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c Mother͛s Know and Do the Best

 Ti, Maybelle, Tet Siasco and Beverly Sevilleno

 Health News

 Jan. 2009.Vol 13.No.1

The article depicts the essential of breastfeeding practice in relation to how this one
affects incapacity of mothers with general nursing problems. It features three women with
breast cancer, urticaria, and even pre-eclampsia. First case is with Maybelle Ti who was initially
diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago. This made her think of it a hopeless state in
settling someday. Not until three years later, came a miracle when she was claimed cancer-free
and finally got pregnant and married. Although, a dilemma on breastfeeding stops her after
knowing during a biopsy on her third trimester showed severed milk ducts. And so her husband
Ken helped her research on this. On April 30, 2005 she delivered via cesarean section to
daughter Sophie Therese; which is boardly premature. She admitted that breastfeeding is
difficult especially that Sophie seems unfulfilled with it. As to solve this, Ti keep on trying to
breastfeed; which resulted to Sophie͛s remarkable feeding development up to toddler, this
time. Next is with Tet Siasco which was also diagnosed with allergic urticaria (red skin wheals
hives all over the body). This made her confused on breastfeeding her son Izech with regards to
traditions learned on advantages of this in the first place. Wherein, she undergoes three weeks
of treatment and a goal to finish this as a sacrifice. Thus, Izech was breastfed with as a product
of minimal effort. And lastly, the case of Beverly Sevilleno who got pregnant after two years of
marriage and was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia on 26th week of pregnancy. After five more
weeks, she undergoes emergency delivers to a 798 grams or less than 1 kilo Benito. And so
immediate care on neonatal intensive care unit temporarily cuddled her child from severe
condition. Wherein, her goal for significant breastfeeding practice through breast pump comes
in regular routine. This in return helped Benito overcome his condition for 77 days in the
hospital. Going home finally made Sevilleno comfortable to breastfeed her child.


With my reaction, I͛ve seen this article meaningful one with regards to the mere
importance of breastfeeding to all of us. Considering that at the first day of life, everyone
undergone breastfeeding as an essential requirement of life. But on the difficult thing
experienced by these parents, a lot of sacrifice tends to be a process to look upon with
breastfeeding. As to picture this, mother͛s instinct to her child is reflected in the article by
customed efforts committed to stop this thing. Whereas, as a student, I came to realize that life
of a mother is not that an effortless responsibility but rather a miserable challenge. And is
mainly concerned with utilizing your innermost emotional tendencies to finally solve this in the
same time. This definitely would need a lot of maternal ability to trust what she believes to be a
right thing to do with her child.


As an implication to nursing education, this article could help students gain

understanding on the fundamental role of breastfeeding in maternal child nursing. As to relate
this, one informs them to study the process of neonatal feeding patterns including importance
of initially. Whereas, knowing those gives them the concept of dealing it to post-partum
patients who are needing to be advised in clinical setting. Next to this is implication to nursing
research that involves basically the special field of medicinal science. As to represent cases of
the breastfeeding difficulties in perspective to inform other mothers with this. To the point of
explaining it simply to guide mothers in the first place. And finally implication to nursing
practice would be on conducting care indicated to those patients that is most suitable to both
child and mothers. Whereas, nursing skills are applied practically in this situation.



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Clinical Instructor

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