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Level : First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .

Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Unit plan :
In this unit , you will learn the following :
Grammar :
 Adjectives ending in “ly” .
 Degree adverbs : quite , absolutely…
 Direct & indirect speech : questions …..
 Quotation marks .
 Reporting verbs : suggested /ordered ….
 Direct & indirect speech : orders , requests , ….
 Direct speech transformations .
 Adverbs of manner.
 Suffixes “ful” and “less”.
 Punctuation and capitalization .
Pronunciation :
 Stress in compound words .
 Stress shift ( noun / adjectives ) .
 Silent letters .
 Pronunciation of final “s” & “ed” .
 Pronunciation of suffixes “ful” & “less”.
Vocabulary :
 Related vocabulary to the art of reporting.
 Adjectives.
Functions :
 Expressing like and dislikes .
 Expressing a point of view / opinion .
 Reporting questions .
 Asking for and giving information.
 Giving advice /inviting.
 Expressing orders / requests / suggestions .
 Making suggestions / recommendations.
 Narrating.
Skills :
 Listening and responding to an interview.
 Reporting orally what the horoscope says.
 Reading a graph / a report .
 Interpreting a survey results.
 Writing a report.
 Filling a questionnaire.
 Conducting an interview .
 Reading health alert .
 Writing an article to report about accident
 Writing a memo to report health problems. Project 02 : Making a Survey .

Level : First year .
Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 01 : Listening and Speaking .

Sequence plan :

Objective : By the end of this sequence , learners should be able to listen and
respond to an interview , read the horoscope , and report orally an writing what
the stars say and mark stress in compound nouns and shift stress from nouns to
Functions : Expressing likes and dislikes .
Expressing a point of view .
Skills : Listening and responding to an interview .
Reading the horoscope.
Reporting what the stars say orally and in writing .
Language forms: Adjectives / adverbs .
Lexis : Topical lexis related to the topic of journalism.
Phonology : Stress in compound nouns and shift stress from noun to adjective.
Material needed : Newspapers / magazines / the book .
Time expected : 2 or 3 hours .

Step one : Anticipate :

Act 01 & 02 : Finding two words related to the picture /Finding what the reporting words refer
to .
Act 03 : Finding the titles corresponding to given Algerian old newspaper.
Act 04 : Finding the main purpose of a newspaper.
Act 05 : Completing a given sentence.

Step two : Listen and Check :

Act 01 : Listening to an interview and reporting what the interviewer say about newspapers.
Act 02 : Choosing the best meaning for given words .
Act 03 : Discussing questions about a given picture.

Step three : Say it Clear :

Act 01 : Matching words from column A with its corresponding one in from B .
Act 02 : Noting the shift in stress / writing each word in the right column .

Step four : Your Turn :

Act 01 : (pair work ) : Use the information in the horoscope page below to act out short
Act 02 :
( Say in Writing ) : Asking one of your classmates what his / her sign is . Then write
down what the stars say about him or her .

Level : First year.
Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 01 : Listening and Speaking .

Lesson plan :

Objective : by the end of this sequence , learners should be able to

listen and respond to an interview , read the horoscope , report what
the stars say and mark stress in compound nouns and shift stress from
nouns to adjectives .

Step one : Anticipate :

Activity 01 :Find two words in the box below which tell us what the picture shows.
Aim : to enable the learners to interpret the picture.
Procedures : before all that the teacher warm up the lesson and ask the student
what dot he do in their free time for example or if they like reading , then what
kind of newspapers or magazines they like reading …..etc .then He shows them a
newspaper and a magazine .
Key : The picture shows newspapers and magazines .
Activity 02 : The remaining words in the box above refer to :
Aim : To enable the learners distinguish and recognize the contents of newspaper .
Key : The remaining words in the box above refer to : Rubrics .
Activity 03 : Look at the newspaper titles below and say which Algerian newspaper
they remind you of.
Aim : To enable the learners make reference to some Algerian newspaper titles .
Key : *U .S . A Today = El –Djazair El –Youm .
*Evening standard = Le soir d’Algerie .
*The Daily Telegraph = Le Quotidien .
* Herald Tribune = La Tribune .
Activity 04: In your view , the main purpose of a newspaper is :
Aim : Expressing a point of view .
Key :The main purpose of a newspaper is to Inform us .
Activity 05 : Complete the following sentence with a , b or c :
Aim : To enable learners give their point of view about newspaper .
Key :
When I read newspaper , I am very careful about the information they provide
because there are serious newspapers as well as sensational ones .

Step two : Listen and Check :

Activity 01 : Listen to this extract from an interview about British newspapers and
check your previous answer to question 05 .
Aim : Checking the previous answer .
Key :
When I read newspapers , I am very careful about the information they provide
because there are serious newspapers as well as sensational ones.
Activity 02 : Listen again to the interview and use the notes below in the table then
report what the interviewee says about newspapers.
Aim : To enable the learners report what others says .
Key :
a-The interviewee said that he always read daily newspapers especially on
weekends when he travelled to and from work .
b-He said that he usually read quality papers ; he meant serious ones .
c-He said that he meant newspaper which are objective in reporting news .
Activity 03 : Choose the best meaning for these words from the interview .
Aim : To enable the learners guess meaning from context .
Key :
a-Sensational = shocking .
b-Half –truth = a statement that is true but not complete .
c-Tabloids = newspaper that tells sensational stories .

Activity 04: Make the best use of what you have learned above to discuss these
questions :
Aim : To make the learners interpret a picture .
Key :
1-The people in the picture are on a train or metro station .
2-They are reading newspapers and magazines.
3- They are probably going to work .
4-No none of them is talking .
5-Very few people do .
6-They talk to one another about various topics .
7-I rarely read or listen to music ( different answers ) .

Step three : Say it Clear :

Activity 01 : Many words in English are made of two parts :
A : Match the words from list “a” with their corresponding ones in “b” .
B : Listen to your teacher pronouncing the new words and put each of them onto
one of the scales (1 or 2) according to their stressed syllable .
Aim : vocabulary building and marking stress .

Key :
A / Newspaper Bestseller Newscaster
Newsagent Crossword Broadcast
Headline Bookshop
B / Stress is on the first syllable .Therefore all the words are onto scale 1 .

Activity 02 : Listen again to your teacher pronouncing the pairs of words below and
note the shift of stress .Then write the words in the right column .
Aim : To distinguish between stress in nouns and adjectives .
Key :
Oo oOo Ooo
atom Colonial Colony
drama Strategic Comedy
civil Civilian Strategy
grammar Grammarian
proverbs Comedian
curious Atomic
operate Proverbial

Remark :
*Most two –syllable nouns and adjectives are stressed on the First
syllable :
Eg : Table - Clever .
*Most words ending in : ic – ial – ical – ian – ety – ish – tian –
cious –rian – cient –ence – ive ….etc . are stressed on the second
syllable from the end ( The penultimate syllable) .
Eg : athletic abolish diversity
Society delicious expensive
bacteria Vegetarian

Step four : Your Turn :

Activity 01 : ( pair work ) : Use the information in the horoscope page below to act
out short dialogues .
Aim : To train the learners to express themselves orally and in writing .
Key :
Ali : Tell me Ryan , what is your star sign ?
Ryan : It is Aries , What does it say ?
Ali :Well, it says that you like jokes and loud music .It also says that you don’t
often ask for advice .
Ryan : Oh ! That is quite right .

Activity 02 :
Aim : to enable them produce a short piece of writing.
Say it in Writing :
Ask your partner to tell you what his or her star sign is .Then write
what the stars say about him or her .
Key :
Start like that :
The stars say that …………………………….

Level : First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 02 : Reading and Writing .

Sequence plan :

Objective : By the end of this sequence , learners should be able to read

and interpret a graphic display and a questionnaire as well as
conducting a survey and produce a report about the findings ( results).
Functions : Reporting questions .
Asking for and giving information.
Skills : Reading a graph / questionnaire / a report .
Interpreting survey results .
Writing a report .
Language forms : Direct speech / indirect speech . ( yes /no questions and wh
/questions )
Lexis : topical lexis related to the topic like : graphic , display , survey …
Phonology : pronunciation of / h / , / n / in stressed and unstressed syllables.
Material needed : the text book .
Time expected : 3 or 4 hours .
Step one : Anticipate :
Act 01 : Answering questions and interpreting the graph display .
Step two : Read and Check :
Act 01 : Reading and checking the answers .
Act 02 : Reading and answering the questions .
Step three : Discover the Language :
Act 01 : Writing an interview about computer use .
Act 02 : Reporting the reporter’s questions .
Act 03 : Paying attention to the pronunciation of ‘ h’ sound in (him) and (her ) .
Act 04 : Writing a dialogue like a given model .
Step four : Write it Right :
Act 01 : Reading the results of the sport questionnaire and complete the report
below .

Level : First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 02 : Reading and Writing .

Lesson plan :

Objective : by the end of this sequence , my learners should be able to

read and interpret a graphic display , a questionnaire and a survey as
well as report questions and turn direct speech into indirect speech.

Step one : Anticipate :

Activity 01 : Look at the graphic display and answer the questions :
Aim : To enable the learners interpret a graphic chart .
Key :
a- It is a bar graph
b- It displays numbers .
c- It describes the results of a survey about the different uses of the computer.
d- It represents the total number of people questioned .
e- a = 60 . b = 28 . c = 16 . d=8. e=6 f=4.
f- The students should make the best use of their personal experience to guess
the informants different uses of the computer.
Step two : Read and Check :
Activity 01: Read this report of a survey on computer use in a group of young
people and check your answers to questions .
Aim : To check the learners previous predictions.
Key :
*Numbers of informants who use the computer :
-To keep addresses and phone numbers = 16 .
-To learn programming = 6 .
-To play games = 60 .
-As a calculator = 2 .
-For their studies = 4 .
-To do some words processing at home = 28 .
Activity 02 : Read the text above and answer the questions below :
Aim : To check the learners understanding of the text .

Key :
1-The reporter asked 60 teenagers .

2-S/ he decided to do a survey to find out if it is true that teenagers knew about
computers .
3-The survey shows that teenagers don’t really know how to use computers.
4- The reporter asked all the questions .
5-The verbs used for reporting are in the past simple tense .
6-The verbs following the reporting verbs are also in the past simple .
Step three : Discover The Language :
Activity 01 : (pair work ) : pretend you ‘re one of the 60 informants interviewed
about computer’s use . Take turns to interview each other .
Aim : To enable the learners conduct a survey .
Key :
Reporter : What is your name ?
Informant : My name is Salim .
Reporter : Where do you go to school ?
Informant : I am a first year secondary school student at Lycée Abd El- hamid Ibn
Reporter : Do you have a computer at home ?
Informant : Yes ,I do .
Reporter : What do you use the computer for ?
Informant : I generally use it for my studies , but I sometimes use it to play games .
Activity 02 : (pair work ) : :pretend that someone enquires about the questions
which the reporter asked you .Act out the dialogue using the cues below :
Aim : To enable the learners report someone else questions .
Key :
A : What question did s /he ask you in the interview ?
B : S/ he asked me what my name was and where I went to school? .
A : And then ?
B : then s /he asked me if I had a computer at home and what I used it for ?
Activity 03 : Listen to the teacher reading the dialogue below and note how s /he
pronounces “him” & “her” .
Aim : To get familiar with the pronunciation of / h / sound in ( him & her ).
Key :
A : What question did the reporter asked him / her .
B : She asked him / her where she went to school .
Step four : Write it Right :
Activity 01 : Read the results of the sport questionnaire and complete the report
below . Use the reports on page 71 as a model .
Aim : To enable the learners interpret a survey results on sport and write a report .

Key :

In present day Algeria , sport is the teenager’s favourite pastime .But people
today keep complaining that the good sportsmanship of yore is gone and dead . I
decided to find out if this was true that our teenagers were less sporty than their
I questioned eighty high school teenagers between 15 and 17 in order to know
which sport was the most popular with them and why it was popular .When I asked
them if they liked practising sports , all teenagers said yes. But my main interest in
fact was what they practised sport for.
Sixty of them said they practised sports for fun . 12 told me they did it
challenge .Only 8 informants said they practised sports to keep fit . Then , I asked
them what their favourite sport was. Fifty of them told me they liked playing
football whereas 18 said they liked playing handball. Only 12 of the informants
said they preferred practising basketball.
Surprisingly , my survey showed that our teenagers were more sporty than
their elders.

Level : First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 03 : Developing Skills .

Sequence plan :

Objective : by the end of this sequence , learners should be able to

conduct a survey about a given topic starting from filling a
questionnaire until making reports interpreting the findings of the
Functions : Giving advice , inviting …
Expressing orders , requests , advice …
Skills : Filling a questionnaire .
Conducting an interview .
Interpreting survey’s results.
Writing a report .
Language forms : Quotation marks .
Reporting verbs ( suggested , ordered ….)
Direct / reported speech ( orders , requests …) .
Lexis : Topical lexis like : reporter , informants , questionnaire .
Material needed : The textbook .
Time expected : 4 hours .

Step one : Conducting a Survey :

Act 01 / 02 : Look at the form below and guess what it is .Circle the right item .
Act 03 : Listen again and fill in the form above to record the interviewee’s answer.
Act 04 : ( group work) : now , collect the forms and interpret the results of your
survey. Then complete the report below. Use the questions in the tactics summary
box on page 75.

Step two : Developing Attitudinal Skills :

Act 01 : Look at the picture and say what attitude it illustrate .
Act 02 : Read again the paragraph and answer the questions on page 77.
Act 03 : Quote the people belong using direct then reported speech .

Step three : Reporting Verbs :

Act 01 : Choose the words that best summarize the situation in each of the
Act 02 : Now , read the poem and paraphrase it using the verb “order to”-“not to”.

Step four : Writing a Report / Diary :

Act 01 : Read the texts below and guess where they are taken from .Circle the letter
of the correct answer .Justify it.
Act 02 : Read paragraphs 1- 4 above again and match them with purposes A – D:
Act 03 : Imagine how Meriem would answer if a friend of her asked what the
psychologist advised her / to do / not to do so .

Level : First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 03 : Developing Skills .

Lesson plan :

Objective : To reinforce the learners capacities in conducting an

interview reading and interpreting a newspaper article as well as
summarizing what people say ( orders , requests , greetings..).

Step one : Conducting a Survey :

Activity 01 & 02 : Look at the form below and guess what is it . Circle the right
answer .Then listen to an interview about leisure time activities and check the
Aim : To make them familiar with the form of questionnaire and guess through
listening .
Key :
The form is a questionnaire .

Activity 03 : Listen again and fill in the form above to record the interviewee’s
answer .
Aim : To get familiar with the form of a questionnaire.
Key :
Name :
Put a cross in the appropriate box : boy:
Girl :
Which of these activities do you enjoy doing ?
Tick in the appropriate column :

Activity Yes No
-Listening to music . /
-Surfing on the web .
- Going to concerts .
-Watching TV.
-Taking part in team sports. /
-Bicycle Riding.
*Please write down any other activities you enjoy :
Painting , fishing , hunting , swimming , dancing …..
Activity 04 : (Group work ) : Now , collect the forms and interpret the results of
your survey. Then complete the report below :
Aim : To check their understanding .
Key :
Name :
Boy :
Girl :

Activity : Yes No
*Listening to music .
*Chatting .
*Reading newspapers.
*Revising your lessons .
*Practising sport .
*Watching TV. Step two :
*Travelling . Developing
Attitudinal Skills :
Activity 01 & 02 : Look at the picture and say what attitude it illustrates .
Aim : To enable the learners interpret the picture .
Key :
The picture illustrates love and kindness .The man is doing something nice
and kind for the boy. The piece of watermelon he gives him has the shape of a heart
2/ Read the paragraph below and check your answer .
Activity 03 : Read again the text and answer the questions below :
Aim : To check the learners understanding of the reading passage.
Key :
a-Title : Choosing to be Kind .
b-The author cites them to support his point of view about kindness .
c-He says that when we do something nice and kind to someone , we experience a
beautiful feeling of ease and peace .
d-“On the contrary” in paragraph 2 expresses contrast .
e-I can use the conjunction “but” to replace “on the contrary”.
f- In the first paragraph , the author defines “kindness as decent and generous
behaviour” .

g- filling the table :

Words ending in Roots
“ness” : :

Kindness Kind
Tenderness Tender
Calmness Calm
Happiness Happy.
h- Direct speech :
Syntra says : “ Rage and anger , which are the reverse side of kindness ,
increase surges in adrenaline and cortisol , two of the main hormones which
contribute to heart disease”.
Activity 04 : Quote the people below using direct then reported speech .Make any
necessary changes.
Aim : To be able to report what other people say .
Key :
A: Direct speech :
-Katie Courie says : “ Kindness is not an inherited trait , it is learned behaviour”.
-Peter Carlson says: “ I feel good when I help people”.
-Lynda Johnson says : “ Small gestures cam make people happy”.
B : Reported speech :
-Katie Courie says that kindness is not an inherited trait , it is a learned
-Peter Carlson says that He feels good when he helps people .
-Lynda Johnson says that small gestures can make people happy.
Step three : Reporting verbs :
Activity 01 :Choose the verbs that best summarize the situations below :
Aim : To get familiar with the different meanings of reporting verbs .
Key :
*Situation 01 : The policeman requested / told / ordered the motorist to fasten
his seat belt .
The motorist apologized and fastened it right away
*Situation 02 : Karim invited Doris.
Doris thanked him and accepted the invitation .
*Situation 03 : Meriem suggested to Aicha to revise their lessons , and Aicha agreed .
*Situation 04 : Mother warned her child not to do that again.Otherwise , he wouldn’t
have his pocket money .
The child apologized and promised not to repeat the mistake .

Activity 02 : Now , read the poem and paraphrase it using the verb “order / not to ..”
Aim : To be able to report what others say .
Key :
Start like that :
The authors Michael Rosen says that parents order their children to speak
up , to sit up , to say please , to make less noise , to take their hands off , to shut the
door behind them , to say thank you , to stop kidding and to take their elbows off
the table .
The authors says that parents order their children not to talk with their
mouth full , not to stare , not to point , not to pick their nose , not to interrupt .
Step four : Writing a Report / Diary :
Activity 01 : Read the texts below and say where they taken from .Circle the letter
of the correct answer .Justify your answer .
Aim : To make the learners familiar with different pieces of writing .
Key :
The texts are taken from the Advice column of a newspaper or a magazine. The
writer of the question asks for some advice , and Dr. Carla provides it for him /her .
Activity 02 : Read the paragraphs ( 1- 4) and match them with their purposes ( A – D) .
Aim : To check the learners understanding of the texts .
Key :
§ 01 : Expressing concern over a problem .
§ 02 : Showing sympathy .
§ 03 : Analysing a problem .
§ 04 : Giving advice / recommendation.
Activity 03 : Imagine how Meriem would answer if a friend of her (Bachir ) asked
her what the psychologist advised / told her to do / not to do .
Aim : To reinvest what they have learned about reported speech.
Key :
Bachir : Tell me Meriem , what did the psychologist tell you ?
Meriem : S/ he advised me to start thinking positively about my exams .
Bachir : Is that all ?
Meriem : No , s /he also told me not to take exams only for scores .
Bachir : What did s /he advise you not to do ?
Meriem : S/ he advised me not to start answering the exam question as soon as the
teacher handed them to me.

Level : First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific streams.
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 03 : Stop and Consider .

Sequence plan :

Objective : By the end of this sequence learners should be able to

report questions , filling a report .Besides , they should be able to use
correctly adverbs of manners and forming adjectives .
Language forms : S/ he told /asked /advised / suggested …
Adverbs of manners .
Skills : Reporting questions .
Filling a report .
Material needed : the textbook .
Time expected : 3 or 4 hours .
Step one : Reported Speech :
Act 01 : Pretend Karim has misheard What Rachid said in each of the dialogues
below .Report to him .
Reminder .
Act 02 : Do the activity and check your answers with the reminder below .
A : report the exact words in the dialogues below .Use “asked , answered , said …”
B : Now , transform the dialogues above using “asked if” , “answered that” , “said
Reminder .
Step two : Adverbs of Manner :

Act 01 : Fill in the gaps in the Monthly Report below with the adverbs of manner .
Act 02 : Checking your answers with the reminder below .
Reminder .
Act 03 :Do the activity then check your answers .
Reminder .
Step three : Adjectives :

Act 01 : Add suffixes “ful” and “less” to the nouns below to form adjectives .
Listen to the teacher how s /he pronounce them .
Reminder .

Level : First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 03 : Stop and Consider .

Lesson plan :

Step one : Reported Speech ( Questions / Statements ) :

Activity 01 : Pretend Karim has misheard what Rachid said in each of the dialogues
below.Report to him .
Aim : To consolidate the reported speech .
Key :
1-Rachid : Could you send a message to Ryan ?
Karim : Sorry , what did he say ?
You to Karim : He asked you to send a message to Ryan .
2-Rachid : Stop writing , please.
Karim : Sorry , what did he say ?
You to Karim : He ordered you to stop writing .
3- Rachid : Don’t write the message here ?
Karim : Sorry , what did he say ?
You to Karim : He told you to write the message there .
4-Rachid : Could you please give me the pen ?
Karim : Sorry , What did he say ?
You to Karim : He asked you to give him the pen .
5-Rachid : Could you please email the message ?
Karim : Sorry , what did you say ?
You to Karim : He asked you to email the message .

Reminder :
*Uses : we can use Asked to report Requests and told to report
Ex :
Direct speech : “ Could you close the door ?” .
Reported speech : He asked me to close the door .
* Other reporting verbs : begged , ordered , instructed, advised ,
claimed ……
*Forms :
Asked and told are followed by indirect object + to +
infinitive .
Ex : I asked her to help me .
We report a negative request or command by putting not before
to + infinitive .
Ex :
Direct speech : “Please , don’t come back”.
Reported speech : He asked / told me not to come back .
*Other changes may be necessary when a request or command are
Ex : “Can you help me” == He asked me to help him .

*Changes :
*Personal pronoun object :
Him Us → Them
Her . We → They .
*Possessive adjectives :
Me Our → Their ..
*Adverbs of Time :
Yesterday == the day before .
Last ( day , week , month , year , century ..) == the +
( day ; week , month ,
Century ….) + noun .
Today == yesterday
Now == then .
At this moment == at that moment .

Tomorrow == the day after .

Next (day , week , month , year , century …) == the +
( week , month , year,
century …..) + noun .

Activity 02 : Do the exercises and check your answers with the reminders below .
A : Report the exact words in the dialogues below .Use “asked” “answered” “said”
and “told” :
Aim : To reinforce the transformation of reported speech .
Key :
A : Direct speech :
a / “Can you read and write” the reporter asked the woman .
“ Yes I can” , she answered .
b / “Is Rachid here ?” Ali asked .
“ I am sorry , he isn’t here”, he answered .
c / “ Do you want to drink tea?” , Karim asked Sofiane .
“ Yes , please. Just a little”, he answered .
d / “ You have to go now,”Mellisa asked Dyhia.
“ Yes , I have to. I am so late” , she answered .
e / “ You have to do your work”, the teacher told the student .
“ I will do it tomorrow”, the student said .
f / “ She may come tomorrow”, Jamel said .
“ It is great”, said Salima .
B : Now , transform the dialogues above using ( asked if – answered that – said
that and told that )
Key :
B : Reported speech :
a /- The reporter asked the woman if she could read and write .
- The woman said that she could .
b/ -Ali asked Bachir if he was there .
-Bachir answered that he wasn’t there .
c/ -Karim asked Sofiane if he wanted to drink tea .
-Sofiane said that he wanted to drink just a little .
d/ - The teacher told the student that he had to do his work .
-The student said that he would do it the day after.
e /-Mellisa asked Dalia if she had to go then .
-Dalia answered that she had to because she was so late.
f / -Jamel said that she might come the day after.
-Salima said that that was great.

Reminder :
1-Statements :
a-Direct speech : “He isn’t here”, she said .
“I don’t read newspaper” , she told me .
b-Reported speech : “She said that he wasn’there then”.
She told me / said to me that she didn’t read
2-Questions :
a- Yes / no questions :
*Direct speech : “Can you help me,”she asked me.
Do you watch TV ? , she asked me.
*Reported speech : She asked me if I could help me.
She asked me if I wanted TV .
b- Wh / questions :
*Direct speech : “ Which TV program do you watch,” , he asked
“ What time is it ?”, she asked.
* Reported speech : He asked me which TV program I watched.
She asked me what time it was.
3-When the reporting verb ( say – tell- ask….etc) is in the present
simple tense , no changes occur in the verb reported .
Ex :
*Direct speech : “He isn’t here”, she says.
“Which books do you want,”he asks me .
“Can I help you?” she says.
“I don’t read books”, he tells me.
*Reported speech : She says that he isn’t here.
He asks which books I want .
She says if she can help me.
He tells me if I read books.

Step two : Adverbs of Manner :

Activity 01 : Fill in the gaps in the Monthly Report below with the adverbs of
manner derived from the adjectives in the notes.
Aim : To consolidate the use of manner ( positive & negative ones) .
Key :
Monthly Report –Confidential .
Re: New employees : Anne Trevor , Tom Field .
*Positive :
Both Anne and Tom work hard . Anne welcomes our
guests very cordially , and she talks to them very politely .Tom is
perhaps less popular than Anne with the guests , but he works on the
computer very quickly and carefully.
*Negative :
Anne is sympathy and our customers like her , but she
sometimes arrive late at work. Tom talks to the customers coldly ,
and he smokes heavily . This disappoints some customers .
Activity 02 : Check your answers to exercise 3 with the reminder below .
Aim : To check their understanding .

Reminder :
Adverbs of manner :
1/ Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens :
Ex : how did Tom interview the old lady ?
He asked her questions politely .
2/ We from adverbs of manner by adding “ly” to an adjective :
Ex : careful === carefully .
*After a consonant “y” in the adjective changes to “ I” :
Ex : Heavy === heavily .
Karim is a slow typist === Karim types slowly .
3/ We can use some adjectives as adverbs without adding “ly” or “ily” :
Ex : Sofiane is a better news presenter . === Sofiane presents the news better .
Other examples are :
Best - early – fast - hard - high - last – late - worse – well -
Activity 01 :
A : Do exercise a – b .Then check your answers with the reminder below .
Aim : To make them aware of the summarizing verbs : beg , warn , advice , remind
, suggest , promise , apologize …..etc.
Key :
Column A : Column
a-“Remember you have to buy an air ticket” 1-Remind
b-“Beware of the dog”! 2-Warn.
c-“You should go and see the doctor” 3-Advise.
d-“Why don’t we open the box first?” 4-Suggest .
e-“Please , please, pealse , show me the way to do 5-beg .
it”. 6-Admit.
e-“Okay , Okay , I touched it. It is true.” 7-Apologize.
f-“I am so sorry for the incident”. 8-Promise .
g-“I will never say it again”.
B : Now , quote the sentences above supplying the right punctuation.
Key :
1- “Remember you have to buy an air ticket”, he reminded him.
2- “Beware of the dog”, he warned him.
3- “You should go and see a doctor”, she advised him.
4- “Why don’t you open the box fist?” , he suggested.
5- “Please , please , please , show me the way to do it”, he begged.
6- “Okay , Okay, I touched it. It is true” , he admitted.
7- “I am sorry for the incident”, he apologized .
8- “I will never say it again” , he promised.

Reminder :
When we report , we don’t always use the verbs : say , tell ,
answer .We can use summarizing verbs such as : admit , advise,
apologize, beg……
Step three : Adjectives :
Activity 01 : add suffixes “full” and “less” to the nouns below to form adjectives :
Aim : To enable them build adjectives by adding suffixes .
Key :
Adjectives : Adjectives :
Worthless Beautiful .
Harmlful /less Careful /careless.
Delightful . Successful.
Priceless Truthful.
Useless /ful . Hopeless / ful

Reminder :
We can build adjectives by adding “ful” or “less” to
some nouns .The suffixes are pronounced / / and / / and
they are unstressed.

Level: First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 04 : Consolidation and Extension .

Sequence plan :

Objective : By the end of this sequence learners should be able to report about burglar
and accident,
Interpreting newspapers headlines , writing a memo to report about health problems.
Functions : Making suggestions and recommendations .
Describing a graph .
Narrating .
Expressing a point of view.
Skills : Reading health alerts . / Reporting about an accident.
Writing a memo to report about health problems .
Interpreting a graph.
Language forms : Punctuation / Capitalization / Silent letters / w/ and / d / .
Adverbs of manner / Pronunciation of / s / , / es / and / h / .
Material needed : The book .
Time expected : 3 or 4 hours .
Step one : Write it Out :

Act 01 : Filling the blanks spaces in the policeman’s report below using the verbs provided in
the box in the correct tense .
Act 02 : Supplying the appropriate punctuation and capitalization .
Act 03 : Reading the newspaper headlines below and say what the reports are about and which
one is the most dramatic.
Act 04 : Pretend you ‘re a witness to the accident and one of the journalists want to write a
report about the accident. Use the information and the pictures below and write a newspaper
Step two : Work it Out I :
Act 01 : Interpreting the figures in the graph using the verbs and the adverbs below
Act 02 : Describe the graph above using the plan below .
Act 03 : Writing a health report about the change in food consumption in Algeria making
recommendations as model on page 86 .
Step three : Work it Out II :
Act 01 : Finding the silent letters and cross them out and checking the answers .
Act 02 : Reading the sentences and crossing out the letter / h / in which it is not pronounced .
Act 03 : Classifying the words below according to the pronunciation of their final” s” .

Level : First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific streams .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Sequence 04 : Consolidation & Extension .

Lesson plan :

Step one : Write it Out :

Activity 01 : Fill in the blanks spaces in the policeman’s report below using the
verbs provided in the box in the correct tense .
Aim : To be able to use the correct tense of the verbs .
Procedures : before that the teacher provides his pupils with examples and they
have to find the reporting verbs to this examples. Then he moves to the task .
Key :

Police officer : John Holmes .

I saw a suspect on a ladder at the back of
Number 19.Oxford Street .His behaviour was a
little strange , so I called him. I asked him if that
was his house .He answered that it was ; he could
not find his keys and he wanted to get in. I asked
him what his name was. He said that his name
was Mr.Jones .As he climbed down the ladder , a
neighbour came out of her house and told me
what the problem was. I said that Mr.Jones
wanted to get into his house .She looked at he man
and told me in low voice that the people from
Number 19 were on holiday. I arrested Jones and
brought him to the police station .
Activity 02 : The text
below reports the events directly as they occurred. Supply the appropriate
punctuation and capitalization .
Aim : To make them aware when do we use capitalization and punctuation .
Procedures : the teacher provides them with examples and asks them to punctuate
them then he moves to the task .
Key :
Police officer John Holmes saw a man on a ladder at the back of
Number 19, Oxford Street .His behaviour was a little strange .so the
police officer called to him .
Is that your house the policeman asked him . “ Yes , it is”, the man
said. “ I can’t find my keys and I want to get in”. “ What ‘s your name
please?” , the officer asked. “My name is Jones” , the man answered .
As he climbed down the ladder , a neighbour came out of her house .
“ What’s the problem ?”, she asked . “Mr.Jones wants to get into his
house”, he officer said. She looked at the man and told me in a low voice ,
“The people from Number 19 are on25holiday”.
The police officer arrested Jones and brought him to the police
Activity 03 : Read the newspaper headlines below and say what the reports are
about and which one is the most dramatic.
Aim : To check their understanding .
Key :
*The reports are about road accidents.
*The most dramatic article headline is : Child Killed in Terrible Accident. because
the reporter has called it terrible .
Activity 04 : Pretend you’re a witness to the accident and one of the journalist
wants to write a report about the accident. Use the information and the pictures
below and write a newspaper report..
Aim : To encourage the learners to express themselves and interpret the picture.
Key :
A terrible accident happened near a school yesterday morning . A motorist
driving very fast came out of a very sharp bend . He lost control over his vehicle ,
and knocked a child who was playing with his ball, the child run after the ball.
Suddenly a lorry which was coming from the opposite side stopped sharply thus
avoiding too run over the child who was laying on the ground , badly injured .the
car driver who , fortunately was safe , immediately took the child to hospital.
Step two : Work it Out:
Activity 01 : Interpret the figures in the graph below using the verbs and the adverbs in the box .
Aim : To be able to interpret a graph.
Key :
-The consumption of butter dropped dramatically between 1980 & 1987.
-The consumption of margarine increased slowly between 1980 & 1987.
-The consumption of mutton and lambs decreased dramatically between 1980
-The consumption of poultry went up steadily between 1980 & 1987 .
-The consumption of fresh fruit decreased slowly // // //.
-The consumption of fresh vegetables went down gradually // // // .
-The consumption of other vegetables and vegetable products increased rapidly
between 1980 & 1987.
Activity 02 : Describe the graph above using the plan below :
Aim : to be able to describe a graph.
Key :
The graph shows the change in food consumption in Great Britain between
1980 and 1987. The horizontal line represents the direction of change whereas the
bars show the percentage of change in the consumption of food.

You can see immediately that the British now drink less milk and cream ; eat a
little fresh fruit and fresh vegetables .They eat much less butter and white bread ;
too. But they eat much more brown and wholemeal bread .
In my opinion , this means that our food habits have become less healthy .We
should inform the consumers about the danger of eating less fruit and vegetables ,
and drinking less milk . Getting enough of these foods prevents diseases.

Activity 05 : Write a health report about the change in food consumption in Algeria
making recommendations using the text on page 86 as a model .
Aim : To encourage the learners to write .
Key :
In the past , the Algerians used to eat traditional meals which were healthy but
nowadays , food consumption has changed a lot since today’s children for example
or people in general consume 30 times the volume of fizzy drink , snacks ,
hamburgers …..etc that contain colourings , preservatives and flavourings that can
be found even in supposedly healthy products.
So, people now are consuming more and more snacks than eating meals made
from fresh ingredients . Therefore , , we’re in distinct danger of having illness such
as , asthma , eczema…..etc because such food contains chemicals .
According to me , people should make sure that they are getting enough
healthy food of fruit , vegetables in order to prevent many diseases .In addition ,
they should have a healthy diet including regular activities or medical check –ups .
Step three : Work it Out II :
Activity 01 : Find the silent letters and cross them out .Then listen to the teacher
how to pronounce them.
Aim : To make the students aware about the silent letters .
Key :
Answer Autumn Castle
Column Could Cupboard
Daughter .
Flight Foreign Half Handkerchief.
Honest Hour Island Knife .
Know Listen Often Right .
Should Talk . Walk Wednesday.
White Would Write Wrong .

Activity 02 : read the sentences below .hen cross out the letter / h / which isn’t pronounced then check
your answers.
Aim : To make the students aware about the silent /h / .
Key :
-He said he would . – He says that he has lost his hat .

-What is his name ? - His name ‘s Hamlet .
-This is his answer . –Give him the address of the hotel.
-Who told her that he was here? -He is the one who told her .

Rule :
Pronouns with initial / h / commonly lose / h / when they occur
unaccented within a sense group ; they retain / h / when they are initial in a
group or when they ‘re accented.

Activity 03 : Classify the words below according to the pronunciation of their final “s” :
Aim : To reinforce the pronunciation of the final “s” .
Key :
/s / / z / / iz /
Clocks . Clogs Watches
Knots Nods Finishes
Caps Cabs Boxes
Banks Bangs Believes
Docks Dogs Misses
Ropes Robes Quizzes
Backs Bags

Rule :
The “ s” is pronounced :
* / s / after : / th / , / t / , / p / , / f / , / k / :
Ex : baths , boots , helps , roofs , thinks .
Months laughs works .
* / z / after : / r / , / l / , / g / , / y / , / n /, / i: / , / v / , / m / , / / , / d / :
Ex : bears , bottles , dogs , eyes , john’s , sees , lives , swims , clothes,
sends .
Betty’s ,Tains , seas .
* / iz / after : / / , / t / , / s / , / / , / d / , / z / :
Ex : Pushes , reaches , houses , garages , bridges , quizzes , teases .

Level : First year .

Stream : Literary & Scientific .
Unit 03 : Communication : The press .
Project workshop .

Conducting a Survey :

Objective :
To reinvest all what they have learnt in this unit in grammar ,
the use of new lexical items introduced to them .Besides , how they are
able to design a questionnaire , conduct a survey and interpret the
results in a graph then writing a report .

Task 01 :
*Designing a questionnaire :
a / Decide who will be your informants ( age , sex…)
b / Fix a reasonable number of informants.
Task 02 :
*Conducting the interview :
a / Prepare your interview ( the questions / the answers ).
b /Start interviewing your informants .
Task 03 :
*Collecting data and interpreting the results :
a / Give statistics using different types of graphic display.
Task 04 :
*Writing the report : it should include :
a / Introduction.
b/ Method .
c/ Results .
d / Analysis of the results .
e / Conclusion.


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