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ronnno19 sveces Oy Novieatons) Search Quora What is the difference between Triac and Diac? What are some examples? TZ, Anewer 3 Follow 7 48 Request OUR Da Learn Python the right way. ‘The quicker you can get to working on projects the faster you will earn 2 Answers programming @ lan Mekenzie, power electronics transformer design, motor control PLC A triacs 2 4-laer semiconductor device with two power terminals (MTT and MT2) and a gate terminal. tis used as a power contral device for SO/6OH? AC maine applications. tis placed in series with the load connected across the mains. The load may be aight bulb ora “universal” motor. The triae normally "blocks", ie. has a high resistance and stops current flowing through it and the load. In blocking mode itis capable of holding off voltages of 600V or 1000V, depending on the model chosen, However when it receives a gate pulse of afew volts between the gate and terminal IMT itis triggered into conduction, So now curent flows through the load, The triac "latches "on so continues to conduct until the current through it eases because of the reversal of the AC mains voltage. The triggering process is then repeated in the next haf-cycle ofthe mains. By controling the trigger point relatve tothe AC voltage reversal point (called the "zero crossing") we can contra the power supplied to the load, so can control lamp brightness or motor torque. ‘A diac sa similar 4layer device but does not have a gate terminal. Ithas a much lower breakdown voltage - typically 30Y. So when the voltage across a diac reaches its breakdown voltage (mn either direction) the diac spontaneously goes into conduction and the volage across it drops to around SV. It will remain conducting until the current through it ceases because ofthe reversal of the AC mains voltage ‘The main use for a diac isin the trigger circuit of atric in low cost dimmer and motor contol circuits Below isa “generic” circuit diagram fora simple dimmer using a triacwith a diac in the gate trigger cicut ncandescent ac, Tame vr ao soo " 3 o—_ 2700 a wae nove Reaska =a 1000 a ma Ag ise (b): Simple tric dimmer circuit diagram Bk ens View Upotes View Shares £5 Upwote 18 share o> -Some-oxamples (1) Whats the diference between Trae and Diac? What are some examples? - Quora Rolated Questions What 8 DIAC and TRIAC And, how do they ‘hytstor and what re thei smilies? What are tin and ie? What isthe ference between SCR and TRACT What the ference betwaan TRIAC and DIAC? ‘ae Question More Rl Questions 42 ronnno19 (1) Whats the diference between Trae and Diac? What are some examples? - Quora sveces Oy Novieatons) Search Quora Refinitiv survey breaks down Al & ML trends. ‘We reveal the machine learning trends that are transforming financial services in our Refinitiv survey. Read More - a Damon Craig electrical designer Seriously? Have you looked at these strange beasts? There are animals if recall Trac, ingle Quadrant SCRs, and Two Quadrant SCR, and Diacs. few of these related vines ate the strangest of al ‘What do mean by quadrants? Pick a direction ina Tiac Say M1 to M2. If both the current and voltage from M1 to M2 are positive we are in quadrant 1 (++). Ir the current is still positive but the voltage across the device is negative, the device is operating in quacrant 2 (+) Now, as it happens, the gate potentials nat the same in all quadrant So to understand how this thing works you hav...(more) 4. upte:2 Osh o> Related Spaces = © © ®& Indes tngth ncn) Tape enous snaesitny —— Pragremming ‘omer asmgaty > @ Follow 204 & Fotow 406 @ Follow 266 & Fotiow 1.31 paces > Top Stories from Your Feed -Some-oxamplos 22

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