Territorial Spirits

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Fellowship is extremely important. Without fellowship, you get moved out of fellowship.
Fellowship maintains fellowship. Moving you out of fellowship is one of the main things the
enemy wants to do. I am going to share this again and again, there is a flood coming. There is a
small flood that has been here. It comes and goes—waves have been getting bigger and bigger.
Those that are not plugged in, tied in and set to the rock, are going to get moved.

My wife and I were supposed to do this television show but we had both been fighting off this
flu bug, which had been getting progressively worse. I believe it was Tuesday night when the
Lord said to me, You’re just going to have to ride this storm out. And I just put it aside. Friday
night I had mentioned to my wife that I didn’t think we were supposed to go. Saturday morning
came and after my prayers I told her we were cancelling. Anyway, we both got worse.
Hallelujah. We just rode the storm out. Thank God we have a big family to help us. We were
supposed to be in Tampa Monday morning and although my wife wasn’t any better, I was. I
thank God he opened the door and so I went. My wife will end up going at another time to talk
about new age and so forth. We have tied in together with a sweet couple, Paul and Claire
Hollis, who have a deliverance ministry. They have a television show going on. But the reason I
am sharing this with you is because I’m telling you about a storm—I’m telling you about floods
of the enemy coming. Not only are they coming in sickness, they are coming in all kinds of
things. There are times when you are going to have to ride it out. Sometimes God will tell you
to fight it and sometimes he will tell you to just ride it out. But you are never to get caught in it.
If you get caught in the storm you become a casualty—you will get hurt. Two things happen: If
you ride the storm out, God will position you because the storm will take you where you are
supposed to be. If you get caught in the storm, you will get repositioned in another place—back
into the world, back into the garbage, whatever it is. So if you ride the storm out you will get
positioned. If you get caught in the storm you will get positioned but it won’t be where God’s
will is.

God is bringing us to other levels of warfare. If a church is not warfaring right now, there is
something wrong with that church. If a church is not warfaring right now—and teaching warfare
against demonic activity, there is something wrong with that church. Because they are not
protecting their people in training their people up in what to do. I am telling you, a flood is
coming! And it’s around the corner!! And you have to be ready!

I want to share an experience I had last night. Last night I slept in another part of the house
because my wife was still struggling with her bug and my daughter had stayed home. So I
stayed away. Hallelujah. I was sleeping in the back room downstairs and I woke up at about
2:00am. Prior to that I was in a dream—where things were real. I was being attacked by
demonic forces in a powerful way. I don’t know if something got on me or in me—I don’t know
what happened but—Did you ever try and take off wet clothes? Have you ever tried to take off a
wet suit? Those thick wet suits where you try and tear it off your body. Well I found myself
trying to tear off my flesh. I wanted my flesh to be gone. I was shaking, fighting—and the

powers of darkness were there fighting too—they were trying to keep my flesh on me while they
were trying to fight me. As I was moving and fighting and trying to tear my flesh off, I got to a
point where I could actually begin to feel my flesh coming off to a certain degree. I kept pushing
harder and harder until my flesh actually came off and started floating right in front of me. All it
was was a body of skin, no hair or anything, just a form floating in the air. I finally realized I
had no flesh, and it was wonderful! These demons were still over there probing at me. They
saw that my flesh had just come off and they were trying to get my flesh back on. I found myself
screaming and fighting and screaming and fighting—and I woke up and all of a sudden fear
filled my room. Gripping, intense fear where it almost paralyzed you. I began to apply the
blood and bind and do everything I had to do and command them to leave … about two minutes
later peace came into the room and I went back to sleep. There are two areas here—the bible
talks about a transfiguration coming. We are in the Feast of Trumpets. That’s the rapture of the
church—where you are transfigured! Where your flesh is no more! The other area is about how
much that demonic activity enjoys your flesh. They want your flesh! Not that they want your
flesh—they want to use your flesh on you! There was so much freedom when my flesh came
off. And it was just floating in front of me. I could still see the demons over here and there
coming at me. It was like they were just held back for a minute so that I could see my flesh
floating right in front of my eyes—and the room was dark and all I could see was the image of a
body floating and I was fleshless. I was spirit right here! It was like I was transparent and there
was nothing there. But the demons still knew I was there and they were still trying to get me and
we began to fight again—and then I woke up. I realized also—what was going on. God is
unfolding mysteries and strategies to attack the powers of darkness. The enemy is not going to
just sit back and let you go forward. They are going to fight against you. I know if that fight is
against me, it’s against everyone else as well.

My wife told me she woke up at 1:30 in the morning. She said she couldn’t sleep so she turned
on a Christian station. There was a man of God on, who is a very well-known prophet, that I had
known personally. She only caught the tail end of the program, but he said something very
important. She came in and told me this morning. He said there was something he wanted to tell
people about what was to come, but he didn’t tell them because he was concerned that the
immature Christians would become fearful. And that was the message I got this morning. That
was all my wife caught and I knew that was confirmation for me of what was going on. God
always gives you confirmation of things such as what you are preaching, what you are sensing in
the Spirit and so forth. In this, I cannot emphasize to you enough, the importance of warfare!
There are many people playing church—pretending to be Christians. You can’t fake it! There
are many people who are not praying! There are many people who are not doing their warfare—
and you lie and say you are! If you were, you wouldn’t be the way you are. If you are not in the
battle, I guarantee you will become a casualty. To whom much is given, much is required. What
God gives us in this place is a lot. And to Him be all the glory! But these are strategies to be
utilized against the kingdom of darkness. Not to puff you up. You have to begin to utilize what
God has given you. Too many people are going by what they still want and how they feel—in
jobs, in places, in relationships, in things—they are still doing what they want to do! They rely
on intellect instead of being Spirit led. I shared with you before, there are three types of
churches. Jesus talked about the three types. There is the dead church. There is the lukewarm
and there is the hot. There is the intellect church, the spirit-filled and the Spirit led. It is the
Spirit led one that’s going to bring victory. You must be led by the Spirit. Those are the sons of

God. It didn’t say the ones who were filled were the sons of God. It says the ones that were led
are the sons of God! I am seeing more and more people get so caught up in intellect—and in the
prosperity movement (and I have nothing against prosperity)—in the self-exaltation that I am
somebody! I am telling you it is moving people out of the will and position that God has
established. You will begin to see some things begin to happen in churches and in relationships
and so forth that are underneath that covering. God is calling us to another level of warfare. He
is calling us to another level of death. Another level. Levels that you have never reached before.
Another level of revelation! Paul always talked about how the mysteries were revealed to him.
It wasn’t just revealed to Paul. He is still revealing mysteries! Mysteries are things that are
unknown. And God is bringing forth strategies that are unknown. Areas and strategies. We
must be able to move with the Spirit. The Spirit moves according to the time and season. He
knows what the enemy is getting ready to do. And if you are not going to be led by the Spirit,
you are going to be caught up in the flood. People are getting moved out of position too easy.
And the reason for it is because they are really not warfaring. They are not doing what they are
supposed to be doing! I have seen so many people reject, quit, falter from jobs—falter from
relationships—all because of how they feel. They say, Well this is what I believe. If you believe
something that’s not from God, you are in trouble! Even though you believe it is of God. You
cannot make your decisions based on what you believe. Or what you feel. You must make your
decisions by what the Spirit is leading you to do. You had also better make sure it is the Spirit
leading you and not your soul or your flesh! There are people that are being taken out of the
fellowships because they are too busy trying to maintain and keep what God has blessed them
with. They are so busy trying to maintain what God has blessed them with that they are missing
God. You never chase the blessing and you don’t have to protect the blessing. When you have
relationship with the blessor, everything is protected.

God is bringing us to another level. More strategies. We have talked about this already but I
want to re-emphasize this. I want to talk tonight about territorial principalities or territorial
spirits. It’s important because if you don’t begin to take them out, they are going to take you

PSALM 25:12-15
Who is the man that fears the LORD? That’s called reverence for God. It’s amazing how many
people call themselves believers and still cannot reverence God. They reverence self and
everything else but God. Who is the man that fears the LORD? Him shall He teach in the way
He chooses. Who is going to teach you? The Lord! That’s why you have a mentor—the Holy
Ghost. He is going to teach you. But the first thing he imparts in you is a reverence and fear of
God. When you fall away from that, you are on your own! That reverence and fear of God
keeps you in a humble state. God will not teach anyone prideful. He teaches the humble. He
himself shall dwell in prosperity. And this is not about how much money you have in the bank.
Or how many homes you have or how much material you have. There is nothing greater than
prosperity in the Spirit. And his descendants shall inherit the earth. There is an area where there
is an inheritance of land. The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him. Or reverence
Him! Those are mysteries. And He will show them His covenant. His promises. My eyes are
ever toward the LORD, For He shall pluck my feet out of the net. In other words, you will dwell
in prosperity and your descendants will inherit land. It’s a place of position. Inheriting

something is a place of position. God wants us to be positioned to become kings of territories.
Spiritual territories. So you see that there is inheritance of land. You are inheriting a territory.

PSALM 37:3-5, 14, 27-29

Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land—Dwell in that territory! And feed on His
faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Not your flesh. And not your feelings. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And
He shall bring it to pass. Go to verse 14. The wicked have drawn the sword and have bent their
bow, To cast down the poor and needy, To slay those who are of upright conduct. You are going
to be attacked. The bible says to count it all joy when you fall into various trials. In other words,
you are going to fall into them. Go back to verse 5. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also
in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. Not you! Him! Now go to verse 9. For evildoers shall
be cut off; but those who wait on the LORD, They shall inherit the earth. Inherit the land or be
given territory. Go to verse 27. Depart from evil, and do good; And dwell forevermore. For the
LORD loves justice, And does not forsake His saints; They are preserved forever, But the
descendants of the wicked shall be cut off. The righteous shall inherit the land, And dwell in it
forever. I want you to understand that when you become a believer, as God begins to train you
up, one of the things he does is he gives you territory. You are granted territory. It’s an
inheritance. God is bringing the body to new levels of warfare. Why? To drive out the enemy
from these territories. People are making bad choices because they are not driving out the

ACTS 17: 26-28

And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and
has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they
should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not
far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your
own poets have said, For we are also His offspring. Again, these are appointed territories and
boundaries God has given you. Once you become a believer of Jesus, he has given you
boundaries and territories already.

NUMBERS 34:1-2
Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Command the children of Israel, and say to them: When
you come into the land of Canaan, this is the land that shall fall to you as an inheritance—the
land of Canaan to its boundaries. Understand that in God’s will he is always giving you

It’s amazing to me how many believers still go out and trick-or-treat on that demonic day—
Halloween. They don’t know they were the treat and were tricked. They bring a curse on
themselves, their family and their children. They dress the kids up saying It’s only a sweet
day…. No, it’s a demonic day. And what they do is come into agreement with what they are
saying. You go into some of these churches and they have ghosts and goblins in the hallways!
They have no conception or understanding of warfare. They have no conception of the demonic
hold that they are putting on their people. God says, My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge. They have no idea! They may skim through life and get home safely, but they will

never be able to combat the kingdom of darkness and take territory—they will always give
territory. If you read in the Old Testament you will see that God was always sending out his
armies to take territory. He kept removing kings because even when they would take territory,
they didn’t follow through and stopped driving out the enemy. They would become friends with
them. Then they would intermarry with them. Then they would produce pagan offspring. We
are in the season of exposure.

Therefore you will have no one to determine boundaries by lot—That’s like throwing dice. …in
the assembly of the LORD. In other words, territories and boundaries are not set by chance.
They are set by God to put you in a place of authority—over a territory. It doesn’t matter how
big or how small that territory is. You have been predestined and chosen for a specific territory
—and as you are faithful with that territory and drive out the powers of darkness, God gives you

DANIEL 10:10-14
Suddenly, a hand touched me, which made me tremble on my knees and on the palms of my
hands. And he said to me, O Daniel, man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak to
you, and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you. While he was speaking this word to me,
I stood trembling. Then he said to me, Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set
your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard. If
you want your words heard, this is what you have to do. And I have come because of your
words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me—This was a principality. He was a
demonic principality that withstood the angel of the Lord carrying the message of God to Daniel.
Principalities are princes over territories. They are rulers over territories. They can be rulers
over nations, cities, towns. They are strategically positioned. So we see that the angel of the
Lord came to Daniel and he said, Listen man I would have been here earlier but I got entangled
with the prince of Persia. The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days.
That angel fought 21 days, according to you and I, but for him it was probably 5 minutes. And
behold, Michael—that’s Michael the archangel—one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I
had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. Now I have come to make you understand
what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.
Territorial spirits are angels of satan. There are fallen angels that are angels that put on flesh and
went in and had sex with women. It’s in the book of Genesis—I believe chapter 5 or 6. These
are angels and there were about 200 of them. You have to understand that satan knew because
God told him that a seed would come that would crush his head and bruise the heel. So from that
point on satan wanted to start his own. He wanted to prevent as many seeds from coming in as
much as he could because he knew that one day that seed would come and kick his butt.

Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were
born to them, that the sons of God—The word sons of God here means angels. If you go to the
book of Job, which we ware not going to, you will find that the sons of God came before the
throne room of God. They came before the Lord. And even satan himself came because he was
considered still a son of God, because he was an angel even though he was a fallen one. It says
here that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful. Angels have
glorified bodies. They are not cupids or animals or little kids or women with breasts! Those are

not angels. If you ever stood before an angel before or if you ever saw an angel, let me tell you
they are not small. They are big! And the ones that come out from the presence of the Lord in
the throne room of God will rip you apart because you won’t be able to stand. That’s what
happened to Daniel. Remember he stood trembling. They took wives for themselves of all whom
they chose. And the LORD said, My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed
flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. There were giants on the earth in
those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they
bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown . This is
where some of the myths came from—about zeus in mythology, etc. Some of those offspring
were huge! Some of them were giants. These offspring—because the angels of satan put on
flesh and came into the world and had sex with the women of flesh and they produced offspring.
I’m not going to get into that whole teaching but I want you to understand this. In the book of
Jude it talks about those who have left their abode. In other words, their domain. All of those
angels who put on flesh are now chained in Hades waiting for judgment. Satan is going to put on
flesh one day. That’s why the book of Revelation says he will be chained for a thousand years
because he put on flesh. These were fallen angels. But there are also angels that had fallen
because they left the will of God and served under satan. There were three major archangels.
Understand that Lucifer was God’s right hand man. He was the praise and worship leader of the
universe. Then you have archangel Michael and then Gabriel. All the other angels God created
were under their authority.

REVELATION 12:1-4, 7-9

I want to show you that these angels, these principalities, are actually angels of satan. Now a
great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and
on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain
to give birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having
seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. His tail drew a third of the stars—
In other words, a third of the angels. And what angel was this? Lucifer. His tail drew a third of
the star of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who
was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. Go to verse 7. And war
broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his
angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So
the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the
whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Now there is going
to be a time when all of the principalities are going to come into the natural realm. But right now
Lucifer, who is now satan, is engulfed and encaged—his throne room is in the earth and he
doesn’t leave the atmosphere. His powers of darkness, his principalities are right in this
atmosphere here. They are over nations, cities, towns and so forth. These angels that are under
the authority of satan—they are territorial spirits—they are satan’s angels and there are demons
under satan’s angels.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the
heavenly places. Now principalities—A principality is actually a cluster. It’s more than one.
Satan’s angels, known as princes, are in charge of all of the demonic activity in particular areas.

There are three areas—three levels of attack. The first high ruler is a principality, which we just
talked about. The second one is the occult level. We are going from top to ground level. This
occult level—witchcraft, spells, delusions. So you have principalities that are ruling over
territories and what they are doing is affecting people’s minds. They interfere with dreams. This
is where the occult comes into play and begins to put spells on people. This is the area of the
fiery darts, the occult witchcraft level. Then there is the ground level where the demons and
strongmen are. A strongman is one that is in authority over demons. Before an individual is
taken by a demon, or before a demon gets in a person, there is always something happening with
the mind first. There are wooings, there are fiery darts—these are all spells and curses that the
powers of darkness are throwing at you. If you come into agreement with it, then the demon has
the legal right to access you. That’s why Jesus said sin is because you lust—you sin in your
mind! The word sin means presence of evil. Sin was in the garden because the presence of evil
was in the garden. Transgression is the act of agreeing with the sin. Then that brings an
ancestral curse on your family line, which is called an iniquity. The prince—apality is ruling
over an area telling everyone what to do because he is getting his orders from the council of
satan. Satan wants to duplicate everything God has. That’s why he has a throne. The Lord has
24 elders in his throne room. Satan has 24 boneheads in his! So the prince is directing what’s
going on. They first begin to attack with witchcraft, stuff with the dreams, fiery darts and so
forth begin to hit you—mind-binding spirits are also associated with that level. So we have the
prince and then we have the area between the prince and the ground and that’s the area of
witchcraft and sorcery, spells, hexes, etc. They begin to affect people and then if people come
into agreement then that demon has a legal right to enter. That’s where we begin to fight the
demonic forces—demons and strongmen (high-ranking demons).

When an individual touches and agrees with a thought or a seed, they have made covenant with
it, and that gives the demon a legal right to access that person. Then that person does something,
such as going out and using, stealing, or whatever, that demon has now brought that person
under the prince! This is why certain locations have more pornography, more drug addiction—
there are particular areas where the demonic activity is heavier. This is because there is a prince
over that area. The demon enters you and convinces you to run from the true prince—the Prince
of peace. He gets you to move out from under the Prince of peace to the prince-apality of
demonic activity of fornication, drugs, abuse, prostitution, whatever it is. He brings you under
there and sometimes he brings you from one place to another to keep using you because they are
getting fed by your emotions. They will use you up until you are so drained and no good
anymore, then they will either try to kill you or you cry out for help. Because now you can’t get
high anymore, you have nowhere to go, you are destitute, you’ve lost everything and this is
where the devil tries to get you to kill yourself because he is done with you. When you cry out to
God, he comes to rescue you and tries to bring you back under the Prince again—the Prince of
peace. But not many people have made it back! Many have died. Many are in jail. Many are in
hell. Why has God allowed you to hear this message? Why you! WHY YOU?!! WHY ARE
No. It’s because the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Glory wants you to get
understanding and get prepared. It’s truth that sets people free—Not assumption. Not intellect.
It’s truth! One of the things God wants us to start doing is driving out enemies from territories.

And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked
according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit
who now works in the sons of disobedience—Let me explain to you about the prince of the power
of air. He is the spirit of death. Did you ever bit an apple? It certainly doesn’t grow! It begins
to turn brown. He is the spirit of death and associated with the spirit of antichrist. Among whom
also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh
and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. Why? Because sin
always leads to death. The wages of sin is death. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His
great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive
together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)—We are going to do a teaching on grace
because grace isn’t some WooHoo! Thank you Lord, I’m saved! Grace is God’s plan of escape
and if you are not in it, you won’t escape. And raised us up together, and made us sit together in
the heavenly places in Christ Jesus—You see you are already seated in heavenly places in Christ
Jesus! That’s why you have the authority to attack the principalities! That in the ages to come
He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
Look at age—as soon as you were born you were already headed toward death. We sit in
heavenly places to be able to combat principalities, the occult and the powers of darkness. But if
you don’t know how to fight … if you don’t know what accursed items are … if you don’t know
that you are not supposed to associate with demonic holidays … if you don’t know you’re not
supposed to listen to secular music, rap—demonic—that promotes death and gangsterism … if
you don’t understand—Let me tell you something about Christian music: Not all of it is
Christian. Because there is a beat behind those lyrics that will move you out of God’s presence
and open the door to demonic activity. That’s why it’s called contemporary music, because you
become temporary. This is what false religion and the occult bring forth. That’s why we have to
attack them. Prince of the power of air—known as the antichrist.

EZEKIEL 28:1-8
The word of the LORD came to me again, saying, Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre, Thus
says the Lord GOD: Because your heart is lifted up, And you say, I am a god, I sit in the seat of
gods, In the midst of the seas, Yet you are a man, and not a god, Though you set your heart as
the heart of a god (Behold, you are wiser than Daniel! There is no secret that can be hidden
from you! With your wisdom and your understanding you have gained riches for yourself, and
gathered gold and silver into your treasuries; by your great wisdom in trade you have increased
your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches), Therefore thus says the Lord
GOD: Because you have set your heart as the heart of a god, behold, therefore, I will bring
strangers against you, the most terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against
the beauty of your wisdom, and defile your splendor. They shall throw you down into the Pit,
and you shall die the death of the slain in the midst of the seas. I want you to understand
something, in certain principalities you have religious princes. This one here is an economic
prince, who will try and put people under greed and selfishness—love of money. Did you ever
notice that in certain places there is all kinds of prosperity in the wrong area. People are still
stealing and lying saying that God blessed them when in reality they just conned an individual—
manipulated to get what they wanted. This is how that spirit works. That wasn’t a blessing from
the Lord, that was a blessing from the devil. What that blessing is now is a curse and the devil

has access to you. The prince of Tyre represents economics. The antichrist spirit is associated
with occult religions.

When you come into agreement with the presence of evil, the devil has legal access to you to
cause you to transgress. Then he takes you and brings you under the prince. If you are a
gossiper, you will hang around with gossipers. Why? Because there is a prince. If you are
rebellious, you will hang people who are rebellious. Why? Because there is a prince behind it.
And he is utilizing witchcraft and that spirit is already there. The bible says when two touch and
agree, he is present. It is the same for the things of God as well as the things of the devil. If you
are agreeing with someone, the devil has a legal right to be there and to access you. If you are
grumbling and complaining, it is because you have been taken under a prince, who will
eventually wipe you out. But not until he has finished using you to affect more people. He
doesn’t take you out instantly. He waits. Then down the road after everything is all restored—
when your finances are good, you are restored to families, things are happening—and people are
saying, Oh, Look how good he has been doing! Praise God! Then all of a sudden WHAM!!
Then you lose your family again. You lose your job. You lose this and that and everything else.
Then you are back underneath that prince again and you wonder how you got there! All because
you agreed with the voice of the stranger. You tell the territorial prince by the fruit of the

But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing [or dying] whose minds
the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe—Believe means to follow. You can’t say you
believe and then go and do your own thing. If you do, you are a liar, deceived and under the
wrong prince. And it is just a matter of time before you are exposed and taken out because the
storm will come and you will either ride the storm or get caught in it. Whose minds the god of
this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is
the image of God, should shine on them. The god of this age is associated with pride. The god
of this age is self-governing. We just talked about religion, economics and government. He is
self-governing. In other words, I’m going to govern myself. And not come under the authority
of the true governor. I’m going to do what I want, how I want and when I want! I am under no
authority. Of course, if you are not under authority you don’t have any and the enemy knows it.
The devil will see the anointing. Remember the Father acknowledges the blood, the demons
acknowledge the anointing. They know whether you are right or not. That anointing will lift
from you and you still think you are cool and you are being beaten up and all kinds of things are
being stolen from you. And you are wondering why things are happening. It’s because the
anointing has lifted. There is the anointing within and the anointing that comes on and when
those two touch and agree, manifestation comes! Victory comes! Dominion comes! Authority
comes! But if the anointing that is within you is not in agreement with the anointing that comes
on you, the demons see that.

Well I just don’t feel like praying this morning. Well, that’s okay. You’re tired. You know
you’ve had a tough night. And you got up late anyway and you are late for work. Because you
weren’t disciplined. You had other priorities and they were not in order. The devil knows. The
first thing he will do is mix up your priorities. So that self becomes first. If he gets you so that
self becomes first, he has you out of order. When you are out of order, you are coming into

agreement with the presence of evil which is sin. Now he has a legal right. Then it is just a
matter of time before you transgress and then he brings you back under the prince.

JOHN 10:10
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. He is not there to promote
you! He is not there to comfort you! And he is not there to bless you. Everything he offers you
is deceptive, self-promoting to fulfill your feelings in your soulish realm. The end result is
always death and destruction. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. What is he stealing? The
seed of God. The promises of God in your life. What’s he killing? The people of God. What’s
he destroying? The work of God that you have put in. Jesus said I have come to bring life and
life more abundantly. He is talking about prosperity in the Spirit. Understand that there are
physical territories. But the physical territories are never taken until spiritual territories are taken

MARK 16:17
And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons—Isn’t that
amazing that’s the first thing he tells you! You are to cast out demons! Why? Because the fist
territory you must take is yourself! The first territory you must take is YOU! The second
territory you are to take is your family. Your wife or your husband, and your children. The third
territory you are to take is the souls you are praying for. The fourth one is the financial seeds
that you have sown. The fifth one is the righteous seeds of truth that you have sown—for
salvation and such that you have planted in people. The sixth one is your inheritance and your
harvest. These are areas the devil is trying to steal, kill and destroy. The seventh one is your
destiny, your vision and your calling. The eighth one is your possessions, your health and your
finances. The ninth one is your jobs and locations and the positions of government city officials.
What do you do? Take those territories. Why? So the righteous may inherit them. Territories
must first be taken. The bible says that the heavens are taken by force. Number ten, your
neighbors and the neighborhoods of your church family. In other words, you should be assisting
everyone in your fellowship—you should be lifting them up to God. The eleventh one is your
children’s schools. And the offices of the schools, such as teachers and their territories. Why?
Because you don’t want garbage teachers teaching your children. You should be taking those
territories. And of course, the territory of wherever you set your feet that day and those you are
praying for that day—you take that territory. That was twelve.

And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven—Do you understand the importance of
that? It’s amazing how many people are just letting those keys sit on the shelf! Yes I’m praying!
Oh Lord please meet my need today. Oh Lord thank you for another day. Oh Lord won’t you
buy me a Mercedes Benz. Oh Lord you know what I need. Oh Lord … Oh Lord … Oh Lord ….
Lord have mercy upon us. No warfare. All soulish garbage! Oh Lord PLEEASSSEEE restore
my family!!! Oh Lord please give me this…. Oh Lord please send someone to fix my flat tire!
Oh die! And warfare! Seek ye the kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you. What
is one of the areas of seeking the kingdom of God? Using the keys he has given you!! This
blows my mind. He says I have given you the keys to the kingdom of heaven!!! WE HAVE
on the shelf getting dusty with goofy soulish prayers! If you want to get caught in that flood, go

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ahead. I’m not. You had better start using the keys he paid the price for. And I will give you the
keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. What you bind in the natural realm is
bound in the spiritual realm. Whatever you loose in the natural realm is loosed in the spirit
realm. And vice-versa. Whatever you bind in the spirit realm is bound in the natural realm and
whatever you loose in the spirit realm is loosed in the natural realm. So why not bind the
principalities. TAKE YOUR AUTHORITY AND BIND THEM! So those princes are no longer
taking your children and your families and those areas that you are praying for! Quit being a
wimp! It’s time to grow up—and use the keys that Jesus gave us! People are not using them.
They are so caught up in the soulish realm of me, myself and I. There is a huge flood coming
and if you can’t do this now, you won’t do it then. Remember the ten virgins—there were five
wise and five stupid and when they tried to get what they needed to get it was too late.

These principalities have been assigned by satan to coordinate activities that prevent the will of
God from manifesting in human lives. That’s what they have been assigned to do. In
Hebrews 2:14-18 – it talks about the angels not being aided by Jesus but we are aided. The
angels are aided by each other and us. We aid them by binding the principalities. Don’t you
want to assist the angels of the Lord working on your behalf? Amen! Then you bind the
principalities that are coming against the angels of the Lord working on your behalf. Remember
Daniel—it took the angel of the Lord 21 days to get to Daniel. What if he had been binding and
loosing? He didn’t have the keys to the kingdom yet!! But if he had been able to bind those
principalities, his answer would have come a lot faster! People are just not using what they have
been given. Remember satan duplicates everything. There are two spirits we will discuss but I
am not going to go there now. One is the spirit of immaturity and the other is the spirit of the
queen of heaven that we will be talking about—but not right now.

I also have some territorial prayers that we have had made up. I want to read it to you. In the
name of Jesus I take my authority and bind every foul, unclean, seducing, hindering spirits of
darkness; every strongman, principalities and territorial spirits of the water, land, air and sea of
darkness. You may not understand this but these demons can become reptiles. I’m not going to
get into all of this right now. But they know how to operate. And there are demonic territorial
spirits of the water, land, air and sea—I’m not going to get into all of this tonight. Spirits of
witchcraft, sorcery, occult, divination, familiar, antichrist, false religious spirits, jezebel, ahab,
baal, Diana, queen of heaven, mind-binding, controlling spirits, spirits of bondage, rebellion,
gossip, criticism, division, strife, addiction, spirits of immaturity, cobra, leviathan, deaf and
dumb spirits, fear, anxiety, stress, worry, death, murder, killing, stealing, thievery, lying,
deceiving, anger, hatred, jealousy, pride, arrogance, corruption, perverse, whoredom,
molestation, abusive, pedophile, pornography, prostitution, lesbian, homosexuality spirits,
greed, covetous, love of money, false worship, adultery, idolatry, prince of the power of air of
music, debt, deception, lack, poverty, depression, oppression, suicide, unforgiveness, laziness,
compromise, course jesting, foul mouth, unbelief, doubting, spirits of incest, insanity,
resentment, revenge, false judgment, exaggeration, delusion, blindness, apathy, apostasy, judas
spirit of betrayal, miscarriage, misconception, multi-personality spirits, inherited spirits and any
other spirit under the authority of satan or his kingdom, I bind, blind, mute, deaf these spirits in
the name of Jesus, driving them out of all of the territories of myself, my wife/husband, children,
family members, those I am praying for, church members, and staff I belong to, our job places,

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neighborhoods, schools our children go to, the local state and city offices of where we live, our
possessions, our homes, our health, our seeds, our harvest, our inheritance, our finances, our
destiny, our vision and our calling, and everywhere we set our feet today, I cast these spirits to
the pit and command them not to return and we apply the blood of Jesus to all these territories—
In Jesus’ name!! You also want to start driving out spirits from the territories of your dreams,
vacations, projects, events, service, ministries, whatever. YOU MUST START DOING THIS.
YOU MUST START DRIVING THESE THINGS OUT. You can’t allow them to run your life
and take your territory. Why? Because if they take that territory, you are going to fall under that
prince. And then you will be taken out. The first place it begins is with what you come into
agreement with, right in the mind. That is how it begins. This is why you must kill every
corruptible seed every night, repent for every time you came into agreement with the voice of the
stranger—whether you know it or not. Then you must break and loose yourself from all
associated spirits because they are attached to spirits. They will drive you out, cause you to
transgress, and bring you back underneath that prince again. Does everyone understand?


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