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The Effects of Trashtalking to the behavior of the Teenagers in Our Lady of Fatima

A Research Paper presented to the

Senior High School Department of
Our Lady of Fatima University Quezon City Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Research project for Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Aves, Arron
Caton, Kazuma
Gaerlan, Carlo
Ledesma, Deinielle Audrey
Quitalig, Kiana
Cabillon, Daven
Eiffert, Chiarra Lyons
Bergonio, Zanel Kyla

Mr. Jawo Sumaraga

The Effects of Trashtalking to the behavior of the Teenagers in Our Lady of Fatima 1


The Problem and its Background


‘Trashtalking’, by definition, refers to a form or manner of offensive barbs, slurs,

insulting, and jeering that is commonly used in sports in order to demoralize a/the

opposing team. The term ‘trashtalk’ came to prominence when it was used by

Muhammad Ali during his prime in the ‘60s and ‘70s, most especially after he released a

full-length album comprised purely of poems full of trashtalk in nature that coined his

trademark line, ‘I Am The Greatest’. Trashtalking is commonly comprised of puns,

hyperboles, shallow insults and language, but in recent years has also involved sexist

‘mom and sister jokes’ (e.g. “You’re so bad at this!” “Yeah, but at least I f***ed your

mom!”). Due to the nature of this mannerism, it is counted as a form of cyberbullying.

Background of the Study

Trashtalking has become a relatively normal practice in North American sports and

culture, especially in football, basketball, and other related sports. As of the 2010s,

however, as MOBA games (e.g. Mobile Legends, League of Legends, Defense of the

Ancient) begin to take hold in the Philippines, trashtalking has become a significant part

of our ‘gaming culture’ as well, especially amongst young teenagers ranging from the

ages of 16-18: the most active age group in terms of playing such games.
The Effects of Trashtalking to the behavior of the Teenagers in Our Lady of Fatima 2

Objectives of the Study

The researchers then aim to a) find the most common demographic among

MOBA gamers (age, gender, etc.), the effects that trashtalking may inflict on young

teenagers who play MOBA games (both on the giving and receiving end) such as (b the

behavior they tend to exhibit, c) the likelihood of the victims developing mental problems

in the long run, and also d) find which MOBA games have the most toxic gaming

community. The researchers also hope to find out how trashtalking can be avoided, and

how those who suffer from it can be treated and encouraged to get help from those

around them.

Statement of the Problem

Teenagers encounter different person everyday. If they don’t have

enough skills and guidance on how to handle the words, it can affect their mental and

self-esteem. In this paper the researchers will know how can the teenegers able to handle

or cope trashtalking in different levels. This study aims to answers the following:

1. What are the effects trashtalking to teenagers?

2. What are the primary and secondary strategies to manage their temp?

3. What are the coping strategies of teenagers?

4. How teenagers cope up with trashtalking?

The Effects of Trashtalking to the behavior of the Teenagers in Our Lady of Fatima 3

Significance of the Study

Despite it being taken astride by some individuals, however, trashtalking may, in some

scenarios, deeply affect certain individuals: both in the cases of the trashtalkers and the

individuals who are their victims. In the former case, the trashtalkers may slowly

implement this insulting mannerism into their daily lives: as they believe that nothing is

wrong with what they are doing, they tend to carry over this habit into real life, therefore

coming across as a toxic and unlikeable person in the long run. Those who are trashtalked

may develop a sort of protective and fearful personality that is common among victims of

cyberbullying: they become shy, withdrawn, and sensitive, and in most cases, self-

doubtful and depreciative. In worst-case scenarios, some victims of both short-term and

long-term trashtalking may end up with serious mental problems like anxiety and

depression, and may commit suicide down the road in the prolonged absence of help.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the management and coping strategies of teenagers who’s

playing videogames in Our Lady of Fatima University. This study tries to fill this void by

making an attempt to study the said topic through quantitative method. There are some

limitations in the study. First is the certain problems that players might encountered as a

teenager, second is what are the strategies and learnings that can probably help to the

patience of a teenager.
The Effects of Trashtalking to the behavior of the Teenagers in Our Lady of Fatima 4

Definition of Terms

Trashtalk insulting or boastful speech intended to demoralize, intimidate, or humiliate

someone, especially an opponent in an athletic contest.

Behavior the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) is a subgenre of strategy video games that

originated as a subgenre of real-time strategy in which each player controls a single

character, usually on a map in an isometric perspective, as part of a team competing

against another team of players

Teenagers A teenager, or teen, is a person who falls within the ages of 13 to 19 years

old. The word "teenager" is another word for an adolescent. When a teenager turns 20,

they are no longer a teenager:

The Effects of Trashtalking to the behavior of the Teenagers in Our Lady of Fatima 5


Methods and Materials

Research Methodology

As stated by Creswell, J. W. (2013), quantitative research focuses on gathering

numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular

phenomenon. It is mostly surrounded by charts, graphs, real numbers, different formulas

and solution for each and every question. This utilizes the large amount of data received

from different people, whom we have chosen from our sampling technique.

Through this, we will be receiving variety of answers that will be processed through

surveys. Unlike qualitative research, our research questions will not be flexible as we

give them generalized answers to choose from. The purpose for this is because we want

to discover different facts regarding those problems. Although we might not get what

they really want to convey, they can choose an answer close to their opinion as to see if

they can give us answers for our current hypothesis.

Research Subjects

In this research, Teenagers from Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) Quezon

City Campus will be our respondents in order to complete this study. The total needed
The Effects of Trashtalking to the behavior of the Teenagers in Our Lady of Fatima 6
respondents of this research will beUniversity
fifty (50) Students from Our Lady of Fatima

University, specifically Teenagers.

The students from the said course will be asked and will be chosen to participate if their

experiences fit into our requirements for answering the questionnaire. Hence, the

researchers have chosen teenagers as respondents because this course focuses on the

profession within the behavior on the care of individuals so they may attain, maintain, or

improve optimal health and quality of life.

Sampling Technique

The sampling technique that the researchers used is purposive sampling technique

which is also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling. This kind of

sampling will be the key for our research as this gathers the information we need. One

example of question will be, if our respondents have experienced some kind of common

trash talking and how they overcome it. Other specific questions will be added as long as

it will help us to know more about their own experiences. It is only after reaching our

requirements that the subjects will be able to answer the questionnaire.

Research Instrument

The research instrument will be the questionnaire that the researchers will use for the data

collection for this study. The survey is a supporting evidence that a research was

conducted for our study. This is one of the most commonly used instrument in
The Effects of Trashtalking to the behavior of the Teenagers in Our Lady of Fatima 7
quantitative research studies and consists of questions that can give the researchers the

answers and data about The Effects of Trashtalking to the Behavior on Teenagers.

Other problems that are related to the study are the following:

1. Demographic profile




2. What are the common effects of Trashtalk to Teenagers?

3. What is the primary and secondary coping strategy use of Teenagers?

4. What are the strategies of Teenagers to get rid of Trashtalking?

5. How Teenagers cope up to Trashtalk?

Procedure of Data Gathering

The process of this study starts by making a set of questions that they will need in

order to gather information. Once the questionnaire was done and approved by our

research lecturer, Jawo Sumaraga, the researchers will proceed with the survey. But there

are some limitations that they need to consider. This process is greatly helpful for the

researchers to gather direct and useful information.

Since this study used a purposive sample technique, researchers must consider that the

respondents should have an experience with the topic in order for them to answer the
The Effects of Trashtalking to the behavior of the Teenagers in Our Lady of Fatima 8
questions correctly and appropriately. University
Vital information will be elicited from the chosen


After letting the respondents answer the questionnaire, the researchers will tally the

feedback so that they can acquire the interpretation of the results. At the end of the data

processing, a conclusion from the analyzed data is drawn out to concisely present the

information gathered from the respondents. Afterwards, the researchers have

descriptively coded the data to summarize the main themes that are elicited from the

respondents the data is organized and presented on the next chapter.

Statistical Treatment

This is used as statistical treatment to measure and weighing data, the percentage

technique is used in this study.

Percentage technique will be used to see and understand the result based on the analysis

from the answer of the respondents. It also used to get the all percentage of number of the

similar answers in the particular question. The formula that will used is: % = 𝑥 100.

F= number of answers

% = percentage

N= number of respondents.

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