing a

conveyor belt for disassembled parts. Problem is that conveyor carries mixed parts to sorting

place. The operator, who places these disassembled parts into bins at the end of conveyor, may

get overloaded.

Fig. 6 Typical disassembly layout. Source (Opalic et. al, 2004)

2.6.2 The Manual Disassembly Process
The manual disassembly process can be applied to various electronic devices but to illustrate

the process a typical dismantling of the desktop computer is used. The disassembly of a

computer requires removal and sorting of all parts. The dismantler begins by removal of

external casing and side panels but the order of removal of parts depends on ease of access to

parts. Generally wires are removed first, followed by the removal of storage drives (i.e. hard-

drives, diskette drive, CD drives. Then CPU and fan are removed before the PCBs. Details of

the external reaches of the box such as power buttons and USB slots are removed next.

The removal process is identified by tools and the value of material removed is identified as

well as shown fig.6. the final steps require further processing before leaving the electronics

waste recycling facility; i.e. components like capacitors and MOSFETS are also removed from

circuit boards before further processing. Details of the disassembly process are shown in fig 8.

Fig. 7 Typical disassembly layout. Source : (Theurer, 2009)

Fig8a. Disassembly process of the personal computer. Source: (Theurer, 2009)

Fig8b. Disassembly process of the personal computer. Source (Theurer, 2009)

Fig8c. Disassembly process of the personal computer. Source (Theurer, 2009)

2.6.3 C.R.T. (Cathode Ray Tube) Monitor Disassembly
The typical monitor is comprised of the following: PCBs, Yoke, an Electronic gun, Plastic

outer casing and a Cathode Ray Tube. The dismantler removes the power cord, plastic casing

of CRT; then removal of the yoke off the electronic gun. The yoke is one of the most valuable

parts of the CRT( Nilo,2010). The removal of metal cap off the yoke is the most dangerous

operation, if cap is twisted too much, the the glass at top of electron gun may snap off exposing

worker to chemicals in CRT (e.g. lead). To avoid these hazards modern methods of disassembly

are employed for the safe recycling of the CRT. This is shown in fig.9 below.

Fig 9. CRT Cutting Machine. Source (

2.6.4 Second Level WEEE/ E-waste Treatment

Decontaminated E-waste segregated from the manual stage, like: plastics, circuit boards and

cables are fed into the second stage. Three unit systems operate at this stage;

a. Hammering

b. Shredding

c. Special treatment processes, i.e.

electromagnetic separation

-eddy current separation

-density separation by the use of air/water.

The two major unit operations at this stage are hammering and shredding. Their main

function is size reduction. Eddy current and electromagnetic separation uses properties of

the different elements like electrical conductivity, magnetic properties and density to

separate ferrous, non-ferrous metal and precious metal fractions.

Plastic fractions consisting of sorted plastics after the manual stage after the hammering

and shredding are also separated into their various components. Glass containing led are

also separated at this stage. The efficiency of this stage determines recovery of precious

metals at the third treatment (U.N.E.P., 2007).

The following are the outputs from the second level treatment:

a. Ferrous metal scrap

b. Non-ferrous metal scrap like copper and aluminium

c. Precious metal scraps like silver, gold and palladium

d. Plastics consisting of sorted plastics with flame retardants and plastic mixtures.

Fig.10 Second level e-waste unit operations. Source (U.N.E.P., 2007)

The CRT component after the manual segregation is shredded at the second level treatment

stage as well. Cullet glass obtained is used as raw material by CRT manufacturers. Recovered

CRT glass can also be sent to lead smelters, where they act as fluxing agent in the smelting

process. (E-waste Manual Volume II, 2007).

2.6.5. Third Level Treatment

Plastics are put into main groups: thermosetting and thermoplastics. They undergo three

different processes to be converted into other types of plastics: chemical, mechanical and

thermal recycling. In the chemical process waste plastics are used as raw materials in

petrochemical processes. In the mechanical process there is shredding and identification

process used to manufacture new plastics. The thermal process then uses the plastics as

alternative fuel sources thermosets are shredded and recycled because they cannot remelted,

whiles thermoplastics can be re-melted and formed into other products.

Metals such as lead, copper and precious metals are recovered in metal smelters.

2.7 Opportunities and Threats posed by E-waste Recycling Industries.

The major threats are posed by the unregulated informal sectors in many developing countries.

The main issue is their continual “cherry-picking” which leaves the hazardous component of

e-waste untreated on disposal sites. These hazardous components pose severe challengers to

the environment and human health. For example In order to ascertain soil and ash as well as

sediment contamination in Agbogbloshie and Korforidua, Greenpeace Research Laboratories

conducted a small sampling campaign (Bridgen et al. 2008).

The two soils and ashes samples with the highest contamination (GH8002 & 3),which was

taken at burning sites in Agbogbloshie showed copper, lead, tin and zinc concentrations over

one hundred times higher than typical background levels. Concentrations of antimony and

cadmium exceeded typical background soil levels by around fifty times for antimony and five

times for cadmium. Many other studies, mainly from India and China were reviewed in

(Sepúlveda et al. 2009) and the results of these studies show that atmospheric pollution due to

burning and dismantling activities seems to be the main cause for occupational exposure and

contamination of neighbouring communities. Combustion typically generates smaller particles

and consequently, fine particulate matter (PM2.5, strongly implicated in pulmonary and

cardiovascular disease). Among the direct and indirect exposed groups to PM2.5, PBDE and

dioxins, the most vulnerable are pregnant women and children. Blood lead levels in children

of Guiyu, China, for example, were found to exceed the Chinese mean. Many children and

adolescents are working in Agbogbloshie scrap yard in Ghana and risking negative impacts on

their health as well (Sepúlveda et al. 2009).

Another issue with the e-waste recycling sector is the changing composition of the e-waste

over the years; for example CRTs are now being replaced with LCD technology and

refrigerators are gradually being made CFC- free. This is envisaged to have a positive effect

on the environment and human health since these new devices contain less hazardous

substances compared to the old ones. (The New RoHS-compliant electronics). This continual

evolution in the electronic waste recycling sector also calls for continuing education to be

abreast with time.

Variation in resource prices is another problem faced by the e-waste sector. Although high gold

prices persist currently, price levels have shown trends of decline in the past and may well

decline in future (World Bank, 2010). This implies that recycling setups financed by net

material value of e-waste must closely monitor variations in resource prices as shown in fig 11.

Fig 11. Net material value of the copper and precious metals content of an average desktop PC
from January 1995 to October 2009. Source :(Gmünder 2007)

Lastly there is the danger of indirectly stimulating the importation of e-waste into the country

due to the profitability of the recycling sector. This must be checked since the management of

hazardous components of the e-waste may overwhelm the recycling industries financially and

logistically (E-Waste Africa Report, 2010).



3.0 Introductory Remarks

This chapter explores the research methods that will be used to collect data to inform the design

of the proposed E-Waste Recycling Centre. It addresses issues of data collection, analyses and

limitation encountered during the study.

3.1 Purpose of Study

The purpose of the study is to:

 To study and understand practices involved in the safe recycling of e-waste

 To understand existing practice in e- waste recycling in Ghana

 Study e-waste recycling facilities and other relevant typologies

 To interpret recommendations ensuing from the research into the design of an e-waste

recycling facility in Ghana.

3.2 Research Design

Mertens (1998) states that the nature of the research questions leads a researcher to choose a

qualitative method such as a case study approach. A case study is an ideal methodology when

there is the need to do a holistic and comprehensive investigation (Feagin J, et al, 1991).

Singleton et al (1993) also states that case studies are recommended when the item under study

is a single phenomenon or a single unit of analysis such as an organisation. It also

acknowledges that sometimes field research, such as case study, is simply the best research

strategy because the problem under study precludes other methods. According to Mertens

(1998), this especially makes sense when the goal is to reach understanding of a complex

context. This study therefore uses a case study approach in which an unstructured observation

schedule is used in gathering information. Case studies have a descriptive, exploratory and

explanatory characteristics. Yin (1989) also postulates that the case study analyst’s objective

should be to oppose competing explanations for the same set of events and to indicate how

such explanations may apply to other situations. This study will focus on exploratory and

descriptive components. The exploratory questions are:

 What is the present e-waste disposal situation in the country?

 Is there a better way of processing e-waste than the current practice?

 How can this process be implemented in the Ghanaian context?

 How can architectural design help in the achievement of such a process?

3.2.1 Sampling Method

Selecting cases must be done to maximise what can be learned what can be learned within the

available time frame (Tellis, 2009). Six cases were selected for the study. The following case

studies were chosen:

a .Somovision Electronic Service Centre is selected due to the fact that it has an active facility

in Ghana that deals with dismantling and repair of equipment, which are key components of e-

waste recycling.

b. S.D.T.I Plant, Taiwan is a modern plant which employs an automated system of

recycling, it was chosen due to its use of sustainability features which can be employed for

the design of the proposed facility.

c. The Recycla plant is an award winning set-up based in Chile; it is based in a developing

country such as ours and it employs the manual dismantling method as well

d. Pilot Recycling Facility for Bo2W Project in Taizhou, China: This is a facility initiated

in China, which uses manual method of disassembly, it also exists in similar context like ours,

where existing recycling of e-waste is largely left to the informal sector.

e. Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility, New York is a similar facility which deals with

material recovery from commingled municipal waste instead of E-waste; but it was chosen to

study the functioning of such facilities as well as the arrangement of the various spatial

components on the site.

3.3 Approach
Stake (1995) cited in Tellis (1997) makes the following recommendations concerning how data

should be collected for case studies:

 The nature of the case

 Its historical background

 Other contexts, such as economic, political, legal and aesthetic

 Other cases through which this case is recognized

 Those informants through whom the case can be known.

The above criteria were applied in the study of the five cases mentioned. This was achieved

by giving a brief description of the facilities, their locations and purpose for establishing them

and general function. Gaps in information in certain cases were obtained by interviewing

people with the requisite knowledge.

3.4 Primary Data Collection

Interviews were conducted at the Somovision Electronic Service Centre. The Human Resource

Manager and the Supervisor of the service centre were interviewed concerning issues of

organisational structure, workforce safety at the service centre, storage facility, and recycling.

Personal observations were also used on the local facilities and in photographs of the foreign


3.4 Secondary Data
Internet sources such as journals, articles and websites were consulted for the study. Published

articles and company newsletters were used as well.

3.5 Data Analysis

Case studies were discussed under various sub-titles bordering on functional issues,

construction, sustainability and brief background studies as well. The sub-titles were discussed

in each case based on availability of data on each case.

Interim lessons were drawn from each of the five cases and a final conclusion was drawn based

on comparative study of all cases, examining similarities and differences where applicable;

since Yin (1989) postulates that analysis of case studies involves a search for patterns among

the data collected.

3.6 Limitations
The main limitation of the study is the fact that the author was restricted from taking

photographs of vital areas of operation of the premises used for the case study. This posed a

challenge to clarity and illustration of the case study to the fullest. However sketches were done

for floor plans and general spatial lay-out of the facility studied.

Examples of the E-waste Recycling Facility also do not exist in Ghanaian context; this implies

that most of the case study conducted was based on foreign examples which are usually provide

scanty information, especially on the plans and other architectural elements to use for the study.

This implies that information has to be gathered from myriad sources for in-depth study to be




4.1 Introductory remarks

This chapter deals with the analysis of data obtained from case study and precedent studies

from secondary data sources that will inform the design of the proposed recycling centre. As

indicated earlier in the study, the non-existence of similar facility in the country to study implies

that only facilities which are performing similar activities could be selected for the study in the

Ghanaian context; i.e. in the case of the Somovision Service Centre-Accra.

4.2 Somovision Electronics Service Centre

The centre services mainly consumer electronics products from the L.G. and Philips, Bruhm

and Tamashi brands in Ghana. The service operations cover both the installation and

maintenance of air-conditioners, Generator sets; secondly, they repair consumer electronics

products from the brand names listed above.

4.2.1 Organisational Structure

The organisational structure is composed of board of directors at the helm of affairs; this is

comprised of the following: a Chairman, Executive director and a C.O.O. The next in line are

the general managers in charge of each of the product brands and each of them report to the

coordinating manager.

There are various departments that see to the day-to-day operation of the establishment: the

marketing department which is comprised 15 workers, of which 8 are under institutional sales

and 7 are under the trade department. This department is headed by a marketing manager. The

accounts department is comprised of 10 people made up of account clerks, an accounts manager

and a financial controller. The human resource department is made up of 5 people and headed

by a human resource manager. The service centre has 85 technicians in charge of repair,

maintenance and installation. There are 3 supervisors and a senior technician who reports to

the services manager. The stores and logistics department keeps records of imported products

as well as the storage of spare-parts. It is comprised of 4 people; it is headed by a store manager.

Board of Directors

Coordinating Manager L.G.

General Managers in Charge of

Philips, L.G., Bruhm, Tamahi

Marketing Accounts Department, headed Human Resource Department, Service Stores and
Department by Financial Controller including customer service Centre Logistics

Fig.12. organogram of the Somovision Service centre( source: author,2014)

4.2 .2 Location
The plant is located in the North Industrial area of Accra. It is located a central position for

easy access and customers. It is boarded by the Dadeban Road to the east and the Ashfoam

Ware-house to the south.

Fig.13. Location of the Somovision Service Centre-Accra.( source:Googe Earth image)

4.2.3 Brief of the Centre
In order to draw lessons from this facility the various spaces were studied as well. Studying the

spatial configurations of this facility will inform the design of a recycling centre.

Fig 14. View of facility from entrance Fig 15. View of reception area
(source: author, 2014) (source: author, 2014)

Fig 16. Block plan of the facility.( source: author)

Key for the block plan:

A-car park for showroom


C-car park for service centre

D-sercurity gate

E-service centre


G-electrical room

H-poly-tanks for water storage

The brief include: a showroom for consumer electronics goods, the service centre itself is

comprised of: a customer service area/ reception, testing area, supervisors office, cahier’s

cubicle, storage area for white goods and brown goods, repair area, spare parts store and a

warehouse for imported goods. The main administration is located on the first floor of the

service centre.

The customer service/reception area is the place where customers bring faulty gadgets for

servicing. The gadgets are received and complaints concerning the faults is lodged; then

there is tagging and labelling of the equipment. From observation the area of this space is

about 80sqm. It is then passed on to the service centre for testing and repair.

At the service centre, the equipment are kept at the storage area awaiting servicing. It is

imperative to note that over here, both faulty gadgets and repaired ones are stored in the

same area. The only separation comes in their segregation into white goods and brown

goods. This is shown in fig 14. Below. Part of the storage area is also used as workers check

in area. The area of storage area is about 125sqm.


Fig 17. Ground floor plan at the service centre(source: author)

The repair station is accessed from the storage area and has working stations for seven

repairers.theworktops are made of formica, and there are mirrors arranged along walls; this are

used to monitor the other end of screens when working on their rear especially in the case of

televisions and monitors. Storage for tools is located in the repair area as well. Stools are

provided for each workstation and workstations are not demarcated. Area of repair area is about


Storage for spare-parts is also provided. This space hosts spare parts which are both sourced

locally and imported. In certain situations where gadgets brought for repairs are not repairable,

parts are removed and kept here for future us. From observation area of spare parts storage is

about 150sqm.

4.2.4 Technical Study
This study takes cognissance of the various material elements that constitute the facility; it

deals with issues of infrastructure,security and construction technology.

 Electricity

The Hydroelectric power is tapped from a 3 face LV lines, through a transformer. There is also

a stand-by generator with a capacity of 104 kW in case of fire outages.


Premises is fenced and well-guarded by security personnel for twenty four hours. External

lights, put on at night also aid to secure the facility. Workers undergo a daily security check

conducted by security personnel before and after working hours to ascertain that no harmful

substance is being introduced into the plant and also that no product or material is being stolen

from the premises. Management also make use of CCTV cameras to monitor activities at the


 Construction

The exterior walls are treated with Tyrolean finish whiles the interior wall finishes are done

with white oil paint. The main structural element is concrete portal frames propped up with

columns at 5 metre centres. Roof is made up of timber elements and a covering of aluminium

roofing sheets. Windows are composed of glass panel sliding windows at the reception and

administration areas. The storage areas and service centre are provided with high level

windows and extractor fans. Doors are wooden panel and in case of main entrance doors glass

panel doors are used. Floor finishes are made of ceramic tiles in the interior spaces.

 Landscaping

Landscaping is of hard landscape elements of reinforced concrete in the service yard and car

park; since this is an urban area with minimal land sizes no provision has been made for soft

landscaping at the premises.

4.2.5 Analysis of Data from Interview
An interview was conducted at the service centre, bordering on issues of types of electronic

equipment and volumes. Attempts were made as well to understand how obsolete equipment

are dealt with and the demography of workers at the centre.

 Electrical equipment serviced at the centre and their ranking from the most serviced to

the least serviced.

Electrical Equipment

Television sets

Fridges and freezers


Electric irons




Water dispensers

 Processes at the service centre:

Tagging and reception of equipment into storage area testing repair

Kept at storage area for customer’s reception.

 Demography of the facility

Department No. of Workers

Marketing 15

Accounts 10

Human Resource 5

Service Centre 89

Stores and Logistics 4


The service centre has the largest number of workers because it employs more technicians

who are responsible for maintenance, installation and repair.

 Fire precautions

a. Quality sockets

b. Fire alarms

 Safety precautions

a. The use of gloves

b. Wearing goggles

c. Use of nose guards

d. Undergoing regular check-ups

 Measures to keep workers abreast with evolution in technology

a. Organising workshops

b. On the job training

 What is done with equipment which cannot be repaired

a. Reuse of valuable parts

b. Scrap is sold to scrap dealers

 Alternative source of energy

a. Generator set.

 Level of comfort of workers at repair station

Workers complain of the following: individual workstations are not spacious enough (each

individual has about 1sqm.), frequent breakage of tools, work-stations do not have built in tool

storage for easy access. Workers also complain of inadequate lighting conditions.

4.2.6 Interim conclusions

 It is apparent that spare parts for the service area is sourced from local sources.

 Area provided for workstations must be increased

 Provision of adequate lighting for workstations is key.

 Ranking of electronic equipment serviced confirmed the trend of the most used

consumer electronic in the country confirming an earlier trend from Amoyaw, 2011.

 Sales of scrap to the informal sector is an indication that with a formal system in place;

these service centres can supply the e-waste recycling centre with raw materials.

 Keeping both repaired and non-repaired equipment in the same area creates confusion.

Proper tagging and labelling of equipment in the storage area is key.

4.3 SDTI Plant, Taiwan.

This facility is located in Taoyuan in Taiwan. It is Taiwan’s largest electronics waste recycling

centre. Working closely with Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Agency it maintains high

standards of I.T. waste recycling.

The architects are from Miniwitz Sustainable Energy Development Company Ltd. The building

occupies a total area of 22,975 sqm.

Fig 18. The SDTI Plant in its context. (Source: www.

4.3.1 Building Materials Used

Exterior shading devices that have been used extensively here are made of waste recovered

from recycled CDs and DVDs. There is also the integration of LED integrated facades. Apart

from these features a biofuel -generating -algae-façade is also employed on certain portions of

the façade to help in energy generation for the plant. This features add greatly to the

sustainability efforts as well. The rest of the structure is composed of concrete and steel.

4.3.2 Sustainability Features

The integration of features such as solar panels into the roof and the wind turbines for energy

generation are the most obvious renewable energy sources. Integration of natural ventilation

strategies is another features such as stark ventilation. Production areas take advantage of

natural lighting through the use of sky lights as shown in fig. 19.

Fig 19. Sustainability features employed in the facility. (Source: www.

4.3.3 Interim conclusion

 The use of sustainable measures is a key factor of this facility. Especially in terms of

exploring alternative energy sources.

 Parts of the building itself are made of recycled materials.

4.4 Recycla Plant, Chile.

The Recycla plant is located in Chile. It is the foremost facility responsible for e-waste

recycling in Chile. It was established by a Chilean entrepreneur called Fernando Nilo. Major

manufacturers provide Recycla with defective and overstocked products while, local

companies also come to Recycla for electronic waste recycling services (Theurer, 2010 ).

4.4.1 Layout of the Facility

As shown in fig. 20, the Recycla plant constitutes the following:

a. Offices/ administration area

b. Incoming materials area

c. Weighing station

d. Dismantling/ disassembly area

e. Outgoing materials area

The facility occupies an area of approximately 45metres x 33metres.

4.4.2 Movement of Materials through the Facility

The incoming materials storage area is the first point of contact with the e-waste. The e-waste

is usually brought, contained in large cardboard boxes, large bags or wrapped in plastic bags

to avoid breakage. (Fisher, 2009). These containers are unloaded from trucks and carried with

forklifts and placed on 1metre x 1 metre pallets. The pallets are then grouped according to their

different products at different areas of the incoming goods area. E-waste is brought to the

disassembly area by the use forklifts. Dismantling workers carry their own e-waste from the

supplied pallet to their individual workstations. After dismantling a glass recycling facility

recycles the CRT components from the plant. Printed Circuit Boards are exported to Germany

for further processing. All products are kept in the outgoing materials section until a critical

quantity is reached for export to take place.

4.4.3 Interim conclusions

 Transportation of e-waste to the site in good condition is very important factor in

determining quality of finished product.

 Properly labelling of products at storage area is necessary

 An improvement can be made to the current situation of dismantlers carrying their own

e-waste to workstations by the introduction of modern workstations with conveyor belts

 Identifying various end users of products from facility both locally and internationally

is key for the survival of the facility.

Fig. 20. Layout of the Recycla Plant in Chile. (Source: Theurer, 2010)

4.5 Pilot Recycling Facility for Bo2W Project in Taizhou

This plant is located in Taizhou in China. It is a pilot plant established to research into the

establishment of a larger plant.

4.5.1 The Brief

The brief includes the following:

a. Storage area- sorted and unsorted

b. Main disassembly area and

c. Storage for finished good

Fig 21. The dismantling area of plant showing workstations. ( Source: Wang,2008)

4.5.2 Construction
The building is 60 metres x 9.1 metres x 4.5 metres (Length x width x Height). The main

structural elements are steel portal –frames. It is roofed and cladded with corrugated aluminium

panels. Roof monitors are employed to bring natural light into the space, ensuring abundant

light during the day as seen in fig.21.

4.6 Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility, Brooklyn.

The Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility is located in Brooklyn, It is designed by Anabelle

Seldorf. It is a processing centre for New York City’s curb side glass, metal, and plastic

recyclables which is being undertaken by Sims Municipal Recycling and the City of New York.

4.6.1 Spatial Configuration and Circulation

The facility is built on 11 acre site which devotes 20% of the site to green space and creates

distinct circulation systems to safely separate visitors from the truck delivery route. The

140,000 square feet facility includes a Tipping Building, where recyclables arrive by barge;

Processing Building; Bale Storage Building; and Visitor Centre and Administration Building,

where students and the public can both view and learn more about recycling. The layout of the

site is depicted in fig.22.

4.6.2 Construction
The building is mainly coposed of big box structures constructed out of steel portal frames

spanning between 15 metres to 60 metres in the case of the Tipping buinding dipicted in fig.22.

it is roofed and cladded in corrugated aluminium sheets.

4.6.3 Sustainability features

Recycled materials are used throughout: site fill is made from a composite of recycled glass,

asphalt, and rock reclaimed from a location near the site; metal buildings are 98% recycled

steel; and visitor plazas are finished with recycled glass. Other sustainable strategies being

implemented include one of the largest application of photovoltaic in New York City, a

forthcoming wind turbine which will generate 15% of the facility’s power, and bioswales for

storm-water management.

Fig. 22. Layout of the Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility. (Source: www.

Fig. 23. Aerial view of the built site showing solar panels on roof. (Source: www.

4.6.4 Movement of material through the facility
Waste materials are brought in through the tipping building, which is a storage area. It is then

sent through the processing building for the waste to be separated into various components,

and the various components are then baled and sent to the bale storage building where it can

then be sent to end processing industries for further processing.

Fig. 24. Movement of material through the facility. Source: (www.

4.6.5 Interim conclusions

 The use of alternate energy sources to complement power usage

 Clear segregation of pedestrian and vehicular circulation

 Public inclusion in the project by the addition of the visitor centre and viewing gallery

 Inculcation of green landcsape elements in the design

4.7 Special Studies
Some special studies were undertaken namely:

i. flow charts for different production lines in a typical e-waste recycling centre

ii. Activities and special needs for specific production rooms or areas

iii. Services requirements for such facilities

iv. Production machines, uses and their dimension to make well informed design decisions in
specific spaces at the plant

4.7.1 Flow chart


A (-E-waste) D-(finished products)

Fig.26. flow chart of recycling process (A B C D). (Source: (A): Theurer (2010), (B):

Opalic, M. (2004), (C): Steubing, B. (2007), (D): Gmünder, S. (2007); organised by author).

The flow of materials through a typical is depicted in fig.26. the e-waste is stored in the storage

section as depicted by the alphabet A, it then moves to the manual dismantling section (B);

hazardous components such as lead batteries and cathode ray tubes are taken out and treated

accordingly. The resulting commingled components are separated at the secondary stage(C)

into components such as plastics, aluminium, iron and Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) (D). The

products are then stored in the finished goods section of the plant.

4.7.2 Special requirements for main spaces of the recycling centre

Different spaces require properties for the effective management of e-waste; so a special study

was conducted to understand the various requirements, especially for the main factory areas. Storage areas

The recycling centre must have a storage room for materials in transit, i.e. equipment waiting

to be treated, sold or dispatched to another industry. To face the irregularity of supplies, the

organization of the storage room should be easy to modify.

The storage room also enables the enterprise to keep running even when equipment supplies

are low. The storage area is generally the biggest, and should be at least three times as big as

the dismantling and sorting area. This part will be equipped with shelves, racks and areas of

weighing with a scale of 1 to 500 kg. If the storage space exceeds 250 m3, a fork-lift may be


It is recommended that a classification system be defined (using numbered sections) to make

the handling and locating of material easier. Depending on the reclaiming industries existing

in the area, it is also possible to use a shredder or a compactor in order to reduce the quantity

of plastics and to put them into bundles. In this case, an appropriate solution must be considered

for the treatment of waste. In addition to the above, the storage area must also have the

following characteristics:

 Impermeable surfaces for appropriate areas with appropriate spillage collection

facilities, and where appropriate, decanters and degreasers

 Weatherproof covering for appropriate areas. Dismantling section

This area must be organized in order to optimise the efficiency of these operations. The

workshop must include several test beds and dismantling stations. The workstation must also

be arranged so that a trolley can move around in the workshop to bring equipment and pick up

components and material resulting from the dismantling operation. According to the U.K.

government’s Guidance on Best Available Treatment, Recovery and Recycling Techniques

(BATRRT) and Treatment of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), 2006, the

dismantling and treatment areas must also have the following characteristics:

 “Impermeable surfaces for appropriate areas with appropriate spillage collection

facilities and, where appropriate, decanters and degreasers”.

 “Appropriate storage for dissembled spare parts”.

 “Appropriate containers for storage of batteries, capacitors containing PCBs”.

 “Equipment for the treatment of water, including rainwater”.

 “(Suitable) balances for measuring the weight of treated waste”.

 “Weatherproof covering for appropriate areas”.

4.7.3 Services

This section deals with services required for the proposed centre, it comprise of requirements

in terms of electricity, water, telecommunications and waste disposal. Electricity
A reliable mains electrical supply is essential to the operation of a refurbishment workshop.

Without a reliable source of power, it is impossible to use a test bed. Therefore, priority in

operating expenses must be given to the security of the power supply. Workshops must be

equipped with an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), more commonly called inverters. This

device provides a stable power supply to electronic or electric components. The minimum

requirement for an inverter is 650mVa. In most extreme cases, the recycling site should resort

to the installation of its own generator.

The power cables coming from the electric meter must be of sufficient size to support the total

power of the workstations in test (power of the central processing unit + power of the monitor)

which are connected simultaneously to the cable. There should be an upstream cut-out or a

circuit breaker for each power cable in the electric meter. To ensure the safety of individuals,

it is preferable to have ground fault circuit interrupters. Each test bed should be equipped with

a 10 to 15 amp fuse. A professional workshop must have electrical emergency stop buttons at

every workstation Water
Within the context of environmental protection, it is imperative to avoid wasting water,

especially when its supply is uncertain. It also is imperative to recover and recycle the water

used by the activity. Best practices include saving water by using it more than once and

collecting rainwater in tanks thanks to gutters.

As it is not drinking water but “industrial” water, it needs to be sieved and clarified. In these

operations, water is filtered with a membrane, or with sand or carbon filters Telecommunications
The centre must be equipped with effective means of communication (phone, fax, Internet

connection) to be able to communicate efficiently with customers, suppliers and subsidiaries.

A low-bandwidth Internet connectivity may not be sufficient to run an active centre. It is

recommended to have a high-speed Internet connection.

In areas not covered by cable, there is the possibility to establish a high-speed Internet

connection via satellite, which guarantees a rapid, reliable and permanent Internet access. This

type of connection requires specific outdoor equipment (satellite dish, cable, etc.) as well as a

computer (with DVB-s card). There are several types of subscription offers for satellite

connection, providing different bandwidths. The transmission/reception material required is

generally specific to the provider. Advantages for each type of subscription must be carefully

considered, in order to select the best offer with the best bandwidth. Disposal of hazardous components

Guidelines for E‐Waste Management in Kenya, (2011, pp. 34) states the following guidelines:

 “Disposal should be done in specialised cells or sections in a licensed landfill site”.

 “Owners / operators must demonstrate technical knowledge and understanding of the

hazardous nature of e-waste”.

 “Disposal sites shall be published after licensing for the general public is aware of the

existence of the same”.

 “Burying is strictly prohibited as contaminants may easily leach into the soil and

pollute both soil and groundwater resources”.

58 Runoff water treatment from e-waste recycling sites
The section on special requirements for main spaces of the recycling centre, discusses the idea

of having decanters and degreasers to handle run-off water collected from impermeable

surfaces in recycling facilities. According to Waste Management (End-of-Life Vehicles)

Regulations (2006), a decanter is a tank or vessel in which solids or immiscible dispersions in a

carrier liquid settle or coalesce, with clear upper liquid withdrawn (decanted) as overflow from the

top. The same document defines a degreaser as a machine designed to clean / remove grease and

foreign matter from mechanical parts and similar items, usually metallic, by exposing them to

vaporise or liquid solvent solutions confined in a tank or vessel.

Fig. 27. Drawing of an installed decanter. (Source:

Fig. 27. Picture of an installed decanter. (Source:

4.7.4 Machine Schedule

This section deals with technical studies involving type of machines involved in e-waste

recycling, their sizes, uses and power requirements.


For size reduction into a size enabling the majority of

the ferrous material to be separated from the non-
ferrous/insulation and plastic fraction.


For separation of the heavy mixed metal fraction.

2.Eddy Current Separator 1

For size reduction of the material prior to separation in

the Eddy Current Separator 2.

3.Heavy Pre-Granulator

For separation of the light mixed metal fraction

4.Eddy Current Separator 2

For final size reduction of the material

5.Heavy Granulator

For final separation of the remaining fraction into a
plastic (organic) fraction and a mixed metal fraction.

6.Separation Table

Workstations for manual dismantling of e-waste.

7. P.C. and T.V. Dismantling


For treatment of Cathode Ray Tubes (C.R.T) found in

T.Vs and monitors.

8. C.R.T Cutting Machine

For stripping electric cables in order to recover copper


9. Cable Stripper

Fig.28. E-waste recycling machines and their uses. (Source:

Machine Schedule

Fig 29. E-waste recycling machines, dimensions and power requirements. (Source:



5.0 Conclusion
This study is mainly put together to provide a better alternative to the current system of e-waste

recycling in the country; which is done in an unsustainable manner and pollutes the

environment in the process. The research findings reveal that best practices in the management

of e-waste, which will provide a congenial environment for a more sustainable recycling

solution actually exists.

The deductions from the case study reveal that generally e-waste recycling facilities have an e-

waste storage area, processing/dismantling section and a product storage area just like most

industrial facilities.

There is also a general trend towards the use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind

to supplement the energy requirements of the facilities. Attempts are also made to use recycled

materials in the construction of certain elements of the buildings as well.

It is also revealing to note that the nature and complexity of this type of waste (e-waste),

mandates that good record keeping is essential for the sustainability of the industry as well.

To conclude, one key aspect of e-waste recycling industries is their capacity to adequately treat

and manage hazardous components of e-waste; the introduction of these technologies in the

local context will bring a marked improvement in the current status quo.

5.1 Recommendations
 Arranging various spaces of the facility to avoid vehicular conflict and ensure smooth

circulation on the site.

 From the study, it is imperative that e-waste recycling centre will have demonstration

areas/classrooms where workers are educated on changing trends in the electronics

industry as well as health hazards they are exposed to.

 Due to workers exposure to hazardous materials a health department is also proposed

for the centre to monitor the health of workers on regular basis.

 Provision of separate and adequate storage areas for both incoming e-waste and

products is imperative.

 There is also the need to provide areas for adequate records to be kept in order to

monitor the waste flow through the facility, this will also help understand the

contribution of the facility to reduction of the e-waste menace.

 Renewable sources of energy like solar energy is proposed for the facility to further

enhance the sustainability agenda.

 Liaising with local and international end user industries will aid the sustainability of

the centre.

 The E-waste recycling sector in Ghana reveals that the main motivation for the youth

engaging in the sector is economic (Öko-Institut and Green Advocacy Ghana, 2010). It

is therefore apparent that any e-waste recycling intervention must provide employment

and take advantage of manual labour in its operation; the proposed e-waste recycling

centre will make use of manual dismantling in its operation.

 Architecturally, the spaces within the centre must make provision to handle the

hazardous components the e-waste by abiding by the requirements under section 4.7.2, and of this report.

5.2 Site Selection for the Proposed E-waste Recycling Centre
Two sites were studied: existing polluted Agbloshie Site in Accra and the Accra Composting

and Recycling Plant Site at Adjin-Kotoku. The most convenient and suitable was selected

based on which will be a more favourable site for an e-waste recycling facility.

5.2.1 Agbogbloshie Site

Merits of Agbogbloshie Site

 Proximity to sources of raw material

 Could serve as a means to rejuvenate the brownfield site


 May be expensive to rejuvenate the site

 Potential hazards from the waste could affect nearby market site

 Exacerbation of the traffic situation already existing.


Fig 30. Location map of Agbogbloshie Site. Source :(

5.2.2. Accra Composting and Recycling Plant Site, Adjin-Kotoku, Accra. (Site B)

 Good access roads and rail network

 Synergy with other recycling facilities existing at the site

 Minimised risk to the urban environment


It quite far from potential raw materials. But there is good transportation network existing







Fig. 31. Accra Composting and Recycling Plant Site. Source :( ).

Justifications for selecting site B

 Good road and rail network connecting the site

 Creating synergy with existing waste management site created and taking advantage of

existing site infrastructure such as the engineered landfill site as shown in fig. 31.

5.3 Site study
This site is located at Adjin-Kotoku in the greater Accra region. It is linked to Accra by the

Accra-Nsawam road. The site is earmarked as a recycling park and is currently home to the

Accra Composting and Recycling Plant. The existing facilities on the site include: an

Administration building, a Weighing bridge, a Municipal Recovery Facility (sorts out

comingled waste from the Accra municipality) and a composting plant to recycle the organic

component of the waste. In addition to the above, the site also has an Engineered Landfill to

deal with inert and non-recyclable component of the waste

Fig.32. site analysis diagram. Source: (author, 2014).

Site analysis

 The sloppy site will be levelled at production areas for easy vehicular access

 Blending in with the lush vegetation

 Integration into the existing loop circulation existing on the site to avoid conflict for

vehicular traffic.

5.4 Capacity Determination

151000 tons of e-waste is imported according to Yaw Amoyaw-Osei. (2011).

From E-waste Manual (2007), obsolesce rate of PC =25%

=37750 tons

From E-waste Manual (2007) only a maximum of 50% collection rate is possible

18875 tons/yr.

There are approximately 240 working days

18875/240= 78.645 tons/day

Since there is approximately 8 hours for work


Weight of a P.C. =20kg

According to Theurer J. (2010), 13 workers can handle 12.74 tons of e-waste per day

This implies that for a 78.65 tons/day facility

80 workers must be provided for at the dismantling section

5.5 Brief Development

Based on research the following represent various activities at the centre:

Collection and sorting (core activity)

Dismantling and materials recovery (core activity)

Waste to art development and educational activities ( with partners)

Brief and accommodation Schedule



Unloading bay 1 180

Raw material storage area 1 4800

Dismantling Section 1 4800

Finished Goods Storage 1 2020

Harzardous Waste Storage 1 380

Loading Bay 1 240

Supervisors Office 2 25

WCs 2 12.5

Maintenance shed 1 360

Total Net Area 12817.5

ADMINISTRATION(ground floor)

Reception/visitor Centre 1 130

General Office 1 70

Human Resource Department 1 56

Education Department 1 56

WCs 2 6

Worker’s Check-in 1 28

Logistics Department 1 52.5

Store 1 10.36

Total Net Area 414.86

Worker’s welfare facilities

Sick Bay 1 52.5

Store 1 10.36

Changing Rooms 2 64

Cold Store 1 14

Deep freezer 1 8

Dry Storage 1 22

Kitchen 1 41.65

Servery 1 25.5

Worker’s Cafeteria 1 136

Total Net Area 438.01


Store 3 29.08

Accounts Department 1 49

Marketing Department 1 49

General Manager 1 42

Boardroom 1 42

WCs 2 12

Kitchenette 1 28

Engineering Department(dismantling) 1 52.5

Engineering Department(hazardous 1 52.5


Health and safety department 1 68

Research and Development department 1 68

Demonstration rooms 2 136

Multipurpose hall 1 136

Total Net Area 764.08


Parking areas 1 910

Solar farm 1 1760

Water treatment facility 1 400

Power house 1 100

Security gate 2 60

Total Net Area 3230

Total gross Area 17664.45

Table 1. Brief and accommodation schedule. Source: (author, 2014)

5.6 Philosophy
The operation of the dismantling section of the facility is very paramount to the recycling

process as a whole. The philosophy for the design stems from a myriad of sources. The first

influence for the design stems from the term dismantling. Another influence on the design is

the unique designs of the casing for electronics equipment, with their unique vent patterns.

The laste influence stems from the surrounding hilly landscape.

5.7 Concept
The dipiction of the dismantling process in the design is achieved by the separation of volumes,

varying heights at the production area bringing in light and achieving star-ventilation. The vent

patterns are also achieved on the facades, especially on the façade of the dismantling section

of the plant. The roofline of the production blends with the contour of nearby mountains as

dipicted in fig .

Fig.33. Concept description (source; author, 2014)

5.8 Conceptual Site Planning

The site considerations were formulated to avoid conflict of vehicular traffic and pedestrian

areas and public areas were clearly segregated right from the initial stages. The main facilities

available comprise of: a maintenance yard, dismantling section, repair and refurbishment, raw

material storage area, the administration area, car park, services area.

Fig. 34. Conceptual massing of the facility in context. Source :( author, 2014)

5.8.1 The maintenance Shed

This area is for the routine maintenance of vehicles and equipment at the plant, spaces here

include the main shed for vehicle maintenance, a tool storage area, and washrooms for workers

and a supervisor’s office.

5.8.2 Dismantling Section

The dismantling section is the main production area of the facility it has spaces for: manual

disassembly operations, secondary size reduction machines and an area for Cathode Ray Tube


5.8.3 Raw Material Storage

This is the reception area for the incoming raw material (E-Waste). It mainly provides a

weatherproof area for storage of e-waste.

5.8.4 Administration
The administration area provides offices of staff who manage the facility, a reception

area/visitor area, spaces for education and conferences. Provision has also been made for

workers welfare.

5.8.5 Car park

It is comprised mainly of staff car park, customer’s car park and bus parking area

5.8.6 Services Area

The service yard is comprised of a solar farm, water storage and waste water treatment area,

and a refuse collection point and power house to take care of energy needs of the facility.

5.8.7 Electricity
The total power requirement of the plant is 573kw after taking into accounts all the power ratings

of the individual equipment, 10% contingency, a future expansion of 50%. To ensure constant run

of the plant, a stand-by power generator of adequate size will be installed in the plant room with a

change over device. A solar farm has also been provided to augment energy supply.

5.8.8 Water
Even though the industrial process exhibited in this facility is a dry process method, water is used

in other areas like washroom, kitchen areas and in terms of machine maintenance. Run off water

from production areas will undergo treatment before discharge.

5.8.9 Fire
Ensuring safety against fire outbreak include the provision of fire extinguishers, installation of

sprinkler system and fire alarms, two hydrants at vantage points and a service road for fire

engines. In addition to the above fire walls are built to compartmentalise both the e-waste storage

area and the product storage area from the dismantling section.

5.9.0 Security
CCTV cameras have been installed at vantage point to monitor the activities of the plant.

5.9 Structure and Construction

Two main structural elements were used in the facility: post and beam systems were employed

in the construction of the administration area. The roofing system at the administration area is

also comprised of the purlin system roofed with aluminium roofing sheets. The production

areas are composed of latticed portal frames with zed purlins and cladded in corrugated

aluminium sheets. Floor finishes at the production areas is comprised of water-proof concrete.

For the service yard reinforced concrete paving is employed.

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Amedzo Mawunyo Bright

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Department of Architecture


Interview Questions


Why was the centre established?




What are the Roles and responsibility of the centre?





What are the total numbers workers in the department?


What role do they play?







Can you mention the equipment serviced here?






Can you rank the equipment in increasing order, from the most serviced to the least serviced?



What are the activities that occur at the centre?




What are the safety precautions observed at the centre?



Have you made any special provisions for fire safety?



What are the measures put in place to keep workers abreast with emerging technology?



What alternative sources of energy have you provided for?





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