Topic Prominence: Chinese Grammar in

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中文語法/中文语法 Zhōngwén yǔfǎ (Chinese grammar)

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Chinese grammar in Standard Mandarin shares a similar system of grammar with the many
language varieties or dialects of the Chinese language, different from those employed by other
language families, and comparable to the similar features found within the Slavic languages
or Semitic languages. Beyond genetic similarities within the Sino-Tibetan language family to
which Chinese belongs, there are also strong similarities within the East Asian sprachbund, a
group of mutually-influenced but not directly related languages, including Japanese and

One key feature of Chinese grammar is that all words have only one grammatical form, as,
with minor exceptions, the language lacks conjugation, declension, or any other inflection.
Functions such as number in nouns or tenses in verbs are expressed through word order or
particles; thus, where nouns in other languages might be distinguished by singular and plural
("woman" and "women") or verbs by number or person ("I go", "he goes"), Chinese lexemes
are typically invariant.

Topic prominence
Chinese is considered to be a topic-prominent language (话题优先语言 huàtí yōuxiān yǔyán
[話題優先語言]), where the topic of the sentence (defined as "old" information whereupon
the sentence is based) takes precedence in the sentence. For example, the following sentences
do not seem to follow normal subject-first word order, but adhere perfectly to the topic-
comment structure (Traditional Characters in square brackets):
yuàn z i l ǐ tíng z h e y í liàng c h ē

 院 子里 停 着 一 辆 车。 [院子裏停著一輛車。]
In the courtyard is parked a car. (A car is parked in the courtyard.)

j ī n tiān p á shān míng tiān y ě yíng

 今 天 爬 山, 明 天 野 营。 [今天爬山,明天野營。]
Today climb mountains, tomorrow camp outdoors. This is an example of a pro-drop
sentence. The subject of this sentence (for instance, "we" or "I" or "our school
group") would be determined by context.

f à n zuò hǎo l è

 饭 做 好 了。[飯做好了]
Literally: Food done complete LE. (Food is ready.)

Mandarin is often classified as an SVO language, because verbs precede rather than follow
objects in simple sentences, but Mandarin also has many characteristics of SOV languages
like Turkish and Japanese. This is clearest in word order, where almost all modifiers of nouns,
verbs and adjectives precede the head (modified item), as is often the case in SOV languages,
rather than follow the head, as is often the case in SVO languages. Hence

 Prepositional phrases modifying a verb precede the verb

 Genitive constructions precede the head noun
 Relative clauses precede the head noun
 Adjectives precede nouns
 The standard of comparison in a comparative adjective precedes the adjective

Furthermore, Chinese uses postpositions in many constructions rather than prepositions, for

zhuō z i shàng

 桌子 上
"table-on" = on the table
fáng z i l ǐ miàn

 房子里 面 [房子裏面]
"house-inside" = inside the house

Mandarin also relies on the formation of adjectival phrases rather than subordination, for

b è i w ǒ q í guò d e m ǎ

 被我骑过的马 [被我騎過的馬]
"by me ridden horse" = the horse that I have ridden
g ě i r é n f á n n ǎ o d e s h ì qing

 给人烦恼的事情 [給人煩惱的事情]
"(give people worries)'s matter" or "to people worrisome matter" = matter that worries
Moreover, verb phrases come at the end of a clause if the object or indirect object is
"marked." For example, there are two types of accusative cases in Mandarin. Accusative I is
the typical subject-verb-object ordering. Accusative II, also known as the bǎ construction,[1]
results in a change of state in the object, and implies a stronger sense in which something is
done to the object, and is marked with the prefix 把 bǎ and by a movement of the verb phrase
to the end of the clause.

w ǒ d ǎ p ò l e pán z i

 我打破了盘子。 [我打破了盤子。]
I broke the plate. (Accusative I), versus
w ǒ b ǎ pán z i d ǎ p ò l e

 我把盘子打破了。[我把盤子打破了。]
I (acc.)-plate broke (and it is no longer intact). (Accusative II)

w ǒ d ǎ l e y í g è diàn h u à

 我打了一个电话。 [我打了一個電話。]
I hit a telephone (I made a phone call). (Accusative I), versus
w ǒ b ǎ t ā d ǎ l e y í dùn

 我把他打了一顿。 [我把他打了一頓。]
I him beat (up). (Accusative II)

Similarly, sentences with an indirect object marked by the dative 給/给 gěi– or sentences in
the passive construction (with the subject prefixed by 被 bèi–) follow SOV word ordering:

b ú yào g ě i w ǒ p ā i m ǎ p ì

 不要给我拍马屁。 [不要給我拍馬屁。]
Don't (dat.)-me flatter (Don't flatter me).
t ā b è i w ǒ d ǎ l e y í dùn

 他被我打了一顿。 [他被我打了一頓。]
He by me beaten (up) (He was beaten up by me).

Aspect is a feature of grammar that gives information about the temporal flow of language.
Chinese has a unique set of aspects: for example, there are two perfectives, 了 (-le) and 過/过
(-guo) which subtly differ in meaning.

 le (perfective)
w ǒ dāng l e bīng

o 我 当 了 兵。 [我當了兵。]
I became a soldier (and I still am).
t ā k à n l e s ā n chǎng q i ú s à i

o 他 看 了 三 场 球 赛。 [他看了三場球賽。]
He watched three ballgames (and he probably has watched many during his
lifetime; often used in a time-delimited context such as "today" or "last week").
 guo (experiential perfective)

w ǒ dāng guo bīng

1. 我 当 过 兵。 [我當過兵。]
I've been a soldier before (but no longer am).
t ā k à n guo s ā n chǎng q i ú s à i

2. 他 看 过 三 场 球 赛。 [他看過三場球賽。]
He has watched three ballgames (and that is the sum of all the ballgames he has ever
watched; in the context of actions like "watch" or "take part," which can easily be
repeated, this does not have the same connotation of the first usage, but merely
denotes that the action was in the past and describes the state of affairs up to now).

The two imperfectives, 正在 (zhèngzài-) and 著/着 (-zhe) also differ in nuance:

 zhèngzài/zài (dynamic)
w ǒ zhèng z a i g u à h u à

o 我 ( 正 ) 在 挂 画。 [我正在掛畫。]
I'm hanging pictures up. (The "hanging" is a continuous dynamic event.)

 zhe (static)
qiáng shàng g u à z h e y ī f ú h u à

o 墙 上 挂 着 一 幅 画。 [牆上掛著一幅畫。]
A picture's hanging on the wall. (The "hanging" is a continuous current state.)

If phrasing the sentence to mean "in the middle of", then zhèngzai would be best; otherwise,
zhe. "I'm [in the middle of] hanging pictures up" could be equivalent to zhèngzài, while "A
picture's [in the middle of] hanging on the wall" would take zhe. The two imperfectives may
both occur in the same clause, e.g. 他正在打着电话 tā zhèngzai dǎ zhe diànhuà "He is in the
middle of telephoning someone".[citation needed]

 Reduplication is used to form the delimitative aspect — an action that goes on for a
little bit:
w ǒ d à o gōng yuán z ǒ u z ǒ u

o 我 到 公 园 走 走。 [我到公園走走。]
I'm going for a walk in the park.

This sentence could variably be expressed by 走一走 zǒu yi zǒu, which means the same thing,
and could possibly be translated as "walk a little walk".

语气 yǔqì "mood"

Another category of devices unique to Chinese are the modal particles (语气助词 yǔqì zhùcí),
used to express mood, or an expression of how a statement relates to reality and/or intent.
Among them, the most important are:
 Le (inceptive)
w ǒ m éi yǒu qián l e

o 我 没 有 钱 了。 [我沒有錢了。]
As of now, I have no money. (I've gone broke.)

 Hai (pending)
t ā h á i m éi yǒu h u í j i ā

o 他 还 没 有 回 家。 [他還沒有回家。]
He still has not returned home. (There has been no change in the old situation)

The perfective le and the inceptive le are often considered to be two different words.[2] The
Chinese linguist Y.R. Chao (Zhào Yuánrèn) traces the two "le"s back to two entirely different
words.[3] The fact that they are now written the same way in Mandarin can cause confusion.
Consider the following sentence:

mā ma lái l e !

妈 妈 来 了 ! [媽媽來了!]
The aspect marker le comes after a transitive or intransitive verb. The modal particle le comes
at the end of a sentence and governs the entire sentence. When an intransitive verb comes at
the end of a sentence, then the only way to determine whether the le at the end of the sentence
is perfective or inceptive is to look at the social context. The sentence given above can have
two different meanings. In one case, someone is perhaps engaged in a long distance telephone
call with Mother. He is trying to convince her to travel to where he is for some celebration.
He hangs up the phone and says, "Māma (yào) lái le!" That sentence gives the information
that Mother had not previously agreed to travel here, but the situation has changed and she
will be coming after all. If, however, there is a knock on the front door and someone who has
gone to answer the door shouts, "Māma lái le!" it means that she has come.

Serial verb constructions

Serial verb construction is a basic feature of Chinese grammar, in which two or more verbs
are concatenated together. Also known as verb stacking, serial verb construction typically
manifests itself in two ways: verbal complements, which appear after the main verb, and
coverbs, which appear before the main verb. Such stacking is also present in Turkish (similar
to compound verb formation with gitmek, vermek, and olarak) and in the two other major
languages of the Northeast Asia region, Japanese and Korean (Japanese grammar; Korean

Verbal Complements

Chinese sentences typically concern themselves greatly with the result and direction of a verb,
where applicable. Because of this, Chinese has developed powerful grammatical machinery
which facilitates the construction of sentences that supply this information. Western texts
concerning themselves with Chinese grammar sometimes refer to this as double verbs.
Essentially, the active verb of a sentence is suffixed with a second verb which indicates either
the result of the first action, or the direction in which it took the subject. When such
information is appropriate, it is generally mandatory.

Complement of Result

结果补语 jiéguǒ bǔyǔ "complement of result"

A complement of result comes in two flavors: one indicates an absolute outcome, and the
other a possible or likely outcome. To illustrate, the verb 听 [聽] (tīng, "to listen") will serve
as the active verb, and 懂 (dǒng, "to understand", "to know") will serve as the complement of

tīng dǒng

 听 懂 [聽懂]
To understand (something you hear)
Positive absolute complement of result

m éi tīng dǒng

 没 听 懂 [沒聽懂]
To have not understood (something you hear)
Negative absolute complement of result
Note that the existence of an absolute complement of result forces the active verb into
the perfective aspect, as discussing the absolute result of an unfinished action would
be meaningless — hence the use of 没 [沒] (méi) to negate the verb.

tīng d e dǒng

 听 得 懂 [聽得懂]
To be able to understand (something you hear)
Positive possible complement of result
This form is equivalent in meaning to 能听懂 [能聽懂]néng tīng dǒng
able to (because of the situation, not skill) understand something

tīng b ù dǒng

 听 不 懂 [聽不懂]
To be unable to understand (something you hear)
Negative possible complement of result
Note that the result is negated in this construction, not the active verb, and that the use
of 不 (bù), not 没 [沒] (méi) is required because the resulting action, being only a
possibility, can obviously not be in a completed state.

The complement of result is a tremendously powerful construction, and is used frequently in

Chinese. Expressions such as 饿死了 [餓死了] (è sǐ le, literally: hungry-till-die already,
meaning (I'm) starving) and 气死了 [氣死了] (qì sǐ le, literally: mad-till-die already, meaning
(I'm) extremely angry) pepper the language. Further, it is possible to analyze many of the
aspect suffixes from the perspective of a complement of result; for example, 了 (le) means
"finished" or "already", so it makes sense that placing it after the verb should force the active
verb's aspect into the perfective. The similarity ends there, though, as it is impossible to, for
example, construct a possible complement using 了 (le), although it is possible to do so with
了 (liǎo) (same character, different sound). Although this latter reading has the same meaning
as the former in principle, in a complement of result it simply indicates inability with some
verbs (for example, 受不了, to be unable to stand (tolerate) something or someone, as in "I
can't stand it!"). This use of the complement of result (to simply negate certain verbs) is quite
common. Those verbs which can be negated with a complement of result often must be
negated with a complement of result.

Sometimes, idiomatic phrases develop using the complement of result that seem to have no
relation whatsoever to the result in question. For example, the phrases 看不起, 对不起 [對不
起], and 买不起 [買不起] all use 起 (qǐ, to rise up) as their complement of result, but their
meanings (to look down upon, to apologize, and to be unable to afford, respectively) are not
obviously related to that character's actual meaning. This is partially the result of metaphorical
construction, where 看不起 literally means to be unable to look up to (look down), and 对不
起 [對不起] to be unable to face (someone).

Other examples

t ā b ǎ pán z i d ǎ p ò l e

 他 把 盘 子 打 破 了。 [他把盤子打破了。]
literal: he OBJ-plate hit-break-PF.
He hit/dropped the plate, and it broke.
(double-verb where the second verb, "break", is a suffix to the first, and indicates what
happens to the object as a result of the action.)

zhè(i b ù diàn yǐng w ǒ k à n b ù dǒng

 这 部 电 影 我 看 不 懂 。 [這部電影我看不懂。]
literal: This movie I look-no-understand.
I can't understand this movie (even though I watched it.)
(double-verb as well, where the second verb, "understand", suffixes the first and
clarifies the possibility and success of the relevant action.)

Complement of direction

趋向补语 qūxiàng bǔyǔ "complement of direction"

The direction of an action that moves must typically be specified. At its simplest, the two
directional complements 去 (qù, to go) and 来 [來] (lái, to come) may be affixed to the end of
a verb to indicate that it moves somehow away or towards the speaker, respectively. These
may be compounded with other verbs that further specify the direction, such as 上去 (shàng
qù, to ascend), 过来 [過來] (gùo lái, to come over), which may then be themselves affixed to
a verb (such as 走过去 [走過去], zǒu gùo qù, to walk over). Typically, these are only found
in an absolute form, although counter-examples of course exist (起不来床 [起不來床] or 起
床不來, to be unable to get up out of bed). Another example:

 他走上来了。 [他走上來了。]
literal: he walk-up-come-PF.
He walked up (towards me).
(directional suffixes indicating "up" and "towards".)
 Classifiers

量词 liàngcí "measure word"

Finally, Chinese nouns require classifiers (also termed measure words) in order to be counted.
That is, when specifying the amount of a countable noun, the classifier has to agree with the
noun. Hence one must say "兩頭牛/两头牛 two heads of cattle", not two cows, with "頭/头
head" being the unit of measurement, or measure word. This phenomenon is common in East
Asian languages. (In English, some words, as in the cited example of "cattle", are often paired
with a noun used much like the Chinese measure word. Bottle in "two bottles of wine" or
piece in "three pieces of paper" are examples; one does not typically say, "two wines" or
"three papers", unless talking about types of wine or academic research respectively.)

Classifiers are generally associated with certain groups of nouns related by meaning, such as
"條/条 tiáo" for long, thin objects or animals (e.g. ropes, snakes or fish), "把 bǎ" for objects
with handles (e.g. knives, umbrellas) "張/张 zhāng" for flat objects that can be counted as
sheets in English (photographs, fur, etc.). While there are dozens, if not hundreds, of
classifiers that exist, which must be memorized individually for each noun, the vast majority
of words generally use "個/个 gè", analogous to the neuter gender, and many of those that
may use others can also use "個/个" if the speaker chooses. The classifiers for many nouns
appear arbitrary. "Table" (桌子 zhuōzi) is a zhāng noun probably because table-top is sheet-
like and "chair" (椅子 yĭzi) is a bǎ noun probably we move a chair by lifting a "handle," while
another word for chair or stool, "凳子 dèngzi" is a "个" noun.

The endings for the indefinite and demonstrative article must also agree with the appropriate
classifier for a noun. For example, "狗 gǒu" means "dog" or "the dog." But to specify "that /
that (in direction of addressee) / this dog" (demonstrative) one says "那只狗/这只狗 [那隻狗/
這隻狗] nèizhī / nàzhī / zhèizhī gǒu," and to say "a dog" one says "一只狗 [一隻狗] yīzhī
gǒu," where the ending "只 [隻] -zhī" agrees with the classifier of the noun "狗 gǒu."
Similarly, "that / that (in direction of addressee) / this / a house" are "那座房子/这座房子/一
座房子 nèizuò / nàzuò / zhèzuò / yīzuò fángzi," where the ending "座 -zuò" agrees with the
noun "房子 fángzi."

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