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Original Article

International Journal of Electrical

Engineering Education
A didactic procedure 2016, Vol. 53(1) 54–71
ß The Author(s) 2015
for transient stability Reprints and permissions:

simulation of a DOI: 10.1177/0020720915597935


multi-machine power
system utilizing
Serdar Ekinci, H Lale Zeynelgil and
Aysen Demiroren

This paper describes a simple and didactic procedure which illustrates the benefits of
the visual aspects of MATLAB/SIMULINK for educational purposes. The novel didactic
procedure is specially developed for transient stability simulation of a multi-machine
power system given with full details. Structural details of various sub-models for a multi-
machine power system are provided and their implementation in SIMULINK environ-
ment is outlined. Simulation results show that the developed transient simulation model
is a powerful and promising tool for transient stability studies, and very helpful to
understand transient stability phenomena for students and researchers. The most sali-
ent features of the developed MATLAB/SIMULINK-based model are simplicity of use,
transparency, flexibility and expandability. These special characteristics are easy to
understand and can be easily modified. Hence, these features make the proposed
model suitable for both educational and research purposes. In addition, classroom
experience has shown that the didactic procedure helps in consolidating a better under-
standing of power system transient stability.

MATLAB, mathematical modeling, power system simulation, SIMULINK, transient

Electrical Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Corresponding author:
Serdar Ekinci, Electrical Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34, Turkey.
Email: ekinciser@yahoo.com
Ekinci et al. 55

Rotor angle stability denotes the ability of synchronous machines in the grid to
remain in synchronism following large or small disturbance and can be instantly
related with sustaining or re-establishing the equilibrium between electromagnetic
torque and mechanical torque at each synchronous machine in the system. Large-
disturbance rotor angle stability, frequently called transient stability, parallels the
ability of generators to sustain synchronism when subjected to harsh disturbances,
including transmission system faults, sudden load changes, loss of generating units
or line switching. In this case, the system nonlinearities govern the system response;
hence, linearization of equations does not work, requiring short-term analysis tools
that entirely account for the main nonlinear system characteristics.1–3
MATLAB software,4 developed by MathWorks, is one of the most powerful
and well-known numerical simulation tools for dynamical systems. Along with
numerical simulation features, it offers a very effective graphical programming
tool, SIMULINK, which is used for modeling both linear and nonlinear dynamical
systems. MATLAB-based numerical and graphical programming solutions provide
useful educational tools for some undergraduate and graduate courses.
SIMULINK is a very powerful modeling, analysis and simulation tool. It offers
a block diagram interface built on numerical, graphical and basic MATLAB pro-
gramming functions. The possibility of creating subsystems facilitates for analysis
and optimization of complex circuits by allowing them to be structured in systems
of simpler appearance. Apart from its graphic power, the tool provides a wide
variety of blocks, arranged in several libraries.
Utilization of SIMULINK is swiftly growing in a variety of research work, as well
as in the fields of electric power systems.5–10 In this study, we will take a multi-
machine power system example so as to illustrate the features and extent of a
SIMULINK-based model for transient stability analysis. A self-sufficient
SIMULINK-based model for the more complicated two-axis machine model with
IEEE-Type I exciter is given with its complete details, which can function as a basic
structure for a progressive and comprehensive study. The novel model is transparent
and can easily be modified or extended. Emphasis has been given to keeping the model
transparent and simple. The detailed model is designed for use by undergraduate and
graduate students in the learning of power system transient stability and for rapid
testing of research ideas. The nonlinear time-domain simulation results validate the
efficacy of developed model for transient stability simulation in a multi-machine
power system under a large disturbance for different values of the clearing time.

Mathematical system modeling

The mathematical model of an electric power system can be described by a set of
differential and algebraic equations (DAEs). In this paper, we have modeled the
two-axis machine model with IEEE-Type I exciter for nonlinear time-domain
simulations. The mathematical model of a multi-machine power system is made
up of three basic components: differential equations pertaining to machine and
56 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 53(1)

exciter dynamics and algebraic equations corresponding to the stator and network

Differential equations
The differential equations of the ith synchronous machine of an m-machine, n-bus
system ði ¼ 1, 2, . . . , mÞ are expressed as follows2

¼ !i  !s ð1Þ
2Hi d!i
¼ Pmi  Pei  Di ð!i  !s Þ ð2Þ
!s dt
T0doi ¼ E0qi  ðxdi  x0di Þidi þ Efdi ð3Þ
T0qoi ¼ E0di þ ðxqi  x0qi Þiqi ð4Þ
TEi ¼ ðKEi þ SðEfdi ÞÞEfdi þ VRi ð5Þ
where SðEfd Þ ¼ Ae eBe Efd

dVRi KAi KFi

TAi ¼ VRi þ KAi RFi  Efdi þ KAi ðVrefi  Vi Þ ð6Þ
dt TFi
dRFi KFi
TFi ¼ RFi þ Efdi ð7Þ
dt TFi
The electrical power output, Pe is expressed as follows
Pei ¼ E0di idi þ E0qi iqi þ ðx0qi  x0di Þidi iqi ð8Þ
The machine differential equations are in the machine reference frame.
Equations (1) and (2) describe Newton’s law for rotational dynamics associated
with the generator shaft. Equation (3) represents the scaled flux dynamics of the
field winding and equation (4) describes the scaled flux dynamics of a damper
winding in quadrature to the field. Equations (5) to (7) describe the automatic
voltage control subsystem.

Stator algebraic equations

The stator algebraic equations in polar form are2

E0di  Vi sinði  i Þ  rsi idi þ x0qi iqi ¼ 0 ð9Þ

E0qi  Vi cosði  i Þ  rsi iqi  x0di idi ¼ 0 ð10Þ

Ekinci et al. 57

where i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , m. The stator algebraic equations describe the electrical vari-

ables associated with the stator windings.

Network equations
In this study, the current-balance form is used and the loads are modeled as con-
stant impedance type. In power system with m generators, the nodal equation can
be written as2
2 3
6 . 7 2 3
6 .. 7 V 1
6 7 6
6 7 .. 7
6 Im 7  6 7
6 7 ¼ Y 0 bus 6 . 7
7 ð11Þ
6 7 6 .. 7
6 0 7 4 . 5
6 . 7
6 . 7
4 . 5 V n
Ii ¼ idi þ jiqi ejði =2Þ ð12Þ

where I1 , . . . , Im are the complex injected generator currents at the generator buses.
Assume that the modified admittance matrix Y  bus represented as Y 0 bus be parti-
tioned as

2m n  m3

Y1 Y2
  m 6 7 ð13Þ
Y 0 bus ¼ 4 -------------- 5
Y3 Y4

Since there are no injections at buses m þ 1, . . . , n, we can eliminate them to

2 3 2 3
I1 V 1
6 . 7  6 7
6 . 7¼ Y  red 6 .. 7 ð14Þ
4 . 5 4 . 5
Im V m

where Y red ¼ ðY
 1 Y
 1 Y
 3 Þ is the desired reduced matrix and has the dimensions
ðm  mÞ. The reduced matrices for every network condition (pre-fault, faulted and
post-fault conditions) are computed on account of the power system under study.
Note that the network reduction illustrated by equations (11) to (14) is a conve-
nient analytical technique that can be used only when the loads are treated as
58 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 53(1)

constant impedances. Network reduction can be applied only to those nodes that
have zero injection current.

Initial conditions for dynamic analysis

The initial conditions (steady state values) of the state variables for the two-axis
machine model with IEEE-Type I exciter are first computed by systematically
solving the load-flow equations of the network and then computing the other
algebraic and state variables. In steady state, all the derivatives are zero in the
differential equations (1) to (7). To prepare the system data for transient stability
study, the steps to calculate the initial conditions of the multi-machine two-axis
model DAE system are given below.2

Step 1: From the load flow, calculate IGi0 eji0 as ðPi PLiVÞj ðQi QLi Þ
j ¼ PVGi jQ
i0 e i0 i0 e i0
Step 2: The initial generator angle i0 is calculated as i0 ¼ angle of
ðVi0 eji0 þ ðrsi þ jxqi ÞIGi0 eji0 Þ
Step 3: Calculate idi0 and iqi0 from ðidi0 þ jiqi0 Þ ¼ IGi0 ej ði0 i0 þ=2Þ
Step 4: Calculate E0di0 from equation (9) as E0di0 ¼ Vi0 sinði0  i0 Þ þ rsi idi0  x0qi iqi0
Step 5: Calculate E0qi0 from equation (10) as E0qi0 ¼ Vi0 cosði0  i0 Þ þ rsi iqi0 þ x0di idi0
Step 6: Calculate Efdi0 from equation (3) as Efdi0 ¼ E0qi0 þ ðxdi  x0di Þidi0
Step 7: Calculate VRi0 from equation (5) as VRi0 ¼ ðKEi þ SðEfdi0 ÞÞEfdi0
Step 8: Calculate RFi0 from equation (7) as RFi0 ¼ FiTFifdi0
Step 9: Calculate Vrefi from equation (6) as Vrefi ¼ VKRi0 Ai
þ Vi0
Step 10: Calculate Pmi0 from equation (2) as Pmi0 ¼ E0di0 idi0 þ E0qi0 iqi0 þ
ðx0qi  x0di Þidi0 iqi0

The subscript 0 denotes the initial conditions. As the network changes because
of switching during the fault, the corresponding values will be taken in the above-
mentioned equations. The system conditions before the fault occurs, and the net-
work configurations both during and after its occurrence must be known in any
transient stability study.

Illustrative system example

To better understand transient stability phenomena, we illustrate the DAE models
discussed in the previous section with a numerical example. The well-known
Western System Coordinated Council (WSCC) three-machine nine-bus power
system, shown in Figure 1 is considered in this study. This is also the system
appearing in Sauer and Pai2 and Anderson and Fouad3 and widely used in litera-
ture. The system base is 100 MVA, and system frequency is 60 Hz. The generator
and exciter data are given in Table 1. The converged load flow result is given in
Table 2. The exciter is assumed to be identical for all three generators and is of the
IEEE-Type I. The solved initial values of the state and algebraic variables for all
three machines are given in Table 3.
Ekinci et al. 59

Figure 1. WSCC 3-machine, 9-bus system.

Table 1. Generator and exciter data for three-machine nine-bus example


Machine 1 2 3

H (s) 23.64 6.4 3.01

xd (pu) 0.146 0.8958 1.3125
xd0 (pu) 0.0608 0.1198 0.1813
xq (pu) 0.0969 0.8645 1.2578
xq0 (pu) 0.0969 0.1969 0.25
Tqo (s) 8.96 6 5.89
Tdo (s) 0.31 0.535 0.6
KA 20 20 20
TA (s) 0.2 0.2 0.2
KE 1 1 1
TE (s) 0.314 0.314 0.314
KF 0.063 0.063 0.063
TF (s) 0.35 0.35 0.35
Ae 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039
Be 1.555 1.555 1.555
60 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 53(1)

Table 2. Load-flow results of three-machine nine-bus example system.

Bus no. Type Voltage Angle PL QL PG QG

1 Swing 1.0400 0 0.0 0.0 0.7164 0.2705

2 PV 1.0250 9.2800 0.0 0.0 1.6300 0.0665
3 PV 1.0250 4.6648 0.0 0.0 0.8500 0.1086
4 PQ 1.0258 2.2168 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 PQ 0.9956 3.9888 1.25 0.50 0.0 0.0
6 PQ 1.0127 3.6874 0.90 0.30 0.0 0.0
7 PQ 1.0258 3.7197 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 PQ 1.0159 0.7275 1.00 0.35 0.0 0.0
9 PQ 1.0324 1.9667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Table 3. Initial conditions of three-machine nine-bus example system.

Machine 1 2 3

0 (deg) 3.5857 61.0992 54.1368

id0 0.3027 1.2901 0.5615
iq0 0.6712 0.9320 0.6194
E0d0 0 0.6222 0.6242
E0q0 1.0564 0.7882 0.7679
Efd0 1.0822 1.7893 1.4030
VR0 1.1049 1.9021 1.4515
RF0 0.1948 0.3221 0.2525
Vref 0 1.0952 1.1201 1.0976
Pm0 0.7164 1.6300 0.8500

MATLAB-/SIMULINK-based model of system under study

This section describes how SIMULINK, the well-known environment for dynamic
system simulation, has been used for the development of a comprehensive model.
The developed model is used to illustrate power system dynamic behavior to stu-
dents and introduce them to basic notions of transient stability. The MATLAB/
SIMULINK model of the three-machine nine-bus power system shown in Figure 1
is developed using equations (1) to (14) for transient stability study. The complete
SIMULINK model of the three-machine nine-bus power system used in the simu-
lation is given in Figure 2. As seen from the figure, the complete model consists of
three main parts:
Ekinci et al.

Figure 2. The complete model of the example system in SIMULINK.

62 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 53(1)

. Differential equations sub-model: Subsystems 1, 2 and 3

. Stator algebraic equations sub-model: Subsystems 4, 5 and 6
. Network equations sub-model: Subsystems 7, 8 and 9

The Subsystems 1, 2 and 3 in Figure 2 are expressed as SIMULINK sub-model

for the calculation of differential equations for machines 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
An internal view of Subsystem 1 modeled for machine 1 is shown in Figure 3 and
other two machines (machines 2 and 3) have been modeled in the similar manner.
In the differential equations sub-model, the inputs are Pe , V, id , iq and the outputs
are , !, E0q , E0d , Efd .
The Subsystems 4, 5 and 6 in Figure 2 are described as SIMULINK sub-model
for computing of stator algebraic equations for all three machines. In Figure 4,
only one machine is depicted and the other two machines have been modeled in the
similar manner. The stator algebraic equations sub-model contains five inputs (,
E0q , E0d , id and iq ) and three outputs (Pe , V, and ).
The Subsystems 7, 8 and 9 in Figure 2 are used to compute the value of electrical
current outputs for different machines; for example, Figure 5 illustrates the com-
putation of current output of machine 1 and the other two machines have been
modeled in the similar manner. The inputs of the network equations sub-model are
terminal voltages (V1 , V2 , V3 ) and their angles (1 , 2 , 3 ), and the outputs are the
electrical currents (I1 , I2 , I3 ).
The complete SIMULINK model is easily modified for multi-machine power
systems with different number of machines and also different network configura-
tions. In addition, the SIMULINK-based model also facilitates the choice of simu-
lation parameters, including fault location, pre-fault and fault clearing time, start
and stop times, types of solver, step sizes, tolerance and output options. The other
factors such as turbine-governors, voltage-dependent loads, power system stabili-
zers (PSSs), Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices or any control
measure, can be simply realized in developed SIMULINK-based model.

Nonlinear time-domain simulation results

For transient stability analysis of the multi-machine power system considered, it is
assumed that a three-phase fault applied at bus 9 (near generator 3) and the fault is
cleared by permanent tripping of the line between bus 8 and bus 9. The fault
is applied at t ¼ 1 s so that the pre-fault steady state can be seen. The desired
reduced Y  red matrices are obtained by eliminating the buses 4 to 9 from Y 0 bus and
resulting Y red matrices for this severe disturbance are given in Table 4 for the pre-
fault network, the faulted network and the network with the fault cleared, respec-
tively. The problem is to solve the set of DAEs for m ¼ 3 and the generator damping
factor D is zero. Since the set of DAEs is nonlinear, the desired time solutions for
algebraic and state variables are obtained by numerical integration. In transient
stability simulation, the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is used for numerical
integration of the differential equations and step of integration is chosen as
Ekinci et al.

Figure 3. Internal view of subsystem 1.

64 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 53(1)

Figure 4. Internal view of subsystem 4.

Ekinci et al.

Figure 5. Internal view of subsystem 7.

66 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 53(1)

 red matrices.
Table 4. Reduced Y

Type of network Node 1 2 3

Pre-fault (Ybf ) 1 1.1051  j4.6957 0.0965 þ j2.2570 0.0046 þ j2.2748

2 0.0965 þ j2.2570 0.7355  j5.1143 0.1230 þ j2.8257
3 0.0046 þ j2.2748 0.1230 þ j2.8257 0.7214  j5.0231
During fault (Ydf ) 1 1.1290  j5.1240 0.1041 þ j1.7237 0
2 0.1041 þ j1.7237 0.7175  j5.7772 0
3 0 0 j17.0648
After fault (Yaf ) 1 1.1064 - j4.6974 0.1643 þ j2.2743 0.0648 þ j2.2479
2 0.1643 þ j2.2743 1.1418  j2.8688 0.0177 þ j0.4030
3 0.0648 þ j2.2479 0.0177 þ j0.4030 0.5591  j2.4474

t ¼ 0:01 s. Transient stability simulation is performed on a personal computer

with 2.10 GHz Intel Core Processor and 2.00 GB of RAM, in the MATLAB/
SIMULINK 7.4.0 environment. The simulation is performed for 10 s and the com-
putation time for example power system is 1.78 s. The critical clearing time is deter-
mined through simulating the given fault repeatedly and increasing the clearing time
by 1 ms until a generator loses synchronism. The critical clearing time for this severe
disturbance was found to be tcr ¼ 0:194 s by repetitive time-domain simulation.
The system response is shown in Figures 6 to 8 for clearing time of 100 ms (six
cycles). The relative rotor angles and relative rotor angular speeds of the generators
G2 and G3 with respect to generator G1 are represented in Figures 6 and 7, respec-
tively. The maximum angle difference in Figure 6 is about 88o . This is the value of
31 at t ¼ 1:23 s. Figure 8 represents the electrical power response for all three
generators. We can see that the system is stable for clearing time value of 100 ms.
The simulation results are given in Figures 9 to 11 when the clearing time is
200 ms (12 cycles). Figures 9 and 10 depict the rotor angle differences with respect
to 1 and rotor angular speed differences with respect to !1 , respectively. The
variation of electrical power for all machines is depicted in Figure 11. It is clear
from the figures that the system response for a 200 ms clearing time is unstable
because generator 3 will lose synchronism.
From nonlinear time-domain simulations, it can be deduced that the clearing
time setting is an important factor to determine the transient stability of power
systems. If the clearing time is set at a shorter time than the critical clearing time of
the faulted line, the system becomes stable; otherwise the system will be unstable.

Student feedback and discussion

The proposed procedure for transient stability simulation has been successfully
used in the assignments of the postgraduate course ‘ELK518: Power System
Ekinci et al. 67

Gen # 2
Gen # 3


delta [deg]





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [sec]

Figure 6. Plot of rotor angle differences versus time for a 100 ms clearing time.

Gen # 2
Gen # 3

w [pu]



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [sec]

Figure 7. Plot of rotor speed differences versus time for a 100 ms clearing time.

Stability’ at the Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey. The course con-
sists of three hours of instructional time per week and the class attending the last
offering was made of 12 students.
A survey which has five statements regarding the developed model was pre-
pared. Table 5 shows survey statements and associated reactions of participants.
68 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 53(1)



Pe [pu]


Gen # 1
Gen # 2
-0.5 Gen # 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [sec]

Figure 8. Plot of electrical power outputs versus time for a 100 ms clearing time.

Gen # 2
Gen # 3


delta [deg]





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [sec]

Figure 9. Plot of rotor angle differences versus time for a 200 ms clearing time.

The survey about the developed model was completed by 12 postgraduate students.
According to the survey, the student response to the use of the developed model has
been very positive. A great majority of the students thought that the developed
model for transient stability simulation is user friendly, easy to understand and
several system parameters could be changed easily. Students’ feedback has indi-
cated that the model developed in this study is considerably effective to understand
better power system transient stability for students and researchers.
Ekinci et al. 69

Gen # 2
35 Gen # 3



w [pu]




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [sec]

Figure 10. Plot of rotor speed differences versus time for a 200 ms clearing time.


Pe [pu]


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [sec]

Figure 11. Plot of electrical power outputs versus time for a 200 ms clearing time.

SIMULINK is a very powerful modeling, analysis and simulation tool. It offers a
block diagram interface built on numerical, graphical and basic MATLAB pro-
gramming functions. In this work, modeling and simulation of a multi-machine
power system with MATLAB/SIMULINK has presented in a simple step-by-step
procedure to facilitate the understanding of concepts related to transient stability
70 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 53(1)

Table 5. Survey of student feedback in numbers.

Statements Disagree Neither Agree

1. User friendly and simple to understand 0 1 11

2. Sufficient to understand the concept of transient stability 0 2 10
3. Suitable for both educational and research purposes 0 1 11
4. The visual design of developed model is good 1 2 9
5. Future use would be helpful 0 1 11

phenomenon. For transient stability simulation, the developed model is explained

in detail and easy to be understood by students and engineers. The model has an
open structure and all sub-models can be modified or extended using various
SIMULINK constructs. The nonlinear time-domain simulation results show the
effectiveness of the proposed MATLAB/SIMULINK-based model under a large
disturbance for different values of the clearing time.
The proposed model proves to be a powerful didactic and research tool, able to
provide important information about various aspects of transient stability phe-
nomena. This educational model is also used for illustration purposes during lec-
tures, as well as by students preparing personal assignments and design projects. It
is believed that this work will add some more practical information to support and
enhance electric power engineering education at both the undergraduate and grad-
uate levels. The model developed in this study is available to the reader. For further
information, please contact the communicating author, Serdar Ekinci, at

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.

The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication
of this article.

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D damping coefficient
E0d d-axis transient voltage
Efd excitation system voltage
E0q q-axis transient voltage
H inertia constant of generator
id d-axis armature current
iq q-axis armature current
KA regulator gain
KE exciter gain
KF stabilizer circuit gain
Pe electrical output power
Pm mechanical input power
rs armature resistance
SðEfd Þ exciter saturation function
T0do d-axis open circuit time constant
TE exciter time constant
TF stabilizer circuit time constant
TA regulator time constant
T0qo q-axis open circuit time constant
V generator terminal voltage
Vref reference voltage
xd d-axis synchronous reactance
x0d d-axis transient reactance
xq q-axis synchronous reactance
x0q q-axis transient reactance
 rotor angular position
 angle of terminal voltage
! rotor angular speed
!s synchronous angular speed

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