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Choose a, b, c, or d.

1. Being a teacher is a demanding, and often thankless job, so make sure it’s your true_______.

a. occupation b. career c. profession d. vocation

2. Almost _____ suggestion I made during the meeting was rejected by the committee.

a. each one of the b. every one c. every single d. any of the

3. It was _________ of Jean to reserve the trip to Jamaica, given that she had never travelled
alone before.

a. smug b. persevering c. shallow d. bold

4. What can we do to _______ famine in the country after the most recent drought?

a. avert b. dispose c. extract d. discharge

5. Forgiveness is a(n) _______ idea that cannot be illustrated through material objects.

a. abstract b. valid c. neutral d. solid

6. Her dream of becoming a nurse was _______ when she failed to get the necessary marks.

a. amplified b. demolished c. shattered d. devised

7. Ali is currently doing a __________ at University of Baghdad.

a. degree b. grade c. term d. mark

8. Exceeding the speed limit is a ________ of law and will be punished.

a. violation b. misconception c. regulation d. deception

9. The red dots on the map ___________ danger.

a. reveal b. represent c. resemble d. reflect

10. She did not _________ a single word in response to all the stupid things they said.

a. make b. utter c. mutter d. let

11. She probably did ________ off more than she could chew.

a. bit b. bite c. beat d. beet

12. He has put a lot of ________ into the project, so he appreciated the acknowledgment of his

a. emphasis b. effort c. perspective d. reflection

13. ________, I think it’s wrong of her not do anything about Jack’s behavior.

a. clearly b. naturally c. frankly d. seriously

14. It was a ______ of water pressure that caused the pipe to burst.

a. burnout b. break-in c. build-up d. break-up

15. As a result of the unrest in the region, kidnapping rate has gone through the _______.

a. door b. wall c. roof d. window

16. The houses are __________: one is spacious, the other is cramped.

a. dismissive b. disproportionate c. dissimilar d. disposable


A. Read.

Concern about young people’s lack of life skills and cognitive ability to evaluate advertisements
has provided much scope for research and heated debate. Embedded within the discussion is the
contention that advertising to this group is inherently ‘unfair’. However, many now believe that
the vulnerabilities of young people are often overstated and that, having grown up with the
constant barrage of advertising, they are able to pay it little or no attention. There is also the
argument that, by providing product information, advertising helps young people make more
informed choices.

B. Find words in the above text that mean the same as the following in the context.

assess = _________________

extent = _________________

claim = _________________

essentially = _________________

exaggerated = _________________

constant = _________________

C. Write a paragraph, summarising and using your own words as far as possible, the
information in the above text. Begin with a sentence which tells the reader what the text is
generally about, for example: The text discusses the idea of…



A. Choose a, b, c, or d.

1. He _______ forward to watching this film for ages.

a. look b. ’s look c. ’s been looking d. will be looking

2. I’ve cut _____ chocolate completely.

a. of b. off c. in d. out

3. Last week, I went to a Chinese restaurant that I _______ at before.

a. has never been eaten b. didn’t eat c. hadn’t eaten d. hadn’t been eaten

4. She talked with two natives from the States, ____________ were polite and helpful.

a. whoever b. both of whom c. several of whom d. in which case

5. ______ the talks make progress, won't they do too little, too late?

a. unless b. assuming that c. but for d. whether

6. She asked me ___________ the underground that morning.

a. if I had used b. if I used c. whether I used d. did I use

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I __________________(look) for my glasses all morning. Do you know where they are?

2. Please don’t disturb me while I _______________ (write); it’s very annoying.

3. At high school, Usain Bolt ______________ (focus) on other sports when his cricket coach
suggested he try track and field events.

4. We’ve run out of milk; I _________________ (go) and buy some.

5. By midnight, he ____________________ (fly) for five hours.

6. He ___________________ (return) by the time you leave.

C. Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. Scientists believe that sea levels will rise.


2. We have removed all the furniture from the bedroom.


D. Change the following sentences into reported speech.

1. ‘Did you have fun?’, she asked.


2. Jack said, ‘If we use GPS, we won’t get lost.’


Write about ONE of the following.

1. In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a
result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher
tax on this kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

2. As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for
teachers in the classroom. Discuss.

3. Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other
celebrations is just a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for
individuals and the society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.









































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