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ELX 232.

3 (Credit hours 3)

Computer Architecture and Microprocessors

BCIS, Second Year, Fourth Semester

Course Objectives:
This course will provide the fundamental knowledge to understand the basics, operation, programming
and application of microprocessor with computer architecture.

Course Contents:
Introduction 3 hours
Introduction to Microprocessors, Review of Processor Bus Organization, Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Basic Computer Architecture 14 hours

SAP-1 Architecture:8-bit "W" bus,4-bit program counter only counts up (starts execution at 0),4-bit
Memory Address Register (MAR),16x8-bit memory, 8-bit instruction register (IR),6-cycle controller
with 12-bit micro-instruction word,8-bit accumulator,8-bit B register, 8-bit adder-subtractor, 8-bit
output register; SAP –1 Instructions, Fetch & Execution, microprogram.: fetch cycle, execution cycle,
micro program, controller implementation
SAP-2 Architecture: SAP 2 Architecture, architectural differences with SAP-1, bi-directional registers,
instruction set, flags

Instruction Cycle 3 hours

Fetch Operation and Timing Diagram, Execute Operation and Timing Diagram, Machine Cycle and

Intel 8085 10 hours

Functional Block Diagram and Pin configuration, Timing and Control Unit, Registers, Data and
Address Bus, Intel 8085 Instructions, Operation Code and Operands, Addressing Modes, Interrupts,
Flags, Instructions and Data Flow inside 8085,Basic Assembly Language Programming Using 8085
Instruction Sets

Basic I/O and Memory R/W Operations 6 hours

Memory Read, Memory Write, I/O Read, I/O Write, Introduction to Direct Memory Access

Parallel Interface 6 hours

Introduction PPI Device 8255 A, Internal Block Diagram,8255A Modes, Initialization and generation
control words, Example of 8255 A interfacing to a micro-computer

Serial Interface 6 hours

Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication, Parity and Baud rates, Serilization, RS 232 Interface
Pin Description, Simplex Connection, Duplex Connection, Full Duplex Connection, Connection
Between DTE to DTE, Connection to Printers and Zero Modem

Assembly language programming using 8085 trainer kit. The programming should include: Arithmetic
operation, base conversion, conditional branching etc.

Text Books:
1. Malvino: Digital Computer Electronics ( An introduction to Microcomputers)
2.Ramesh S. Gaonkar: Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with 8085,
Printice Hall
Reference Books:
1. Morris Mano: Computer System Architecture, Prantice Hall
2. Douglas V. Hall: Microprocessor and Interfacing programming and Hardware ,McGraw Hill

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