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By Rosalee de la Forêt

Ever since I was a young girl, I have strived to make homemade presents for friends and
family. At first, my crafts were considered cute, later, in my college years I loved the
economical practicality of making my own presents, and now it is a conscious choice for
change in the world. By making our own creations out of herbs grown locally we give gifts of
the heart and impact the earth in a positive way. That makes a lot of sense to me! The
following pages contain all of my favorite gifts – my friends and family know them well and
even request their favorites as the holiday season nears. I hope these ideas inspire you to
create your own gifts as well.
We’ll begin by wrapping it up…

Wrapping It Up
Presentation adds a lot to a gift and can be as simple as using tissue paper bought from
the store, or an elaborate basket handmade by you. Here are some easy ideas to make
your gift look all the sweeter.

• Containers
Baskets: You can easily find baskets at thrift stores and flea markets for a fraction of
the price than buying new. I also find that these baskets often have more character
and better quality. Also look for large porcelain or glass containers.

• Re-using
Many containers that you buy for personal use can be sterilized and relabeled. Use
interesting wine bottles for your syrups and oils. Glass jars can always be reused for
your honeys or bath gifts. Baby jars work great for flavored butters.

• Wrapping suggestions
You can find a variety of interesting paper stores for your wrapping needs. I
personally like the Paper Zone for fun ideas.

• Name of item
• Ingredients (list all, especially those that commonly cause allergic reactions)
• Instructions on how to use or cook or suggestions for accompaniments.
• Date the item was made
• Use by date

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Flavored Honey
Honey is the nectar of the flowers of plants, gathered by the bee and transported in the stomach to the
hive. Ancient honeys were produced from a wild variety of plants. According to Steven Buhner, author of
Sacred & Herbal Healing Beers, bees are strongly attracted to medicinal plants and honey produced from
medicinal plants continues to have those same qualities present in the flowers. Some examples are; elder,
balsam root, chokecherry, valerian, Echinacea, wild geranium, dandelion clover and alfalfa where most of
our honey comes from today. On the other side of this, honey made from poisonous plants, will poison the

To receive the many nutritious qualities of honey I always choose raw, unprocessed honey. Flavored
honeys can be made with a variety of different fragrant herbs. They can be used alone or in a mixture. To
make this simple treat fill a glass jar with desired herbs, cover with honey, turn upside down every few
days. You will want to refrigerate the honey after about three days. It’s ready at this point, but of course,
will get better with time. The amount of herbs you use will be dependent on the potency of the fragrance.
You will be happy filling an entire jar with rose petals, however, lavender only requires a couple
tablespoon of fresh flowers. Some honeys you may want to strain before eating, while others are
wonderful as is.
Other Flavored Honey Ideas
from Susun Weed
Rose Hip Honey
Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum)
• Gather rose hips after they have developed and turned Comfrey leaf (Symphytum off.)
red. Some herbalists recommend waiting until after the
Cronewort/mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
first frost for improved flavor. (These fruits are
commonly found on bushes well into winter.) Elecampane (for coughs/sore throat)
• Rinse rose hips well, and deseed the hips using a knife Fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare)
or spoon. (I find them easier to de-seed when frozen.) Garlic (Allium sativum)
• Fill a jar half to completely full with the hips. Ginger root (Zingiber officinalis)
• Fill the remainder of the way with honey and mix well Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)
either by stirring or by turning the jar upside down. Lavender (Lavendula off.)
• Let sit for three days and then place in fridge. Lemon Balm (Melissa off.)
Lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla)
Marjoram (Origanum majorana)
Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Osha root (Ligusticum porterii)
Peppermint (Mentha pipperata)
Rose petals (Rosa canina and others)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus off.)
Sage (Salvia off.)
Shiso (Perilla frutescens)
Spearmint (Mentha spicata)
Thyme (Thymus species)
Yarrow blossoms (Achillea millefolium)
Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt
Rose Hip Syrup Recipe

This syrup keeps well in the fridge. It is especially good on pancakes or to sweeten teas.

1. Gather rose hips after they have developed and turned red. (These fruits are commonly
found on bushes well into winter.)
2. Rinse rose hips well. Remove any stems or flower remnants.
3. Bring two cups of water to a boil and add four cups of rose hips. Simmer for 20 minutes
or until the water has been reduced by half.
4. Allow to cool slightly and then strain through a jelly bag.
5. Stir in one cup of honey, or to taste.

Variations: Other Herbal Syrup Ideas

From Susun Weed
Rose Hip Cordial Comfrey leaves (Symphytum uplandica x)
Chicory roots (Cichorium intybus)
Follow the Rose Hip Syrup Recipe through
step three, and add whole cloves and a Dandelion flowers or roots (Taraxacum off.)
cinnamon stick to the boiling mixture. Strain Elder berries (Sambucus canadensis)
after twenty minutes. Allow to cool slightly and Lavender
then add half part brandy and honey to taste. Plantain leaves or roots (Plantago majus)
Bottle and cork. It keeps well in the fridge and Osha root (Ligusticum porterii)
improves with time. Pine needles or inner bark (Pinus)
Sage (Salvia off.)
Wild cherry bark (Prunus serotina)
2 Cups Water
1 Cup to 2/3 Cup Honey
Herbal mixture of choice

To make heat water and honey over medium heat until honey dissolves. Bring it to a slight
boil, remove from heat and add fresh or dried herbs. Steep from 20 minutes to 12 hours
depending on herb and desired taste. Strain and store in the freezer. You can also add 2
Tablespoons vodka to the mixture to prevent it from freezing too hard (this won’t affect taste).

Suggested Herbs:
Rose petals
Orange Zest

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is a powder-like material that is produced by the anthers of flowering plants and gathered by bees. It has been
called the world’s perfect food because it contains every nutrient the human body requires. In other words you could survive
on nothing but water and bee pollen. (Antol 104)
8 - 40% Protein Calcium Carotene
B-Complex Vitamins Copper Sodium
Vitamin C Iron Plant Sterols
Amino Acids Magnesium Simple Sugar
Essential Fatty Acids Potassium
Enzymes Manganese
Like other bee products, bee pollen has anti-microbial properties as well as anti-biotic, anti-viral, antiseptic, and anti-fungal
properties. (Antol 106)
Useful for combating fatigue, depression, cancer, stimulating the reproductive system for males and females and eases
digestive and colon disorders. It also helps people with allergies because it strengthens the immune system.
Choosing bee pollen:
Bee pollen should not form clumps and should be stored in a tightly sealed container and refrigerated. Like other bee
products it’s best to choose locally produced bee pollen, this is especially important for anti-allergenic properties.
Heat destroys bee pollen’s vital enzyme activity and lowers the nutrient value so it is not recommended for teas or cooking.
Instead try adding granules to yogurt or cereal, or mix with cinnamon and add to applesauce.

Bee Pollen Candy:

½ Cup Bee Pollen
2 Tablespoons Cocoa
2 Tablespoons Water
3 Tablespoons Raw Honey
½ Cup Rolled Oats
1 Tablespoon Vanilla
½ Cup Crunchy Peanut Butter
½ Cup Tahini
Coconut for rolling
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cardamon
Dissolve the cocoa in the water and mix with bee pollen in a medium size bowl. Add the raw honey and mix well, and then
add the peanut butter, tahini, Bee Pollen, Rolled Oats, Vanilla, nutmeg and cardamon and mix thoroughly.
Using your hand or melon baller form into small balls, roll in the coconut and store in the refrigerator or freezer.

An estimated .05% of the population is said to be allergic to bee pollen. So it is wise to start with just a few
granules, wait for a reaction before increasing the dosage.

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Besides water, tea is the most popular beverage worldwide. Herbal teas can be calming and soothing, or
add a kick to your day. They can be used for healing or an excuse to spend some quiet moments in
reflection. There are many herbal tea recipe books that can be used to find a special mix tailored to suit a
person’s needs.

Herbal teas can be made in several ways.

Infusions: To prepare, pour just boiled water over fresh or dried herbs of choice. Steep for a ten minute
minimum or to taste. Medicinal teas are usually steeped longer and have a more potent taste than those
drunk strictly for pleasure.

Decoctions: While some plants release their properties with hot water, roots, bark, and some seeds
require more coaxing. To prepare, boil water and add the herb of choice to water. Reduce heat and
simmer for recommended amount of time or until the water is reduced by one-third.

Sun Tea: Place desired herbs in a large glass jar, fill with water and leave in direct sunlight for several
hours. Sun tea is great iced.

Moon Tea: Same idea as solar tea, instead place where it will be in the Moon’s full gaze all night. This
works best during a full moon.


Roasted Dandelion Chai Tea

2 parts dried roasted dandelion root
2 parts dried burdock root
2 parts cinnamon chips
1 part cardamon pods
1 part ginger root
½ part whole cloves

Blend together and store in a tightly sealed container. Including brewing suggestions on the label:
1 cup of chair blend per quart of water simmered gently for twenty minutes. Strained with milk and or
honey added to taste. (2 Tablespoons chai mixture per 8 oz of water)

Herbal Ice Cubes:

Try freezing mint or lemon teas in ice cubes to use for your next iced tea. You can also make popsicles
out of your favorite teas. Try adding a fresh sprig for decoration.

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Nourishing Daily Blend: by Kathleen Brown
1 part burdock root
1 part chamomile
1 part nettle leaves
1 part oatstraw
1 part red clover blossoms
1/10 part cinnamon chips (optional)

Sunset Brew: by Rosalee de la Foret

1 part lavender
1 part catnip
1 part red clover
1 part dried rose hips
1 part hibiscus

Herb House Winter Tea by Patti Chambers

½ Cup dried hibiscus flowers
½ Cup dried rose hips
½ Cup dried lemon verbena leaves
½ Cup dried peppermint leaves
½ Cup dried orange peel

Mix and store in airtight container. To brew, mix one tablespoon with each 8 oz of water.
Makes 48 servings.

Good Morning Blend: By Rosemary Gladstar

3 parts peppermint leaves
3 parts rose hips
½ part freshly grated ginger root
½ part ginkgo leaves
¼ part rosemary leaves
1/8 part orange peel (organic)

Shatoiya’s Moon Brew: By Shatoiya de la Tour

1 ¼ parts raspberry leaves
1 part nettle leaves
½ part lavender flowers (organic)
½ part spearmint leaves
½ part rose petals (organic)
¼ part oatstraw

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Flavored Butter:
I make this when we have parties – and it’s always a big hit.

To make this delicious treat, soften ½ Cup butter to room temperature and mix with ½ cup
olive oil. Then mix in finely minced fruits, nuts, and herbs. (You can do this by hand or the
blender.) Serve with warm bread. They can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks or in
the freezer for two months. I’ve also made this without the olive oil – the end product is firmer
with a slightly different taste.

Suggested herbs and nuts:

Mushroom & Shallots (Our household favorite!)
Rosemary & Garlic
Dandelion leaves & Garlic
Wood Sorrel & Hazelnut
Orange zest & catnip
Dried basil & pine nuts
Wild fruits & honey
Garlic & grated parmesan

Flavored Oils:
Add dried herbs* to olive oil and let sit for at least two weeks. At this point taste to see how
strong it is. If it’s good, strain, bottle and label. You can add a new dried sprig of whatever
herb you infused it with for decoration.

*To avoid botulism, use only dried herbs.

Suggested herbs are:


Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Seaweed is a nutritional powerhouse that nourishes us by supplying practically every
needed nutrient for our body’s functions. According to the authors of Vegetables from
the Sea, “All of the mineral required for human beings, including calcium, sodium,
magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron and zinc are present in sufficient amounts. I
addition there are many trace elements in seaweeds.” Kelp, a brown seaweed, also
has significant amounts of vitamins A and C, as well as B1, B2, B6, Niacin and B12—
of which is rarely found in land plants.

Taken daily seaweed can improve the health of your hair, support joint health, and
help to rid the body of heavy metals. For those wanting to lose or maintain their weight,
kelp is high in iodine supporting the thyroid and metabolic function.

I think of adding seaweed to my diet akin to taking a multi-vitamin

This simple recipe is surprisingly deliciously complex and a big crowd pleaser. It’s also
great for those sensitive to wheat and gluten (just omit the oats).

1⁄2 oz. of kelp (Nereocystis) fronds

2 cups of almonds, hazelnuts, or sesame seeds
1⁄2 cup of maple (or birch) syrup
Coconut Oil

Powder the kelp fronds by placing them in a blender or using a mortar and pestle. Do the
same with the almonds or hazelnuts. If using sesame seeds leave whole. Add a ½ cup of
maple syrup and mix well. Use a rolling pin to spread onto a cookie sheet leaving them about
a ¼ thick. Bake at 350 for about 17 minutes or until golden brown. Use a pizza cutter to cut
into bars and enjoy!

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Bath Balls

To make a bath ball cut two squares app. 5 inches of cheesecloth. Overlap and then place grated soap
and herbs of choice in the middle. Gather up the sides of the cheesecloth, secure the soap and herbs with
a rubber band, ribbon, or both.

Herb suggestions:

Calendula Mint
Chamomile Red Clover
Citrus Peels Rose
Lavender Rosemary
Lemongrass Sage
Violet Wormwood
Nettle (stimulating) Coltsfoot

Bath herbs

A great way to add herbs to a beauty regimen is simply adding them to your bathtub. I usually infuse the
herbs in just boiled water for twenty minutes and then strain them into the tub. Using large tea bags or
muslin bags for gift giving is much more practical. Any of the herbs listed above make a great bath.

Bath Salts

Borax: sodium borate, mineral mined only a few places in the world. It softens the water, is a
cleansing agent, and has the ability to suspend soap particles in water so they don’t adhere to skin or clog
pores. Skin is left cleaner and softer

2 cups borax
1/8 cup sea salt
1/8 cup Epsom salts
1/8 cup white clay
Essential Oil of choice

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Facial Masks

Facial masks are an easy, fun, and luxurious gift to give for those who need a little spoiling. You can use bentonite
clay, green clay, red clay or white clay for the base of the mixture.

Bentonite: Softer, more mucilaginous, and has mild properties for good for most skin problems. Used internally for
detoxing and supplying minerals

Green Clay: High concentration of plant material and volcanic matter give this clay its green color. Best clay for
medicinal purposes, but mild enough to use for cosmetic purposes

Red Clay: High in iron to give it that rich rusty color. It is very drying and drawing and used on poison oak/iivy,
rashes and wounds. Also good for acne or oily skin.

Whiite Clay: Very versatile and least drying. It is often used in cosmetics.

Herb suggestions:
Red Clover, Comfrey, Chamomile, Lavender, Violet, Mint, Coltsfoot, rose

Rozee’s Facial Scrub:

One part powdered rose petals

One part kaolin clay
½ Almond meal
½ Cornmeal
Mix together and place in an airtight container (I like baby food jars as a container for this scrub). To use mix a
teaspoon with water, gently massage into face and neck using fingertips.
Let sit for 2 – 5 minutes and then rinse free.

Body Powder

1 cup white cosmetic clay (kaolin)

2 cups arrowroot powder or cornstarch
Essential Oil of choice
Powdered herbs

Suggested herbs: Calendula, lavender, rose petals, chamomile

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Sachets and Pillows
Sachets can be made with a variety of fragrant herbs and spices and used in many different ways. To make, sew
two squares of fabric ¾ of the way together (ugly side facing out). Turn right-side out, stuff with herbs/spices, and
sew shut. (Silk is a great material because it is tightly woven.) Sachets can be a variety of sizes from 2 square
inches for throwing with clothes in the dryer or 1 square foot to place in a drawer. They can be hung in closets,
cars, or stuffed in between couch cushions.
For linens try:
Rose Eye Pillows
Violet Cut a piece of fabric approximately
Rosemary 5’ X 8’
Thyme Fold in half and sew wrong sides
Cedar together leaving the top open. Turn
right side out.
Dream Pillow
Fill ¾ with flax and ¼ Cup herb of
Pineapple Weed
Lemon Balm
Suggested herbs:
Lavender, Eucalyptus, Chamomile,
Wormwood leaves to stimulate dream life
Wormwood, Rose Petals, Hyssop, Bee
Lemony Sachet: By Roxanne Vierra
1 pound dried lemon zest, ground
½ Cup dried lemon verbena
½ Cup lemon thyme
1 Cup dried lemon grass, chopped
½ C dried lemon balm

Winter Coasters:
Fill coaster sized sewed squares with
Ground cloves
Ground nutmeg
Ground Cinnamon
Ground Cardamon

As warm cups are placed on the coasters, they release their scent.

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

Night Spa:
Bath Salts and Herbs
Sunset Brew Tea
Dream Pillow
Facial Mask

Gifts from the Hive:

Flavored Honey
Bee Pollen Candy
Honey Pot and ladle

Tea Combinations:
Inspiration Tea with paints and paper
Reflection Tea with Journal
Good Morning Tea with Poetry

Lavender Gift Basket

Lavender Tea
Lavender Eye Pillow
Lavender Honey
Lavender Sugar
Lavender Bath Salts

Rose Gift Basket

Rose hip honey
Rose Facial Mask
Rose Bath Salts
Rose Eye Pillow

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt

1. Herbal Teas; Kathleen Brown, Storey Books.

2. Healing Teas: Marie Nadine Antol, Paragon Press.

3. The Book of Herbal Teas; Sara Petty, Chronicle Books.

4. Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia and
Alaska; Pojar and Mackinnon, Lone Pine Publishing.

5. 20,000 Secrets of Tea; Victoria Zak, Dell Publishing.

6. Discovering Wild Plants; Janice J. Schofield, Alaska Northwest Books

7. Prescription for Herbal Healing; Phyllis A. Balch, Avery.

8. Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers; Steven Harrod Buhner, Sitris Books

9. Family Herbal Remedies, Rose Mary Gladstar

10. Healing Wise, Susun Weed

Ancestree Herbals

Mountain Rose Herbs

Copyright 2008 Rosalee de la Forêt


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