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Data Domain ® SolVe Generator

Solution for Validating your engagement

DDOS Upgrades

DDOS Upgrade: System Manager GUI

Generated: 4:36 PM > August 29, 2018

SolVe Generator Updated:


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Publication Date: August, 2018

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Data Domain ® SolVe Generator
Solution for Validating your engagement

Preliminary Activity Tasks ................................................................................................. 3
Read, understand, and perform these tasks ................................................................................................. 3

System upgrade management ........................................................................................... 5

Viewing upgrade packages on the system ................................................................................................... 5
Obtaining and verifying upgrade packages................................................................................................... 5
Upgrading a Data Domain system ................................................................................................................ 6
Removing an upgrade package .................................................................................................................... 7

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Solution for Validating your engagement

Preliminary Activity Tasks

This section may contain tasks that you must complete before performing this procedure.

Read, understand, and perform these tasks

1. [ ] Table 1 lists tasks, cautions, warnings, notes, and/or knowledgebase (KB) solutions that you
need to be aware of before performing this activity. Read, understand, and when necessary perform
any tasks contained in this table and any tasks contained in any associated knowledgebase solution.

Table 1 List of cautions, warnings, notes, and/or KB solutions related to this activity

194120: Extended Retention Upgrade

See this KB article for Extended Retention upgrade information
502996: Avamar snapshots doesn't expire
Avamar-Data Domain Integration: After upgrading the Data Domain to 6.1.x, Avamar snapshots
doesn't expire on the Data Domain
188915: DDOS 5.4 and 5.5 Upgrade information when integrated with Avamar systems
See this KB article for issues specific to environments with Avamar
193637: General Avamar and Data Domain Upgrade Requirements and Cautions
See this KB article for issues specific to environments with Avamar
493829: Data Domain Restorers which are upgraded to DDOS 6.x may show existing/configured fibre
channel ports with empty WWPN/WWNN
See this KB article Data Domain Restorers upgraded to DDOS 6.x may show existing/configured fibre
channel ports with empty WWPN/WWNN
195213: Security Vulnerabilities
See this KB article for Security Vulnerabilities addressed
181889: General Upgrade Information
See this KB article for general upgrade information
184446: Latest Code Family Information
See this KB article to determine the latest release of a given code family

2. [ ] Table 2 lists the top 10 trending service topics related to this product. This is a proactive attempt
to make you aware of any KB articles that may apply to your activity, or at the very least inform you of
issues that may be associated with this product.

Table 2 List of Top 10 Service Topics related to this activity

519084 Data Domain SNMP server may fail to return queries to client
518174 Data Domain: DD6300 may experience disk temperature warnings from SSD installed in the

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Solution for Validating your engagement

PCI slots on the rear of the appliance.

518102 Data Domain: EVT-MPATH-00005: Multipath redundancy has been lost to a single disk
515528 Information and recommendations Regarding Dell EMC FCO# F111617EE-2
502931 Data Domain upgrade failed: file system shutdown error
501206 Data Domain Boost : DD FC boost devices are not mounting Connecting to DFC-xxx failed
5008 DFC register failed
500591 Data Domain: Data Domain Virtual Edition performance troubleshooting
500003 Datadomain file system may run into dead lock condition during index merge causing frequent
498749 EVT-GC-00002: Unable to start scheduled file system cleaning
495787 What is DDBoost plug-in and what it does?
495307 How DataDomain Management Center (DDMC) gathers DD historical data, and guidance for
resolving related alerts

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System upgrade management

To upgrade a DD OS system, you must verify that there is sufficient room for the new software on the
target system, transfer the software to the system to be upgraded, and then start the upgrade.

Viewing upgrade packages on the system

DD System Manager allows you to view and manage up to five upgrade packages on a system. Before
you can upgrade a system, you must download an upgrade package from the EMC Online Support site to
a local computer, and then upload it to the target system.
3. [ ] Select Maintenance > System.
For every package stored on the system, DD System Manager displays the filename, file size, and last
modified date in the list titled: Upgrade Packages Available on Data Domain System.

Obtaining and verifying upgrade packages

You can use DD System Manager to locate upgrade package files on the Data Domain Support Web site
and upload copies of those files to a system.

Note: You can use FTP or NFS to copy an upgrade package to a system. DD System Manager is limited
to managing 5 system upgrade packages, but there are no restrictions, other than space limitations, when
you manage the files directly in the /ddvar/releases directory. FTP is disabled by default. To use
NFS, /ddvar needs to be exported and mounted from an external host).

4. [ ] Select Maintenance > System.

5. [ ] To obtain an upgrade package, click the EMC Online Support link, click Downloads, and use
the search function to locate the package recommended for your system by Support personnel. Save
the upgrade package to the local computer.
6. [ ] Verify that there are no more than four packages listed in the Upgrade Packages Available on
Data Domain System list.
DD System Manager can manage up to five upgrade packages. If five packages appear in the list,
remove at least one package before uploading the new package.
7. [ ] Click Upload Upgrade Package to initiate the transfer of the upgrade package to the system.
8. [ ] In the Upload Upgrade Package dialog, click Browse to open the Choose File to Upload dialog.
Navigate to the folder with the downloaded file, select the file, and click Open.
9. [ ] Click OK.
An upload progress dialog appears. Upon successful completion of the upload, the download file
(with a .rpm extension) appears in the list titled: Upgrade Packages Available on Data Domain
10. [ ] To verify the upgrade package integrity, click View Checksum and compare the calculated
checksum displayed in the dialog to the authoritative checksum on the EMC Online Support site.
11. [ ] To manually initiate an upgrade precheck, select an upgrade package and click Upgrade

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Upgrading a Data Domain system

When an upgrade package file is present on a system, you can use DD System Manager to perform an
upgrade using that upgrade package.
Read the DD OS Release Notes for the complete upgrade instructions and coverage of all the issues that
can impact the upgrade.
The procedure that follows describes how to initiate an upgrade using DD System Manager.

Note: Upgrade package files use the .rpm file extension. This topic assumes that you are updating only
DD OS. If you make hardware changes, such as adding, swapping, or moving interface cards, you must
update the DD OS configuration to correspond with the hardware changes.

12. [ ] Log into the system where the upgrade is to be performed.

Note: For most releases, upgrades are permitted from up to two prior major release versions. For
Release 5.7, upgrades are permitted from Releases 5.5 and 5.6.

As recommended in the Release Notes, reboot the Data Domain system before upgrading to verify
that the hardware is in a clean state. If any issues are discovered during the reboot, resolve those
issues before starting the upgrade.

13. [ ] Select Data Management > File System, and verify that the file system is enabled and running.
14. [ ] Select Maintenance > System.
15. [ ] From the Upgrade Packages Available on Data Domain System list, select the package to use
for the upgrade.

Note: You must select an upgrade package for a newer version of DD OS. DD OS does not support
downgrades to previous versions.

16. [ ] Click Perform System Upgrade.

The System Upgrade dialog appears and displays information about the upgrade and a list of users
who are currently logged in to the system to be upgraded.
17. [ ] Verify the version of the upgrade package, and click OK to continue with the upgrade.
The System Upgrade dialog displays the upgrade status and the time remaining.
When upgrading the system, you must wait for the upgrade to complete before using DD System
Manager to manage the system. If the system restarts, the upgrade might continue after the restart,
and DD System Manager displays the upgrade status after login. EMC recommends that you keep
the System Upgrade progress dialog open until the upgrade completes or the system powers off.
When upgrading DD OS Release 5.5 or later to a newer version, and if the system upgrade does not
require a power off, a Login link appears when the upgrade is complete.

Note: To view the status of an upgrade using the CLI, enter the system upgrade status
command. Log messages for the upgrade are stored in
/ddvar/log/debug/platform/upgrade-error.log and

18. [ ] If the system powers down, you must remove AC power from the system to clear the prior
configuration. Unplug all of the power cables for 30 seconds and then plug them back in. The system
powers on and reboots.

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19. [ ] If the system does not automatically power on and there is a power button on the front panel,
press the button.

Removing an upgrade package

A maximum of five upgrade packages can be uploaded to a system with DD System Manager. If the
system you are upgrading contains five upgrade packages, you must remove at least one package before
you can upgrade the system.
20. [ ] Select Maintenance > System.
21. [ ] From the list titled Upgrade Packages Available on Data Domain System, select the package to
remove. One package can be removed at a time.
22. [ ] Click Remove Upgrade Package.

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