2010 Winter Sower

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winter 2011

At this year’s Planting Hope in this issue

Gala, the Missions Pastor at Features

Solana Beach Presbyterian

Hope Is Keeping Them Home 2
Gala Success! 3
Haiti Recovery Update 6
Church, Tom Theriault, gave
an introductory reflection and Holiday Gift Catalog
Director’s Corner
offered a prayer to kick off Breaking News 5-6

the evening. His words were so

inspiring that Plant With Purpose
decided to interview Tom and
develop his testimony into an
article. The following story
inside recounts his friendship
with people in Oaxaca, Mexico
and what they taught him over
the past ten years.

Formerly known as Floresta USA

Hope is Keeping Annual Gala Plants Hope
them Home
An Interview with Tom Theriault
for the Rural Poor
Thank you to everyone who prayed for go toward water cisterns in Mexico, soil eight new village sponsorships pledged!
Missions Pastor at Solana Beach Presbyterian Church
and supported this year’s Planting Hope conservation in Haiti, and savings and loan Thank you to those of you who prayed
Gala! This year’s event raised $235,000 group trainings in the Dominican Repub- for and supported this critical fund rais-
and we are so excited about this outcome. lic. Additionally, thanks to the overwhelm- ing event. Because of your support, farm-
During the Fund A Need auction we raised ing response we received during the Trees ers will be able to feed their families, raise
$144,000. These much needed funds will Please auction, 15,950 trees will be plant- their incomes, restore health to their com-
go toward fuel-efficient stoves in Tanzania, ed in Haiti. This is in addition to the near- munities, and grow in their knowledge of
women’s empowerment programs in Thai- ly 240,000 trees we have already planted God’s love and grace.
land, and food security in Burundi. They will in Haiti since the earthquake. We also had

There is an African proverb that porting the community of El Porvenir in Oax- Theriault spoke to one farmer who said, “With
aca. When Theriault first visited, he noticed the help of our friends to the North, we now have
says, “Your ears are your father’s
barren hillsides with people trapped in a cy- hope. We are on our feet and producing things
friends; your eyes are your own cle of extreme poverty. He learned that the ourselves.”
friends.” This loosely translates to community made a meager living by selling
“seeing is believing”. This saying charcoal to city dwellers to use as fuel wood With the renewal of El Porvenir well underway,
for cooking. Desperate to feed their families, Plant With Purpose suggested that SBPC shift
rings true for Tom Theriault, who the farmers cut down more and more trees the partnership to a nearby village called Loma
has witnessed the transforming on the dry hillsides for charcoal, destroying Chimedia. Facing similar hardships as El Pov-
power of the gospel, particularly at the land and further entrenching themselves enir, the community’s goal was to revive their
in poverty and environmental degradation. land, their Mixtec language and culture, and the
work in the lives of the rural poor.
Mixtec traditions of environmental stewardship.
SBPC became involved with creating oppor- They also wanted to stop migration and keep
Ten years ago, Theriault’s church, Solana tunities for the community. Theriault says people home in Oaxaca.
Beach Presbyterian Church (SBPC), decided that their church became friends with leaders
they wanted to address the poverty they in the community, and it was out of this trust Now, five years later, the community is flour-
saw on their street corners. Most of the peo- that they were able to work together. Theri- ishing. They have constructed greenhouses to
ple they saw were immigrants from Mexico ault saw outcroppings of God’s love as the multiply their vegetable crops, cisterns to store
who had presumably crossed the border villagers transformed their lives by planting precious rainwater, and eco-latrines and eco-
illegally and were now living in poverty. trees, creating fishponds, and constructing stoves to improve health and reduce harm on
They got to know some of them and came cisterns to catch precious rainwater. SBPC’s their surrounding environment. Last summer, a
to understand why they were on our street Vacation Bible School raised money to start village leader told the SBPC team that in the past
corners. Hope had driven them north to find flocks of sheep, which produced wool twice three years not a single Oaxacan has left Loma
work to feed their families back in Mexico. per year. The women from SBPC visited the Chimedia for the North.
The church wanted to do more than put a community and collaborated with the wom-
band-aid on the problem. They wanted to en there to think of creative ways to gener- Upon reflection, Theriault says, “Over the years,
address the problem at its roots to find a ate income. Together they came up with the we became friends with the people of Oaxaca.
long-term solution. idea of creating pine needle baskets and I have seen with my own eyes how the gospel
many other craft items, which the women of Jesus transforms people, communities, and
SBPC approached Plant With Purpose, an now sell in their local markets. Theriault said the environment that supports people and com-
organization they had supported for years. it was inspiring to see these industrious and munities. Hope is no longer driving them north.
Plant With Purpose suggested a partnership inventive Oaxacan women play a key role in Hope is keeping them home. It makes my heart
in Oaxaca, Mexico - a place that has the high- the revival of their community. rejoice!”
est emigration rate of any Mexican state.
Upon further research, SBPC discovered On his church’s fourth visit to El Porvenir, If you or your church is interested in spon-
why Oaxacans were leaving their homes. they noticed a difference in the attitude of soring a village in Oaxaca or any of the plac-
With land depleted by deforestation and the people. “We saw a sign at the entrance es Plant With Purpose works, please contact
counterproductive farming practices, these of the village that read, ‘Welcome to El Por- our office at:
hard working men could no longer support venir, where there are opportunities,’” said
their families. Hoping for a better future, Theriault. “El Porvenir literally means “the (800) 633-5319
they risk life and limb to cross the border. future,” so it was exciting to see people with
a renewed hope for their future.”
or email Doug Satre at:
Looking for a long-term solution, SBPC
teamed up with Plant With Purpose by sup-

2 Formerly known as Floresta USA www.plantwithpurpose.org 3

Gifts With a Purpose Director’S CORNER breaking news
By SCOTT SABIN, Executive Director
What do you give to the person who has everything? How about a gift given in their honor
to help bring hope and wholeness to a rural community! This year, Plant With Purpose
Here are some
is having an online holiday village market. You can shop for animals, trees, eco-items examples of
such as stoves, cisterns, or latrines, family gardens, micro credit loans, and resources
for community Bible study groups. Find the perfect alternative gift for your family and
alternative gifts and
friends by visiting www.plantwithpurpose.org/gifts. Or, check the “gift” box on the en- their life-changing Visit a Village
closed remit envelope and check which items you would like to donate. Then go to www.
plantwithpurpose.org to download a gift card that you can print out and send to those
benefits for rural Every year Plant With Purpose supporters

special people in your life. communities: have the opportunity to travel to the com-
munities where we work to see our life-
changing work first-hand. This year’s trip
dates are as follows:

Plant Fuel-efficient Family Dominican Republic:

April 28 – May 3, 2011
Trees Stove Garden Haiti:
August 21 – 27, 2011

Oaxaca, Mexico:
October 19 – 24, 2011

Please contact Doug Satre at

doug@plantwithpurpose.org or call
(800) 633-5319 if you are interested in
participating in a vision trip.

Blog Buzz
Wondering what the latest news is at
Plant With Purpose? Stay in the know by
A whirlwind. That may be Here in the US, my book was released in signing-up to receive blog posts to your
the only way to describe February, and we received unprecedented email inbox! You will hear inspiring testi-
monies from the farmers we work with,
2010. On January 12th, the publicity in national publications and media. as well as information on how you can
Deforestation and poverty are devastating Buy a Fuel-efficient Stove for $30 Plant a Nutritious Family Garden for $50
earthquake in Haiti turned We also completed an ambitious new stra- get involved.
global problems that can’t be solved in iso- Fuel-efficient stoves help families and Malnutrition is a serious problem in the areas
most of the country upside tegic plan, which anticipates expansion in-
lation. Desperate to feed their families, poor the environment. In most of the develop- where Plant With Purpose works, and this gift Visit www.plantwithpurpose.org/blog to
down, and gave us march- to five new countries while continuing to im-
farmers are driven to cut down trees for imme- ing countries where Plant With Purpose of a family garden will make a huge difference keep up with the blog buzz.
ing orders for the rest of prove the work we are doing in our current
diate survival despite the horrible disasters that works, women cook food and boil water in the quality of life for an entire family. Your
the year. You can read elsewhere in the Sower projects. We believe that the work we are do-
result: farms become wasteland, springs dry
up, flooding and landslides ensue, and the land
over an open fire inside their homes, forc-
ing them and their children to inhale un-
gift of $50 enables Plant With Purpose staff to
help set up a garden and train a mother and
about our ongoing response, but I am incred- ing is some of the most effective in the world Tending to Eden
is utterly depleted for future generations. Do- healthy amounts of smoke each day. Imag- her family to diversify their diet, better use the
ibly proud of our team and the way they rose
to the occasion, and continue to this day, sac-
for solving the upstream causes of poverty.
Named a Finalist
nating trees will help farmers and their families
improve the quality of their soil, protect vulner-
ine an open campfire in your kitchen! For
$30, Plant With Purpose will provide a fam-
limited space available for growing food, and
improve the fertility and production of their
rificing to help rebuild the country. We realize we could do none of it without in the Christianity
able hillsides from erosion and mud slides, and ily with a cleaner burning stove. By reduc- land. Plant With Purpose also helps these fam-
Elsewhere our programs made enormous
God’s grace and the active partnership of
people like you. Yet we are far from finished.
Today Book of the
ultimately restore their land. Trees are powerful
tools that can transform the lives of the poor.
ing wood use by 50%, these stoves prevent
deforestation and also reduce diseases and
ilies market their products at local markets and
in other cities. The extra money generated at
strides, expanding to new communities (we There is still so much to be accomplished - so Year Awards!
are now working in 237 villages globally) and many lives to touch. With that in mind, please Tending to Eden: Environ-
death caused by smoke inhalation. For just markets allows mothers to pay for school fees mental Stewardship for
$10 - Plant an orchard (10 trees) planting over 1 million trees. Thousands of consider a year-end donation, or consider
$30, you can make a significant impact on for their children and provide better health for God’s People written by
$25 – Plant a hillside (25 trees) bio-intensive vegetable gardens were plant- using our online gift catalogue to help with our Executive Director,
the health of the planet and the rural poor. their families.
$50 – Plant a grove (50 trees) ed, hundreds of wood-saving stoves were con- your Christmas shopping this year (www. Scott Sabin, is a finalist
structed, and hundreds of loans were made. plantwithpurpose.org/gifts). in the Christianity Today
$100 – Plant a forest (100 trees)
book of the year awards!
New cisterns now provide clean water in doz- We are very honored and
ens of communities. Many lives were trans- Thank you! humbled by this nomination. Please help
formed with new opportunity, new hope, and us spread the word about this wonder-
ful book by telling friends and family (it
The Sower Issue #91 4903 Morena Blvd. Ste 1215
San Diego, CA 92117
Editor-In-Chief: Kate Nare
new faith. We took steps to incorporate a new
type of credit program in our work, the Village
makes a great Christmas gift!) or by shar-
ing the book’s creation care Bible study
The Sower is published quarterly Ph: (800) 633-5319 with your small group or church. Tending
Savings and Loan Associations, and we com-
Fax: (858) 274-3728 Please consider including Plant With to Eden is available on Amazon.com
by Plant With Purpose. Email: info@plantwithpurpose.org pleted our first year of working with USAID in through our website, www.plantwithpur-
Purpose in your wills and bequests.
www. plantwithpurpose.org Tanzania to connect organic vegetable growers Scott Sabin pose.org.
with appropriate markets for their produce. Executive Director

4 Formerly known as Floresta USA www.plantwithpurpose.org 5
“We want to plant trees everywhere Village restore their land and improve their liveli-
hoods. Instead of barren fields, farmers
around our community; we are
produce an abundance of nutritious crops.
Instead of becoming further entrenched in
dreaming of a forest! We know that
poverty, families start small businesses that
if we can do this, the young men of
our community will find hope and Huai Wai, allow them to pay for food, healthcare, and
school fees. Instead of being backed into a
opportunity here, rather than having
to look for work in the sugar cane Thailand corner, families are equipped with options
and opportunities.

fields of the Dominican Republic,

or for food in Port au Prince.” From You can help the people of Huai Wai to trans-
form stories of desperation and heartbreak

Ronald, Heartbreak into stories of victory and hope by partner-

ing with Plant With Purpose to sponsor Huai
Community Leader, Fonds Verettes, Haiti
to Hope Wai for only $30 per month. And, if you sign
up for a recurring donation, your gift will be
matched for the first year!
By Aly Lewis, Grant Writer
Visit www.plantwithpurpose.org or call
Some of the darkest stories I’ve ever heard
Breaking News have come from Northern Thailand. Stories
(800) 633-5319 to learn more about
sponsoring a village.

Haiti Earthquake Recovery Efforts of human trafficking and child sex slaves.
Stories of people profiting from and prey-
ing on families so desperate that they would
As the one-year anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti approaches, we are encour-
choose to sell one child to save the rest. Sto-
aged by the progress we have witnessed in the lives of our Haitian brothers and sis-
ries of desperation, hopelessness, and ex- restore hope to these communities. Bassett’s
ters. Since January 12th, 2010, we have distributed 118,740 pounds of bean seed to

Partners With Purpose:

ploitation. Stories that break my heart. Southern California stores in San Marcos,
over 2,700 families and employed over 6,000 farmers through our “Cash for Work”
Chula Vista, Temecula, Irvine, and Fountain
program who planted nearly 240,000 trees and constructed over 360 miles of soil
conservation barriers. This progress is encouraging, but there is still much work to be
When I first read about the people of Huai
Wai, a village Plant With Purpose works
Bassett Furniture of Valley all have Plant With Purpose posters in
their windows, and customers are encour-

Southern California
done. With the help of generous donors such as yourself, we will continue to plant
with in Northern Thailand, my heart broke. aged to plant a tree for only $1.00. Huffman
trees and construct erosion barriers to conserve soil, improve crop yields, and pro-
Fleeing conflict and oppression in the Bur- said sometimes customers will say they have
tect farmers from further disaster by restoring their land. So far we have raised over
mese Shan State, these Palaung hill tribe been to Tanzania or Oaxaca, so there is an au-
$1 million, and we hope to maintain this momentum. Please join us in continuing our
members resettled in Huai Wai. Despite tomatic connection.
recovery efforts in Haiti by donating online at www.plantwithpurpose.org or calling
their newfound freedom and safety, life is
our office at (800) 633-5319.
not easy in Huai Wai. Villagers suffer from Bassett is also committed to environmental
chronic hunger and poor health as they issues. According to Huffman, all employees

IMPORTANT Tax Deduction Reminder struggle to produce enough food from receive training on the importance of envi-
their overworked and barren land. As they ronmental preservation, and Bassett honors
The end of 2010 is almost upon us! If you are planning on making a donation and hav- run out of options, the people of Huai Wai this mission by using reputable lumber yards
ing it count toward your 2010 income tax return, IRS Publication 526 states the timing resort to cutting trees to provide for their and receiving their latex and foam materials
of your donation must be as follows: families, paradoxically destroying their pri- from quality factories who practice and value
mary source of sustenance and creating a sustainability.
• Check: The envelope in which the check is mailed must be POSTMARKED by or on Hope is in short supply in Mng’ende, Tanzania meeting. At the time he was looking for an or-
December 31st. vicious cycle of poverty and environmental
where environmental degradation, a shortage ganization for Bassett to support, and Plant Plant With Purpose would like to thank Bas-
destruction. Marked by such poverty, dis-
• Credit Card: Your card must be PROCESSED by or on December 31st, even if you of water, and a lack of economic opportunity re- With Purpose seemed like a good fit. sett for their commitment to providing long-
placement, and desperation, families be-
don’t pay your bill until January. sults in chronic hunger and malnutrition. Simi- term, sustainable solutions to bring pros-
come vulnerable to exploitation as they are
larly, in Rio Plaza, Mexico there is little rainfall “We wanted a way to give back to the commu- perity and dignity to rural communities in
• Stock and Securities: When electronically transferring appreciated stock or securi- forced to make difficult and often unthink-
and, as a last resort, people make a meager liv- nity, and Plant With Purpose’s mission of heal- Tanzania and Mexico. Because of their sup-
ties, the date of donation is the date Plant With Purpose RECEIVES the stock in our able decisions just to survive. But the story
ing by selling charcoal to city dwellers to use as ing the land and the people made sense to us,” port, lands are being reforested and families
account. Please allow at least 5 days from the time you initiate the transfer. doesn’t end there.
fuel wood for cooking, cutting down the trees said Huffman. “We have many Hispanic fami- are able to feed their families, start business-
For more information on how to donate stock and/or the benefits of donating stock, they depend on for survival. lies working for us, so there is a natural connec- es, and have hope for a better future.
Plant With Purpose is working upstream
please feel free to call our offices or email Kristen Tucker, Director of Finance & Admin- tion to Mexico. And being a furniture company
to address the root causes of poverty and
istration, at kristen@plantwithpurpose.org. These issues resonated with Rick Huffman, we support Tanzania’s reforestation projects.” If you are interested in learning more about
deforestation that force so many hopeless
President of Bassett Furniture of Southern Plant With Purpose’s corporate sponsorship
families in Huai Wai into desperate situa-
If you have any questions, please contact our offices by either calling (800) 633-5319 or California, when he first heard Executive Di- Since then, Bassett has committed to sponsor-
tions. Projects such as home gardens, fish opportunities, please call Doug Satre at (800)
emailing info@plantwithpurpose.org. Office hours are 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Pacific Time. rector of Plant With Purpose, Scott Sabin, ing the villages of Mng’ende and Rio Plaza in an
farms, water projects, and community sav- 633-5319 or visit www.plantwithpurpose.org.
speak a couple years ago at a Barnabas group effort to reverse the vicious cycle of poverty and
ings and loan groups empower farmers to

6 Formerly known as Floresta USA www.plantwithpurpose.org 7

Plant With Purpose Non-Profit Org
4903 Morena Blvd. Suite 1215 U.S. Postage
San Diego, CA 92117 Paid
Ph: (800) 633-5319 Permit 751
Fax: (858) 274-3728 San Diego CA

Email: info@plantwithpurpose.org

Give the Gift that

Keeps on Giving
Details about Plant With Purpose’s Holiday
Online Gift Catalog Inside…

Planting Hope Gala

a Success
Annual Fund raising Event Plants Trees and
Hope in the Lives of the Rural Poor

Floresta is now Plant With Purpose!

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