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Intermediate B1/B2

A) Watch the movie and answer:

1. Who’s Wall-E?
2. What’s its job?
3. Who’s Wall-E’s friend?
4. There are mountains which look like buildings. What are they made of?
5. Is he the only Wall-E?

B) Choose the correct option.

1. They were made to clean the Earth / to take care of people.

2. All humans died / were sheltered in a spaceship.
3. The axiom is a robot / spaceship.
4. There’s no need to walk in the axiom because there’s no space to do
it / there are flying chairs.
5. (When he watches TV) Wall-E’s dream is to be able to dance / to hold
a female’s hand.

C) Wall-E starts doing his usual job. Tick the objects he finds.

( ) A Teddy Bear
( ) Bra ( ) A ping pong
( ) A pen paddle
( ) A cell phone ( ) An engagement
( ) Car alarm ring
( ) Dog toy ( ) An mp3
( ) A computer ( ) Fire extinguisher
( ) A plan
D) A new robot arrives at the Earth. Answer the

1. How does wall-e feel about her?

2. What’s the new robot’s reaction towards
3. Why do you think she is on Earth? Make

E) Oral Part - Wall-e takes Eva home.

1. How would you describe their feelings and

2. What’s important about the plant? (give
3. Why do you think she disconnects herself?
4. Can you describe the Earth’s condition by
that time?
5. Which year do you think it is?
6. Where does Eva come from?

F) They are at the axiom. Everything is well


1. What happened to people? Make a

complete description of their life style and
the situation.
2. How long have people lived in the axiom?
How long were they supposed to live there?
3. What does the finding of the plant mean?

G) Oral part. Wall-e followed Eva to the axiom,

now wall-e is sent to the space, Eva follows him.

1. What emotions do they transmit to the

2. What happens to some of the people in the
3. Why don’t the rest of the people in the
axiom talk directly to each other?
4. What revelations does the captain have
about the Hearth and people’s duty?
5. What happens to the axiom’s garbage?
6. Why can’t people react against the
machines? What ability do they lack of?

H) Finally they go back to Earth.

1. What will happen to humans? How will they

heal the Earth?
2. Describe how Eva evolved though the
development of the film.

I) Discussion

How and where are these topics presented in the


1. Lack of exercise 6. lost of the

2. individualism culture
3. technology 7. automatism
4. comfort 8. pollution
5. knowledge 9. friendship
10. laziness

J) Writing
Write a review of the movie. Include as many
aspects as possible. Not less than 250 words.

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