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School Year 2019-2020


1. I feed my self, use energy and take care of myself.

1.1. Link with the correct statement

All the energy produced on -Respiration and digestion

Planet Earth comes from
Our body extracts the required -The Excretory system
nutrients and energy
Some of our bodily needs are -Through the circulation
Our body takes energy and -A Diet
nutrients to all of our organs
It discards what we do not use -From food
The total amount of food that a -The Sun and is concealed on plants
person ingest

1.2. Which are the characteristics of a varied meal in adequate quantities, circle the correct

Candies Energetic foods Junk food Sodas proteins pastries

vitamins ice cream minerals

1.3. How do care yourself for your body to performs all this work in a marvelous way?
2. What happens in our body when we use more energy.
2.1.Order the process of how our body obtains energy

Nutrients are transported from the small intestine to the blood and, thanks to
circulation, the muscle cells that are in motion receive oxygen and nutrients.

At rest, for example, a person breathes an average of 17 times per minute and each
time they do, a ½ liter of air enters the lungs.

When we ride a bicycle, jump rope or play soccer the muscles of our body require
more energy than when they are at rest. We notice the need for energy because
we breathe faster as a result of needing to use more air.

Cells get the nutrients that come from digestion of consumed foods.

From the inhaled air, oxygen enters the respiratory system.

With both elements, cells have the energy needed to continue their activities.

It goes from the lungs into the blood stream and then to heart and to all the cells of
the body through the circulation system.

2.2. Label the pictures with inhalation or exhalation

4. The reproductive cycle of vertebrates.
4.1.True or False
Living beings can reproduce when they become very tall
Many species perform complex courtship rituals to attract their mate and, thus
guarantee reproduction.
In vertebrates, when female and male hormones cause the stomach cells to
mature, individuals are said to have reached sexual maturity.
Hormones influence the physical differences between males and females (sexual
Hormones induce sexual behaviors such as courtship and mating.
Sexual dimorphism characteristics allow animals to become uglier when
competing for a mate.

4.2. Link with the correct group

Birds -They compete against other males for their mate and
have courtship mechanisms like calls, exhibitions and
fights between males.
-Their reproductive organs develop our of their latent
stage by the action of hormones
Mammals -They start their lifes as tadpoles and undergo
metamorphosis which takes them from aquatic to
terrestrial life when they reach maturity.
-The may build a nest in which to deposit the eggs until
they hatch.
Fish -This produces changes in size, scale coloration and /or
tail growth, as in, for instance the male guppy, an
aquarium fish.
-Females choose the male they will mate with.
Amphibians -They get the ability to croak in order to attract females
an scare away male opponents.
-The male plumage can be striking, they may have
elaborate courtship rituals ( song or dances)
4.3. Types of reproduction

Which colum is for :

Viviparous animals that reproduce by internal fertilization, develop an embryo in the
uterus or womb.
Oviparous animals are those reproduction includes depositing eggs in an external
environment where they complety their development before hatching.
5. Structure and function of the digestive system.

5.1. Link with the correct concept

Small Intestine • A muscular tube that connects the mouth to the


Calcium • Stores bile

Pancreas • A muscular organ that mixes and stores food and passes
it to the small intestine
• small intestine

Stomach • long coiled organ where most digestion takes place and
absorbs nutrients your body needs

Bile • Produces insulin, organ that secretes pancreatic juices

into the small intestine that assist in digestion

• Colon, organ that removes water from the undigested

Calories materials that pass through it
• Produces bile
• Helps break down fats
Large Intestine • A unit used to measure the amount of energy contained
in foods

Liver • Used by nerves to send signals

Gallbladder • Helps maintain healthy eyes

Carbohydrates, • Energy use by the body

proteins and fats

Sodium • Makes bones and teeth strong

Vitamine A • help to build and repair muscle

Fats • Used to make important chemical signals and store

5.2. The parts of digestive system

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