English Out There

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Pag. 1. Plan.

Level and Topic. Aim. Languages Skeels

lesson focus

Lesson 1. Origen of Learn how Question, key Speaking,

Level 1. Canada make questions words, verbs reading and
and answers. listening

English out there

Real world


Pag. 2. First Task. Reading.

Searching information of canada history.

First people.


History of Canada.


History of Canada.


Pag. 3. Second task. Listening.

History of Canada.

History of Canada it is a Nutshell


Pag. 4. Task 3. Grammar exercises.


Found. Past of find
Had. past of have

Reached. Past tense of reach(arrive at; get as far)

Gathering. Collecting. (Recolectando)

Raising crops: cultivando, levantando cosechas.


Herd: a large group of animals, that live together o are kept together as livestock

Diseases. Enfermedades (desises)

Questions words.

question function example sentence


what asking for information about What is your name?


asking for repetition or What? I can't hear you.

You did what?

what...for asking for a reason, asking why What did you do that

when asking about time When did he leave?

where asking in or at what place or Where do they live?

which asking about choice Which colour do you


who asking what or which person or Who opened the door?

people (subject)

whom asking what or which person or Whom did you see?

people (object)

whose asking about ownership Whose are these keys?

Whose turn is it?

why asking for reason, asking what...for Why do you say that?

why don't making a suggestion Why don't I help you?

how asking about manner How does this work?

asking about condition or quality How was your exam?

how + adj/adv asking about extent or degree see examples below

how far distance How far is Pattaya from


how long length (time or space) How long will it take?

how many quantity (countable) How many cars are


how much quantity (uncountable) How much money do

you have?

how old age How old are you?

how come asking for reason, asking why How come I can't see
(informal) her?
Pag. 5. Out there questions. (open questions)

Topic. First people.

1. How the first people live today in Canada?

2. How is the relationship with white men?

3. Can first people live like white people?

4. Why first people fought against americans in 19th century?

5. What means loyalist?


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