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REVIEW generalizes to other domains of cognition, such

as planning and music.
The neurobiology of language beyond The classical view and its shortcomings
single-word processing For a long time, insights into the neurobiolog-
ical basis of language were derived from the
Peter Hagoort* views of neurologists in the late 19th and early
20th century [such as Broca, Wernicke, and
In this Review, I propose a multiple-network view for the neurobiological basis of distinctly human language Lichtheim (8)], as interpreted and extended
skills. A much more complex picture of interacting brain areas emerges than in the classical neurobiological in (9). According to this classic model, the
model of language. This is because using language is more than single-word processing, and much goes human language faculty was situated in the
on beyond the information given in the acoustic or orthographic tokens that enter primary sensory cortices. left perisylvian cortex, with a strict division of
This requires the involvement of multiple networks with functionally nonoverlapping contributions. labor between the frontal and temporal
regions. Wernicke’s area in the left temporal

cortex was assumed to subserve the compre-
he capacity for language is a central fea- arithmetic operations. This suggests that the hension of speech, whereas Broca’s area in the
ture of the human condition. It allows us infrastructure of the human brain provides the left inferior frontal cortex (LIFC) was claimed
to communicate with our fellow citizens, child with a certain language-readiness. One to support language production. The arcuate
to accumulate knowledge, to create cul- functional feature that has been argued to fasciculus connected these two areas. Although
tural practices, and to support our thought enable human singularity in this regard is our still influential, this model proved to have

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processes. Language is a complex biocultural ability to infer tree structures from sequential severe limitations and to be largely wrong
hybrid. To understand its intricate organiza- data (4–6). Tree structures, as a representa- (10). These are the key issues: (i) Broca’s and
tion and neurobiological underpinnings, we tional format introduced by Wilhelm Wundt Wernicke’s area are ill-defined and do not form
have to decompose language skills into the (7), are intricately linked to the notion of hier- natural neuroanatomical elements. Moreover,
basic building blocks and core operations. archy. This is exemplified in, among other they are further parcellated into multiple
Basic building blocks include the knowledge things, the morphological make-up of words areas with different cytoarchitectonic profiles
that has been acquired during development and the hierarchical interpretation of phrases and receptorarchitectonic fingerprints (11–13).
about the sound patterns of the one or more (Fig. 1). This propensity to compute hierarchi- (ii) Functional magnetic resonance imaging F1
languages a speaker commands, the meaning cal structures is not limited to language but (fMRI) and lesion studies have shown that
of its lexical items, their syntactic features the language-relevant cortex is much more
(such as noun, verb, and grammatical gender), A N extended than assumed, including large parts
the orthographic patterns (in reading), or the of the temporal cortex, part of the parietal cor-
signs in the languages of the deaf. Next to tex, and areas in the LIFC beyond Brodmann
these elementary linguistic units (ELUs), there areas 44 and 45. Moreover, language is less
are elementary linguistic operations (ELOs) strictly left-lateralized than once thought (Fig. 2). F2
that enable the retrieval of ELUs from mem- N A N (iii) Both frontal and temporal regions are
ory (for example, in word recognition), or the involved in language comprehension as well
generation of larger structures from these ele- care less ness as in language production (14, 15). (iv) The
mentary building blocks [as in morphological connectivity of the language-relevant cortex is
(de)composition in compounding or verb in- B Point to the (second [green ball]) much more extended than the classical model
flection and as in the construction of sentence assumed and certainly not restricted to the
level meaning]. In addition, the proposition arcuate fasciculus (16). And (v) the cerebellum
created by combining ELUs and ELOs has to and subcortical structures such as the thalamus
be linked to the actual or imagined situation C Click on the (second [blue ball]) and basal ganglia play an important role as well
in which it is embedded in order to establish (17), especially for the fine-tuning of timing and
its truth value (1, 2). For example, if I say sequencing in speaking. It is relevant to real-
“The editor of the journal loved the paper,” I Fig. 1. Tree-like structures that are characteristic ize that the classic view was mainly based on
have produced an impeccable sentence, but for word formation and for the interpretation single-word processing. The idea that language
one can only know whether what I said is of phrases and sentences. (A) The word has combinatorial machinery beyond single
true or false if the nouns “editor,” “journal,” “carelessness” is made up of the morphemes “care” words was lacking. This might in part explain
and “paper” can be linked to specific tokens. (N, noun), “less” (A, marker for adjective), and why the classic model substantially underrep-
As we will see below, all this is only part of the “ness” (N, marker for noun). The final morpheme resents the brain regions and fiber tracts that
complex story of language. determines its status as a noun. (B) The phrase are important for language.
Although evolutionary precursors of human “the second green ball” is interpreted by 30 out of The ability to combine words in often new
language can be identified (3), in its full capac- 31 participants as referring to the third circle and ways is a hallmark of human language. This
ity it is distinctly human. Despite its com- not the second. This is the result of a hierarchical combinatoriality is realized by dynamic inter-
plexity, most children acquire the core of this interpretation of the phrase as referring to the second of actions between Broca’s area and the adjacent
capacity in the first few years of life, without the green balls. The representation in brackets is formally cortex in the LIFC with areas in the temporal
formal instruction and well before they have equivalent to a tree structure. Participants saw the and parietal cortex. The interplay between
learned to lace their shoes or perform simple instructions without brackets. (C) In the case of an array these areas guarantees that lexical informa-
with balls and triangles, the phrase “the second blue ball” tion retrieved from memory is unified into
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Donders Institute is again interpreted as the second of the blue balls (the coherent multiword sequences with an over-
for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University,
Nijmegen, Netherlands. fifth shape) instead of as the second blue item, which is a arching syntactic structure and semantic
*Corresponding author. Email: ball (the third shape) by about 99% of the participants. interpretation (18).

Hagoort, Science 366, 55–58 (2019) 4 October 2019 1 of 4

Neuroplasticity architecture of the human brain on the other is dynamic interaction with temporoparietal
An additional insight is that language-relevant still far from fully understood. The degree of areas plays an important role in unifying the
cortex is somewhat variable. Recent studies individual variation in the neurobiological in- different sources of information that deter-
have shown that under certain conditions, frastructure for language is also still largely mine the interpretation of an utterance (29).
cortex outside the classical perisylvian areas unchartered territory (24). Although there is no firm evidence that pre-
can be involved. Language processing occurs diction is necessary for comprehension, it has
in the occipital cortex of congenitally blind The immediacy principle become clear that prediction contributes to
individuals (19, 20). Although the exact com- A much clearer picture has emerged for key language processing and might be relevant to
putational contributions still need to be deter- features of the processing dynamics of lan- meet the demand for speed (30–32). Very likely,
mined, there is evidence that recruitment of guage, partly as a consequence of the high lexical, semantic, and syntactic cues conspire to
the visual cortex is related to behavioral per- temporal resolution of neurophysiological predict characteristics of the next anticipated
formance in a verbal memory task (21). More- measurements. Language processing occurs word, including its syntactic and semantic make-
over, the visual cortex of congenitally blind at an amazing speed. We easily produce and up. A mismatch between contextual prediction
individuals responds to sentences with syn- understand two to five words per second. The and the output of bottom-up analysis results in
tactic movement but not to the difficulty of consequence of the need for speed is that in an immediate brain response that recruits addi-
math equations (22). This result supports the both production and comprehension, the re- tional processing resources for the sake of sal-
hypothesis that this area can contribute to trieval of the linguistic building blocks and vaging the on-line interpretation process (18).
the computation of sentence-level syntactic the combinatorial operations happen incre-
structure. Overall, these findings suggest that mentally. Furthermore, language processing Information structure
the cyto-architectonic constraints for specifica- is characterized by the “immediacy principle” The speed of language processing is also helped

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tions of cognitive function leaves certain degrees (25). In comprehension, linguistic and extra- by the fact that utterances are most often part
of freedom. If input patterns to a particular linguistic information is used immediately of a longer interaction between speaker and
brain area change, this area might be recruited upon becoming available. That is, knowledge listener. In such an interaction scheme, some
for quite different functionality. On the basis about the context and the world, concomitant information is already shared between the
of these and similar findings, Bedny concludes information from other modalities (such as conversational partners. This is often referred
that “human cortices are cognitively pluri- co-speech gestures) (26, 27), and knowledge to as “topic.” The new information is what is
potent, that is, capable of assuming a wide about the speaker (28) are brought to bear added and, hence, the key component of the
range of cognitive functions. Specialization is immediately on the same fast-acting brain message. This is usually referred to as the
driven by input during development, which is system that combines the meanings of indi- “comment.” Information structure refers to
constrained by connectivity and experience” vidual words. In other words, all available the way in which the topic and comment are
(23). The mapping relation between elemen- relevant information will be used without packaged in the organization of a sentence (1).
tary building blocks and elementary operations delay to codetermine the interpretation of the Speakers often take care to mark the focus
for language on the one hand and the neural speaker’s message. In all cases, the LIFC in constituent that contains the new information.
The way this is done differs between languages.
A The language-relevant connectome There is no linguistic universal for signaling
information structure. In some languages, syn-
tactic locations are used for marking the focus
Arcuate fasc. (long)
constituent; other languages use focus-marking
Arcuate fasc. (ant)
particles or prosodic features such as phras-
Arcuate fasc. (post) ing and accentuation. For example, in English
Inf. frontal-occipital fasc. question-answer pairs, the new or relevant in-
frontal aslant tract formation in the answer will typically be pitch
inf. logitudinal fasc. accented. After a question such as “What did
uncinate fasc. Mary buy at the market?” the answer might be
“Mary bought VEGETABLES” (accented word
in capitals). In this case, “vegetables” is the focus
constituent, providing the new information.
Information structure was found to mod-
B Sentences vs. low level baseline ulate language-relevant activations in fMRI
(33, 34) and in electrophysiological readouts
(35–37). For example, unexpected semantic and
illegal syntactic continuations resulted in size-
able N400 and P600 effects, respectively, if
they were part of the focus constituent (35, 36).
These effects were, however, strongly reduced
or even absent if the continuations were part of
the nonfocus constituent (Fig. 3). New infor- F3
mation marked by pitch accent activated the
domain-general attention network (33). To gain-
0.0 13.1
modulate the depth of language processing,
linguistic devices, such as pitch accent, that
Fig. 2. Components of the neural infrastructure for language. (A) Fiber tracts connecting language- mark the relevant information in an expres-
relevant brain regions (16). (B) Common activations for listening to sentences and sentence reading in an sion (such as the comment) seem to trigger the
fMRI study with 204 participants, compared with a low-level baseline (59). attention network into operation.

Hagoort, Science 366, 55–58 (2019) 4 October 2019 2 of 4


This account ties in with the A B constituent that is marked as

idea that for listeners, a full re- 2 comment or new information.
construction of the linguistic in- In addition, integrating the ut-
put is in many cases not achieved, terance content into a situation
but for most purposes, a super- model that spans multiple con-
ficial and incomplete analysis is nected utterances is required.
good enough (38). According to This process appears to involve
this “good-enough” processing the right inferior frontal gyrus
account, some semantic and and the right angular gyrus (56).
grammatical details might be Last, in order to extract the in-
ignored. More recently, Ferre- -2 tended message from the coded
ira and Lowder (39) have made meaning provided by the lin-
the connection between predic- Fig. 3. Topographic distribution of N400 effects triggered by a semantically guistic utterance, the listener
tion, information structure, and unexpected compared with an expected word. (A) In the focus constituent. has to integrate linguistic and
good-enough language process- (B) The same words in a nonfocus constituent (35). nonlinguistic information. She
ing. They propose that topic in- also has to draw the required
formation is processed in a good-enough man- could be interpreted as an indirect request pragmatic inferences, which requires a contri-
ner, whereas the listener’s prediction effort is for action. One of their items combined the bution of areas crucial for mentalizing.
devoted to the comment (the new or focused utterance “It is hot here” with a picture of a Next to core areas for retrieving lexical in-
information) because “all that is needed for door. Participants interpreted this as a request formation from memory and the unification

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comprehension and interpretation is an id- to open the door. However, the same utterance of the lexical building blocks in producing and
entification of the comment—the topic being combined with the picture of a desert was understanding multiword utterances, other
already available” (1). interpreted as a statement. Sentences in the brain networks are needed to realize language-
indirect-request condition activated the ToM driven interactions to their full extent. Mul-
Pragmatic inferencing network much more strongly than the same tiple brain network contributions will not be
Although areas in the perisylvian cortex, espe- sentences without the possibility to interpret language-specific but shared with other cog-
cially in the left hemisphere, are important for them as an indirect request. The recognition of nitive functions. ELUs will almost certainly be
encoding and decoding propositional content, a speech act induced by an utterance in com- domain-specific (57), but some key aspects of
this is not the whole story. The meaning of an bination with its context seems to require the the ELOs (such as unification) might well be
utterance is often strongly dependent on con- contribution of the mentalizing machinery shared with other domains, such as music and
textual information that is not actually coded instantiated in the ToM network. Further arithmetic. A much more complex picture of
in what is said (40–42). What is coded in words insights will depend on a more precise interacting brain areas emerges than in the
and linguistic constructions underdetermines account than is currently available of the com- classic model. The reason is that understanding
what is meant or intended. Extracting the putational contributions of the different nodes language is more than single-word processing,
intended meaning requires that inferences in the ToM network (53). and much goes on beyond the information giv-
are made on the basis of assumptions about en in the acoustic or orthographic tokens that
the beliefs and intentions of the interacting The multiple network view enter primary sensory cortices. This multiple-
agents and about a common understanding of One approach to the neurobiology of language brain-network view does not take away the
appropriate language use. For example, in the is to start from identifying the essence of lan- need for further detailed specifications of the
right context the utterance “It is hot here” will guage. Once the few core features of language computational contributions of the different
not only be interpreted as a statement about that make it stand out in the animal kingdom brain areas involved in language processing.
the state of affairs but first and foremost as an have been established, the question can be
implicit request to do something about it (such addressed regarding which aspects of human REFERENCES AND NOTES

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Hagoort, Science 366, 55–58 (2019) 4 October 2019 4 of 4

The neurobiology of language beyond single-word processing
Peter Hagoort

Science 366 (6461), 55-58.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aax0289

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REFERENCES This article cites 50 articles, 8 of which you can access for free


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