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Stammer Meekness
verb noun
speak with sudden the fact or condition
involuntary pauses of being meek;
and a tendency to submissiveness.
repeat the initial
letters of words.

Downcast Sledge
adjective noun
1. (of a person's
eyes) looking A vehicle on runners
downward. for conveying loads or
2. (of a person) passengers over snow
feeling or ice, often pulled by
despondent. draft animals.

look keenly or with
difficulty at someone
or something.


Place where Ivan
Dmitrich Aksionov got

Town of Vladimir
Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov
is a merchant living in
Vladimir, a town in

Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov
was sent in a prison in
Ivan Aksionov
young merchant Third person’s point of view is
who live in Vladimir used in the story. Because
during the whole story, the
Makar Semyonich author, which is Leo Tolstoy was
the man who caused the one to narrate all the
Aksionov sufferings
events. It also focuses on the
main character, Ivan Aksionov.
the one being
murdered in the
the wife of In God Sees the Truth, But
Aksionov Waits by Leo Tolstoy, the author
want us to convey about
having a strong faith in our
Lord. It also talks about being
courageous and forgiving.

Man vs. Society Man vs. Man
In the story, it was also In the story, the tension
mentioned how people between Aksionov and
judged Aksionov. After so Makar was mentioned. It
many years, Aksionov is also because Aksionov
had no idea that the suffered for years in order
crime they accused him to pay for the crime that
were never forgotten by Makar did.
the people in his town.

Aksionov was a merchant from Makar Semyonich together with his The night after, Makar went to
Vladimir and has his own family. On his companion was arrested because of Aksionov to confess the truth. He
way to Nizhny Fair he met a merchant many crimes. While telling their stories begged for forgiveness and promised
and had some tea with him. After that and how they got arrested, Aksionov Aksionov that he will tell the authorities
day, he met two soldiers and they start found out that it was Makar who the truth. But Aksionov thought that
to question and accuse him on murdered the merchant that the there’s no home for him since his wife is
murdering the merchant who was with authorities thought he did. Until one dead and his children might forgotten
him. day, the governor went to the jail and about him already. Which is why he
questioned all the convicts who has refused Makar’s promise. When
been digging under the hole. Aksionov Aksionov heard makar sobbing, he too
didn’t tell the governor who was it began to weep and told him “God will
He was imprisoned in Siberia for 26
even if he knows that it was Makar forgive you”. Then Aksionov’s heart
years and earned his own money by
Semyonich. grew light.
making boots. He used the money to
buy a book called The lives of the
saints. It’s because he believes God is RESOLUTION
the only one who knows the truth. Makar Semyonich confessed his guilt
When in jail, he got the trust of the inspite of what Aksionov told him. But
other people and the authorities. He when the order for his release came,
also became more religious. Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov was already

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