Jack and The Beanstalk

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Long time ago, there was a little boy.

His name was Jack.
He lived in a small house with his loving mother.
They were very poor.
They had no money at all.
One day, Jack and his mother were very hungry.
“We don’t have any money to buy food,” said Jack’s mother.
“Yes, mother,” said Jack.
All they had left was a big fat cow.
“We had no choice. We have to sell this cow,” said Jack’s mother sadly.
“Take her to the market today. But be sure to take a good price on her,” said
Jack’s mother.
Jack set off on his long journey to town.
On his way, he met an old man sitting at the side of the road.
“I will give you three magic beans for this cow,” said the man.
“Great. I’ll take them,” reply Jack.
Jack took the magic beans and went back home.
Jack was very happy. So, he told his mother about it.
“Mom, look! I got magic beans for the cow,” said Jack.
“How could you be so stupid!,” shouted Jack’s mother.
“We needed money, not silly beans!,” said her.
In her anger, Jack’s mother threw the beans out of the window.
They landed in the middle of the garden outside their house.
Jack was very sad. He was tired so he went asleep.
On the next morning, Jack was shocked.
The house was dark from outside.
He went and look through the window.
He saw a big tall tree grown from the beans.
The tree was so tall that it grew through the clouds.
Jack became excited.
He could not see the top of it.
So, he decided to climb it up.
Jack climbed up and up.
Up, up, up and up away!
He could see the whole village below!
Then he saw something floating in the clouds.
It was a giant castle.
Jack wanted to see what’s in it.
Jack wanted to see who lived in there.
Jack walked silently into the castle.
Then, he heard a shout.
“Fee Fi Fo Fum!” “Fee Fi Fo Fum!”
There was a big fat giant!
Jack quickly hid under a cupboard.
Jack saw the giant sat near table.
On the table, there was a chicken.
The giant shouted, “Come chicken, give me some golden eggs!”
Suprisingly, the chicken laid two golden eggs!
Jack was so shocked.
He thought those eggs could make his family rich.
He wanted to steal them.
Then, Jack heard another shout.
“Fee Fi Fo Fum!” “Fee Fi Fo Fum!”
“Harp! Play me a song! I want to sleep!”
Suprisingly, Jack saw a golden harp on the table.
It was playing a song by itself!
Jack decided to take to harp too.
After some moments, the giant fell asleep.
Jack silently climbed the table and took the chicken and the harp.
When he was about to climb down, the chicken bawked!
“Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk!”
The giant heard and woke up.
He saw Jack was running bringing the chicken and the harp.
The giant became so angry and chased him.
Jack began to climb down the beanstalk.
The giant was right behind him.
He was getting closer and closer. Closer and closer!
When Jack reached to the bottom, he took an axe.
Jack chopped the beanstalk quickly!
Chop! Chop! Chop!
The beanstalk was swinging.
Then…..BOOM! It fell down to the groud!
The giant came crashing down to the ground. BOOM!
The giant finally died.
Soon, Jack showed what he got to his mother.
She was so surprised and happy!
They had a chicken that can lay golden eggs anda harp that can play by itself!
They lived happily ever after!
The end….

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