TQ-3RD Sci10

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Schools Division of Cebu City, South District 5
Address: Proper Pamutan, Cebu City, Philippines
School ID.: 500226 Email: pamutanschool@yahoo.com Contact No.: 09754820499
Name:_________________________________________ Gr. & Sec. ____________ Date ________ Score __
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best answer.

1.A person accidentally touches a hot stove and pulls his hands away. Which pair explains the event?
A. Action – reaction C. nerve – sensory
B. Impulse – synapse D. stimulus – response
2. Why does the endocrine system has a slower response in our body compared to the nervous system?
A. Nerve impulse travel faster because they are receptor neurons
B. Chemical messengers in then body moves slowly than the nerve impulses.
C. Chemical messengers moves slowly because they are blocked by neurons.
D. Nerve impulses travel faster than chemical messengers because of their connections.
3. All of the following hormones are involved in menstrual cycle EXCEPT.
A. Androgen B. Estrogen C. Follicle- stimulating hormone D. Progesterone
4. Which of the hormones in the reproductive system is responsible for the maturation of the follicle?
A. estrogen C. luteinizing hormone
B. follicle- stimulating hormone D. progesterone
5. What is the relay of transmission in responding to the stimulus for an organism to survive?
A. motor neuron – stimulus – brain – response – sensory neuron
B. sensory neuron – stimulus – brain – response – motor neuron
C. stimulus – sensory neurons – brain – motor neuron – response
D. stimulus – motor neuron – brain – sensory neuron – response
6. How does a given stimulus trigger a response from the body which the target organ acts upon? The sensory
Neurons will send impulse to the brain which will
A. Send signals and impulses to the target organs
B. Transmit the impulses and command the organ
C. Relay the signal to the motor neutrons to the target organ
D. Interpret and send impulses to the motor neutrons to the target organs
7. If a person’s thyroid gland experiences dysfunction, what should be done to cope with the body’s demands to
attain proper functioning of the gland?

A. Eat all you can with the known nutritious foods

B. Limit the intake of foods which will trigger the dysfunction
C. Regulate the body’s metabolism by eating green and leafy vegetables
D. supply the body with foods rich in iodine like iodize salt and sea foods
8. A drunken man walks in swaying motion. What part of the brain under the nervous system is affect at the
A. Brain B. Brain stem C. Cerebellum D. Cerebrum
9. A women eats a lot of high calorie foods but her body chemicals are still normal values. Which gland of the
endocrine system plays an important role in this situation ?
A. Adrenals B. Pancreas C. Pituitary D. thyroid
10.How does a body attain equilibrium or homeostasis ? It is by the
A. special ability of the neurons to carry signals or impulses into our body.
B. feedback mechanism which initiates on balancing the substances in our body
C. regulation of the body’s functions done by the endocrine and nervous systems.
D. conduct of stimulus –response mechanism received and interpreted by the brain.
11.Which gland of endocrine system is involved when a person experiences a stunted growth?
A. Adrenal B. parathyroid C. Pituitary D. thyroid
12.What is the process that ensures that daughter cells produced during cell division will have the same genetic
information as their parent cell?
A.DNA replication C.DNA translation
B.DNA transcription D. protein synthesis
13. Which of the following statements DOES NOT correctly describe the role of DNA or RNA
A.DNA stores genetic information of an organism.
B. RNA makes up part of the internal structure of ribosomes.
C. RNA transfers information from the nucleus to the ribosomes.
D. DNA carries amino acids floating in the cytoplasm, to the ribosome.
14.So that proteins can be synthesized inside a cell, which of the following processes are needed?
I. Translation II. Replication III. Transcription
A.I then II C. II then I and finally III
B. III then I D. I then III and finally II
15. Which series of coordinated systems will happen when a man develops maturity in his secondary
A. endocrine system > nervous system> reproductive system
B. nervous system> endocrine system> reproductive system
C. nervous system>reproductive system>endocrine system
D. reproductive system>endocrine system >nervous system
16. If a DNA strand with the sequence “A-C-C-G-T-T-A-G-C” is replicated, what would its complementary strand
look like?
17.A normal menstrual cycle occurs every 28-35 days with the duration of 2-7 days which causes some women
to experience painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea). Why does painful menstruation happen to some women?
This is due to ________.
A. contraction of the uterine wall and the secretion of prostaglandins
B. thickening of uterine wall as it is inflamed releasing prostaglandins
C. inflammation of the uterine wall which makes it pulsates to cause pain
D. shedding of the uterine wall in form of blood because fertilization did not occur
18. During DNA replication, which nitrogenous base pairs up with Guanine (G)
A. Adenine (A) B. Cytosine (C) C. Thymine (T) D. Uracil (U)
19.Which of the following genetic disorders is caused by the deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5?
A.”Cri du chat”syndrome C. Edward’s syndrome
B. Down’s syndrome D. Klinefelter’s syndrome

20.Which of the cells beloww when mutated will be able to pass the mutation to future generations
A. brain cell C. muscle cell
B. egg cell D. stem cell
For number 21, refer to the table below.
21. Using your knowledge in DNA transcription, translation and the table above, evaluate each of the following
DNA sequences. Which of them can produce the amino acid “Asp-Ser –Leu –Val-His?
A.”C-T-G-T-C-G-G-A-G-C-A-A-G-T-A C.”C-T-G-T-C-G-G-A-G-C-T-A-G-C-T”
B.”C-T-G-T-C-G-G-A-G-C-A-A-G-C-T” D.”C-T-G-T-C-G-G-G-A-C-C-A-A-G-T-C”
22.The arrows in the diagram represent processes involving DNA,RNA and proteins.
Which of them represents the process of translation?
A.1only C.3 only
B.2 only D.1,2 and 3
23.which of the chromosomal mutation is depicted in the picture?
A. deletion
B. insertion
C. inversion
D. translocation
24. According to the theory of evolution by natural selection, how did giraffes get to have very long necks?
A. The necks of giraffes mutated and became very long.
B. Because they used their necks often so it stretched over time.
C. Giraffes with short necks died out because they could not get food
D. They needed long necks to survive, so they developed very long necks.
25.All of the following theories were proposed by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck EXCEPT theory of ___________.
A. Need C. use and disuse
B. Natural selection D. Acquired characteristics
26. Which theory is supported by the idea that organisms struggle for existence resulting in survival of the fittest
and elimination of the unfit? Theory of ________.
A. need C. natural selection
B. use and disuse D. Acquired characteristics
27. Compare the original DNA sequence with the mutated one. What type of mutation did it have ?
A. deletion
B. insertion DNA sequence Amino Acid structure
C. Inversion Normal: CAG CCC ACT
D. Substitution codon1 codon2 codon3 GIn –Pro -Thr

Mutation: CAG TCC CAC T GIn –Ser –His?

Codon1 codon2 codon 3 codon 4
28.A population having different individuals that process different characteristics and abilities would have a
greater chance of survival .the property of the population described is called ________.
A. Adaption B. evolution C. reproduction D. variation
29.What method of dating assumes that the age of a fossil is related to age of the rock from which it is found in?
A. Carbon dating C. Relative dating
B. Radioactive dating D. Uranium dating
30. According to comparative anatomy, which of the following pairs of evolved structures are analogous to each

A. Bird wing and moth’s wing C. Human arm and whale flipper
B.bat wing and butterfly wing D.Human hand and alligator forelimb
31.A paleontologist was able to dig three fossils in the same sedimentary rock structures –a dinosaur bone 3
meters below the ground, a crinoid stem 6 meters below the ground and a trilobite impression 10 meters below
the ground. Which of the following fossils is the youngest?
A. Crinoid stem B. dinosaur Bone C. Trilobite Impression D.no sufficient data
32.Cats have ancestors that hunted for food during the night .What is the most possible adaptation of cats that
can be attributed to this facts? Cats have _______.
A. Different –colored furs C. whiskers
B. Better eyesight in the dark D. retractable claws
33. Molecular comparison of amino acid sequences in the protein Cytochrome c of different organisms reveal the
following data .from the evolutionary standpoint, what do these results seem to imply?
A. The closest relative of humans are chimpanzees.
B. Chimpanzees have the same traits as rhesus monkeys
C. Yeast have the most common traits with human beings.
D. Bullfrogs are considered closer relatives to humans compared to rabbits
34. Biodiversity consists of an entire range of living organisms across levels of organizations-genes species and
ecosystems. What is species diversity? It refers the _________.
A. Different ecosystems found in the biosphere
B. Abundance of the individual members within a particular species
C. variety of life forms and the number of each species present in biological community
D. total of the variety of genes or inheritable characteristics present in population of organisms
For number 35, refer to the situation.

In the 1800’s, sea otters from the Pacific Ocean were killed by hunters for their valuable fur. When the
population of sea otters declined, the population of sea urchins grew without control and ate all large
seaweeds known as kelp.
35. How is the population of sea otters essential to the survival of kelps? Sea otters ______.
A. Compete with sea urchins for resources
B. regulate sea urchin population by eating sea urchins
C. Have fixed migratory patterns that allow them to stay at a particularly place
D. Are characterized by low reproduction rate that allow kelps to grow in population faster
36. Coral reefs which make up less than one percent of the ocean’s area, houses twenty percent more salt water
species than anywhere else in the world .How does a reef sustain all the fish species living in it?
A. The size of the area puts limits on food supply
B. The different coral species perform unique niches and ecological roles
C.A larger area is more conductive to biodiversity because species can live freely
D. Continuous supply of food entails a fairly constant temperature and large amount of rainfall
37.Is having more species diversity more helpful in increasing probability of adaption and survival of organisms?
A. Yes, because members with weak traits are able to adapt and survive
B. No, because more population brings out competition for resources
C. Yes, because varied traits of members perform different roles essential disunity and imbalance.
D. No, because their genetic diversity makes them unique thus –causes disunity and imbalance
38.Analyze the following situation; A population of bugs has variations -60% have green color while the rest have
Brown color. if a predator that prefers eating green bugs introduced , what would most likely to happen to the
Population after many generations ?
A. There will be even less brown-colored bugs.
B. There will be even more green-colored bugs.
C. The population will have more brown-colored bugs.
D. The population will develop colors than brown and green.
39. The Philippines is known for its very rich biodiversity. All of the following statements describe biodiversity
EXCEPT ,it _______.
A. Sustains through flow of energy of the food web on earth
B. describes how varied life forms are in different ecosystems
C.Is a term that describes how varied living things are in a specific area
D. can be described as the resilience to withstand changes that may occur in the environment
40.Tubbataha Reef Marine Park has been declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. What effort in preserving
Biodiversity is shown?
A. Protecting species C. Environmental awareness
B. Preservation of the environment D. Conservation of resources
41. China’s panda bears are endemic only in China’s bamboo forests. As China’s population expanded, bamboos
Were cut down to clear land for farming. Since pandas rely on bamboo forests disappeard .What is the BEST
Thing that China could do to immediately address the problem of the panda bears’ possible extinction?
A. Stop development of farmlands
B. Place pandas in a captive breeding forest
C. Start planting bamboos in the bamboo forest
D. Bring dead pandas back to life using the latest cloning techniques
42.Density – dependent limiting factors come into play when a population reaches a certain number of organisms.
How is the size of the population related to an area’s carrying capacity?
A. Each population of organisms have the same carrying capacity
B. An area’s carrying capacity increases as the population increases
C. If the environment reaches its carrying capacity, population grows exponentially
D. When a population reaches a certain size, there won’t be enough resources for all organisms
43.Dinoflaagellates in Laguna de Bay increased in population due to increase in organic substance in the body of
Water brought about by the water population . Will the limiting factor to the population of dinoflagellates be
Density – dependent ?
A. No,because it has not caused the fishes to decrease in number
B. No, because water pollution can’t stop a population no matter how many organisms there are.
C. Yes, because increase in their population will cause fishes to emigrate to other bodies of water
D. Yes,because increase in their population will cause scarcity of resources between them and the fishes.
44.What is population density? It refers to the ______.
A. Number of species per unit area C. Individuals in a species
B. Species in a community D. Communities in an ecosystem
45.Potato cyst nematode was accidentally introduced on the importation of potato planting material. This
Nematode heavily infested potato farms in Benguet. Which of the following human activities was
A.Deforestation C.Carbon dioxide emission
B.Land pollution D.Introduction of insasive species

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