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Science and Technology Egypt and the Age of

Nuclear Power
President Mubarak asserted
to the NDP, Egypt’s intention to
revive its Nuclear Programme
President Mubarak asserted to the National Democratic
Party (NDP) Congress that Egypt intends to revive its nuclear
programme. In his address to the closing session of the NDP
Congress, held in September 2006, he confirmed Egypt's in-
tention in this regard.

It is no secret that Egypt had with technical experiences in

started its nuclear programme the field of nuclear energy. He
in the 1950s for some nuclear also said that negotiations
energy usages. The first with Egypt will continue over
serious and real attempt providing her with uranium
was in 1963 by until the operation of the first
establishing a nuclear nuclear reactor. On June 27,
unit and a sea water 1985, t h e A u s t r a l i a n
desalination unit in parliament had endorsed the
west of Alexandria. agreement on providing Egypt
The second attempt was with uranium.
in 1974 when the US The Australian official's
Presid ent Richard remark coincided with signing
Nixon suggested giving an agreement with France on
Egypt and Israel nuclear nuclear cooperation, including
reactors to generate France's assistance to Egypt to
electricity, within a unified build two 100 megawatt
programme that includes reactors with a cost of LE 1
imposing international billion.
monitoring, yet Israel One of these reactors was
rendered the deal a failure and built in Ad-Dab'a near the
deprived Egypt from Mediterranean Sea coast and
receiving the reactor. the other in Az-Za'afarana.
The third attempt was in The French experts had then
1981 with the aim of examined all the proper sites
transferring 40 % of the to build the nuclear reactor
energy production in Egypt to until they found that Ad-Dab'a
nuclear energy. is, scientifically, the best
On March 19, 1981, few place.
weeks after Egypt had signed Since March 31, 1983,
the Nuclear Weapon Ban Egypt had started building Ad
Treaty, Douglas Anthony, the -Dab'a reactor whose
Australian deputy prime infrastructure had cost more
minister, announced that his than LE 30 million. It had also
country will provide Egypt asked for the assistance of

international bodies to start bigger chance to fill and
this project. However, the Egypt’s need empty fuels and implement
project failed because the
Import and Export Bank to use Nuclear all maintenance works
refused to finance this
project under the pretext
Power became Some simple amendments
had been introduced so that
that the Egyptian request did
not include enough
inevitable due it can be operated safely at a
maximum capacity of 22
guarantees over paying back to the megawatt. Besides training
the debt. and education purposes, this
On August 11, 1985, Al- diminishing reactor is used in producing
Ahram newspaper published
an article about Egypt's will Petroleum and the isotopes.
It is also used in radiating
to start the work in the first
uranium mine with a cost of
Gas Reserves s o me i n d u s t r i a l an d
technological stones,
LE 1.8 million. But due to
Chernobyl disaster in 1986,
and the materials and requirements.
Moreover, it produces the
the nuclear programme was increasing silicon used in electronic
suspended and the USA had industries. A permanent
suggested offering aid to Consumption license to operate the reactor
Egypt to build two with the maximum ability
traditional power stations. Rates was offered in 2003 and
Despite the fact that the since then, it is working in
Egyptian nuclear the aforementioned usages.
programme was then halted, Along the past 46 years,
Experts from the
yet Egypt had preserved the age of the reactor, cadres
International Atomic Energy
some peaceful usages of the capable of designing and
Agency (IAEA) paid several
nuclear energy, as she contributing to the
visits to the reactor to
possesses two reactors for establishment, operation,
inspect it and make sure of
nuclear research and administration and
its safety.
producing isotopes for maintenance were
Undoubtedly, as a result of
medical and industrial graduated. Furthermore,
the great scientific and
purposes and undergo all the around 800 local and
technological advancements
scientific and training international scientific
in the design, operation and
experiments and human researches in the fields of
safety measures and
resources development. reactors were published.
guarantees provided for the
The first reactor was built The second reactor was
nuclear reactors which
in Russia. It was operated in established in the early
completely prevents any
1960 with a capacity of 2 1990s in cooperation with
radioactive leakage, fears
megawatt. This reactor was Argentina. It enjoyed a vast
from the Chernobyl accident
upgraded 15 years ago so as Egyptian cooperation in
that halted the Egyptian
to cope with the state-of-the manufacturing some parts.
nuclear programme, have
-art nuclear technology. It is Work in this reactor was
become a talk about history.
currently operating and implemented in 1997. It
We should only know that,
owns enough fuel for a 15- works under the open heart
since the 1990s, major
year operation. system which provides a
51 countries such as Japan,

Science and Technology

in the use of nuclear energy, Furthermore, the coal and

thus, Egypt could be prone to thermal energy stations are
an energy problem, especially expensive and have a
that a nuclear station could limited production.
not be built in less than 10 As a result of the growing
years if the financial resources industrialization and urban
and support from the highest development movement in
authority in the country are Egypt, her need of
available. electricity is annually going
Second: The latest nuclear up by 8%. This rate could
stations proved much safer as not be maintained in light of
they do not emanate carbon the oil drop by around
dioxide, the main reason 80,000 barrel/day, not to
behind global warming. mention its soaring prices
During the last five years, the worldwide.
Germany, Switzerland world had actually succeeded
and USA started to in developing the new nuclear
reconsider their fears stations so as to avoid
from nuclear reactors. accidents as that of Chernobyl
They started to offer due to the various safety
measures that prevent any
establishment licenses
or grant 20- y e a r s radioactive leakage and In 1983, Egypt
guarantee an automatic halt to
licenses for old reactors
after being technically the stations if the workers lost built ad-Dabá
improved. control over it.
Thanks to the safety
reactor whose
Many reasons behind measures, there is an
increasing trend towards
Egypt's decision to
revive its nuclear building nuclear stations, had cost
programme, salient of whether in the developed or
which are as follows: the developing countries, in more than LE
light of the fact that petroleum
First: Despite Egypt's
reserve of gas that and gas reserves in the whole 30 million
reaches 66 trillion cubic world are not capable of
foot, she should not meeting the increasing world
misuse such a reserve energy needs and the nuclear
in few years as it is option has become inevitable.
only sufficient for 30 Egypt is always keen on her
years. own environment and is in
Energy statistics in dire need of an increasing
Egypt show an increase energy as her oil reserves are
in the use of petroleum only enough for few years.
and gas against a retreat

Thus, any development barrels oil shale that is
project's cost is too much, Egypt possesses added to around 3.7 billion
and money could be saved
through power generation
Two Reactors barrels of the current oil
reserves. This oil shale
from safer, cheaper and for conducting increases the importance of
environment friendly
nuclear stations. Nuclear nuclear energy in Egypt as
the American nuclear
Third: Electricity
consumption is witnessing
Researches and engineer Charles Forsberg
from Oak Ridge National
an annual increase by producing the Laboratory, had prepared a
around 8 % and it is not
expected to reach the
Isotopes for study over the possibility of
producing thermal energy
required rate in the coming serving the from nuclear energy.
two decades, as the per
capita consumption in Egypt Industrial and Forsberg clarified that the
is still poor in comparison
with the developed
Medical importance of nuclear
energy comes due to two
countries. Development main factors:
Moreover, the industrial First: There is a great loss
development is still low in using the oil barrels to
despite the jump that took generate electricity, and
place in the last two years. drinking and irrigation using consequently, to generate
The other thermal nuclear energy. thermal energy.
alternatives, such as the Fourth: Nowadays, the Second: Using the
solar or wind energy, could nuclear energy is much traditional energy in the
not be a strategic substitute cheaper. Although the separation process will lead
to cover the increasing building of a 1000 megawatt to eco-harmful effects as
annual demand of 1000 nuclear station can cost $ polluting gasses emanate
megawatt, equivalent to 1500 million, while the during the heating process.
adding the production of a building a thermal one of a Finally we can definitely
huge nuclear station each similar capacity only costs $ say that Egypt has
year. 1200 million, yet the low cost appropriate infrastructure,
This means that during the of operating a nuclear station, such as the various nuclear
coming three decades, in comparison with a thermal safety and radioactive
Egypt should build more one, covers the limited monitor centers, for
than the eight stations difference in the building realizing nuclear safety.
mentioned in the Egyptian costs, in addition to Such centers monitor all
programme which was protecting the environment nuclear activities, in
suspended due to Chernobyl and atmo sphere from addition to the licenses of
accident. Moreover, Egypt pollution that causes global the construction sites and
has to enter strongly in the warming. operation methods and
water desalination field to Fifth: In 1987, Egypt had maintenance to the old
produce much water for also discovered a 5.7 billion equipment.


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