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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur

Lesson Plan in Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Define Philosophy through how it is done
b. Recognize some significant philosophers in history
c. Understand the nature of philosophical inquiry
d. Identify human activities that emanate from deliberate reflection

II. Subject Matter

Doing Philosophy
Code: CS-EP11/12Philo-0a-1 , CS-EP11/12Philo-0a-2
Reference: Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person pp. 1 – 4
Materials: Textbook

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity
a. Pre-activity
i. Prayer
ii. Checking of Attendance
iii. Classroom Management
b. Motivation
i. Cite an example of a real life situation where an issue resort into an argument
and ask the opinion of each student on which side will they prefer to and their
reasons behind.
c. Guide questions
i. What is knowledge?
ii. What is the standard of beauty?
iii. What is the nature of the self?
iv. Does God exist?
v. Is there a universal morality?

B. Presentation
Explain the objectives of philosophy, its importance to the human person and its impact
to our lives. Start explanations from the nature of human beings to inquire or ask question and
relate lesson to concrete experience.
C. Discussion
Explain to the students the definition and concepts of philosophy.
Elaborate the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Talk about the significant holistic perspective from a partial point of view

D. Lesson Activity
Ask each of the student about a question from themselves about the world, the nature,
or about the human person and if afterlife or life after death exist or not.

E. Generalization
a. Why do you think it is important for human beings to reflect upon themselves and
their actions?
b. Why is analysis a necessary tool in philosophizing?

IV. Assessment
On a one half crosswise, answer the question.
 Differentiate the three conceptions of philosophy according to Armando Bonifacio?

Prepared by:

Joshua Emmanuel E. Baguio

SHS Teacher

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