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A report on
Moira Legal
Aid Cell
Prepared for Dr.Layla
Mascarenhas by

Brianne Sapeco 16

Isabella D’silva 34
Mayuri kamble

Dimple Purohit

Jay pawar

We would like to express our gratitude to our teacher Dr.
Layla Mascarenhas as well as our principal Dr. M.R.K.
Prasad who afforded us the opportunity to complete this
report on the Moira Legal Aid Cell, thus making us aware
of the various activities and programmes held by this
cell.A special thanks to the cell incharge and also to the
teachers who helped us with the information for this

In addition, we would like to thank everyone who has

helped us with this report.

The purpose of this report was to find out about the
effective functioning of the legal aid cell of Moira. The
method used to gather information for this report was by
gathering information from the cell members, professors
in charge as well as the people in charge of the legal aid
cell. We found out that the activities conducted were
successful and the cell members were of great help to the
clients that were in need.

In our opinion, after concluding our report, there should be

more awareness about the legal aid cell and the free
services provided by them to the people in need.

Table of contents Content
1 Introduction
2 History of Legal Aid Cell
3 List of Current Members and Previous Members
4 Activities held in the year 2018-2019
5 Activities held in the year 2019-2020
6 Photographs of the events
Project /Surveys done by the legal aid group

8 Collaborations with NGOs
9 Impact Factor
10 Public Feedback
11 Attendance
12 Methods of Working
13 Nature of Faculty Involvement
14 Press Coverage
15 Venue, Time, Date
16 Difficulties Faced
17 Learning experience
18 Conclusion
19 References
20 Appendices

Legal Aid is arguably the most prominent activity
undertaken by the college, derived from the college motto
of "Excellence in Legal Education in Pursuit of Justice and
Service to Humanity." thus allowing the students of the
institution to bring their alma mater’s motto to life in a way
which benefits the public.

2.History of legal aid cell
Legal Aid is arguably the most prominent activity
undertaken by the college, derived from the college motto
of "Excellence in Legal Education in Pursuit of Justice and
Service to Humanity." The credible work by free Legal Aid
work of college has resulted in college been flagged on a
global level.

VM salgaocar College of Law Legal Aid cell society was

founded in 1998 with a single free Legal Aid at Verem in
North Goa district. But today with initiative of student and
teacher Legal Aid cell are spread all over the state with 32
permanent Legal Aid cells. The cells are spread not only
within state but even across its border and up to Bandra,
Sawantwadi Taluka in Maharashtra for the student to
easily and effectively function, the cells are located in their
residential vicinity. Students located in specific areas are
members of the corresponding Legal Aid cell. The cells are
housed in places which are easily accessible to the
general public like Panchayat buildings, schools, temples,
and other such premises. every week on Saturday the cell
functions for 2 hours. Students conduct programs which
are beneficial to the general public. Conducting several
minor and major programs through the course of the year,
they also visit schools, colleges, old age homes, Mahila
Mandal etc. They also provide paralegal services like
assisting in procuring senior citizen cards, Krishi cards,
ration cards, birth and death certificates, drafting
affidavits, filling forms to get benefit under welfare
schemes of the government, etc.

The Moira cell was formed in July 2018. Teachers stepped

in and elected Slaney Maciel and Prajakta Naik as cell
heads. The Moira cell has consistently strived for, and
achieved excellence in all their endeavours. They have also
been awarded an A grade for the tireless efforts they put
in for the betterment of the general public. Starting from
2018 the cell have conducted 24 programmes so far.

3.List of current members

and previous year members
3.1) Members for the year 2019-20
1. Tanvi Salgoankar
2. Cynthia Kauthankar
3. Harshata Kalangutkar
4. Habitat Chavan
5. Prathamesh Shankardas
6. Baroness Dasnaik
7. Prajakta Naik
8. Slaney Maciel
9. Aditya Maciel
10. Jairam Neogi
11. Jordan Fernandes

3.2) Members for the year 2018-19

1. Aditya Naik
2. Prajakta Naik
3. Slaney Maciel
4. Juliacy Fernandes
5. Manshina Jalmi
6. Pallavi Shirodkar
7. Arya's s.p Parriliar
8. Sanjay Chair
9. Vidhya Pilankar
10. Ambarish Gawandalkar
11. Bhushan Tiradkar

12. Ashvita Halankar
13. Prajahla Naik
14. Mrunali Naik

4.Activities held in the year
4.1) 6/01/18
On this day the cell held a meeting at the Moira Panchayat
Hall which commenced at 3pm. A client by the name of
Carmin D’silva, a resident of Moira visited the cell along
with an FMMCC NGO member, Florence Mendes. The
client was a senior citizen and had issues regarding her
property and sought advice from the cell members.

4.2) 13/01/18
The cell meeting commenced at 3 PM at Moira Panchayat
Hall. A discussion about constitutional law week was held.

There was also a discussion regarding the speaker for the

major program. The cell meeting ended at 4:30 PM.

4.3) 20/01/2018

The cell meeting began at 3:15 PM. The discussion was
about the major program and the minor programmes.

A lady came to the cell, having a legal issue, and wanted

help In writing an application. The Moira sports club was
causing a nuisance to her and some of the villagers.

The club was playing music beyond the permissible time.

She she needed the application to be submitted to the
deputy collector of North Goa and the pollution control
board.She also spoke about the nuisance caused to her
and the villagers and asked about the procedure
necessary to file a complaint.

4.4) 27/01/2018
The cell meeting commenced at 3 PM at the Moira
Panchayat hall. The cell members were informed about
the inspection day which was supposed to be held on
3/02/2018.Apart from this a self help group approached
the cell and expressed that they required help in making
seven senior citizen cards. The decision to do the next
major program with them was also made. However, the
date was not finalised. The cell meeting ended at 5 PM.

4.5) 03/02/2018 cell inspection

On this day The cell was inspected by Professor M.R.K

Prasad in the Governor's Council room at V.M Salgaoncar’s
college of law premises the said inspection commenced
at 11 AM by Professor MRK Prasad enquiring about the
minor programmes conducted by the cell members. He
was informed about the future programmes to be
conducted i.e Minor and major programs and the senior
citizen drives. He was informed about two senior citizen
drives conducted previously and also about the 40 senior
citizen cards made.

He was satisfied and happy with the overall cell progress

and also asked for suggestions to improve the
functioning of legal aid cells. Files and journals of the cell
were inspected and inspection ended at 11:40 AM.

4.6) 03/02/18 Senior Citizen’s Cards Drive

The cell meeting commenced a 3:00 at the usual venue
Moira Panchayat Hall. Along with the cell meeting a senior
citizen’s cards drive was conducted.Two self help group
leaders visited the cell with senior citizens to apply for
senior citizen's card. The drive ended at 4:30 PM and the
cell meeting ended at 5:10 PM.

4.7) 09/02/18 inter- LAC

The ever first two lectures in the morning after which 11

AM the competition. There were many events, namely
collage making of which the theme was ‘Gandhian
philosophy’, flag making and the theme was ‘legal aid
Society’, posterm aking it's theme was ‘biodiversity’ and
slogan writing and its theme was ‘Beti Bachao beti Padao’.

A couple of people participated in this competition. The

judges were professor B.S Patil and Professor Shabir.
After the competition snacks were given and always
ended at 1 PM.

4.8) 10/02/18
The cell meeting commenced at 3:15 PM at the panchayat

hall. No clients visited on this day. Discussions were held
about the minor programme which was to be held on the
16th with the Mahila Mandal in Khorjuem.

Discussion about the major programme was also held.

The cell meeting ended at 4:45 PM.

4.9) 16/02/18 senior citizens card drive

Senior citizens card drive commenced at 3 PM in Corjuem.
All the cell members were present for the drive. There
were 12 clients for the drive and it ended at 4PM.

4.10) 16/02/18 minor programme

On this day 4 minor programmes were conducted in
Corjuem village. The audience were two self help groups,
Sateri Kala Sanderuti and Saheli Self Help group. Two
minor programmes were conducted for each group. One
was on domestic violence and the other was on the dowry
system. The minor programme commenced at 4PM and
ended at6 PM.

4.11) 17/02/18
Cell meeting commenced at 3:15 PM today. No clients
visited the cell and discussions about the major
programme was held. Cell meeting ended at 4:30 PM.

4.12) 24/02/18
Cell meeting commenced at 3:15 at the Panchayat
hall.The discussion was about the major program. A client
also visited the cell for a PAN card and the client also
came with her mother-in-law for a senior citizens card.

The meeting ended at 5 PM.

4.13) 03/03/18 minor programme

On this day the cell celebrated Women's Day in
collaboration with the self help group of Corjuem Village.
This minor programme was held at on 08/03/18,
Thursday. The programme commenced at 3:30 PM it
included a talk by Dr Roshan who spoke on general topics

relating to health of women. There were various
competitions organised for women. Our cell members
along with the members of self-help groups and members
of the village Panchayat Aldona assisted in conducting the

The sarpanch and the deputy sarpanch were present for

this program. Besides this, the local MLA Mr. Glen Ticlo
was the chief guest of this program who also addressed
the crowd and informed them about the importance of
health.After prize distribution, snacks and refreshments
were served. Thee program ended at 7 PM. All the cell
members introduce themselves to the audience and
inform them about the cell activities.

The local MLA also appreciated the effort of helping

society in providing free legal aid. After the program a
clients came in for senior citizens cards.

4.14) 10/03/18
The cell meeting commenced at 3 PM at Moira Panchayat
hall. Forms of senior citizens were filled. No Clients
visited on this day. The cell meeting ended at 5 PM.

4.15) 17/03/18
The cell meeting commenced at 3 PM at the Panchayat
hall .No client visited the cell on this day. It was last cell
meeting of the year 2017 to 2018 of the Legal aid society.
The Panchayat staff were thanked for the support. The cell
meeting ended at 4:45 PM.

4.16) 07/07/18
The cell meeting commenced at 3:10 PM at the usual
venue the Panchayat hall. It was the inaugural cell meeting
of the year 2018 to 19 of the legal aid Society. New call
members of a new cell members were admitted to the cell
and they are as follows:

1. Ashvita Halanlear - T.Y Degree

2. Slaney Maciel- S.Y Degree
3. Prajakta Naik-S.Y Degree
4. Ruzela Cruz-T.Y BA.LLB
5. Mrunali Naik- T.Y BA.LLB

The new cell members were welcomed by existing cell

members. The new cell members as well as the existing

cell members introduced themselves. The cell incharge
Juhancy Fernandes inform the new members about the
cell documents. They were also informed about the four
minor programs to be conducted in total for this academic
year and about one major program that has to be
organised by the cell.

The members also informed about the sangat committees

programme on mental health act to be held on 14th and
15th July in college campus.

The members also informed about the Child welfare

commission constituted at the Panchayat level and that
one volunteer is needed for one Panchayat to be the
member of this committee. Miss Juhancy Fernandes has
agreed to be the member of this commission in Aldona
Panchayat. However the volunteer for Moira Panchayat’s
child welfare committee has not been finalised.

The cell meeting ended at 5:50 PM.

4.17) 14/07/18
On this day the meeting commenced at 3:15 PM at the
panchayat. New member Junaid joined the cell on this day

Discussion was held about minor programmes and street

plays to be conducted for the semester. The past activity
of the cell were also told to the new members.

Plans were made to cover all nearby schools to conduct

minors for this academic year along with the Mahila

Suggested some topics for the minors were as follows:


2.domestic violence

3.sexual harassment

4.dowry system.

The register system told by Professor BS Patil was like by

the members present on this day. This system was
planned to be implemented after getting permission from
the professor in charge Dr Rajan Ferrao and the

The meeting ended at 5 PM

4.18) 21/7/18
The cell meeting commenced at 3 PM at are usual at the
usual venue the Panchayat all. The members the cell
members met the members of self help group as they
were attending the bag making course in the mode of
Punjab ton.

Complaints were received regarding the non-compliance

of the local buses plying on the route of Mapusa to Aldona
and Aldona to Panjim with their schedule. Since many
students as well as the working class people were facing
hardships they decided to write an application to RTO
Demanding their schedule.

A client Sylvia visited the cell with her application for

senior citizen's card and the required documents were
submitted by her.

The cell meeting ended at 5 PM.

28/7/18 Cell Inspection Day

The cell was inspected by VM Sagar College team

comprising of Dr Sandya Ram, assistant professor Pearl,
assistant professor the mode, assistant professor Ashwini
or in the cell members gathered at the premises at 12:45
PM shop. The inspecting team arrived at 2:40 PM.

Three new members were enrolled to the cell. The team

inspected all the activities carried out by the cell for the
academic year 2017 to 2018.

They were satisfied and happy with all the activity reports
that were filed accordingly. The teachers asked the old
members about the programmes which were organised
during the academic year 2017 2018, and concluded that
the programmes will be organised and based on creating
awareness on fundamental rights to the mahila mandals
of the locality.

The old members Miss Juhancy Fernandes and other

members, and the new members for their support and the
new in charge for the year of Mora legal aid, Mr Slaney
Marciel and miss Prajakta Naik.

Ma’am Sandhya informed the members about the four

minor programmes which were to be conducted for the

year, in addition to the major programs and other welfare

The other juniors to work with the seniors and learn all the
activities to be undertaken.

4.19) 4/8/18
The cell meeting commenced at 3 PM at the panchayat
hall. A new member Mr.Aditya Naik was admitted to the

Discussion was held about the major programme and

duties were assigned to the cell members for the same .

After finishing and assigning the work of the major event ,

the meeting ended at 5 PM.

4.20) 11/8/18 major programme

Gathering at the Moira panchayat, the cell members and
faculty prepared for the arrival of the chief guest, Advocate
Kaushal Shetye and invitees, including sarpanch, Mrs. Riya
Belchav and Professor Nagesh Kolvalkar. With the

commencement of the meeting, a ceremony of lighting the
lamp was performed. The chief guest was introduced and
invited to speak a few words, which he obliged, by
elucidating on the topic of the uniform civil code in goa,
providing information of the right to shares in ancestral
property of the woman of her husband after marriage. He
continued on to convey knowledge with regards to
maintenance of women and children, explaining laws,
provisions and exceptions. Carrying on the speak on the
kinds of divorce which can be undertaken by husband and
wife, including their consequences and benefits. To
conclude his enlightening speech, the chief guest
informed the attendees on the free legal aid services
which can be availed if they are not able to finance a
lawyer. The floor was opened to questions from the
audience, after which the chief guest’s portion of the
session was concluded. Professor Nagesh went on to
include his own addressal to the audience, providing
information on the Moira Legal Aid cell, encouraging the
people to avail its benefits. After a final vote of thanks
given by the sarpanch, the major programme as a whole
was successfully concluded.
4.21) 18/8/18
The cell meeting commenced at 3:30 PM at the panchayat
hall. Discussions about the pan card drive was held. No
clients visited the cell on this day. The meeting ended at

4.22) 19/8/18 Drive for issuing Pan Cards

The drive for issuing pan cards began at 9:30 am at St.Rita
Chapel Carona - only 8 members participated in the drive .
6 clients submitted their details for making Pan Cards. The
drive ended at 11:00 AM.

4.23) 25/8/18
All the cell members gathered at 3:00PM at the panchayat
hall. Soon after people began to gather, bringing with them
contributions for the kerala flood relief funds. Items such
as clothes, biscuits, sanitary napkins, amongst other
items, were contributed. After this, the items were sorted
through and stored in the panchayat hall. The session was
concluded at six pm.
4.24) 26/07/18
The cell began accepting contributions at ten AM,
accepting a variety of items. This was concluded at 12PM.

4.25) 08/09/18 minor programme

Two minor programmes were held on this day, both held at
Dnyan Prasarak Vidyalaya School in Mapusa. The
audience for the programme was comprised of students
of the eighth and ninth grades. The topic for the
programme was cyber crime. Mr.Bhushan and Mr.Sanjay
spoke on the topic providing details on various facets of
cyber crime. After the talk the floor was open to questions
from the audience. The faculty of the school aided the cell
members in successfully carrying out the programme.

On the same day 4 minors were conducted at St.Xavier’s

High School, Moira. The audience comprised of students
from the 8th and 9th standard. The students were
separated into 3 groups, each being informed on various
types of cyber crime. The whole programme was aided by

the school faculty and was successfully concluded.

In addition to the prior mentioned programmes, a minor

was conducted at St.Xavier’s School, Moira. The audience
included students of 5th and 6th standards. These
students were taken on a rally for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
in the village of Moira, aided by the staff members.

4.26) 10/9/18
Members of the cell gathered at St. Thomas Girls High
School, registering themselves as visitors and proceeding
to set up the hall in preparation for their programme. All
members of the cell took part in the explanation of the
programmes topic of cyber crime. At the conclusion of the
session a quiz was conducted for the students to test their
knowledge and understanding in the wake of the
programme. The result was successful with regarding to
the students’ understanding and enthusiasm, and the
session was concluded on a good note.

At this stage, the cell had completed a total of twelve
minor programmes throughout the year, thus concluding
their activity with great success not only for themselves
but for their clients and audiences as well.

5.Activities held in the year

5.1) 02/02/2019
To commence their Legal Aid activities for the year 2019,
the cell held a preparatory meeting on the second of
February, discussing the minor programme they planned
to hold on the sixteenth of the same month.

On the day of their minor programme, the cell held a total

of four minors. Speaking to both the A and B divisions of
the first to fourth standards of St. Xaviers High School, the

cell spoke on the topic of ‘Good Touch Bad Touch’,
explaining to the students the difference between the two,
illustrated by a video aid. The entire programme was
assisted by the school’s teaching and non-teaching staff.

5.2) 27/07/2019

Later in the year, on 27/7/2019, the cell underwent its Cell

Inspection. The inspection was conducted by Dr. B. S.
Patil, Assistant Professor Pearl, and Professor Gomati
from VMSCL. The inspection team facilitated the
resignation of three existing cell members, and the
induction of six additional members. In addition, the
inspection team inspected the members’ journals,

surveying the activities carried out by the team. Older
members of the cell were asked to explain the activities
undertaken by them the previous year, including various
drives and awareness programmes, assisted by the
churches and Mahila Mandal of the locality. Old leaders
Mr. Slaney Maciel and Miss Prajakta Naik were asked to
continue for an additional term, along with Miss Tanvi
Salgaocar. The inspection team concluded the meeting in
expressing their happiness with the cell’s progress,
imploring them to continue in the same manner, whilst
also informing them of the possibility of a collaboration
with the Bastora cell for the upcoming major programme.

5.3) 28/7/19

On 28/7/19, the cell conducted the Senior Citizen Cards

Drive at Moira Church on the occasion of Grandparents
Day, wherein cards were distributed to all senior citizens
present at the drive.

5.4) 3/8/2019

On the 3/8/2019, a client visit was conducted with Mrs.

Ancesao D’Mello wherein she received counselling from
the cell in the wake of her recent eviction from her home,
prior to her domestic violence hearing scheduled for

5.5) 14/8/2019

Another minor programme was conducted on 14/8/2019

at Mae De Deus School, for the students of the first to the
fourth standards, once again on the topic of ‘Good Touch
Bad Touch’. The students were addressed by Miss Arya
Parrikar, a trained speaker and prior member of the cell.
Whilst addressing the students, Miss Parrikar included
interactive sessions as well as video presentations. To
conclude, the cell and Miss Parrikar acknowledged the
school’s principal and thanked the faculty.

5.6) 17/08/2019

The major programme was conducted on the 17/08/2019,

held in the Moira Panchayat. Educating the attendees on
the topic of domestic violence and the provisions allowed
for females with regards to receiving legal aid free of
charge, whereas men in the same situations would need to
provide proof of an income less than three lakh, unlike
their female counterparts. The chief guest, senior
advocate Caterina Colaso, gave her keynote on ‘Women’s
Empowerment’, educating the audience on the same. After
the chief guest had concluded her speech, Mrs. Sharma, a
member of the Bardez taluka legal aid cell, elucidated on
the provision of free legal aid. After this, a vote of thanks
was given and the floor was opened for questions from
the audience. Snacks were provided and the event was

concluded successfully.

5.7) 19/08/2019

The next minor programme conducted was a Senior

Citizen Card Drive on 19/08/2019 at Shree Sateri Bhagwati
Devasthan, Aldona. Any senior citizen who was not in
possession of a card was provided with one at this time,
after which they were provided with details as to where
they were able to send their queries. With this, the
programme was concluded.

5.8) 29/08/2019

A live programme was conducted on 29/08/2019, wherein

the members of the cell dressed in formal black and white
clothing, and visited the curator at the Central Library and
discussed the details of their schemes. After the queries
of the cell members were answered by the curator, the
meeting was concluded with a photo and expression of
gratitude towards the curator and staff of the library.

5.9) 30/08/2019

On 30/08/2019, at St. Thomas Boys Primary School, the

cell conducted a talk on ‘Good Touch Bad Touch’,
presented by Miss Anya Parrikar, educating the audience
on the same. After a short film was shown to the students,
the session was concluded.

On the same day, a talk on the same topic was conducted

at St. Elizabeth High School, followed by a short film and
an allotted time for answering questions. These were the
final programmes conducted for the year of 2019.

To begin the new year and new decade, the Moira legal aid
cell stepped forth into 2020 with two minor programmes
conducted on 22/01/2019. These programmes were
conducted at St. Thomas Boys Primary School, Aldona on
the topic of Cyber Crime, to an audience comprised of
students from both A and B divisions of the third and
fourth standards. A special effort was made by the
members to utilise terms which would be easily
understood by young children. The students were
amicable and cooperative, and the teachers of the
institution also aided the cell members in their
programme, helping the entire programme’s conduction be
a successful endeavour.

6.Photographs of the events

7.Project /Surveys done
by the legal aid group
The cell have conducted total 25 programs out of
which they have helped people to fill forms of Bank
government schemes like ladli Lakshmi help them to
make documents Aadhar card, Krishi card and so on.

They also strived to give pertinent legal advice to their

clients, helping their acquisition of Justice.

8.Collaborations with
The cell did not undertake any collaborations with
NGOs, however they forged associations with Mahila
Mandal and other old age groups.

9.Impact factor
The Moira Legal Aid cell provides legal advice.
Presently , there are three Client approach personnel
for both legal help as well as filling senior citizen

● Mrs Acesao D'mello ( legal advice)

● Mr. Salvador Correia (filling the senior citizen Card
● Mr. Francis Noronha (filling senior citizens card form)

The majority of them are prompt and punctual in the


10.Feedback from the public
The Moira legal aid cell provides a variety of aid
services, in addition to legal advice. The members of
the cell deliver general information which are useful for
the local populus across Moira and the neighbouring

In return, the public show good responses for the

services provided, and take into account the advice
from the cell members, for the betterment of their
personal interests.

11.Attendance regularity of
All the members of the legal aid cell are punctual, active,
responsible and concise with respect to the completion of
their work.

12.Methods of working of
Legal Aid cell
Members have made a WhatsApp group with the legal aid
incharge and we stay in contact with her through that. We
also take her permission before every program. We also
invite her for programs.

13.Nature of involvement of
the faculty in charge of the
Legal Aid cell.
The cell members made a Whatsapp group chat for ease
of contact with their legal aid head, and stay in contact
with her through these means. They also request her
approval prior to each program. In addition, they make a
point of inviting her to programs conducted by them.

14.Press coverage
The members of the legal aid cell utilise print media to

cover their activities, publishing them in The Herald. The
main aim of this is to make the public aware of the
function and duties of Moira legal Aid cell.

15.Venue time date of the

Moira Village Panchayat Hall, Moira, 3:00pm to 5:00 every

16.Difficulties faced by legal

aid cell members.
In the beginning it was difficult for the cell members to
convince people to attend programs. It was necessary
for them to go to their houses which are located far
from the panchayat. However, each year more people
started taking interest in the programmes conducted
helping them manage them. Now it has established a
good rapport with them.

17.Learning experience of
legal Aid Cell members
As a law student it is our duty to help everyone in need
,spread justice and equality uplift society on the principle
of Humanity. this can be very well done through legal Aid
cell by rendering free services. Giving them legal advice.

To conclude our report, we would like to express our
admiration for the work done by the Moira Legal Aid Cell.
Their consistent striving for perfection in their pro bono

public aid is truly inspirational. Their functionality as a
whole allowed for them to succeed at all the goals they
set for themselves, be it their awareness drives for young
children, to the Card Drives for senior citizens, the Cell
found ways to help every sector of society. Their
unwavering quest for justice for their clients, with no
return for themselves is an exceptional quality. In saying
so, there are no obstacle to the optimised functioning of
the operation is that the Cell and its services are not as
widely publicised as they ought to be. With greater
attention on their activities, they would be able to extend
their services to more people, reaching greater heights
with their legal aid than ever before. It is with this hope for
the future of the Moira Legal Aid Cell that we conclude our

1. Moira Legal Aid Cell Journal, 2018-2019
2. Moira Legal Aid Cell Journal, 2019-2020
3. In-person interview transcript with Cell head
4. In-person interview transcript with Moira Legal Aid
Cell faculty.
5. V M Salgaocar College of Law manifesto



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