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Electrical Energy, Its Components & Energy in An Electric


8.1 Electrical Energy.

The rate of supply of electricity is termed as power. It is a derivative of electrical
energy supplied. The converse is true i.e. electrical energy is integral of rate of supply of
electricity i.e. Power over a specific time.

In alternating-current circuits the power at any instant is given by :

p = e i…………………………………… (11.6.1)

Where p = instantaneous power

e = instantaneous voltage
i = instantaneous current

Thus, if both the current and voltage waves are sinusoidal, the current is lagging
the voltage, in phase by an angle Φ, then
e = Emax Sin wt
i = Imax Sin (wt-Φ)

The instantaneous power p is therefore given by

= Emax Imax Sin wt Sin (wt-Φ)

Or, writing θ for wt

= Emax Imax Sin θ Sin (θ -Φ)
The mean power is :

P= 1 ∫0 2Π Emax Imax Sin θ Sin (θ -Φ) d θ……….(11.6.2)

P = Emax Imax ∫ 0

Cos Φ Cos (2θ -Φ) d θ

2Π 2

P = Emax Imax [ θ Cos Φ - Sin (2θ -Φ) ] 0 2Π

4Π 2

P = Emax Imax Cos Φ


P= E I Cos Φ ………………………………..(11.6.3)

Where E and I are r.m.s. values of voltage and current.

The fact that the power factor (Cos Φ) is involved in the expression for the power
means that a wattmeter must be used instead of merely an ammeter and voltmeter, since the
latter method takes no account of power factor.

It may be stated generally that the measurement of energy is essentially the same
process as the measurement of power, except that the instrument used must not merely
indicate the power, or rate of supply of energy, but must take into account also the length of
time for which this rate of supply is continued.

Actually, energy or “supply” meters do not indicate power directly. For a given
amount of energy supplied to a circuit, their registrations should always be the same, no
matter what the instantaneous values of the power during the time in which the energy is
As the rate of supply of energy is called as Power, hence converse is true other way
round i.e. if we integrate the mean power over a specific time interval, we will get mean
amount of energy to be supplied to a circuit.


E = ∫0 T P. dt = ∫ 0
E I Cos Φ

i.e Energy is integral of power over specific time interval.

8.2 Components of Electrical Energy.

As described in chapter-6, there are three components of power as illustrated by a

Power Triangle ABC.
Active Power
Reactive Power
Apparent Power

Fig: Power Triangle

The energy associated with the above three components of power are similarly.
Active Energy
Reactive Energy
Apparent Energy

Active Power & Active Energy.

The base “AB” of the power triangle represents the Active Power. According to
pathagourus theorem; ( KVA2 = KW2 + KVAr2 )
Or KVA = √ (KW2 + KVAr2 ). It is designated by a capital letter “P” generally or with “
A “ in digital energy metering terminology.
From this expression the Active Power Component (KW) can de easily derived as
follows :
KVA = √( KW2 + KVAr2 )

Taking square on both sides, we have

( KVA2 = KW2 + KVAr2 )

From above expression KW2 = KVA2 - KVAr2

Or KW = √ ( KVA2 - KVAr2 )

The units being watts. Bigger units are Kilo Watts (KW), Mega Watts
( MW) and Giga Watts (GW).

Its mathematical representation is as given below:

Power P = V . I . Cos Φ

And energy derived from this active power is also an active energy.

E = ∫0T P. dt = ∫ 0
E I Cos Φ

i.e Energy is integral of power over specific time interval.

This component is actually watt full components i.e. do some useful work and
actually is the power needed to drive the electrical appliances. Usually the nominal
ratings of consumer appliances is given in the component.

Reactive Power & Reactive Energy.

The perpendicular “AC” of the power triangle represents the Reactive Power.
According to pathagourus theorem; ( KVA2 = KW2 + KVAr2 )
Or KVA = √ (KW2 + KVAr2 ) It is designated by a capital letter “Q”.
From this expression the Reactive Power Component (KVAr) can de easily
derived as follows :
KVA = √ ( KW2 + KVAr2 )
Taking square on both sides, we have
( KVA2 = KW2 + KVAr2 )
From above expression KVAr2 = KVA2 - KW2
Or KVAr = √ ( KVA2 - KW2 )
The units being Volt-Ampere reactive (VAr). Bigger units are Kilo Volt-
Ampere reactive (KVAr), Mega Volt-Ampere reactive(MVAr). Its mathematical
representation is as given below:
Reactive Power Q = V . I . Sin Φ
And energy derived from this Reactive Power is also a Reactive Energy.

EQ = ∫0T Q. dt = ∫ 0
E I Sin Φ

i.e Reactive Energy is integral of reactive power over specific time interval.

This component (reactive energy) is actually waste full components i.e. can
not do any useful work and actually is the power / energy just wondering “to end fro”
in the system. It causes low power factor and voltage drop in the system.

Reactive power also hampers the KVA or MVA rating of the electrical system
( Generator, transformer, transmission line etc.). It is being generated due to use of
inductive and capacitive load causing lagging or leading power factor. Lightly loaded
transmission lines act as charged capacitor due to closer vicinity of earth. This feature
causes line charging current .
Apparent Power and Apparent Energy.
As previously discussed, according to pathagourus theorem;
( KVA2 = KW2 + KVAr2 )
Apparent Power2 = Active Power2 + Reactive Power2

Or KVA = √ (KW2 + KVAr2 )

The units being Volt-Ampere (VA). Bigger units are Kilo Volt-Ampere (KVA), Mega
Volt-Ampere ( MVA) and Giga Volt-Ampere( GVA). Its mathematical representation is as
given below:
Apparent Power S = V . I .

And energy derived from this Apparent Power is also a Apparent Energy.

Es= ∫0T S. dt = ∫ 0
E I dt

i.e. Apparent Energy is integral of Apparent power over specific time interval.
The capacity or rating of the equipment installed by utility ( Generator, Transformer
and Transmission line) are designated in this component of the power.

As mentioned earlier, Reactive power also hampers the KVA or MVA rating
(Apparent Power) of the electrical system ( Generator, transformer, transmission line etc.).
Following example will further elaborate this point.

To supply a 100 Mw active power with 30o lagging power factor, a generator
capacity in MVA can be evaluated as follows.
P = 100 Mw ( Active Power)
Phase angle (between voltage and current) Φ = 30o lagging
Power Factor = Cos Φ = Cos 30o = 0.866
MVA rating = P / Cos Φ = 100 / 0.866 = 115 MVA

Now Reactive Power can be worked out as follows
Phase angle (between voltage and current) Φ = 30o lagging
Sin Φ = Sin 30o = 0.5
Reactive Power = Apparent Power X Sin 30o
= 115 X 0.5 = 57.5 MVAr
( MVA)2 = (MW)2 + (MVAr2 )
MVA = √ { (MW)2 + (MVAr2 ) }
MVA = √ { (100 )2 + ( 57.5)2 }

Taking squares on R.H.S, we have,

MVA = √ { (10000 ) + ( 3306.25) }
MVA = √ { 13306.25}
Taking Square root on R.H.S, we have,
MVA = 115 MVA

This can be noted that to supply 100 Mw at 30o lagging, by a generator, its rating
(Apparent Power) should be 115 MVA. As the power factor decreases, the MVA rating
increases to supply a specific need of active power or converse is true i.e as the power factor
decreases, the MW need that can be supplied reduces from a definite MVA capacity.

Hence power utilities intends higher power factor of the connected load ( consumers),
other wise MVA capacity have to be enhanced to meet with the comparatively lesser MW
demands of the consumers due to low power factor. i.e due to low power factor, the system
gets over burdened. Power utilities need more idle investment,

To control or some how compensate this drawback, power utilities impose two sort of
- One on lower power factor of the consumer.(Low Power Factor Penalty)
- Another for Maximum demands of the consumer.( Higher Max Demand


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