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USDA United States Department of Agriculture a Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Caatscatdeseer Inspection Report have animals showing clinical signs of disease or ness examined by a veterinarian can result in delays in proper ‘treatment, prolonged suffering. and death. Correct by ensuring that al animals showing signs of injury, disease, or liness are promptly examined by a licensed veterinarian. Additionally. ensure that the attending veterinarian is given sufficient authority to provide guidance regarding all aspects of animal care for the animals currently maintained by the licensee. Feclity records indicate the deaths of an Ocelot on 21 August 2013, a serval on 28 August 2013, and a coatimundi fon 31 August 2013. The licensee failed to contact a veterinarian regarding the deaths of any of these animals and no post mortem diagnosis was made. The licensee reported that the serval was en a breeder loan and died without prior inical signs, This body was reportedly retuned to its owner. The ocelot was reported to have died as the result of a caging accident resulting in ts suspected strangulation, The ciccumstances surrounding the coatimundi's death were not reported to APHIS officials. No velerinary examination was conducted following the deaths of these animals, and these deaths were not reported to the allending veterinarian. Fallute to report unexplained deaths ta the attending veterinarian ean result in the failure to recognize potentially preventable causes of deaths that may result from infectious. nutritional, metabolic, or husbandry related conditions. Correct by ensuring that al unexpected deaths are promptly reported to the attending veterinarian, Licensee shall maintain documentation af the communication with the veterinarian, Furthermore, a necropsy shall be per‘oimed on all subsequent undiagnosed or unexplained deaths, The results of these necropsy exams shail be made availabie to APHIS oficial, One white and grey Great Pyrenees dog Identified as Banal was present in the enclosure with the Lion known as Chief. The nose of this dag vas coated in dirt over a large portion af the haired & non-haired portion (atthe mucocutaneous junction) which obscured easy visualization of the underiying skin without removal of the dog from the enclosure. The exposed portion of skin had several small scabs and crusts visible and generally appeared pink and lacking hait. In profil, this area appeared wregular and slightly swollen. The presence ofthe lion inthis enclosure precluded safe removal of the dog fo farther éxamination by APHIS officials, On the previous inspection the nose of this dog appeared cracked and bleeding over the non-haifed portion of the nose especially at the ‘mucocutaneous junction). When asked about treat ent, he licensee stated that the dog was examined by the new attending veterinarian folowing the previous inspection, but thatthe veterinarian told him that there was “nothing that they could do abut i and therefore, he did not need to provide any treatment. He farther stated that he was not ‘applying any sun block, or providing any other treatment at this time, but that the condition was resolving without teeatment because of the changing weather conditions with the onset of fall, Writen ciocumentation by the attending Veterinarian, presented by the licensee, stated thatthe licensee should "apply sunsereen /zinc oxide as needed APHIS officials confirmed this examination and recommendations directly ith the veterinarian. The veterinarian Stated she examined the dog on 1 July 2013 for lameness, She stated that she did observe the nasal vlczration, but \was informed by the licensee at that me that the condition had been previously diagnosed by another veterinarian {and that it was a seasonal sun allergy. The AV’ stated that her recommendation vas to apply this sunblock to te affected area al least once daily for as long as the nase continued to be affected, The AV stated that she vias unable to offer additional treatments at that ime because of the incompattolity wth the concurrent Prepared By: JUAN ARANGO, AC | USDA. APHIS, Animal Care Title: ANIMAL CARE INSPECTOR Inspector 808 Received By: TIMOTHY STARK Title: LICENSEE 1902009 00807 Pane tot aP

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