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Mason Barber

Dr. Kelty
Fall 2018
Dramaturgical Presentation
 My motivation for this podcast is to encourage art to be created and to find ways to
illuminate lesser known but inspiring theatre.
 I hope my audience will feel enlightened and better educated about musical theatre. After
experiencing my podcast, I want my audience to know that all theatre and art needs to be
given attention to.
 I will describe how the production removed seats from the orchestra to accommodate a
large orchestra pit.
 The best possible outcome is that my message is heard and Shuffle Along is remembered.
 The worst possible outcome is that I ramble on like a fool and exclude my audience from
the interesting details of the show’s history.
 The audience could be looking for information on musical theatre and intrigued with my
podcast. They might be thinking “I’ve never heard of Shuffle Along, let’s give this a try.”
The audience should be interested in my communication because of my topic’s
fascinating history and exuberant voice behind the podcast. The audience may be hostile
because of preconceived notions or just apprehension about musical theatre.
 The students of SUNY Plattsburgh are not my only audience, my audience is theatre-
lovers worldwide who thirst for more information.
 I expect people to listen to my podcast however its convenient for them, accessing it by
either streaming through YouTube or on the Podcast app.
 I don’t know if my audience will have any expectations other than that they are about to
hear some rousing information regarding theatre.
Questions and Content:
 The main event my podcast will address will be Shuffle Along.
 I will make the topic clear by discussing key information regarding the musical.
 I care about this topic because it is a great show that set the foundation for art to thrive on
Broadway and its not being remembered justly.
 This topic should matter to anyone concerned with musical theatre or black history.
Theatre people and black people are affected by this topic.
Talking Points:
 I want my audience to remember:
o The orchestra seat dilemma
o The integrated audience
o The pioneering chorus
o How it fits DuBois’ criteria
o How it changed Broadway
 I can connect these points through seamless transitions.
 I will be drawing from many archives of theatre and black culture that all coincide with
the history of Shuffle Along.

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