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Pre - Calculus


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bridging Program

Name:_______________________________ Semester:_____________________________

Section:_____________________________ Course Title:__________________________

Senior high school Track Taken:____________________________

Module No.: ___

Prepared by: Engr. Precious Arlene L. Villaroza

Chapter 1
Analytic Geometry
Week 1
Analytic Geometry

Analytic Geometry is the marriage of Algebra and Geometry. The one who discovered Analytic Geometry was
the man who never got out of bed before 11 in the morning, the French philosopher and mathematician, Rene
Descartes (1596-1650).

The birth of Analytic Geometry is an important mathematical for modern mathematics as well as aided the
development of Calculus.

The Cartesian Coordinate System

The system is also known as the rectangular coordinate system.

Origin is the intersection of the coordinate axes. The horizontal axis (x-axis) and the vertical axis (y-axis).
Cartesian plane has four quadrants whose points are defined as where x is the x-coordinate
(abscissa) and as the . The term was coined by the German
mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibiz.

Intercepts are the points that lie on the coordinates axes, y-intercept if found in the y-axis and x-intercept in
the axis.

Conics ( Conic Sections)

The term conic was introduced by Apollonius (255-170 B.C) based on the observation of the right circular cone
cut into several orientations. Conic sections (conics) were the sections obtained when the plane made to
intersect the right circular cone.

Four ways of determining conics (conic sections)

1. By Cutting Plane
2. By Eccentricity
3. By Discriminant
4. By Equation

Conic Parameter
By Cutting Plane

Sections are formed by cutting the right circular cone in different orientations.
By eccentricity

By Discriminat

The general equation of conics (conic sections) is:

The general equation above describes Conic sections whose principle axis (axes) npt parallel to the coordinate
axes, such that B is not eqaul zero.

Identification of conic section is through the value of discriminat

By Coeficinet of the equation:

The general equation of conics (conic sections) whose principle axis (axes) parallel to the coordinate axis (axes)

But for the same sign
Parabola: (Eiather A or C is zero)
Hyperbola: (A is of opposite sign to C, either A or C is negative)
Week 2

Circle is the locus of point such that it moves equidistant from the fixed point called the center.

General Equation:

Standard Equation:


1. Find the equation of the circle with center at (1,2) and radius 5.


2. Reduce the equation of the circle to the standard form.


Use the completing the square to find the standard equation:

Practice - 1
Direction: Answer the following problem with clear solutions and plot the location of the circle into the
Cartesian plane.

1. Find the equation of the circle is ate (3,-5) and whose radius is 4
2. Find the area of the circle whose equation is
3. How far from the y-axis is the center of the curve
4. The equation describes.
5. What is the radius of the circle ?
Week 3


Ellipse is the locus of point which moves so that the sum of its distances from two fixed points is constant and
is equal to the equal to the length of the major axis (2a).

General Equation:

Standard Equations:

Center at Origin: C (0,0) Center at Origin: C (0,0)

Major axis-horizontal Major axis-vertical

Center at Origin: C (h,k) Center at Origin: C (h,k)

Major axis-horizontal Major axis-vertical

Abscissa and Ordinate of the Center: C(h,k)

Sample Problem:
Find the center of the ellipse
Completing the square:
1. Length of semi-major (a) and semi-minor (b) axes
√ √
√ √
2. The Area (A) and parameter (P) of the Ellipse:

Sample Problem:
Find the semi-major and the semi-minor length of the ellipse Also find its
area and perimeter.
√ √ √ √

The area (A):

The perimeter (P):

√ √ √

3. Length of the Latus Restum (LR):

4. Focal Distance ( c )

5. Eccentricity (e) :

Reducing the General Equation to Standard Form

Sample Problem:
Reduce the equation of ellipse to standard form.
Completing the square:

Practice - 2

1. The length of the latus rectum for the ellipse is equal to:
2. The lengths of the major and minor axes of an ellipse are 10m and 8m, respectively. Find the distance
between the Foci.
3. An ellipse with an eccentricity of 0.65 and has one of its foci 2 units from the center. The length of the
Week 4

Parabola is the locus of a point which moves so that it is always equidistant from a fixed point called focus and
a fixed line called directrix.

General Equations:

Axis Vertical

Axis Horizontal

Standard Equations:
a. Vertex at Origin: V (0,0)

b. Vertex at V(h,k):

3. Abscissa and ordinate of the vertex: V(h,k)

Axis Vertical:

Sample Problem
Find the vertex of the parabola

4. Focal Distance (a):

Sample Problem
Find the focal distance of the parabola

5. Length of Latus Rectum (LR):

6. Eccentricity (e) :
Sample problem:
Reduce the equation of parabola to standard form.
Completing the sqaure :


Practice - 3
1. Compute the focal length and the latus rectum of parabola
2. An arch 18m high has the form of parabola with a vertical axis. The length of a horizontal beam placed
across the arch 8m from the top is 64m. Find the width of the arch at the bottom.
3. Find the equation of the axis of sysmmetry of the fucntion

Week 5


Hyperbola is the locus of a point which moves so that the difference of the dictance from two fixed point (foci)
is constant and is equal to the length of the transverse axis (2a)

1. General formula

A. Tranverse axis horizontal

B. Transverse axis vertical:

2. Standard Eqautions:

A. Centert to origin (0,0):

Transverse axis-Horizontal Transverse axis-Vertical

B. Center at (h,k)
Tranverse axis horizontal Transverse axis-Vertical

3. Abscissa and ordinate length:

4. Semi transverse length : (a)

Transverse axis horizontal Transverse axis vertical:

√ √
5. Semi Conjugate length: (b)
Transverse axis horizontal: Tranverse axis Vertical :

√ √
6. Length of the latus Rectum: (L.R.)

7. Eccentricity: (e)

8. Equation of assymptotes:

Transverse axis horizontal:

Transverse axis horizontal:

Sample Problem:
Reduce the equation of Hyperbola to standard form.


Practice - 4

1. What is the eqaution of the asymptote of the hyperbola ?

2. Find the eqaution of the hyperbola whose asymptotes are and which pa.sses through ( )
3. Find the eccentricity of the curve
Chapter 2
Week 6

A progression is simply another term for a sequence.

A Sequence is a set or collection of numbers arranged in an orderly manner such that the preceding and the
following numbers are completly specified. Series ios the sum of the terms in a sequence.

Types of progression
1. Arithmetic Progression (AP)
2. Geometric Progression (GP
3. Harmonic Progression (HP)

Arithmetic Progression
A sequence is said to be in arthmetic progression if its succeding terms have a common difference.
The corresponding sum of all the terms in arthmetic progression is called as arithmetic series.
There are only two formulas to remember and used in solving a problem in arthmetic sequence.
Last term (nth. Term):

Sum of all terms:

= first term
=last term (nth. Term)
n = number of terms
d= common difference

Sample Problem
1. Find the 30th. Term of the arithmetic progression 4, 7, 10 , ......

By inspection, d = 3

2. What is the sum of the progression 4,9,14,19... up to the 20th. term.?


By inspection, d=5
3. Astack of bricks has 61 bricks in the bottom layer, 58 bricks in the second layer, 55 bricks in the third layer,
and so on until there are 10 bricks in the last layer. How many bricks are ther all together?


By inspection d= -3

Practice - 5

1. gravity causes a body to fall 16.1 ft in the first second 48.3 in the second, 80.5 in the 3 rd.

2. Once a month, a man puts some money into the cookie jar. Each month he puts 50 centavos more into the jar
than the month before. After 12 years, he counted his money, he had P 5,436. How much money did he put in
the jar in the last month?

3. When all odd numbers from 1 to 101 are added, the erult is?

Week 7
Geometric Progression

A sequence is said to be a geometric progression if its succeeding terms have a common ratio.
The corresponding sum of all the terms in geometric progression is called as geometric series.
Also, there are only two formula to remember and used in solving a problem in geometric sequence.

Last term (nth. Term)

Sum of all terms:


= first term
=last term (nth. Term)
n = number of terms
r = common
ratio = =...
the sum of the first 10 terms of a geometric progression 2, 4, 8, … is

By inspection r=2

Practice - 6

1. A man mailed 10 chain letters to ten of his friends with a request to continue by sending a similar letter to

each of their ten friends. If this continue for 6 set of letters and if all responded, how much will the Phil. Postal

office if minimum postage cost 4 pesos per letter?

2. Under favorable condition, single cell bacteria divided into two about every 20 minutes. If the same rate of

division is maintained for 10 hours, how many organisms are produced from a single cell?
Chapter 3
Week 8
Binomila Expansion
In the expantion of the coefficient of the expansion can be obtained by using the Pascal’s triangle.
Pascal’s Triangle

Binomial Expansion

Problem: (Binomial Expansion)

Properties of Binomial Theorem

In the expansion of :
1. the first term is
2. the last term is
3. the exponent of x decreases by 1
4. the exponent of y increase by 1
5. the sum of exponents of each term is n
6. the number of terms is
7. the coefficient of symmetrical terms are equal

Binomial Formula

This is the binomial formula. Its validity for the case in which n is a positive integer.
( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Practice - 7
( )
Chapter 4
Trigonometric Identities
Week 9
Trigonometric Identities

Three of the trigonometric functions are reciprolcals of the others.

General formulas

Double- angle formulas Two-angle formula

Half-angle formula Miscellaneous Formula

[ ]


Practice - 8

1. The expression is equivalent to?

2. Simplify the following:
Activity Schedule
Name:________________________________ Section:____________________________

Program:_____________________________ Course Title:____________________________

Practice Number Week Number Date

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